HermitCraft 6: 159 | Time for my REVENGE!

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Its dorathy from lord of the rings

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mumbo: What happened here?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fnaflolbit101 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
I know I know yep III know and I'm sorry but there it's been a long time since my last hermitcraft episode and I don't really have any good reasons for it other than the fact that I've been so overly inspired to play fun craft lately that I've just been I've just been playing fun craft every single day every time I've been launching minecraft it's just been just been me playing fun craft and yeah yeah I I see - I see it - I have a stupid dragon head on my head and I cannot I cannot take it off because it's got cursor pointing it's got curse of binding at least it looks really cool when I fly around with it and the mouth goes up and down but it is ridiculously large so for those of you who don't know what happened a few days ago were a week ago I I I was in a meeting with with green I'm trying to catch some Sun man people are dying and going all pale and I just want to be shiny you know you know what though I I do have to actually put some clothes on I'll be right back there we go that's better I what is that take off your other armor it's the heck is that what you farmer now you farmer s cow I'm not a farmer look at my look at my hair somewhere over the rainbow I'm Dorothy man from Lord of the Rings no I don't know what movie it is from now I forget I forget I love well let's just say that there was some requirements in me selling Sahara now memberships back in the day have you seen this have you seen this someone left us a load of presents have you have you done this no I did this look gave me I got two totems of undying from this because it had a present it has presence in it so I went and just click this stuff and it like dispenses presents I don't know who did this by the way but I did I think someone did a deal with architects or something I don't know look it's just there's just ultimate gift in here it does look like a trap doll not gonna lie but by getting here no no I thought so too I thought so too I thought it looked really like honestly look at them Ren made this box over here and I renamed it giant sus box then two days later another giant sauce box appears I think they're trying to lull us into a false sense of security or something hmm like this just does nothing I was super super skeptical there's just like loads of dispensers underneath what are you what's happened I'm confused I'm very confused okay I'm sorry it's gone I'm sorry someone left this trap here and it didn't work on me but I saw you weren't wearing a helmet Dorothy now so here we hard as a as an unwilling dragon and it turns out that someone stress monster could have been could have been seen by the pact ice left this machine to get back agreeing for essentially killing her and the way she was gonna get back at him was to get him to wear this dragon head with the cursor binding yeah forcing him to be a dragon for the rest of his life time into Gabe but he backfired because he was wearing a hat and I can't believe I wasn't expecting it at all but really into getting this this beautiful beautiful attire which is bigger than my whole character is it bigger than my old character I can't I can't really ridiculous though so as I'm sure many of you understand my goal for this video and for today will be completely and wholeheartedly to get back at green yep yeah if one does simply not force equip a dragon head on to my beautiful face for the rest of demise without paying for it but don't worry don't worry I'm not looking to kill him at all I need I need him as a partner because a lot of people are dying it looks like tin foil chef is still alive but a lot of people have died in the mines and I think there are more dead people now than there are alive I don't want to kill him I just I just I just want him to feel what I'm feeling so first things first I have to obtain a dragon head and I should have one of these somewhere and I suspect that that somewhere maybe in my in my base on my island and getting back to my base is actually a bigger task than one may think because oh yeah because of this right why are the pressure plates here I happen to know that you can't do that right you can't you can't take a signal through glass and a pressure plate but yeah obviously a lot of people are dead which means that there should probably or there is probably possibly most likely traps absolutely everywhere and I'm like scared of just moving around I don't even know if I dare to take my own tunnel I don't dare to go full-speed I really don't dare to go full-speed I may be imagining this but I'm seeing things holes and stuff that I haven't seen before oh this do my stuff is the worst it's just so scary why am I so afraid I made it to my portal and hopefully it's safe to go through on the other side yep everything looks normal I haven't been here in so long though but I think everything looks normal it just crumbled right so do I have please say that I do any Tigers cost I don't I have a mambo head I have a mambo head but I must have a dragon head somewhere with the amount of em rates that I've done this season surely surely I would have saved her dragon head at some point most girls I have a lot of boobs girl but no dragon head what about in this machine do I have anything to have anything that says and lava bucket of fish armor elijah's and the pros bones potions now why would I why would I put it here I wouldn't and I don't even remember how this thing works or if it works anymore oh it seems to work though but nothing in here there was an Android in here so you could