HermitCraft 6: 161 | Sahara & Mumbos DRAGON MISSION

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they're rumors flying around that Sahara is broken and they're also rumors flying about that Sahara has sold out of its stock ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of her miecraft season 6 I've just got the news and I'm not sure yeah yep yep I didn't want to record until I flew over to Sahara but that is what I heard I heard that I dia has brought us out what an idea ah to build a giant warehouse and sell a lot of stuff and you know sell all the things on the hermit craft server shop at the idea we have stock did you all build it in a location where no one could find it can't you get your own customers boys careless close your mouth for goodness sake Ron still doesn't have stock why are you only a torch so this makes me very curious to check on the stockroom did they actually buy us out oh my goodness it's look in wait a minute they haven't bought us out at all we sit with the left stock or these things are or these things are broken I mean okay to be fair they put a lot of the stuff they have bought a lot of it is about sea lanterns white no bomb blocks I was gonna say I haven't stopped well concrete in sacks yeah we should still have quite a bit of stock of this or my redstone is broken Act that could also be that could also be the case so in the shop from - yep I'll show that idea as some cheap marketing right there I really hope that they paid for everything and if they did do we have a lot of diamonds oh my miss Sahara has just made two and a half stacks two and a half stacks of diamonds I'll take it thank you idea now don't get me wrong I think that we already broke even when we did Sahara now so I mean this is pure profit this is pure profit we could we could just restock I do have to figure out why why some of those things are not empty in the stock though because that worries me a little bit so comparators ink sacs bond blocks and repeaters as well as cylinders are not correctly displaying the stock at the moment now that could be well that could be because of many things I just thought that could be because of any things could be that my redstone down there is broken it could be because the decoders are broken or it could be because we didn't have the right amount of stock displayed or maybe there was no seal enters in the stock front right so this should be the seal anthers and we are out of stock we are absolutely out of store I mean we do have more seal answers and I have a mega Guardian form of doom so it's not a problem to restock not a problem at all and again that doesn't mean that all of them have the modules broken so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have to look through all of these things and so comparators what's the next one and find out whether or not yeah that's also empty okay I'm gonna assume that we are so loud and I'm gonna assume that the error lies within the stop keeping module that I built oh I'm so lucky I just saw this guy grant your chair is dangerous did he spawn on top of that stair I've been troubleshooting for about an hour now and I fixed two things it seemed to be related to the decoders shooting out their items too quickly so I fixed that I slowed it down slow down a repeater in the decoding room and now that should be fixed and now if we take a look over here send through the items okay so I still have to do the ink sack but the comparative one is fixed and the seal anther one should definitely be fixed as well yeah the seal and the one is fixed as well so this should in theory be the last ink sac that was stuck in the system yes okay now this model here is the one that I don't understand I don't know if we had nine stacks of boom blocks in the system when they made the purchase because I found these two key cards stuck in a hopper upstairs and it didn't make any sense to me it looked like the hopper had unloaded like the chunk was unloaded hurt something but this one should be working I shouldn't have to change any of that and you have to compare the logic here nope that one is working fine so that was literally must have been some lag or something that looked that oh and this one is super simple I had a repeater yes because this one will be looks from that okay so I had one repeater too little as a key cord here that's easy to fix so that means that the stop keeping is in fact working I just had a hiccup with ink sacs and with the seal anthers and with the comparators but that should now be fixed and we are clearly completely out of stock in Sahara but we are also seventeen diamond blocks and seven diamonds richer and I'm actually going to add another two for my own personal supplies because yeah 1818 diamond blocks richer let's let's add that to the thing I'm really happy that the idea people came around and purchased some stuff at Sahara I don't I don't even know what idea sells I should probably do some market research one of these days but one thing that I do know is that we are definitely just gonna restock Sahara and take this down yeah we're definitely gonna take that down restock Sahara and they did their welcome they're welcome to buy more stuff from us I guess I mean with really a diamond mountains oh yeah come back any day idea I've just received an urgent message from Mambo asking me to come to his base I think I know what this one is about actually before we head over to Mambo I want to take this opportunity to let you all know that the architects Mirian a mambo has just recently launched our Sahara an architect's shop where you can buy t-shirts with with the Sahara logo yeah you could buy one with the Sahara logo you