Hermitcraft 6 - Episode 45: ON THE OFFENSIVE

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I guess me playing on mostly anarchy servers has ruined my view of this. I love how this war is turning out. They have already said that they could just go bomb each other’s base into a giant hole in ground but that they wouldn’t have fun doing that. At the end of the day it’s about having fun.

For me it’s playing on various anarchy servers. Something about roaming around endlessly only to find really neat monuments or sometimes a base with lots of goodies. I have fun building up a base 10s of thousands of blocks out only to log in one day and find a 100 withers in my face.

These guys are having fun... plain and simple. At the end of the day both teams have put a bunch of work into each other’s bases... there is no chance that either base will be standing by the time it’s all said and done haha. And I seriously doubt any of the hermits will be angry about it.

Remember guys.... it’s just a block game.... don’t need to bring block game drama into all this... this has been the most involved season out of alllllll of the hermitcraft seasons!!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/solidairplane71 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

I disagree with those who disapprove of the guardian prank. This entire war is so they can all do mischief. He did not kill them or cover them up. He played a prank that failed to the detriment of his own team.

Besides, they are adults, if they decide this was bad form they will handle it without us playing referee. Like Joe Hills and the Parthenon.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Simarys 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

I honestly am disappointed and angry with Grian this episode. He commandeered Xisuma's hours of hard work collecting the Guardians for the laser by ruining it and turning some of them against Team STAR. The rest were sloppily displaced into STAR's moat. Grian did this while no STAR members were online, and I feel this is an ethical violation of the "gentleman's rules" that were set out before the war, as Grian built in STAR's base, destroyed their trap and turned it against them in a very pathetic and quick manner. I have defended Grian a lot in the past, but quite frankly, he has gone overboard. I hope X is able to settle with Grian in a respectful manner, and he should apologize for sure.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/-GalaxyFarFarAway- 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft now I am actually in my normal base because I am going to be working on this room for a little while because in my last episode I left mumbo jumbo or mol Bo gumbo as he's now known during the Civil War I gave him some instructions you see and those instructions were very very simple they said press the button twice that's all you had to do press the button twice now watch watch this Oh hit button behind castle number two the instructions are imprinted on the fish so where's the castle number two all right it could be one of these No oh there it is that is so so cool anyway my orders create a weapon for Team Star but we get to blow up when one of them uses it and blame someone on the G team if they ask right spoon central as usual mumbo so to make things very clear to mumbo jumbo hey we're gonna have to leave him another message now I don't even know he's probably gone and done this is the first orders properly before reading the second book which is not ideal at all but you know I'm starting to think like we sent the wrong man in who is that someone else in to be the mole but it is what it is and I think the first thing that we're gonna need to do is leave mumbo a message so that he really and I mean really cannot miss it let's head on over to his place and leave him a little message that should be fairly obvious I think this is a pretty important part so maybe just over here let's get started shall we what I basically did because this took so long to do I time-lapsed it and I wrote mumbo a message that I personally feel he would have struggled to ignore this er I used a lot of blocks to write the message in the air right in his face and it's no no it's not did you press the but it's did you press the button twice it's a very simple question that I hope he will then understand it may have taken well over an hour but do you guys think he could miss this do you do you really think like he could misunderstand this I mean look he comes here a lot he should in theory be able to see this Ango did you press the button twice the answer's no and hopefully he will realize the fact that I now have to do this to get Mambo to do what he was told is ridiculous oh my gosh I'd have built a giant spoon as well but this took oh well enough time I can't believe this is what it's come to but eventually he'll get his orders and hopefully fulfill them after that the heck is this why is there a flashing light oh it's on on it's buzz-buzz oh no this isn't Morse code is it oh I have no idea how to do this how do I know when it starts that's the real question how do I know when it starts yep that's definitely timed oh no it started it started it started on okay I'm in it I'm gonna I'm gonna write this down so I can make sure that I get it right okay I think I've been through it several times now and I think it goes dash dot dash dash dash dash dot dot I think I'm gonna put this in a Morse code translate sixth I have no idea what it says this mumbo just took me like 20 minutes why did you do