A House with Every Building Block in Hardcore Minecraft

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i built a house out of every single building block in hardcore minecraft it starts off simple with me just using dirt and wood but by the end of the video i'm using a block of netherright and beacon for building blocks a house made out of every single building block actually ended up looking pretty cool so make sure you watch at the end to see the final result before we can start collecting all the building blocks we'll first need a place to place the blocks so [Music] i've cleared out this area here now i need to make the walls match these walls so with the power of editing boom there we go was that a smooth cut boy do i sure hope so now i'll make the blueprint for the house that i'll be building and for now it's just going to be made out of wood oh uh cut that so i'll go up here and and there we go we have a wooden house so throughout the episode for each block we get we'll replace one block of the house so by the end of this video this house will be made out of every single type of building block in the game um this is gonna take a long time so i'll do the easy ones first and as we get further into the video the blocks that i need to collect become harder and harder to find we'll start off just by getting all the different types of wood so here's spruce dark oak regular oak acacia and birch okay now we go down and craft all the different types of blocks we'll need and place the wood in i place it in the wrong way oh i forgot about jungle wood i can already tell this is going to be a challenge [Music] there we go so there's the floor but i also need to make all the different kinds of wooden stairs as well as slabs and i guess i'll just put them here and there we go so we have all the different types of wood in now the next type of blocks i want to collect are blocks from the nether luckily for us we already have a bunch of different types of nether blocks there are only a few blocks i'm missing from the nether now red nether brick gilded black stone ancient debris and a block of netherray whoa that's a big pillar why are you chasing me ben leave me alone okay here we go here's the fortress oh no way with a skeleton skeleton i could like three of them maybe i could put a beacon in the house too make a house with the beacon that would be cool there are a lot of mobs here i'm kind of just realizing this now [Music] oh my gosh okay well elytra is going back on that was way too close oh another one did they like change the loot tables i just need one more to be able to spawn a wither in and then i can get a beacon so that would be epic building a house out of a beacon before i even have a real beacon that'd be pretty cool there are so many mobs here [Music] okay i keep getting hit off please leave me alone okay uh inside inside is safe we're fine here oh there we go sweet three wither skeleton skulls okay we can make a beacon now why did i come in here again uh oh right another warts i need to get another ward so i can make the red nether bricks i don't think there are any netherwarts in this fortress oh so that sucks i guess i just need to find another fortress that's super annoying um oh there we go why is it purple that's so cool what i need to find another wart oh there's a chest there nothing oh here we go perfect finally have netherwart and now we need to find a bastion i think i saw bastian by my spawn before oh here we go all i need is gilded black stone oh cool this is in a slime chunk that's awesome because i i definitely need slimes i guess i'll just place them here so we have all the red biome blocks and then on the other side i guess we can do the same thing with the blue biome boom okay soul sand soul soil and bone block assault netherrack nether quartz nether gold blackstone frying obsidian bricks cracked bricks polished chiseled to polish and polished basalt and we can also make smooth basalt forgot about that there are the three types of nether brick is that really the texture for cracked nether brick that looks so weird gilded black stone glowstone and finally we can place the red nether brick in so now we have every single block from the nether with the exception of ancient debris netherrate block and a beacon but all three of those things we're going to be adding at the end of the video so for now we're completely finished with the nether now i'm on a mission to get every single die in minecraft so to start off i'll see how many types we have just to clarify i'm getting all the blocks from the building blocks tab of creative mode there are some blocks like a block of redstone that are in the redstone tab for this project we aren't going to be worrying about getting those blocks okay we actually have a ton of dye literally all i need is yellow dye oh right here and brown dye and boom there we go all 16 dyes are right in here in this chest so i'll grab a bunch of wool oh uh and make one type of each wool there are 16 different types so i'll just make it this floor here if i make it this floor it'll go almost all the way to the end there we go all the wool is in place i need to get a bunch of sand so i can make glass and concrete this part is going to take a while for me but for you it'll just be a couple seconds so oh hey buddy how's it going all right i've made all the stuff that uses the different die but there's one more type of glass i need to make and that is tinted glass to make tinted