100 Hours In Minecraft Hardcore: Episode 3 - BASE BUILDING!

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22 hours in and we've already done quite a lot of minecrafting we've got ourselves a base we've got ourselves some netherright gear and we most importantly have ourselves our elytra and i've discovered an incredibly dangerous hobby that you should never do in a hardcore world and that is fly into caves and explore the new 1.18 caverns they're absolutely magnificent however this is not a hobby you want to make a habit of especially as i'd say 70 percent of the time there is there is no cavern so you're just you're just you're flying into danger but i do need to get myself as much gunpowder as possible because i am on six rockets so despite what you might think 22 joel's here what are you doing joel oh get out of it so 22 hours in and we've already got a lot of stuff you might be thinking well what is there left to do in your minecraft experience well there's tons of stuff to do actually and now that i can fly i can properly explore the world a bit more but more importantly i need to spend some time fixing up what scar's done now what he's built is incredible don't get me wrong look he's been busy while i've been away i've actually been away for a week i've i've been skiing and funnily enough i went actually skiing with joel who is on the server right now i guess you can call me skian but while we were away scar has been busy busy building probably the most dangerous hardcore base that i've ever seen in my life it actually stresses me out to no end what scar has been up to he has no wings he has no nether right he hasn't even got diamond armor as far as far as i'm aware he spent his entire time making a base which he could fall off at any point i mean look how close scar has come to death already in this hundred hours in hardcore we need a whole lot more resources oh oh that's too hard to die oh it's gone it's gone there's a third one are you serious oh gosh oh oh he blind and no scope oh shoot it's a miracle that he's at 30 plus hours even creepers need someone to hold them sometimes there's also something else that i desperately want and hopefully joel isn't at his house now last episode when we went to the end he actually found a music disc that i would really really like he just he just casually picked up the most valuable disc or the rarest disc in the entire game other side now the great thing about joel is he's actually pretty organized so unless he's put this somewhere special we should be able to find it now where would he put discs i've run out of rockets i'm gonna have to jump back joel's made a tunnel all the way through the mountain to my house so useful oh i'm gonna get home and play this song and we could play i gotta say my opinion on the uh what new 1.18 music is exceptionally high i i really love all the new tunes they're different but not too different and i love that bop good tune to do some farming too and since i lost my trident let's try and get ourselves a brand new one and we got ourselves a trident again as a weapon the trident's pretty useless but there's just something about it that's so cool so i spent a little bit of time getting looting on my sword and guess what i found in my base just chilling there's a little jelly cat scar is going to be so jealous is there a way i could probably take this over little a little gift for scar no no my boat's too big big boat coming through why can't i get why does this not work can i reverse out i'm gonna regret this but i see no other choice okay let's take this jelly cat oh my boat's too big for that as well big boat wait what i can fit my boat through here but not there this game i tell you this game but i can't get it through the okay cool okay one jelly delivery to our friend with a death wish good times with scar [Music] did you see him mlg bucket oh scott you are impressive now dodge this anvil [Laughter] oh no it broke you're scared your videos are giving me a heart attack i need to do something you can't be scaffolding and just relying on the bucket have you got feather falling on you have you got feather falling on those boots no but i was going to ask you is there um yes any way that uh i i could get you into a deal for your boots no i'm not giving you my shoes what are all these beds over here uh i'm trying to to make this place a little bit safer so if you fall you're gonna fall on a lovely comfy bed oh dude that's so nice you're like you're flirting with death every episode oh right if you fall from here what happens you take a little bit of damage although i've got feather falling on okay i have i've no boots on so here throw me yours okay i need more i need more beds i've got some wool one sec and oh oh while joel's gone uh don't tell him i've got this but look look look look oh oh i like that i've never heard this song because it's so new it's the rarest disc in the game and joel doesn't know that i have it his first ever disc that he found in in the in the end in the stronghold he found this unbelievable it's such a bob he's here well hello there oh i appreciate this i appreciate this a lot so what i think we should do then is uh we'll get you kitted out and should we take him to the end to get some wings wait wait wait we're trying to keep scar alive if we give him wings and he dies through flying does that mean we killed scar because i don't want that on my conscience you know no i i strike it from the record wait it's getting it's getting night do you have a bed [Laughter] i don't know there's a couple lying around oh oh my gosh i'm going for it end of my hardcore series right here oh okay no no no three and a half hearts with no with no boots whatsoever okay scar you are thoroughly protected you are clear to work on whatever's going on over here that's my sheep pen what what why why are you building a sheep there would you would you would you like to ride the roller coaster now yes i would okay you click the button you get on the minecart and away you go who's first me there he goes this is bringing let's go oh okay oh that was awesome he's not coming with us and he looks like he's stuck on his own right oh no wait oh my gosh if this kills us i'm gonna be furious [Music] hello oh yeah have you done it have you not seen this have you not seen this it's definitely a small issue over here are we gonna start a raid wait wait no wait if you go to my base i've got villagers please they have family boots then grant give me your boots wait no i can i can i can i can preempt this quick quick quick quick quick quick one two three okay that's all i can afford i got three iron golems here that'll have to do yeah that's all like that's