HermitCraft 6: 46 | Golf CHAOS with Grian & Mumbo

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oh that's why that's easy Morris if you're playing tennis what has happened with this mumbo why is it a pumpkin and why does it say film have I missed something that's my filming store you got a filming store now yeah I'll make films for people okie do one with me yeah what make one with me yes yes make one with me okay I'm ready what well oh yeah yeah just just yeah start the camera I can improvise I can improvise yeah ladies and gentlemen welcome to another late night with Aeschylus Bjorn Borg today dude like as a camera man you can't start laughing that I don't yeah I thought you were I thought you are professional okay you got to do the clapper I'm waiting for the clapper all right ladies and gent feel it that was good enough in the feel like my voice was a bit off can we try that again okay oh yeah okay I'm gonna wait for the clap this time okay wait let me do my ritual okay I'm ready three no no countdown it needs to be seen three action welcome our sound is in the that's that's very scalp yeah are you going to play tennis you do look like a tennis player it's either that like someone dressed me up this morning okay woke up in these clothes it's either and I figured sigh the tennis as Bjorn Borg or I'm going on on an expedition for the heart of conlou cut within the damn Indiana Jones Boy Scouts I got a beer dude that would be weird Lester's man Scouts Scouts well in top British fashion mumbo and I are in our Scottish kilts ready for some dolphin little hats yes it's a meanness girl wonder about this are these those those hats that kind of aren't there they're like the smallest hats ever your head yeah they're not they're not big they're like circular things that you wear they're not quite berries they're like the Scottish equivalent I think I don't know the word for it they're caught a corner hats lads the corner hats now let me question you this why am i wearing shorts another kilt I think you're wearing a Swedish outfit this is not how sweet that's going gone this would be bad I've even I've had a green card in golf I let you guys know and the shorts are not permitted I look like that stupid idiot it comes on the plane it's like oh yes I got two British friends over in Britain and we're gonna go and play some golf today it's gonna be so fun and then I fly over and I speak like this and I'm like hello friends and you guys go like oh my god seriously what is this like wearing like okay he's not gonna get into any course with kilts we can't be standing too high up does that mean I go first the ladder first up the ladder that makes me wonder who of you goes second I'll go up looking down okay I think the real reason that his cows in a different outfit to us is because he's our caddy I'm gonna be the caddy what is that what you brought me along yes do we have a bed no and nobody saw me shoot that arrow because that was the most embarrassing show I think I've ever done in my our life you know what they call them classic mumble that's for nine holes yeah yeah yeah do the nine hole okay so is that is that per group do you reckon or do you have to pay per person probably probably per person hmm try to try to get away okay the objective of this sport is to take the least amount of shots to reach the hole like are we the ball here I think we're the ball I don't if you see the hole do you do you know it's no I don't oh oh look at how fancy this is Oh is really fancy so we gotta go over yonder alright lads I'm going for it wait for it later lads oh did you just did you just shoot twice what no I've said you through the rib tight and then throw the end oh yeah all right I'm gonna stand still I'm gonna stand still and then I wait for you guys to get get in here alright mumble yeah I'll go first okay right okay this way wait I'm confused with a map so just hold right click is that all I do hold right click and then as soon as you don't you you so you hold right click I just hit ender pearl yeah immediately after you've hit the the Trident then you release an ender pearl and then that should work I think honestly drop by throwing it again I'd say just go for it man oh I see okay I see that was pretty thick hey is go through what rap that's two shots okay you counted two shots man oh okay well I did terribly well no because because that we've wasted two shots me ingrian oh really yeah so you take your you take your next one oh I've just realized it's because I used should we just call it that we've that we've done one more leech here because we're learning the system should we do a do-over do-over let's go again yeah let's go again all the way back all right lads I'm gonna I'm gonna suggest them in mad here let's read the rules yeah all right green you go first we try this again no no mad lads all together we will go at the same time in the rule book it says that you should be able to travel 220 blocks from this okay thanks for letting us know we did like 50 books at our death drop I'm charging I did really well I'm near the hole really yeah hell no I did it right I did terrible do you meant to do it well did you read the rulebook I didn't try my best to but okay well