have technically it could have technically been in there I can't believe this I couldn't find a single dragon head in my glacial base I found an O chapel which is insane like this is the rarest item in Minecraft it's insane to have an O chapel but no dragon had specifically considering that I've been to like a hundred androids now I'm gonna go to my very-very starter base and hopefully maybe I have one here somewhere oh I just realized oh I just realized do I not have one dragon head in here oh yes yes yes oh thank goodness for that okay so step one complete we've got a dragon head step two curse of binding and a funny name okay long yes it is cursor binding right yep it is cursor binding now the next step is gonna be the trickiest and that is to make a machine that green will trust to walk into without wearing a helmet because you see if you wear a helmet yep I mean it's it's it's it's almond and isn't it then if you wear a helmet you you don't you don't get anything equipped it's only when you don't wear a helmet so we got to make him believe that he's walking into something where he has to take his armor off and it's gonna be it's gonna be a little bit tricky three potions for members of breath over death I don't know what that means but I'm not trusting any free stuff now I'm thinking that we are going to build a little bit of a contraption in the architect bunker and I just hope that I have the correct key card it sounded correct oh okay this is super super scary now popped over to my credit test world and it is good to see my face again but my beautiful eye my beard and all of all of these things that I can't see on the hermit craft server now the first thing that comes into mind would be an Iron Man machine and I know that that sounds really cool that's it just the name sounds really great but an Iron Man machine is basically a machine that equips you ready for battle and these are very very common and so I would actually just need four dispensers for this but we got to make sure to make it believable that he's actually receiving an armor set and not the dragon head so maybe maybe we do something like this maybe I maybe you've walked through something a luckily Green is not super knowledgeable about the redstone so hopefully I can make a machine that tricks him into believing that he's going to get an equipped helmet so I filled this up we got eight a shield in here over here I don't want to quipped that shield in here we got chest plates boot or leggings and boots and then the helmets up here and I can show him this in advance to make him trust that this is just an Iron Man machine and then what I want to do is try and hide a dispenser down here with a dragon head in it and a carpet on top like that so the floor would have to be carpet for that to be believable which isn't really a problem because a lot of this Aharon architect builds have carpeted floors I guess I should probably test this as well so dispenser with a carpet and a dragon head does that actually equip it if I stand on top of it and power it so let's let's try this out yep that does equip it now ideally we wouldn't use a carpet at all but I don't think a dispenser will equip an item through a block I know that a dropper will shoot that item up through a book but I don't think a dispenser will will do will do the equipping but let's try that out as well so I got no dragon head on me click the button no no nothing happens if that would have been a dropper it would have shot the item up I've just realized there's one big problem with using carpet and that is that I would have to trigger it before he steps in which means that if he if he was smart which Korean is he could do this and see that it gets smoked particles from the floor and to my knowledge Green is not one to miss things like that so instead I'm working with this idea over here so I'll have the floor bleah be furnaces and cobblestone which I can sell as being a sturdy bunker floor whatever just part of the design the good thing with it is that the furnace and the dispenser share the same border so it doesn't look like an irregularity tava yet to have that texture over there and by doing that I can have the pressure plate inside meaning that he can't back out of it he can't like test-fire it let's try it out oh that is beautiful that is beautiful why did it not equip their pants and the chest plate though if I just walk in and stand still okay then it works it has to do with the speed and you see how I get the helmet there oh that is brilliant so that is really important because I want to be able to demo this for green and so let's do a test where I'm doing this on the hermit crab server I'm wearing my dragon helmet and I don't have anything in my inventory I walk through and I get everything and I can then tell GUI in that obviously I'm not getting the helmet but yeah it tried to equip it on me or something like that which makes it even more believable so back on the hermit craft server and green is a line so there is a possibility to get him to try this out now I gotta say this bunker looks absolutely makeup I love it I love this thing here I love these pillars Green has done a really really good job at this and I think I want to fit this thing maybe or maybe right here yeah maybe right here in this wall so let's say we need dispensers around like that and a dispenser on top and then our secret dispenser in the floor now be honest that is looking you're pretty believable as a floor pattern for this place I think it's absolutely perfect and we haven't really designed the floor or anything like that so I think carpet would look more suspicious than this I I really really really really do like this although I've just got an idea I've just got an idea may look better if I lower it one block down now that is looking really