Daily Devotional | A Different Power Grid

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but just understand the glory of God has got your back hey my brothers and sisters is Jeffrey Johnson again senior pastor of the Eastern Star Church wanting to encourage you once again out of the Word of God in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 we hear the word from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ speak it to his disciples he says but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you he's helping us to understand that when we give our faith to Jesus Christ His Holy Spirit not only comes on us but he comes in us and we have the power that is necessary to press through any problem pain or persecution I'll never forget I was preaching in Miami Florida in 1992 this is right after Hurricane Andrew had gone through category 5 hurricane 27 billion plus dollars worth of damage and I flew in shortly after that my friend pastor Kenneth dupe and the New Jerusalem church asked me to come to share God's word with his congregation and they sent a minister to pick me up from the airport to take me to the hotel I was staying and this minister he loved to talk he talked from the time he picked me up to the time he dropped me off at the hotel he's telling me about the storm and he was telling me about how houses were destroyed in businesses and corporations had to shut down and churches he was going through all of this about the damage that had been done by 165 mile-per-hour winds from Hurricane Andrew then I just asked him does he I finally got a word and I said how's your family what happened to your house you ok he said all my house is fine he said we didn't have the damage that other people had he said as a matter of fact my neighbors across the street their power went out and then my neighbors to the left of me their power went out but my house and the neighbors to the right we still had power and one he said one of my neighbors even asked how do you have power and I'm right next door and I don't have any power and he said I had no idea so when the power company sent somebody out to check the power lines and he had climbed up on the pole the minister that had talked me from the airport to the hotel he said he went outside asked the man to come down from the pole because he wanted to ask him how is it my neighbors have no power but I have power and we're so close to one another and I said I bet you dear talk to her because you really love to talk and I said well what did he say he said well the issue is your neighbors across the street and your neighbors to the left of you they're on a different power grid he said you start a new power grid so you and your neighbors to the right you still have power even though the storm has come even though others have lost lights and lost electricity and lost power you still have your lights you still have your power because you're on a different power grid I believe Jesus is trying to get across to you and me that we go through storms and we go through difficulties and hardships and pain but when you put your faith in Jesus Christ His Holy Spirit comes on you and His Holy Spirit comes in you and the same spirit that same power that raised Jesus from the dead is in you that's how I know that you can endure you can make it you can rise above everything you're facing because you're on a different power grid now let me pray with you father in the name of Jesus Christ thank you for the love you demonstrated towards us that you saved us by your grace in through our faith thank you for the promise of your Holy Spirit and the power your Holy Spirit is given to us and dear God we appreciate government we appreciate our jobs our careers we appreciate the resources that we have but ultimately their God we're going to depend on your power to see us through these problems and these pains we have so dear God I take your sons and daughters and I put them in your hands that they may live a strong life and rise above these things on a different power grid in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Eastern Star Church
Views: 1,100
Rating: 4.9649124 out of 5
Id: htgk29vVQF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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