I'm in there I'm in the rough so I'm allowed to now use the iron according to the rule book but not the drive yet okay mom will you take and I'm on the green so I'm gonna be chillin you gotta be chillin you gotta be chillin you're solving that way for you guys here comes my second thing what's that it those the most anti-climatic well where did my under pole go oh okay okay works this was my first shot oh good am i doing good yeah look at green though yeah this was my first shot how did you land on top of that thing dude I what no I made this I want to be able to see what you guys are up to because there's no one else online I was gonna say ask someone's for some feather falling cuz this isn't gonna work is it unfortunately dude we we can't move to get your stuff because you know we gotta remember where we are so are you gonna look at no I'm gonna I'm gonna look at these put your cold market down oh we got nine of these holes to complete and that's the short course by well I think I think worst comes to worst we just call this video three idiots tried to play golf guys I hate alarm anyone but I no longer have a wedge oh I don't have my wedge no caddie get him a wedge all right I mean considering how expensive it is they'll have to they'll have to do you know yeah that's an occupational cost yes these things happen and that's I've donated a bunch of Trident to this thing so oh well there we go we're fine then yeah yeah all right okay let's just get this straight so we've both taken two shots greens only taken one yeah we go from there yeah all right you guys you ready yes I believe so yeah go and then I'm waiting oh my goodness okay Mambo you could take you take the first for a short okay so the hole is right I'm gonna hit greens pillar that would be hilarious here we go doing no that's all showing it that's all this is okay I think having watched that I'm going to use the iron I remember I think you're getting to a different hole I think you're on a different course oh wait hello ma'am oh I think I have to go from the floor now yeah I think that really yeah yeah in real life you can't really go for from the top of a tree can you say yeah true that is a forest how are you going to get through that I don't know I think I have to I know I think I'm only allowed to use it by hand and no no and anything but the driver or the Wedgwood iron okay but okay so I've taken three shots yep greens taking one I don't know where you are ma'am ooh but the person who are furthest behind needs to take the first shot yeah I don't know all right I think I'm going to use the iron again fourth shot I think I'm closer now though so that's shot number four but green I think it might be you now yeah all right I'll do my thing shot number two by the way shut number two yeah okay all right all right I got this okay I didn't go nearly as far as I thought oh I thought we were as well okay I'm definitely further ahead than you are green I don't know where mom boys why am i blind oh that was nice hey I'm a shop number five but still I'm here okay now it's me no now it's me I think oh you know what I realize I got a tree right above me [Laughter] okay are we not counting fake shots a villain yeah yeah because of the eating thing all right I'm gonna use mine I'm going I try to eat okay I'm gonna use what we call in the golfing business and this spoon the wedge okay and oh my word no no way that was the count in that tree that was the worst ever how many shots you on a scout that was my fourth okay okay Oh burn in four in there we go yeah so so you should seven yeah seven seven okay I'm taking number five here boys okay oh I didn't get my own scorecard I thought you guys I I've got one I got one yeah okay that's a five shot number five and six that got accountants come on now eat the pole land on the iron but that's stupid and a real golf course the hole is where that pole is oh my I get the pole is whatever whatever okay seven shots whatever it was five 305 okay I'm gonna note this down mumble seven green 5s Cal seven man I'm glad for a caddy this could be a hole-in-one this is a part three okay par 371 okay well according to golf rules the order of which we are a teeing off here is mr. Mambo goes first mister oh my goodness here he goes that's gonna be so far in the pal entered orbit yes does anyone know where I am four away far away I can't actually see where I am you must mark where you are before you try and find your way out [Laughter] Matt lads badlands all right Milo you're next I swear Gophers don't say lads all right boys here we go oh I see you guys oh that was a good one Bob that was pretty okay here comes here comes the pure morgue that was so good Wow oh geez okay that was it that was a mistake that was a mistake I'm gonna make my way back okay okay now turn around turning around I can't see me no I can see you guys he must be able to see me see your left Pisco to my left yeah this this way my face hello he is so far away what I only use the iron [Laughter] well I think I think it's fair to say that it's Greene's shop next I'll be honest I don't really know what to do now do i do I just put I put ice down and turn it to water yes yeah yes all right okay all right are you purple mumble