Hermitcraft 7: Episode 32 - MANSION PORTAL PROBLEMS

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Is there an extension that x could implement to make portals bigger

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
yep it's a bit of a weird start to today's episode because not only am I not wearing my own face pesky bird I'm actually in mumbo Jumbo's base I'm committing to this and I'm actually going to hide of the pesky bird head because I have been steadily changing blocks in here we've got evidence of it right there and because it's now quite dark here I feel like I can like hide this in the corner so we'll get that squared away right at the start before this episode even begins oh he's gonna notice that I feel like we've got to get steadily more ambitious you know what mumbos online I hope he's not like hanging around I assume he's in the nether doing nether II things because that's basically what I would like to do today as well I would like to get started on my nether base I'm not like moving to the nether but there are some farms that I would like to try out design but also I don't feel like I'm allowed I don't feel like you'll let me I don't feel like I'll let myself go to the nether until I've completed my base and to be honest with you it is complete let's not look round the back except for this bit here which I've been majorly struggling with to get done so as you can see it is a little bit of a mess but I have got some vague ideas on how to do this but once this bit here is finished I then can call it done enough to then move on to a nether based base wow that was a mouthful I will eventually do something over here but I feel like this side in particular this this reaiiy can't leave this half finished before we go to the nether and start another project I've been quite busy trading away in here trying to get everything mainly because this is now my major source of XP because the the gold farm is gone I actually want to create my own gold flash XP farm and they work slightly differently but I've been doing some research I've got some ideas and we'll get back to that a little bit later on because for now I think I just need to grit my teeth and just start a time-lapse suit get this done come on now the real question is how do i how do I get down there safely all right now it's raining not not not the best start to an episode is it you know what let's let's just get straight into a time lapse [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I've really tried my best honestly I really tried to get this finished but it just it just took too long and then I hit this area and I just I'm not quite sure what to do sometimes when you're building there's not much point in doing something just because you need to get it finished if you don't know exactly what you're gonna do because for the most part you're probably gonna rip it down and do it again however I am extremely happy with how this part came out there's no detail whatsoever there's no trees up here but you get the idea is the main thing you've got these lovely archways like this really cool walkway and this really nice sense of grandeur especially if you fly in from like this way you can really get a nice sense of depth now I have left this giant archway completely open because I'm hoping that I've done this correctly and I can make my nether portal what's the limit on nether portals why isn't this big enough I didn't think there was he I thought this would be for him great now we have to look up how big nether portals can be okay they can only be 23 blocks high hopefully it isn't only like halfway but I have a feeling that it's definitely not gonna reach the very top oh that's that's a bit annoying that is a bit annoying let's try here this is a lot higher than I would want to be honest cuz I was thinking I can just make a staircase going downwards but at this height its yeah that's that's quite a big that is a key that's a huge difference but in theory please oh come on why am I having such an issue with this right we're gonna count it now I'm gonna stop eyeballing it okay if this doesn't do it what the heck something's not right here that's that is the right size and there's nothing wrong with this portal especially if we fly over to mumbos base okay admittedly that's not as tall as I remember so it looks like mumbos is just 20 blocks tall I'll be honest I didn't expect to have this level of difficulty with a nether portal for this episode this is somewhat ruined the design of this I must admit it's about half as tall as I thought it could be I honestly thought I could finish this time-lapse and then just go Bing yeah finally finally okay so that is that is literally about half oh that's so annoying isn't it that looks that does not look what I want it to look like also I hear it a lot of mobs in here yeah this place is actually so dangerous this is one of the first times that I've got that totally wrong up there that pool is missing a block the other option of course is to just have two portals and put up with a line in between them it's not ideal but at least I mostly get the effect don't you think that would look so much better if that line wasn't there I might have to come back to this and figure it out because that is pretty much exactly halfway between the two and that's really annoying now my actual plan was and I may need to rethink this is to have this mirrored on the other side so it would be symmetrical the whole mansion is pretty much symmetrical so having that on both sides two giant holes you know cliffs and everything but the main feature that I wanted to add was that behind this nether portal there'd be obviously there'd be - there'd be one here and one on the other side but the idea would be that I hollowed out this area behind the portal and what I would do is turn this into a like never looking area so that when you go into the portal when you're like standing here you feel like you're going in there but I may need to rethink this whole thing and it's linked up that was super easy so let's get rid it feels weird getting rid of this this has been my nether portal the entire season so far but it's time for it to go it's probably gonna take a bit of getting used to snow just when you think you've got rid of it all another one another one shows up anyway the portal has officially gone and it does feel really strange really really strange but I don't know at this at some point in the future though all of these trees may be gone anyway and I think I'll have to come back to this to detail everything a little bit later on it's been it's been a lot longer than snow snow everywhere oh my goodness let's just continue and work on something else for the time being hello piglet the big thing that I want to do this episode is really get started on my nether base but before we go over there and make a start I actually wanted to come over to the shopping district and see what's occurring with the barge it's always good to keep up with it because I haven't really been paying it much attention recently and as you can see stocks are starting to dwindle although there are some things that I just haven't sold any of and now gravel is basically free with biglan farms so I don't think I'm gonna be able to sell gravel any more sand on the other hand is still a finite resource and it will probably sell so one diamond per stack will make up for the loss of the gravel sales oh my goodness the TNT was a good investment and the chests also a good investment and all of the bundle deals have also gone off as well so there was a shulk of golden carrots and rock hitboxes they've all gone and check it out this is the profits of the barge so far we're looking we're looking at nearly five stacks of diamonds but I've got to try and keep on top of this if I'm gonna