glass i actually need to use amethyst sharp amethyst amethyst shard so i need to find one of those balls of crystal and i know i've gone past one in this mine oh why am i lagging oh i'm lagging because i'm underneath the pig farm uh that's annoying oh there's a mine shaft here okay probably where my chest plate um i'm glad i put the chest plate on okay um what is he what are you doing is he he's like bugged oh no he's he's fine you're you're you're fine all right see ya oh here we go oh uh sorry chicken sweet that should be everything from there to place all these in i'll start with the glass perfect next i will add the different types of concrete [Music] there we go now i need to make one of them concrete and leave the other concrete powder so i'll just do this water did it work perfect now for the amos amethyte so for the amethyst stuff i guess i could put them at the front here there's no way to get budding amethyst so those are the only two blocks i can get in game [Music] and boom there we go this house is already starting to look really cool and when we start putting the blocks of diamond and then the right and the beacon in it's definitely gonna look even cooler so make sure you keep watching to the end we've now reached a point where the blocks we need to get are starting to get really hard to find so we need to start off by getting some spruce saplings there's a specific type of dirt that i need to collect and that dirt will grow underneath one of those big spruce trees all i need to do is this and then boom and this is what i need well there we go that's one block down there are some pumpkins over here and i need to make some shears and i need one more because i need to make it a jack-o-lantern now i need to go somewhere snowy because i need to get a block of snow okay uh this isn't how you do it uh how do i do this oh that's not what i wanted to do yeah there we go so i just need to collect some snowballs throw some at the towns people oh quickly turn it into a block of snow out and we're good i also need to grab a bunch of kelp to make kelp blocks this should definitely do it yeah that's a lot of kelp with that kelp i can make dried kelp block there we go and this is where it gets really challenging i guess i'm just going to go in this direction so there are three biomes that they need to find mesobiome the ice spiked biome and the mushroom biome i have no idea how long it's going to take hopefully not too long oh sweet alright so i'll just grab some of these and that's it now i can head back i fixed up my elytra now instead of going this way i guess i'll go this way i still need to find a mesa biome and one of those spiked ice biomes so after i get those it should be the last of the flying around aimlessly hopefully [Music] oh here we go perfect i was in the middle of drinking water oh there's packed ice yeah i only needed one so that should be enough now we just keep going until we find a mesa biome oh we finally found the biome that is a relief it may not seem like a big deal because it was just a split second between the ice biome and the mesa biome but it is a huge pain finding these different biomes [Music] oh wait i actually need all of these blocks i completely forgot about this biome yeah i need all of these that is really lucky that i ran into this i can start placing on all these blocks i can add all the blocks from the ocean monument the regular sponge the wet sponge prismarine prismarine bricks dark prismarine sea lantern and the different blocks from the end okay so all the coral blocks need to be on top of water there needs to be water underneath it like that oh i should probably put it on this side then on top of it i can put another layer of the same blocks and the top ones will turn into the dead coral and i can also place in the blue ice right beside the packed ice i don't think there's a way to have ice in the house because i do need to have the house lit and that'll always just melt the ice sand sandstone caught sandstone smooth sandstone and chiseled sandstone i'll also hop up here to add the different kinds of slabs as well as the stairs just like that we're finally in the home stretch of this massive project so the next thing we need to get are all the different types of ore and stone variants getting all the ores on their own is easy but the thing that makes it difficult is getting all the deep slate versions of the ore deep slate emerald ore is actually the rarest ore in the game so uh yeah this is gonna take me a long time i guess strip mining inside of the vein of deep slate is the best way to find these deep slate ores there's iron redstone i already have redstone we have all the different types of deep slate ore except for diamond and emerald and we strip mine to this entire vein of deep slate so i guess now we'll just strip mine normally oh okay uh oh that's lapis and that's a creeper oh in diamond sweet here's the lapis oh that's a deep sleep diamond that is so lucky and boom there we go deep sleep diamond door and now we can just grab the regular diamonds there we go okay perfect i didn't expect to get both types in the same vein but yeah i'll take it so now we have every single type of ore and the deep slave version except for emerald which is the rarest ore in the game so i've done a bit of research and out uh i know that emeralds only spawn in mountainous biomes and deep slate emeralds can spawn in either a rain of deep slate or in a vein of tough apparently is this a