Hermitcraft Prank : Mumbo Jumbo AFK!

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Normally in Xisuma's streams, when someone comes in and asks (requests, commands, demands, whatever) that he prank Mumbo, Xisuma usually replies that he already did, and the asker missed it. That seems to happen nearly every stream. I guess sometimes the opportunity is just too good.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Another_JT 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
and we're gonna do some we're gonna do a lot of like moving items around today and we're gonna be claiming an area for a big project I've got a whole list little things a lot of it involves moving some items around so peeps are saying check Sahara now deals yeah we'll do that for sure when did Mambo log in that must have been just a moment ago I think the reason I haven't done anything like that yet though is because I don't have a channel URL Oh take pit your Mambo get a membership hmm let's just leave that there let's just see what Mambo thinks thinks of that maybe he'll think Oh what if I do a discount okay so terms I'm dying then we got our glow stone yeah Mambo one thing to consider is that when someone is taking you up on this you might want to reply I mean this is a terrible strategy this is literally a terrible strategy you've got my attention Mambo you up I'm considering oh you can't you can't bargain fair enough fair enough I'm the only one I'm the only one on stop spamming me it's a flawed advertising plan Mambo Wow well there you go season six is going strong I'm the only one on lime Mambo it's only me still only me no one else locked in waiting for him to say I don't know what he's doing is he F gain or he might built like a little IFK machine for this actually are you going your out of here still only me ah the spider scours saintil oh I've been too much fun with this I don't know I find that so much fun night damage says this mumbo dying is gonna get annoying after a while not if we can keep having fun with it I should go find his I should go find his zombies and rename them to like dude I've already got a membership oh where is he did he show where he is in his videos under his base under his base as well I think we should do it okay I want to double-check this corner here yeah I'm in the exact right space but apparently we're gonna go we're gonna go look at mumbo or something we've got to go find him at his base right now I think to get to mumbo I think we have to go down the middle here now that she only takes us up how do we get like down and underground is what I need to figure out oh is it a sumit oh hi hi friends how you doing are you gonna take this way thanks thanks to suma turtle suma turtle says go this way I was some serious work to do today peeps there's some farting around we're doing right now ah ah and I hear him taking damage okay now if I go in there we might unintentionally attract the zombies to us let's actually get some stone blocks here okay so it looks like he's got a couple of them in there now we need some creative names like what I've been saying to him I've already got one it's just my camera count one big jumbo was slain whilst fighting mumbo-jumbo I get it was mumbo-jumbo was slain by mumbo-jumbo fighting himself although John was slain by green and it's Cal's membership sales it's gotta be it's got to be that one we're due to but this is like alright mumbo you were just like this whole idea is like can you prank me please hey look here's a great opportunity to prank mumbo quick quick yes and then we need the other one as well which is gonna be a little bit tricky also sandstone might have sand above it okay so we got sweet yes mumbo jumbo was slain by mumbo jumbo fighting himself brilliant brilliant okay okay that was just amazing that was just amazing now I can have more to the chat don't fight yourself dude I want to see the other one now the other ones the best the other ones the best by far it's probably gonna be that one that gets it over and over again but mumbo we'll see the other one and properly laughs really Wow we have thank you ever so much for tuning in everyone I appreciate it mumbo-jumbo is fighting himself I don't know why some people you want the other one to kill him though oh that was the best one mumbo quit fighting yourself geez this is not a good strategy all right that's it I'm done ska I'm done you made me go temporarily yes yes mumbo-jumbo was slain by green and his scales membership sales finally finally we did it peeps I was literally thinking I'm gonna go back there and change it real soon have to I was getting obsessed about it you know
Channel: xisumatwo
Views: 712,661
Rating: 4.9462185 out of 5
Keywords: mumbo jumbo afk, mumbo jumbo afk prank, prank mumbo, prank mumbo they said, they said, hermitcraft, hermitcraft prank, hermitcraft livestream prank, xisuma prank, mumbo pranked, xisuma pranks mumbo, mumbo jumbo prank, mumbo jumbo pranked, nametag prank, name tag prank, xisuma, xisumavoid, xisumatwo, xisuma pranked, sahara now prank, sahara now membership, sahara now membership prank, new hermitcraft videos, new hermitcraft prank, sahara now mumbo
Id: 9R1b5QFODaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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