God's Got Your Back

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in the presence of God there's aware from the Lord in the Book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter 58 and I'm going to read verse eight Isaiah chapter 58 verse eight I'll read it from the New Living Translation listen to what God's Word says in that eighth verse of the 58th chapter of the Book of Isaiah then your salvation will come like the dawn and your wounds will quickly heal your godliness will lead you forward and the glory of the Lord will protect you from the high and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind I want to preach about God's got your back hallelujah God's got your back the setting for Isaiah chapter 58 many scholars and theologians believe that this is during the time or least though the aftermath of what was taking place with the Babylonian captivity in 586 BC God allowed Nebuchadnezzar and his army to march into Israel and to conquer Israel and to defeat them in Merrow in war and they tore down the walls of Jerusalem that were there for protection and they burned the gates of those walls and they literally tore down the temple of God and they left that temple in ruin and then all of this was taking place because of the sin and the disobedience in the idolatry of it was the way of God discipling his people God disciplines those that he loves and then many of them the Israelites were taken back into bondage in in in Babylon in oppression suppression depression and they were there as a people for seventy years before they were released and able to go back into Israel and it was during this time of national catastrophe of national crisis dealing with that at the of war the families have been separated some when Babylon somewhere in Israel friends have been separated schools have closed businesses have closed they're dealing with the aftermath of war and sickness and disease had set in and they couldn't go to the temple because the temple had been destroyed so they couldn't go to church if you please and that's when synagogues came into existence how would they keep in tune and in touch with God and their history and their legacy and their spirituality since they couldn't get to the building they couldn't get to the temple the the house of God that's when synagogues came into being they would get ten adult Hebrew males and their family and friends children they would gather together in a house and reflect upon their history and and remember their legacy and they would hear God's Word preached and they would worship and they would sing to help build their spirits around you didn't hear of the synagogue before the Babylonian captivity and that's the setting that was taking place in that time and of course in the United States of America we know something about national crisis we know something about hardships and difficulty and economic downturn we know something about disease and disorder and and in the midst of all of that some we've had crisis in this country where you couldn't go to church the bill didn't said shut down so people had to find a way to to reflect upon their history and their legacy and to build upon their spirituality thank God for 21st century technology that even if I can't get to the bill that I can still enter into his gates with praise and thanksgiving and still worship God but that's kind of what was going on when Isaiah was ministering to the people and the people began to fast and pray in Isaiah they begin to to call on the name of the Lord and they would begin to make sacrifices for God in an Isaiah 58 verse 3 they said even though we made these sacrifices we call it on God we're faster God's not hearing us God's not showing up for us God's not doing and they begin to be concerned does God care about what we've been through and what we're going through now cuz we're fasting and praying and he hasn't done anything and so Isaiah is trying to get them to understand the reason why God has not responded to you're faster than praying is because you have fatal flaws in your fasting and he's teaching those of us in the 21st century we got to beware of the fatal flaws of fasting well what are they he gives them four of them in Isaiah 58 verse three he says that God's not going to respond to your fasting when you put yourself first when it's all about myself and my breakthrough and not getting my blessing and and self gratification and self-centeredness God's not gonna honor that another flaw still in verse three is when you're caught up in fraud when you're lying and cheating and manipulating and mistreating people and promise and folk one thing and then doing something else especially in the workplace and then in verse four he says that I'm not gonna honor any kind of fasting with all this fighting and cussing and cursing and quarreling he said you got to step away from that if your fasting is authentic and then the other fault flaw of fasting is trying to fast without faith you got to believe God hears you got expect God to do something you gotta expect the door to open the way to be made you had to expect he'll and got expect expect deliverance your faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things you cannot see so even if you don't see it if your faith is authentic that if your your fasting is authentic it has confidence in God as a part of that and because of those flaws Isaiah said that's why God hasn't