He's Got The Whole World In His Hands | You're in the Right Hand

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love you Jesus well hallelujah to the lamb it is time for us to spend time in the Word of God as a lamp to our feet the Word of God is a light to our path way and I'm gonna ask if you open your Bibles to Psalm 18 is where we're going today Psalm 18 verse 35 let's ask God's blessing on our time in his word today Lord let the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts let them be acceptable in thy sight Lord you're our strength and our Redeemer in Jesus name we pray amen amen some eighteen verse 35 listen to what God's Word says you make your saving help my shield and your right hand sustains me your help has made me great a man I want to preach about you're in the right hand you're in the right hand of course this is a part of our series that God has the whole world in his hand and now David the writer of Psalm 18 says that you're in the right hand of God is the right hand of God this is a a psalm of David it is a reflective sum of appreciation and that that David is reflecting upon his life with a sense of celebration and appreciation before how God has moved he says with his hand how God has intervened how God has interceded how God has gotten involved how God is maneuvered and made ways in his life this is him looking back on it this is David recalling it he didn't always think that when he was going through it sometime when you're going through pain and problems and persecutions it's hard to recognize the move of God in that situation but now this is David looking back this is not this is not David it's some kid in the pastor of his father this is David as the king in the palace a matter of fact not only is he the king of Israel but he's United those kingdoms remember that there was civil unrest between the Northern Kingdom and the southern kingdom but David with the anointing of God on his life was able to unite Israel and Judah and now Israel and Judah looked to David as their king and as he reflects back on all the things that he had gone through he said I never would have gotten to this point had it not been he says for the right hand of God and I just want you to know you're in the right hand sometimes hard to see it when you're going through it remember David's first trip to the palace was not as the king of Israel he went to the palace as a staff musician and that's when so many of the issues he had to face began when he got that job that government job at the palace as a staff musician because he was working for King Saul and King Saul was a head of state with head problems my fact that's why they chose David because they had a head of state with some head problems it was obvious he had had problems here's some psychological mental emotional instability going on and everybody could see it and they brought David they're hoping that his music was so soothing that it would address some of the hit problems of the head of state even to the point that this constant attack of David this the head of state would constantly go at them and you got to understand that David ended up being a war hero for that nation he ended up being a veteran and even as a veteran even as a war hero this head of state his head problems caused him to attack even veterans in his own nation to attack even war heroes because he's a head of state with some hit problems and he would throw Spears at David and he would try to take David out finally David just had to take off he said I can't continue to submit to this and then that here to state with hip problems sent the military to go after David and to try to take David out he's using the military to go after his old citizens in his own nation that's because he's a head of state with some head problems might as well introduce that we know in America we live in a nation where so many of our ancestors and even our grandfathers and great grandfather's would go into the military and would fight and war on behalf of the United States of America and after worrying for them come back to a nation that would not even give them rights as a citizen that would not even include them that continue with rooted systemic racism even for the veterans that fought for the nation and so David is going through this he's under attack matter of fact this head of state with hit problems calls David to lose his job now he's jobless he's unemployed that unemployment led to him being homeless I don't know how much reading of the Bible you do but David before he became king he was homeless ended up living in a cave you took my inadequate housing and that's because of a head of state with hair trouble that didn't have an appreciation even for the people in his nation that helped build that country and there he is homeless and hungry and hurting but those days have passed and now he's the king of Israel and he said the only reason he got there is because the right hand of God made it happen he's reflecting upon it now there were times in David's life through all those pains and suffering and issues he was wondering where is God and why won't God deal with my oppressor and why won't God deal with those who are against me and he didn't know then why he was going through it that God was at work but now that he reflects upon it now that he recalls it now that he replays it he said the only reason I got here is the hand of God I hope and pray that you get this today that he went from rags to riches he went from poverty to prosperity he he went from being homeless to having more than adequate housing he went from the bottom to the top and he said it's because of the right hand of God I know in the midst of the oppression and the midst of the social injustice and the police brutality and the systemic racism and the injustice and the unrighteousness is hard to see it but the hand of God you're in the right hand when you put your faith in Jesus Christ for salvation that you