Minecraft - HermitCraft S7#15: Gardening Services

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Anyone know what the text in the book is from? Googled the sentence or so and got no results. Did he just come up with it? It seems like a reference I just don't get.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 71 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Blackninga666 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

EthoCorp Guide Book

Chapter #1:

Our first challenge is to create an entire economic infrastructure, from top to bottom, out of whole cloth. No gradual evolution from previous economic systems is possible, because there is no previous economic system. Each independent piece must be materialized simultaneously and in perfect working order; otherwise the system will crash out before it ever gets off the ground. Human behavior is economic behavior. The particulars may vary but competition for limited resources remains constant. Need as well as greed has followed us to the stars and the rewards of wealth still await those wise enough to recognize this deep thrumming of our common pulse.

Chapter #2:

And when at last it is time for the transition from megacorporation to planetary government, from entrepreneur to emperor, it is then that the true genius of our strategy shall become apparent, for energy is the lifeblood of this society and when the chips are down he who controls the energy supply controls Planet. In former times the energy monopoly was called "The Power Company"; we intend to give this name an entirely new meaning.

Chapter #3:

Life is merely an orderly decay of energy states, and survival requires the continual discovery of new energy to pump into the system. He who controls the sources of energy controls the means of survival. Resources exist to be consumed. And consumes they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.

Chapter #4:

You ivory tower intellectuals must not lose touch with the world of industrial growth and hard currency. It is all very well and good to pursue these high-minded scientific theories, but research grants are expensive. You must justify your existence by providing not only knowledge but concrete and profitable applications as well.

Chapter #4:


Chapter #5:


We have never sought to become a monopoly. Our products are simply so good that no one feels the need to compete with us.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 138 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Sleepi_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"And when at last it is time for the transition from megacorporation to planetary government"

Etho knows what's up.

It sounds like a text for a Alpha Centauri technology flavortext. Like Mogul Nwabudike Morgan of the Morgan Corporation

Edit: it is, yay for text search https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlWyV00YLf8

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 53 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JFSOCC ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Brilliant episode as always. I have been refreshing YouTube all afternoon hoping we would get a hermit craft today! I think the sugarcane is still too plain and green for a monstrousity build . I wonder if he could set the sugarcane back two blocks than add a layer of glass where the sugarcane is now. It would allow more color using stained glass without losing the sugarcane feel. Maybe some simple pixelart using different colors of stained glass?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 51 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Hisgreatness ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I am so glad the 'Shade-E-E Subscription Serviceโ„ข' offered by Shade-E-E LLCยฉ (a subsidiary of EthoCorpยฎ) is so successful. It's not often you see such a successful company care about their customers almost TOO much.

I mean we all know the story about how their founder worked their way up through the ranks after being thrown into the Canadian wilderness as a child. But to think that he has grown the company to such heights that people are even signing up their friend for such a great services, it warms my heart.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 45 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/C_Caveman ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Damn, he made a Portal reference there with Still Alive.


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 43 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/vmc_7645 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

> Not going to name and names

> It seems that Beef...

What was Etho doing with the cactus contraption for the glass?

The pest removal service was hilarious.

I'm going to update the thread I made for the last prank with this one. It'll be the megathread for Shade-E-E's.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 63 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/notathrowaway75 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Handsome garden that looks exactly like him lol.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 27 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/moonlam ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He should put a spitty station on the right side of the hallway