this because what it says is D o and E it says done hey why couldn't you have made that so much easier well at least I actually understand Morse code a bit now what a nightmare okay I don't know what to do with this maybe I should take this down because it's a clock you know and we don't want too many clocks on the server the in case of lag I'm pretty sure I've got the message I actually messed up because I I was reading it and I got like - - or whatever and I was like D W and EADS dude room no I got it wrong basically I managed to work out through trial and error this would have taken mumbo like 10 20 30 minutes maybe to set up four four letters and it took me 20 minutes to decipher it we've wasted about an hour of each other's time to say done wait if he said he's done he's already done the orders he's done of the real orders okay so let me get this straight I told mumbo to hit the button twice he didn't he hit it once so he got the fake orders and took it as real orders he then did it and then made the Morse code thing to say that he had done it I then realized that he hasn't got the real orders and I've built I've built this that thing over there to say did you press the button - I feel like I feel like a teacher that's realized that someone's done their homework wrong did you look at page 78 mumbo like I told you no you didn't did you mumbo anyway what I was trying to do was use this layer as my storage facility so one of the things that I actually wanted to do was make it easier to get in here because going like down there and then round and back up is super annoying so I was thinking we could create like a archway here so I can just fly in and out so I've easy access to all of my gear which is why I was also tidying this up I added a trim around here in white and then a trim in light gray around the bottom and then I was gonna do like a pattern where it kind of goes maybe up like that and sort of curls around I don't know I'm not entirely sure yet but either way I want to star saw finalizing the base because it's taken a long time and I have bought a lot of wood to make a lot of chests and I'm thinking I need to somehow someway create some sort of stack of chests that uses these weird third sections that I've got so maybe one section will be there there and then maybe one two one two and then I can divide it up so I can think about this pretty carefully but I think I'm gonna need some platforms as well I've made myself a couple of platforms here and I've even done a really cool little motif here I think this is like rather inspired from the gteen base but because I've got exactly the same palette it really works so I reckon if I continue that all the way to the top maybe add some on the sides here and then somehow figure out how to make a pattern like that on a shape like this and I reckon this room would look really really cool however I am wondering how this storage is gonna work so it's obviously not redstone I don't think I'm going to make a mass storage thing even though that was in my overall plan I just don't see it happening the problem is I don't really have the redstone capability of making it and that's that's the real problem and I'm not sure that I would use anyway because even in mumbos redstone system he just throws all the items in yeah and then it sorts it for him great but he's still got to go in and like open up all the chests to find the stuff he knows where they will are so if I have like stacks of chests in this sort of formation it could look really cool I'm not really sure what to do with this gap here I could add just a chest here but it doesn't look white right oh well to be honest we've been playing hermit craft now for seven months and I've been using that storage system down there well the messy one for seven months so I'm not sure it makes that much difference what I do at this point I've added this really nice entrance as well and I think with a few stacks of star actually you know that's a really nice effect if I actually put all of these I don't like the gap between the chests but if I add a filler block there this could be a really nice effect the whole thing and then I'll need to tidy up that mess there but yeah this is definitely something I need to work on in the background for sure this is one of those jobs this is one of those jobs that's needed doing for a really long time but because it's such a dull task moving items around I've been putting it off I think that's a pretty good start to this room and then we'll see how it goes from there but for now I've got a couple of other things that I need to do mumbos actually just logged on so I'm guessing that he's seen my Oh what what message okay maybe we we need to discuss a few things with our model pump man on the inside is he in his base oh he's right there hey my bow my mime old friend all right how's it going have you seen what I've done I'm yeah yeah like I mean I couldn't miss it did you read the message before you blew it up oh yeah I mean yeah yeah yeah I mean I managed to just about read it I was quite excited to blow it up so it did it make sense did you did you understand what I was trying to communicate yeah now that I know I know I've messed up okay I'm I'm aware that I've messed up but in the future okay use the word twice as opposed to times - yeah okay cuz I thought you meant there was two castles I was looking around for the second castle for a while right come on man you need to explain this so wait can you explain have you done the fake mole report uh not yet but that is that's