Hermitcraft 7: Episode 2 - THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RacoonStoleMyEggs 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

The thumbnail looks like a jojo part 3 reference

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tailsboi75 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello my name is green and welcome back to episode 2 of hermit craft and I have been extraordinarily busy now haven't made much progress on the inside of my base I was hoping to get some of that done today however I have been busy mining as you can see by my many broken pickaxes look at this the fruit of my strict mining here we are so I mean this is a lot of resources I may not need to go strip mining for a long time now which was my goal precisely so we're going to take care of this unfortunately for me my pickaxes are suffering so the first thing that we need to do is get ourselves a mending book and fortunately for me Ren Dawg has told me that he's got a villager that I can get them from so we're gonna go and visit his base although I'm not entirely sure where that is sorry what is that scar what have you made as your starter base it's a giant eye he said it was a meatball I definitely I thought it was gonna be like some sort of wooden eco cube house thing but no it's a giant snail there's a giant snail the only you know that's cool just another day on the hermit craft server you know one look at that and I've got to do it I'm sorry I'm sorry scar I love you and I'm pretty sure you're going to love this I see you giant snail and it's just it's just too perfect I'm so sorry oh no no never never ever right click just don't keep an axe in your hand it's the worst okay well we'll fix that in a minute but what I want to do here is add a small but very fashionable Monday mustache there we go perfect Scott will love it okay so now we need to go and find rent I'm sorry I just I don't know why I felt the need to do this but I think it's an I think it's quite an improvement if you ask me okay okay we need to go and find Ren's base but genuinely have no idea where anyone is on this world so I'm gonna quick be asking so it turns out Ren is on a little island not this one this one actually belongs to stress monster who apparently is also living in the jungle with the rest of us this is actually a much more crowded place than I thought so he lives over yonder and I realized something that I really should have done in my last episode in the first episode which is kind of explain a few things I kind of forgot so let's head over first of all one question is what is hermit craft I know that I would say maybe 95% of you already know what hermit craft is but the reality is that there might be some people that are entirely new to the entire series and aren't quite sure what we do here well the answers are simple we play minecraft a lot of minecraft we have fun we play with multiple people from different countries and backgrounds and play styles and it all comes together in one gigantic server called hermit craft and that's as simple as it gets however this season in particular we've got a few things that are different to last time so last time we were on an island and there were different districts if you watched season six this season is slightly different we have what you see here a mushroom island and this is actually going to be the shopping district for season seven and eventually this will all be full of shops as we know our shopping centers to be and then around the shopping district or the mushroom island I have no idea what this is going to be called we then have loads of different biomes where all the different Hermits have split up and settled and made their bases now I'm looking for a little island just off the coast of the shopping district where Ren has told me he lives in a place called what I don't know whether he called it this or whether it was just called this but loser island so this is the this is the starting place oh must be this direction oh no no I've been traveling for like ten minutes and I didn't bring my emeralds and I didn't bring my books and I didn't bring my paper how am I gonna trade if I don't have anything to trade with oh here we go again let's go all the way back I wonder if we can shortcut through the nether I haven't actually checked where my portal is but it must be this direction I'm pretty sure my portal should be in this turret that might be my portal I think that's my portal over there okay well that makes life quite a lot easier but not that easy cuz I hear gasp in fact I see gas come on I can make it I can make it this is a terrible idea buddy where'd he go I really want to make this is gonna save me so much time and hassle please this is giving me anxiety right now we made it okay hopefully this is my portal brilliant okay so I did actually find some emerald ore which is brilliant I did have books with me I just need to make sure I've gotten a paper to trade so I'm gonna need quite a few mending books if I'm honest one two three four five six seven my fourteen three pick let's see what we get 17 emeralds might be enough for one book collect up all of this now let's go and see if we can get to Ren's house where we can get our hands on these men this is definitely the path of death I'm gonna have to make this a little bit safer than it currently is no