Hermitcraft 7 | Ep 033: MASSIVE AFK-ABLE ICE FARM!

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what's going on everyone my name is impulse and welcome back to the hermit crab season seven how are you guys doing today I'm doing fantastic just staring at my to-do list and you guys let me know in the last episode that we forgot to cross off the flower farm to dyes we've got all the dyes now I did the cocoa beans but of course still haven't lit that guy up and of course we worked on flower farms a few episodes ago and they are cranking out so I believe it is that one yeah well I know it's Manuel back here don't tell anybody we'll just pretend it's like cool automated and it just has a brain of its own I don't know but there we go we've turned that one on you guys also mentioned why didn't I turn on the blaze rod one because tango and I did a blaze farm on stream well there's a good reason for that actually 116 is coming soon I hope and when it comes we're gonna reset the nether here on the server if you haven't heard which means everything in the nether is gonna get deleted goodbye see you later and then I'll have to just do this again so I'm not gonna turn it on just to turn it off again we will maybe build up a new blaze farm 116 comes along which will be fun and yeah I think today I'm itching to continue to cross off more here which means we're gonna hit the Phineas button but also guys I am considering taking on his skulls mm diamond challenge you see a few episodes of his ago is skull issued the following challenge the 2000 diamond challenge named work-in-progress something like that is what I want to challenge the other Hermits to do okay so I really hope I don't regret trying to take on this challenge this episode I mean if this episode comes out super late like there's been a week since my last episode you know why we spent the entire week digging for diamonds apparently but also I'm gonna attempt to build whatever this tells me to build alright you guys ready an ice farm okay nice Marv we're gonna do a nice farm today yep I've been using ice for a lot of things I've been buying ice from etho so it might be nice to be self-sufficient and get ourselves our own ice so I guess that's what we're doing today guys after of course we tackle 2,000 diamond challenge so I've been thinking about the best way to go about tackling this 2,000 diamond challenge and I think what I want to do is go speed mining and use all the new beacons that we bought last episode to set up just a chain of beacons with the haste to going on and I brought an extra couple pickaxes so we don't have to make too many returns for repairs so that's gonna mean that we have seven full pickaxes here I'm going with mostly fortune because I can always smelt the cobble into stone and it's good to have cobble for making some redstone stuffs got some ladders to get down to diamond layer of course all the iron blocks for the beacon pyramids bring in some sticks so as I uncover some coal I can make more torches because we want to make sure the place is lit up got the chests here to store all the goodies in and of course we're gonna need some bring some water in case there's lava so I've got a few water buckets just in case and we are ready to go the only thing I need to figure out now is where are we gonna do this I don't really want to just start digging under my base so I need to go locate an area and chest monster is so having babies or something it's get worse in here so I'm thinking out here at our sheep farm our wolf farm that I go and I did a long time ago this might be a good spot to do it maybe I'll just go a little more north of here in case we ever want to do anything under there and then we'll just continue to head north from here underground and maybe I'll just set up on this island will have a stairway down or I guess a ladder down since I've brought some ladders and then we'll just head off in that direction which looks like it goes into a savanna but we are so far north of everything I don't think it's gonna bother any Hermits and we won't cause any issues if we do it right here well we obviously dug down to diamond layer as I was digging down an area for our beacons to go in I've already uncovered our first diamonds of the 2000 diamond challenge and it looks to be a good one look at that we've got eight diamonds in here let's just make sure let's do the safe thing right make sure there's no lava around this so you always want to kind of dig out the entire area around it so that you know when you dig these up they're not gonna go in any kind of lava and boom just like that we've got our first eight diamonds in fact we just dug that up with silk touch which means they could actually be more if we fortune them so let's see how many times we actually are gonna get out of this let's put all these down and fortune double check fortune three on the pickaxe and this is going to end up being already twelve diamonds down 1988 to go all right so I've set up a couple beacons here and you can see one down that way I'm gonna just start digging and as the beacon runs out I'll set up another one and I think what I want to do is I'm gonna set a timer so every hour we'll come back and we'll take a look and see how many diamonds I've collected so we'll get a good idea of how many diamonds we could get per hour and we'll kind of just see how long this takes so all right