HermitCraft 6: 127 | OPERATION POTATO

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I'm kind of bummed that the episode isn't named "operatio potato"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/belicious_durger 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of hermie craft season 6 today we're starting things off in the genius machine that I decided to call it that we built in the last episode and I gotta say I am so insanely proud of the way this turned out if you missed the last episode I do recommend going back and having a look at when we constructed this thing because there was a lot of derps but in the end in the end we made it work but we are actually going to start by heading out of here because I am eager to try out Green's new mini game that's available in hermit Ville and it's been out for a few days did I just what just happened sure yeah like I was saying greed has made a new minigame in hermit Ville in the new hermit lands and by the sounds of things you can make a lot of diamonds it's sort of like a risk/reward gambling game and well I I need diamonds I desperately need diamonds what else is new I have 29 plus a block of diamond that score gave me to try and bribe me in the build off and I didn't even realize that so it's been like a week since we finished the build off and I gotta say I can't miss this place I miss coming here and just seeing the shenanigans happen but I'm also happy to move to other projects it is really really cool though I mean this is the whole thing is just like a big it's like a big painting isn't it I totally see Leonardo da Vinci be proud of this painting look at this sign that Green has made as well it's really cool I really love it it gives me that vibe of do Jin Jurassic but no hermit land I'm guessing that this is it this looks really good this reminds me a little bit of my season 4 base to be honest yeah for those of you whose all season 4 it's very similar oh my goodness Darius is he afk we have the potato we have the punishment I know he's already been put a turd but he is afk this is a trick Ari I feel like this is a trick did he turn did he just heard I think he may have just turned did he are that spooky I don't know if he turned I just got a brilliant idea I wish I had another potato because if so I could try and chuck that at him but I'm gonna try and chuck him old planks see if he reacts he took it he is not reacting I gotta get us potato I gotta get a potato he may be watching and he may have seen that I tried to give him something else do I have any poisonous potato no why would I have poisonous potatoes what would I have poisonous potatoes that's ridiculous you know a man who would have poisonous potatoes green in all of this mess he didn't have a poisonous potato but he had a normal potato which they I guess they look a little bit similar if I switch quickly I may be able to trick him we gotta make sure that he is fully afk he has turned again or is that hair just I'm not sure he's still marked to say FK so if I approach him I'm assuming that he can see me if he is trying to trick me okay I gotta I gotta throw this out and then switch to that slot oh he he's not reacting is he he'll playing me here I'm Way too scared to do this I okay no no no I'm not buying it sir I'm not buying it I think that you're trying to bait me I think you try to baby and I don't want to be baited right let's check out this minigame and welcome to dig straight down put all your stuff in the locker all items are at risk also I may die here take a pic and two stacks of dirt pay five diamonds and choose an under sight block dig straight down there is 100 percent chance of lava pay losing dirt when nerves get to you between Anderson and lava there are between zero to nine diamond ores okay so two stacks of dirt item Locker I guess we'll put all of our stuff in here I definitely want to sleep here though so I guess I have to wait there is a bed to set your spawn you should totally be able to set your spawn during daytime by the way that would be a great what the heck is this can't believe there's so much dye right in the in the world I will take a pic and I'll take a damaged one a lot of Hermits has already played the game Lord permits has already played the game now there is 100 percent chance of lava so this all has to do with God's I guess oh and we have to pay the man five look at this oh my goodness six people have played this game already so step through the night we got a new day we have set our spawn and green is still standing there he's standing there still nice delay of K if he is baiting me I gotta give it to him he's very very persistent okay anyway let's let's try this game out then shall we so I pick an underside block and I can stop at any time I'm gonna go with this one okay coal am I doing this right I thought it said other side I I don't know if oh I thought that was lava seven I feel like this may be it right here oh oh I did it okay okay so I'm getting out of here between under site and lava there are between 0 and 9 diamond doors okay so it's not 9 blocks I guess I can continue to dig down then yeah I'll keep going coal yes we got a diamond okay oh and I forgot to put my five diamonds in the payment chest I'm glad there wasn't any early lava because that would have been very bad rights our first diamonds yep we got one you gotta be kidding me fortune three pickaxe okay well I'll keep going oh here we go this is super scary I really want to try and break even though otherwise it's kind of not