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i have just put on my normal skin i've been wearing i've been wearing the gigi t-shirt for a while and before that i wore i wore the belt skin like there's something was this really my skin there's something feeling a little bit off i mean the the jeans are right my gloves are ripe my shirt my shirt definitely has the right color my face is is as it should be but i can't figure it out something looks wrong i'm gonna have to open my skin picture in photoshop and see what's happened oh i think i've just figured out i usually play with this on which ah yes that's more like it my my vest was missing ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft now today i was going to go here to the shopping district and buy some emeralds because i made i made quite a bit of an oversight in the last episode and i'll talk about that in a little bit but once i came here i found this a rainbow pillar of light look at this an absolute massive amount of beacons and that's cool but i did check it out and it turns out oh there oh they are they are changing they're changing as well okay that's loud how do i make it stop oh okay don't walk on the pressure plates anyway what i found out is that this is a shop that sells beacons now the good thing is or the crazy thing is they cost one diamond block each i mean i know i know that last season i sold beacons at like four diamonds each which is half a block but that was that was when i had a mega wither skeleton farm this is the first beacon shop and this is an incredible price so that's 18 so 26 26 beacons some things are just too good to not make an investment in that being said the pile is starting to look a little bit silly though but then again i have a i have a nose for for good investments don't i let's be honest so far i haven't been mega successful have i 26 diamond blocks i think that must be the biggest must be the biggest sale anyone has ever made and i've got 26 beacons which i can throw up i can do that with them there's enough beacons to to do the whole look at me look at me thing but apart from that now that i have bought them i don't really know i don't really know what to do with them well i mean i mean i mean you could one get one compile them for for for later use or her bragging rights that's that's always a thing this is a very good investment though right it's looking fantastic yes i love it this has been a rather weird start of an episode we we better get on with it as i said i made a little bit of an oversight in the last in the last episode and some people some people pointed it out most people didn't though which was which is very very interested anyway i'm going to fix it i'm just going to need a little bit of things first a healthy amount of emeralds so that i can trade with my boys hello charles i don't know if that's actually your name but you look like a child so from now on you're you you're terrible charles hello henry are you gonna be better with yeah you're a little bit better right i need i need a handful of name tags next we need to come up with a great universal name brian right so here's the oversight i was stressing out over the fact that i need to bring my piglins from the nether up on the roof not realizing this excuse me excuse me hello hello hello brian i didn't realize and i don't know why but i didn't realize that in theory i could just make them spawn up here because the nether is spawn protected down below if i stand up in the killing chamber so theoretically if we make the spawning possibilities for them correct we should get lots of these very very quickly right brian brian you're gonna be you're gonna be my number one yes it's not an ingot okay you can eat it though go in go in oh he can't fit there because of the carpet right that's that's fixable i guess this is another little oversight i can't you're too tall brian i can't actually place in your roof however when in doubt pistons are your friends hopefully okay are you are you still alive down there it may be maybe giving you a little bit of a headache but i think you're i think you're fine hello you okay he seems he seems okay where did you come from what is going on here i didn't invite anyone here so anyway now that i've realized my mistake here it should be fairly simple to fit more brian's we only need five more to fit more brian's into these cells all i need to do in theory is to build a little bit of a spawning platform and i could just i could just build it very very close to this here so like well right right here for example would probably work out and this is one of those situations where the bigger i make it the better however as i make it bigger i also allow gas to spawn in which i definitely don't want but definitely don't want any of the shouting annoying stupid big squares cubes that's what they are huge cubes flying around i don't want any of the stupid huge cubes flying around so this hopefully protects protects us from that and then the next thing i'm gonna do in order to capture their piglins is just lay down a rail all the way around and then an easy way to get the piglins off of that rail whenever i'm ready so i have a button there that switches that and then we can get the hoglands out pick piglets oh for goodness sake why do i keep saying aucklands right so minecart goes down there and this should be all primed and ready now all we're gonna do is just fly out of the 25 or 24 block radius stand somewhere over here and look down oh here we go here we go big pack just won in okay quickly quickly we gotta get down there hello hello brians can name them all what are you doing there i don't get where these pigments are spawning i must have missed some spaces anyway now all i gotta do is push push them into onto the rail yeah there we go okay and then down to the control station i gotta time this right as well that was that was that was terrible there we go yep and he is in is it his apartment yes i'll deal with the minecart later i think it shouldn't be any problems to get that to get rid of that minecart so oh and then i can actually i can actually cap them off i mean the minecart was fully intentional here check this out hey there's a golden carrot right next to the minecart oh oh there's there's there's another one there yeah are you looking at it in the minecart that's funny i can't believe how easy this turned out to be this i and i also can't