Hermitcraft 6: Episode 40 - GOING INTO HIDING

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"You have a problem, and it's not me"

Grian has slain MumboJumbo

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Anthan 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love that Grian builded the Nintendo Wii.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/default__player 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
December 23rd 2018 egg log this server has descended into chaos a series of events has led to the formation of two factions both are under the illusion that this war has meaning a contingency of land to prevent a praying war was futile no matter how many eggs were thrown they just get pranking it just kept escalating now the two sides have established headquarters on the island to settle their differences a ceasefire has been called while they prepare their fortification for what is to come there's little I can do for this server anymore I will have to go into hiding until this is all over I have no choice but to blend into normal hermit society who knows when this feud will truly begin until this thing is over no one is safe I wish I was joking but I'm not [Music] [Music] this is poultry man end transmission [Music] well everybody I am officially back to work I took a pretty big break it's been a long time since I've uploaded a video and I'm very excited to be back you can see that the winter skin is off I'm back in my normal clothes and I'm standing on a brand new building that you just saw a brief time-lapse of this is the official G team headquarters it's obviously not finished we did a few hours time-lapse me stress and s cow have put this together and yes it looks roughly like the little bad drawing that I made and here's what it looked like for reference it's not too far off the mark and we've got a lot of work to do to make this look even better so you can see it's a big giant Tower it kind of looks like a futuristic folder or something but it is really cool it is the same palette as my base over there so yeah it's actually looking pretty good and we had a lot of the resources ready to go I think today I want to work on this a little bit more this is what I made before the break here and this is the little bunker we've got a few things like a little concrete maker down here other than that we've been collecting lots of resources and we're pretty much ready to start properly now the feud will not begin straightaway that flag needs to stay up for a few more days because I don't know about you but like that's not looking like a finished face and that's not looking like a finished base I think when we Hill took a break over the Christmas holidays it was a proper Christmas break so I'm hoping that all of you had a fantastic new year and the break but now it is time to get back into the work so I think we will come back to this a little later on we need to head over to the base because I have been doing a few odd jobs off-camera since I was away and to be always with you not a lot of people have been doing much on the server that is new actually the mall has a weird hive on it but other than that not a lot has changed you can see up the top here I've actually been adding some greenery to my little Avery I've actually finished putting some leaves on these trees in fact it probably could do with a little bit more I ran out very very quickly but it looks quite nice especially when you're down here but for some reason you might remember last time that there was one chicken in here well now there's way more and I'm not really sure where they have come from because these chickens I'm pretty sure they don't just breed on their own right oh oh goodness oh stuck in there I didn't really think this through did I I've kind of blocked the path well it makes it a little bit harder to get out yeah well I could I know where these guys were going down in my base it's exactly the same as where we left it just a little bit Messier and even more chickens unbelievable his Mambo mama topped up that machine again I thought I got rid of all of these I don't know whether these are just leftovers from before or if these are new so we're gonna clear all of them out and then if more appear we we know that there's a new machine I just heard I just heard a machine but I don't know whether you know that is really clever because these make noises all the time so I don't know whether mumbos built a new machine in here or if it's just this thing going off oh my goodness is he I'm gonna be forever finding chickens everywhere poultry man has got into hiding like properly look the door has been closed it doesn't work anymore the coop has been properly shut up I cannot get in at all I think it's probably for the best that we leave it for now since I'm a little bit out of date let's go and see what our good buddy mumbo-jumbo leo is up to his base is as laggy as ever oh I can really feel it I can feel it when I get in here I wonder if okay so he must have got rid of the chicken machine that was coming out of here well he hasn't actually got rid of it he didn't get rid of the chickens I think he just disabled the Redstone I think we won't make it too obvious by putting it back together now it makes it too easy we'll just leave that there for now let's see what he's up to so he's guys creeper farm here and he's got all of the machines now what is this thing ah villages something to do with villages what on earth is this machine and what is there oh oh what the heck is is it like a like a delivery system for villagers I'm so confused on so many levels I'm so sorry there's nothing I can do for you there's absolutely nothing I can do for you is he