all i can afford i'm not giving you my boots okay but what about a feather falling far buck i was gonna give him that anyway you don't need to i've already got iron golems on the go oh that'll stop her full raid i'm sure course it course it will all right okay i'm going in oh he's done it okay so it turns out this is this is how far you can go oh i see the dude up there wait only one remaining is the angolans just taking them all out where what's going on up here yes it's doing it yes you hit me for half my heart okay we might need a little bit more hired help okay we've got ravager okay golems this is this is your time to shine wow oh there's a ravager with a dude on top of the ravager excellent this is where it gets hard oh that was such a good shot no i want to get rid of it i'll tell them if i'm dying should we um should we lighten the mood of this raid a little bit oh just there i hit him yeah this is how you deal with a raid you just get tons of golems just just just a couple of a couple of guys just listening to some music killing some creatures doing a dance no there's the vindicator there's the vindicator ah i'll just be about the way oh please don't oh there they are there they are there's a lot of them oh oh there's so many ravages more golems scarborough okay i mean i've got my totem it's okay let's go goon squad where's the last ones there's some up here oh oh i'm on three hearts oh yeah okay my karate chop did not work one left one left this has got to be the last round hey get goland yay i can't believe we did this on hard hardcore mode like why why what is it i don't know why also golems so overpowered you uh made the deal that we would save you we would come to your assistance for your issues i gave you the i gave you the book scar and i was gonna give you the book this was all pointless i was going to give you the book from the start for free you don't need my shoes but now we do have i i did think we were going to get more than this but um i've i've got a couple of total from this is a great time to go to the the end now we've got we're all geared out we've got some totem of undying let's go ska see you later pal let's go oh come on this our hole yep oh yeah is he alive unfortunately i've got no idea here green i'm going to be 100 safe here you take it no no whoa no you guys are the escorts i'll just be behind i got a water bucket i'll be okay scarf you want to feel put this on yeah if you want to feel like you're part of the gang you're part of the gag no it doesn't work though i mean we can why don't we test it why don't you look at this fella right here look at the sentiment no it doesn't work it doesn't get you guys my bucket's empty it's empty get out for the boats guys gotta get out of the boat oh my god goodness me i have some um some tears off he goes oh what happened oh guys guys i fell in love look at how slow my mouth is opening green [Music] don't worry i checked i checked that i triple checked do you want to end the pelvis one scar yeah i can here we go he looked at one he looked at one he looked at one guy you've looked at enderman oh my gosh he's still hitting me he's still mean stay here he can't get me now i got three hearts guys i got one hard you're okay you're okay stop stop stop oh wait no you're not okay now you're okay oh my goodness i see it i see it i see one what i didn't know it was possible to get a pickaxe that good if they've run out of blocks oh mark why have you made this out of trapdoors it's all we had i i can't i can't it's not always yeah but it's hurting me i have wings and this is hurting me i can't i can't get it oh i was gonna drop you at the last second can you just uh yeah thank you appreciate it what happened well he he closed and i closed it at the same time so we double opened it and it was nearly the end of scar series i did have a little sneak peek what was in the chest you are not going to believe it oh my gosh this better be good look at this i'm not i'm not going to take her this is this is scars this is scar's loot but look not that one what yeah but yeah look at that what yes this is what is the best pickaxe what look at that pickaxe [Music] [Music] i was like oh he's gonna make it i need to eat i need to eat all right yeah messed it up all right oh i'm back can i can i spook them oh this is probably a terrible idea they're gonna they're gonna spawn back in and just start going off the edge what's going on what's taking them so long wait wait wait scott's gonna come through where is he quite the adventure oh nice [Music] oh oh oh gosh oh guys he's going to kill me oh scout oh my gosh scott it's dead it's dead skies it's dead i hear it it's still in my ears did anyone else see scott throw his sword on the floor what are you doing he's just killing all my sheep how are you no stop stop it's a massacre how did that drown get in here i was just just farming some sheep couldn't see him he got stuck here and i couldn't see him among the sheep and they were just dropping like flies what i want to do now is repair my sheep numbers and then gets cracking on actually starting my bigger build of this series not sure what that's about so i want to be building something more than just my villager starter house i actually want to make a structure that maybe goes here and the truth is i just simply don't have the blocks for it i'd like to make a reasonable start today but i need to go and do some uh some grinding i've been spoiled on hermitcraft for so long everything's kind of just available but i'm gonna need some grey wool i'm gonna need some concrete powder some pretty pretty dull things to get first stop sand and gravel right i've spent a little bit of time getting together some shulker boxes full of things i think i might need so here's the thing about what i want to build today i don't really really know what i want to build today that's that that's the main thing it's a weird way of saying i have no idea what i'm doing so what i have got is basically a whole bunch of shulker boxes now normally when i build especially in hermitcraft i like to meticulously plan you know on a on a private world on my own server i like to work out all the colors and the shapes and stuff and then go that's not right and then do this and then do that etc and it helps me save an awful lot of time because obviously survival building takes a lot longer than creative building because you've got to gather everything and mistakes are very very costly in time so what i like to do is plan them out i'm not gonna do that today and i'm going to possibly try and avoid it in the next season of hermitcraft although i i may renegade on that i don't know but this is a really good example or