Hermitcraft 6 | Ep.16 : DEMISE KARMA

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/donnydafish 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
pom pom pom pom pom pom pom ladies and gentlemen welcome back I'm Charles and this is the next episode of hermitcraft so just sit back like this like that relax and enjoy and if you guys doing jordiz make sure give this video like and if you do so spank you very very very much so ladies and gentlemen welcome back previous episode we've made a bedroom and a beautiful bathroom just over here and in between episodes not much has happened besides on you guys requests I did add tons of those fart bubbles in everything aquarium so the water just became very farty and do you know what it looks a little bit better than it before so I'm gonna happy but before we do anything in today's episode I'm gonna head over to idea and meet up with Joshua me and bubbles Kosar schwa me he said he's got a plan a great scheme of something and let's hear him out I summon me here to the idea meeting room my friends that my gonna be in debt yeah he cares a little care would you look kind of like yes stroking he can yeah like one in a million dollars yeah yes look I've been thinking okay I've been pulling my weight around here you find you with totems and potions and whatnot you now I need the to you to return the favor in the game of demise if we're gonna win this we need to start demising some living Souls right yeah you do you believe in slacking so I've been slacking yeah yeah as far as a dead person you know I mean I've been seeing Oh Cubs killing a lot of people okay who killed Cup it was a skeleton that also makes yeah yeah the water claimed one sort of claimed I guess Eames office hold yeah yeah yeah okay but let's let's add one to that number okay I think that you should proposition someone on this server to come here for a tour okay there might be a little suspicious because they know that you know I'm part of idea but I won't even be here you give them a nice little tour around the place and then at the end we get them of a trap we do a trick I'd I let that up to the to you to the site fun if you follow me I'll show you the trap first of all we go yep we gotta kill people you won't do a single thing you won't have to lift a finger or anything all you do is give it all and then you see him on their way out and they'll fall into my trap check it out it's the simplest thing ever they've just had a at all their God is all the way down and then they exit through the gift shop and they fall down there whether it's I don't I don't know about this I'm gonna live er can you just stand a little bit more in the middle boy yeah yeah yeah just it could be you careful when evil temptation to punch right now yeah don't do it don't do it I mean the fact that you didn't was really sweet and kind because we both could've got to very I won't come off the reef review don't worry we could bring on a tool who's online right now I like me oh thank you baby okay you know what though Cleo's not herself geez you've been human Cleo for this thing I bet she hates it I bet again there's some valid points you do know yeah we could look at it like we're releasing her yeah she's useful yeah yeah yeah keel but I like Lee here we go that's that's a great alert you to you to shoot clear a message I'm just gonna go stand over here and watch the whole thing go down you can hear at all no no wow hey guys human voices this is so it's a finger don't you just ignore it it's just yeah that's just just don't get it's nothing okay have you been you know have you been here before have you seen nothing amazing structure we just got idea would you like me to lie cuz I know I built stuff in there [Music] welcome open to ideas it's a special day today is gonna be very very special because opening because it's close you're gonna be like you know how he can I cut the ribbon is kind of like one of those persons just their first once just to get a private tour of the of the structure before it opens the public okay okay okay I can I can I can do that I can cutter I can cut a ribbon do we have why did you why do you have two totems of ongoing in your hands in case X key dead cool yeah he's building over there he died at a few episodes ago sorry I know he's nervous anymore we're really trying to keep our distance from him yes the agent yeah is he trying to kill you - no no maybe two totems yeah yeah that's why two totems that's the answer yeah because you're very very talented you haven't helped in some of the creation so you want to take you through and see hey do you like this stuff and do you think it could sell not only do you want to buy but do you think it could sell are aware that the tracking is make sure you I can't help it it's cursive brown to my face could die tells a little bit air bubbles about the dish creation this is room one called cozy cabin and you it's got some nice warm tones to it you notice kind of intricate bookshelf design and such and and don't forget the signs up top you know I was very impressed with the signs that's like the songs are nice touch yes a time-consuming yeah yeah I like it so Cleo if we if we would like gonna sell this idea like this room how do you think we'd get for it like anyway what do you think about the thing about the original idea is they don't sell whole rooms they sell bits of rooms no not us no I'm just I'm just saying if you wanted to say okay you can now use this