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Bedrock_III ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] well I think in this episode guys we should probably pay a visit to shady E's once again you know it's been I think over two weeks now since that first free glass delivery and oh people are anxious they are excited they want their next delivery of free glass and I haven't done it yet plus we're offering a new gardening subscription at Shady ease and I haven't delivered on that yet either I feel kind of bad about it but I'm just I'm so swamped I'm overwhelmed with all the subscriptions and stuff okay it looks like we're favoring money over ethics once again I like it I like that a lot all right let's do it how many subscribers do we have right now let's check this out okay we got quite a few we got it six people for gardening hole and seven we're free glass looks like we just had another unsubscription here uh-huh very good and very good do we get anyone since I last here we got Itoh you can't do that I own the store that doesn't make any sense okay all right so it looks like someone may have found a little loophole just a tiny little loophole with the shady ease subscription service I'm not gonna name any names but it looks like beep signed us up here for gardening which is fine that's totally fine you know he got me there that's great that's wonderful he signed up a friend but you know what beef friendship is a two-way street normally I want to do this since I own the store but yeah oh this is getting scary now we got eight gardening subscriptions and seven free glass ones to fill that's 15 different things for one person to do I'm the only person in the company here I gotta get all that sand I gotta smelt it all I gotta get the light grade dye for the glass oh I can't just keep buying that from concrete complete I gotta get it myself hmm yeah I wonder what we should do about this we need more helping hands that's what it comes down to like I can't do it all myself we need some way of getting more done I think we might need to hire people I think that's what it comes down to that could be good though like we would offer jobs to more people on the server here JD's could become like a major corporation helping people out providing for them would be really good I just wonder if that's the right moves oh you know when I when I have these trouble difficult business decisions to make I always check the ether Corp guidebook here after one our first challenge is to create an entire economic infrastructure from top to bottom yada yada yada if he was chapter 5 yes profits that's what we want I think I know what we need to do Automation that's right if we automate things we won't need to hire anybody we'll get all the profits for ourselves yes that's more like it that's the way we want to do this so check this out we got a flower farm here we load the bone meal and over here automatically flows in all automated its automation that's the way we do it we right-click this comparator here and bam all the flowers would you possibly want gray dye light gray dye for the glass yes flowers for the gardening services yes ok maybe not all the flowers that could possibly want so I went over to the flower forest here and I set up a couple more of these tulips and that's you have two other flowers we might need excellent so we ran the farms for maybe five minutes and we got plenty of flowers here we can take these turn them to dye or use them for gardening there's a major problem facing shady E's actually even if we were to make a free glass delivery to our customers they're just gonna want another one right away we had that problem last time like within hours they were asking when's the next one our products are just so good you can't satisfy our customers they just always want more rights can't fix that or can we I'm proud to present to you the latest from etho Corp our free glass delivery BOTS ah look at this amazing automation this technology so small so compact we're gonna install these at people's bases all over the place they won't even be able to find them they're so small okay so check this out we got a cactus you know what happens when a cactus grows next to a block right it pops off and and we can use that to self reset the random switch here so the cactus is gonna grow it's gonna pop off oh we decide uh-huh every few minutes and we use that observer here to detect it and then we shoot out a piece of free glass to our customers all right everybody well I think we got things figured out here and I farmed up a bunch of resources we've got one two three four five six boxes free glass ready for our customers plus we got our flowers for the gardening services and for that you know I thought we would just do these 8 by 8 patches of flowers we would set these up at people's bases and I think they'll like that you know a lot of people they describe flowers as beautiful well that's not where we're going for we're going for handsome with these ones these this is a handsome set of flowers I tell you what check this out it's almost impossible to see it actually but I thought I would try it you can kind of see it but not really barely the important thing though is that we just set up a nice garden for people to enjoy they'll be able to come by and relax and frolic in the flowers and enjoy life right plus it's good for the environment and I think this will even attract some of the Wildlife me like maybe some bees bees love flowers they love to pollinate those things so I also prepared in addition it occurred to me we should set up some beehives for the local bees that way they'll have a place to stay they'll pollinate the flowers and it'll be good for the garden too [Music] my face is doing work even with all the automation we did guys in preparation it still took me several hours to deliver all the goods and services to our customers but I know it was worth it they're gonna be so happy with everything they got here we got our free glass delivery BOTS installed only one or two per customer you know we don't want to overwhelm our customers but we did get our garden plots installed here as well or 8 by 8 flower flower beds we said a great friend of yours has signed you up for Shady ease gardening services I hope you enjoyed these handsome flowers PS some local bees seem to have moved in to pollinate them yeah so while I was setting these up I started hearing these buzzing noises you hear that it's very subtle but especially in