Hermitcraft VI 072 | FINDING THE FIRST FLAG?! | A Minecraft Let's Play

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I find it remarkable, how very displeased a vocal subset of the G team fans are in the comments of Doc's and False's videos. Apart from the fact that ender pearls are not strictly forbidden, there also was no ender pearl usage that really affected the outcome of the entire heist.

  1. The backside of the G team base is not outside the war zone. In fact, the legit entrance and various fake ones are back there.
  2. Using ender pearls to get into the open hole in the window could have been replaced by half a stack of dirt for exactly the same result: Two Star members enter the base through an unsecured entrance.
  3. Stealing is explicitly allowed. (And that's something Grian himself said way back when they met at the ceasefire flag for the first time.) All the potions Doc used were left in unsecured chests by the G team.
  4. Doc using ender pearls to skip past the parcour is completely unrelated to the outcome. He didn't see anything on the inside of the lava maze or the infinity room, so all he could do (including acting as a "name tag beacon" when False was in the whitest of all rooms) could have been done from in front of the parcour room as well. He was merely spectating and providing moral support.

And no, they didn't lose four lives, Spoiler.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/TheRealWormbo 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Let's just hope everyone can relax and just enjoy this despite all the unjustified hate that it's getting. It'd be a shame for them to have to stop dong competitions just because some people get a little too caught up in the fan hysteria.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/StyleNine 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

damn, false is the mvp

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PsychicTempestZero 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody what the back total episode of heparin chrome season 6 today is a quick entry because I'm about to message doc and tell him about something I found with the G team bass guys I have found an entrance and enters into it that is completely legit completely legit way to enter it and we're going to go ahead and because obviously we've got the free flags you need people's bases so I've got free Flags down in our base three flags over in their base and basically the idea is to go into each other's base and try and get the flag so because I found that entrance now I'm gonna get myself and Doc over there we're gonna enter the base and then we're gonna try and find the first flag no one has I think taking any of our flagship I've just checked our Flags are still there and no one on our team has get any of their flocks it's the first flag we're gonna attempt to try and get today I don't even know where they've got them I've literally not been watching any of their videos at all I have no idea I know it's basically out I know that they've got stuff on the ground so I think this top parlor base I mean oh it's big enough to have rooms to be honest but I do think going down is our way to go so that's what I'm gonna do get doc we're gonna go down there and try and get low it down in their base to try and find the flag so fingers crossed this works hopefully doc is down to do this yeah enjoy the video guys doc you down there yep I'm there I'm getting my stuff I'm coming higher in the armory noise happening yeah we need to gear up dude I've seen something but he's gonna get in to their base you think so I think so it's gonna be sweet okay okay tango is on but I think we're live-streaming yeah I do something else uh-huh alright yeah let's go let's go UK it up you ready yep I guess yeah maybe some more in the past but we can grab them right alright let's go let's go okay right be careful it's just round the back of the building so we need to watch out for mobs okay okay there are some phantoms behind us as well you might want to hurry up yes actually if we if we wait by the door who said oh god baby zombie baby zombie baby zombie there we go nice nice okay yeah yeah that's fine are you alright install that cool so yeah there's a hole can you see that in the glass yes up in the glass on the left hand side that's like hole oh my just above the grey stripe well here we have miss she's pretty smokes they left side yeah in the glass just above the grey stripe oh yeah yeah I see it I see it as a gigantic old I was looking at the lower ring what the heck that's as soon as the security floor deluxe that is a big security floor they have security but works here so yeah if I do end up Ellen wait I'll help you brought to see you that bond look at the hordes of mobs over there all right oh it didn't work it didn't work I know I'm on the ledge oh it's a high that's I itas I'm on a Ledge there it is really difficult try and get to that bit of stone perhaps Oh made it you got it nice okay okay sneaks okay but none of them I don't think tango is here I don't think he's here but we want to be want to be sure so right all right I think how did they leave such a big hole did affect Oh Mike I'm assuming they fly in here and they didn't think an NP would work so I think that's what they're up to you perhaps right is this the elevator down I think so he was that someone was here did you see them what I didn't to do sure to rock it off no that was did you they were out the front somewhere I don't know anyway might be Cup who knows right all right head down going enormous never glue well I think that's where like their