good if you ask me and totally believable to be part of the bank rap God I lowered it down so that we have this sort of reinforced floor and yeah that makes them it makes a lot of sense I'm really really happy with this I've also made sure that all of the dispensers are visible so that he can access and double-check that there's no shenanigans going on with him and hopefully by doing that he completely misses this little block here which will then have the correct dragon head in it now with this being done I also need to give him a reason for why he would use the Ironman machine instead of using the gold armor that is wearing and I think that one is easier to answer because what I'm gonna do is make some really good iron enchanted armor and then I'll come up with some idea about creepers or something and needing this specific armor because it's better than gold armor so first things first I do need to get myself yeah I do need to get myself some some iron armor and chanted it's always really scary to go through this thing and now I didn't listen closely oh yeah okay all good so I just come back down because I've now made myself a double set of blast protection for iron gear and I got a pretty good story I got a pretty a pretty good story why you would need to have this armor in the course of a disaster trying to load this up so we're gonna put the leggings in there we're gonna put the boots in there chest plates can go in there and then helmet in top and I forgot to make I forgot to make the shields didn't I but that's all taken care of and now all I should have to do is block that up and try and somehow get Green to agree to go into this machine and try it out the our key man machine that's brilliant I gotta say I'm a little bit nervous that he's not gonna buy this story but I'm gonna I'm gonna attempt to contact him Brean we need to have a meeting I wonder how many times things have started with I need to have a meeting and then from there it's gone pretty weird I'm busy pretty pressing one button repeatedly he is totally sold on defeating this button well I guess while I wait I could always upgrade my chair a little bit I mean I think it's I think it's time for a little bit of an upgrade did you ever beat the button nope nope nope nope nope well why am I here is go what do we need to meet you well yeah I know I know I know it is what it is I've upgraded my chair as well I think it looks nice what you think you think you're better than me no we don't my inbox and your your more expensive blocks yours is clearly still taller little more magnificent but anyway no the reason if someone you here today is because I have built the very first anti-death contraption in our bunker because people are dying man so many people have quite a few I think hey cub is died is come dead as well oh my goodness yeah I know I know REM dog stress dog exhume avoid and Cub fan and scar and scar and Scott did too many too many of them really fallen I almost went into the fire I think it's so scary hold on every time I use that door I'm scared yes so down here what I've done is on the left is I've made an architect or key man listen I'll keep a key man machine yes and the idea is that first of all I've been pretty close dying sometimes we're both wearing this gold stuff yeah I've had a few close calls like really really close calls and I've also done some investigation most of your traps that are created because there are traps in the world involve some form of TNT because you know how you can instantly explode someone with a minecart with a TNT minecart yeah yeah because of that I did some research and it turns out that glass protection and and every other protection you can multiply by stacking them on each on each items if you have it on your chest plate or your trousers on your own I have no blast protection actually I got a little bit on my helmet and then yeah nothing well if you would have four pieces let's say with blast protection you take like one hoard of damage we're from a TNT blast it's absolutely insane do P have you got some TNT to test this out cuz I do I do yes I do have some TNT I do have some theity I come prepared I come prepared first things first I take off my armor do we have a chest to put our on hold on you've got chest you've got chest plates in here I definitely don't wear chest plates because I've got an Electra no that is true that is true I think you're fine with three though I think you're fine with three pieces I'll have to wear it because I have the stupid dragon head on em so I'll go in first yep there we go now I get the yeah and I got the shield [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] yeah it's a long process you see the bottom bob has the same border as the rest of this floor but it's actually a dispenser that had a dragon in the helmet go on me first or did you remove it no the helmet is still in there or no the helmet should be in your inventory but how did the dragon get on me first rather than the helmet because I know I mean yeah I have got one more yeah one more I have what what are you thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking we could make little dragon bro club yes we could get more than more than one of us I mean this is two out of three architects right yep we're missing we're missing mumbos not dead so he could join he could join the Dragon Bruce yeah I think I've got a good idea we've come over to mumbos which farm I know he's got like a factory going on here at this point like it looks incredible except the die right I don't understand why right here but yeah I think it's to annoy I'm I honestly believe he's done that to annoy most likely so what I think we could do we're not really gonna just capture him because he's always wearing his helmet right yeah that's the problem how do we get out