can buy one with a retro Sahara logo there's also like the whole shopping chart of how you how you buy stuff how you buy stuff at Sahara yeah this is something that you guys have been asking for a long time for and we finally did it just like a week ago and right now it's this is the Black Friday weekend Black Friday sounds really fitting cuz they're doing the whole dragon bra at the moment but during this weekend we got a limited edition Sahara t-shirt with the bumbo on it so you know the cactus the the cactus thing this logo here yeah we got this logo with Bombo kept all night standing in it in a limited edition only this weekend so if you do want to get this logo you have to get it this weekend but anyway I want to take this quite quick opportunity to just let you know and if you if you if you want the address if you want to check it out it will be down below in the description so now let's head over to mumbles base I have some questions guys okay okay what's all this then it's your babies all this I know I don't understand how anyone could build a bumpy road how I fell down into hole oh wow great base hey if you had a problem with it okay you could have said it when I built it about a year and a half ago I can't believe you're bringing this up now this means that for this entire season you've been thinking that you've been storing that up in your head and you've only because he was prophet it was prophet from the seal anthos I appreciate that purchase this this no you're gonna have to explain to me what that is all about because I can't open notice that my head has quadrupled in size and I have I've received a Hollywood [Laughter] [Laughter] do you also realize we would think you mustache away I can't believe that you guys broke into my bunker I know my password security wasn't exactly and start jamming codes in that you know that I would pro we did we did we didn't have to jam code it was the second thing dragon broke a scouser dragon bro I'm a dragon bro b-dubs is a dragon bro and basically what we do is we bro yeah we bro did we bro that's like dragon bro ok ok with me bro what about this would this be bro throw this on the floor not pick up no that's just this is bro that's number this is more bro table spread this is bro oh that was Dragon broke yeah that was totally dragon bro that's that's bro that's really bro right there I mean he still lost me I mean I I feel like I'm gonna be doing unintentional bro things for a little while so if I do do something bro you can tell me that it's bro maybe for a little bit because I don't know if I'll be able to like yourself professor bro moment I'm lost I'm too British for this stuff basically everything you do is either bro or not bro and we're as dragon bros keep our brazen line yeah alright we just broke bro that's right that's bright that's a bit oh oh look it up like that yeah that's bro he's gonna be a good dragon bro gonna be a great bro I'll pick this up alright I'll pick a dragon with a mustache who would have thought yeah but you ain't a real dragon bro until you've brode someone else yeah you see we will broad someone i broad green well he brought me yeah and then we both together broad no wait you browbeat UPS meet ups yeah meet ups braids you do you haven't brought anyone I've only been a bro for like three minutes I think that's still there's still plenty of real time okay I have to be alive into my so X and color forces online okay alright okay um do you have do you have bro headgear there we go track dragon bro bro bro bro bro oh wait we should show in the dragon bro base yes yes we have a dragon broad base mumble how do you yeah alright this is something that I actually do need to check out I feel really really lucky with this entrance previously yes I went through my entire bunker we got the architect bunker key we put that in you wait for your bidding and then you both go dragon bro if you don't do that mumble there is a it's a sure death it's a sure death yes alright so if you die now in fact I know that would be sad I didn't hear the ding oh it is the scariest thing to go through sure that thing that should at least be like can you confirm if death is sure or not I made this by the way agree and have you seen this I have I have been inside this is this is dragon dragon bro meeting room dragon bro headquarters oh my word there's piston door action going on yep - bye - is this room bro yes yes this problem right okay so this is the squad this is the squad this is standing on your own head is that bro that's bro that's very bro in fact good love it cool cool maybe also wearing an iron armor I mean I'm not is someone sticking out in this room a little bit yeah far more fashionable do Dragon Bros like iron over gold no I'm the everyman alright I'm not blingy guy you've got you've got now you've got the Hollywood lips and you've got you've got the designer gear on it's you're its broad Ling hashtag it's humble before we annek before Green was a bro he was a Whitney the Pooh and now he's a problem bro yeah debrief time you're gonna go after false I actually have a little plan so let me take you through it cuz we're actually gonna need this is actually gonna take a little bit of like finesse on our part and really work together as dragon bros okay we've got by the bucketloads you're not building another chair are you this is what we're gonna have to do this is gonna be a little bit complicated so we're gonna put outside the front of her base a big old sign with a pumpkin on it and we're gonna have a load of red herring signs so this is gonna be like about a blah blah blah blah blah blah on the signs yeah well you know when you're you know when you're