end up in God's hand matter of fact David said you know this in God's hand you're in the right hand of God the right hand of God the Hebrew people believe that the right hand of God was the hand of God that with the strength in it with the power in it and the authority in it that's because the Hebrew people had issues with left-handed people they thought something was wrong with left-handed people course nothing that's wrong with left-handed people they just operate off a different the favor of different hand and those of us who were right-handed but for the Hebrew people they thought there was an issue with eleven two people so they put God's power and his authority and his might and when they talked about him in his right hand I'm sure God is Amma Destry I'm sure God has equal power in both hands but Davis says it's the right hand of God that did this for me the right hand that hand would power and authority from David's perception that's why another Davis said on another occasion God says sit here on my right hand while I make your enemies your footstool the hand of power and authority that in Psalm 139 if I sin into heaven God is there if I make my bed in hell God is there if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea there his hand will lead me but his right hand will hold me and when Stephen was stoned and in the book of Acts he looked up and saw the heavens open and saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God in the book of Hebrews it says when Jesus died on the cross for your sins and for mine then he ascended up into heaven and he sat down at the right hand of God I want you to understand and I know it's hard to see it when we're going through it but your in the right hand David is reflecting David is recalling David is replaying the moves of God in his life that he couldn't see it when I was going through it but now that I look back on it I know it was God at work the whole time I love to hear the choirs and the praise teams and the children and the youth and I'm in our music ministry at Eastern starts heard I think they're really good I I enjoy them very much I love to hear them singing the gospel message of God and the reason why they're so good it's not just because we got a lot of gifted singers in the music ministry that's a part of it but they're so good because of the time they spend in rehearsal they don't just get up on Sunday when the cameras are on and the crowd is there but no when you can't see them when there are no cameras when there are no crowds when there's no one Hollenback at them there's a lot of rehearsing that goes on that going over the lyrics and going over those words over and over again going over those transitions over and over again the pace over and over again when to come in over and over again the rehearsals is what makes them so good rehearsal yeah read to do it again here they have to rehear it over and over again and as they rehear it over and over again they're able to get good at it because that's why they all key that's why they're in tune that's why they're so good that's why the words are right because they rehear it they rehearse it over and over and my wife who has a beautiful voice very gifted lady Sharon is a part of that music ministry and she doesn't just rehearse when she's with everybody else she rehearses it in the car we're riding around she's recorded it and so she rehears it again and rehearses it again and goes over and over it again and then in the house she does the same thing in our home she's doing the same thing she's rehearing it and rehearsing it and replaying it and restating it no wonder she's so good at it no wonder she's always on key and in tune here's what I'm trying to tell you that sometimes when we listen to some of these white preachers and pastors who now that the camera zone and the crowds are gathering that they are trying to get the lyrics the words right to what black people in America have dealt with and are doing but all times they don't sound right they off-key they have tune the reason for that is they haven't been to the rehearsals they haven't heard about Harriet Tubman they they have not heard about Mary McLeod Bethune they haven't heard about madam CJ Walker they have not heard about Thurgood Marshall they they have not heard about Frederick they haven't they didn't have any black history and they they haven't heard the lyrics they didn't come to the rehearsals they didn't rehear it in the church and at school in the car and in the home and the reason why my children have able to be able to pick up on on this because we didn't just rehearse it and in some of the schools that they went to didn't play it at all so we had to rehear it at home and replay it at home and it's not just white preachers and white pastors either but some of us have missed rehearsal that's what I hear black young black people attacking the black church my heart goes out to you I didn't know you miss rehearsal that that you're attacking a black church because you didn't get to hear this in your educational system you nobody talked about nobody replayed this and recorded this and you didn't rehearse this at home you didn't hear this rehearsed in your car riding with your family and now you're attack on the black church is because you miss rehearsal and you you've missed the fact that Harriet Tubman she was a preacher the black church did that Nat Turner was a preacher the black church if you had come to rehearsal you you would have heard that that Frederick Douglass was a preacher the best the black church Martin King was a preacher Vernon Johns was a preacher of the civil rights movement started out of the church these historical black colleges and university that's the black church distorted most of those I know you miss rehearsal so I'm trying to replay it and rehearse it the hand of God that has been moving don't miss this so that that's why you're off-key right now that's why you add a tune right