HermitCraft 6 || ESCALATE! RETALIATE! PRANK! ๐Ÿ’ฃ || Ep 43

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The best part was Impulse's comment about redstoning with Doc being a dream come true. He said in a previous video that he got into Minecraft with his son and Doc's redstone videos were some of the first MC videos he watched.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CharlieHorse1967 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Can't wait to see ZC's vid

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hamstap85 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 12 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Also, impulseSV's and docm77's perspectives.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheRealWormbo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 12 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Why red didn't use the slime blocks to stop the lava? ๐Ÿค”

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/naccari ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 12 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The best part was Impulse's comment about redstoning with Doc being a dream come true. He said in a previous video that he got into Minecraft with his son and Doc's redstone videos were some of the first MC videos he watched.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CharlieHorse1967 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 13 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That title though.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 12 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
no this is this is terrible tell my mother I loved her girl retakes IV dogs and citizens of the interval sir this is Ren bigoted alga coming at you in another episode of minecraft survival of from the hermit craft sever ladies and gentlemen and Homer Croft fans from all over planet Earth the shenanigans are afoot here on the hermit crab season six server I literally logged in a couple minutes ago guys and well Grand Central Station has been covered in a whole bunch of rubbish what is going on over here last episode we were minding our own business working a little bit on the big rock stocks project and at some point in the episode we stumbled across this giant green face chicken pooping all over our base buddies base and now I log into the server guys and it looks like another prank has been done this time on us on our Grand Central Station and this looks to be like some sort of a roller coaster or something what is going on here guys there's a bunch of redstone there Pistons there's sticky things all over the show now last episode guys I had no idea with this giant pooping green chicken prank was all about but thankfully a bunch of you guys came to the rescue and you let me know in the comment section exactly what is going down over here it's all a little bit complicated let me see if I can actually get this right first time around basically his skull 85 pranked my baked bunny fall symmetry by building a giant pooping green chicken on top of Bob falsies base the reasons for this prank no idea I guess it was just prank for pranks sake perhaps tis the season to prank I have no idea why but this girl made a giant poop and chicken on falsies base then Kaleo zombie Cleo around and actually flipped the side of the prank so that it looks like it was me who did the prank now why Cleo did this I have no idea either I actually don't know what is going on right now on this server guys you know me I'm a pacifist man I chill I don't participate in pranks that often I kind of keep my nose clean on the homograft server I never really get involved in pranks and stuff but it looks like I have been sucked into some sort of prank festival going on here because BAM today I log in and my Grand Central Station it's completely covered in redstone this looks really cool though I'm kind of excited to see what this is all about although I gotta say at this moment in time I feel like perhaps retaliation is an order right let's try figure out who exactly has defiled our beautiful Grand Central Station build over here guys we've got a whole bunch of signs and it looks like these signs have been written in a Swedish accent which has actually got me thinking about a specific hermit on this server who may be responsible for what we see around here I'll explain in a second also I think I'm supposed to read these signs in a Swedish accent yo Swedish viewers I love you guys okay please don't take any offense from my Swedish accent it's gonna be terrible so if you are Swedish close your ears right now but let's read what these signs say oh yeah hi Ren dog is me ich Cal you're Swedish friend I have seen that your station is not quite complete so I finished it for you myself please enjoy this fancy new system of fast travel yeah ich Cal right somebody has tried to frame ich gal and well I know a certain hermit on the server who has attempted a Swedish accent himself and that is of course our brand new hermit a green and this has got me real suspicious I don't know exactly what's going on here there's an end there is a start and I guess we have to ride the minecart you know what I'm gonna quickly check YouTube and quickly check reddit guys see if there's any episodes out right now that sort of gives me a clue as to what's going on here as of the recording of this episode guys there are no videos out giving me a clue as to what this particular prank is all about so I think we're just gonna ride the lightning we're just gonna ride the car however if my suspicions are correct and green is involved in this particular Swedish prank I am going to drop my stuff off in this chest if I know anything about the old G master he enjoys himself a little bit of TNT and he definitely enjoys himself a little bit of prank egde and while looking at greens last episode which was