collecting village there's loads of them this is inhumane well you know what you do you Mambo you do you whatever it is you're up to I'm sure it has a purpose maybe he's making some sort of iron golem farm or something but fish weird let's head back to the GT HQ because we need to get on with some of the building there to get some work done I think an issue is we need something at the back of this but I'm not sure exactly what I think we've definitely got have like our meeting room somewhere up here I'm thinking what if we have like a platform that kind of semicircles around here and then we also have another one up this is like an oh it's all of this area is completely open but we have like a two-tier system yes this looks incredibly like the Avengers tower and that was kind of the plan from the get-go so if you guys are getting that kind of vibe we succeeded this is all definitely the calm before the storm so obviously there's a lot of fun shenanigans on their way but because everyone was like taking such a proper break over the Christmas holidays not a lot of stuff has actually been done at all so we've all got like a bit of a rush now in early January to catch up and get this made and get our ideas and I've actually been working on a separate video for like not pranks as such well yet totally pranks pranks and traps and stuff so I'm hoping that I can share some of my ideas with you in like a separate video that the hermit's won't know about really and then we can sort of decide which of those would be most suitable for this a prank war going on I'm not entirely sure what to do with every single part of this build it is a little bit freeform and I do wonder if this like floor here will then show through the glass and look super weird so maybe we should take a look from an outside perspective you know what that doesn't look too bad probably because like it'll be cool to be able to see inside like I think this is where the meeting room should be and like the viewing platform obviously nothing important should be up here because if there is anything important it could yeah this is like the most exposed area of the entire operation so we definitely and like all of these materials they blow up really easily so we don't want anything too important up here but we still got to make use of this space this is our this is our way of seeing what they're doing we've got such a perfect view of everything we've got the height advantage see if I look out the window mmm I see what you're doing over there weird Starfall thing I wonder what they're gonna build on top of that because at the moment it looks like it's just the foundation layer so it could end up being rather formidable I figure that this thing here where the beacon is I think the beacon can probably move or be removed when we're done with building but I think this is probably a really good place to have like a water elevator because you can like go up and you can see everything I think that would be a really neat place for one so I'm thinking that the second layer can go here as I've just finished this one now I'm thinking that the main table goes here but I think I'm gonna leave that for Clio or stress or someone else because they also said that they wanted to do that so if I leave a sign for them so I've left a little sign here for zombie Clio saying you said meeting room it here is the perfect place so I'm wondering if I can get like a really cool staircase maybe going up the side I'm not sure if that's possible but I think that would look really really nice one thing that's really bad about the tower is we can't really hide anything up here all of our valley all stuff will likely have to go underground because this tower is mainly for show and incredibly vulnerable so this is where we could have like a meeting room the the watchtower stuff but there's no way we can hide stuff here it's just too out in the open it's so easy I mean you can see inside the meeting room from just outside the building and that's not very good that's not a bad start it does actually bring this together a bit more and that actually looks pretty good from the outside as well despite being able to see directly inside that's not really a big deal because we're not hiding anything in this tower I don't think one thing it does need though is some branding we have absolutely zero branding where's the giant G on this thing you know and I think we should make it out of quartz block which means another trip to the nether and it has actually been fixed since the last time I was here it was an absolute state before it was like half and half never oh my goodness look at the progress that has been made on this I guess I took for granted just how big of a project this really is so I've been like slugging away a little bit at this I've got nearly twenty thousand blocks mined but false false is making me look shameful she's got a hundred and seventy thousand blocks mind that is absolutely insane I guess I should probably do a little bit more since we need a bit of quartz or I guess I'll just mine it until I get the amount that I need oh no I think that's a good time to leave oh my goodness Oh what have I done I think that's problem oh man I was just idly mining and then I set them all off I made them all angry I managed to do a couple thousand actually like four thousand blocks and that equated to nothing I just made a big mess as you can see I don't think I ever really explained the whole plan for the nether hub or maybe I did and I can't remember but essentially we're creating a giant man of the entire server and it's gonna be blocked for block perfect within the whole nether thing so if you go to the somewhere like if you went over