HermitCraft 6: 119 | SAHARA DEALS & MINIGAMES

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back what is this this is what welcome back to another episode of her me craft season 6 it's a horror top secret diamond profit racketing concorde plus 80 40 diamonds to her - 32 what is this this is this is not looking good for Sahara this is not looking good someone has made a graph that must be a making of Concorde no Sahara architect member would put that up there I I wouldn't think now today we're starting things off at Sephora and the reason for that is because I have heard that our CEO and marketing director has actually done some work you're ready for stalking he has collected oh my goodness he has collected a bunch of items oh and he brought a lot bomb dogs over that's right me and green actually agreed on selling bone blocks from the widow skeleton form so these are fresh from the wither skeleton form and I believe it's only Exuma that sells these things I can't find any pricing information so I'm assuming that he has like let this over to me completely to stock and price it because there are so many different items here I think what I'm gonna do is actually price everything on signs first I probably should head over to cherry computers for these things here because yeah I don't actually know what they price them at or cherry prices there Matt and I we don't want to be more expensive than cherry computers that being said I think the biggest customers for cherry computers is probably me and Mambo and maybe doc hopefully Zara will get customers right so we have torches and he sells these for one diamond for five stacks I mean that is so ridiculously cheap though he should just buy him out we should just buy him out we have a redstone shop Peter look at this 32 I've looks for a diamond yeah these prices are gonna be so hard to match unless we buy him out constantly that could be a thing hi pastors Kyle it's me future Grimm from the future what what are your greed that's funny what he's doing now I have got most of these prices figured out and we are actually competitive or better priced than the cherry computer store and if score decides to lower the prices I think we'll just simply will simply buy him out then we'll simply buy him out because he doesn't have a which form and we do now this is the tricky one no one sells hope right there my hope is at the moment and for every hope where there are eight logs that means that in eight hoppers there's a stack of wood a stack of wood is one diamond at the local 16 hoppers one diamond that's a great price I put the prismarine on the table because I wanted someone to take care of it and no one has so I guess yeah I guess I don't know if I want to sell priests brain bone blocks don't we definitely want to sell so with all of this laid out the one thing that I have issues pricing is the redstone torch because chair computers sell five of these retirement which is just ridiculous that ass just way too good and I don't even think we should compete with that I honestly think we shouldn't sell redstone torches we should just let people buy them a chair a computer so I'm gonna leave them out but everything else I have now priced and I am probably happy with this yes I think so so I'm gonna say Stoke in Sahara at the moment is quite a tedious task it takes about ten minutes per item because it's three different things I have to fill and then I have to check the redstone anyway more embarrassing is the fact that in order to stock anything we need at least nine stacks for stocking which is what Green has collected but in order for me to set up the decoders and the key cards we need one more stack of than that so with repeaters I'm having to invest my own diamonds once again and yeah I I have to I have to get an extra stack I think it's the same for comparators oh this is gonna be expensive oh I have to do it I have to do it this feels so wrong I mean I will say I really love cherry computers but it feels investing in something that we have so much of in Sahara ladies and gentlemen I got a massive announcement this is if I do that and put the receipts in here this is one full row stocked at Sahara and I'm still not done with this talking of things but yeah that's one full row that's incredible and I've done I've just talked to all of these things in Sahara I refilled the Golan carrots as well and so now I can do this satisfying thing oh no I had counted out the right amount of bone blocks I'm gonna go back and watch that clip 25 there we go look it's a horror stalk yeah this is quite incredible and for those of you who misunderstood this the amount of items here represents the amount of stock that we have so we have five sets of six ice stacks we have 15 sets of one golden carrot snacks etc etc all of this is keeping stock so as you can see we've got a lot of hoppers to sell and hopefully people use it so now that I've talked to all of the things that Green has provided for Sahara it plus the bomb blocks which is my wither skeleton form but now that that is all done I think because Exuma is online I'm gonna see if he have thought about that partnership proposal with wither roses have you considered my partnership proposal someone gotta fix this hole I mean seriously yes I have okay nice I would very much like to provide you with death that's money for killing pigs I would like to sign a business deal with you where Sahara gets exclusivity is that the word I don't know but this is this is a legally binding contract so you better get the word correct okay I will google it I promise you I will google it but we want exclusivity so you are not allowed to with roses to anyone else but to supply them to Sahara and and I'm thinking of paying like last time I got 10 stacks for two diamonds which was a great price I think I'll up I'll up that a little bit and I'll offer you one diamond for three stacks of with the Roses you know last time I did you a personal deal you know and now now I'm dealing with the corporation it's you mumbo and green you built this diamond making factory right here I mean it's these Weaver roses are gonna sell for a lot you know how about for snacks for a diamond for stacked in for that's that way okay one stack for a diamond force that one stack hmm one stack per diamond I okay I'm gonna be I'm gonna be nice today yeah yeah I'm gonna be nice today just because