Hermitcraft 6: Episode 50 - BACK TO ARCHITECHS!

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Honestly the funniest thing I've seen on hermitcraft. Like I couldn't breathe while Mumbo was trying to take off. I was dying. Amazing episode.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Jenbola 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm a little out of the loop lately, can someone direct me to where/when the drowned farm grian used was built?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/dinosaurukulele 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hyped for the introduction of Iskall to Architechs!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Watermelon86 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Aka, The Day Grian Lost Everything

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Oco0003 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Umm, you made the link for more than halfway through the video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MissLauralot 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is Graham welcome back to another episode of hermit craft now the potato has been completed without any of the redstone and definitely without any of the villages it's got one two three layers it's not oh wait no four layers down the bottom is not that good and it's probably not going to produce much but it's gonna produce more potatoes than I can eat so that's the main thing it's just meant to be my private food supply and hopefully I think it'll actually look a lot better than this this looks like a total mess but this should look good the only problem is I need to get my hands on some villagers now to get those I'm gonna have to create a railway all the way over to mumbos base which is going to be an absolute nightmare so basically his villager breeder isn't working it's right here so I need to create a working system from here all the way over to my base something that I can build quickly and take down quickly just to transport four villages if only I could use a lead on these guys it'd be so much easier but oh well this is what's got to be done yep I'm afraid this is a bit of a dull start to the video but it's got to be done I've already asked mum about this but this would be really funny actually if he just logged on he's like what the heck but no I've got his permission it's gonna be very very temporary to get hold of these farming villagers for my little bit a tube I actually want to get this done fairly quickly because as I speak and maybe some of you were there watching it but mumbo jumbo is actually a live streaming his big hole dig and I actually bought a hundred stacks of TNT from kerbs for the war but never got to use them look at this and I've got like four more of these in my ender chest so I'm thinking maybe we pop over there and we help him out the only way we know how oh actually you know what that didn't actually take too long I'm almost there and we're done actually that only took like 10 minutes believe it or not it was just a very painful 10 minutes so I just need to put some rales all the way along this really really hideous long rail cart system so that I can get my hands on some farming villages that's honestly the best way that I could think of doing it I probably could have put them in a boat and bolted them over but this way I just save a bunch of trips basically I think since I only took ten minutes really not a big deal anyway let's go and see if Mambo could use my help ah I think I found it so I think the plan for this is a giant witch farm boy it's a little bit laggy here no wonder is laggy look at all these items gee I wonder why it's laggy here mumbo no wonder he's complaining about the lag look at all this junk now I wonder I could do a little experiment here mumbo has no idea so I could just see he's streaming over there he's literally just streaming hours and hours and hours of digging so maybe just on the sly I can make a little bit of a explosion he's only over there so look at this stop complaining about the lag and then making the lag you know what if he's gonna complain about the lag I'm gonna make him really complain about the lag I want that back that's the quickest way to do it it's not the cleanest way but it works hopefully we have a winner there we go that's how we do it it's not about if I'm going to fall into lava at this point it's about when I'm going to fall into lava and I live to tell another TNT tale I have no idea if this is gonna work I just need I'm asked him if he wants to watch oh there we go [Music] oh it was too powerful I think maybe TNT just isn't the way to go unfortunately it's just it's just way too unpredictable it might even be quicker just to mine this out the old-fashioned way well I guess I'll just help mumbo for a bit and then hopefully I can meet up with mumbo a little later on to discuss our architect project and our future ideas for what we're going to do architect is officially making a comeback on the hermit craft server we haven't done enough with it and now we're bringing it back so about five hours later and a big live stream there's basically just a mattr complete mess I use quite a bit of my TNT all of this used to be tea and tea here and you can see you can see where mumbos been digging because it's all here it's all the neat bit the traditional way you can see where I've been have been helping this is five hours by the way and it's not even finished a quarter of it I'd say there's about half of one quarter so 12.5 percent of the whole thing absolutely ridiculous so I think this is going to take something a bit more than a few pickaxes and let's say 