It Won't Always Be Like This

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well hallelujah to the lamb is time for the Word of God and today the Word of God is coming from the book of Genesis Genesis chapter 8 and I'm gonna begin reading with verse 15 I'm gonna read it from the New International Version let's go to God in a word of Prayer Lord that the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts let them be acceptable in thy sight Lord you're our strength and our Redeemer in Jesus name we pray amen there's a word from the Lord in the book of Genesis chapter 8 beginning with the fifteenth verse listen to what God's Word says then God said to Noah come out of the ark you and your wife and your sons and their wives bring out every kind of living creature that is with you the birds the animals and all the creatures that move along the ground so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number upon it verse 15 again says then God said to Noah come out of the ark I want to preach about it won't always be like this hallelujah it won't always be like this there's a familiar phrase that says when it rains it pours and that phrase when it rains it pours is not talking about rain it's talking about trials troubles and tribulation when it rains it pours it's talking about heartaches and headaches and hardships when it rains it pours it's talking about problems pains and persecutions when it rains it pours when you have all of these little things coming down on you at one time and the Lord told me to tell you that the storm you've been dealing with the rain in your life when it rains it pours God told me to tell you it won't always be like this our grandparents used to sing a song that said I'm so glad trouble don't last always and who better to teach us about the fact it won't always be like this then Noah Noah dealing with that serious storm that rained for 40 days and 40 nights and then the consequence of the storm lasted longer than a storm a hundred and fifty days of flooding for Noah and his family and then they were on the ark for a little more than a year waiting on the flood waters to recede and then waiting on the ground to dry up and they were in quarantine they were in social isolation they were in social distancing for a little more than a year and then that's when the conditions changed that's when God turned it around in their life because it won't always be like that we serve a God that has the capacity to change conditions it's a trick of the enemy to make you think you can always be in which in right now is the trick of the enemy to make you think you always be down and depressed and dismayed and always be in this situation though I serve a god that has the capacity to change conditions well how does God do that well the way he did it in the time of Noah it rained 40 days and 40 nights then it stopped raining so sunshine so God used the sunshine to change those conditions and then as chapter 8 of Genesis opens up it says that God sent a wind to blow across the earth and so God used when to change the condition and and then of course nor was on that Ark or a little more than a year so God used time to change the condition you know how God is gonna change our condition he's gonna let the sun shine on it he's gonna let the wind blow on it then he's gonna let father time sit on it and when the son of God begins to shine in your situation in mind and when the wind of God's Holy Spirit begins to blow into our predicaments and when we have the patience to wait on father time God has a way to change it and when God changed those conditions that's when he told Noah you can come on out now but he didn't tell him to come out until those conditions change you and I got to be conscious of the conditions we cannot try to hurry God and rush God into something it says that God told him to come on out when those conditions change and it said then Noah removed the covering off the ark there was some kind of covering for that whole year on that Ark and Noah didn't remove the covering too soon and you and I gotta be careful that we don't we don't move that which conceals our situation too soon yeah because you can make it worse than it was if you take your covering off too soon ah I tell the young people in our ministry be careful in relationships about uncovering your stuff too soon you need to keep you concealed don't even show it don't even talk about it don't don't reveal it don't pull it out just keep it concealed until things are solid that's what I'm trying to get across to us that Sun began to shine the wind begin to blow and then things got solid it was muddy and murky and messy until God changed it and and until he got solid just gone to Noah and say your quarantine I don't care if this relationships or if it's in a pandemic you gotta wait for things to get a little more solid before we decide to come out and it's all about our patience waiting on God to move my my friend pastor Corey Brooks he passes up in Chicago he says that one of the measurements for true spiritual maturity is how we deal with the waiting rooms of life Corey Brooks said spiritual maturity that didn't have a whole lot to do about how we shout and run and dance and worship he said no is when worship is over and you got to deal with the waiting rooms of life and those waiting rooms of life began to reveal to whether or not we have real spiritual maturity and all of us have had to deal with with the waiting rooms of life somebody you thought you'd be further along in your career about now you thought you'd be near the top of the ladder of success but second a little bit