worth it I guess lamp I redstone I can now hear lava I can now hear the lava and of course there's a diamond block I'm gonna go for it oh yes okay I got six I am bailing out of this day that was not too bad you know what though I mean I see what Green has done here I'm gonna take my I'm gonna cut my profits and go again because yeah all of these things we did get for basically nothing and I got a very very scary experience so now I paid five more diamonds and I guess I guess I should take the dirt and yeah let's just go again so this time this is all random of course but I'm feeling this block is good lot less coal in this one there's the first coal lapis and gold some more coal why did it turn so dark in this hole oh here's our first diamonds I don't know if that's even visible but there we go we got two or cold more redstone and I feel like this is a bad hole but there are more diamonds here it says zero to nine diamonds breach oh we got lucky we got four diamonds from that still on here lava I gotta keep going more diamonds this may be we may be onto a winner here oh and then we got one I can hear lava I think no guts no glory babe Oh more diamonds more diamonds okay yes I'm still feeling pretty confident here how far down am I thirty I guess I keep going more diamonds yeah like I said I mean we're getting super lucky with fortune but I feel like we're on to winner No Oh am I am I allowed to do that I may have broke I just made a pro move but I don't know if that is I don't know if that's allowed well well well I guess that's part of the game I don't know about this one green is still afk okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm not sure if I'm eligible for these nine diamonds because technically I'm should have maybe died but I can't help being a pro so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna rename this these nine diamonds and keep them for safekeeping are these mine and then we'll see what you guys say down below in the comments I'm kind of curious to see if these should go back to green should be burned or if I was allowed to do such a problem because it doesn't really say anything yeah that doesn't say anything about it is just as baled using dirt when you're nervous try and get you and let's heal up that heart because that's very very scary so in total I mean I say we do did we did pretty good specifically forget to keep the nine diamonds because then we got ten diamonds wind but we still got one diamond wind and we also got very nervous and adrenaline was pumping so I'm really satisfied with their results seriously though if he is baiting me he is the most persistent person I've ever seen I've been here for 34 minutes I can see it on my recording timer and he's just been standing there i I have to do it I have to do it so the punishment is include of doom when describing things you look at or create in your next episode at least 25 times oh my goodness you gotta be kidding me he played the long game he played the freakin long game but he just looked at the punishments it looks it looks yeah good luck with that I mean yeah this is not this is not a hard thing for me to do I guess look at this he really played the long game that is just that is just ridiculous that is just ridiculous I cannot believe it I cannot believe it well well well I I know you to be a prankster I know you to be a mega troll I didn't think that you would play the Lord there was 30 minutes I accidentally moved my camera at one point I accidentally moved like my head sights slightly and I'm pretty sure you knew I was baiting you at that point and then I was just like now if I just leave it he's gonna he's gonna give in I mean I did drop - did you see the trick items you did because yeah yeah I'm saying I was saying that in my inventory just seeing it popping a might no that's not it you didn't even tweak it like dude that was I gotta say you deserve that one I wish your punishment wasn't so on brand anyway yeah I know it's kind of it's a little bit it's a little bit cowardly I guess because I can't really lose with this but I I would really like to hear can you imagine like Exuma going off doom ever after everything that I did see you playing my new game yep dig straight down dude this game is so popular I noticed you you're making a lot of money for Sahara I love it it's great this isn't a Sahara project is this going into the vault this is me but also I don't actually this is the worst thing about this dude I don't think I'm making any profit oh oh yeah cuz you have to play well here's a thing for you so I dug straight down twice I paid twice pay 10 diamonds in total the first time I came out with one diamond profit and the second time I had nine diamonds and then I hit lava but I managed no I managed to survive placing a dirt block in the lava which I gotta say the move was pretty pro I survived with one heart yeah I think that's that's meant to be game over so I think I'm gonna add a quick rule here there we go if you hit lava you lose and must accept your fate yeah I kind of figured but because there was no sign I mr. diamonds and I actually renamed them so that they would be fine yeah realistically they're not mine either they would have ended up in lava so so I have a deal yes nice but you take - we take five for the genius game and I'll keep four I would have taken five if I would have potato to you but a long game okay so Green got the better out of us and I'm still shocked I'm still shocked so in my next episode I'm gonna have to carry out my own a