we've been we've been discussing awhile and we think the best way to get him is to wait until Mambo goes afk up there because he does do that with all of this factory stuff going on we've just got to bide our time wave him to go afk all the way up here this is like this is the most tempting thing I've ever seen in my life don't present weapons and armor and stuff and puts it in here so all we got to do is wait for him to go afk and simply dispense the dragon head on him yeah that should be that should be fully doable as well and I mean we can always yeah he won't even notice he goes back in the morning with this morning voices like yeah good morning beneath came for the past 12 hour I got kicked after 11 hours and 30 minutes so it's not being very successful but let's see what we got you know what the best thing is though we could take his mustache away and he wouldn't even know [Laughter] we'll become a dragon breath yeah well started out as a genius come back for agreein from stress monster has not turned into a little bit of a dragon brother club at the moment and we're now - that has to wear this stupid hat and if everything works out if we can get mumble to afk which should be fairly simple we should be able to get mumble in on the dragon brother that the clan or team as well anyway I do want to show you guys something completely different now before I end this episode and so I'm flying out in this direction hoping that this is the right way I think it is just over this yep here we go I found it so for those of you who missed it the other day me and green were part of a big charity event a 48-hour marathon stream called the love tropics to raise money for the charity cool earth and first things first if you were there I just want to say a massive thank you for tuning in I hope you guys enjoyed mine and green segments here from the home craft server but basically we decided to take it upon us to have everybody who contributed and donated into the cooler to live tropics course get a tree planted here on the hermit craft server and what we did was that we set up four different tiers of contribution so if anyone contributed $10 to this charity we would grow a small oak tree and we would name it after that person if anyone did 20 we would grow a jungle tree and name it after the person and $50 we would do a big jungle tree and name it after the person and then if someone was super generous and did $100 you would get a custom tree with your name on the server now we started off in this location here and this was and I think it is still obviously a Plains biome yeah Plains biome so this place was completely empty when we started our charity stream and look at it now there was so incredibly many people that came in and helped out and this has truly turned into truly turn into a forest and we got all sorts of weird custom trees here as well we've got this massive tree in the middle we got trees that are looking like this I mean not all of them are the best looking I I'll admit specifically the ones that I built but I mean we even have a dirt tree that that's a dirt tree and because we didn't set any restrictions for those who donated high amounts to get a custom tree I had to build this and I had to be lat and I had to build that and I had to build that yeah people people seem to really like the idea of me building died right tree so I I've actually built with I write and yeah that feels it feels a little bit weird but it was for a good cause so I am proud I am very very proud in fact I mean look at this place all of these trees are named so that when eventually the season would and people can actually come in here and remember the day of the love tropics and see all of the people who helped out you can see that there are signs sitting on all of these different trees and absolutely absolutely we me and Miriam were both blown away with the amount of support that you guys who were there gave us on that day and I I just want to say again a massive massive thank you from the bottom of my heart for the investment and the interest in making our planet a better place in saving our planet it's it's really really really inspiring to see and someone even requested a poultry man tree I added the I added the arms to it which I think which I think looks absolutely hilarious agree and built the portrait tree itself I mean that looks absolutely ridiculous and over this way I got the request from bumble to build a bumble treat all night [Laughter] like we had to do all of these lives so some of these builds aren't the best effort but that certainly does look it certainly does look like a bumble tree tone eye doesn't it I think yeah that that looks absolutely hilarious so all in all a massive big thank you to everybody who came out to the love tropics charity stream it was very very inspiring and I hope you had a good time me angry and was absolutely blown away by the amount of support and by the amount of love that people were giving us and the love tropics charity was it was such a such a cool thing to be part of and I'm honored to have been part of it but anyway that's gonna do for today so I really do hope that you have enjoyed this video if you did do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new cuz it's describing and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 537,658
Rating: 4.9623756 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, hermitcraft architect, hermitcraft architechs, hermitcraft architech bunker, dragon bros hermitcraft, hermitcraft dragon bros, hermitcraft iskall dragon head, iskall dragon head, iskall dragon, demise hermitcraft 6, iskall and grian, grian and iskall, dragon head minecraft, dragon head grian
Id: De4PIZ3uf3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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