some areas I noticed the round b-dubs house he's got like some kind of infestation going on now like crazy you might need to look into that or or get someone on that you know I started to look around myself see if maybe I could find them but weird oh yeah I got myself at that one oh that's good yeah it's not just B dubs oh I noticed pretty much everyone I visited today seems to be having a pest issue at their place so I got to thinking we could probably capitalize on that at shady easier so that's gonna be our next subscription service actually we got it we got to here it says after recent mass reports of pest problems shady ease is proud to offer a new s relocation service sign appear or better yet spread a smile and sign up friend current options free glass gardening and now s relocation anyways I think we got our deliveries taken care of for today so let's get to some other stuff now so I was thinking about doing some building here let's talk a little bit about last episode we did this garden room mostly you guys seem to like that so that's cool I've got some good feedback on as well one of the big ones I saw was to reduce the amount of pink flowers we have out there so I've done that now probably you got rid of like a third or to have them so hopefully it's a lot less cluttered looking now and since the last episode I took what we did to the exterior of the building here and I copied it to the other four sides as well so this is all done over here you guys seem to like that which is cool yeah I wasn't too sure about it when I first did it it's when you build like in a strange style you never know how people are gonna react you know so I just did the one side to test it out and it seemed like it was okay the only thing that maybe you guys didn't like was the cocoa beans that we got over here so I haven't copied those over yet I'm still deciding on that another thing that was mentioned a lot was to get rid of the trap doors in front of the diamond blocks I finally stand out maybe a little too much when they're gone so that's kind of why I put them in front of there for today what I would like to do is try to connect this first section in the base we built to these other sections we got built and connected together now obviously when we first built this I didn't really know what I was doing I was just goofing around and we kind of rushed through it and now I got to decide like what do I do with it do I tear it down do I do i redo it I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna keep it actually if we go through here and refine it and add more detail to it and some other structures it probably looked pretty cool actually this is also pretty key to our base so I don't really want to remove it like if we didn't do this I don't think what we did over there would happen so it's kind of important to our base but what we got to do is figure out how to connect it now so if we keep the door where it's supposed to be this is what we have to look at which isn't great obviously I'm not planning things out super well here but what we could do is maybe have something that looks nice built over here and then build that tunnel that goes through here and then try to connect to the base like over here somewhere so I'm thinking about going up and having a platform like around here maybe a little higher that the tunnel will connect to and then we'll have a staircase to go up to sit through that gate area there and also probably a staircase to go up into that area from here those are my current thoughts at the moment anyways we'll see how this goes but I'm just gonna extend this mushroom block probably about 20 blocks or so and then we'll start decorating the interior of its in and trying to make it look nice also I don't know if it's just me but this frustrates me so much why why can't scaffolding stand on leaf blocks and there's a lot of other blocks I think it should but it's it's almost useless in a lot of cases I have to almost just use dirt most the time uh oh I have a slight change of plans while building this tunnel actually you can see I made it stick out further than the path over there so this can't connect directly to it anymore we're gonna have to go like sideways down and then connect like maybe over here and this is gonna be a bit tricky to figure out as well but while building this I kind of felt like this feels cool in here right like this is a nice effect maybe we should extend it and like really capture that so I went out a bit further than I originally planned we're gonna go for a seven three seven pattern and I figured let's try put a sugar cane farm in here you know we really are struggling at our base here with automation I don't have a lot of things a lot of farms there's no Mellon firm no pumpkin netherwart I could go on and on see pickle so we guys start adding that stuff to our base in it I would like to try incorporate it in decorative ways if we can as well so oh this is gonna be like a mix between a decorative build in a functional build and we'll probably have to make a couple sacrifices with flake efficiency of the farm in that it'll be okay this is my current sugarcane farm by the way it's pretty fancy I think it's time for an upgrade I'm thinking let's go for maybe a triple-layer sugarcane farm so we're gonna put the dirt at this level here it's gonna grow on top of that two blocks tall and then we'll go down I guess three blocks here it would be our next layer sugar Tang sure King goes on top of that and then we go down another here it looks like a lot to extend the wall a bit more and we'll do that on both sides here the next question is how are we gonna do the redstone for this build I think we're actually gonna keep it very simple so we're gonna use sticky pistons to extend and break the sugar cane and then all we got to do is run observers over top like a so and then when we update the the one end here it goes all the way down and I'll break your sugar cane working perfect I placed it the wrong way that's what happened it made a observer clock they're like wait a minute it should work uh-huh so I'm gonna start adding in sticky pistons and observers over top I think we got to go back here run all the long and then we'll put the mushroom blocks in front or whatever we change this to I totally ran out of observers while building that so we got to stop by town here for a bit and pick up some more redstone supplies and do a bit of shopping I thought this might be a good time to mention what's