60 hours of mining so I think momma's gonna have to come up with a different idea because I am definitely not mining this anymore but I thought it'd be nice to help nonetheless because projects like this do take an awful long time but I think we're gonna have to head back to the base because yeah there's no way I'm going to do any more of this so hopefully later on once I've got this done not only can I meet up with mumbo to talk about the architect project that we're going to be doing but also hopefully he can sort out that villager breeder and send over my new farmers because yeah this is gonna take a long time to do now if we're going to be meeting up with mumbo we really need to fix yeah we need to fix the Infinity meeting room because I borrowed and I do mean borrowed every single item frame and map in here because they're very expensive to make so I'm gonna have to transfer all of them over from the G team base back over here which is going to be an absolute pain feels weird being back in here to be honest with oh please tell me I didn't lose my stuff I completely forgot that the place is still booby-trapped let's see what the damage is oh no please tell me my stuff pickaxe is okay I think I lost my armor I can't I can't believe it that's so annoying I've lost so much maybe it's down here no oh I totally forgot about gimme gimme gimme never got used during the war unfortunately I think he's still here yet there he is perhaps we'll uh we'll put him up for adoption or something oh I really can't believe I've lost my stuff this is this is the most devastating thing oh yeah but of course the stick survived don't worry about that the sticks have survived please tell me there's just there just somewhere somewhere do you have any idea oh please I've got a box full of kind of replacement stuff but it's it's never gonna be the same oh this is not good not good at all I totally forgot about mumbo stupid traps we should have disabled these a long time ago I think I'm gonna have to accept that my stuff is gone properly gone out of everything that survived this is what I got left junk my electra all of my armor gone well there's no point getting upset about it let's move on we still need to go and get that infinity room set up cuz mumbos just come online to do the meeting I assume and now I'm gonna have to tell and now I'm gonna have to inform him what's gone on actually while we're here it'd be a really good opportunity to loot a lot of the stuff left in the GT bays I think it's every man for himself pretty much I don't think mumbos fake door traps got anybody except me and stress well stress is rabbit right well you know what I think I'm just I'm just gonna try and do this myself got to get in there anyway what do you oh no no no I forgot about the how did lighter on today today's just not my day where did this guy come from where did this guy come from on this episode you who are you state you like to be up there oh my goodness okay let's get this I'm I'm having a terrible day you have to reinsure on all of my stuff it's not gonna be fun I think we've all had these days in Minecraft but today is a particularly bad day I must admit I don't think I've died this many times in a row oh man okay give me an hour and I'm gonna get everything back the way it was and we're gonna continue like absolutely nothing happened okay let's see here I've got my trident fax machine ax machine suit machine mostly back we're back and absolutely nothing went wrong you know what I think just to be on the safe side let's get rid of those shall we let's just get rid of any chance that they're gonna blow up again I mean blow up at all oh goodness that took about an hour to get myself back where I was you know what this time I think I'm just gonna skip my own parkour oh look I did it you know I'm not even gonna risk this either listen let's pop on through go all the way through the maze yeah now I need to get back all of these now I've quite had enough of dying especially into lava so I'm gonna make sure that there are no accidents that happen in this room maps and item frames are very very expensive now there's another one here not gonna let this one get me either okay we're safe huh this meetings been a nightmare let's recover all of these lanterns this was a very expensive room to make okay I'm not gonna go and collect all this stuff again now I know it's a bit of a monument to this but truth is I really need these resources I think I'd prefer to have my meeting room back then leave this trap that didn't even get fought for false was too clever for it and we're done thank goodness for that and I have a feeling that this won't even cover everything that I need okay and now we can exit and I think since I've lost all of those items yet again that I had on me I should try and loot what I can from the gteen base and just get the heck out of here and never come back this this this war we may have won but I feel like I've just lost now to be fair most of these dispensers are actually mine so I think I'll just take these back to be fair there's not an awful lot of stuff that's of value and I think it's already been looted to be honest with you people have already taken the useful stuff I think this is our final goodbye to the G team base we won't be coming back here and I think as a little symbol of goodbye I'm gonna break the bed it's been fun cheating base except for the last two hours I hope that everyone enjoyed this war but I think this is the absolute last time that we will be back here goodbye G team base it's been fun I don't think you guys know how big of a deal it is to lose all of your stuff in hermitcraft like all of these tools