now that's why you're missing the message the cameras have come on and the crowds have gathered but you miss rehearsal I want to reply it for you that's why I wanted to make sure my children win early on in their education they were a part of a school that that rehearsed and replayed black history all the time then they ended up in a school system that had no black history but that okay well they got it at home they got it in the car where we rehearsed it over and over again and then I sent them to to pain College and again Augusta black college I said I'm the Tennessee State in Nashville a black college I said I'm the Howard University in DC because I didn't want them to miss out on their rehearsals so that when they speech and when they sing and when they talk their own key and in tune and know what's going on David is rehearsing what God has done in the redemptive history of his people that's what I'm trying to get across to us and as he rehearsed it he says that God has sustained me that's what he said Psalm 18 and 35 he says the right hand of God sustained me it's the right hand of God that that kept me Psalm 121 I look into the hills from with them of my help my help comes from the Lord when David was talking about even the sickness that he had gone through and the oppression and running from that head a state with head problems that unemployment the the the health issues that he had in his life the homelessness the hurting that he went through he said but I made it through all of that because it was the right hand of God that's sustained of me and I celebrate every social justice group I celebrate every church and pastor and minister that's preaching and teaching the truth about not just vation for yourself but justice for everybody was the word jesus said that the lord has anointed me to set captives free not just to get salvation to individuals but to set the oppressed free I celebrate you I celebrate every attorney every businessman and businesswoman every young person everybody who's out marching and protesting regardless of the color of your skin I celebrate all of that but I just want you to understand the one who sustains us in all of it the one who keeps us I celebrate every politician and government official that's looking out for the best of equality for everybody in the nation but when it comes to sustaining us through this it's the right hand of God not an institution not a group not an organization not a health official it is the hand of God and I'm telling you that hand can handle this jesus said my sheep know my voice and they hear me they listen to me and my father who has given them to me place them in my hand and in my father's hand no wonder we're able to make it that even through all of this depressing stuff you don't have to be depressed you can make it don't you become suicidal because the right hand of God this can sustain at you and he just say sustained in verse 32 he says the hand of God strengthens me strengthened well let me do it like this the Old Testament the Old Testaments written in Hebrew and the Hebrew word there is so odd that this hand of God saw wad me and saw wad carries a three-fold connotation it is about strength because when you got it deal with racism every day when you got to deal with sexism every day you got to deal with injustice every day when you got to deal with with all of this coming against us every day we might as well be honest it can take a lot out of you it can weaken you but when you get it right with God through His Son Jesus crack and do all things through Christ who gives me strength and it is that hand of God that strengthens me through all of this but so on is not just to strengthen it means to hold together Davis says I reflect upon this I didn't see it when I went through it but now that I look back on it it was the hand of God that held me together dealing with a head of state with head trouble dealing with homelessness dealing with the injustice that I faced they have in the military of my own nation as a veteran to attack me except but I should have fallen apart but it was the hand of God that so awed me that that held me together and if you ever wondering how do we make it through a how do we survive and thrive this Howell did our ancestors make it through that blatant racism that they had to faith that all that they went through how did they get through all of that it was the hand of God that held them together why folk are trying to hold you down and tear you apart the hand of God it's so odd to strengthen it held together but then so what also means to comfort me Davis said through all that crisis to all their calamity he brought God navigated it in such a way he brought comfort to me that's what it made comfort and comfort comes from two words come and forth it come to show up for it to fortify it is to show up and fortify that God showed up and strengthened me when when I was going through all I was going through is taking so much out of me but I was able to survive and thrive and go from the bottom to the top because he showed up and comforted me Jesus spoke of that comfort in the New Testament he was talking to his disciples and Jesus said I'm gonna have to go away his disciple said we don't want you to go away we need you to stay through all the hell we face in this oppression from the Roman government this suppression and depression from the Roman government we need you here Jesus said if I won't go away then the comforter will not come he was speaking of the Holy Spirit the presence of the Holy Spirit showing up in us Jesus says to comfort us one of the New Testament words for the Holy Spirit is Paraclete para to come alongside the Paraclete to come alongside and strengthen us to comfort us that's that's what he stopped I don't go away the Paraclete will not come and I know you don't speak Greek you wonder what is apparently you don't know what Paraclete is but you know what a paramedic is a paramedic is