responded in the way you thought he was going to respond and he tells them in verse six Isaiah 58 see he said there's a certain way God wants us to fast there's an expert and this is not an option fasting for Christians it's not an option in Matthew 6 Jesus didn't say if you fast he said when you fast he didn't say if you pray says when you pray there's an expectation there's a commandment he expects us to fast and he says that when you fast then there is this I like to call it the fantastic favor of God on fasting the fantastic favor of God I like to talk about the favor of God with fasting cuz I don't want you and I to think that when you and I fast that we obligate God to do something for us cuz we fast because we stopped in cheeseburgers now God's gotta do this for me God's not obligated to do anything for us all have sinned and come short of the glory of God the wages of sin is death our sin has separated us from God go God doesn't owe us anything our sins have separated us from him whenever God blesses us it's grace whatever God blesses us it's favor it's the unmerited favor it's God blessing us even when we don't deserve and even when we haven't earned it when God decides that if you fast I'm gonna bless you that's not us obligating god that's his favor that's God obligating God to be a blessing to us don't miss that it's not we don't obligate God without fasting and praying God says if you fast and pray I'm gonna obligate myself to in order to bless you in the book of Genesis Abraham we called the Abrahamic covenant God went into a covenant promise with Abraham in the Old Testament when two people would go into a covenant they were sacrifice an animal cut that animal in half and they would pass through that animal and they would then make up they were swear they would promise make a covenant based on somebody they would swear by somebody greater than them so you and I enter into covenant we sacrifice this animal and because God is greater than me I make this promise based on God greater than me that I'm gonna follow through with the Covenant and then you whoever you so deem greater than you you do well when Abraham and God went to make a covenant the sacrifice was made but God couldn't find anybody as great as he was there long greater than he was so God went into the company with Abraham he said I'm going to make this promise based on myself I'm going to obligate myself to be a blessing to you that through your seed all the nations of the world are going to be blessed and when you and I fast and pray we don't obligate God to do anything but God out of his grace and mercy and favor since Jeffrey John said sis you fasted and prayed in the way I wanted you to then what I'm going to do obligate myself to come through with what you're expecting so what does what what when fat when we're fasting the way God wants us to fast then what does that look like verse 6 says it shows up in community in verse 6 he starts talking about emancipation and freedom and liberation and people coming out of prison that shouldn't have been in in first place in and--and--and not binding people he's talking about emancipation and freedom cause real fasting shows up in community if the only thing you fasting for is for your deliverance and your blessing and your house and I'm getting my card I'm getting my he says that's not real when he starts showing up in blessing other people in freeing other people and helping other people that's the kind of fasting God lights in verse 7 he says he says in verse 7 share your food with the hungry give shelter to the homeless give clothes to those that are in need it's community if it's social its blessing of the folk in the midst of your fasting that if somebody doesn't have housing then help them find some adequate affordable housing if somebody doesn't have clothes didn't provide clothes for them since somebody doesn't have bread you going without bread cause you faster provide bread for them that's what real genuine fasting is all about it's the same thing that the Apostle James talked about he says that pure religion King James for pure religion genuine religion authentic religion is when you see somebody who has doesn't have adequate clothes and then you provide it when you see somebody without adequate food then and going without the daily necessities of life then you provide the food that they need then you give them the necessities and when you don't have your fasting to be expressed in Community God says that's not real fasting at all jesus said the same thing I was hungry you fed me I was outdoors you took me and I was in prison you came to see me I was sick you checked on me it's when it is social is when it is community that's what is real fasting and not just showing up in community but when it shows up in your family watch how Isaiah closes verse 7 he says and don't hide from your relatives who need help ok y'all not say any man to this he says if it's real fasting if this authentic you now go hide from your relatives he says that it doesn't just show up in community in all the show of and how you relate to your family their argument was we can't find God we got a national crisis God is not responding God it's not showing up and we can't find God and God says well your relatives are looking for you they're in need you have what they need and they can't find you he says that you're reaping what you sow so since you had from