joke do you mind oh I almost got pushed off there ha ha that looks like that might be it doesn't look like a loser island to me wonderful oh and he's got a little mushroom in here okay let's take a look we don't need doors oops the salmon oh that might be it I need to know who so where would Ren keep the villager okay we're looking for a mending villager in fact I should have listened for him because I've just heard him doctor murdered tittle [ __ ] PhD oh my goodness sixty okay I can afford one mending book is there someone else I can trade with for emeralds okay it doesn't look like he has anyone to trade with but I think I know where I might be able to find some other villages to be able to trade with I actually checked the village near my base as there is one in the spruce forest but they're all gone no nobody's home on earth sucked into the dead bush I'm gonna leave this cursed place hey it's false hey what's up boss - anything those those pesky birds take it all those crops pesky birds ha this looks like where I'm trying to go cuz I know for a fact that doc has a bunch of villages that I can get some emeralds from but what have they done oh my goodness they've splitted - well I mean it is theirs now they bought it from me fair and square it's weird seeing a season six build here whoa why does he look so broken what's been going on here well this is a telltale sign of lots of villagers I don't really know if I'm supposed to be trading with his villagers so it's probably best that we keep a low profile but in exactly I mean it's no harm there's no harm in doing it but probably best to just keep a low profile ah there they are hello villagers perfect it was a door right there where are you are you going well it it's not it's not bedtime I want to trade thank you go 33 emeralds that is enough to get me two more mending books man two and a half hours just to get some mending books my oh my the early game is rough my dudes really really rough okay now that Ren's firm I think we got away with that pesky bird okay I'm back murdered tittle [ __ ] take my money too okay we have three men dings that's smashing smashing job mission accomplished three hours of my time let's go back to the base oh dear and you know what I'm not even I'm gonna take the nether cuz this is this is insane whoa do you go it's it's going it's it's like a torpedo whoa kid do you mind mr. dolphin you know take a chill take a chill pill what that's not how you do that's not how you swim go back go back into the good and it says serves you right for being nuts okay back to the race we go okay silk touch mending my goodness that was hard work I'm gonna save this extra mending book for later but we got to repair this because I mean I actually forgot it's been so long I spent so much time getting these books that I actually forgot why I was even getting them in the first place it's not just to repair them it's because I want to make use of all of the strip-mining I've been doing so let spawning some zombies and get these repaired scars streaming at ammo at the moment and he's just discovered for mustache that I've put on on his snail which I've just found out it's called Larry there they are nice stache something like that well I don't know certainly wasn't me mm-hmm so now that we've got our pickaxes up to scratch what we're going to do is see what we can get from all of these so the first thing we're gonna do is get all of the iron and gold and smelting away okay all smelting so let's time-lapse getting ourselves all of this stuff but I think maybe we should do the diamonds outside of the time-lapse because that I mean that's way better with our fortune three we can see how many we get diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds okay there we go we got a big old stack of diamonds let's see how many we can get with our fourteen three there we go it's going well we're getting a lot I could see all the diamonds flying off the pillar oh look at this look at all these diamonds plus I got a stack here how many did we get Wow we did well so we just about doubled our amount of diamonds but I think it's over so we definitely got a bit lucky there all right let's time-lapse the rest of it now that we've got our diamonds out of the way [Music] all collected and organized it looks pretty decent we got a lot of redstone a lot of lapis this should do us for a while but it's not quite enough for a beacon so my dream of not having to do any mining is probably not gonna happen however we can craft ourselves up diamond gear at last there we go whoa cover me with diamonds and now we can enchant this stuff as well what do we get blast protection pretty good fire protection Accra affinity fire protection thorns I'm braking it's not the best but it will do we're blue and shiny once you're over this diamond hurdle things start to get a little bit easier so one thing that I want to do now is I want to do a little bit of work on my Hobbit base because it's well it's pretty basic it's really really basic at the moment I want to get some stuff done I feel like birch would fit a lot nicer in here because it's a is that a little bit bright yeah that's definitely a better contrast the birch definitely fits in this season I definitely want to improve some of my building techniques in particular I really want to improve diagonal building diagonal building