is when you find yourself hurt and injured and it seems like you can't get to the doctor then you call 9-1-1 it's an emergency I'm hurting an injure can't get to the doctor and they what they do is says you can't get to the doctor the paramedic is like the doctor getting to you para to come alongside to bind you up to hold you together to strengthen you and give you what you need y'all Jesus when you get it right with Jesus His Holy Spirit he is that Paraclete that operates as a paramedic and he shows up in our lives to bind us and strengthen us and hold us together and give us the comfort that we need he says what David says that it's the right hand of God that's doing this and then he says it God is my shield verse 35 Psalm 18 right hand of God didn't just strengthen me and sustain me he's my shield and a lot coming at him he'd get Spears thrown at him by head of state with heads from military coming at him from a head of state with head trouble that misused his military power and sent it out all because he's concerned about his own position not the people of his nation but his own position in the nation David said I made it through that because God is my shield hallelujah now I got to say a word about this she'll tease because David was a warrior David was a veteran David was a military man David went into one battle after another and as the king as a head of state of Israel he lived in a day that the heads of state when it was time to go fight a battle they didn't go to a bunker and hide out and then send soldiers in the battle they didn't do that but this is a time where heads of state would lead their soldiers in the battle but that'll make you rethink what battles you want to start there to make you rethink what wars you trying to start when you on the front line leading it is a whole different decision-making piece when you in a bunker hiding when all unrest is going on and David would lead and battle had one victory after another and he said the reason why he made it in those instances he said because the right hand of God is my shield and this illustration he's using shields and David's day were large they were big they were huge and they were oblong large oblong shields that you could literally get your whole body behind the shield well so if somebody is shooting a bow and arrow at you our dart at you which somebody is taking shots at you the shield doesn't stop people from taking shots but it's able to allow you to get behind it to keep the shots from affecting you and that's what I'm trying to get across to us God is our shield as our shield it doesn't mean people don't take shots at us it means that when we position ourselves behind God that God protects us you're going to be all right you're going to survive you're going to fly because God is our shield it and God is so big you can put your whole life behind him you can put your family behind him you can put your money behind him your career but you can take everything you have and put it behind God because even in the battle that we're facing right now God is still our shield you're in the right hand and he is our shield and I know your question as God is our shield then why it's so much hitting me why it's so much coming at me that's because as shields are most effective when you position yourself properly with the shield you can't set your seat shield to the side and distance yourself from the shield and then get the same effect from it you've got to position yourself properly behind the shield since God is our shield it doesn't mean that people won't take shots at us but the way shields work you got to come behind them no weapon that is formed against you shall be able to prosper when you put your faith in Jesus Christ for salvation when you submit to God's Word when you're operating in the powers Holy Spirit you're positioning yourself properly and now anything that even comes at you if it does get to you God is working that together for your good and I love our shield God though the right hand of God love the fact that he is our shield because our shield is invisible and invincible he's invisible that's why those who oppress and those who attack and all of that social injustice that we face and all of those with intentionality to hurt us and to bring us down to wonder how in the world can they make it through all of this systemic racism they don't understand we got a shield you just can't see him that God is a hidden reality and that's why we're able to survive and thrive and make it because our shield is invisible and our shield is invincible nothing can handle the hand of God our shield is invincible God is undefeated Jesus when he died on the cross and God raised him from the dead jesus said all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth no matter what power comes against us we're going to be okay because our shield is invincible God has all power the right hand of God I'm just trying to let you know today that you're in the right hand it also says in verse 35 Psalm 18 and 35 Davis said that is that hand had made me great went from rags to riches poverty the prosperity went from the bottom to the top went from a staff musician to the head of state of a nation is that the only reason I got to be great Davis says because the hand of the Lord made me great that's the rehearsal we need to keep having some of us are so arrogant and conceited and so built up in practice you miss rehearsal we need to rehearse and help people to know it's God that has made us great and whatever I am whatever level of success I have God did it it's the hand of God that did that and I love this because he says and and the hand of God he made me great which means you don't already have to be what he's going to make you so many people refused to make a cup hitman to Christ and His Church and its causes and the kingdom of God because you think you got to have it all together when you come to him you don't have to have it all together