your relatives and can't find them I'm not going to allow you to find me but as soon as you allow them to find you and you meet their need that I'm allowing you to find me and I'm gonna meet your need my mother convicted me with this a few years ago my mother asked me to help one of those family members in my family she said she said my mother calls me Jeff she's the only one in the world it calls me Jeff and has the permission to call me just little me starting to call me Jeff she said Jeff they need it they're going through and I know you have it so I want you to I want you to help him and I could never I've never been able to hide facial expressions cuz whatever I think it shows up on my fast stop trying I don't even try whatever I'm thinking it shows up on my faith those y'all did know me y'all know what I'm thinking because there it isn't mom and I guess well my mother said I want you to help your family member in it and I guess on my face my face was saying I help nobody if he want some help go get a job like me save his money save some of that weight and pay his bills manage his money but and my mother looked at me in that facial expression and she said Jeff you help people you don't even know and that convicted me so much I help people that I've never met I don't know their background or where they live on know anything about him they just needed help and I've helped them and I don't even know and then in my concentric circle contact family and close friends in need then I'm hiding from them and I wanted to bring that up cuz y'all ain't saying a man I wanted to bring that up and hopefully my mother will convict you because you have helped people that you don't even know and then you got a family member that needs you to come alongside them and God says once you let them find you then i'ma let you find me and he says that's what real fasting is all about and then get to verse eight which is really where I wanted my focus to be on the day I ran out of time at Wednesday Bible study I didn't get the chance to get to verse eight and in verse 8 it talks about the fruition from faithful fasting what when we are faithful with our fasting when we fast away God wants us to fast we're blessing community and blessing family and making a difference then what is the fruit that comes out of that what do we get out of that verse eight says that your deliverance will come with the dawn your salvation will come with the Dom that that your your rescue will come with the dawn your way out your breakthrough is going to come with the dawn I know that you're in a national crisis I know you're living in the aftermath of a war I know you're dealing with sickness and disease I know there's been separation from family and friends I know there's been an economic downturn I know that you've had some struggles try to understand God but when you are faithful with your fasting and praying God says not only is deliverance going to come but deliverance is going to come like the dawn yo y'all got to get this it was a dark time for them all of those trials and troubles and tribulations and hurts and pain it was a dark time for them and God says even though it's been dark I'm bringing your deliverance it's coming with the dawn and we know something about that darkness in America and it didn't just get dark with the coronavirus we've had some darkness in America from racism and AIDS ageism and sexism we've had darkness in America from social injustice only black people only making up 14% of the population but with a major population in prisons and jails yo we've had some dark times in a man it's been dark the economic downturn some of us don't even recognize is the economic downturn we've always been down economically we've had dark times in America and all of this is gone and now this virus shows up it's dark times but God says your deliverance is coming with the dawn you're not getting it because you're looking at it through the lens of the 21st century you cannot try to understand Isaiah 58 through the lenses of 21st century you got to look at it in 586 BC when it got dark then it got dark they have a light bulb they had no electricity no fluorescent lights they have a flashlight on their smart device they didn't have any any lights on their hit lights on their cherries they have any streetlight would it got dark it got dark got so dark couldn't see your hand in front of your face got so dark you didn't know which way to go when it got that dark robbers and thieves and crooks could take advantage of you it was so dark when it got dark in that day everything shut down when it got dark everything closed why do you think Jesus said we got to work the works of him that sent us wise they cuz when they come nobody can work because they'd have all his lights it when it got dark everything closed when it got dark Disney closed the NBA closed but professional golf clothes baseball clothes National Hockey League closed businesses closed when it got dark restaurants closed churches clothes winning dart but the good news is no matter how dark is gotten your deliverance is coming with the dawn how does the dawn bring deliverance it brings deliverance with the sunrise I love that that there's going to be a sunrise the Sun is so dark but the Sun is going to enlighten this the Sun is going to bring us some revelation the Sun is going to show us what's really happening and going on your deliverance is