Minecrafts Evolution of Transportation...

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what's one thing you have to do in minecraft move around how do you get from one place to another well either move there yourself or find some other means of transport and this of course can take time depending on where exactly you want to go but that being said the game has constantly been updated and changed throughout its decade of existence and players have discovered many other means of transport some intentional add to the game to help players and some well not so intentional there has been a massive array of methods of transportation throughout the game's lifespan and today we're going to be talking about their evolution from simple transport methods to more advanced and insane which allow players to teleport thousands of blocks in mere seconds we've got a lot to cover today and a lot to talk about so without further ado let's get right into it now to begin we need to talk about the most basic and earliest methods of transport added to the game the very first movement or transport based ability was of course the ability to walk a feature which was added to the game in its first public release all the way back in 2009. walking speed is roughly 4.317 meters per second this has not changed even in modern day as you move into minecraft in dev in june of 2010 the first actual method of transport besides walking was added to the game minecarts however when they were first added they were not writable and instead were just used to store items as right click them opened a chest which could be filled it wasn't until another in their version released six days later that minecast became writable with their textures being changed to what we know today at top speed a player in a minecart could travel 8 meters per second almost twice as fast as walking now during this time period the only rails in the game were the standard ones there were no powered rails so players would utilize a special technique called minecart boosting minecart boosting was where a minecart would go down a slope and touch another minecart on a track directly adjacent to it boosting them both forward and accelerating rapidly with some smart engineering you can make a railway track that had boost stations set up at proper positions allowing you to never lose speed minecart boosting got relatively advanced as displayed by the multitude of techniques showcased on the minecraft wiki now later in minecraft beta 1.6 during april of 2011 minecart boosting was removed with the addition of powered rails however in july of 2010 during minecraft alpha 1.0.6 about a month after minecarts were added boats were also introduced now boats also moved at 8 meters a second just like mine carts but didn't require any expensive infrastructure and could be used much more easily this would lead to expert players such as etho designing boat transportation infrastructure such as eats eats which stands for ethos advanced transportation system was a build which allowed boats to move at fast speeds by breaking up water with a block gap as ethos stated the reason why this design was better than a basic minecart system was because the system includes two-way traffic that can handle many uses at a time controlled four-way intersections the ability to merge rows together in a grid-like pattern maximum speed transport and abandoned boat handling allowing a rider to get off at any point this system was great for large bases of multiplayer but required a fair amount of infrastructure it would later be updated by etho but became obsolete by newer methods of transportation introduced into the game with later updates then in 2016 vote mechanics changed and this desire no longer worked then on october the 30th the nether was added but before we get into that consider subscribing if you haven't already as only a small percentage of you guys are subbed and it really helps me out anyways while not necessarily a method of transport itself it had the unique ability that for every one block you traveled in the nether you would travel 8 in the overworld so players quickly realized that they could shorten the travel time between areas of substantial difference by traveling through the nether instead now there is much much more to the nether and later on in the game's lifespan it became almost invaluable but we will get into that later in the video moving into september of 2011 now with beta version 1.8 sprinting was added allowing players to move at 5.61 5.612 meters per second while sprinting and jumping you move even faster at 7.143 meters per second which is almost as fast as a boat and a minecart then in november of 2011 version 1.0.0 was released and we had the additional potions to the game during this time the swiftness potions were added which would give the speed effect which increases speed by twenty percent at level one and increases it by forty percent at level two and then for quite some time there were no real changes well not until almost two years later almost two years later in july of 2013 horses were added to the game in version 1.6.1 a feature which had been requested for quite some time by players modders had added it a while back in mods such as the mo creatures mod in fact the creator of the mo creatures mod helped implement horses into the game and the modded horses were the baseline for minecraft's actual horse models now what makes the horses unique from all other methods of transport we've talked about today is the fact that they don't have a set speed they spawn with different speeds naturally and the fastest horses can go 14.23 meters per second which is crazy fast however that is the peak