well now green if you get this in somehow like if you get then I will give you 32 diamonds if you hit the pole I'll be 64 I saw you I saw you but then like you were falling wait where am I Oh guys oh there you are still far away okay okay where's the hole out here where I ran to to your towards your east so I guess it's me again yeah it's you again yeah still the father's away shot number three here he comes leave me alone hey you can't go from a tree oh my word that was actually quite a good shot if it wasn't illegal I'm game for I don't care okay so you've heard me them I'm happy we shot for shots and okay yeah I'm on the floor yeah you're on for mumble you're next oh pretty girl so do you have to land on on the like from from this angle I can't land on their thing yeah that's your problem not ours I'm gonna try a thing I'm gonna throw a carrot for no reason you don't want to go first okay I can go first is it the flag over there yeah okay stupid wait silence please silence silence no that's that's goal for you they're super rude they're like shine and riche yeah okay here we go it's an interesting technique the a scale has employed and it has not paid off in the slightest yeah hold on let them the pearl and there we go ome and then I accidentally threw one I am at the village right right in front of the riding for of the green all right I'm going I'm gonna nice nice what do you mean terrible good yeah so so I'm in the rough I guess anything about the driver you can also just throw the perm from there no that's not as if you handed down there yeah am i next yeah okay lucky I landed on a Ledge yeah look at me I haven't proved well I just did before yeah look at me I got stuck on the ledge dude I feel like I feel like you scuff should get to you for that yeah you guys are so kind thank you yeah see you just watch me literally quite a tricky shot for me here yeah you got to throw it very far up I think so that was four for me no wait ninety three three three one two three nice oh here here we are up here top right and we're gonna go all the way over here oh my goodness I think I was a bit overzealous yeah you're like too I saw this here I go here we go oh I'm out lads it's so funny to see you just fall down slowly oh my goodness oh my word did you see how far that ender pearl went I are you on the green green yeah on the green wait for me no way you're on the fairway right not the green wait what's the difference the greenest a concrete powder where the flag is no I'm on the green green trim can you see my lab look how much further I went new where are you no I don't even see look I'm up on this tree no I don't see mom bail oh wow okay okay so I'm next then because my shot was worse it's terrible I definitely know which direction to go I think we just continue this direction west I think I'm not sure but I've got to find out I need to get down from this tree wait were you able to use the driver from the rough you weren't right yeah I have to use I think you gotta use the wedge of the iron right rough is you may use only the iron and Wed share okay okay okay I need to be under the tree this is not good news for me okay I'm going let's go the key is to throw the ender pearl like immediately after yes that was a good doll I'm happy with that two shots right this is me I'm gonna sleep first yes Oh actually my my throat was so bad I just walked over there oh can we just stop for a second and like no this must have taken KUB hours yes but he is the grinder Fermi craft let's let's be real this direction where I'm at here I'm just gonna guess I'm just guessing compels a good guess there is literally reasonable way in which I can make you gone you got you behind my lover but I'm a friend I mean I landed in the water all those - one shot penalty point yeah why do I have to get out of the water yeah I think so I think although I'm right next to the hole yeah did you make it there in one shot mumble on that tree I'm further along he says your shot now so this is my shot number three okay yeah so Green is close to there to the flag yeah I'm really close do I hold I'm gonna read the rules I'm gonna make my make my finger walking down in the water you have to shoot from the water but you got okay okay you ready yep when it's aimed it yeah I'm in deep ocean deep ocean being helpful where the heck am I I can't remember I think I'm gonna go for a crazy tactic oh no that wasn't a crazy tactic I didn't mean to do that that was perfect what does the rule say about the flags I say if you land on the flag you get you get you get it I think if you land on it yeah that's a hard floor yeah I think you do I get that yeah you get that we get that I'm doing shot number 5 but with penalty so yeah shot number 6 not goodness hold on can I it's payment oh oh okay yes seriously pick your nose terrible it's okay hold on so how many did you get Mambo I think I was on seven was nine I got seven Korean three got four fours I got a penalty point and I got I'm just gonna write nine on mine I think I think nine is there like you can't do worse than nine um these guys selling food Wow sixteen it's super expensive as well that's a captive customer yeah can't can't do anything a hole in one hold on boys