mountain biome yeah this is mountain biome i guess i'll just dig down to where emeralds are i guess i'll just start strip mining here in the deep slate oh wait what i just started uh i just got the rarest door in the game in like two minutes i guess i just need to find regular emerald lore now so okay uh people are gonna think of cheating well that was extremely lucky i guess all right i just spent the last hour collecting honeycombs and crafting all these blocks that i'll need to place so finally we can place these into the house there we go so there are two blocks i need to do this one's gonna be a beacon and this one's gonna be a block of another right when we get those blocks adding those two blocks will 100 complete the build so before we do that we need to finish the rest the only other type of block we need are the different blocks of copper we need to get the different levels of oxidation on them so i'll lay them out like that then i guess just wait until they oxidize this is another one of those things where it's a split second for you but for me it'll probably take like an hour so yeah okay it's been two to three hours now most of the copper is completely oxidized so i'll need three of each type and i've been told if i right click on the oxidized copper it'll turn it into weathered copper so let's hope i didn't get lied to nice i didn't get lied to let's go now i can use the honeycombs make them waxed so they'll stay like that now we have every single type of copper so boom believe it or not this is almost every single type of building block in the game just quickly this video is sponsored by my twitter yeah that's right less than one percent of my subscribers are actually following my twitter so go give it a follow i post pretty cool stuff on there like this picture of my 100k plot huh that's that's pretty cool right so yeah go follow my twitter alright that's it the next thing we'll do is get a block of netherrite and ancient debris and we'll finish off the video by killing a wither i don't have much gunpowder and i only have a stack of tnt so i'll quickly go to the sandpit also by the way the sandpit is what i call my discord server yeah this is a good plug i think but yeah go join my discord the link will be in the description i'm on y14 that should be good i'll just take out a little area here i'll start with one tnt and let's see let's see what that does all right and then i'll just make a little bridge across and do the same thing and i guess i'll just keep doing this until i run out of tnt all right and just like that i got enough ancient debris to make a block netherride so i'll smelt all of these except for a couple and i can turn it into nine netherride ingots now you may be wondering why i would make a decorative block of netherrite before upgrading my tools and armor and to that i say i don't know let's do it and boom nice it took me like two hours to get this uh at least it looks pretty cool so that's you know that's something before i actually put those blocks in there's one more block i need to get and that is a beacon here's the three wither skeleton skulls that i got at the beginning of the episode and i can finally use them i'll just dig a straight line here and now that we're all the way down here i'll make a little box i think that's big enough and then play soul sand one two i should probably put my chest plate on for this three and then we can just stay back here and shoot a bow at it yeah this is uh [Music] this is really not hard oh there we go did i get it yeah another star perfect finally we can craft the decorative beacon that's right i'm not going to be using this at all it's not even going to be working it's just going to be decoration for this house sadly the ratio of blocks of stairs doesn't let you make a nice looking house that makes us have to use a bunch of duplicate blocks to fill in the rest of the house so i got a bunch of blocks i've already used here and i'll just go ahead and fill in the rest of the house [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'll place the last three blocks in there's ancient debris block of netherrite and the beacon nice it took me about three collective hours to get these two blocks it does make a pretty nice entrance yeah it was worth it and we finally have it this house is made out of every single type of building block in the game right now was it worth it to build this no you know what no it wasn't but we did it anyway and now we have a house youtube thinks you're going to click on this video you should probably listen to youtube or if you don't want to click on it then just keep watching this cool cinematic shot that i again spent way too long making if you're still watching at this point then you know you gotta follow my twitter that's the rules
Channel: sandiction
Views: 448,021
Rating: 4.9556718 out of 5
Keywords: sandication, new minecraft, minecraft snapshot, sand minecraft, hardcore mc, minecraft clutch, minecraft but, minecraft update, minecraft survival, survival game, new minecraft channel, fastest diamonds, ender dragon, steve, alex, op minecraft, how to survive, insane clutch, emerald, diamond, netherite, ancient debris, minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore survival, minecraft hardcore dead, lost hardcore world, saved hardcore world, hardcore world clutch, sandiction, sandtion
Id: wiUQR1s13lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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