when you come to God you come just as you are but you don't remain as you are because he makes you great and if he's going to make you you don't already have to be what he's going to make you Jesus when he hand-picked twelve disciples he said to them follow me I'll make you fishers of men and women which means you don't already have to be what he's going to make you just start following I'm going to make you that in Jeremiah chapter 1 Jeremiah says that God told him he said listen before I formed you in the belly I knew you my friend pastor Marlin Harris pastors in Georgia in Lithonia outside of Atlanta he said he said when God says before I formed thee in the belly I knew you pastor Harris says that God says I knew you but I still formed you before I Farms you I knew you but even though I knew you I still Farms you just King James first before I made you in the belly I knew you but even though I knew you I still made you that's what God is saying to you and I before I made you I knew you I knew you would mess up I knew you would make mistakes I knew you were saying I knew you would do wrong I knew you would be unrighteous I knew you would act a fool but even though I knew you I still made you because you don't already have to be what he's going to make you 32 years ago in Indianapolis Eastern Star Church made me their pastor they made me the pastor of the Eastern Star Church but the only reason they made me their pastor because they didn't know me they knew all the places I've been and knew all the things I've done and knew how cheated everybody they never would have made me their pastor because I've done some things I wish I hadn't done I've operated in ways I wish I had never operated like that and I'm glad they didn't know me because if they knew me they never would have made me their past but God says to me Jeffrey I knew you and I still made you it's a trick of the enemy to somehow make you think you're disqualified because you don't come to God already perfect already mature no he said he made me great no here's what David said in one translation says and he stooped down to make me great he said God not only made me great but he had to stoop down to do it because David went through a whole lot of stuff that brought him down and and made him low he was low economically he was unemployed he was he was low in terms of his social status my man was a refugee on the run he was he was low in terms of community he lived in a cave in inadequate housing he was low in terms of what his nation thought about him I had a state with head trouble constantly attacking him and in that low position David said that the Lord stooped down and made me great that's all I'm trying to let somebody know I don't care how depressing life gets you don't have to be depressed because no matter how low life brings you we serve a God that is able to stoop and still make you everything he wants you to be in the New Testament there was a woman that got caught in a in the act of adultery and when she got caught in the act of adultery her accusers brought her and before her judges and those were some unrighteous judges who were misusing the justice system to try to hurt this woman in an attempt to get to trap Jesus they said not talking about the law of Moses but you preaching grace and this woman the law says you post a stone her and and what are you gonna say if they're trying to trap Jesus but they're misusing the law on this woman bringing injustice in her ago and I know it's injustice I know it's not right because she got caught in the act of adultery well if she got caught in the act of adultery where was the man they called her with because of that male-dominated society those men got a different kind of justice than women who did not count and women who were looked at as less than human looked at as property and as a consequence now she's dealing with a situation that the man didn't have to deal with because it was injustice in a justice system and we know you don't care about the law because you would be doing the same thing to the man that you call yo a lot of things you can do by yourself but adultery ain't one of them so where is the other person in this and so Jesus says to them y'all so concerned about justice then all of you who have not committed this sin of this woman then you cast the first stone then they all walked away because they wanted justice to operate one way with her but a different way for them and they all walked away and the Bible says that Jesus stooped down in that dirt and Jesus began to write in the dirt and while he's writing everybody's walking away and he's offering freedom to a woman that experienced oppression y'all when you read the Bible clearly when you rehearse what the scriptures say the salvation for Jesus is not just me myself personally but it is the oppressed the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he's anointed me to set the oppressed free that's what he did for her and he did it because he stooped down in that dirt because he has a history of stooping down and making great even when God made humanity in the book of Genesis his gut it says to God that he got some dust and he shaped it and farmed it and and then he made man and then breathed into man the breath of life and man became a living soul well if god made man like that and he did and he used dust he had a stupid Eve you got to get pretty low to get to dust and no matter how low life has brought us the God we serve it's able to make us great David said he made me great because he verse 34 he trains my hands for battle and my arms can bend the bow of bronze he starts talking about how strong he's made me great how strong I've become how I'm able to deal with a bow the precision I have and the strength I've had and the accuracy I had well how did he how did he learn to be so accurate with a boat how did he it wasn't at West Point how did he become so precise and so strong that he could be in any boa