coming with the sunrise the dawn you know what else about the dawn and that is you're the dawn has a designated period of time when it comes I don't know how dark it is now there's a designated period of time that God has in place that your deliverance is going to come you can you can ask your smart device what time is sunrise it gives you a designated period of time because when the Sun Rise God already has a time set in place that no matter how dark it is no matter how bad it is when that time comes the Sun it okay on the way I'm not saying a man cuz there's really no such thing as a sunrise and there's no such thing as a sunset cuz the Sun doesn't move Sun doesn't rise and then set the Sun does move the Earth rotates and it's the movement of the earth that dictates and determines the relationship with the Sun so when the earth moves and rotates away from the Sun that's what it ends up there darkness when deliverance comes it's when the earth begins to move back into the presence of the Sun and the closer it gets then the brighter it gets and I guess now y'all know I'm not talking about the SU II and I'm talking about the S o n of God when the world starts coming back to the Son of God that's where your deliverance is going to come it's a designated period of time and I love that because yo in their days it was so dark they couldn't tell what time it was they didn't have watches and smart devices to tell time they have clocks its sundials and you can't tell the time of a sundial when it's dark the only way you can tell what time it is is when the sundial is in the light of the Sun and the Sun helps reveal what time it really is I get yelling I say a man because for me time seems so elusive I can't get my hands on time even Solomon the wisest man living dead or unborn he asks the question ecclesiastical what time it is time has always been elusive for me you're one person saying well I'm ahead of time then another person said while behind time was the same time one person is there first time this person is there last time then I'm behind time it's time has always been elusive for me time sure flies when you're having fun no time don't go any faster it was a good day or a bad day the issue with time has always been tricky for me and elusive for me but listen listen to what the Apostle Paul says he talked about the waves of sin is death I sent separate us from the Lord and then he said but in King James birth in due season Christ died for our sins and another translate says in in due time Christ died I got a issue with time but in due time Christ died okay in due time time has always been a challenge for me it's not a challenge for God at just the right time Jesus made a move so that even now whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved because he knows how to have a little time when I used to play and no don't look like it now but I used to be a decent basketball player I could play basketball a little bit and and that time clock always bother me and in organized basketball so weird if I'm on the team and we up by 8 of T and with two minutes to go seemed like that clock was just ticking so slow time was I wanted to hurry up as we win and I'm trying to get the victory and then then when I'm down by eight of ten with two minutes ago it seemed like the clock was moving so fast no it's the same time but my perception has been affected by the situation that I'm in and here's what the Isaiah is saying regardless of the situation you're in regardless of how dark it's gotten whether time seems to be flying or going slow for you it when the dawn comes a designated time Jesus at just the right time is going to bring light to this dark situation says y always saying Amen I'll quote big momma in them UK hurry god no you just got to wait you gotta trust and give him time no matter how long it did he's a God that you can't hurry you don't have to worry he may not come when you own him but he'll be there right oh he's an old-time God yes he is and so when we fast and pray that we keep our faith in God even in national catastrophe your deliverance is coming like the dawn still in verse 8 he says and your your hurts are gonna be healed in a hurry he said these these wounds that you got from the war you were in the wombs that you that you got because you don't have the food that is necessary the sickness and disease you don't have to worry about that because your wounds are going to be healed quickly your your hurts are gonna be healed in a hurry and I just want to encourage somebody and in this time of fear and hopelessness that our God is Jehovah Rapha he's the God that heals matter of fact in the New Testament says that Jesus is the Great Physician Big Momma said he's a doctor that never lost a patient your God is a healer God is such a great healer that he can heal you with a hospital or he can hear you without a hospital he can hear you widow doctor he can hear you without a doctor he can heal you with a surge and he can heal you without a surgeon and y'all got to say man I can see a man for myself he's a doctor that there's never lost a patient he's a healer matter of fact the member this is in the context of passing and praying and you know I know we have as a local body of believers that he structure we fast for 40 days once a year no there's not just the seasonal fast as believers we're supposed to fast all year we talked about the Pharisees but they be it