an opportunity rather to experiment with just winging it now winging it has worked for me in the past don't get me wrong my season 8 starter base totally winged it was on the fly didn't plan out too much at all just went for it my main base however you know midnight alley that was uh quite meticulously planned or at least parts of it were and the thing is about planning it out is well one you have to build it twice and two it's a lot less fun so what we're going to do is take what i've got here and you'll see it's it's mostly gray blocks i guess i do have some kind of idea i i know i want to build something gray that's about as far as my idea and plans go and i would like to build it here as it's kind of in the middle of everyone's bases so here's what's going to happen i'm going to whack down this music box and we are just going to build and we are just going to see what happens and what comes out of it i'm not gonna build the whole thing today that's insane but i will get i don't know something done maybe so let's put on some uh some other side and uh i think we could probably start with with some tough so you know the drill what we're gonna do well you know what i'm gonna say i'm waiting for the drop let's go [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well you know i think that looks pretty good pretty pretty good now you're probably wondering why there's floating and you can't see it but there is some string there it is just underneath it so that's how that's floating in the air i opted for a couple of times to change the materials you probably saw in that time lapse a bit more hesitation or trying things out getting the shape right seeing which angle of this would work best that's the sort of thing that takes an awful lot of time when you're doing it in survival mode and that's why working things out in creative can save you time because that sort of thing flying is definitely best but for someone who didn't know what on earth they were going to build and i'll be honest i still don't quite know this is pretty cool if i was going to be doing it again or be making alterations and i don't plan on making alterations i can tell you that i probably would have brought up so you see how i've done a gradient now i've done a gradient a little bit differently and by a little bit i mean a lot different to how i normally would as you can see i went for these really over the top accentuated lines instead of kind of mixing and blending it was a specific design choice and we won't know if it's going to work until i've started detailing it remember this is just your basic structure at the moment there's there's no decoration there's nothing around the sides here i don't know exactly what i'm going to do but i think it looks pretty cool it's stylistic and yeah i would have what i would have done is raise the gradient here on this side so basically you see how it slopes upwards for the most part uh it kind of stops here so i would have dragged this diorite a bit higher and the calcite and everything else what really stopped me on this build was actually the lack of materials i had to make several trips to get some diorite calcite but the big one the horrible one was this the quartz i have drained dry the local area of the nether and i have completely run out courts and i forgot how much of a pig it is to manually farm quartz as you know from hermitcraft normally i just use villagers to trade my way into a bunch of courts but there is there is very little easily accessible now even oh i've lied there's some right there now i did find a bastion nearby but i for the life of me it's so close it's literally so close to my portal but i can't find it now i wanted to see if there was a pig step there but it might be a bit of an unnecessary risk to go into a bastion at the moment i'm not exactly under geared but the piglin brutes they really pack a punch ah this this might be it right here this is probably i i can't believe i just found gold right there now what i want i'm not even sure if this is the same one now the reason that they're finding a bastion's pretty cool is because i think i want to use [Music] no what that was uh not very pro of me at all that was pretty poor fire protection boots oh piglet piglet yeah these guys absolutely pack a punch i thought you couldn't get through there i'm not actually too sure if this is the same oh you see that can they not get are they stuck i don't think they can get to me oh my goodness i think they're stuck unless they can get to me okay well what we got oh golden apple you know what i i i'm just gonna eat this now just for the extra hearts you know what all of this is pretty useful soul speed now the great thing about the bastion is that i want to make some stuff out of blackstone at some point and i can basically tear this place down to the ground but i'm gonna have to get rid of these guys oh there's quite a lot of them i don't know if they spawn back again okay seems to have got rid of most of them you know i'm not actually sure if this is the same bastion i found last time it might be it's certainly close enough i kind of want to dig around it instead of uh going straight through oh big step piece step okay um there's not a lot left i can get from here that's worthwhile in my opinion i can get some more black stone but i can come back and rip this place apart anytime i like i'm probably going to opt to not push it any further the only thing is i need to find my way back to my portal okay we're out the other side here right so here's our portals our portals are here and the bastion is literally just over here i just can't find where i managed to get in last time anyway the point is it's really close and i'm sure i can find it again but i'm leaving before i get extremely hurt mission accomplished and with that i think we should call this a day we survived 33 and a half hours so far and we still got lots of things to do mainly the wither so i shall see you in the next episode and if you've been watching this far well i've got a i've got a little treat you know you guys watched all the way to the end of the episode so um remember skiing from the start the episode well here's me actually skiing well [Applause] i shall see you in the next episode good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,018,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, hardcore minecraft, hard core minecraft, 100 hours, 100 hours minecraft, grian minecraft, minecraft grian, 100 days, hardcormode, minecraft hardcormode, minecraft hard mode, hard mode survival, 1.18, episode 3
Id: X8nzIBRxLAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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