Hermitcraft 6: Episode 68: I BROKE SAHARA

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now in order to know why I'm farming all of this wheat we need to go back a little while because I've been busy for the last couple of days working on well many things and let's start off with the base well I say the base of the house on Sahara Street as you can see it's no longer blank walls and nothing else I have spent a long time detailing that and I actually time-lapse to the whole thing so let's play that really quickly you've seen me build this house last episode but it was so undetailed that I needed to do something about it so I went and added windows everywhere and loads of trapdoors but what you don't know about this kind of time-lapse this represents like twenty or thirty seconds of the video this took about two hours to do and you know what's really annoying I tried to use scaffolding but it's so fiddly to try and place it in the right way that I ended up just going back to using dirt scaffolding in the first place anyway I think that went pretty well hello my name is green and welcome back to another episode of hermit craft but building that house is not the only thing that I've been doing and it still doesn't explain why I've got so much wheat outside the main village the reason is actually fairly simple I have been gathering wheats to make bread and I've been kneading bread to feed all the villagers because I have repopulated the village for the second time using this thing and my goodness it has spawned in so many iron golems seriously there's iron golems out there that have wandered about there's one two three four five six seven here they're all naturally spawned but guess what most of the villagers have vanished again it's unbelievable seriously these villagers do not last very long there's one guy here that's still remaining that's great I think there's still a couple roaming around I'm still yet to figure out where they all go like there's one here and there's one over there I released about 20 or so and what the heck looks like there's a villager stuck in here the Salman house oh it's not even a dump oh my goodness no way I think he's stuck is this the salmon ghost making a return oh my good you know what I'm not gonna disturb this guy this is hilarious I'm not really sure what to do with this because I think he's gonna be spinning on this pickle for a really really long time that is amazing and the fact that you could see him from like any angle so there is officially more iron golems than villagers here but there is a few roaming around which is a really good sign but it looks like yeah more more breeding has to happen I must say that the 114 village really is growing and it is it's really becoming a really cool little micro community like all the Hermits obviously have all the blocks that they need to build anything and that's just great another thing that I thought I would do while I was here oh I've got a visitor Green you've got a friend you got a friend hold on bread do you guys want some bread rendang says yo G hold on another thing that I did was I went mining oh yes it's happening I'm just gonna I'm just gonna keep repopulating in here why not they're not going anywhere I mined a load of diamond doors and there's a quick time-lapse over there I didn't last particularly long but you know how I feel about diamonds there's something about this particular block that's just a magnificent so let's see how many diamonds we get out of this oh pretty good pretty good pretty good forty-three diamonds not bad that the child can totally open doors excuse me no bat you're just like your dad you are well there goes that idea but at least you know I could just keep throwing these guys bread to be honest that's why I got all this wheat in the first place so the I'm basically going to have to keep up with giving all of the villagers loads of bread so that we can keep the population high enough to sustain itself if we lose all the villagers that's it that was that's a good little top up for my diamonds well we've got some of the villagers here they're all sleeping over here maybe I can just give them bread ahead of time they should pick all that up none of the villagers are sleeping here anymore so this is this is a wreck well since we're still the biggest house on Sahara Street I don't feel any inclination to build any more on this because I'm actually really really proud of this one I think it looks magnificent with all of the details now added our dare I say it this is like one of my favorite builds of the season like maybe not my main base but it's really refreshing to build in a different style whereas Mambo he's gone for well he's gone for the same style that he's been doing the rest of the season I've really enjoyed this I love the way this all fits together but as we close up the rest of this little farm here because I'm gonna need as much bread as possible I actually think it's time to head back to the old lands and have a little meeting with either Mambo or is cow or both of them and we need to work out what exactly we're going to do for the grand opening of Sahara because as far as I'm aware it works we just need to open it let's head back now and see what's going on holy moly zoom has been doing some work that looks amazing the way that this looks like with all the skyscrapers beginning with scaffolding this is amazing so last episode we set up the red ribbon in order to get the what the heck I made this red ribbon for the grand opening it's coming soon but it looks like there's already a line oh my goodness what's this so that there's fall see first in line then there's people said why is it taking so long then there's a family of phantoms I'm bored mommy it's like when a big corporation releases a new product that people have really excited about or like a new book that everyone's been waiting for and they line up outside overnight that's exactly what this feels like I think Sahara has has done its job of creating some hype but as far as I'm aware there's still potatoes stuck in the system so I'm just gonna leave that for now right hopefully I can get hold of mumbo and Eskow and we'll have a quick little meeting to decide what to do Sahara is brilliant what yes does that mean it's