longer than you thought you got to deal with the waiting rooms of life somebody you thought your health would be a whole lot better you have some issues and challenges but you begin to eat right and exercise and pray and still not where you thought you should be you're dealing with the waiting room of life for somebody else's in the area of relationships you thought by now you would have found mrs. right and mr. right you thought by now you would have had those two and a half children and that white picket fence but it hadn't turned out to be like that and you're dealing with the waiting rooms of life somebody thought you'd be a millionaire by now they haven't quite turned out that way because you got a deal with the waiting rooms of life and being patient it was King David that said I waited patiently on the Lord and we got to make sure things are solid and stable and sure you can't come out when things are still murky and muddy and messy it's got the the conditions to change for us the waiting rooms of life reveal our spiritual maturity we know what that's like all of us have gone to the doctor it had to deal with the doctor's waiting room I tried to avoid that cuz I would I make my doctor's appointment I tell his assistant I said they said when you want to come see the doctor pastor Johnson I said well when is the next available day that he has nobody on yet that's about six weeks out that's when I want to come six weeks from now I want to be the first one on what time does this doctor start seeing people 9:00 a.m. put me down six weeks from now 9:00 a.m. and I want to make sure I'm the first one there so I get there 30 minutes early and when I get there 30 minutes early I discover I'm not the only one there I found out then you cannot be the senior citizen to the doctor's office they there real early and then come to find out that the doctor didn't give just me the 9:00 a.m. appointment he gave twenty other people mine I am appointment and now he begins they begin to call the names they're calling a different name now I used to be like this I used to get frustrated with the doctor how you scheduled all these people at the same time you scared you me and I got frustrated with the names of the people that were being called I'm mad at them they'd have anything to do with this they're calling their names but I learned how to deal with the waiting room at my doctor I don't I don't get mad at the doctor anymore because the very fact he's still calling names I know he's still diagnosing he still write prescriptions he's still bringing about healing and situation and I don't get mad at the people whose names are being called before me because I know that this he's calling their names and pretty soon he's gonna get to mine is getting closer and closer to me you know in the waiting rooms of life when life begins to frustrate you don't get mad at other people who are being blessed and doors are opening for them that means that that God is still in the blessing business when God blessed that person with a house that wasn't God's last house when he gave them the car that were in his last car that career took off that's not God's last career that man that woman that won God's last man a woman that means that God is still in the blessing business and and their names are being called that means it's getting closer and closer to your name being called we have to wait until God changes conditions and hear the voice of God telling us now it's time to come out cuz it won't always be like this and God is able to make those chain and understand something to that God is able to bring some constructive consequences even from our crisis but we're in crisis and we go through storms we always look at what we lost and and the negativity of it I want you to understand that God is able to bring some constructive consequences out of crisis and out of storms and in Noah stormy be lose a lot forty days of rain 150 days of floods that then a year of quarantine he lost the late lost his family lost transportation lost his house he lost his community he lost a lot but even though he lost a lot God still did some very significant positive things in his life here's what I'm trying to get across you Romans 8:28 says and we know all things work together for good because you love God you're called according to his person because his purpose and because you've accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior you believe Jesus died on the cross you believe God raised him from the dead his Holy Spirit has moved inside of you God is working all things together for your good your crisis is not working for your bad your job loss is not working for your bad your financial situation is not working for your bad your health situation is not working for your bad is working for your good and I know a lot of times we look at what we lost we also need to thank God but what we still got left you still have that relationship with God you still got Jesus you still can faint you still have your creativity your ingenuity and God is using that to work it for your good well pastor what in the world what good can come out of all the mess we're going through well and God told Noah a that year of quarantine to come on out after that storm the the Bible says in Genesis 8 that Noah came out and it said he came out with mrs. Noah he came out with his sons and he came out with his sons wives and in the NIV it says and they came out together even if they went in separately they came out with unity because God brings solidarity in family even out of the crisis that we're going through they may have gone in separately