believe how i overlooked it in the last episode because i still i still haven't got an answer from the boomers about about blowing up the bedrock just need to tidy this up whoops but the the glass is a feature okay the glass the glass is a feature breaking these minecarts shouldn't be a problem i'm dying to test this out do you like your new apartments brians i mean they are they are quite they are quite they are quite small they're modern living now luckily this gold farm as i've said many times is absolutely absolutely insane this this is four full rows of like 10 double chests of gold nuggets and even though i have slapped off the nether underneath here with gold plates i still have a lot of gold left without crafting this up so yeah this is this is absolutely brilliant i'm gonna try two stacks of blocks into these and then see what we get and so far i mean i do have no i don't actually have anything except the 22 fire charges that we tested so it's gonna be a good test i do need to make a proper loading station for the gold supply though this is a little bit silly oh and i suppose i also need to figure out a way to trigger this the first time and to do that i need to trigger these repeaters so i have a little bit of an id here i should be able to just have a button there press it and oh that's a cool sound yes yes that seemed to have worked all of them were looking at the golden goods nice oh my sister may be a little bit flawed here yeah he just dropped his stuff on top of the pressure plate so this guy was trading me obsidian but he oh no that's that's a big problem that's a really that's a really big problem this is actually really bad news because that means that his entire system now that we've got them all in their apartments is flawed however i do think i do think i may have a solution i could just raise this entire top trading bid up by one block and then dropping dropping the gold ingots one block up so if i would drop if i put a gold ingot here could he pick it up from there he can he can he picked it up through the block you all saw it let's try that one more time yes yes yes what if it's over over like there he's not going to be able to pick it up there surely no okay so we need to try and align it there so hopefully this will work the dropper shoots it into the side of that block yeah he picked it up there let's see if this is a hundred percent and i've done like six of them now and so far so good so this here this here may be the solution that of course means that i have to change up all of the redstone but it may not be it may not be too tricky if i move this repeater to there yeah this here i think would work and then instead of having the hoppers on top in order for them to not lock we could put them on the side and that should be fine right okay let's rebuild all of these cells right all done and i would even argue that this looks cleaner than the previous system if we do that and then have a button stupid nether portal so loud if we have a button right here that should give them all a gold ingot hello brian there's a gold oh why are you so mad bro anyway they did get a new gold ingot everyone is working except this dude oh it turns out that it's empty whoops there all better and there's constant clicking which means that items are being sent into this into these chests i mean already over a stack of gravel what this is ridiculous absolutely absolutely ridiculous we got another problem we got another huge problem now the apartments the purpose are all looking good and they're all working however things are backing up they are trading too quickly and too many items for our hoppers to have any chance of keeping up yeah take a look at this every single hopper is getting completely packed up oh no we need we need a way quicker method of sending the items into the sorter we need something like that and that the ice path okay then easy enough right i mean we we basically just need the same sort of system that we have for our gold farm a system that pushes items along collects them up in an area and pushes them over ice well turns out when i have to invent it myself it's not that easy let me give you let me give you some data some of the challenges that i faced when i needed to invent the system that could deal with this so every piglen trades about 4 000 items an hour four thousand four thousand items an hour given that they have gold and that means the two piglens trades eight thousand three pages twelve thousand etc etc etc you know math better than i do but a hopper can pick up items at a speed of 9 000 items an hour that's very very important because that meant that we can we can take two piglens per hopper which meant that instead of having six channels of items being shot all over the place i could compact it down to three so that's what i that's where i started i started understanding that i needed three uh elevators of items then shot onto ice packs then collected up in one space look at i mean look at this thing already here it just looks confusing and trust me it was this this thing took me 16 hours to make yep and i had to rebuild it a few times because i i wasn't smart i didn't do it in creative i didn't i didn't go into another world and sketch it out and try it out first nope just just build it over over the roof yeah this is this is just one of those things where where i never ever learn but anyway in the end i actually gotta work in and i'm really really proud but my goodness does it look like a monstrosity 2.0 i mean just look at this mess what have i created i took a perfectly fine nether roof and turned it into an absolute beast of a monstrosity wow but the good news is it works it actually works and it does keep up with all of the loot from the piglens and i invented it i made it all by myself which i'm very very proud of so the way it works is the piglens loot gets shot out in the bottom here in three different channels into three different elevators that's one elevator i'm standing on one elevator and then there's one over there and as you can see they are staggered like a staircase and that is because i need to align all the items into the same position and the position i chose is where that slime block is so items are being shot from here they're being shot from underneath and then from underneath once again from that little dropper there man i can't wait till i have zoom again that dropper there and then from there