horse speed as on average horses only go about 9 meters per second with the slowest horses only going about 4.74 meters per second which is actually slower than a player horses also had unique jump heights ranging anywhere from five and a half blocks to only 1.25 blocks however horses only really improve upon player speed ever so slightly in the grand scheme of things they aren't really that revolutionary let's return to the nether now you see around this time let's say late 2013 to 2014 players discovered something it was known that if you used a boat on ice you would go incredibly fast in fact you could go 57.1 meters per second which was one of the fastest methods of travel in the game at the time but players discovered that if you set up ice highways in the nether you combine the best of both worlds a dimension where you travel 8 times faster and a method of transport where you travel insanely fast to go thousands of blocks in mere seconds and once packed dice a variant of ice which doesn't melt was introduced to the game in late 2013 this became an even more viable method of transport with many players setting up massive ice highways through the nether players also started glitching onto the bedrock roof of the nether and setting up highways there as they were much easier to build and didn't have any obstruction and this method would improve even later once again the addition of blue ice in minecraft version 1.13 released in july of 2018. blue ice actually allowed you to go even faster on boats traveling at 72.7 meters a second and to this day it's still common to see expansive ice highways and networks on many servers or welds but this was nowhere near the fastest or easiest method of transport still as it once again required significant resources and infrastructure to set up this is why as we enter 2014 there was a shift to focus on trying to automate transport with far less infrastructure and resources in september of 2014 the slime block was added to the game now before slime blocks were added to the game they were in a snapshot form for a while and basically the only thing they did was allow you to bounce on them that didn't have their stickiness properties thanks to technical server zip crowd who added their own code to make the block sticky the slime block was able to move other blocks and mojang liked this feature so much that they implemented it into the game zip crowd also invented the first ever flying machine which are contraptions that can continuously fly through the air from location to location and this was revolutionary as utilizing boats you could sit on the flying machine afk and let it move for you as long as you liked and to this day flag machines are still used often for not only transport but for farm designs and perimeters anyways flying machine designs are still evolving and becoming faster and more efficient to this very day but previously their main downside was the fact that they were actually slower than walking however these days some of the fastest flying machines get up to 5 meters a second now while this does sound slow you have to remember that these can be fully afkable and due to this the speed is kind of negligible it's just awesome to see how the redstone engineers from many technical servers have improved their designs over the past years since we're on the topic of technological or advanced method of travel i think it's time to talk about piston bolts now while they were first invented by test 137e29 all the way back in february of 2012 they didn't become that well known to the public sphere until later years where tech servers such as scicraft would implement them in their nether highways piston bolts utilize a feature whereby minecarts are pushed by pistons onto curved rails when done in a straight line you can travel roughly 20 meters a second and when done diagonally you can go 28.2 meters a second scicraft has perfected the piston bolt and no mango has tested designs that can later go around 34 meters a second however while piston bolts are very fast and efficient they take substantial work to set up as they require rails in a specific curb position as well as a bunch of redstone pistons and infrastructure they are also slower than ice highways but do have the advantage of being easier to turn they don't require any player input once started therefore while they have their own pros and cons their difficulty to build means that ice highways get preferential treatment by the majority of the player base the next method of transfer we're going to talk about today is probably the most game changing and influential first added back in minecraft version 1.9 during february of 2016 the game's most controversial update to date elijah's completely changed the way we saw travel and transport in minecraft giving players the ability that those in creative have elijah has enabled the player to be able to fly in survival mode elytra work like wings however you need to utilize gliding and momentum to keep speed meaning that too many turns and other moves can substantially reduce your speed this also means that if you position yourself at a certain angle or degree you can actually go significantly faster gliding down at 90 degrees allows you to go on average 78.4 meters per second which is the most optimal elites are really cool as they don't require any prior infrastructure and can be worn and used at almost any time but it wasn't always so easy you see these days players use firework rockets to propel themselves and boost through the air and having a lot of these means you can fly at high speeds for very long periods of time but firework rockets didn't always have that ability to boost players