on the way um you know I I have someone in mind that I can I can talk to that I'll be able to confess all - okay a real mole report and you understand what you're doing yeah I have lost it that way it's not mine anymore somewhere just give me a second okay I've lost my lost faith in you man it was in my did I I don't know what I don't know wait hang on hang on hang on it might be in one of these chests please check this goodbye Exuma no that's not it you know what it doesn't matter you know what it said right yeah yeah so nothing all right nothing could possibly go wrong the main thing is you got to gain their trust that's the main thing yeah if that means attacking us with them do it if it means making things for them do it but we need our man on the inside for when it counts you know I'll tell you what we need mumbo we need a key word like you need to tell us when they're attacking okay we need to know under attack that that is something we can't tell because we don't have the render distance to be able to see if they're coming towards us yeah so cool to know something inconspicuous yeah yeah something something that when you say in chat I know what it is you got a word bananas I think you know that aren't they gonna be a little bit suspicious that you're saying bananas in chat ah no I um I mean I'm sure it'll be fine hey just yeah just say it once in chat and then like you'll be able to tell that you'll be able to like play off of something like I don't know you check it for lag or something it'd be easy yeah all right man should have got so you have no faith in me I think that's enough of working on that room for now because there's actually a lot that needs doing in the gteen base I've even put my military uniform on you can't really see it but we need to go and trap up this G team base and I've started preparing some of these false entrances on the outside so that I can do the same sort of thing that I did to its go when he was after me with the tag which was absolutely hilarious I'm hoping we can fool a couple of people here or there but for now we really don't have much of an official entrance we just have this thing which yeah it's not particularly great we're gonna replace this ASAP with a very secret very secure to the base I love this thing I've got several outfits that I'm going to be using over the course of this fight and this is one of them so this main room is actually mostly done there's not a lot we can do we can potentially add a couple more traps but everything else is severely undefended and we need to do something about it but I'm still in the process of moving all of this junk and that's what it is it's just junk so I've been slowly moving everything here and this place in particular needs lots and lots of traps and I think even a second vault after this where we hide the mega valuables and then even a second a third vault after that so many vaults they won't know what's real and what's not wise it's cow wearing a Pokemon based skin where is your uniform miss cow just not wearing it at the moment it was very blue no dude you have the best uniform as for traps in the base I'm still trying to work out the best way of doing these things because there's actually so many places we can trap we just have to be smart about it because we don't want to waste time trapping things that they may never use these bubble elevators is a high likelihood they might use these so maybe we could trap those unfortunately there's just no space around them for the redstone so we might need to use things that are underground mainly to trap things or we've got like this space between the two areas that we can trap there used to be a witch in here but she's vanished oh oh no that's the code word that's the code word needs a message everyone that's online stress under attack join discord who else is online on my team no oh my goodness I should have seen this coming with so many of them online right now but mumbos giving us the the warning and there's these get them online right now stress stress rest rest rest okay no time no time no guys guys guys guys guys get again to the lobby right now we have no time I must you did you see mumbo saying okay me and Mambo agreed on a code word he's put bananas in chat that means that an attack is incoming you need to go right and ESCO ESCO me and you armory right now stress you need to go upstairs get an invisibility potion and bring all your dogs like make them not sit okay you're gonna you're gonna be the whip we're not gonna be up we're outnumbered we're gonna do the armor stand trick everyone knows that one right yes yes yes yes yeah you're late dude look at SHINee we have the worst mole in the world guys you only need to say it once what do prefer than we do the llamas I see them and they can't see us right I'm shaking they're gonna get into the red stone room there so it's not in the base they might pop through the the wall okay stressing this is this is all on you [Laughter] we know oh there they go that that they're going through the case they've going through the case right now I can see their faces I can see that Power Ranger uniforms they're wearing a squid head okay like they're sneaking in they're sneaking in yeah I know I did good all right on your command are you ready 3 2 1 go I'm sorry mumbo you gotta go Brad get it get it she's gone up the elevator the moves don't know what to do these dogs were genius who took whose you're good boys who's a good boy he can play with the ball play with the ball get stressed get dots get get dog [Laughter] there's