may have gone in individually but they come out in unity and you and I gotta be careful that we don't allow the crisis that we go through to bring disunity in our family but solidarity to bring unity to bring us together because some of us are gonna come out of this crisis because it won't always be like this and somebody you're gonna come out but you're gonna unfortunately come out with your wife but not your children or come out with your children and not your wife come out with your husband but not your children come out with your children but not your husband because if we're not careful we allow the difficulties we go through to bring division and family here's how you can use your crisis that allow God to bless you and your family that in your crisis use this as a time to get closer and closer to the Lord if you're not a Christian believe Jesus died on the cross believe God raised it from the day and receiving my faith and set you now you say and as Christians use this time in prayer and fasting and reading God's Word and connecting with other Christians and and and worshiping God that way you're getting closer and closer to the Lord and as you get closer and closer to the Lord and your family gets closer closer to the Lord you can't help but get closer and closer to each other so when you come out you and your family come out together and then it also this crisis can bring connectivity in community you talk about the good that can come out of this the connectivity in community you I have seen that in our own context I have seen ministries that have not worked together all of these years now I'm beginning to work together I've seen government officials who didn't have anything to do with each other now coming together to address the crisis that we're in I've seen people of different races in colors and backgrounds that never associated with one another coming together to be a blessing in this community because God is able to take the crisis that we're going through and bring connectivity in community this is not the time for you to handle it all by yourself and try to deal with it all by yourself and not the time you try to bless others all by yourself one couple of thousand a flight to could put ten thousand the flight we just do better when we work together especially those of us who are Christians we there are many members but there's only one body of Christ that one body price different members different skills different abilities different gifts different backgrounds but we're in that one body and why won't we allow the power of God's Holy Spirit in our crisis to bring connectivity in our community I'm trying to tell you that God is able even in a crisis to bring some constructive consequences what what door does God said alright no it's time for you to come out without change the conditions situations have changed and now it's time for you to come on out and he told him then when you come out bring out the animals bring out the birds bring out the creatures that crawl along the ground and then he brought them out and then here's what it says so that there will be so that you can multiply you can be fruitful you can increase and then it one translation says and replenish now watch the terminology that's being used here with Noah it hadn't been used he's the old man but it wasn't until after his storm that you start hearing words like multiply truthful increase replenish because God can do some constructive things even out of our Christ God is able to bring efficiency in productivity that's what I'm looking for efficiency in productivity yes I've had a storm yes it lasted 40 days the consequences lasted 150 days it was muddy and murky and messy yes I had to be quarantined for a year I had to have social isolation for a year but now that I'm coming out God says now you get ready to produce well how does what does that look like well before Noah got on the ark God told him to take two of every kind of unclean animal and then four unclean animals then takes seven pairs male and female seven pairs of unclean animals why is God telling him to put all these animals on here because God knows the storm it's not going to always be like this and when you come out I want to put you in a situation that you can produce that's why it's male and female and so now here's what NOAA has to do he's coming out he's very produced but the way he's gonna produce he's got to put them together he's got a network he's got to connect them and if you're gonna produce knowing new I gotta plant some seed oh my goodness that is so significant because some say I already know past when I come out of this day I'm waiting on God to produce I'm waiting on God to bring productivity in my life and I know God is gonna open the windows of heaven he's gonna pour me out of blessing okay God will and the Bible says the open windows of heaven and he'll pour you out a blessing but yo he's not gonna open the windows of heaven and pour you out a Bentley and open one of the heaven to pour you out of bends and open one of the heaven and pour you out a BMW and open the windows of heaven and pour you out the split-level home in the suburbs that's not how God does it but it's the hard work of farming on earth and when you bring God 10% your tithes out of your hard work on earth God said I'm gonna open the one of the heaven and I'm gonna pour you out rain I'm gonna pour you out what you need from heaven to touch your hard work on earth and now you become so productive you don't have room enough to receive it so no if you're gonna produce it's not just standing around doing nothing you got to you