while flying with an elytra that wasn't introduced until minecraft version 1.11.1 released in december of 2016 almost two years after elijah were added so before that players would use bows with the punch enchantment on them to shoot themselves in mid-air and propel them this was a harder method to use in firework rockets as you would often miss or have other difficulties these days with firework rockets are like the most common method of travel around the world and it's been questioned whether they are op or not however it is no doubt that they are super enjoyable and a less grindy method of long distance transportation but they are far from the fastest in 2019 with the release of minecraft 1.14 the village and pillage update players discovered that one of the strong raid mobs called the ravager could potentially teleport you you see ravages have the ability to do substantial knockback to players and entities when their attacks are blocked by a shield and utilizing contraption that positions the player optimally you can get knocked back thousands of blocks instantly if you ride an entity such as a llama you can go even further roughly traveling about 2 600 blocks almost instantly according to a video by simply sarc and this only takes about a second or two so you're basically traveling over 1 000 meters a second now the infrastructure isn't super difficult to set up besides getting the ravager in place which is quite difficult in survival so alas this design isn't that popular and finally today we are moving on to the fastest possible method of transport now i'm sure you all know where ender pearls are they're an item which you can throw that teleports you where they land now i'm sure you all know what tnt is but combining the two leads to some amazing results you see when an enderpearl is thrown it becomes an entity called throne enderpeal and tnt gives knockback or can blast entities with what's known as tnt acceleration i'm sure you see where this is going utilizing tnt you can basically give insane acceleration to an enderpearl making it go far further than possible just by normally throwing it and this has been a known method since 2012 with the earliest pioneers of the strategy such as seth blink showcasing it as far back as march that year in fact you could just set up a normal tnt cannon and throw an enderpeal in front of it and teleport about 500 blocks with all the way back in 2012. however the issue was that the enderpearl never landed precisely it had substantial variation due to player error and the randomness of the throw as well as the tnt but things have developed substantially over the years a sidecraft member by the name of xcom 6000 developed a highly precise tnt cannon which without going to too much detail uses redstone and other entities pistons and more to optimally place interpol an independent position will be able to be launched 88 000 blocks and land at the same position every time now this contraption does this by cancelling the throne and the pills x and z momentum making it so the position of the enderpearl is always the same allowing for an unseen precision never before utilized in these types of cannons once the throwing pill has been aligned 1040 tnt blow up and speed up the enderpeal to 900 blocks per tick but we also have to factor in the time it takes to line the pel and accelerate it which is 28.1 seconds giving you a speed of 3134 meters per second which is incredible however if we ignore all that and just calculate how fast it travels from the instant the enterprise accelerated by the tnt that gives you a speed of 18 000 meters per second which is absolutely insane now you want to know what's even more insane if you set one of these up in the nether you can travel roughly 704 thousand blocks in the overworld in roughly 30 seconds i don't think anything else tops that at the current moment now theoretically you could use 44 000 tnt and travel 30 billion blocks straight to the world border but the server or world would crash long before that in fact to travel 88 000 blocks in the well download xcom provider you need to allocate at least three gigabytes of ram to the game and on top of that it's not easy to build and set up requiring relatively advanced redstone and chunk loaders meaning that the ordinary player will likely never have access to this but nevertheless i highly encourage you to check out xcom's video about it which will be linked in the description and this method may still be improved upon in the future but anyways that about wraps it up for today we talked about the history of minecraft transport from simple boat and minecraft tracks to highly powered cannons and launchers basically teleporting players who knows what the future holds for transportation and what update may introduce the feature that finally breaks the game but hey only time will tell be sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter as well as join the discord links are in the description thank you all so much for watching you
Channel: TheMisterEpic
Views: 1,268,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheMisterEpic, themisterepic, minecraft, minecraft transport, minecraft transportation, minecraft evolution, minecrafts evolution, minecraft evolution of mining, minecraft evolution of transport, minecraft evolution of transportation, enderpearl cannon, faster than light, ravager launcher, flying machine, minecraft flying machine, minecraft piston bolts, piston bolt, scicraft, ice highways, ice highways minecraft, minecart booster, alpha boats, alpha minecarts, minecraft history
Id: uutgrgtQWFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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