is well it's it's not necessarily difficult it's that it takes a little bit of getting used to you have to change your entire perspective of what building in Minecraft is is meant to look like because we're very used to working in these dimensions you know x and y but when we take into account the diagonals things do start to get a bit more tricky so I want to add a little diagonal window here it's gonna be quite big but I think it will look quite nice especially if I decorate it with some plant egde there we go and then just add all this grass on the top to make it look really embedded and then let's take a step back and see what that looks like well looks a bit overcrowded maybe I should have brought it forward a little bit but on the whole not too shabby diagonal building is always a bit of a challenge but I haven't actually spoken about what my main base is going to look like it's not this this is obviously just my starter base to get get going and then I need to start working on my main base and yes this season I'm gonna have a proper storage system that is really nice even a small amount of like a diagonal build can make a huge difference to the way it feels it's just because a lot of people don't really use this technique because it can be a little tricky to make it look more natural but that overall has I think it's added to it it is a starting to look a bit odd like there's a small eye and a big eye but I'm gonna add some more maybe over here definitely one maybe lower down over here and this will start to come together very slowly and hopefully look quite natural when it's all done so what I think I'm going to do now is spend a little time off-camera tidying this place up and getting it ready for being a proper base because this is a starter base mess and I want this to be a starter base plus alright so I'll be right back with this hopefully with a bit more progress behind it you know I've been working on this for a couple of days now and I log in and do you hear this tick tock tick tock now that's not suspicious at all before I show you what I've been building I mean you've already seen it but if we go up here there's a mysterious grandfather clock and it's donging every few seconds it's a magical grandfather clock with a special surprise oh where is it that direction no no I'm pretty sure this isn't the special surprise no get out of it get out get out of it I think that's it oh my goodness this it's a annoying ticking do these buttons do anything oh my goodness I assume that scar has done this I mean well done on the Redstone side of things but like where the buttons necessary I'm gonna have to get rid of this because this ticking in real life this is a genuine fun fact well eras in my head this is a genuine fun fact about me I really hate clicking clocks if there's one in the room I won't be able to sleep so thank you for the clock scar but this this is far too annoying for me this might be a slight retaliation for the zombie prank that we got in with I appreciate it Scott I really do but at the same time not for me not for me it's like he knew okay now we got rid of that I think we can I can show you what I've actually been working on so this is like my secret garden style thing that I got going on here I'm not entirely sure what I'm gonna do but I have made a diagonal entrance Higgs I did say that I wanted to work on my diagonals so on the inside here I have made more of a hobbit hole style thing so you can see I've tried to get the best sort of circular oval shape I have made it quite tall just because I wanted to feel a bit spacious in here upstairs I've got my nether portal right there and then I have more importantly created a proper storage system now it's not redstone it's not automated it's far too early for that however check it out we got your gravel you got your sand you got Bert bird poop with a bird poop here we got Greer Knights we got we got all the things and they're all organized into their respective chests and that's I'll tell you what it's actually quite easy it took me well over an hour to get this sorted but it's done and I have been staring at the outside oh wait I missed a sign hello neighbor I left you a present in your bedroom I've already found it can't believe that was a terrible state I don't know if you saw that that was a terrible spelling of neighbor meaning 100% that was scar so I've been staring at the outside of this for a really long time and I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it what why I why I felt like something wasn't quite right and I think I figured it out I think it's to do with the entrance here it's just a bit lonely I think it needs a bit either side goes on on a quote real hobbit hole the one from the movies there's a bit there's a bit of wall here and here so I might try and add that in now professor beak can you not you are a noisy boy noisy boy but you know what I'm gonna keep this clock I'm gonna keep this I might add something in here but yeah I'm definitely keeping the clock it's definitely gonna take me a few episodes to get this this base up to scratch because this obviously this is my bedroom in here but yeah it's gonna take me a while to get this all going I was also reading a few of the comments and it turns out there's actually quite a few people living in the jungle not just me I know of I know scar