fast twice every week and because they understood the importance of fasting not just 40 days but designated periods of time throughout the year and what that fasting does it now helps to build up your immune system because when we fast if fowler gives our digestive system a chance to rest your heart digestive system is exhausted because we eat at midnight wake up at 6:00 eat again whatever we ate at midnight because it wasn't fruit and vegetables it was some kind of red meat took 14 hours to digest your digest you were sleep but your digestive system was work all night and you ate all day stuff you ain't supposed to eat then and and your digestive system has not had a nap in 17 years 17 years ain't stopped working and because your digestive system is messed up now your immune system is affected and then even when we eat look at what we the the animals that they take steroids and put it in in these animals and and they take hormones and pump it into them so a calf is born weighing 20 pound townn 20 pounds 30 days later into a 400 pound cause all the steroids in a hormone then we eat it to my own the way I'm getting so big I don't know why you get so bit cuz you are what you eat when you eat something filled with steroids it gets in your body now it's messing up your digestive system it's impacting your immune system and now your immune system can't fight off the disease and can't fight off the disorder because it's been in with the coronavirus researchers are trying to figure out why is the corona virus so aggressive with elderly people didn't just make them sick it'll take their life but then with babies and young children the corona virus does pass if it doesn't do very much against them and and I don't claim to be a doctor and they gonna they're gonna figure that out I think what they're gonna use to help finally come out with the cure figuring out but but somebody said well pastor what do you think there were elderly people they they get sick and from the coronavirus and they end up dying and babies and young children they it doesn't affect them what do you think I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV but here's what I told him cuz babies haven't had a pork chop yet they have had any pork chops they haven't had any bacon they hadn't had any sausage they had no liquor then used misused drugs they they have not destroyed their immune system so they can fight off the disorder and the disease so God says when you fasted at Brandt your healing is going to come in a hurry because he is Jehovah Rapha he is the God that heals then maybe the last one and I'm finished you're talking about the the fruition from faithful fasting what is the fruit what's the blessing the benefits that we get when we fast and pray and I love this that the glory of the Lord protects you from the high that the glory of God has got you and I know you're not gonna say Amen cuz I'm jacking up grammar the glory of God has got you that don't sound right not grammatically it doesn't but biblically is correct that God has got you and I don't know I got a little Ebonics in me when I the hood I grew up and you can't say who they know more yes eight the neighbors the neighbors do that I grew up in we understood what it meant I got your back I got so somebody one of my friends might be in trouble they up against something a crisis that they can't handle on their own so they come and tell us here's what's going down here's what they trying to do and we say y'all had to worry about nothing cuz I got your back I got you and that's what I'm trying to tell you about the glory of God yes it's bad yes it's a crisis yes is keep watching your hands keep using hand sanitizer keep self-quarantine and stay away from people that have said keep doing all of that if you're sick order to do all of that but just understand the glory of God has got your back the book and I know it's hard to see the glue not just see it it's hard to define God's glory when when I'm preaching I do words to this way I explain to y'all what each of these words meant in the time when when it was written so I wanted to find out what does glory mean so I'm checking all these Bible dictionaries and online and and I couldn't find what I deemed to be a decent definition for glory and the reason why it's so hard to find a definition for glory because the Bible doesn't define glory the Bible gives a description the Bible shows demonstration of glory but it doesn't define it it was just so difficult for me to define so we talking about his glory is behind you well what is what is his glory look what is his glory so I came up with my own death and you're not gonna find in a dictionary I came up with my own definition here it is it is from my perspective but looking at the descriptions and the demonstration of God's glory it is the the purity of the majesty of God that's his glory it is it is the ontological essence and practical essence of God ontological being practical doing it is it is the essence of the being and the doing of God that's what his glory is and you cannot divorce the being of God from the doing of God because who God is is what God does and what God does is out of who he is so his being so that the glory about is the essence and the being of God operating in your situation that's why Moses said God they're gonna ask me what's the name of the God that sent me what am I supposed to say the name of tell them I am that