big bases right because at the top cycle open somewhere it's the room oh yeah we were here yeah wasn't that the room with Dahmer stands yes someone I think I can see the armor oh yeah yeah okay we came through here I kind of know where we yet okay this is cool so I think we want to get down into their vaults right I assume it's yeah because we're still on the surface here if you look out the window yeah so if we head down more I think that's pretty where they've got things oh man I'm so paranoid in here wait wait wait I see some particle astir I don't think that's a person it could be no it's not wicked you never know right let's see if we can find another way down then god I think the curb is yeah I think if we should rather go for speed then be too careful I mean I know if some often log on risk rules so way down behind you behind you I should be wearing a turtle head shouldn't I right head dammit oh you go ahead of mysteries I don't want to try it yeah you have a test dummy it's what you here for right okay these dogs drive me crazy man dogs oh can you hear the barking hey that's that stuff do you want to steal something look what is that oh that's an in this bonus day I'm taking debt okay by here you know I'm gonna take this squid head that's why they got healing potions here splash of healing I'm making two okay okay okay yes right I'm now a squid okay right let's head down again shall we look somewhat safe smell Therese I think they also got a maze I was just going down instead let's go down this looks like the place dude this looks like the place oh yeah okay I know they have yeah yeah I saw a bit of it I know for sure this is their downstairs part yeah uh-huh doodads dad figurines and you look at that falsies I know that yeah look look it's a uni in the tank is drawn yeah look some of them I mean you know obviously you cannot fully avoid stuff yeah so no they have fins down here yeah we need to really look carefully why am I on a spike that's what I want to know that's just plain rude Wow some sheep be careful we're pretty we're pretty reckless at the moment yeah I think it's just gonna walk in and be like oh hi guys okay this looks like it's just a farm yeah I should farm or something they made of cozies down here - yeah so I think yeah where did this is war maybe they don't have no traps at all we can just literally walk in and dig all the metals I mean we can just need we just need to find the room that has the banners in oh I think if we go upstairs maybe the traps are up here all the rooms are up here this is just there's portions here they got a ton of potions and things mm-hmm it's all stocked man we could good literary snack them all you're just feeling the patient's I like it you have an enderchest thank you have one somewhere yeah anyway I'm trying to work out how to get in oh wait that one's open we can't smash in doors just like that there seems to be nothing at these doors no this one says greens flag room of death can you see that opposite room Sami hi oh yeah oh wow they have security you gotta be careful I mean why is only one what is here no well okay no that looks dangerous in there who's who I'm saying why would you put stuff behind gasps hmm okay we've come here for a flag though dude yeah this flag on it I mean this looks also if there's no flag over here we got definitely got a check over there then yeah but this is like it's got to be a flag he come like this whose flag room of death this is oh are you sure I don't know if I want to go in there oh no looks dangerous oh no oh my god this looks real though look at it yes Elvis I don't know it could be a big ruse just due to waste leister you want to go for it I mean I don't know what does it say welcome to you star you have chosen to take on Green's flag defense system you have to complete two challenges to get to the flag it's all quite self-explanatory good luck 15 May joking right they've got to be joking let's go to be water below that they even got a badge here falsely this looks like a big ruse to me I don't know it's yeah difficult got this I hate parkour I mean I don't like it myself but I mean we could give it a shot or two we've got lifes to spare yeah I don't like the lava bear are you gonna try freakin said spawn here let's wait wait out and then maybe we'll give it a shot yeah i double-checked foresee like the only other room that is kind of open is the one that has that screams I'm a trap where they have all the time not going in there but I mean we got the potions it's their fault we got fire resistance so yeah but we're trying to play it fair if they set it up more like a challenge I don't know man like I think you know our mates like doom and death and distraction they are like hey ever little have a little pocket right now this must be rigged though I don't trust it but anyways ok faulty I've got the lucky squid hold on are you are you ready to watch me fail yep we said I'll spawn here yeah I'm gonna swim back here in just a second you ready oh come on you got this I believe in you ok I have the popcorn so long look okay one nice good start okay nothing happens - okay okay so you have to time the jump yeah that's difficult so long it stays out oh nice okay ponies out it stays out look at it Oh for how long I don't know maybe this looks like oh yes not a long enough repeater in there that thing yeah by quick quick triggering the pressure plate glitched it out perfect okay how did you see that I had it that's one left on okay so here you can't you can't you can - wait no I've got yeah the way it looks it is it's possibly you cannot make that last jump over to the edge