guys I'm gonna get digging wish me luck okay time to check in after our first hour of digging and you can see all the space that has been dug out looks like I need to do a little better lighting here and they're getting attacked the entire time I'm digging and we have made 37 diamonds 37 diamonds one hour yep I might definitely regret this already I did a little bit of math and at this rate it's gonna take us 54 hours of digging to hit 2,000 diamonds I just hope the first hour was unlucky and the next couple of hours do better otherwise I don't think we could do this I don't know 54 hours might be a little much and our number two has expired and let's see what we got 64 a 64 and 129 diamonds that is a lot better than our number one and I'm gonna keep track of it this way so our number one our number two and if every hour was closer to this second hour where we got almost you know just over two stacks we're still looking at about fifteen and a half hours of digging discs I'll really do this he's a mad man a mad man oh my goodness but hey I'm gonna keep trucking we'll see what happens [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] eight straight hours of speed mining and we have acquired a total of 849 diamonds Oh mad over it I was actually kind of hoping to get to at least a thousand in the eight hours but I think it would take me another couple hours to get to that and then if we wanted to get to 2,000 did take like another ten hours after that probably so I gotta take a break guys I can't I can't keep going this is a craziness but check this out we got all those diamonds from it so that's a good deal also got some ores and stuff but this is nice look at all this I think tangoed I built an entire ugly torch redstone you know trading shop just to get this much so that is nice to have that now all the coal and lapis of course come in handy but look at this place I'm gonna show you this this is crazy all this little ravine here kind of got in the way that makes it look at all the torch just look at how far this goes oh we still have the beacons in here I gotta take down I dug all this out in the last eight hours and I am I'm kind of tired of digging to be honest but holy cow we made some slime farms okay got a couple spots that aren't perfectly lit up so every once in a while we'll see some mobs in here as well oh my gosh look at this flight though this is kind of fun to fly through here my picks are hate it though guys my picture hate it I got I got a few good ones left on me but in this box over here I have the ones that I've been using and I had more when we started and I would just kind of lose track of the durability and next thing I know I'd break a pic and it's gone forever and I'd be sad after make more but anyway I'm gonna take these out of here I think I will pack up my diamonds it is time we need to get on to the ice farm today because we spend enough time digging I I need to get to it guys I think I found the perfect spot to start an ice farm today right next to the ice spikes biome here and it's nice and flat and it does look like somebody's vid here we've got some sort of a lookout tower going on over here and I did see an igloo down below which I'm kind of curious about it's been a while since I've checked these things out ooh got a bed in here waiting for us I believe isn't there like a secret trapdoor or something oh there it is okay obviously nobody's been in here if they did they'd recarpet in it which is a little weird but let's go in there come on don't get fit the whole let's see if they still got the goodies daddy I can't remember it's like isn't this where they do like conversions being like a yeah here you go so you're supposed to convert this guy so then you have two villagers and they give you the potion of weakness and the Golden Apple let's do it why not everywhere here oh I guess so if we're gonna give up the Golden Apple we need to open this up it's not like he's gonna get out okay so let's do this splash it with the weakness boom and there you go buddy here's to hang out you have to wait for this now I don't think he'll despawn because he hasn't despawn this entire time oh hang out just in case there we go he's looking good oh and professionalist at the moment interesting he can't pass fine to this can he that's the reason why he's not a clerk anymore but that's alright won't leave him be just like this maybe we'll come back and use these guys later for something I don't know but we need to get up above and map out where this ice farm is gonna go okay so I've got my chunk borderlines turned on because this farm is going to be massive it's gonna take up six chunks long by six chunks deep here and I want to map this out so I can just count you can see up into the blue line that's one chunk there there's another chunk here that's two I need to travel all the way across here hopefully we got the room that's three four and then five and then six is kind of up on this hill isn't it if we are to the back corner here no because it's right here okay so that's that corner now I need to go six that way as well all right and here's this corner if I counted right and I'm gonna count across to the other way just to make sure we got everything counted correctly here okay I think we are good you can see that corner over there and that one over there and that one's down below a little bit but we do need to even