I am has sent you I will be who I will be here since you I will do what what I will do has sent you because who God is and what God does is one and the same it when he's doing is who he is and who he is is what he does that's the glory of God and it's hard to see it's hard to to get a glimpse of his glory to know that he's got your back to know he's got you that in Isaiah 6 Isaiah 6 here's what it says in the year King Uzziah died I also saw the Lord he was sitting on the throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple the hearth is full of his glory Isaiah you just now come to grips with the fact that the whole earth is full of the glory of God why are you just now seeing this in Isaiah 6 why didn't you recognize the whole earth was full because it wasn't until the Year King Uzziah died that's when I saw the Lord evidently Isaiah who was a great King and had great accomplishments that that his nephew Isaiah was so enamored by his uncle King Uzziah that he put him on a pedestal he couldn't see the glory of God because he's so tied into this man and I wonder if in your life in mine we're so tied into some man or so woman we can't see God's glory but when God moved us out of the way in the year King Uzziah died that's when I saw the Lord and the whole earth is full of his now I'm so glad I recognized the whole earth is full of the glory of God yo I see his glory in the sun shining in the moon glowing I see his glory in the stars sparkling I see his glory in the rain falling I see his glory in the mountains heat up I see his glory in the valley scooped-out i see his glory in a dog barking in a bird singing in a duck quacking the whole earth is full of his glory but why can't we see that glory in this crisis in this darkness maybe it's some man or some woman maybe it's what Moses was going through in Exodus 32 Moses goes up to the mountain Mount Sinai he's coming down with Ten Commandments and then the people Hebrew people down there there they're worshipping and singing and praising but it's not to Jehovah it's a it's a golden image they the millah don't go created an image now they're worshipping that and when Moses saw that he got so depressed and frustrated through the commandments of God down and broke all Ten Commandments and he was so depressed with inner anxiety and inner darkness he said god I'm not gonna be able to make it I can't get these people to the promised land like I need your glory and he told God in chapter 33 of X if I don't see your glory I'm not gonna make it 33 and 18 of X please Lord show me your glory and then watch what he'll show me the essence of your being and doing show me the purity of your majesty and then God's response was no one can see me face to face and live maybe that's why we can't see God's glory because God says if I were to show you what I was working through what you're dealing with right now you wouldn't be able to take it if I were to reveal to you the essence of my being and doing in the crisis that you're in you wouldn't be able to survive if I were to show you how I'm working things out for your good even out of your catastrophe you wouldn't be able to endure that he said no i can't show you i can't do it like that he said but come stand on the rock next to me and I'm gonna have my glory pass by and when the purity of my Majesty passes by I'm gonna cover your eyes because if you see it face to face you're not gonna be able to survive that but once it passes then I'm gonna remove my hand and let you see my back I won't let you see the glory in the present I will not let you predict my glory in the future but I'll make it so that you can look back and see the glory of the Lord is behind you in the Miss all is crazy if you want to see God's glory stop trying to see it in the present you wouldn't be able to take it certainly stop trying to predict his glory in your future if you really want to see the glory of God look behind you y'all not getting this it's okay I'll do it like this uh Moses because I did something oh just say I see I was really having a flashback what he learned in Sabbath day school with the synagogue where he was talking about we're talking about Moses going to Egypt telling the king of Egypt Pharaoh said let the God says let my people go to Pharaoh ten plagues come barrel unless them go 600,000 men plus women and children more than 2 million people been in bondage for 430 years now they've been set free how do they know how to get from Egypt to Canaan the promised land they've been in bondage all their life how do they know how to get there because it was a pillar of cloud that led them by day a pillar of cloud that's what our charismatic brothers and sisters they call it the Shekinah glory of God then you got to understand something Shekinah means glory so to say Shekinah glory is redundant to say Shekinah glory is say it's like saying glory glory when somebody said oh I need a Rhema word I think a me a Rhema word y'all the Greek word for word is Rhema so to say Rhema word is really saying word word it's redundant but I ain't tripping up that cuz I got redundant alarms on my pumping system at my house so my house won't get flooded so if one pump goes out there's an alarm that sounds that if I don't act on it here's a redundant another lawn begins to I got redundant alarms at my house so if I got redundant alarms at my house maybe we need some redundancy with God's Worth we need a