got to put some things together you got a network you got to connect you got to plant seed and Noah you can't produce until you come out of the ark it won't always be like this and when you see the conditions change and when things are no longer muddy and murky and messy now you got to come out you can't spend the rest of your life stuck inside I know Noah yeah I know mrs. Noah you afraid you might drown you're afraid it might turn bad again you're afraid but when you hear the voice of God and you're conscious of the conditions you got to come out if you're ever going to produce you can't produce the way God wants you to produce Noah if you don't come on out of that art there is a there's something called a agoraphobia agoraphobia fundamentally it is the fear of open spaces fundamentally is more to it than that but it's the fear of open spaces that this it to his little brother and he knew his little brother has some issues with open spaces and he tells oh brother I will lock you in a room with open doors don't allow the enemy to bring so much fear and anxiety in you that you get locked in a room with open doors that when those conditions do change and when things start getting better and it's time to come out you you don't don't allow the enemy to lock you in your space I know that there is a fear of open spaces agoraphobia a fear of being in a situation that there is no exit so you're out and about and you just feel so you know God didn't give you the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind you have got to come out you've got to produce and watch this in order for noir to produce he didn't come out consuming he didn't come out of the art and try to consume everything he came out of began to plant seed and begin to connect and put together he produced I've been telling our congregation for 32 years now then when all you do is it's consumed what other people produce it'll lead to your poverty but when you evaluate me and start producing what other people need and consume that's what it leads to your prosperity he came out producing so as we coming out it is it's a different world and then where we come from this this this this after this storm after this pandemic after this crisis it's a new normal so you have to evaluate what's going on right now and make sure that you're ready to produce in this season and for some of us that means we're gonna have to rethink our life for some of us we need to be re-educated for some of us we need to be retrained and for some of us we need to reposition our sails don't don't get so caught up in your comfort zone that you won't come out in your comfort zone that you won't reposition and retrain and reiterate because you want to put yourself in a position that you can produce in order to increase and multiply and replenish God has that for you but you got to be willing to do what you need to do and I know some of us are saying pastor I'm I'm too old for that and you know I've been doing what I've been doing for a long time and I know in this new normal in this new world is that won't happen but I'm too old to be re-educated and read my oldest son and I had a conversation not long ago and I'm proud of all for my sons especially in the area of education they got bachelor's degrees and master's degree and I thank God for that but my oldest son was contemplating on working on his ph.d he wanted to get a doctor there different kinds of doctors you can get he's a preacher he's in ministry they're different kinds you can get but at top of that is that PhD and so he was asking me what do I think and I said man I'm I would go forward you need to go on and go for it and but you know he returned 32 and he said dad the program is is six years I said well you know son God speaks to us through situations and circumstances the only ph.d program in an african-american preaching and sacred rhetoric is in Indianapolis at Christian theological seminary you live in Indianapolis you minister in anything have you pastor in Indianapolis you live 10 minutes from Christian theological seminary God speaks through situations and circumstance he said but it's a six year program I said all right I understand I understand what you said that's a less alone committing us your son you're 32 years old it's a six year program when when you in six years if you go through that ph.d program how old will you be and and he said I'll be 38 I said okay let's say you decide not to go through the ph.d program you're gonna be satisfied with where you are right now in six years how old would you be he said dad I'll be 38 I said that's what I'm trying to tell you either way you're gonna be thirty-eight so you can be 38 in your same situation are you gonna be 38 with a PhD and I think God bet he heard the voice of God and he came out of that comfort zone and made that commitment and now on his way to positioning himself to produce that's what I'm trying to tell you it's time to come out God is using this crisis to bring your family closer together to bring our communities together to help you and I to produce at a level we've never been able to produce that to multiply to increase to replenish to be fruitful let me give you one more how does God bring constructive consequences from crisis that we go through well he also works on the quality of our spirituality I know so many people who claim to be so spiritual and some who've never given their life to Jesus Christ by faith the steel came to meet spirits some who've given their life to Jesus they believed in his death burial resurrection of except except here by faith and having grown sistemics that don't read