are very expensive and all of these enchantments take such a long time to get back so I'm glad that it's back but what a waste of time that was I barely got anything out of it right let's go and repair this room so we can have our meeting with mumbo horn last one and it is officially complete I've changed it up with some quartz chairs instead of the Spruce ones and I've got like a little architect logo here now I had to change it up so that there was nothing attached to the sea lanterns but I think that looks pretty good this is this is a good start to do our meeting this will be the second official architect meeting all right now it's time to see if Mambo is ready Mambo finally hello you know the war's over right yeah it's funny that you say that I've it's it's been one of those things it's been I'm going to do list to get my must we actually look surprisingly similar ish with without me having a mustache on used to having the the no mustache and that's not okay that's why we need to go and get that mustache back on that face cuz it's been yes been off far too long you know what yeah I don't know if it's even worth using the machine for money anymore cuz it's not a pleasant experience for anybody the price is because yeah this is horrible I've received non-stop blood every single time I log on to the server either iske or Ren or someone will say something awful about my face so it is getting a little bit disheartening I have to say let's go get it quickly before the the whole thing is blocked off all right I'm gonna try and take off in your base okay cool my way oh yeah [Laughter] [Music] how you have so much issue and you're going the wrong way oh look at you know always just slightly more awkward oh yeah I was here not long ago and something yeah something awful happened right can you oh I can see there's I totally forgot that you trapped all this stuff I just I came blundering in like oh it's so good to be gone dude I lost all my stuff I've had to go and spend an hour read earring myself it's not been Pleasant oh I'm really sorry about that we even here you're on the bright side I mean you are the only person that got killed by one of one of the traps so I think this kind of this that summarizes my involvement in the war let's get this back on your face and never come back here ever again what's that thing like you should it should be that you you only see is 10,000 hours isn't it have you spent 10,000 hours on something you should be like an expert at it and I feel like that doesn't apply I've definitely spent 10,000 hours on Minecraft and I yeah 100% not an expert what does that say about us I I don't know and I don't want to think about it too much to be honest with you yeah let's go and put this moustache back on your face yeah yeah let's just let's just walk away from that problem just ignore it entirely all right I've got the I've got a dispenser here for you that's pop okay yeah do you have a liter or anything like that a lever would you like I'll do you like a shame booth a shame booth yeah shame booth while I'm changing you're gonna have to activate the lever of course oh yeah I got this way you ready okay yep three two oh wait ivan as you put the moustache back I put my hop in yeah you would have had half a moustache which is when this is happening tickles how how big is my moustache again it scales it scales okay I think that's it yes I think that's it empty how do I look like you've got wait what Mambo what's going on you've got double mustache I was like wait a minute something doesn't look right here you're like you like 50% more man now I'm making up for it all the time leave it like that now this is this is my life anyway what I've called you here for is actually the architect meeting the second one we've only we didn't really do much with architects yet so I think it's time that we did down yeah yeah I hate this place well I hate what you've done with the place so what do you mean I got two lovely chairs I know you always dude there's always there's always furniture set up in this strange kind of yeah void it's it's it's it's very us you know yeah well it's so that we can focus we're really focusing on what each other is saying I guess on that double mustache thing it's horrendous we're gonna have to we're gonna have to shave one of those off okay so I've got like a little architect logo here yep and basically my base is pretty much finished I don't know about you girls yeah it's getting there I mean there's still like a few projects left to do but for the most part it's it's almost done so I'm ready to get fully committed into a couple of architect projects and the only one do I really have in mind at the moment is the railway station that I've been putting off for about five months now well that definitely sounds good I've actually been in some way episodes lately I've been kind of throwing out this idea that I'd really like to make Amazon in Minecraft because I'd love it if there was some way that we could have a shop that sells everything and I mean I've always been kind of throwing out there as like a wouldn't that be cool it's only just occurred to me now that there's no distractions or anything like that and I'm staring deeply into your eyes that we could totally do something like this together so we make like a giant wet warehouse and do we deliver is that is that the the idea do we deliver to people I mean I don't know about deliberate deliveries would be complicated but I think some form of just gigantic store like a warehouse type thing maybe with some advanced redstone maybe with kind of like a semi delivery system type thing okay it could be done and I think it could be I