brilliant it is brilliant I mean what what do you mean by what does that mean is look around you're not seen it well I know that but from a technical report I don't know what that means does it mean it's working completely and flawlessly it just means that it's brilliant also don't actually read that book I lost the real book this this Oh see now here's Eve now right okay I mean you you're coming in here you blasted us for our tech report writing but you don't even have the decency to keep hold of the terrible has exactly the same content as the one we had so well okay so Sahara is brilliant okay and I think we remember I think I think we said that it was going to be finished soon ish as well which was suitably accurate I would say yeah there was a few problems but we've we've patched what I've patched up some of them a Scouts been doing some work as well I think I think Sahara is now fantastic yeah is it fantastic it is I love I love the morning fantastic you know really yeah this really does say everything hey I found it in the I trade center oh all right yeah why don't we go and see if it actually works come on let's go and see it in action break I knew I was on to something else Cal by making that massive hole I've been saying it's just a bold architectural decision there's also a bit of a queue outside I don't know if you guys have seen I owned this like great ribbon for the grand opening oh nice yeah there's a queue outside where it will it my goodness like a bigger Asian all right come on then show me show me how this works okay yeah the lights stuck I don't know what's going on there oh no someone send stuff here oh yeah we have no stock at the moment this what this shows right I have not not buy the second lamp means that it's failed no it's found a decoder and then it's failed to shoot out the schalke box that's weird so I must have been an item that it wasn't in the system well they say you're telling me that it's broken wait well it's just just someone sent the night I mean that shouldn't be sent in to the system oh that's not good yeah Korean I think I know what bro - have you been pushing okay if there you know what like it's gonna head back here results ago we said do not touch any of redstone we can make it rollercoaster for you but don't touch any Reds I didn't touch any redstone I didn't go anywhere near the redstone I was just looking around trying to make it work is there a chest back here by any chance somewhere no no what do you mean you're looking for oh no the dropper here is that something to do with it oh no no what about here no items go gray are far okay I suspected this alright I've been reading through my youtube comments okay and I've heard news about a certain spud that has entered this Horace but might actually have your name on it still says baked potato I thought I could just make it work because there was nothing I heard you guys at finished from the tech report so I was like oh you know it's a holiday finish we said brilliant yeah it's really doesn't finish so I was like oh yeah what if I just throw I mean it's real question though how do we defy tato the Sahara machine well I don't know we didn't plan for this we're gonna have to rebuild all of it right okay see you in three months [Laughter] and get that potato out of the machine oh so it's all the way over here yes it goes away your potato has traveled far far my debris what if the customer decides to throw stuff in there it doesn't matter because they're not five-year-olds yeah well they're not five-year-olds and the system will be locked like the decoders will be will be filtered oh my there's a lot of junk in here I found I found there was a potato jamming the entire thing I'm gonna keep this potato forever we had a spud jam yes right well this begs the question since we're actually in the stockroom at the moment what are we going to stock Sahara with because the grand opening is obviously coming soon ish and we can't open the whole thing because there's far too many items so we need to choose very carefully just to select few items to sell sound obviously sad only one that can't do that right I'm skipping on to now so stage behind this going you got to really commit some know that this is why Korean is the receptionist's okay say sand what else what else to really rocket I hate here's yeah here's our eyes it's good golden potatoes golden no golden carrots not having more we're not having more spies and a purse no yeah ice why would we sell ice golden carrots right anyway yes then yeah Rocky is sand and then we need something else why end and their pods all pods glowstone blocks yeah we could sell we could sell the things that your which farm makes like redstone yep redstone gunpowder stain again that's the only is the only the only problem is that the only two people who buy redstone would be you and you and me let's you know not worry about that we've got sting like a cell so we've got to get supply into palm yeah okay just supply right we've got enough items but we're a bit limited by something at the moment oh yeah I mean you guys told me we needed an insane amount of shocker boxes so I went and busting for it and I got a few but you told me we need like this gal told me we needed 1400 or something ridiculous idea I got like 100 shelter boxes yeah so originally I think we needed 1400 I think now with the re the changing of the system I was just white noise in okay I was just okay to stuff so 600 600 we need 500 boxes so plan of action shocker boxes grand opening it's happening when soon that's good mumbled that's that's like brilliant he's getting man he's saying he's the new tech lead if I can shut down Sahara with one potato you guys aren't doing your job properly I'm just saying chuck it in who gave him a hard hat where'd it go Erik there it goes bye-bye potato well I mean that could have been worse that's just gonna sit there now so someone make make him win this doesn't mean that he's gonna persevere doesn't it oh no where can i Jam a potato that is really going to break Chara I just want to prove a point there it goes it's off oh it's disappeared someone I want that potato on my desk by morning all right so so sit by soon do we mean just soon and we say I'm vaguely soon vaguely soon hopefully within