right it looks too far so almost like there will be another piston coming out of the wall so you got a quick jump off that first one basically gotta go 1 2 3 to the end yeah and then jump on them yeah ok yeah right wanna try again we had one one life down I mean yeah one life keep track yeah okay this one's safe yeah it's retracting again Oh jump up one and see if you can oh well how did it welcome all because I surely jumped again in it went off that's enough there's another line there isn't there me to do oh wait what okay now it should be alright hmm nice nice okay yeah right this is the tricky bit okay yep so one two three yeah do you think there's a trapping boy of these I don't know we'll find out aha there's not a chap on this one okay huzzah yes nice oh I got a ding yeah okay so you made it and I stole the fire resistance potion of them oh yeah that means I'm just gonna pop dead dude jump in and have a swim I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it through Tuesday haha but it's legit we didn't bring the potion to literally stole it just now yeah right you saw it so that's fair alright okay okay the next skill bases that one okay oh it's done that time nice okay shall we go straight in do you wanna talk about it you go ahead we have us our official uh you know what you call it I was gonna lose anything I've already like I'm just small little support I'm not gonna okay all right I don't know what this pressure plate is gonna do ship treat I've just looked at the ceiling oh I'm not even in it should I be in it maybe it switches off again oh I mean I have to fire a resist I can look yeah yes I think we've got to speed through they will wait for it to leave okay cool yes whoa that was a close one yeah I'm gonna sprint in I'm gonna hug the left wall cuz that's the way I do amazes he's callus on yo it goes on he has not good he's gonna just like push me over there right I'm going I'm going yep I'm going left oh that was a bad idea right come pick out right right okay keep on going keep on going I'm going I'm going are you doing something with the potato I found love at the end oh no dude that was scary man it was coming either side of me oh do you know the way half of the way yeah but not not not like I couldn't tell you right left right left or anything it was too quick okay we need to remember so when you go in going left was already okay there was a dead end right right first term is right yeah okay let me I'm gonna try to write stuff down okay write it down right but try to call out I've tried to write down so the issue at the end I'm gonna tell you is that we I don't think we let the lava drain enough there's a bit of lag on this everything and it just all like I I ended up nearly walking into a larva I think it was the book but like path but there was Lovering the way so I think if we wait like a couple minutes we take its with you what as a panic Oh healing yes yeah yeah I stole the tooth there's more they should have their potions unguarded like it was the last fire resistance that's the only one I have there was not more sadly give it another shot I guess okay yeah okay okay call out to move so it was right right okay I'm gonna try I'm gonna try and do that if I don't do that just know that that's me panicking okay yeah no worries okay going right Yeah right right and then back again cancel one of these right left god oh no I went the wrong way again no not again death it can't be too long I mean you know if they put up this challenge like that this is a really tough chance we got it really gotta be careful and we don't know if a flag is there I mean if there's no flag I'm gonna lose it that's okay yeah right just I'm just gonna breathe for a bit okay no pressure no pressure Fozzie I got it yes yes okay okay I'm gonna switch off the lava is this yeah okay yes wish you off basically if there wasn't towards my name you might get to get through I don't what is there I don't know if I want to risk a life to be honest again let me read this sign to you it says congratulations you have finished my challenges the flag is inside and then there's a big white box go inside yeah I guess hopefully this don't drive be careful I think it's I am frames it is okay see you lanterns and item frames okay and then I'm gonna I'm just gonna hold shift all right I went down like half a slab oh carefully there's no more lava I can actually hear lava dude oh man this isn't good dude are you okay and he's come back towards you real quick all right I jumped okay backing up okay I mean I could I could you made it through now so technically I could skip the pressure played possibly wait a second I think I might find the way through so like it feels like there's a block in front of me oh wait it's another maze wait wait wait I'm here wait wait all right wait I've got it I've got I've got it you got the flag yeah gonna try and come back out of this room right yeah please don't shift on shift no no it's okay okay yeah I'm coming towards your name is why all right I do look this way actually okay okay I think there's not like a maze or something invisible means your skull is still on man aha okay right where's the exit is this the exit oh this is fine this is exit should I go down that yes I'm just gonna wait wait yeah I'm out I'm out wait wait okay I'm coming party lead this way yeah okay okay I think I'm in departing back that's cool that's cool let's get the heck out of here oh yeah one I'm alive I survived dad we got it look let's go okay hold it in your hand while we run out kind of a gentleman's you might need to give me some of your arm or something yes no you