a hole in one on this hole hold five wins this beacon no way oh my good name just up the stakes but I see I see where you gotta go [Laughter] silence that's definitely landed in the water yeah I'm deep you're pretty good you're pretty good didn't go anywhere right all right I'm ready go on my right don't go too high up that's what I did okay oh that's good I think that's good that's not a it's not as easy overshot he's over show oh my word I was close I'm two blocks away no I'm not even joking I could have got a beacon okay here we go man my end a poem must have been inches from that bar like I must have been so kind yeah you say that position okay let's watch Creon all right you ready lads yeah you have to use the wedge for the water dude guys oh yeah I break the rules does that count can I get back No oh crap I didn't what that doesn't count how did you don't get very far up with this dear no no the wedge is bad that's why I've got nine shots last time oh there you go yeah yeah that's good that's good my kill so no idea how many shots you've taken green buds Oh alright so that was wait for I went one two three four but I was in the - okay all right my furthest are you furthest mumble I mean you can do some pythagoras or i could just throw my under pole okay do it okay let's see if I can do the same [Music] yeah so we both - first yeah your little birds that is a tricky one I don't even know where the hole is I'm guessing it's up there on that yeah I can I think it's to the left is to the left of the big mountain yes okay here I come Eric omelettes oh the bed is broken I'm at spawn chunks you guys ready back from the dead be on ball got it again all right here we go yep yep yep okay so you guys don't have to get my item some I'm good this is ridiculous though so you die full health again you die you can't fool you do you realize how high up you're falling from man like you're falling from like a hundred blocks you can't say there's something wrong you launch yourself into the side I'm saying the game is badly designed there should be slime blocks of wheat blocks there because like this is the hole in one thrown twice now just dying twice I think no there's no Kevin wait mumbo how did he get back that quickly how did you get that back that fast if we were waiting for you I'm just gonna put it out there within 10 minutes for the first for the first death but I'm collecting my items for the second death okay so no penalty because I'm so quick if I die again though should we make it a we shall we make it interesting lads if I die again alright then I get a penalty okay but I'm just saying right okay it's all running good that your full health and things like that but that doesn't mean that you can launch yourself to a ridiculous height and then expect to be fine no but it's just like it's just like you know you guys didn't die I guess because maybe you didn't have as good of a troll as I did no laughs the problem hold on you know what I'm gonna do Oh your pants I'm going to this is just bad game design okay so I'm just gonna dig this out and put water here not change it fix it because if you throw come on there is these queeth blocks in the wrong place and oh he's losing so he's changing the course oh wow Wow the roughness the roughness didn't get thrown in there tear it should have been amazed actually mate nice nice golfing mate here we go again I didn't invite us go because use go to golf he expects to survive that yeah now the golf course is fixed it's nice everything is good if I jump it off the Empire State Building being like oh I brought my umbrella yes I might be an overshoot is it on top of that mountain I still don't see the flag now actually I am very close is it is it my turn again yeah you are wow that's impressive or Mambo is in your is your I don't know you know you're definitely way further away than me okay okay sorry gee now you are definitely not as good as I am all right mate yeah can I just can I just finish by another side come and watch cool did they overshoot oh I did not how you doing all right then yeah I'm waiting for you you're gonna rip tied up and then purl in yeah yeah that's the plan all right what is kind of quite the precious definitely feels like is on with you standing shots you can do it oh but you can you can break the canopy and throw throw your probe from there oh yeah you can you know you can do this yeah you can do this oh there you go all right my number third three I think we're three on that a scout straight up had two shots of the start you've done okay it's bad design I'm answering it in the book and after that it can't be change Green three mumble three is culturally good okay next next oh this one is a par three and there is the hole over there this is a man escape by the way yeah this is whoo Savannah mega Hills wait is that it over there can I see it yeah to the left I see it with eight to my under no not right here right where I'm standing is to flag over here somewhere just far at the general direction and hope for the best there's a good shot allit looked good and big dude oh I've ever shot a little you know you're up there oh no it's us it sucks it's okay I'll go again I'll go us gay I agree in it because he has