brahms it wasn't at West Point it was in battle one battle after another to be able to do that as a skill and with a skill the more you do something the better you get at it and with one battle after another that's how God made him strong that's how God made him great some of us are trying to get strong with no struggle no it's your struggle that brings you the strength we're trying to get great without going through anything no it's those battles that help you to get the greatness that God is seeking to make in your life it's the crisis and the calamity that builds that character God made him great and in the making of this great David said that God said I'm going in verse 33 he makes my feet like the feet of a deer he makes my feet like the feet of a deer feet of a deer yeah when he makes me great God's gonna help me with my footing he's gonna make sure that I'm not stumbling that that that I got my foot he gives me the feet of a deer the feet of a deer yeah that's because this is an illustration David is using a deer have a very unique feet they don't have paws and claws they have hooves and those hooves help them to be able to deal with he said Heights with heels with mountains and those ages in the mountains and the cliffs in the mountains and the stones and the rocks that that he that deer is able to keep his footing and God says to you and me and all the stuff that you're going through and folk trying to make you stay low in your depression and to keep you down God says no because you got your faith in God through His Son Jesus Christ I'm gonna make your feet like the feet of a deer I'm gonna help you to be able to get to Heights that others can get to that's how deer deal with their opposition the way deer deal with their opposition is they take them to high places because if they're attacked by a lion tiger or bear oh my they dealing with paws and claws but but they got hooves they can go to Heights and deal with edges and stones that the other opposition lose their footing in and showing you and I that when low down people mess with us we don't have to be low down we can take it to another level Michelle Obama said when they go low that's when we go high we have the capability of doing that because God is giving us the footing to go from faith to faith and glory to glory and get to the heights that he has designed for us to be now I will say this the foot of a deer is not just about the heights that they go to but the foot of a deer is also about the power they have in those feet goes deer don't like the fight but they can I know sometimes deer look so sweet and so nice and so subtle look like they so cab don't just walk up on a deer because if a deer gets backed into a corner they don't want to fight but they will and one kick of a deer one kick from a deer's foot will kill a grown man because when deers a corner because of the feet God is given to them they don't jump off a bridge they don't turn to drugs and alcohol they don't turn their back on God and slit their wrists they come out kicking and y'all we've been backed into a corner 400 years plus of oppression and suppression and oppression and systemic racism of all the things this social injustice morning we did it backed into a corner this ain't the time to quit give up sit on sidelines God gave us the feet of a deer we come out kicking and knowing that God is going to take care of us God we're in the right hand your God is gonna sustain you guys gonna strip you guys gonna be your shield God is going to make you great God despite all you've gone through God is gonna use that to get you to where you need to be yo I've had some good days but I've asked some heals declined I've had some weary days and some lonely nights but when I look around and I think things over all my good days outweigh my bad days and I won't complain cause God's been good to me more than this world could ever be so I'll just say thank you Lord and I won't complain because I know that I'm in the right hand and I want to give you that opportunity to get in jesus said in John 10 in the hand of Jesus who was in the hand of God who sustains who strengthens who shields who makes you great I want to invite you I want to ask you to invite Jesus into your life if you did a portunity right now the Bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and I want to give you a chance to do that I'm gonna pray and I want you to follow me in prayer and pray it out loud and the moment you believe what you pray in that's when Jesus saves you and the Holy Spirit moves inside of you and God becomes your father now you're in the hand of God follow me in this prayer so that you might give your life to Christ father I come right now I know I've sinned I know I've done wrong I'm sorry for my sins please forgive me of my sins I believe Jesus died on the cross I believe you raised him from the dead I receive him by faith in Jesus name Amen if you prayed that prayer then you're saved you're a Christian you're a child of God and I want to welcome you to the family of God and please let us know here at eastern star church that you've made that commitment go ahead and email us that membership at eastern star church dot org membership at eastern star church org so that we can celebrate with you the commitment that you're making and get you committed to connected to the church and those of you who already Christian you already saved but you stray from the church and now you're ready to reconnect go ahead and remember go ahead and email us at membership at eastern star church dot org so that we can get you connected to the church so that we can all grow as disciples to together in the hand of God amen praise the Lord all right it's time for the offering it's time for us now to be able to invest in the kingdom of God and so that we certainly will be able to pool our resources to continue to be a blessing the needs in this nation and in our community have gone up more than 40 million