idea in your build you just have to pay us like a diamond or two for the idea you probably know I may have no not of stone it is already and you did it all Exodus this would happen told him we can just come in and they did yeah you make I'll make it themselves uh-huh yeah if you said but if you put a tick box here and said like a diamond per idea it's a steal yeah it might make us look a little thirsty but yeah a donation box out front oh yes this is honk even donkey this is a - is my living room that's it it's very orange e it's very place functional seedy no it's fine sweetie functional sweet sitting come and have us I'm always a big a functional seating by prefer pigs but you know you do you mean eggs is a nice waiting can a win-win bacon and Danny women one yeah I haven't really made gorillas again hogs yeah all the space Corrales made another room can you name it bubbles cuz I haven't named his event but donkey donkey okay yes this is more of a little former living room um you stolen us something from his room I haven't stolen for anything from this room this room is this room is it's fine so you're saying this is a bedroom no no I'm just saying I haven't stolen anything okay yeah I will I will steal something from it today if it makes you feel better we gotta get those donation boxes this is my face okay yeah yeah yeah I mean that's a great idea is our idea yes it was totally your idea I see like this still it is for me well you broke it deep oh it was busted look at his kitchen it is indeed a kitchen is that status name yes kitchen kitchen common sweden's exactly kitchen kitchen look at this this is a cool trick huh where it looks like the meats just sitting out like well I can't see the meat when you know that well I can't see the meat when you're there because you know your face is in the way oh sorry can you stop stealing our merchandise oh yeah no freebies thank you so much thank you so much no security oh no this is nice it's just a start calm down yeah I know me this may be where I have em what you boys deep disgust you oh this is the worst part anyway so go ahead you can have that oh cool it's mine now Corrado you excuse me that was a genius idea does it like loot room divider as we call him yeah it's mine now Corrales you any money I told us that everybody different beginning like there's this whole stash up idea this huge this is big now this is a big one what would you what would you say like if we were to sell this I know before you you know you said washing dishes but let's say we're gonna give you all the blocks necessary to build this plus the blueprint what would the price be on this hmm if you give me everything if you installed it yeah diamond for ten diamonds for blocks this is our market for 60 diamonds Wow no not not being stealing yeah another huge room hogged by keralis here sorry I do that took it it's not a name yet it's just beautiful it's just a sitting room of in an aquarium with fishes inside I like it I mean it's you actually got tropical fish you actually found some other hit spot so if I bought two rooms I would get two you get two full to assess of heads yeah so I'll give you all ads yep okay since it's got fish on head pay forty diamonds for this room oh that is amazing yeah this is lampshade it cool light turn the lampshade is cool I do like the lampshades watch on this is red tape a special area okay you said nobody's been up here yet not even you I don't think okay with the middle you know it'll be filled eventually it'll be filled easily we just wanted to give you a little back in view you know special bi nobody-nobody disease yeah no I see you lady nobody yeah no penang and then down this way this is where it gets real cool so this is be like let's say kitchen kitchen is over here honk if I know iki is over here and you just pick up and put it inside of this you get that shortcut box for free as well or maybe out what was the deal phone books yeah yeah we're gonna give shocker box but this is a special customer maybe we were yes free shoku box would I like you what's my shell books feels ok you buy you get one you still nothing that's true I mean I mean effectively if I've seen it but if you think your sisters right oh man this is bad this is nice for a beginning this is why we're having the tour cuz you're helping us see the flaws in our business there you know I mean we do that and it's all wrong as to might get all these right up so there's no helping us we appreciate we appreciate the community thank you as much as it hurts do I have to do anything or is it gonna be lit up we demonstrating what how you push you uh-huh okay okay kind of push it on through from station to station pick up funky yeah kitchen kitchen kitchen whatever you purchase you load it into the thing and then it brings you right around this way which is nice no not yet it's not done yet this is the cash out you know but you seen this before this is like very behind the stages so don't look this way though don't look this way just move along nothing to see here nothing nothing to see here and then we have in a gift shop at the end over here so wisely oh to be fair they don't really they don't really have a gift oh oh gosh okay you've been what this is you are set free now from your human body key oh I still like you just came no we were we were pressured into doing yes right it was either him or us oh and I don't know it's bad what did well I'm in so much trouble now via I told you self was