all about TNT if Green was involved in this prank I'm guessing that seemed some TNT is involved also I should probably just ignore it right the smart person ignores this however there is a button there is a minecart how could anyone resist going on this ride and I'm assuming we're just gonna end up back here maybe there will be some shenanigans on the way shall we give this a go guys are you are you ready for this I'm not exactly ready and it looks like somebody is trying to frame ish girl after issue after I got framed from ish girls prank on false so it looks like it's some weird framing pranking of framed pranks you know I'm confide on't even know what's going on right now guys it's hit the freaking button let's see what happens we're gonna travel all the way up it looks like it oh this is actually kind of a nice ride we get a rather decent view around here of the place all did we just do have a drop oh that was cool so I guess this is just like a roller coaster vacation of Grand Central Station I mean this is kind of nice I feel like the Bolin mousetrap you guys remember mousetrap some of you might remember mousetrap oh that was fancy we got bounced and then pushed by a bunch of slime this is actually kind of sweet this is actually really cool it is this a friendly prank have I completely overestimated what is actually good wait a minute wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute um thank you for riding the Grand Central Station rollercoaster if you look above you will find your destination no there's lava covered I know that we can't get out wait a minute okay I got I got double derped here guys take off my stuff to avoid dying and that has resulted in me not being able to get out of the prank no this is this is terrible tell my mother I loved her tell mama I loved her that saba dogs was a rollercoaster of emotions see what I did there cuz it was a rollercoaster and we thought it was a good one and then it ended up being a bad one and I am so glad I took my stuff off guys i I just had a feeling that this was gonna end badly also I think we should probably take this particular prank whoever did it as an escalation of the prankish that is currently going on on the server also just like to point out that the ren diggity dog is completely innocent in all of this i have literally done nothing why have i been blamed for the peeping green chicken and then why was i pranked and on top of that killed by the prank over here in my own base i've been minding my own business everybody doing my thing on the homer craft server and it looks like there is somebody out there keen to suck me into this now that is extremely suspicious right they're either green did this prank or he had a look at it and saw the accent it's still unclear but what is clear is revenge it's gonna be sweet now on my way back here guys i've actually spotted another clue which might help us figure out what exactly is going on on the server right now do you guys see this dye right up here that to me anyway looks like a little bit of bird poop almost as if the green chicken came and pooped here first and then flew over to falsies base and pooped there or the other way around either way there is definitely something weird going on in the server right now and maybe this poop gives us a little bit of a clue into exactly what is going on either way whoever did this prank I gotta say amazing job that was really fun I really really enjoyed that and this was actually a lot of dedication and this must have took the hermit whoever did this hours upon hours to do man there is redstone there is bouncing around with slime Pistons and whatnot all ending up in a very magnificently designed death I mean all in all guys that was a pretty impressive prank if I ever did see one so mad props to the ham head who did this well guys it looks like we have no choice but to get involved in the prank fest of 2018 and I think I may have just come up with a really amazing idea to basically well prank zombie Cleo here on the server I think if anyone is deserving of a prank from the rain Diggity Dog it is gonna be the lovely clear we know for a fact that Cleo changed the sign to blame me for the prank รคj-- on falsies base which of course fall symmetry is our base buddy right and we don't want falsely thinking that we have done anything against her so Cleo definitely needs to get something done to her in rebuttal for changing that sign I would have liked to prank whoever pranked me at Grand Central Station but I have no idea who is responsible for this so next up in the target line is gonna be the lovely zombie Cleo and as we know zombie clear is responsible for this amazing a boat over here this galleon of Awesomeness and I think I have a really amazing idea to prank this boat and to get Cleo back for changing that sign and dragging me the pacifist of the Herber craft server into a giant prank war now let's be honest with ourselves everybody if we are gonna prank zombie Cleo we are gonna go big or we are gonna go home so far in the prank fest of 2018 there's been a giant poop and green bit after that there was a roller coaster of doom destruction death and lava cook egde of me the random so the next prank I think needs to be even more awesome than what has happened so far and unfortunately me not being much of a prank er here on the server I'm gonna need a little bit of help from some friends add well I've just been in contact with my two business associates in her Macross season 6 dock and 77 and impulse sv we have been doing some dealings with both of these very fine gentlemen dock has been working with us here on the stock exchange of course and impulse SV and I have a beautiful business arrangement going right here on the server in other news of course both dock and impulse are exceptionally good rain stoners which meets the three of us the three pranker tears should be able to come up