take all Dominic in here and food any food yes okay okay I mean the turtle head won't help you much so they sort pickax I don't need all of it I'm good right let's go let's go why did we meet when we went up here we we came down didn't he come down somewhere like here we jump down into this water pool way to Ndebele up there somehow right Green Giant green no deed we're stuffed what does that say it's go swag remove confusion okay there is another flag room there's another flag room I don't have a proper way up whatever there was an elevator in the indoor indoor dude there's a name as a name greens here literally dude sweet there's a way out here there's a way oh I need she sunk to the staircase the front of the staircase shifted this is the way out I don't know just go yes right wait wait dude okay how do you farm go okay wait oh there's the dogs we're here yeah I'm going up I'm out I'm out how do I get past this okay so you're in the pill okay go go go keep running just keep running as long as they don't bow and arrow me I'm good okay I just panicked no way ah you know what's actually really nice our traps are waiting on us nasty yeah that was that was salty better wait wait wait you're missing something I need to come with you man I can't get in the base well base is to say yeah yeah yeah yeah come over to llamas it here's a win yeah I'm coming right here oh yeah how many times did we die four times never four times all right yeah okay you've got the flag wait let's um what do we do man I'm quite confused okay I guess we put the flag into our our base yeah where the mister obeys they can't take it if you have it you know that's that's and you agreed on that by the way off camera guys mm-hmm if you have a flag and it's you can't steal it back because otherwise yeah let's just get it that safe first before we knew ICG reason wasn't worth it we got a flag display this dude oh no should we put them up on you what somebody done and uh do we have all our flag stuff I actually don't know should we can't quick wait we need to take out the the live Stoffer status also played cleaned mm-hmm well it's your lives you can take him off you got the pickaxe yeah that's true [Music] but I think it's that's all right you know technically we have 15 that would mean five lives per flag mm-hmm theoretically so we're up one yes we are so it seems they literally look like escalatory also I had a better day all the sign saying it is his map black room so they literally mapped it out for us and kind of made challenges they did that's one thing we haven't also just confusing yeah but I guess it's two different approaches I mean it's fair to der they took four lives of us you know so yeah it worked mm-hmm no way but we got the flag I mean yeah it was a good job we need two more days that's it if that's for four lights each that works at least you got what still got lives so yeah we know already we have a big advantage we know I mean III assumed they would close up the hole if they see the video who can't get in this way yeah but it was legit no block breaking just in the pearling in there right I mean it was oh yeah yeah I mean we could have also just you know used dirt blocks and stacked up right I mean that would have wait didn't you have an end because you know it was not it was not inside so yeah ender pearl was pretty much just a shortcut so I think that was totally fine yeah it wasn't only true so it's fine it counts yeah and of course guys in our state of confusion we accidentally literally miscounted the turtle heads I don't know how he did it we were so confused and so just no mo oh you oh no we literally was so confused I would just been editing and I feel like I'm mrs. shocked and I was like dude I think the miscounted I've already got three deaths in my whole fridge I cut it down a little bit so it wasn't like 35 minutes long but um yeah I mean 99% of what happened was in the video so I don't know where the extra death came from when it didn't exist in like how did I miss cat I literally Venetia reset myself for deaths it was my fault I did that so I'm sorry told you can't go back on the wall it's okay it's okay it's okay so wall looks a bit nicer now just a little bit nice we've got three deaths ah still a shame but you know what you know what it's not fun war without deaths wish they were more this this team rather than this team but you know what it happens but anyway guys I hope you guys have enjoyed this episode today if you have be sure wasn't even like on the episode that just tells me you guys enjoyed it and supports the channel immensely leave a like Olivia if you did enjoy it subscribe if you haven't already and I'll catch you guys in the next episode where we'll be continuing to try and beat team G team over there look about the big G the big G they coming down guys they're going down and we already have a flag and they don't have any of our flags we checked and nothing they're all still in our base nice and safe for now at least when I'm recording this tomorrow that could be different who knows because things are watching and I'll see you guys next time see ya when sternly approached the end of the video he clicked the subscribe button [Music]
Channel: FalseSymmetry
Views: 251,269
Rating: 4.8217435 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, falsesymmetry, hermitcraft, minecraft let's play, hermitcraft season 6, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft civil war, g-team hermitcraft, g team attacked, grian war room, docm77
Id: mEu4MVpsH3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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