a bad idea beginning and no this is she's gone I like I like you but now she could be a zombie clear again yeah that's nice that's nice I feel like that's what she wanted from the beginning yeah we do we shatter free do you still like a little bit I like a little bit but I'm not gonna be a zombie not with TNT well that works okay rest in pieces clear the Greve has been sealed well that went very smooth say well done to the both of you and I hope you're happy yes I look terrified think of all the diamonds we can win we're getting closer you know but you are such a good friend I've bet you'll get over it you'll get over it don't you worry but what's this thing here about you know I saw this the other day and I was just thinking who's building on our property I come in and building someone else's property you know I've seen this and he's all up to you I don't want to be a part of this at all I just open a book read it he's like no whoa have a read bubbles okay I'll read it I mount the best at comprehension but in voice oh yeah guys guys we're not making dear idea we recently discovered that you placed what can you wait that you put place what can you can only be described as a giant blue pillar on Sahara property oh we appreciate your efforts to add things to Sahara okay that's nice to rent the rent fee for ten days of the pillar will be sixty four diamonds yeah I mean I I ain't paying you know this is my dear property right here and this is a structure of being built on it by someone else we can charge him to you no charge bear Oh count a charge that means to me to build on that new blue pillar you know yeah let's get rid of this thing well if we leave it we can charge more yeah yeah just leave it for a moment leave it okay even a few months so they know and then we counter charge right yeah then we get them for two stacks of diamonds for at least well let's let's set our pricing based off of them the rent fee cuz we ought you know we always see what everybody else is charging when we charge a little bit more so that rent fee for ten days of the pillar will be sixty four diamonds so ten days sixty four diamonds we say ten days seventy four diamonds seventy four days yeah I like that that's good ladies and gentlemen I'm so sad like I am like I'm not a bad person I'm not like look into my eyes nothing but nice I'm a kind person it was like it was either her or us right Joshua me would forced us to do this I feel so bad Cleo victimized paper mice I'm so sorry I still like your face but it's and gentlemen I can't take more sadness Cleo rest in pieces and I didn't ask you guys in a previous episode like if you want to see a basil tour and most of your like hey hello what you mumble bumpo Dumbo's place and I'm like yeah why not I did talk to mumbo and hopefully it's gonna be online for a little tour of his abode Esau lets-a-go and don't hate me was not my fault nor bubbles it was evil X less suspicious I don't feel comfortable having like a dead dragon bro and me being and not the dragon bro and you're still alive dragon bro like you can't expect a restaurant rep from from green right so there's no say that oh he sometimes does some weird redstone oh he's moving just appears behind oh my goodness mumble dis ya looks insane yeah it doesn't pretty well doesn't it I can't actually imagine what it would look like with with shaders on I'm gonna have to watch your video to see what it looks like with shaders cuz it probably it probably does look pretty bonkers we used a lot of we use basically TNT carpet bomber type things so we have flying machines and then they were dropping TNT and it was all pretty crazy but yeah it's all for you see that kind of thing up at the top there in the middle that thing there that's the witch farm that it's like why we need this area cleared out because if we didn't have this area cleared out then then that would cause it will cause it to be less efficient so we have to have this enormous massive hole and then I just started filling it was just silly farms so this is why green comes here yeah you have to really watch out round it this is not like a user-friendly place there's everything so we've got witch farms you've got iron farms I've got tree farms I've got sugar cane farms pumpkin melon farms villager farms pretty much all the really big ugly farms I build here because this place is designed to just be really big and ugly but yeah it's in now to beholder like with shaders this looks epic this looks crazy like so this is what keeps a server lagging right if I activate all the farms it definitely it definitely causes to me she's on the server people know about it if I may have Kay here that's for sure but if I'm just running the witch fund and that that really doesn't cause too much like but yeah if all of them are running then it's yeah it kind of goes lights out on the server a little bit but you know meet UV so we should probably explain okay so me and Corrales we go way back Corrales actually me and you hammock craft season two we did a bunch of stuff I think we discussed we we were we were children in videos together five years ago was it five years yeah we just we just talked about that before we start recording like it was like yeah the first one was done like six years ago the key of C restaurants with a lot chicken chicken type of deal oh of course yeah yeah built the chicken farm for yeah yeah and then I remember I built a giant I built a giant bushy person on top of on top of