too many of them oh my goodness is that all that's you stress I was wondering why that's quit it is wobbling around we need to put that squid head on one of the armor stands as a trophy do we say Gigi and that is an overwhelming [Laughter] even though they have failed in their attempt to infiltrate our base I think it's time that we went on the offensive so I've gathered up a bunch of stuff and I've got an idea on how we can pay them back doesn't like any of them are online right now which is perfect because I don't really want to be interrupted or caught doing this so I'm not gonna be doing any damage today and I actually need my Electra in order to do this because it's gonna be a bit tricky see I don't know how functional this is going to be but we need to make it first so all I'm gonna do is make a big ring that goes around their base pretty much and I've got to make sure there's plenty of straight parts and don't worry this is gonna make sense very very quickly and hopefully I can get this done before one of them logs on I don't really want to get caught doing this so it's not massive and that's intentional but this wooden ring is going to link up but I don't actually want it to link up right now I just need it to circle back round for a second I really hope that I'm I've thought this through and then we create a train track all the way around alright I've got my train track that goes all the way around maybe some of you have already figured it out but basically I've been really interested in these laser beams with all of these guardians in mine carts now there's easily that's gonna be ten in there maybe more so I'm going to commandeer them and take them on a little journey up here so if they try and use their cannons they've got to deal with a bunch of Guardian circling them for a while which would be really annoying the only thing that bothers me is I've got to get close in order to do this so I've got to be very quick so alright oh wait huh actually can they not see me Oh brilliant I might not have to worry they see me they see me okay well what if I just take this invisibility potion can they see me now yep Oh yep yep yep invisibility means nothing to these people they don't seem to have a particularly good range that's why I've made the ring around here not too big so that they can if they're in the middle of it like they'll still take some damage I've got a little bit of experience now using these carts so I know that I basically need to have this whole thing powered because getting anything uphill is actually really difficult now if I break anything around here I'm scared that this is gonna go horribly wrong and then they need a little nudge they need a little nudge I think I did it I think go uh-oh they go Oh No what the heck I forgot one piece I can't believe it I cannot believe it I cannot believe I cannot believe it I thought this was so foolproof well there they are this is terrible this is terrible thankfully there is another one over there it just means that this is slightly more difficult than it needed to be and the way they go oh I've done it okay off they go and I'm hoping that they'll separate at some point please don't get stuck yes yes okay now all I need to do oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh what the heck oh well some of some of them went up I don't understand why they fell off all right we got some of them that that is gonna have to do I hate frustrating to say the least however if I don't get my flight under control these guys are not gonna loop properly I think I've actually done more damage than good here because most of their Guardians are now in a defensive place inside their moat which I imagine at one point is actually going to hurt us quite a lot well at least some of them have made it up there but I've just got to tidy up this mess beforehand don't want to leave this lying around it's really tacky okay so basically if this happens again when I try and push them if they just fly off the end I'm not going to be happy oh it works perfectly well that's a relief I did think that they would split up at some point but nope they're still cramming together like best friends so if they tried to oh okay if they try and take this down it should be a real nightmare for them yeah I'm hoping that they'll split up as they go round over time maybe or if they get interrupted maybe I could try and interfere with them but I'm so scared that they're just gonna fly off this wasn't nearly as successful as I thought it was going to be the main issue was most of them just decided to fly off into the moat really annoying but yeah that's it that should be enough to keep them occupied it's about the most that I can manage with the time that I've got because I've got to trap a lot of our base and you'll see that there's this little contraption up here that we've used to collect a few things for a few traps so I'll keep that a little secret for next time but I'm afraid that's all for me everybody I hope you've enjoyed this episode and hopefully we can get this war done and dusted and out of the way and claim a victory for the G team but we've got to trap our base absolutely insanely so that we can make sure that we secure the victory okay thank you very much for watching everyone good
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,293,980
Rating: 4.9455996 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft 6, episode 45, g team
Id: cOiqAC-XLi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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