Hermitcraft 7: Episode 34 - UPSIDE DOWN INVITATIONS!

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TNT yeeter Grian doesnt exist. It cant hurt you. TNT yeeter Grian:

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lajawi 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
last episode i started the upside down mansion and i want to continue that this episode but i've been sitting on this ledge trying to work my way up into building this a bit more and i realized it's really really lonely here like there's no one there's nothing just me and the piglens and a whole lot of lava so what we're going to do today is send over some invitations to our fellow hermits to see if anyone else wants to join now i would love to keep this whole thing the theme upside down they could make an upside down base over here over here or whatever and we can all come up with some really cool ways of entertaining each other in this region make some farms and generally just build up this area in the nether and make our own little little fun community here tame the nether that's the goal so i'm going to need to go back all the way back to the shopping district i need to turn this into an ice and boat system whoa when i zoom in this this makes it seem so weird hold on i've got an even better idea oh my goodness it looks like we're falling down a tunnel it straight up looks like oh my goodness this is so weird it feels like we're falling rather than going sideways oh i'm not sure i like this now to get these invites over to people first we need to decide who are we going to invite and second of all i need lots of my head i need green faces you'll see why in a minute hopefully there's uh there's none here i don't think i have any green heads while we're here we might as well uh take in all the diamonds casual 46 diamonds not too shabby look at this look how many diamonds the barge is making over time it's kidding it's getting quite a lot there's a fair amount of profit there but what i really need is my face there is one way to get your face and it requires it requires the help of someone else and the only other person online is mumbo who i was actually going to invite anyway so let's find mumbo and ask a quick favor of him i need a mumbo detection service he's not in his base but i'm just going to put a block of netherrack there to add to the bird's still there wool still there right where is he oh he's there he's got a bamboo suit on hi mumbo i just need you one sec i need a favor kill me he didn't even hesitate he didn't even ask a sing he didn't even ask a single question he just did he just did it and again he didn't even not even for a second he's not like he didn't ask why he didn't he didn't ask anything again zero hesitation he didn't even stutter again more [Music] he must be so confused more please i am once again asking for your sword services my hero my job here is done that's interesting he did he didn't even question for one second what if i was joking mumbo just said he has three heads but i just i just came back to get the three head from mumbo and i went under his base and there's a box here that says don't open i'm sorry how can i not open this box do i open the box there was uh nothing in it no no cursed mumbo no mumbo must be so confused okay now that we've got the green heads for the invitations all we need now is these the grindstones and here's how we here's how we do it we make a green invitation delivery system so i'll put the invitation in the shulker box like this and then this is the body the legs the arms and then we put boom this [Laughter] this is how we deliver the invitation to the upside down oh no i think i'm in love grab need to grab some books i don't have to pay myself and write out the same message to all the people we want to invite grumbles grumble still grumble's still okay he's still happy in there i think the first place we're going to go is to b-dubs his base but the problem is i can never find b-dubs his base i always just basically fly around the entire island or it's not even an island is it ah that's corrales which means i've gone the wrong way i very rarely venture outside of the jungle too much so this is uh it's it's been a while since i've been around here there's there's tango's toon towers and there's a target that i have to definitely fly into the bullseye wow look at this false's base looking phenomenal oh my goodness i found it i found the mansion from season six and then bdubs base is just over the hill my goodness this place is amazing he built an entire mountain for a backdrop this is why we need him this is why we need b-dubs in the upside down now i think this one is his main house so just in here i think we can pop our delivery green delivery number one dear bdubs you are cordly invited to join the upside down a new hip and happening place in the nether literally everyone wants to be there we don't want to seem lonely chords are here follow the yellow brick road come and build something anything you like would be cool if it was upside down though green done an invitation now is there a way to copy these unless you just do this oh there we go oh no oh no they're all addressed to be dubs [Laughter] whoops b-dubs is getting probably gonna end up with more than one invitation imagine coming into your house and seeing that why hello there right we've got more people to invite and now i need to figure out how to get out here it turns out bdubs doesn't even have a portal or if he does i can't find it so we're going to start out with just a few invitations to begin with and then if it's successful we don't want to be overcrowded straight away so we'll invite just a couple people and see how it goes we got to invite mumbo but i think it's way better in fact let's put it somewhere that he's definitely not going to find it straight away but after a while let's put it on top of this lovely parrot delivery green number two