think it could be cool and everything those things most things and yeah you do know that Khan Corp also sell most things on the server yes but we're more handsome kid you're right there yo you got you got me there but no I mean yeah they would be definitely I guess competition in a way kind of hadn't thought that far ahead but I just think it'll be fun to just construct something like that I like you know I'm in I am in this sounds like a massive massive project though yeah it's a big one I'm just starting to realize just like my witch hunt that I've started doing that's gonna take 1.2 million blocks to clear just as likely just as it's come out of my mouth just now I've just realized we might need help yeah I'm thinking the same thing well did you see his scales latest video or the one just I actually I actually I actually haven't explained at the end of the video he showed that he was the person that changed the sign that led me to the prank on the go ship so basically single-handedly is scale escalated the entire war into the whole G team versus star and that's pretty crazy it's pretty funny I mean it that was genius that is hilarious yeah it's really funny so I mean that's the sort of qualities I admire in someone you know marketing these got like you've got a lot of people involved often very simple action you could do with that so I'm should we invite him to architects cuz I mean we could really use the manpower something like this yeah we can always I mean he's just recently pressed he's placed 50,000 buttons recently so I'm sure he's open to more grindy projects exact by now if anything he can collect the courts okay well good though hmm why don't you leave the the invitation to me I'm gonna I'm gonna deliver it in his base in I think you know what we're gonna do is we're gonna get a letter let's go and write him a letter and then I'm gonna build something Matt oh the exits right here by the way okay yay you you can't just wander out of the room like that visible landmarks so I'm thinking we write him a letter and I'm gonna build something epic in his base to deliver it when I've got time what do you think right that sounds good to me I mean yeah I'm curious to see what this epic thing is going to be there's gonna deliver it because I mean III don't know yet but I'm gonna think of something don't you worry but we'll just get the letter sorted for now I mean what's he gonna say how long is it gonna take to write it scale faster you it writing [Music] what do you think of this what do you think take a look at that I don't even know if I spell architect right I was you know that looks good to me that's a true labor of love that is up that this will be studied years from now alongside I don't think this is even a formal invitation this is a discount architect Lowell all right sounds good to me man I'm looking forward to this one all right I'm gonna work on building the train station then while you start planning out some of the stuff for the amazon project but we need we need a name we can't we can't call it Amazon yeah have to you have to call it something else maybe maybe I'm amazed just amazing I mean we can be amazing it's amazing I think we should hear some of the suggestions in the comments and then hopefully we can work out something I mean we haven't started yet so we've got time to come up with a name of course no well I mean you know they came did they come up with architects I can't remember what was yeah it was originally build stone but Architects is so much cooler yeah I hear it I thought it was great at the time but alright sorry blasting their name I'll get back to my stuff now all right I said I said don't don't worry I'll get back to my stuff now yeah I'll get back to my stuff now I'll be off it's been nice seeing you mate I'll see you soon as I was saying it's been nice to see you after that I'm afraid that is all we have time for in today's episode yep I'm in the zombie farm right now because I'm trying to get a bunch of trident so I've been here a while now and I've only got one Trident basically because of this whole warehouse project that we're going to be doing I think a really good thing to sell would be did you dye boxes just because of what's happened in today's episode I died three times and I lost all my armor and it was an absolute nightmare so what I'm thinking is I sell a full shocker box full of tools so you would get a trident two pickaxes sword shovel axe and then all of these things as well and I think that would sell really well and I'm gonna charge over the odds for it so I need to collect a bunch of Trident but be honest with you these boxes are what I would use if I died but I thought maybe I could make you know ten of them maybe and sell them at three stacks of diamonds because you know if you die in an episode you don't want to spend an hour getting your stuff back so there's such a demand there that there is a good opportunity for some business in there well you can see how much I've been farming here but regardless thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you've enjoyed this episode in particular it was very very funny and also very painful and I look forward to seeing your suggestions in the comments let me know what you think and all of that kind of stuff thank you very much for watching everyone and good
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,855,102
Rating: 4.9588656 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, minecraft, mumbo, architechs, episode 50, hermitcraft 6, xbox, pe, pocket edition, ps4
Id: zaohQ3V_Afo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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