a mountain somewhere in your base in the rules yeah and then I I feel like it's also worth mentioning that you are the creator of the name Bumbo which has stuck since since then but it's been like five years I just want to see you're a real face because the stupid face is in the way oh there was something in there yes is this your main base over here cuz I've seen like some locker combination will usually hide people been telling me oh yes I I have this I have this little AFK bunker down at the bottom here so this is where this is where I chill out okay this is where I hide if I meant to be afk and things like that the problem is is that people broke in because my combination lock was was a one two three four which is a tiny bit embarrassing yeah absolutely easy look at this yeah and I just realized actually I actually haven't connected up my second combination lock so it's a combination still is one two three four like from being is read some professional what can I imagine like you know I don't know ten number Oh watch out watch out watch out watch out whoa whoa oh whoa there's someone's left TNT here oh my goodness in pain that ain't Bravo that was close we almost both went up I did okay no one listen me be careful cuz I didn't notice that even like I'm kind of I'm I'm actually impressed that we didn't I just landed over here Islands walking back and forth back and forth I noticed before you activated the combination of I noticed there was a hole in the top of the combination lock so I wonder I wonder if someone who's not that good at redstone tried to fill it up with TNT Oh doesn't look like it okay I think I think we're safe there hmm okay well on the on the topic on the purpose of that sort of thing okay that people have constructed in this area tango actually came by the other day and he constructed let's call it a mini game I'm gonna call it a mini game the minions and I mean against it okay so it is a mini game with a small potential chance of death a small potential chance of death it's they're a pretty nice I'm not sure okay I really don't know anything about it all I know is it was built for me okay and I I walked straight over it and didn't activate it but I know that you're into mini games and the stakes are pretty high if you wanted to play it I mean we could play it is literally just over there if you wanted to if you wanted to try it out I'm sorry I can't take you seriously [Laughter] let me just how many totems of undying if you got put it that okay all right okay we are on four on me oh okay let me just get one five there we go five I can't see so are you open to the I cause I really do want to see this thing be used because it was built for me apparently tango but a lot of time and effort into it but I just walked straight over it so I would be very serious to see it be activated yeah like I mean five Tour de I should be with Survivor I'm amazed this is this a secret pressing like this only hold right but it looks really sweet having near the shaders and just everything around it yeah I can imagine it looks pretty cool I can imagine it looks pretty cool it's also surrounded by mobs of a minute there's a creeper on top of my redstone oh to be really careful here oh okay right I've got a piece of string okay I'm coming back I'm coming back okay Dante before you come I really love this ball you did don't I'm born ready for mini games man I feel like I should like yeah hey that was a bit of a brutal landing I saw you flying in there okay I just want to make it very clear I have I have made you aware of the fact that there is a chance that you could die okay just before the commenters go crazy that I've somehow trapped you or anything like that you are very aware that you could die from this yeah you have about 90 total terms of undying mo I think you should be enough hopefully about you know what let's just get one more I'm gonna place the string in yeah okay so if you just part of a trap where are you coming from okay let's patch this up okay there's seems to be lots of them so we'll leave them to it alright if you took on any of that string there you are gonna fall into it okay wish me luck but mumble I'm trusting you okay a bumble bumble Oh Oh see that's exactly what I did if okay just gotta walk slightly further forward look you actually gone for it okay can you try and explain to me what you see I see a purple ball spinning in the middle I'm not sure but it is a purple ball spinning our cube oh my goodness I've dropped down into the red stone okay please don't please don't do anything that could cause me to die because I'm really close to where you are okay so there's a book read me if you want to live okay connect I'm not sure that much do you think it would be connected something in the backstages no no no I'd probably suggest hanging here maybe it does say death by chicken by tango whoa there's a chicken great warm blood you have stumbled into an inescapable chamber dude inescapable okay if you breathe out a block you will die a horrible death do not test this today we're going to play a little game heed my words carefully and you may live another day your beating heart is the weak and vulnerable we can only handle so much pressure before it explodes the stone pressure plates are the key press all at once and tomorrow you shall see there's one wooden one which are just which can activate the whole thing I guess that's the one I dropped down on and there's one two three four five