number two dear mumbai you are cordially invited to join the upside down yada yada literally all of humanity want to live there the coordinates come over build something it would be cool if the builds are upside down but they don't have to be done what does this look like from a distance oh you just see a couple of grind you just see a couple of grindstones and then as you get closer boom green face i'm sure he'll notice that although mumbo is incredible [Music] broken broken wings looks like we're walking from here i've never really understood why the wings don't look broken once they've actually broken they're they look fine actually we've fallen into just the right place scar is going to be our next invitation delivery number three complete that's three people now i think that might be enough really for this that's three invitations that might be enough for the time being and maybe we'll do a couple more next episode it may not even be likely that anybody takes up my offer now the invites are out we just need to make the yellow brick road hi there now that the invites are done we need to get back to the upside down because i don't want people to get there and be like oh there's not a lot here we've got to really try and finish that mansion before people start accepting the invitations they may be put off by the fact that there's just a long tunnel i still can't get over the fact that this looks like i'm falling and not flying or is flying just falling in style well it took us pretty much all day to get those invitations out and ready so we might as well spend the rest of our time trying to get more done on the upside down mansion so without further ado let's get on get some more done and probably leave the back open forever i think this is just becoming a thing for season seven just forget the back leave it up and just leave it alright let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] so [Music] so close yet so far it is difficult to see what's going on in those time lapses because of the fog i mean the nether is completely different i actually genuinely think it's not very playable with the fog on just to remind you what this mansion will look like with the fog on you can't see it at all there's literally nothing i'm standing in exactly the same place and you can't even see it so i think if there's anyone at mojang watching please push the fog back you can't see anything unless you turn it off look at that it's like it's literally like being unblindfolded so here we are we've got half a mansion we've got the middle of the mansion there is one more piece of the puzzle and on this part guess what i actually did build the back no gaps here i haven't detailed any of it apart from there because it's again unlikely people gonna go here but i do plan on actually completing the back of this one now this actually ended up costing me a huge amount of resources i've run out of pretty much everything so the final third of the upside down mansion is probably going to have to wait i would have done it all in one go although that did take like 12 hours building upside down is a nightmare but also yeah really time intensive this was but either way i think this looks really cool it is exactly the same mansion but for some reason it feels like a completely different build upside down my next goal will be to try and mob proof it probably with carpets to stop this happening but i feel confident enough that people could move into this area and think wow this is a place that i would like to stay but something really unfortunate happened during the construction of this thing somehow and honestly i don't know how but i lost my netherrite boots i lost i've just replaced them with some gold boots but look how sad is that netherright is so expensive and i don't have any spare so for the rest of this episode i'm going to become the netherright king i am never going to let this happen again netherrite is so good but it's also so expensive so i'm thinking if this happened to me it probably will happen to someone else in the future and i can stock the barge with some very very high value items so at the moment we've only got 30 whoa sorry i was about to say we're going to become the netherite king but iskall has got 412 pieces of netherrite or ancient debris we may just be the netherright prince for this i'm not sure we can beat 412. we'll see it's unlikely but we're going to try the minimum that we're going to do is get back our boots i think we should check if this guy's had the same idea as me because i want to sell netherrite stuff in here in the barge gotta up my gamer that freaked me out i've gotta up my game a little bit oh man we've had some sales just keep adding them to the pile look at this we just need to check if iskal has had the same idea ah i think i know where his nether right has gone into this giant pile leave your leaves behind leaf it here problems leaf it with bernie take a leaflet okay so i've just read the book basically this is a leaf collecting game and he needs a lot of leaves and then the winner gets this pile i don't think that i'm gonna participate in this just because i've i've gone for a lot of leaves in the past it's not fun i i don't really want to be gathering thousands of blocks of leaves again even if that is a very tempting offer i've got other stuff that i need to do so good luck to everybody who's participating but i think i'm going to focus on improving the barge getting more stock and generally becoming the best shop on the shopping district it's been a while since we've upgraded the barge actually i need to think about what i'm going to do next so in order to get the netherricks i'm going to need to upgrade my boots i need tnt i've tried every method of netherrite farming and by far the best is with tnt beds is too slow mining is really too slow so it's the most expensive way to do it because obviously tnt costs a lot but with a gunpowder