the word they don't pray they don't fast they don't give they don't serve in the kingdom of God and still claim to be so so we got so many people with our own mentality and mindset about what real spirituality is all about and so God says I'm going to help you with your spirituality I'm going to allow a crisis to come so that now you make up in your mind you want to get closer and closer to me let me show you what I mean in Genesis chapter 8 after that one year quarantine after that storm and things that got solidified and that's when that's when Noah I said time to come out and he came out and when he came out verse 20 says the first thing he did was build an altar the first thing he did was not get those animals together that they could produce the first thing he did was not plant seed so that he could produce the first thing he did was not build a house for himself and his family the first thing he did as he came out of that crisis was to build an altar this is so significant to me because I'm I'm born and raised in the church I was in church before I knew I was in church my mother raised us in church and I've been a part of ministry for more than four decades and I know as everybody else has been a part of anybody's church for two weeks you know that Noah built an ark everybody knows Noah built an ark and I've heard sermons after sermons about Noah built an ark and I haven't heard any sermons on the fact Noah built an altar why will we put emphasis on his coming out of the crisis it won't always be like this and the first thing he built was an altar a place of worship and some will argue well he should have built his own house first known or understood that if I helped build God's house they got to help build my house and I learned that too if you help take care of of the families at God's house then god help take care of the family at your house if you help pay the bills at God's house I can testify God will help pay the bills at your house when you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness then everything you need jesus said will be added unto you and Noah said coming out of this crisis I'm not turning my back on God I'm not running from God I'm not out doing my own thing I'm building an altar I'm building a place of worship and he began to worship God there and the way he worship they said that he took one of the clean animals and he sacrificed a clean animal at the altar and he was he was stuck making a clean offering to God a clean sacrifice unto the Lord because he knows that if I sacrifice for God then God's gonna take care at some week we got to get that in our spirit that when you bring the tithe God opens the windows ahead it pours you out a blessing you don't have room enough to receive it that when you give God gives back to you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over he brought a clean animal in second yeah a clean offering a clean yo if there is a clean offering there's got to be a dirty offering a dirty offering year when God commands us to bring a tithe and we bring a tip that's a dirty offering when we steal giving the same dollar in 2020 that our grandparents were given in 1920 that's that's a dirty Oh when God has been so generous towards us with all that generosity towards us and we're so stingy towards him that's a dirty offering but Noah said I need a place of worship I need an altar I need to give God a clean offering and also the altar is about prayer yo when God brings us out of this that's not the time to stop praying that's the time to continue to some of this crisis pushed us into prayer and then we have to keep praying and keep praying and keep praying because now we're praying for the Solidarity of our family we're praying for the connectivity of our community we're praying for the efficiency of our productivity we're praying for the quality of our spirituality there's power in prayer jesus said up until now you've not asked for anything in my name ask in my name and you shall receive there's power in prayer you have not because you ask not don't you stop praying as God is bringing us out of this David page used to be a not only a member of our congregation but a minister here he was on staff and he was here at Easter star church for at least 17 years and he served in different capacities and and at one point he was my personal assistant and then the Lord called him to the new Baptist Church in Indianapolis Indiana so he passes downtown Indianapolis but why he was on staff at our church he came in my office and started asking me he said pastor did I leave my keys in here I said page you came in here earlier but I don't see and he don't think you left your keys in here and come to find out later he had gone into everybody's office in the building looking for his keys did I leave my keys in here and if the keys were the keychain it had keys to his house I had keys to his car and had keys to his office his business where he went takes care up here at the ministry and so he's looking for his keys keys to his home the key to what drives him and the key to his career he can't find it and he comes back later on I said Paige did you ever find your keys he said yeah pastor I found my keys I said well where were they he said I forgot I started my morning off at at in prayer at the altar in the sanctuary and when I got through praying and at the altar of the sanctuary I left and started doing the work and I forgot and that's where I left my key I said Hayes are you trying to tell me that the key to your home and the key to your career and the key to what drives you was at the altar and that's what I'm trying