they change direction and they get shot this way and then they finally drop down they get aligned with the use of a honey block and then shot this way over the hoppers and sorted into the system this this sorting part has has been lowered again i had to lower it last episode and i lowered it again now i don't have that many chests of storage left to be honest but uh yeah i i've i actually built the whole thing too far down so so that that was my solution but good news is although it looks like a monstrosity as i said it does work which i'm mega mega proud of and trust me building this in the overworld would be super easy using water but we're in the leather there's no water so that's why i have to push things with slime blocks and those sorts of things now one thing that i'm not going to change now but that may be good information is if you do this yourself you should definitely go with two chests per item because the amount the amount of items you get from this farm using only six piglens is ridiculous in fact let's just run through one stack of gold blocks just to make a thousand percent sure that everything is working i love pressing that button hello is it pretty it's pretty isn't it they all they all go into this mode where they're like oh oh wow oh dear except for this guy this guy this guy is weird what is your problem sir oh and the lag once once this farm starts the whole game just there's so many moving parts that everything just wow everything just slows down but it is working i can't believe i've actually created this thing i was really hoping to see a netherride hall soon but so far so far no luck with that however we we are so rich with random assortment of items i mean i could i could in theory build a base using nether brick without mining a single nether brick and this doubles as an iron form i wouldn't be surprised if piglin bartering yeah i'm talking about you you you beautifully ugly weird cute looking guy of doom got nerfed i wouldn't be surprised i wouldn't be surprised if we got nerfed very very soon because if he's mega mega powerful anyway i have been spending my past three days in this nether i don't i i don't even know if i've been to the overworld once in that time but it's time it's time to leave this place i just got to make absolutely sure before i do that i don't have any open spawning spots that's been one one of the challenges as i've been building this making sure that everything is warm proof the last thing i want to do is come back here and a big ugly gas spawns and just ruins the whole thing also ah i'm out of rockets can i do this come on yes brilliant ah home sweet home oh i completely forgot i did this i completely forgot about all the be that's how long that's how long i've spent in the nether i completely forgot what is this i have crimson psy okay i completely completely forgot that i bought all of the beacons that's such a mega flex isn't it yep just beacons sitting in a pile doing absolutely nothing but looking pretty i know we've spent the past two episodes in the nether but i mean what what would you expect with another update the nether is absolutely awesome now and there's still a lot of things that i want to do however i feel that in the next episode of hermitcraft it's time we get back to this i really really want to finish this branch off in the next episode so what i will be doing is monstrositing is that even a thing monstrositing i will be using the monstrosity and i have actually behind the scenes collected some stuff for it if i can just land here yes in between episodes over time i have collected a lot of bones using my old skeleton grinder and hopefully this is enough to get me enough wood to at least finish the bait finish the base canopy and then and then the plan is that we can start leafing it off i should really rebuild this entire monstrosity over my industrial district and put some design to it that's that's another thing i want to do i also need to stock my redstone shop it's a bit embarrassing i haven't i haven't even stocked my redstone shop we built that absolutely ages ago and it's just a diamond mine waiting to waiting to open its doors almost i'm curious to see if the monstrosity still works to be honest i haven't used it in a very very long time because ren ren has been such a good deliverer deliverer of wood but i can't be i can't be investing more diamonds i should use the stuff that i make i reckon i'm gonna need about three shulker boxes more to finish the base canopy and the last mega branch of the tree but just to be sure i'm probably gonna make sure i collect like four or maybe even five of them because there's nothing worse than being set on a project and then running out of resources right let's see let's see if this thing still works remember to lower the volume it seems like all of my farms and machines this season are just are just way too loud i i think i started here yep that should start sending down tnt hello don't break it is very scary to use this form as a fully afk method because if the server would crash or if my internet would go down this whole thing will blow up it can't be unloaded without being shut off which is a bit of a flaw to be honest that being said though it looks like this thing is working yep it's definitely working well with that i got my next few hours planned out so i really do hope that you've enjoyed this episode i i did it again didn't i i created i created another monstrosity anyway if you did make sure to hit the like button down below and if you're brand new consider subscribing and and thank you ever so much for 1.3 million subscribers by the way absolutely absolutely incredible thank you ever so much for the support but as i said that's gonna do it for today so i hope you have a fantastic evening and i will see you dudes in the next episode you
Channel: iskall85
Views: 1,485,856
Rating: 4.973238 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft minecraft 2020, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, hermitcraft 7 ip, minecraft iskall85, minecraft nether, piglin farm, piglin bartering farm, piglin farm minecraft, piglin farm 1.16, bartering minecraft, bartering farm, gold bartering farm, bartering farm minecraft, piglin farm minecraft 1.16, piglin farm iskall, op piglin farm, op farms minecraft
Id: rH-vcoVu3zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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