farm and a bit of elbow grease you can make a lot of tnt so all there is left to do is to find a desert where we can mine a lot of sand and get some tnt made so i can get my boots back unfortunately i have no idea where one is we have ourselves one full shulker box of tnt now this might not look like an awful lot but this should be more than enough to get started so what we're going to do is find a place actually i didn't realize that this huge chunk of netherrack is actually floating that's very interesting that does mean that perhaps long term this could be removed although it takes hours just to remove a small segment this could be removed anyway i think what we'll do is we'll take this spot here and make our way underground now the best it's most frequently found at y15 which is right here so if we go just a little bit lower about y11 and all we're going to do is make a really really long line and i'll do a small one just to show you how this is done we've done this before on the channel but this is by far the most effective way of doing it so we basically every two do another tnt and it starts a chain reaction we step back we let it do its thing like so and you there we go and it ends up revealing a long tunnel with very little effort see if i had just been strip mining i would have gone straight under that so what we're gonna do is get into a big time lapse because we are about to use all of this in one big go which should be insane absolutely insane so let's start by making broken netherrack mid go we'll start by making a long tunnel and filling it up [Music] this was pretty successful i actually i was actually pretty unlucky with this i got 39 ancient debris which is quite a lot on the face of it but there were so many of these tunnels that were just empty i i don't know if i've missed some but yeah i feel like i wasn't as lucky as i could have been still that is more than enough to get my boots back and i actually barely made a dent in the tnt so i used eight stacks of tnt which is is quite a lot of tnt but if we went on averages i would be able to get quite quite a lot more ancient debris when i use that but i'm gonna save that for next episode because i am desperately running out of time but i think we'll use the rest of this in the next episode however i can't seem to find my way out this is not a joke and this is not a drill i can't get out i don't know where the exit is i've made too many tunnels and another stressful factor is all my pickaxes are running relatively low honestly i think the best option is to just mine upwards from here and see where we get and hope that we don't run into lava not like that like that oh my goodness i've totally come out onto a bastion what a stroke of luck now has this been found already now i've learned my lesson if you open a chest the piglins get very very angry with you so you've got to close yourself in when you open something so they don't know what you're up to and we've got ourselves a big loot chest let's play it safe i've got too much ancient debris on me for me to mess this up this is a rather disappointing chest where are all the piglins i can hear them um okay i'm not sure what's going on here but there is a party in a very small space makes this makes this a lot easier doesn't look like there's a whole lot more to be found in this bastion i might be crazy but i think i'm actually spawned in a box this bastion has completely formed underground i don't actually know how to get out of here it's sealed in on all sides so hopefully if we just dig up we can get out again now that is really weird oh no i think i think the bastion continues this is the strangest bastion i've ever seen freedom okay let's see if we can find the mansion from here oh my god it's right there i mean we went on a bit of an adventure for all of this ancient debris let's get out of here so now i just need to smelt up this ancient debris and then combine with gold to create netherright ingots so we need to head back to the base and get ourselves some fresh boots we buy ourselves some boots pop them in an upgrade put them in a smoothing table and we got ourselves netherright boots now we put the rest of the ingots in here because next episode i'm hoping we can improve this to a lot more now b-dubs is online but i can't help but notice he hasn't responded to my very kind invitation to the upside down now this just won't fly if he's not at his base what we're going to do is try and ramp up the amount of invitations so that he can't ignore us so let's head back to bdubs base and really ramp things up doesn't look like he's here just doing a quick double check not building on his insane mountain here he is his delivery green see the invite is done always right there oh no bad timing it's right there okay i think he's left looks like he's i think he's flown off i can't see him anymore now we make the army of delivery greens one two three i can't help but feel i'm wasting all of my korean heads for this gag and one one more done oh my goodness now i don't have lots of the same invite so i'm just gonna like rename this paper invitation to upside down come on b-dubs you can't ignore this imagine b-dubs coming back to his base just to find this monstrosity i think that's enough antics for now hopefully they will accept the invitation to the upside down and we can get started on some real building over there but i'm afraid that is all i have time for today thank you very very much for watching i hope you enjoyed this episode and i shall see you in the next one good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,540,509
Rating: 4.9690552 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, grian, mincraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, episode 34, netherite, how to get netherite, grian hermitcraft
Id: lS8Eaf__xME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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