Rhema where we need a word word and redundancy with God's glory we need Shekinah glory we need glory glory but the cloud the Shekinah glory of God would lead them by day when they get to the Red Sea Red Sea in front of them mountains and wilderness on either side king of Egypt changed his mind said horses and chariots and soldiers to go and bring those people back here and I know none of y'all know about stuff from your past trying to pull you back into what you just got delivered from and when their past was showing up trying to pull them back into what they just got delivered from the Shekinah glory the the cloud of God the glory of God that was in front of them now repositioned itself and came behind them between their opposition and the people of God Maurice Watson says that God repositioned himself his glory was a guide but it repositioned itself to now be a guard because the glory of God is so awesome that the glory of God has got your back so when stuff from your past is trying to get the best of you that's when the glory Reaper so if you want to see God's glory sometimes you got to look behind you and their glory that cloud it was dark on the enemy side light on the people of God side the enemy was close to him but couldn't figure out how to bring them down the enemy was close but it was so dark on their side they couldn't figure out how to get to him they couldn't figure have you ever been in a situation folk we're trying to pull you down on the job or in the neighborhood or wherever you were but they couldn't figure out how to do it that wasn't you that was so smart that was God repositioning himself to have his glory to stand between you and your enemies so instead of trying to look at God's glory in the presence because you struggling with seeing that man and instead of trying to predict God's glory in the future if you really want to see God's glory God said I'm gonna let my glory - I'm gonna remove my covering you can see my back Isaiah saying if you want to see God's glory stop trying to get it in the present look behind you and see his glory look at what God has already done look at the doors he's already open look at the sins he's already forgiven look at the diseases he's already over is there anybody that know you can see his glory real well behind you sitting up here worrying about the coronavirus you want to see his glory look behind you remember when we were tripping off HIV and AIDS got that under control you want to see his glory look behind you remember SARS yeah we got that under control you want to see his glory look behind you in FLA's EEMA was taken over this nation and world got that under control because the glory of God is behind you now y'all too young to remember a smallpox but that was tearing the world up got that under control cause the glory of God h1n1 y'all remember that whatever God has done in the past God can do the same thing in the present if you want to see his glory look behind you I got to close it I'm a closer like this Oh Peyton Manning used to play for the Indianapolis Colts took us to the Super Bowl twice won one of the Super Bowls and then unfortunately went to Denver and that's when we finally learned it takes more than luck to get the ultimate victory you're gonna have to have more than luck you'll catch that on your way home got to have more than luck Peyton is in Denver they're trying to make it to the playoffs to get to the Super Bowl they're planning in a game they have to win and they're down it's in the fourth quarter time time is running out time is moving real fast for them and they need a first down third down six yards to go Knowshon Moreno comes out of the backfield for Denver and runs it down and out to go out to a pass but as he runs his down and out he slips and falls trips and he lands and Peyton right where Peyton was great throwing the ball he slipped and fell so Peyton held it back and Peyton started running the the announcers would thought Peyton was get ready trying to run for the no he ain't trying to run from her first now because he can't run I thought he was trying to run out of bounds and then try it again no he didn't run out about what Peyton started running what he was doing was repositioning himself to still get the ball to Knowshon Moreno who had fallen and was still down and he did get it to him and no son called it got the first down scored the touchdown won the game here's why they were able to get that victory because when no shine ran a down-and-out slipped and fail in his rally Peyton didn't give up on him Peyton reposition himself to still get the ball to him even though he had fallen if Peyton has enough mercy and grace and wisdom to get the ball to a player that it's fallen how much more shall I Heavenly Father though we a slip though we fall it God knows how to reposition his glory to still get a blood till I have a witness in here God has got your bat a man a man a makeable stand with me
Channel: Eastern Star Church
Views: 2,670
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Keywords: eastern star church, 100 years celebration, pastor jeffrey a johnson sr, indianapolis, indy, indy church, indianapolis church, gospel, god, sermon, god's got your back, god is here, is god with me, where is god
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 10sec (2530 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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