that will ease the maths I'm gonna be nice today and say yes to that now the question is and this is a big one yes would you be able to supply us with I mean you may not have that many 18 stacks I can do my friend can do 17 18 one got some nice hey let me let me double count them and then we have to sign the contract as well okay I'll double count these diamond blocks as what yet was definitely to partnership the following partnership is between Exuma and sahara Exuma has agreed to provide Sahara wit with the roses at a price of one diamond per stack Exuma has also agreed to not sell with roses to any other shop or hermit during the remainder of season six I added a section saying Exuma is also not allowed to give with the roses away to any other Hermits for free just just a little bit of a loophole there I know you're a generous man and I wanted to make sure you there you go okay perfect we have a deal we have a partnership welcome as a partner of Sahara I I'm looking forward to this oh yeah there was also this business boy yes cow oh yeah hi I've made you something down here did you see that there was a review of Sahara in your Lobby saying that there was no food available yeah it's really it's really bad think dude this is this is vile I did see the review so I guess this was some kind of dispensing machine to give customers food it's go homogeneous it keeps food on display so any customer coming through can't say that they you know didn't have access to food and they weren't comfortable during this day yeah I think the machine is really cool steak is steak is 1 out of 1 out of 10 in quality there the Machine is really cool however Sahara Sarah is not a restaurant good good idea for a business branch in the future but we're not in our restaurant so we're gonna we want customers to be hungry so they buy our golden carrots that makes too much sense I mean I wish it was a really this will be gone before you know it I'll take this thing out of here and forget all about it you're gonna put it on a wagon or you're gonna give you wings and fly away yes you know I think I just struck the business deal of a century with buying with roses exclusivity in selling them I do not know how to say that word I apologize and bind them for just one diamond a stack is actually great you see I did a little bit of market research and it turns out that there has been one transaction made previous except for the one that I did with Exuma where he basically gave me them for free and that was with Wren dog and he bought one stack for five diamonds so that's where we're gonna sell them at we're gonna make four diamonds profit per stack of withdrawals and these things are super useful and no one else them Sahara has an exclusive item that is really hard to come by so installed with roses in the warehouse and we have 17 sets to sell I personally think that this one will be pretty popular despite it being very expensive in addition I've seen the comments about an enderchest so many times and I did actually put an enderchest here like a week ago or so so we do have an enderchest thank you guys for reminding us now have we oh my goodness we made more money make more money so we've sold a beacon for free what aa green Mart okay so we've just given away a beacon I guess we've also sold a lot of string I think we're actually out of stock with that I need to remove this talk and we've sold C lanterns and people who are wondering why I was building a mega Guardian form of doom come on that has just made us five nice diamonds also there's another ender chest there so Sahara actually has two and their chests so I believe the correct word is catching we are cashing in on Sahara and that feels really good I really need to get mumble to do this door though yeah I'll write him a message on this chord time to move on from Sahara because I am really eager to check out this storage wars this is mumbles new shop and I'm just so excited about this so if I understand this correctly this is a sort of a copy of the discovery program I think discovery show where you bid on a container without fully knowing what's in there by the looks of things people have what I thought I was first here but nope people have already been bidding all there is an instruction there is the instruction book ok let's start here welcome to storage wars bidding opens at 8 p.m. BST ok that's already been the concept is simple grab some of the bidding chips and rename them to your in-game name bidding tokens one chip is one diamond ok it's Cal 89 no 85 each chip represents one diamond there are 5 different storage containers all with different items on the inside when you get the button the door will open when you hit the button do not go inside do not open any chests shulkie boxes barrels do not break anything Wow so maybe do you not the door will be able for about five seconds blah blah blah okay okay okay I specifically like this last segment bidding closes at 12 p.m. 14th of July winner winning bidder must then swap chips for diamonds that's great because I don't have that much time and three blocks and three diamonds that's that's it he plays a bid you can always come back later and raise the bid okay okay okay okay okay I am excited about this I really like this show on the Discovery Channel right so this one come fun has been twenty seven diamonds on this press the button and we can just see storage barrels and cobweb I want that one didn't really tell us anything if you baby absolute junk or nothing is it worth more than 27 I don't think I'm gonna hold off from that one right the next one is 64 by Exuma this one okay yeah diamond diamond diamond diamond there is a diamond block and a trident and then there was a shell key box colored in diamond colors I feel like this one is almost tricking you into thinking that there's more diamonds in there but I probe I think probably maybe not so 64 is a bit yeah it's a bit heavy the next one Exuma did 32 in cuff and raised by one to 33 okay here we go redstone stuff hmm why would mumble give away a lot of redstone stuff and there was a box there as well I'm really scared a bidding really scared right number four let's have a look - iron ingots or two tokens from Cup fan this one is I know my mum ball that there must be linked up to something that there must be linked up to something okay this one I'm gonna be down I'm gonna bid five diamonds I