at the cinema and you want to what there's a movie you really want to watch and then someone tall sits in front of you block to view yeah just did that what I wanted to see there okay yes sorry the name problem what we're gonna do is I'm gonna have a dispenser this girl's gonna have the dragon head and Lumbo is gonna have the leaver because he's the one that's got got to dis yes the dragon head okay I've got the redstone skills exactly what we do is we create this it's gonna have loads of like just words on it so false we'll be reading it she'll be like looking looking looking looking at this time we sneak up behind her the signs will tell her to put the pumpkin on her head - like reveal a secret message or something it's total nonsense but either way she should take off her helmet for that split second to put on the pumpkin that's when we sneak up behind her we put the dragon head in activate it that's why we need all three of us so it's okay okay this is in the come out no we need to put this the sign like here maybe dudes I just came up with a dragon bro song drag yeah I wish you want can you Pro know you can I'm Eli beat maker is gonna remix that it's gonna be like a dragon bros tag and brawls dragon bros is gonna pitch it up and stuff it's gonna be yeah yeah I'm glad you did his job for him so that hopefully he doesn't have to listen to that a bunch when he's remix innit guys I don't want to stress anyone out but there's a green head chicken over there is that chicken shrine bros no just making noise over the top of you so I'm also definitely gonna get I've had I've had copyright issues in the past okay and I've ironed them how are you coming in sorry I'm sure I get point taken okay I'll shut up and honestly you know if one a Chapel decided to come in and remove that audio from my video it'll be a blessing I can't read I know you're reading this but the truth is [Laughter] rubbish basically just repeating the same thing over again no we just have to wait now we wait now we wait did anyone bring did anyone bring snacks no I didn't bring snacks no no what's this invisibility potion gonna do greed will be entertaining and it doesn't list our user names won't be visible look no no no no don't take yours too oh you say that's wrong at least yeah the least invisible thing ever [Laughter] so I said to jail is you just you just can't be doing that within Toronto books you know it's just not right I know and I don't know what why don't those know this how long's it been playing Minecraft I know I know like sometimes come in I don't know we've been running I'm running okay but she's definitely gonna know something's up no no no this has definitely been one of the weirdest days I've ever ever experienced on the her Macau server but I gotta say that dragon bro operation went really really quite well didn't it so I'm really happy about that I'm really happy about that anyway I have started the works of restocking Sahara and I need five stacks of view because that's what we're gonna do I'm definitely gonna work in between episodes and in my next episode on restock in Sahara now one thing one thing that I've been thinking about is whether or not whether or not we should raise the prices if I dere strategy is to buy Sahara out in order to make their own business profitable I mean it only makes sense why shouldn't we just race and raise the prices we have collected a bunch of sand and oops almost lost our chuckles I've collected a bunch of sand so we will have full stock of sand again I mean sand oh wow that thing is really getting all this player we will have full stock on salmon can I just say how cool isn't this super quick elevator of items I mean yeah that is that is really cool and since I did this last time man was also done the return line so it should it should in theory work flawlessly to restock via this thing now and yep the first time box has loaded him correctly now while I was troubleshooting sahar before I did receive a message from Corrales claiming that he dropped his Trident in Sahara yep a potato trident this time he's accidentally cued his Trident into the key card reader and yeah that's that's really that's really sad because I've been searching the entire key key reading system or key card reading system and I haven't seen the Trident anywhere so unless he has found it and broken in and found it himself he must have D spawned and for that Sahara apologizes of course Corrales but no refunds on on things you throw into Sahara rap to four boxes and everything is still working in Nice I'm gonna keep stoking this but do let me know down below in the comments if we should if you think we should raise the prices of Sahara because I don't think that's a bad idea I think that's that's probably that's probably the smartest course of action I mean some of the things we are selling are super super cheap but anyway I really do hope that you've enjoyed this episode it's been like I said a really weird day on the home craft server but it's been it's been really fun so yeah if you did enjoy the video do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new because I described it and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 386,889
Rating: 4.9729643 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, hermitcraft architect, hermitcraft architechs, hermticraft architech episode, mumbojumbo, grian, mumbo, mumbo jumbo, grian mumbo jumbo, grian mumbo, grian mumbo iskall, iskall mumbo, iskall mumbo jumbo, architech dragon bros, architech merch, shop at sahara, shopatsahara, sahara tshirt
Id: xe9u6SbJ1bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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