six stone pressure plates in this room right yeah so there's eggs there's eggs in the chest okay how many odors mini stacks one two three four five are just tons of stacks of eggs okay okay okay okay so you need to all you need to do is you need to stand on the pressure plate you need to throw chickens around and they need to hope right you need to hope that the chickens will end up on on the pressure plates surely either that's that's easier said than done I guess so I'm gonna press don't throw an egg at that crystal by the way why because I think that could explode okey dokey this doesn't make you guessing here ye when you said the powerful spinny thing I'm assuming there dude dude I've activated what was that what you do activate a front item oh no oh no there's even the scary sound okay okay okay so the chickens are running around just machine-gunning the chickens [Music] [Music] there you mumbled I told you that I'm into the wall I'll quit simply not happen to you I have maybe frou-frou a thing on the under thing a chicken you throw it you threw an egg at the crystal that one thing you won no no like this well now I feel bad cuz I'm fine you've trapped you I'm on your team dude we're home there's a book down there okay can I at least have a diamonds cuz I heard like tons of times on me there's an desert it's all gone I actually I mean I had like a stack of diamonds did you have a stack of diamonds on it I said that you could die I came on a friendly visit had my god our Murphy nice my formatting for a bad Oster ax pickaxe silky touch pickaxe how many toes I'm dying did you lose as well did they not save you at all like they know I wasn't no no no no no I was I was suck it's happening instantly like the duck dead the TNT explode instantly cuz like instant explosion it gets me the cube set off the fish oh man I'm such an idiot oh no I don't I don't really intend I don't understand what happened I'm honestly I'm I'm gonna have to watch from your perspective to see what exactly happened there I think it might have been love but it's over now you must have been good but I lost it somehow because I guess you thought you were gonna be able to work back oh you know what like people I'll ask people like which base do you wanna see Mambo because this is a good guy and now I died no no dude hey wasn't my fault because if you did hit that crystal right the night is totally on you I'm not taking any responsibility was it it might have been me I can't believe how much TNT was dropped dude did you go did your base go baboom Oh doesn't mean there's a massive crater underneath it well I'm to be honest I mean forget you I'm lucky that I survived this is terrified you're faced with the desaturation is quite horrifying and look like a dead person and I smell like a dead person you know you know is thousand diamonds for the one who wins thousand diamonds can you imagine how many games of run Dennis this is a thousand games around at least a thousand game exactly that is I you know what I totally forgotten that there was any prize money I wasn't really that fussed about winning demise until literally you just said that and now I'm very fast about winning demise now I actually want to try my bestest like I've just been lucking my way through all of this okay I've just about been bumbling through and now now now I'm gonna be taking this very seriously and I hang on you're a member of the dead team I need to stay away from you because we needed least and I've just technically been responsible for your death as well which isn't helping my case we need at least 20 blocks between one another at all times but before you do as an apology if you want to come over here I promise I won't kill you again okay I thought I would get you set up with with a beacon and everything oh just because oh oh dude I was running out low on those ceiling lamps make it home oh sorry can you can you can you meet me removed it because I cannot miss place that over here yeah yeah I was gonna say please don't write that because I don't know if you get that item back dude sorry sorry sorry sorry there's no pvp allowed I'll get you I'll get you uh I don't know that is there any there's no like prison on the home at craft server really no one's ever really broken any laws on the home at craft server so I don't know what would have yeah this is this is my yeah this is my base for the most part do you need some rockets by the way you know what you also probably you so kind you just gave me like an almost unbroken or a light trap I have no fear of falling boots so obviously I'm gonna die again very very soon but I don't mind I don't mind well do you have any armor whatsoever I do you have an enderchest with your stuff in it or you you just don't worry about it I'd be fine okay please don't go up the center of my base with the water because that is trapped and you would die again which as as funny as that would be okay we don't we don't want that to happen the only way to get up to my base really is to actually take off and fly oh don't tell me they trapped you're like actual base base like yes no my base is trapped as well no way did they oh my gosh mumble yeah things have changed since her so when when we would like to when we were we'll last playing together I guess your hermit crab season 2 I guess I had the jungle base yeah with the yeah I mean it's still pretty circular I got a say and there is still evidence of mustaches and things okay number sorry bumble