going on here though if you don't know you're probably not watching other Hermits cuz you should be there's a lot of crazy stuff going on on the server here such as a race for the diamond throne up there everybody wants it they're setting up flyers and trying to advertise and stuff and this is a popularity poll showing who's leading the race right now and by everybody I of course mean five people we got the absent doc unfortunately he's still busy with moving and stuff I miss that guy hope he comes back soon then we got to make everybody happy stress monster we got the landscape master good times a scar we got the PvP master fall symmetry and we got the mustache master mumbo-jumbo all running for mayor most importantly have Joe Hill's runnin uncontested as dogcatcher right now there's a big dog problem on the server these guys are all over the place we need somebody to wrangle them up and I think Joe Hills is the guy for the job so I'm gonna give him my support here so I tried to spread my money around the server here I should go to red zone for observers but I think I'm gonna go to Cub fans courts shop here cuz I haven't bought anything from from this place yet and he's actually got a great deal he's got Green Team 64 courts for diamonds that is really cheap or all other colors 64 for four diamonds I don't know if I stood out as Green Team now that the buttons did but I'm definitely not a different color either right so I'm Green Team at heart so I'm hoping this deal still applies to me I'm gonna buy three stacks speaking of scaffolding I feel like this really needs to be fixed as well if you're not totally centered on the block and you try to go up like that your screen just shakes like crazy but yeah let's get back to it here guys so we got our sticky pistons and our observers installed in the whole farm next we got to do the water now let me just show you an outside view real quick here so it's very simple we just set up a few rows of the observers over top the sticky pistons and then we got a update from this end here to trigger the whole thing and harvest the sugarcane but yeah let's go down here so we need water next to the dirt to plant the sugarcane then we're gonna go up with the mushroom blocks and I don't have any ender pearls on me do you think I can get up here look at that you can do some pretty cool things with the lighter wings actually yeah we go up two blocks here with water here then we do the next row if you spam double click though with the light rowing is usually you can jump a lot higher than normal like look at that that's pretty cool okay so next up here I think we're gonna rip out the scaffolding and replace it with like a suspended bridge made out of glass we'll add some lighting in here as well with our lanterns and yeah I think I want to go dim maybe one more block I feel like we're too close to this roof and I'm gonna build it out of the brown glass just three blocks wide all the way down here yeah so unfortunately we are gonna have to make a bit of a decision with the detailing here like there are certain things we could do that would probably make the build look better I think if we add trapdoors overtop the dirt here probably look a little bit nicer but then when the sugar cane gets harvested it's gonna land on those trapdoors and we want it to fall down into some hoppers below ideally instead of just having a floating glass bridge we're gonna add some trapdoors on the side here to make it look like it's got some wood structure to it and also these upside down stairs are for attaching like pretend rope maybe a little like a suspended bridge you know I'm attached to the ceiling here and a cool trick I see people do a lot is they put hoppers over top very good so we got our ropes attached to the bridge and this is what is looking like right now and I'm thinking maybe a bit plain right so I tried adding some slabs on the top here to rough it up a bit more and add a bit more character to it maybe do a bit more on the sides over there I think even with that it's gonna be too plain I think a lot has to do with the sugarcane in here because it's so uniform and in line we need to get something a bit more chaotic in here and this isn't really doing it we can't really change too much with this right so we got it we gotta really do something with the ceiling and honestly the simplest and probably one of the best things we could do is damn jungle leaves like we've been doing in other parts of the base yeah even with that that's a big improvement but we're gonna do the droopy leaf thing as well and with the droopy leaves I think it looks a little bit better in here I think we'll stick with them it is a bit hard to judge though because we got all the green around here we've got the green in the background their eyes expect we won't be able to see that eventually we also have all this grass below us so it's very green top left right and bottom let's get rid of the bottom green here we'll replace it with I think we'll go for water down here trying to figure out how to do this I don't think we can put any blocks over here because then the drops will fall on it right so I think if we want to put brick down here it's got to go over here maybe we'll go down at least two blocks five seconds maybe I was gone he came back and there's like three mobs in here now yikes I did light up most the caves in my area now so that mob firms working pretty good here but if we have any dark areas they definitely gotta be careful I think one of the biggest mistakes I make constantly in this game is I always underestimate how long something's gonna take like I thought this was a simple project that would be done pretty quick but it's actually taking quite a bit of time but it's all good we're almost done with it can we want this just for a bit more character oh and I fall down maybe with a stair overtop good look cool although we might get some sugarcane landing on there good stuff so we're pretty close to done with us now I changed out the floor there with coarse dirts we flatted it then we got the bone meal on top of it to get some sea grass mixed in down there I replaced this wall it was mushroom blocks before and now it's brick running up running up here I tried to add some design to it to make it a bit more interesting might make a few more changes with that but we got a fake pipe with water running out we'll probably attach that to the reservoir building which is right next to this I don't know if we should make water