to my base on the mini-map in the nether you will get and go through the portal you will then get to my base and Cubs asking who hit the Pigman I said no idea an idiot probably oops I think we can assume that mumbo did not build something in my base because I've cleared out those chickens and nothing else is spawning in having said that I I yeah I thought I thought I could hear something I was like having said that I hear chickens but I don't see any chickens what's he done now is it the same machine as he just edited it was he done I'm confused here ah I think I found the source of the noise I think little mustache - mumbo over there desperately tried to put these chickens where I wouldn't hear them by putting them lower but he failed us they could hear them down they go a weight note is like just gonna get oh no what am I done I think I've set it on a clock no no no no stop stop stop hey well we cut we can't let him get away with this can we I think we need to I think we need to pay mumbo back with something else that I didn't build in his base but I think it shouldn't even be chicken related anymore I think we can do something else but I'm just not sure what yet leave me some ideas in the comments and I'll have a little browse and see what I can come up with looks like these guys are still collecting oh I think it got stuck Mambo Mambo your system Mambo your systems here I'll help you out go on onwards on you go come on don't worry I've got you fella come on here you go oh he's not going in is he there you go I think I should tell Mambo that his system doesn't quite work yet wait is that Monday there halt well well well what have we got look he saw me sorry sorry so so he saw me you guys sorry I saw his head move right hey you guys saw that right that was some quick reactions by me who did he even see me yeah he wasn't even up to anything I don't know why I was so scared I was just check-in on him I he he's just AF Kang even though his systems broken look his system is broken and he's AF Kang just waiting for it to fill up Michaela I'm gonna have to get his attention Mambo Mambo Mambo oh actually hit all actually him Mambo he's taken off all his stuff you're right villagers maybe we are the fork of friendship I can't take this box of goodies I'm just trying to help him out Mambo please your your machine it isn't working wake up how do I make a huge amount of noise well if you can't beat them join them I'll be here when you get back Mambo I'll be here he's back hello hello yes you have a problem and it's not me we need to get out of here [Music] [Laughter] it's just trying to get oh he's just trying to get out look okay he's finally here look your little fellas are stuck I'm trying to I'm trying to try to help you look up here well this little fella he's stuck ah finally don't worry Gerald we got his attention he's gonna save you for whatever is weird villager contraption is about him I may have had to punch my face to get his attention but don't worry he's gonna put you nice and safe with all of your friends down there with all of your brothers and sisters I guess I guess I can send him on his way right mumbo says thank you you're it off he goes good luck gerald I look forward to finding out what this this whole thing is about well that is a good deed well done I've that was quite it was really quite a good dive there Oh fresh Mambo oh there's another one oh we can see what happens to him so what's going on he goes he goes up in his little car he's drowning and then he falls down to the next layer well I'll leave you to fix it Mambo and whatever your whatever it is you're doing I look forward to finding out what it is moving back to the gteen base I think we need to start building something underground and we haven't even gone anywhere underground yet so I think it's about time we created one what we really want to find here is a ravine because I had a really cool idea for an underground part of the base so I don't really want to have to dig my own ravine however I really like to find one and I feel like aimlessly digging around is definitely not the way to do it here's some water that sound that's a pretty good sign water could mean ravine or just a normal cave even a normal cave or deer herd do at this point no just a normal cave no wait it's all my goodness is actually a ravine this is perfect this is just this is like straight under the base I think it must be look thought the haste back haste - oh this is brilliant this is exactly where I want to make the underground portion but I think we actually need to make this ravine a bit wider manually which kind of sucks but oh but this could work really well so I think that's what we might work on next time while the other guys finish up working on the interior of the tower and maybe we can get parts of that done as well but overall I think the whole base will be coming together very quickly over the neck few days we've just got to keep plugging away at it to make up for all the lost time ah what a stroke of luck I was sure that this was just a normal cave well anyway I think that is enough for today's episode thank you very much everyone for watching I hope you enjoyed it and it's good to be back and I hope you are excited to have hermit craft back as well so thank you very much for watching everyone and good
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,227,976
Rating: 4.9698815 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, xbox, ps4, switch, pe, pocket edition, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, grian hermitcraft, poultry man, episode 40
Id: mQb_mx175Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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