keep those diamonds flowing in so what I think we're going to do is get into a time lapse of me stocking the barge doing my hermit craft chores and basically doing some work bill sleep aid in the block sleep place and gotta work hard I worked all day in the deep and the box least lay you gotta work I worked all day [Music] the shops me stocking so we'll keep you gotta work work all day it's shining got a word were called [Music] you better work all day [Music] [Music] I worked all day and what did we think of that music video that song was actually made by John O Smithers and it will be also on my second channel on its own because I've got to admit I haven't been able to get that song out of my head for days for days and days and days and I'm still not sick of it I absolutely love it so I actually got an awful lot done with that music video and one of the main things that I did get done is this turtle eggs I need an awful lot of these for my new nether project and the other thing that I need is lots of magma blocks now if you have been following what's been going on with the nether update you'll know that there's only one farm that I can really make with turtle eggs and magma blocks and that is an automatic gold farm and I keep flying up here to go in my portal but it's just gone I need to get used to the fact that my portal is now here and I'm still not happy with it not very happy at all so we're gonna fly to our nether base area which is quite a long way away to be fair it is a thousand blocks this direction and I did not come equipped with enough rockets and sometimes in the nether you just come across this impassable barrier and you just gotta mind your way through otherwise well considering how many Rockets I don't have I think I'm gonna just play it safe here we are in the very vast open area that I want to claim it is really difficult to see anything in the nether but I basically need to try and choose a spot that is the furthest away from all of the surrounding land and I would say it's actually about here so now we have the very tricky task of trying to make a platformer with limited rockets another hanging from the ceiling boom we got it so this is pretty much where I want my nether base to begin so I think we're gonna do clear the section above it and what we really need is quick access to the roof of the nether now I have no idea how to break bedrock but I believe impulse has a shop that will break it for me so we just need to get the coordinates of somewhere around here and then unfortunately gotta go all the way back to the shopping district okay I've got those coordinates down I think that is a 1 block right there so all I need to do now and it's important that we made this trip 1 I'm going to have to be going back and forth between my base and here an awful lot and the best way to do that is to just fly above the bedrock layer before we get started too much we should probably just set up a temporary base of some kind up here just mine all this out and get something here just to store the stuff all right we got our magma we got our turtle eggs I wish I brought more rockets and an ender chest I did not come prepared so we've got to go back to the shopping district and leave these leave these particular coordinates for impulse now here's the thing I don't actually know where this shop is I would expect it to look like bedrock or something there's a couple of shops that have turned up this one which I assume sells everything never related yep but where is the bedrock breaking thing I legitimately can't find the shop oh my goodness it's this thing I would never have expected it this is like a proper pop-up shop I was expecting like a proper big thing like you know made out of bedrock or something that is the exact coordinate that I need breaking and then we put the diamond block in and we are good to go I should really think these things through before I go gallivanting around and then realizing I've got to go back again then I can hop up fly straight over and get down really quickly ok that's done that's how we got to go all the way back again and we are back now hopefully this is the best place so what we're going to be making here is a gold farm now I know what a lot of you're thinking green everyone has a gold farm see there's a big issue with all of their farms like a really big issue it scales farm mumbos farm everyone else that has a gold farm the issue is it's not my farm this it's not my gold farm that is the bottom line it doesn't matter if they have a god farm cuz I don't have a gold farm so I want to make one that I can use and myself passively within my upsidedown base that I'm going to build here so I'm gonna build the farm first and then build the base around it or at least that's the plan so we're gonna excavate all of this and then we're going to build a very simple and I mean very simple gold farm so without further ado let's do another little time-lapse and get this thing made and see if it works cuz I probably should do some testing beforehand but I'm not going to because I'm stupid let's go [Music] you that is just about the worst thing that could have possibly happened there I mean I was freaking out most of the time I couldn't stop them spawning the the rates in there were insane I hadn't even built the farm and then when I actually did respawn I found out that I respond stupidly I mean by design I was like I got out here and then I was like ah I didn't have anyway so I've got him potion of invisibility I've got Golden Apple for some Rockets No why is everything no everything's out to get me okay we've got to try and get back as soon as possible man this is gonna be rough this is gonna be really rough I'm not wearing any armor nothing this is not gonna be good I've taken my invitations so I mean hopefully they won't be able to see me and my farm is just here well that went well maybe I should just do this entire farm invisible oh how does he see me no no no no no okay so big lens can see you still let me get my stuff okay I need to get this guy if I if I want to get my stuff back it's on this zombie pig Lynn leave me alone okay if I can get him cornered off and of course he's wearing the bird head that is the definition of a pesky bird okay this should do it whoa okay I got my stuff back mostly I'm not sure that I'm gonna be able to finish this how do I stop these spawning and how do I stop them going after me I thought an invisibility potion would make me involve all to them but they they're still going for me they are the most frustrating thing maybe it's as simple as lighting it up but guess who didn't bring any torches this event no please please please tell me I got food let's just fly out of here okay I think we need to rethink this I really do cuz this is insane I can't I can't get this farm going I'm just constantly being killed and I don't even have a respawn anchor so I think with that very series of unfortunate events I think we're gonna have to end this episode and we'll start again next episode with a different tact because this has been an absolute nightmare look I left for two seconds and it's just full of mobs again I need to do a bit more research a bit more reading on the nether update and figure out how to stop this from happening because I can't fight them I really can't fight them but anyway I'll do a bit of reading and I will see you in the next episode good boy it's weird doing an outro when you're invisible that wasn't fun wasn't fun at all
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,928,687
Rating: 4.9675231 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, netherite, gold farm 1.16, grian hermitcraft, hermitcraft grian, hermitcraft, episode 32
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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