people have lost jobs and so much is going on in this in this country with the pandemic and the social injustice and everything else the need has gone up so our ministry has increased our help to what is going on we that's what ministry is to us Asian start church an evaluation of need and then doing what's necessary to meet the need and that's what's been going on and that only happens because of your generosity so let me say thank you for that and let me even as we get ready to give I want to say this to my wife and I just celebrated 34 years of marriage made of 31st and we we and our church has been so kind to us they give us cards and letters and gifts and donations and stuff for our anniversary and we ask that you don't do that this year and even some people still did it but we ask you not to do it we asked you to give to Eastern start search for kovat 19 so many people are hurt bykova 19 the lady Sharon and I decided instead of giving to us give an honor of us because we still want to celebrate what real marriage is all about and family especially in a church context but but give it so that it will be a blessing to others who are hurting in this season and I want to say thank you because you guys gave more than 64 thousand dollars that's in addition to all the things we do with the scholarships and with Haiti and with the ROK initiative with with Sankofa school of success and with rooted school and with all the things that we do with community coming alongside the poor and all of that in addition to all of that that you've been doing for 100 years you didn't just wait till there was national news thank you for the 64,000 dollars and we just wanted to let you know we appreciate that very much and those who want to give the this ministry to be a blessing to others at least the lonely in the left house you can do that by giving on on our website eastern star church dot org eastern star church dot org and then just click on give and and then it'll help you to understand how to do that or you can a text to give four texts four five seven seven seven four five seven seven seven and then ESC in that message filled with your amount or you can mail it to the eastern star church at fifty seven fifty East 30th Street in Indianapolis Indiana fifty seven fifty East 30th Street Indianapolis Indiana four six two one eight and again let me say thank you for all this generosity and I want to remind you that our drive-thru pantry is it's open on Mondays Tuesdays and Fridays we still doing what we doing than the other communities in order to feed people but our care center just drive up they'll put the groceries in your trunk for you and it's at 57:19 Massachusetts Avenue in Indianapolis 57:19 Massachusetts Avenue just to the north of our main location and we just want to help you in these hurting times and have make that available it's the generosity of our congregation that is making that possible and our friends as they give so let's ask God's blessing on on these gifts today father thank you for how you blessed us thank you we didn't always see it when we were going through it but now as we rehearse it we know as your hand that had gotten involved and interceded and and maneuvered in such a way to make us who we are right now thank you for your generosity in our life and now father we pray that you receive these gifts as we give them in the name of Jesus to advance your kingdom on this earth and to be a blessing to the marginalized and the poor to those who are hurting and hungry and what I pray for those who are giving that you'll give back to them good measures pressed down shaken together I pray you make it run over in Jesus name Amen amen just before the benediction let me remind us that on June 27 we have an a virtual graduation celebration for the members of Eastern Star Church who have graduated from high school and college and postgraduate but you have to register Eastern star church org register online by June the 12th by June the 12th and then June 27 I know we can't do it on site like we do every year but we're gonna do it virtually and I want you to be a part of that and those of us who've been praying for you and supporting you we need you to be a part of that to encourage us so make sure you follow up on that by June 12th and we're gonna do that June the 27th at 2 p.m. and you don't want to miss that and don't forget this Sunday is our communion sunday so I don't want you waiting to Sunday as I'm getting ready to lead us in communion then you run around trying to find a piece of bread or cracker and some juice make sure you got that all in place so we can honor God and his death burial and resurrection you want to have a cracker piece of a wafer a piece of bread as we talked about and recognize the body of Christ that was broken for us and then some juice there so that we can recognize the blood of Jesus that was shared for us that's Sunday for our communion service I love you all very very much and I pray that you will recognize that you're in the hand of God let me give this benediction to you may God bless you and keep you may God have his face to smell upon you and be gracious unto you I pray God will turn his countenance towards you and grant you peace I pray that through God's Holy Spirit that you will love mercy and do good and walk humbly with your God and I pray that the anointing of God will allow justice to rush down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream I prayed that God would do that in your lifetime and forevermore in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Eastern Star Church
Views: 844
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: eastern star church, pastor jeffrey a johnson sr, indianapolis, indy church, indianapolis church, gospel, god, sermon, faith, hope, inspiration, motivation, jesus, love, christianity
Id: muC2eXdOXV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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