come out of this one too or keep the asymmetry see what you guys say about that also if you have any other suggestions on how to make this more interesting please let me know we could maybe mix something in here with the leaves or I don't know there's not a lot of space left to work with but if you got any ideas that'd be cool to add some more stuff to this okay so what are we gonna do we got to do the hoppers so I did one side here basically oh yeah and I added a little bit more character in the brick so I'm gonna bust out the bottom post here and run hoppers underneath all on the side here the drops should land mostly in there I'm guessing maybe 80% of the drops and then we'll lose what about 20% probably we could get a few more if we add like a double row of hoppers here because some of them are gonna shoot past one block and we could get them if we set set up a second row I don't know if it's worth it though cuz I don't actually need a lot of sugarcane I'll think about it we might add them later but just for now let's try do just one chain here and I think just for today we'll just make the hoppers go into a couple barrels here till we figure out what we actually want to do with them I did do the redstone on this oh I misplaced try that again can you tell it's getting late here that was pretty bad all right let's see if it actually works or not I didn't think about it too much I'm guessing no but the triggered once we want trigger twice though how much of that actually went in the hoppers it looks like a some of it flew past let's do a collection here so how much of this didn't go in we got twelve pieces versus how many 20 and 31 so it's like one-sixth so if we add another row of hoppers we'll get these twelve so it might be worth it Oh Corrales is telling me to go to bed guys then he's right I definitely do need to go to bed so I think I'll finish this up between episodes for right now I can trigger it manually with the button it's not great but I'll hook up an automatic thing later anyways there is one more thing I wanted to show you guys this episode you know that little ethos music box that beep set up well we got our first customer tango so here's a little clip from that knock knock hello dingo [Music] [Applause] [Music] retching and practicing my ballerina moves for ages it shows man those calves are looking good all the same so you apparently have a talent in the end a musician musical arts or however you say it uh yeah I'm the noteblock installation guy you know I like it I like it now I mean normally I don't breaking protocol here right normally I supposed to go talk to beef and stuff before I talk to you good to be first be customer relations honestly it came to me first I like that I like that noise you're gonna have to make a price and everything you know it's executive decisions are gonna have to be made so I have a job it should be for someone of your talent and your stature should be easy it's only like 10 notes think you know but the area might be challenging and stuff okay are you for it I'm up for it I got my note box look at this look at this all ready to go here I like it I like it you're like okay I give like a choker for just on the go musical deployment or anything like that I got yes I do actually I made it called my redstone box I say I say all right let's head over it I'll show you with it what the work is all right all right so have you ever seen the cartoon Phineas and Ferb I am NOT actually that's not is that the mouse and like no in the brain but you do get points for that but if you've never seen Phineas and Ferb you really really all right so this is the this is the lair of the evil villain that shows Heinz Doofenshmirtz it's like darker themed I liked it yes so this is his evil lair Doofenshmirtz evil incorporated you know he actually incorporated his business so he's got a little jingle which I sent to you and what I'd like to do is when I walk up in here somewhere and your opinion is welcome here when I when I walk into the building somehow it plays that little jingle okay so are you thinking like pressure plates maybe your pressure plates or I mean we could bring the wall out a little bit new tripwires if you want and hide it requires or pressure plays are just fine yeah whatever either word and then like so that I think there's like you know yeah okay a little bit down there a little bit space but this is where the overhang is here so there's only like a little bit so I was thinking if we could like tuck it to one side inside the interior and then that way I still have like room for stairs to go down on this side if I want to go back down below there later okay yeah I got you that makes sense yeah okay because we can stack it vertically it might take a little longer than 10 minutes ten minutes I always underestimate these yeah well I just underestimate how long would take me to finish the bill by half all right so I fly in and Oh bravo Bravo I love it that's amazing how do you do that so quick with like four chords and like some of those like five notes playing at once these times yeah it was a trickier one and you know what I've got a 38 notes tango uh-huh 38 note blocks so I think that's a cool nineteen diamonds too to note blocks per for diamond yeah let's diamond are going right all right all right nineteen diamonds I like it I could do that that's it's not as bad as the piano I gotta say you're seven diamond blocks yeah quickest 19 diamonds you ever made up I'm sure people get some of these probably yes yes all right thank you for services no problem thanks for the money and just before we end things this episode I want to leave beef his share of the profits because again we are 50/50 partners with this no clock music installation thing what should we say how about your share of the profits profits from the tango job he'll understand right Etha he thought you thought okay there we go cool leave them in here for him and until the next step is so guys thank you for watching hope you enjoyed it take care have a good day bye bye [Music]
Channel: EthosLab
Views: 644,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Lets Play, Minecraft LP, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Game, Etho, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Building, HermitCraft, Game, Minecraft Multiplayer, Survival Minecraft, Mining, Hermit, Server, Season 7
Id: Uz_iZojU_fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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