with something pretty juicy to take down zombie Cleo's beautiful galleon and so without any further ado my magnificent viewers from all over the world let the prank wars of 2018 a biggie gentlemen we have a problem it's too cold yeah it's really cold standing on pickle dude oh yeah sorry got cold people feet I'm pickin up man pickles feed is a big issue just sayin done imma let you finish I'm sorry we're not here to talk about pickles okay we're not oh no ok guys I need your help wait what you sound serious all of a sudden yeah we haven't assembled here to have a Mancusi together not it's more serious issues at hand gentlemen I I don't know if any of you have spotted the shenanigans about the server at the moment yeah I saw a weird rumblings yeah some weird chickens and there was weird stuff around to Bay Central Station ya know what what what I got two men well the irony is doc I've done nothing yeah okay so check it out right let me bring you up to speed as what has happened all right let's go build a giant chicken on top of fall symmetries base creep and die right all over the base oh it was him that was a skull okay he left a sign there saying you know I pranked you forsee Cleo changed the sign to say that I did it what yeah I I don't have the answers to these questions the next day somebody pranked my Grand Central Station with a giant roller coaster and it ended in me dying in lava what yeah and there was a sign in that prank that was in really bad swinglish like Swedish English with with no identification of who did the prank so I'm extremely confused right now guys yeah what I do know is though that the wonderful zombie Cleo is responsible for the start of whatever shenanigans are started here by changing that sign I've been sucked into some sort of a prank war gentlemen that's not Madison I'm concerned you're going on vacation you can't do with stress like that right yeah listen as my fellow like Stock Exchange boss and my new business partner boys we got to get our heads together we got to show this server where the prank kings the three prank of Tears and I think that the wonderful zombie Claire should be the first person that gets pranked in response to her changing the sign and blaming me the pacifist of the server I never prank anybody I'm just chilled dudes yeah yeah she started it right yeah he started the whole thing I'm so confused about it but I I don't care I hear prank I'm a simple man yeah I built so I mean yeah what's the what's the dealio okay I'm gonna need your help okay so I'm kind of gonna build a giant ghost ship next to Cleo's galleon rice it's gonna be like a giant ghost ship that has come up from the bottom of the ocean and it's boarded Cleo's ship and we're here to steal all over her loot and whatnot you know like the ghost pirates whatnot yes rust inside the ship they must be dead oh you are into the ship and then for her to like I don't know do something in the ship and then die okay guys help sounds like a plan to me man plus I got my it's braids don't be hold me mateys the fearsome ghost ship that has risen from the depths to pillage zombie Cleo's galleon of all of its treasures argh that's the best pirate impression I could take I see however I am very excited to bring you back we have got dark and impulse the dream team working away on the interior of what is going to be a magnificent ghost ship of Awesomeness that has arrived here from the depths of the ocean to pillage zombie Cleo's galleon of all of her precious lutes I guess I wanted to take a quick moment to bring you guys back to show you the progress that we are making here I have just finished making an entire foundation of the boat out of dirt and what I'm going to be doing is turning all of this dirt into glass that's right guys we are trying to create literally a ghost ship here that has I don't know come out of the depths around here and it's infested with zombie pirates like rotten zombie pirates and ghosts and whatnot and the idea of the prank is that this ship has basically boarded a zombie clio ships right we'll have a couple of boarding platforms and stuff going across here and those zombie pirates have gone over to Cleo's ship and stolen all of Hurley now the way that Captain Cleo will need to get her stuff back is she's gonna have to board the ghost ship via one of the planks and when she boards the ghost ship she will be lured into a deadly chamber and within the chamber she will be murdered by some sort of crazy mechanism that impulse and dock are currently working on I don't know what they're up to but they are up to no good let me tell you that much our task for this particular prank guys is going to be turning this boat into some sort of a ghost ship right and the idea is that that we've been talking about the three of us here is that we're gonna use a bunch of glass and maybe we'll use a little bit of wood also so it's almost like this ship is sort of in and out of the ethereal plane right it's not quite invisible or transparent it's kind of half in the ghost world and half out the ghost world so it's gonna be kind of glassy and woody at the same time and of course it needs to be woody in the middle so that we can hide the death chamber a father zombie Cleo Oh boys it actually looks like a ship I don't know if the dirt ship would float though but it's eventually gonna become glass and wood and stuffs gonna look like a guy's boat but yeah what a view from him and that volcano yeah for her name something dirty moly I like it so you guys been working hard on the the death mechanic inside there we have I'm excited [Music] right into it I've been to pull this the ocean slowly [Laughter] although oops shall I be the guinea pig guys so the idea of the prank of course is that the ghost pirates have stolen all of clears loot she needs to go onto the go ship to get the loot back but when she goes into the like into the the hold that's