and I know of stress but it turns out mumbo and Eskow are apparently also living in the same area although I've not seen them so what we're gonna do is go and hunt down his scales and mumbos basis and see if we can see where they are for science for scientific purposes only another bird head for my collection hello pesky bird now I have no idea where I'm going I'm kind of roaming the jungle aimlessly for now ah we've hit the savanna that means we must have missed it somewhere okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna kind of search the jungle like this and then turn and then keep going until I find someone's base this jungle ain't big enough for the four of us although it clearly it clearly is big enough for the four of us I'm so lost oh man do you guys see this one of the most satisfying things in Minecraft that was a good one is this a bass doesn't look like a bass mysterious box of ha mysterious box of ha wait a minute gorgeous honeyBun I have a feeling this might be stress monsters not only could I not find anyone else's bass I can't even find my own I am thoroughly thoroughly lost in this before the seasons out this jungle has to go every now and again I find some signs of life like a bunch of torches but no basis thoroughly thoroughly lost another bird head for my collection pesky bird do you know what I think I might climb the tallest tree and see if I can see anything that one over there I feel like Tarzan this is amazing I never thought you'd actually be able to like swing from tree to tree but this is this is totally possible you know I'm now convinced that mumbo doesn't even live in the same jungle now I may not have got very much out of this but I have got nearly one of every parrot head I don't know how many parrots there are but look at this I got five I'm so lost you know what I'm gonna just leave the jungle and figure out going like around it I'm I think I've been going in circles for like half an hour I found neither is cows bass nor mumbos bass so y'all guys's comments were all wrong all wrong it's me stress and scar in there at the moment oh okay so I have found his bass but it's like not really in the jungle now whose is this is this mumbos or it's cows this is way east on a hobbit hole as well this is just like that spider-man picture you know where there's there's two spider-man and they point me eachother mumble and I have made very similar bases there can only be one hobbit hole in this jungle come kk m ah I don't know what that I don't know what that means okay I just went know how to look at their videos this is 100% mumbo Jumbo's base we found it but what are we going to do about it it actually turns out mumbos really really close to our base our base is just over yonder I think we need to let him know this jungle ain't big enough for two Hobbit holes there can only be one instead instead of signing at green I could just do my face really quick this is the best way to welcome Mambo without actually doing any damage to his house we just want him to know who has the one true hobbit hole in this jungle welcome to the jungle everybody is everything behaving as normal great green isn't or am I am i behaving as normal Hey look at that look there could only be one exactly like my face as always we could take this one step further I've only just realized that Mambo is actually online right now and he could be back at any moment I had no idea we gotta be quick we gotta be quick dudes there we go there could only be one hobbit hole now let's skedaddle before Mambo turns up now the reason I know that this is very close to my base is because this bamboo forest is the only one here so it means that my base must be over here somewhere ah he was hiding right in plain sight I don't even think he was hiding I just couldn't find his base mission accomplished and now we just have to try and find this cow where every scours is there anyone home I've been to this village so I know that my base is literally over there oh my goodness Mambo I'm I am so thankful that we are neighbors again this is gonna be a lot of fun Mambo is the best oh my really really close so still to find is a scale but I think that's everyone in our jungle although I would argue that mumbos not quite in our jungle he's on the outskirts so we know scar we know stress and we know mumbos just over there this is really cool it's so good having people especially the Hermits right next to each other because it's it's so much fun to interact with each other in this early stage of the game so what I want to do now is actually continue working on the base but I in particular I want to get going on some of the more redstone e style things but I'm afraid that is all that I have got time for today everything in the early game takes three times longer than it normally would so I've got to take things slow a little bit but I think the progress that we've made is excellent I think we have discovered a few really good neighbors and I'm excited for what comes next so I will see you in episode 3 thank you very much for watching and good
Channel: Grian
Views: 6,240,017
Rating: 4.9589777 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, grian mumbo, hermitcraft 7, season 7, episode 2, grian hermitcraft
Id: -3a327GrgL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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