to tell us as we come out of this and seek to move on to what God has for us the key to your home like the key to what drives you the key to your career the key to your spirituality it's after altar Noah said I need a place of worship and making no sacrifice and offering those prayers let me close the message like this I just I just want you to know it won't always be like this the Lord is going to have the Son of God to shine on he's gonna have the wind of the Holy Spirit to blow on it he's gonna have five a time to sit on it and we're gonna be patient and hear God's voice check out these conditions and allow God to tell us when to come out and when we come out I know God is gonna make it better for us than when we went into the storm in the first place because God works all things together for good um I'll shut it down here my my friend Tony Evans pastors in Dallas Texas he tells the story of a woman that was walking along the beach and she saw this huge loggerhead turtle a female longer here turtle and these loggerhead turtles can get to be like 300-pound so the loggerhead turtle comes out of the water comes across the sand d is the hole in the sand and begins to lay her AIDS and after she brought her babies into the world now she's she's I'm headed back to the water to the ocean but she gets disoriented and she's going in the wrong direction away from the ocean where she needs to be to survive and thrive that's her element the ocean but she's disoriented she's lost she's going further and further away and then here comes one of the Rangers in his Jeep and he sees this disoriented loggerhead turtle and he pulls up jumps out of his Jeep grabs a chain throws it around the loggerhead turtle and flips that loggerhead turtle over on her back and that loggerhead turtles they're struggling on her back and then the Ranger takes the chain and changed it running into her leg and the other end to his Jeep and that 300-pound loggerhead turtle he begins to drag her towards the ocean and that he drags her towards the ocean and he gets her closer and closer to the ocean now she's got her bearings she's no longer disoriented no longer lost because of what she just been through and now she's able to survive and thrive I'm sure in the process that loggerhead turtle was wondering why is he treating me so badly why is he turning my world upside down why is he draggin she must have thought why is he trying to kill me but the Ranger wasn't trying to kill her the Ranger was saving her but in order to save her he had to flip her upside down and drag her and get her back to a position where she could survive and thrive in her element that's what I'm trying to tell you when we're going through this man it seems like God is trying to kill us it's see God has turned our world upside down financially careers health loved ones it it seems like why is God trying to destroy us no God is not trying to destroy us so many of us have gotten lost we're disoriented we not as spiritual as we thought we were so God says I know how to get you sure to get you straight I'm gonna turn your world upside down and since you wouldn't come on your own I'm a drag you to a closer relationship with Jesus I'm a drag you to a connection with church I'm a drag you to a connection with other Christians so that you can survive and thrive and take care of those babies that you brought into the world that you know I just want you to understand it won't always be like this I can see the breaking of day God is making a way there's a change for me if I just stand strong and believe there's no reason to doubt God is working it out it won't always be like this God is perfecting that concerning you yo I just want you to understand that God is turning it around for you that's what was Shawn Mitchell said then he kept on saying he's turning it around he's turning it around he's turning it around he's turning around it won't always be like this because God is turning it around for you amen and praise God hallelujah now listen I know some of you have never invited Christ into your life for forgiveness of sin and maybe God had to drag you to get to the point but now you're open to hear God's Word and now you're ready to get your life right with God you don't want to be lost anymore you want to be saved you wanna be a Christian I'm gonna lead you in this prayer the Bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved I'm gonna lead you in prayer I want you to repeat after me wherever you are right now and as you're believing this prayer that you're repeating after me calling upon the name of the Lord the moment of that belief that's when you get saved God becomes your father Jesus your big brother and the Holy Spirit moves inside of you come and follow me in this prayer I said aloud father I come right now I acknowledge my sin I ask you to forgive me of my sin I believe Jesus died on the cross I believe you raised Jesus from the dead I receive him by faith into my life father please fill me with your Holy Spirit in Jesus name Amen since you prayed that prayer let me be the first one to welcome you to the family of God I praise God for the decision that you've made and please let us know here at Easter star church that you have made that decision don't just shout with you and your family let us shout with you too and so just email us at at membership at Eastern Star Church dot org and those of you who already saved you're already a Christian but you got a little disoriented and now this crisis is helping you to get back in your element get reconnected to God and now you want to get connected to our church we want to help