where she will be destroyed yeah we're gonna lure her into this 3x3 drop right here and what happens when she's inside it's gonna be quite hilarious there's a on the ground you wanna you want to give me a nudge there dude hit me on the butt yeah there we go oh jeez holy oh yeah okay I'm poisoned why after um you know the time is set a bit long right now but we have a timer going on down there and then eventually we should actually see the side door Oh doors open yeah baby zombie smash then shall be flooded by baby zombies okay you'll see I mean yeah hence what we can catch but you know and then there will be more poison all over the place and she'll be running around like crazy zombies been running around in there and it will chaos chaos and Mia this is gonna be such an awesome prank guys after seeing impulse and DOX death chamber in action ooh baby I'm getting super excited we have got a lot of work to do though for this prank we need to turn that entire ship into a ghost ship and of course every good prank on the Homer craft server it's gonna come at a serious cost of resources and we are here in Wales as glass shop and I'm gonna probably buy him out of all of his black glass and we might also need to go with some gray glass over here to you right if we're gonna make a ghost ship out of glass we're gonna have to get a variety of different colors I think we will probably get black gray maybe a little bit of white also and I think half of the ship will be made out of those sort of glass blocks and then the rest will be made out of spruce and dark oak and that mixture should be able to give us a pretty cool-looking ethereal ghost ship of Awesomeness now some of you out there might be wondering Ren Diggity Dog why in the name of all that is holy did you make this entire ghost ship out of dirt too start with well the reason is because of glass glass is kind of an annoying block in Minecraft because well it takes a very long time to break it once you have placed it you also of course need a silk touch pickaxe which we we have right but if we place a piece of glass like this look how long it takes to break it and to create this entire ship structure out of glass I think probably would have taken me much longer than just making the whole thing out of dirt and then just using a little bit of second hand trick action right take a look at this we put the glass in our offhand we can very easily just replace the dirt blocks with glass like this and well all I'm gonna need to do here is replace this entire structure with the glass blocks using the glass on the orfan I think that's gonna be the quickest way to get this prank done nice and quick now the other thing that I want to try with you guys right now is the idea of making this entire ship kind of half ghostly and half in the world so to speak right and I think the way that we're gonna do this is by experimenting with a couple of the wood types here let's get some spruce going and some dark oak wood logs going here we don't need to get too crazy with this particular prank as much as I would like to spend the next five weeks making this the most awesome ghost ship of all time we want to get this prank turned around rather quickly so that we can get some retribution on Cleo as fast as possible so let's get a couple of spruce planks in the belly over here you'd see Dokken impulse hard work over there working on that crazy poisoning mechanism down there let's get some of these dark oak wood planks out here too so the thinking here is gonna be if for example we're gonna make the some of the ship out of wood right so some of the ship is going to be in the real world let's say for example some of the ship is made out of these spruce planks here and then the top of this we could probably turn into some dark oak wood logs like so right and that maybe we can add some fences on top of them to you or what is dark up to you over there bad geez oh he's throwing some glass that's so nice okay dock is hooking us up with some black glass thank you muddied so with this in mind like this right this is a like a pretty decent start to our ghost ship although this one is not facing the right way then maybe what we could do right if we go without glass and shovel or fan trick maybe what we could do now is start splashing in a little bit of the glass like us so right just to start working on the ethereal part of the build so to speak so if we just do this all the way around the ship and every now and then we have these sort of sections of reality so to speak right so that you have these little windows of c3 nurse that should create I think a pretty cool looking ethereal ship type effect I have no idea what I'm doing right now guys but this might just be crazy enough to work muds the amount of work that us3 scallywags have achieved in one afternoon is a pretty astounding this prank is almost ready to be revealed to the world guys whoo baby it has turned out magnificent it's actually turned out way better than I thought my original concept was to have a ghost ship coming in and out of reality and look at how beautiful this has turned up just finished raising the sails so to speak a giant pirate sail with a skull and crossbones made out of glass doc had a great idea of putting a whole bunch of coral and dead pirate heads all over the show and we've just finished installing the last little bit of the prank so that we can unveil the sucker and hopefully we can get Cleo back for changing that sign and incriminating me for no real reason other than I guess because it's prank season let's take another look at this boy from a distance look how beautiful that looks guys oh it turned out so good we got that sea pickle action in there and even from the back here look at that there even got a captain is steering this ship alongside the galleon with the pirates ready to board and to steal everything and of course what we're gonna be