punishment but I would really like to try and potato someone today because I don't want to be holding this whole potato forever and I see a target online she's not afk much though and she's usually not afk much so it'd have to be pretty sneaky with this one and I also think because I've already kind of potato with this punishment I should come up with something new and I think this is gonna be it so here's your punishment for your next episode come up with a theme song in no shorter than 10 seconds and use it in your intro or twice during the video whatever suits it best so because she's not afk very much I gotta be Caverns I've come here to my creative test world and I got a little bit of an idea that I've been wanting to do for quite a while and it includes an observer and a dropper and a bet and that is pretty hidden it isn't fully hidden but I don't think it's something that you would pay attention to necessarily if you're just playing normally and you know having a good time in Minecraft I think it's worth a shot the circuit would look something like that I guess but this is why testing creative because now we can change the time this circuit may do it we needed to pulse twice though let's try it out so let's go to sleep we get the book and when we wake up we get the potato it's quite obvious and I don't really like the clicking sound I think it could probably move this dropper down and have it shoot it through the block it should still go into the player inventory test number two this time it is definitely more hidden and we still get the book and we get the potato when we wake up I wonder if that's good enough for if we want to double pulse it immediately when she goes to bed well honestly no guts no glory I really want to give this a test because if it does work it will probably be epic so let's head back to her main base there maybe so that we have to play the waiting game though for her to access tea but she usually sleeps through the nights and she's usually listening to music when she plays minecraft and isn't recording and I'm hoping that that will mask any clicking noises I'm taking a big risk on this one all right I've had a look around her base I can't find her anywhere but she's definitely not afk and I guess we have to be really quick because at any moment she could just walk in this stuff but yeah I've been walking around in her base for a while and this area it's actually a new area that she's worked with a schalke box loader and a storage room but more importantly a target that bed looks like it's being used by her unfortunately though there's no space underneath it I don't know if this is oh this is probably not an area that she is working with anyway yeah this could actually work so we got two observers detecting when she sleeps we got our dropper sitting underneath the bed with a block so it's nice and hidden it's powers a note block which is detected by this and sends that signal back up to the dropper okay I should I should see if this works by breaking this yes okay that dropper is clicking ah this is a high-risk take to do this but hopefully hopefully she doesn't notice the book is all primed as well so let's just let's just put it in there I mean from the top because she's building with bricks I get it if we were looking for that observer we totally see it but it's not super obvious or anything like that we're just gonna have to take a chance now I have to try and catch this as well is there any space there's some space above here I will be hiding up there and I realize that that is a super risk this entire thing is risky and I'm definitely gonna have to play the long game but hopefully she's gonna take this bait and go and sleep in that bed I'm just gonna be shifting here I hope that when she lays down she doesn't actually see this hole in this evening I don't think that you would a third night in the castle well I'm certainly playing the long game here oh there she goes okay okay did send something into inventory did she realize she got the second item in a bind ow she's definitely that's incredible oh I'm shaking right now I'm so nervous but that that's a success I got you yes yes yes look at you look in your inventory be like I said it's not something you think about oh she just realized it's payback time payback time for Bobby yep I know about you will be payback time that's brilliant I can't wait to see her come up with a theme song for her next episode that's gonna be absolutely hilarious do you like your punished mint oh that was also the lone game that was a couple of nights in the castle totally worth it Oh Lord Jesus I got this I'm excited to see us it's gonna be great father so today has been a really good day I'm really happy we've got some extra diamonds we have got rid of the potato and we've got a potato punishment of our own that we have to do next episode it's stupid but they don't but that is going to do it for today I really do hope that you've enjoyed the episode if you did make sure to hit the like button down below and if you're brand new consider subscribing and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 592,785
Rating: 4.9574904 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, hot potato hermitcraft, hermitcraft hot potato, iskall hot potato, iskall grian hot potato, iskall grian, grian, stressmonster, iskall stressmonster, hot potato mini game, grian mini game, grian minigames
Id: moZ_QudlHyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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