yes it's the first time I see a polar bear in a game I've never seen those bears yeah yeah no I'm I've imported them from they're really difficult to find they're really really difficult to find and I think I've got two or three of them but one of them is really oh well would be acheived open happen quick if you know what I mean so I was about to say one of them really likes them but it looks like I'm gonna have a look around [Laughter] oh no he's it is here he's just standing on the opposite edge yeah what's with this guy he's just like a living man yeah he just stands on the edge this lucky threatens oh I see now so just like I'm sorry this is gonna like okay this is the desert part then we have eyes but a list of like different biomes yeah yes anyway did you really like in terms as far as based based tools go normally normally they're pretty chilled you know you just you just checking out what's going on I think this might be the most intense based or have been done yeah intense would be the right word for a scream intense so tell me like okay so did we get this creation what is there two things next to this like this island with it with the bushy overgrown place is that yours as well okay yeah so that's mine as well so that is that was an area that I built that was originally for villagers so that was originally meant to be where all the villagers were but then minecraft 1.14 came out they changed a lot of the villagers stuff and all of it stopped working so then I I basically built a gigantic place underneath my base that we can actually go and check out yeah it's for my villagers and then that that also do you see that kind of like full spiked building that's just on the outside of my face mm-hm oh yeah you're there yeah that one so that's like the new villager breeding area and then that takes villages into the underside of my base and then all of these bills around the base I like different farms and different things I've built as well so these are like smaller farms I built generally before I had the industrial district you've been busy Linda yeah and like that and so the I call that you know that gigantic hole that we went to I call that the industrial district it's just that makes life that makes life easier you don't have any depth Strider and that do you say here if you don't dive you just drown as another way to die and then this this little area down here is just my little villager area but yeah it's nothing too special because once again things kind of broke a little bit here if you have any things like enchantments and stuff then this is a good place to come to oh my oh my you know I can't make a piston go up and down this isn't some nice little stuff me ya know i mean i i'm have you improved at all a redstone since since since we last spoke you know you've had five years to work on your skills and no not much I can start the piston go up and down and that's about it hey welcome to the redstone club thank you thank you good sir this is a fantastic face my hat's off like I mean this is not like I mean I didn't think how did it miss this this is just outside of town right yeah so this this building here is this is for like bulk gathering things so I can get loads and loads of bricks from these guys and then this one over here is like I call it my emerald generator because these the inlet is literally free emeralds because of how to the way that villagers now work is that if a zombie attacks a villager and then you cure up the villager it reduces his prices so if you look at these villagers it's now one one melon for every emerald oh yes quite good better sub bargain yeah how big what is a useful name besides boat likes I mean to be honest like so I have as you can see in all of these shocker boxes or at least they used to be all filled with emeralds yeah you just use them for trading getting enchanted stuff getting building blocks right over there you can get one block of quartz for one emerald so that's pretty handy oh and them yeah you can do some do some cool stuff yeah baby this is this yeah I'm also not very good at doing that diamond throwing in a rocket or two oh you've got this you've got some drowned coming after you did you for the Rockets man this is intense based on Akeno I'm gonna tell you different fly way far away and I'm gonna just just just take a peek how am I miss this place I mean where's the main town it's yes obviously it's not far yeah we can we can we can we can fly towards it so if you just if you go in the direction that I'm currently going on I just saw me yep but yeah so if we fly in this direction you'll then fly past green space which is also pretty crazy yes I'm a massive here I believe red yep and then and then if you just keep going in this direction then you crash into Sahara basically but it's really dude where did you fast into the wall in there in the entrance of Sahara I don't want to dude I can see your stuff I'm terrified being dead so good at being alive this is my question how did you stay alive for so long and then today you have died like five times the last time was my fault okay and I'll give you that the first and most important time arguably was my fault all right but these other four times these are entirely on you okay right okay here's the deal okay I'll hand you this beacon okay okay this is it here's your present there we go and I'll give you some firework rockets as well you can you can have those and and thank you and yeah I'll leave