you with that so go ahead you want to commit to the church eastern start membership membership at Eastern star church dot org so that we can get you connected to get you in your element so you can survive and thrive and take care of babies that you could bring it into the world hallelujah to the lamb and I just I just thank God that the Lord has led you to our ministry to be blessed because even though we're not on site we're doing the best we can online to help you to grow and develop as a child of God and to hear God's Word and what he's doing in your life all right it's time for the offering I'm gonna ask that if you would please send a generous gift it's an investment in the kingdom of God through the eastern star church and let me let me say thank you for the generosity to the members of Eastern star church with your tithes and offering and our fee and our friends who've been supporting the work of that man we've been doing so much doing this pandemic the the needs have gone up so we've gone up in how we we help people and and let me say this to those of you who need help just go ahead and email us at we care at Eastern Star Church dot or we care at Eastern Star Church dot or we can help you with with counseling we can help you with assistance we can help you in your crisis and and our members have you've been so generous I just want to thank you for that we've still been getting people the rock initiative is still going strong getting people in housing and and helping people with financial literacy and all the things that we in education and then of course we've been providing more than six thousand me a week because of your generosity and we collaborations and and that connectivity in community so we've come along side of Gleaners in Midwest Food Bank and more than 6,000 meals every week are going out to those in need and wheelers mission we've connected with them to help the homeless in our community and that's because of your generosity we've identified several smaller churches that don't have the human resources that we have and the financial resources that we've had and so we're connecting with them to make sure that we're coming alongside we don't want those churches to have to stop serving and stop doing the work of God and so we they reach people we don't reach and they touch lives in ways and we don't do it and so we wanted to come alongside and do it so you're helping to make all of these things happen and of course our church is one of the few testing sites in Indianapolis I believe is the only one in Marion County and so because of your generosity you put us in a position that we're now providing testing along with the Marion County Health Department and in the city of Indianapolis right here at our church and so if you got people right now driving up that people walk it up and people catching the bus said and a lot of these people didn't have the resources to make anything happen like that you made that happen so I could go on and on and on about the things that we're doing and some of these things we haven't done before it's a new world but you've helped make that happen so please help us with your gifts and you can give you can go on our website to give eastern star church dot org you can text to give four five seven seven seven and then put esc in the message field or you can just melody and a lot of people been doing that eastern star church 5750 East 30th Street Indianapolis Indiana four six two one hey thank you for your giving thank you for your support now let me ask God's blessings on the gifts and blessings on your life Lord thank you for your love for us thank you that even in the crisis you're doing some very constructive things thank you that you're working all things together for good and what I praise you that it won't always be like this help us to have enough wisdom to know when to come out and what I pray that as persons come out in Jesus name that you will help them to have productivity to produce at a high level to increase and multiply and now their God we've given our tithes and our offerings and our gifts to you and I pray that you use them to advance your kingdom on this earth to bless the least the lonely in the left-half and that those who are giving of those who are sacrificing those who are helping to take care of your house I pray you help take care of their house Lord give to them good measures press down shaken together I pray you'll run it over in their life in Jesus name Amen praise the Lord well again I thank you for finding us and you know then you we're on YouTube we got a youtube channel you can subscribe to that we're on Instagram we're on facebook spotify so many ways you can get to us tell your family and friends tell your co-workers so that they can be blessed by the Word of God and all the things that we're offering in ministry now let me bless you and we'll receive our benediction may God bless you and keep you may God have it's face to smile upon you and be gracious unto you may God turn his countenance towards you and grant you peace I pray the Lord would do that today and forever more in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Eastern Star Church
Views: 3,554
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Keywords: eastern star church, pastor jeffrey a johnson sr, indianapolis, indy church, indianapolis church, gospel, god, sermon, faith, hope, inspiration, motivation, jesus, love, christianity
Id: 6tG01F8j8ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 42sec (2622 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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