out the ground a little bit so I think what I'll do is I'll dig this one down and then when it's lower I'll bring it up and that should be fine I tried to pick the flattest spot I could but this farm is gonna be absolutely massive this is gonna take a while [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that took a little bit longer than I thought I would this is a pretty large area to flatten out but now that we have that ready to go we can begin to build up the farm which I've already started to do here and basically guys we are going to rely on the fact that waterlogged slabs here cannot freeze over and when we break these blocks out they will get refilled in by this waterlogged slabs here and here creating that infinite water source that's gonna fill itself back up this was an idea that I once saw on nem bonds I think it was this fun farm series and he had a farm like this that goes all the way back and around and so basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna afk this farm we're gonna be able to collect ice through AF came here which is kind of crazy because our picks are gonna get used and then as we come back around we're gonna spit a new pic out to ourselves and store the old pic really cool mechanism link in the description if you guys are interested in checking out nem bones video on this you guys are going to love it so here's the idea we are going to unfreeze this water because I forgot to cover it and I'll kind of show you how this works so imagine you are swinging your pickaxe and we go through here the water's pushed us along we're aiming just above these half slabs and as we hold left click we're gonna clear out that ice all the way back and we stopped oh right because we cannot wear our depth Strider boots so let's try that again without having our depth strata boots on and we should be able to just continue through the current here holding down left-click the water is gonna push us along and we collect the ice like the so and it just keeps pushing us through every 5 blocks we have to create a new water stream and then that is that for that chamber and the water should flood mostly ice out into us and I think we collected a lot of it and then the excess will just kind of continue down this ice path here not a hundred percent lossless as you can see there is some ice so being collected in the water here but for the most part a mostly ice should head into our pockets so this is just one little segment of this farm we need to create a bunch of these going all the way down and then we're gonna snake ourselves back up and just kind of follow this snake pattern all all the way to the back there and we'll bring ourselves back up to the front and start the segment all over again with a brand-new pickaxe so I'm gonna go through a lot of birch on this I just realized and also I realized if I flipped these ones to stairs and the water flows that way that does help that final push at the corner here to get all the ice out few here and there will be left behind but this should definitely help to get most the ice out of the system instead of losing a bunch like you just saw so we're gonna try it that way see how it goes and I guess it's time to grab all the birch and get to building [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this farm is definitely productive oh my gosh just that one time around and I got an entire Joker box full of ice that is crazy oh it did tear my pic up just a bit look at that we are down to less than half of that durability left on that thing so that's why we need to set up a system that at the end of a run we can basically drop the pic that we were using and get dispensed a brand new pic so we need to do a little bit of redstone to do that and we're gonna use some cool mechanics with item frames as well to ditch our current pick and get delivered a new one so how we're gonna do it here is we're actually gonna use a dispenser and in that dispenser we're gonna have some snowballs and we're gonna put a sign on top of that there and we are going to have an item frame directly across from that so we'll put that right there and now when this gets triggered it should shoot that item frame with a snowball let's see can I get a piece of stone to show you guys here let's do this do I have a button in here by any chance I will do a lever why not that works okay let's just trigger this thing just so you can see so if I was to be holding down my buttons here and I came across you can see I was holding down both buttons so obviously left click to be harvesting the ice and right click because we're gonna have some food in our off hand in case we get hungry as we go through here but what happens is you'll see that if we walk by holding down both buttons it gets put in that item frame which means after that if we can trigger this to shoot a snowball you see it hits the pickax right off the item frame and into the chest so that is one way to get rid of it and then we just need to have a dropper give us a new pickaxe basically as we keep getting ready to go on the next round so in order to detect us in we will put a pressure plate right here I'm gonna put a packed ice block so we can send a signal through it so if we take our pressure plate now we can actually get rid of that sign there the pressure plate will still do the trick separating the water now that should send a signal through that