you to get yourself sorted again at your base and I wish you all the best with that one hopefully you don't nineteen more times I've died like five times like honestly five times but I got a beacon out of it and I'm dance and I can play their demise game as well so I mean is when we need my books alright but that is true that means that I'm going to walk very far away from you as fast as possible because you are now a threat and you know we know we don't talk we we meet up for the first time in six years we get along really well and then you do this you die and now we're on opposite teams and now and now now we can't talk again have non life trusted you mumble mumble combination was it one one one two three four got it see you later I'm so sad I've died like six times in less than an hour like dieded dead rip riperino no more you know what that is looking to mind nothing about my eyes that is that is demise karma and now I died it and I'm dead Cleo I'm so sorry oh I had plans but you know what the one thing which I do you want to do let's just head out cuz I know bubbles I believe he just finished his castle in his castle Lee Sherman is majestic and hey you know what bubbles still alive I didn't make a little bubble Vader so now we don't have to go all the way here just to get out of from the house stir this plan was to get the kitchen done but what have I done to deserve this I'm already dead Kerala's was lame up mrs. puff see this is this is karma this karma lesion gentlemen looking to my son of evil eyes be kindly general right be be be very kind I mean who done this holy smokes I can mean I wouldn't even notice that because it's this guy's a star the houses over here and it just filled with those those monsters at ease how am I supposed to my staff has this pond you might have this pin this pond what I mean if I just go okay wait wait I guess - there's a bunch of him like oh hello puffer can I have some how let the water out and okay this is this pure evilness just bunch of them inside and they're like going all puffery and like hey I mean it does make an amazing aquarium I have to say that so overall not so sad will you come out and play you know come out and play okay I'm gonna die here I am gonna die I don't want to die but I only bet on me even oh but just next to hotel here here this no no no no no no no no no no no no no this day I just wanna sleep oh my goodness hello mister oh well kill you those guys on a hand can let's maybe just sneak into 2a over here yeah they seem stuck anybody oh hello bubbles you have you have a little vermin inside of the hotel all right but nevertheless now I just need to get rid of those puffer fishes oh yes yes yes yes go away water please oh we have okay so we kinda kinda made it ladies and gentlemen I will conclude this episode today today has been such a bad day I don't I don't dare you to walk anywhere around here anymore nothing is I'm afraid of dying because I am dead but I don't want to repair stuff and I don't want to I don't around from the spawn point anymore so thank you so much for watching one thing which I'm really sorry about by the way is that this episode has been the longest episode in history over in witchcraft I guess so I'm truly truly sorry about that but I really hope you guys enjoyed and the castle is something we need to check out next day next time because it is a phenomenal place it is it is done don't doubt that this alive for me anymore so yeah not being gonna be running there but let me just flush down the toilets I know it sounds terrible but I mean that is what it is it is it is it is my my face this is this is how it is that some once again legitimate thank you so much for watching this has been a very terrible day what good old Corrales I've been dying left and right but and now I'm dead I can't die anymore can i no this is this is the end of the death period I guess so thank so much for watching there might not be an episode for a few days or week or so because I mean actually you trying to Poland to spend some time with the family over Christmas and such but hopefully it's enjoyed a super long episode and true story about them but hey it is what it is let's call it like a lot special die special demise karma special I don't know with that being said thank you so much for watching did you get the links in description to all the people who've been involved in today's episode and mumbo humbo that's a very close up yes it is like so you've killed me nah all good all good fun I guess I did know thousand games of run which is kind of sad as Minter's but back of my head that's the front of my head but I've said goodbye I've said goodbye thank you so much for watching I am Carla's pom pom pom pom pom pom pom see you guys in the next episode and if we don't see each other before Christmas have a fantastic Christmas everybody bye
Channel: Keralis
Views: 452,428
Rating: 4.9686966 out of 5
Keywords: hermitcraft, keralis, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, hermit craft, hermitcraft six, hermitcraft s6, minecraft, minecraft base, family friendly, lets play, let's play, lets play minecraft, minecraft lp, hermit, minecraft house, keralis minecraft, keralis hermitcraft, keralis modern house, minecraft hermitcraft, season 6, hermitcraft keralis, hermitcraft recap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 7sec (3127 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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