can I can even actually afford that alright what about the last one cup - big - of this one and oh this is tricky Vincent van Gogh entire collection oh that's just art I'm pretty sure there may be something more in there I'm gonna I'm gonna place a small bid on this one as well so I want to go back to number one I'm not sure if I'm allowed to open these again you can only open each door once you must then place your bid based on what you briefly have seen okay so I'm not allowed to open it again this was the one with the cobwebs and a lot of barrels I think I'm gonna take a gamble here and go with 35 diamonds for this one here my beats in total are gonna be 35 on the first one 5 on number 4 which had nothing but the item frame in the stone and 5 on the last one which had the entire collection of art and I really can't wait to see what's in these crates I read I love this show on TV and yeah this is just such a good idea I hope that mumble continues to play stuff in these moving on for today I want to like I said last episode make sure that people play the mini game over at hermit villain I've been looking around the shopping district seeing how we've spent all day here today and I think I'm gonna put something up here something that's visible in the one area that I can say well its occupied by a cow well that takes care of that that takes care at this area right here I think we can make something that's fairly visible to everybody and actually I think I want to create an old-school pixel style pixel art style build here and more precisely I'm thinking two swords crossing each other you know the classic the classic look and maybe we'll make one of them an iron sword and one a diamond sword or something like that yeah that that's gonna be pretty cool and with these blocks I should have created two crossing swords looks a little big no no wait yeah that looks good okay that looks good I decided to put them on the same layer whereas normally I'd probably have split them and had one in the background and one in the foreground but this is like the classic picture for pvp minecraft now for the actual building I am planning on just having something rather simple because this is essentially just a ticket booth it turns out that's essentially what it is it's a ticket booth for whenever we have an event at the at the mini game at siege of doom which is supposedly the name for the game by the way that's something that came up in stream and I like it so I'm thinking we have some sort of facade on the background and I really like this birch you guys know that but I really like it with these dark colors in the front yeah that looks that looks good now I've just spent the ridiculous amount of time to find one chicken so that I could make one booking quill I really need to make myself a chicken farm every single time and then you know what happens with these two feathers I'm probably gonna throw them away yeah probably just gonna throw them away when I clear my inventory I think this looks really cool but more importantly it's very visible from a distance which is exactly what I want I want this thing to shouts and now inside here I've installed some marble floors foam blocks works great as marble I think that looks really cool we got an anvil and a chest in this chest we have papers now I have to write some sort of instructions welcome to the siege of Duma sign up shop instructions in the chest above siege of tomb is a PvP lupus minigame located in hermit Ville whenever an event is available smoke would be visible around this building I gotta remember to put down campfires ok campfires again remember to put down pay the entry fee of 10 diamonds so I looked through the comments in the last video and a lot of people seem to think that 20 diamonds was a bit on the steep side and so I decided to go with 10 diamonds instead sign up roses rename a piece of paper to your IGN pay the entry fee of 10 diamonds the winners get the entry fee back ESCA will organize a date poll sign-up round 1 sign up close 14th of july which gives everybody a week - yeah - sort of sign up I think hopefully that's good enough I'm gonna leave a a message at this Court as well but this is pretty much done and then I was thinking as we sort of go along with this game we could add a scoreboard to this side here and people that I've been speaking with in the past about this has suggested that we should make statues of the winning teams so yeah maybe we'll do that although if there are five players per team there's gonna be five people that I have to build giant statues of per event round yeah yeah maybe we'll just maybe we'll just have maybe we'll just have a wall there of science I just remembered I need to get some campfires here as well to signal that this thing is open right the campers has been placed we should now have smoke coming out of the Oh does that render that for oh no there is smoke there that's kind of silly though I should definitely get some hay bales as well and that is a lot better I think yeah now you can definitely that's really cool because it sort of fits the siege of Doom idea I really do like these new smoke things that came out in this version of Minecraft but anyway that not enough marketing I also need your guys's help I need you guys to go to the other hermits videos and let them know that the sign up for siege of doom is now open and I'm also gonna leave a message to the people on this Court I'm hoping to get like 10 people to play this a 5 by 5 vs. 5 and I mean I'd also really need and also really need the profit of however many diamonds that is 50/50 diamonds for me because yeah I I'm I'm gonna be addicted to this thing I'm gonna be a big to do this thing but that is going to do it for today ladies and gentlemen I hope you have enjoyed this episode if you did do hit the like button and if you're brand new because it is subscribing and I'll see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 501,155
Rating: 4.9668245 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, storage wars hermitcraft, mumbojumbo storage wars, hermitcraft mini games, hermitcraft minigames, sahara hermitcraft, wither roses hermitcraft, wither rose farm, iskall85 mini games, iskall85 minigames, minigames in minecraft, minecraft minigames
Id: t-4F_fuEIMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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