Dagen McDowell torches Biden admin: All they're capable of is lying

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welcome back well the migrant camp in del rio might be gone but the problems continue we've got 200 000 plus people coming to our texas border every month homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas admitted yesterday that one in five illegal immigrants arriving at the border have quote some kind of an illness this while white house press secretary jensachi knocks republicans going to the border watch this for all of those republicans who are standing at the border and giving speeches about how broken the system is why don't you join us and be a part of the solution instead of relying on speeches because we can work together and get immigration reform passed joe concha that is just rich work with democrats on the border your thoughts on what you just heard from jensaki and the first thing that any logical sober sane i don't care if a republican or democrat person would do is make sure that the border is secure that is step one always and we saw it under the previous administration under donald trump that this crisis was something that was very much manageable in terms of migrant crossings now we have an open border and you see the result if democrats aren't willing to at least do that mayaka said no we're against the walls against who we are then basically that's that's not a good start but during any crisis or disaster maria a president visits the crisis or disaster where it occurs hurricane hits the gulf coast or the carolinas the president regardless of party surveys the damage on the ground and talks to people dealing with it but when it comes to this border crisis the president can't be bothered his handlers chief among them jim saki knows that a visit to the border maria is a tacit acknowledgement that this is a crisis it would dominate the news cycle and that's the last thing that team biden wants they want to pretend this is not a problem it absolutely is and the polling shows it well that's right and i would go one step further degan it's not just that they refused to go to the border how long did it take kamala to go and then she didn't even go to the border she went too close to the border but they just refused to even acknowledge it and call it a crisis you've got one and a half million illegals in this country this year alone uh and many of them are just in in the country and they may very well not come back for me for a judge in a court date by biden and company broke something that was fixed on purpose they have created this border crisis this illegal immigration crisis on purpose and so what do they do they're upset with republicans who do believe in enforcing the laws of this nation uh they're upset with republicans who stand up for the border patrol overwhelmed serving our country and enforcing the laws of this nation this is an administration of desperation when called out on their failure after failure after failure all they're capable of doing is lying and vilifying people they stood up there biden harris sake and lied about border patrol agents whipping people over and over again these were individuals who were enforcing the laws of this nation and they stood up there and they lied about them and essentially called these men racist what do they have to say to their family members they are husbands and fathers and sons and brothers that's what this administration is capable of you've seen it over and over again it's the the five trillion dollar spending plan this entitlement expansion the biggest tax increase per gdp since the 1960s what's that it cost nothing they lied about afghanistan over and over again when essentially biden and company have blood on their hands with 13 service members killed so again it's this is exactly what you should expect for the next three and a half years from this administration when caught in another failure they're going to look at the american people and lie through their teeth yeah you forgot one lie the jim crow laws right that's another one because you have id or jim crow laws you can't keep up with the lies i know jagen but we're we didn't touch on one thing which is really important and that is one in five illegal immigrants are sick okay and so they're not testing at the borders so how does this administration say that their priority is coveted and making sure everybody has vaccines when they've got a wide open border and they're not even testing anybody alejandro mayorkas had to admit one in five illegals has is coming with some kind of a sickness sick people with covid are only there they only deserve the ire of this administration when they're wearing red baseball caps they only will they will only focus on vaccinations and covet when it fits their political agenda again they go after republican state governors but they don't go after democratic governors who suffer the same problems with vaccination rates and these spread of covet they never they use every crisis try to their political benefit or attempted political benefit and then when that doesn't work they have to lie it's been all about optics it absolutely has whatever is good and the pr statement is the way they're going to go
Channel: Fox Business
Views: 169,606
Rating: 4.8813057 out of 5
Keywords: Business, Fox Business, Fox Business Network, News, biden, biden border crisis, biden border policy, biden immigration, biden immigration crisis, biden immigration policy, border, border crisis, border crossings, border security, dagen mcdowell, illegal border crossings, illegal immigrants, illegal immigration, immigration, joe concha, maria bartiromo, mornings with maria, psaki, psaki border crisis, border news, immigration news, del rio, del rio migrants, migrants in del rio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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