the height advantage he's definitely had a better shot than we have you reckon yes I was gonna yeah well I have a stupid me and you're in your head yes on this whole water flowing yeah oh wow [Laughter] embarrassing all right so three points to me three choice gree instead shoulder if I just end up L the top of the flag so how many was that four five one two three four here's my third and here is the sweet making his third shot fourth to me disappointment then making his third shot this silence and then I and he goes in on four right that's the first hole I've actually won yeah you played that really well where's the next one oh oh we have to go we have to go straight through there 196 yards yeah yeah we have to go through the mountain this is the mountain right here over the mountain no I'm going over later nerds oh no wait wait a second I'll see you in a bit okay right I don't know I'm on top of the mountains guys guys this is just bit friendly go through the mountain yeah no no we under we understood that without can you imagine thinking that was a good plan both of us face glance into the mountain and dice I'm not actually too far away though yeah hold on can you see okay I'm nervous now I didn't see what you did that's a good shot by me I'm waiting for you to come through oh I land on the fairway okay oh my goodness it is Wow that was a lucky shot I think I know you should just through it you should just throw a pearl dude yeah you could do a handy pal yeah all right you reckon yes because you're so far up well try and try and hand pearl over the top of that one cuz kind of in the way that I shouldn't have done that guy's I should not have done that all pissy underpriced yeah that's pretty good here right over the edge of this mountain okay we're pretty cool since your throw again green oh dude what end up our left no no I've got Levin left here comes green with his third short and he's gonna go for thee I mean it's a awesome base my turn okay see this is okay I got it here we go all right here he comes oh my god that's a good shot I can I can make this with the yeah oh wow that's a that's a nice Orton yeah I saw the ender pearl and on the plate is this my second yeah that's mumble second mumbos gonna steal the win my third right winning okay oh dude okay just so everyone knows cup told us this would take about 25 minutes and we've been going for about two hours yeah two hours it's this feels a lot like real golf oh my god this is a 600 block what you hole over there yes yes it's fine so you got to get up on the fairway before you can drive that's why I wanted to hand Hunter's I didn't want to get too close and here we see the throne made completely of course this is the kind of shot that we expect from our moustached friend the ocean yep it's another penalty you better keep track of your shots dude oh dude I'm on - wait you've got surely got two penalties oh yeah yeah I'm five then I'm on five now as well okay I'm doing agree and I guess you were further ahead than me right yeah secret secret golf pro and here we see the Swede in shorts making his we've come to expect from the Swede insurance [Laughter] silence for the green Meister over I'm so close yeah deserved an easy clap right the moment the moustache but mumbo is in the water for though oh nice good job to switch to rebuy two boards oh but he's made up for it with the cracking throws I go on Monday yes yes over my head I'm so happy I [Laughter] didn't have my hands on my keyboard and then I just heard that it was no definitely not ten he would land in the water three times just in the water he said the max was nine yeah but but then both me and mumble had a lot so no we're gonna I'm gonna count this together up until the last hole his skull was heavily in the lead mumble was dead last the finals for nine holes mum bonus Cal came in on 42 shots was Gris and took the victory on 39 Cobb got 33 no 33 I think that's an example yeah oh yeah that is the example okay so it's only cub that's actually played yeah I know okay no POS certain exam okay but then again oh yes I'm adding mine I did it yes change yeah and he's designed it yeah so you add at least 25 points for that I'm adding your mumble for you because yeah there we go remember that I played on really really hard rules make sure you yes well I think I think we're done here I think I think we can successfully leave this place I'm gonna come I'm gonna be here every night practicing and then we're gonna go another round and I'm not gonna be wearing shorts next time okay all right yeah I think it's time to end okay see you boys later bye don't forget to subscribe to Mambo
Channel: iskall85
Views: 99,540
Rating: 4.9685783 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall, iskall85, iskall minecraft, minecraft 1.13 let's play, minecraft 2018, hermit craft, grian, grianmc, mumbojumbo, mumbo jumbo, mumbo, iskall grian mumbo, iskall and grian, iskall and mumbo, mumbo and grian, hermitcraft golf, hermitcraft golf grian, hermitcraft golf mumbo, hermitcraft golf iskall
Id: -SVcnhBcQGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 34sec (3214 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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