HermitCraft 6: 171 | WHAT HAVE WE DONE

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of heavy craft season six I can't believe I've never have never done this as an intro and I can't believe I've never tried to travel the full 1380 blocks that this tunnel is in the nether in f5 mode Oh place that brick there I actually managed to align myself in the center it wasn't perfect but I am oh and then I fail here really I don't think I've ever stopped here oh I forgot about my original nether hub that is looking really creepy I do really like this build I completely completely neglected its as I moved to there to the mushroom island anyway I am on my way back to the Hermit lands or hermit yeah hermit lands is a hermit will hermit will because I am super excited to see if we have made any profits on the run game and just to bring you up to speed I really really really want to bring rich girl back but rich girl he's a man of diamonds and he's a man that needs at least 1000 diamonds in the bank before he appears and at the moment I think I'm down to maybe five hundred however much that is four hundred and seventy seven yeah four hundred and seventy seven diamonds somewhere we're like halfway there to get rich girl to come back and I know that in the last episode I did invest some of the diamonds and I did have more tournaments but I truly truly believe that run is the way to go to get more diamonds at this point in time that side is just the coolest thing ever at the fact that it ran just as I came here I did see the comments that a few people thought that it may scare people off I said they see it and then they run away yeah I hope that's not the case I really hope that's not the case have we made any person play the game nope single one not a single person has played Oh No I mean I do know that Corrales is currently not able to play because this computer I think is broken I've seen on Twitter but no one has played either I feel like I have to do some more some more advertising campaigns or or socks because well I I do want to rich Cal back but I'm also I'm also a little bit fed up with my oversaturated super colorful skin I wonder what happens if I step into the saturator again am I gonna get even more saturated or will that sort of revert the changes okay is it done it's done looks like we look exactly the same right yeah yeah we still look exactly the same and my head my face seemed to look exactly the same as well alright I think I've just come up with that idea it's a very stupid idea but I think it could be fun what if we build a skin fixer machine because a lot of people has become oversaturated I know the full symmetry got green hair I think I know the green is like super glazed like radioactive and I mean me I'm just rainbow skull which yeah it's all it's all good and and such but I do miss my architecture suit I do miss my my green colors and my I've got that I've got the color of my tie is it is it normally yellow blue I'm gonna go with blue anyway the point is that quite a few people need a skin fixer right and that means that I could build one and potentially charge for it and by doing so we could get diamonds Stokes that sign just as land nowadays that's weird this area here right next to Sahara fuels seems like a fairly good spot to put this up because well it's it's it's an empty space of land and isn't the whole lot of empty spaces around here it's also close to that sort of shopping street or whatever so it makes sense here's a quick remark if I have Hayes to an efficiency five pick ax I think chopping down logs should be insta mining we're star to powerful I mean you do with a pickaxe on stone so to me that makes it make sense so here's the idea we're gonna press the color with the over color out of the Hermit that steps into this thing it and I realized it would be really really really cool to actually press it down with a bunch of pistons but I'm not I'm not talented enough with Pistons to do that I don't even know if it's possible without using immovable blocks obsidian or that sort of stuff so we can add we're gonna have to think as if it presses down and sort of presses out the oversaturated color so this is the base and we would then be walking in standing in the very middle here I gotta give it to Mambo those pipes look really good my pipes look really bad look absolutely awful and I'll be working on this for like an hour it's so silly but I just can't get it to look right so maybe we don't do the pipes or maybe we don't mix up the colors I'm not entirely sure oh my goodness is he a vampire although that's his shirt I thought that's perfect oh I see save me see it is a very very very dangerous machine so while he is looking extremely scary I am getting ahead with my skin presser machine to press out all of the over saturation I think I may have a beta tester for this machine to be older I've got off for him to beta test this machine I just need to finish it so at the moment we have the the normal minecraft colors coming in from the Minecraft sky totally makes sense they go through and then they push out the oversaturated colors on the left into an exhaust pipe now I want to add a little bit more of cool things to this so that it looks like it's an engine so I was thinking we could have fireplaces underneath these things and hopefully that creates oh yes I like that that creates like a little smoke effect maybe I should have more of those not just a corner we add one here and one there that is looking really cool I like that would you be interested in beta testing my new D saturator mm best name ever he's looking at it weirdly looks so weird but yes he is it will be ready in five minutes okay I really have to step it up so I installed the I installed the smoke generators from the engines at the bottom I think that looks really cool but I do want some kind of cool effect inside Manuel has like bouncing concrete or stuff like that don't have time to do quite that much in five minutes but we should be able to do something I think a circle of lamps spinning around inside here once activated would be really cool so we can do that by having observers facing into those terracotta blocks and then like that and empower those with a clock now I also want to install some sound effects with this thing so whenever the light spins around with these observers this is the input right here whenever they spin around we get signals down here that will send into emerald blocks and we'll put note box on top of this thing this thing is gonna be it's gonna be fairly loud it's gonna be very very chaotic I reckon but I mean gotta try and get that gonna get try and get that good feeling alright let's test the sound out [Music] it's so weird so what I go do makes this hook up a clock here that is hooked up to a button or something that we enter the chamber with just like the saturator now finding a space for an activation button is actually quite hard because of the gaps and stuff that I have here I can't just put like