packed ice block into a piston will do a sticky piston here and you can see as they stand on this a sticky piston will raise up and down a we've created a little clock here look at that alright and on top of this we will put an observer facing up and if we do that then we need to do is have a block up here above this guy oh it's getting dark hey go we don't need moms out here yeah there we go much better all right let's put a block above this guy here and what we want to do is is that extends we're gonna power that block and then we'll just put some redstone dust on top of this guy get rid of this lever here and now that should power that block power the dust yeah everything should get powered here and we will get dispensed a carrot as well to keep our food supply up and that snowball should come in so let's test this system out as we come through again I'm gonna hold down both buttons as the water is pushing me through I need to actually have a little bit of momentum as I come through I'm not wearing my boots okay excellent so we could push through holding down both buttons boom there we go and I got a new pic perfect that works how great and then our pic should end up in there so at the end of the day or the end of the big AFK session we should have a bunch of pretty much used up pics in here so I do need to get a nice supply of these silk touch efficiency 5 when breaking three mending all these good you know things on this pic I need a bunch of these guys to actually store up in here for this to work for a super long session also what we need to do is we need to cover the path because right now if I was out at night phantoms and stuff and obviously mobs could get in here so we need to we need to do a lot to kind of you know mob proof this thing and that way I can spend a nice big session you know one long maybe overnight session going through here so but it is coming along we're gonna get tons of ice from this farm and I did initially think I was gonna build it up twice the size of this why a couple things have happened since then one I'm running super low on birch we used a lot of birch to make this happen here and - I'm running out of time for this episode I actually need to finish this up I'm planning on going on a vacation with my family for a few days and I need to wrap things up here get this video out to you guys so I can head out on vacation and kick back and relax and and recharge the batteries if you know what I mean so I'm gonna clean up here we'll probably finish off doing the roof and everything else another day getting those pickaxes in here but yeah I want to clean up our project here and I want to head back to the base we've arrived back at the base and I am looking forward to this we get to light this lamp up now that we completed the ice farm so let's go back here I believe it was five over so it should be that one if we got the right one let's take a look boom alright that is looking good one more lamp on thanks to the Phineas machine for telling us to build a nice farm today I'm super happy about that being done when we're light being on one less farm to do and yeah we can make some good use out of ice there's always a need for ice and different other kind of farms and things like that oh maybe we could put you out of business undercut him or something I don't know we'll think about it we'll definitely think about it but I was hoping to get some more time to go after that 2000 diamond challenge since we got almost half way there today but as I mentioned earlier running out of time spent a lot of time trying to get to the the the diamonds in the first place eight hours into that project probably another I don't know eight or so maybe a little less than that into the ice farm today we put a lot of hours into this video and I'm running out of time people so yeah we're gonna have to try that mm diamond challenge again some other day I suppose it's cuz a crazy guy crazy guys guys a lot of time digging for diamonds maybe we'll try a different method next time or something I don't know but as I mentioned earlier I am gonna be going on vacation with my family for a few days so the next episode may come out a little bit there may be a little more time in between videos between this one and the next one so please be patient with me as I said I'm gonna go recharge my batteries I'm looking forward to coming back fresh recording new episodes of Herman Kraft and I'll be looking forward to that hopefully you guys will be too so hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video if you did hit that like button if you're not subscribed make sure you do that before you go and with that said I'll see you again next time have a good one everyone [Music] [Music]
Channel: impulseSV
Views: 758,699
Rating: 4.9677148 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hermitcraft, hermit craft, lets play minecraft, minecraft server, no swearing, family friendly, let's play, let's play minecraft, impulse, impulseSV, minecraft lets play, hermitcraft, minecraft, yt:quality=high, impulse hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, minecraft 1.15.2, minecraft 1.15 let's play, raid farm, guardian farm, minecraft kelp farm, automatic kelp farm, lets play, minecraft survival, impulse base, gaming, ice farm
Id: 8s5YI6vuetY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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