doing is stealing some of zombie Cleo's schalke boxes inside of her ship and well the whole point of this prank is that she's gonna have to board the dirty moly to get her stuff back but I tell you what let's get back together with the boys for one last time to get this prank primed and ready to go but this has turned out real sweet guys super proud of this prank it's gonna be absolutely amazing I cannot wait to z clear trigger that sucker and get blown to oblivion baby it's gonna be all simple cruel of the dirty moly we be finding ourselves in the brig of Captain coils rig grab some blue tea yeah let's get the bounty the booby yeah for Cleo to come onto our ghost ship we realized and well this is gonna be the reason she needs to get her stuff back we've been working real hard everybody whoa are we excited to show it is beautiful I must say so this is the journey that captain Cleo will be taken when she logs off me mateys duck you've got a barnacle in your nostril oh and by the way great work on the ghost pirates in all they goes pirates you carrying the shawl cos out of the ship to Captain Cleo your loot has been pillaged by the dirty moly that's the name of our boat if anybody's you know it's in it yes and the Pirates are running across with all the lead yeah this one's taking some gold from her yeah try to get it back from our Krusty crew and in a subtle subtle arrow yeah this is the most important sign because this is gonna make Cleo think that this is just a fun friendly little prank where she's got to kill a couple of zombies right got a little jump scare hidden here in the barrel little jump scare and the last one good luck captain Ark and this is the leaf cabin and that is the rusty key that to unlock the chamber the key to the treasure room yeah don't do it don't do it how does it actually work boys when she takes the key out the item frame it triggers yeah yeah nice yeah we'll definitely fall yeah and then below there as we showed before right there's the although the Redstone shenanigans going on with funds being spelled everywhere and then after a certain amount of time for pirates will emerge yes this in retaliation for clear changing a sign worth it a bit overboard when decorating with that corals we have two giant sales we have pickles pickles is the important thing yeah we've got the skull and crossbones sale which i think is really cool yeah I think the boat turned out real good guys a ghost ship got coming in and out of reality is the easier of it it's amazing turned out real spice yeah in like yeah yes to the tower let's go to the tower and check it out that's the angle we had in the beginning right on top of the little crow's nest are now you're testing my ability to fly which is Sarah looks great man I guess the sails because they're see-through or like kind of difficult to see in the day but you know it's it definitely looks like a ghost ship to me and it looks looks spicy it definitely are not great man said dude Paul we have to help pickled up too so it gets a nice glow during the night it shall look pretty cool mm-hmm yeah I'm excited to see the sing at night I think it's gonna look amazing yeah oh man I think yeah definitely not went overboard with it for sure not ouch yeah we haven't been doing this for like eight hours all day long yeah we've even got a captain up here completely forgot yeah we got a cab yeah yeah captain ethos brother even though even though we're docked and I cooked up to her boat yeah we need to do one final thing uh-huh the last stone needs to be placed the stone that is actually responsible you know when when the single ship yeah now we prime it and make it hot oh yeah we've been afraid to do this because we didn't want it to go off why we're setting it up when this thing goes off now then everything is in vain then we have to catch the zombies again all right there's no way we're off okay here so this stone once placed this thing is pretty good ready to go and I touch nothing right boys like no don't touch anything all right yep yeah okay okay now we're hot we hot okay get away from this as fast as possible nice oh nice yeah as three pirates can chill on the dock and do some fishing look at that how it nicely glows and sends out I love it man stare at the dirty moly Clark I can't wait to see Cleo's reaction when she wanders into this trap Oh gentlemen let this be a lesson to everyone right yeah don't you ever mess with the ran diggity dog yeah I got powerful allies on the server okay and listen guys if you guys get into similar problems I mean it looks like a prank war starting to kick off you know the three of us were tight as theis you know anybody want to come at us that's what you get you get that Molly there is no friendship tears the three prank tears oh and by the way one last thing how are they gonna know it was us that yeah staged this whole thing done at the camera so you have some bees invented I actually named with our names yeah you know everything that's important you know if everything goes right at least one of us will get the kill because we need 25% chance she might think it was green though oh yes one of the one of the murderers is called green [Laughter] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: rendog
Views: 248,717
Rating: 4.9541817 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft survival, minecraft survival, minecraft vanilla, hermit craft, minecraft hermitcraft, new hermitcraft, rendog, rendog hermitcraft, hermitcraft rendog, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, hermit craft 6, rendog season 6, minecraft vanilla 1.13, minecraft 1.13 survival, minecraft 1.13, hermitcraft 1.13, minecraft 1.13 pc, minecraft 1.13 vanilla, minecraft aquatic, minecraft aquatic 1.13, aquatic 1.13, mc aquatic, hermitcraft aquatic, hermitcraft 2018
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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