a button running down without it being visible so here's my idea we're gonna have a dropper here in the center with a button and that's how you activate it and then we're gonna catch that item that falls down to the bottom here into a hopper right down here and then compare that signal somehow and that's how the whole thing starts yeah I think this is gonna work so it's Kyle I've been waiting around alright okay it's been at least seven minutes and you said five minutes seven minutes you're really you're really pushing it okay so so I would be pushing it hang on I know you've you've come out on the saturated with a nice fancy suit which I'm kind of jealous of I've come out I've come out like a true British whole Damon you know from a distance what is this you look a little bit like Python GB look I mean I I don't know what to say dude to say when you ran up here when I was mid building my thing here I thought you were a vampire I thought your shirt colors were your fangs definitely sunburn is a vampire there's a hint of lobster could be an improvement the suit looks fantastic it looks it looks like rich gal suits you can see that it's definitely a man of style that has done that now hi luckily I've been working on something for myself that may that may work for you as well I mean I took I took your I did some research on your saturator rye and and I it's obviously clearly now that like five Hermits is called were saturated yeah very very badly rated calibrated yeah yeah yeah I mean I did put a disclaimer at the back of the book I don't know if anybody read it but yeah I did say that I kind of hadn't had a chance to obviously test it out yet and I was gonna be on hold day so people weren't gonna be able to get hold of me but I I mean it wasn't my finest redstone build I have to be honest I was I was fully expecting us because I never died so I've never become a gray skin so I was fully expecting but the way this machine is supposed to work is that I suppose take the minecraft colors from the Minecraft sky push it through and push out the saturated colors on the left down into the floor but it's not fully there yet I mean I was planning on doing a bunch of other things and and stuff like that and I'm also planning on charging for this service oh okay okay just a reasonable amount of a stack of diamonds to go through stacks of diamonds just lying around it's your lucky day though it's your lucky day maybe maybe you get to test that maybe you get to test this for free by being the beta tester so that you know should something go wrong I mean with some papers and all those things and yeah right I mean I got to lose really yeah I mean I suppose I suppose I guess let's just do it I mean I guess I so you I just have to stand weights go in and press the door she haven't installed the door is that Alright I should probably install a door I press the button and things happen and then well it's a presser it's supposed to press out the saturation you didn't mention that it was a press it hang on hang on you see that it's a presser it's got an engine on the bottom engine on top it's supposed to press down I mean I'd love to do that with pistons but I didn't so that thing we have all you said was it takes it you said it all like sales pitchy it takes a saturation out the sky and it moves it into the ground not through just crushing when you press it has to press down to like the color out do you see keV just expected to old while it will just randomly press things out doesn't make any sense mumbled well now I'm a little bit more reluctant okay well okay how about this how are this cuz I don't have much it's not I don't have much faith in what you've constructed because I do have faith in what we both have yeah why don't we both at the same time okay okay should I press the button yeah it's not this is the first I think so yeah I mean [Music] [Music] [Laughter] how do you see my head I've pressed tab [Laughter] you've got my eyes and I've got I have your tie I have your strange kind of I have I have my own suit jacket but then I have your labels which is interesting and I have your left I want to see that face of yours get up against the wall because I need to see this in person no this is worth dying over but that's understand I totally understand why my eyes okay why is it that my eyes look it's like that is my face that's my face [Laughter] nice oh my goodness oh we've made a grave error I think what's the plan of action now redstone genius you will have to come up with something to fix it I think that's out yeah and um oh my I can't even look at you okay so we're gonna make an onion blur well you're gonna make a nun jungler all right okay I'm gonna have to make a nun jungler yep look like I kind of expended on my redstone energy on the saturate this is gonna be even more difficult to do with this one to be honest like I I'm happy that I have the dragon head on my face right now yeah because this it's just this is it's a bad situation I gotta say it's good to be a pro in situations like this I mean that face is absolutely hideous and clearly me and Mambo we really we really really messed up I don't think I'm I don't think I would be able to sell any services to this to this pressive machine I think I may just have to shut it down I will say today's episode ended up a lot more silly and a lot more goofy originally planned I had a little bit of an idea for a new project over at Sahara but I've been I've been I've been I've been just so so much laughing over the past hour or so over the fact that this kid looks absolutely ridiculous is specifically the face I really hope that Bombo comes up with a good what did he call it the jam blur or um mixup unmask up remover very very soon because wild while it's okay in the Dragon Skin I mean I'm gonna use this skin in my other series as well and yeah it's it's not the best look it's not the best look I do not I'm a mustache like that does not sound does not suit be more importantly I miss my lace right I'd really miss my lace right anyway my plan for the next so we'll be to do some more Sahara stuff because I've come up with a really cool idea that I'm very very excited about but for today that's gonna do it so I really hope that you've enjoyed this episode if you did do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new can subscribe in and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 340,853
Rating: 4.964179 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, modded minecraft, minecraft mod, hermitcraft season 6, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft iskall, iskall hermitcraft, iskall85 hermitcraft, iskall85, hermitcraft lootbox, lets play hermitcraft, iskall mumbo, mumbo iskall, mumbojumbo, iskall mumbo skin, funny minecraft skins, best minecraft skins, minecraft skins, skins for minecraft, hermitcraft skins, iskall skin, mumbojumbo skin
Id: pCuSmauqY1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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