the next week but no promises who knows there might be a potato fiend in Sahara okay shall we put that on on advertising material will open hopefully soon potentially within this week possibly maybe maybe yeah look forward to a perfect yeah alright then so we have a pretty good plan to get Sahara open and done with meaning that this Ruby we'll be coming down soon [Music] the reason we're not giving an exact date is because we just don't know how long it's going to take but one thing that I've been wanting to do for a really really long time is just make the entrance to this a little bit nicer looking because it is just grass at the moment and I can see that false is like added a little trail here but I want to add something a little bit more official to this just so that it's ready for the grand opening nothing too over-the-top just a big straight line of concrete now if I destroy the blocks underneath these armored stands is that gonna ruin anything the last thing I want to do is get rid of the customers we have in line it looks okay it looks like they stay in the air whoo I took a risk and it was worth it oh no oh I was so wrong this just keeps getting worse I've just I've just digging myself a hole why is this so much sand here okay right well I have to do this the difficult way now so what I'm gonna do is just keep placing this and eventually push it all the way back up to the top and last one ow are you spitting at me No bad llama bad llama that was an absolute nightmare there's still not in the right place but it's better than nothing at least so somewhat fixed you know I'm just gonna leave it like that I can't put water on this track because otherwise it's gonna push all the armorstands and I don't want to get rid of our customers add a few vegetation decorations on the side and then we can roll out the red carpet well most of the red carpet for all of the people visiting there we go the red carpet has been rolled out it's looking very Christmasy which wasn't my intention but I would say that this definitely helps promote the fact that there is a bit over to do with Sahara and hopefully this will start gathering some attention if it doesn't we're definitely gonna have to go and remind everyone about the grand opening because we need some of our fellow Hermits here to buy some of our stuff but I think that pretty much does it for Sahara until the grand opening of course I am gonna go and have to go end busting with Eskow and mumbo at some point we're gonna have to organize that and then when we have enough shelcha boxes there's absolutely no reason why we don't open finally and more people have tried out my course I know that ex I assume a void has tried it and Ren has tried it with a terrible score of two minutes 44 that's that's almost double mine that's pretty terrible and the diamonds are coming in a magnificent rate this is really good news because I can take this business idea to vex tank which is scars and cubs little adventure thing it's kind of like dragons den or Shark Tank where you propose a business idea and then they decide whether they're gonna give you financial backing if we take the idea to them maybe they'll give us some diamonds to set up the company but for now let's head back to the 114 village because I'm guessing that enough time has passed that all the villagers have disappeared again looks like there's still tons of iron golems so many iron golems I don't even know what to do with all these oh my goodness something's not right here something's definitely not right here I guess we could just kill them for some iron but that doesn't make any sense it would just leave them there and oh no Oh No uh well it was inevitable wasn't it he's right here Mambo's is right there look at this my house is still intact but Eskow he isn't even Bob this is is this cheating this has got to be cheating right he hasn't done anything to his house here he's just built a new house and attached it to a up balloon this is ridiculous it's even this is definitely an up house oh my goodness if he's actually designed it is in very Disney fashion oh my goodness so does this count is this is this fair I suppose there are no rules there's no rules on this so I makes my house look small now and what's Mambo been doing sorry what is going on here Mambo has built his house taller than mine he's got like a platform and he's made hold on he is encroaching on my space he's attached he's attached this platform to my chimney I said I did say that there were no rules this has just sort of sprung up out of nowhere he's blocking me he's totally trying to block me there's nope nah there's no way there's no way that this can happen I'm just gonna build around this mark my words mumbo this house is this house building competition has only just started I'll get round this a tower that you've made but I think I think we've got to do something about this because like at least mumbos playing fair game right his is attached all the way to the ground this girl has got a big gap so I think next episode we've got to bring this down to where it should be and we'll figure that out next episode I cannot believe this I cannot believe this looks like the building competition has officially begun and I'm gonna have to build my tower up and beyond and above that well I'm afraid that's it for me everybody thank you very much for watching whoa well what's this vibration look at this also here is a very quick trick that we pulled on mumbo at the end of our Sahara recording I've put this trick on several people and it's amazing how often this works so let me let me take you in on it so basically what you do is you say to your friends do you want to see a magic trick and they say yes in Minecraft and you tell them to you tell them look at you and you press f1 and you log out and it looks like you vanish instantly this is what happened when we did this the mumbo right right hilarious
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,858,332
Rating: 4.9613175 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, sahara, episode 68, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, minecraft hermitcraft, season 6
Id: jz-6PUTIbEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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