Larryboy and the Bad Apple | Larryboy Full Episode | VeggieTales | Kids Cartoon

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hi kids welcome to veggietales i'm bob the tomato and i'm larryboy uh what's going on larry and i'm outfit ladyboy's faithful butler and we're here to answer your questions hey wait a minute that's my line don't worry frail helpless tomato we've got everything under control frail help larry what are you up to do you even have a letter today we have a text message from libby a text message it's the latest thing cool huh guys that's enough now can we just stick with the script please sir stand aside we don't want innocent bystanders getting hurt our text message comes from libby for cochi from stockbridge massachusetts and libby writes dear larryboy i just love watching you help people escape fibs and rumors don't mention it libby all part of being a superhero but i've got something in my house i just can't escape and now i need your help i really love playing video games sometimes all i can think about is playing even when i'm supposed to be doing my homework or cleaning up my room i'll look over to that controller and i can't help picking it up and playing what should i do well libby first of all i'm really impressed that you were able to type out that really long message using those tiny little buttons and secondly it sounds like you're having a problem with temptation temptation what's that well simply put temptation is the desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid or the act of influencing by exciting hope he means it's when you want to do something that you probably shouldn't do thank you innocent bystander and it just so happens that we have prepared a story of adventure and mayhem that addresses this self-same dilemma uh that means we have an exciting show that just might help you roll film [Music] call the police [Music] let's go [Music] we've received unconfirmed reports that we may indeed be seeing the return of larryboy wow little help [Music] i'll take that off your hands you won't be needing chocolate where you're going wrap scallions [Music] remember kid with great chocolate comes great responsibility [Music] [Music] now that the choco bandits are behind bars that bart won't be made of chocolate um what are you eating you know what they say chocolate saved is chocolate earned that's pennies now this box cost me 10 bucks but it's worth every penny masoletti you know what happens when you eat too much chocolate it's not a big deal alfred well you're right a little chocolate isn't a big deal no worries alfred dear back to the larry cave larryboy over and out [Music] hold on let me save sorry ah this is uh um this is petunia rhubarb reporting from bumblyburg park where preparations are underway for the city's gala tri-centennial celebration but as the city gets ready to celebrate its 300th birthday something very odd has been discovered which has authorities concerned the statue of bumblyberg's founder obadiah bumbly has been mysteriously wrapped in what appears to be a giant spiderweb and one such concerned authority would be none other than the mayor of bumblyburg herself mayor blueberry oh hello i was not expecting you mayor blueberry do you expect this recent vandalism to have an impact on the upcoming celebration evans no everything is organized and well under control i'm not letting a few silly cobwebs get in the way of our 300th birthday hey try something a little more delicate oh okay [Music] we've got a great team here rest assured that your bumblybugs evil servants have everything under control thank you mayor more as this story develops this is petunia rhubarb live at bumbleberg park well under control indeed once i'm finished with them i'll be the one in control [Laughter] oh girly you've returned come tell me what you've learned good evening and welcome to my banana rama extravaganza i'm your host oh [Music] welcome back i don't feel so good indeed you do appear to be a bit pale excuse me yeah i love this worldwide web thing you got going very high tech oh for the moment it's only my bumblyburg wide web but be patient first bumblyburg then the world so uh what you got paralyzer beams magnetic webbing an army of little radioactive robot spiders silly one that's not the way i operate i'm temptation i'll simply divide and conquer no one can stand up to me on their own oh yeah right very smooth tell me then what if you scout it out for me who's in charge which pillars need removal every down needs three key elements to operate one organization you got maya blueberry the city's dually elected leader she runs the city keeps everything moving like a well-oiled machine and her weakness vanity she wants to be beautiful perfect two communication meet petunia rhubarb television news reporter bumblebee looks to her to find out what's going on if she's not on the air folks might as well just read the newspaper yeah right well i've got news for her what's her secret weakness video games she's good at him too and she'd be happy to play him all day long excellent i think i might be able to arrange something tree protection and that comes courtesy of larryboy superheroes there's nothing there actually i'm still kind of working on that one boss well then kinda work a little harder i need to know about their defender if we want to take him out meanwhile i believe i'll pay a visit to her honor the mayor i've warned you master larry this is the direct result of your over-indulgence in chocolates they give me energy they also give you a bellyache and a sugar crash something evil is a foot in bumblebug and you're going to need all your superhero faculties to battle it i need to lie down got any super strength tummy seltzers how much chocolate did you eat too much excuse me what you need master larry is to eschew chocolate what's a shoe not much what's a shoe with you you're [Laughter] oh i hilarious actually a stew means to avoid to renounce to give up i can't give up chocolate i love chocolate well then i'll help you you can't be the superhero god wants you to be if you continue this over indulgence oh yeah maybe you're right alfred what do we do well we'll design a program together a lot more exercise and a lot less chocolate [Music] i'm not preaching moderation knock knock what's your name temptation temptation [Music] temptation no now jean-claude i'm extremely busy i said who let you in i was hoping you would one and two and three and four and one and two and three and four a little faster now one and two and three and four and one and two and three and four come on now no pain no gain one and two and three and five look i'm very busy right now i've got a million things to organize for the celebration well that's exactly why i'm here with everything you have to worry about i thought you might need a little help with your outfit for the occasion i'm a seamstress you might say what a fabulous cape look at those eyes and that lovely purple blue complexion with a little work you could be a knockout for sure please i'm not one of those vain blueberries who only thinks of her appearance a knockout do you really think absolutely please call me and you know there's no harm in wanting to look your best after all you represent all of bumblybird you owe it to your citizens to appear fabulous at all times well i suppose if you put it that way oh how lovely that's amazing it almost looks like you can walk right in oh but you can go ahead walk right in what a marvelous dress i love the color is that crimson it's more of a scarlet you've got it you've got it four more [Music] yeah i'm really thirsty no no more oomph you need to give it everything you've got a little help come on master laddie push [Music] well alfred you're right i am starting to feel better alfred knock knock who's there just a friendly little apple with a game to share open up [Music] [Music] i'm not preaching moderation [Music] knock knock what's your name temptation oh no temptation [Music] temptation [Music] hold on jerry i'll be right with you okay let's do some reporting oh uh can i help you i hope so sometimes it's just so hard to help yourself huh i have something you might be interested in i'm sorry but i'm on a deadline huge breaking story trisomy bless your heart you are the busy one don't you ever relax well yeah i play my handipod what if i told you i have the one and only test version of handipod advance handipod advanced maybe i could come in and give you a demonstration i don't know i need to find out what's going on with the statue and who's responsible and with laser cycle 4000 laser cycle 4000 come on in i'd love to you know it's so good to be able to take your mind off your work every now and again you owe it to yourself well yeah that wouldn't be so bad i guess oh this is advanced it looks like you can walk right in oh but you can go ahead walk right in [Music] have fun [Music] you are one funny weather man cliff you're almost as goofy as bill on sports i tell you well let's go live to petunia rhubarb with an update on the mysterious web around old obadiah at bumbleburg park [Music] uh petunia a petunia are you there we seem to be having a little technical difficulty back to you bill no news is good news oh uncle ephraim you'd be so proud now the only force standing between me and my conquest of bumblyberg is larryboy not to weary boss i got the goods on him and their brainy butler of his two voids bananas and chocolate oh delicious this is exceedingly interesting what what apparently these mysterious webs are nothing new it seems they've plagued the city of bumbleberg in the past when how why unfortunately my computer database doesn't contain such old information i believe i'll have to make a trip to the bumbleberg historical society to find out more oh no i've got to move fast i'll be back shortly master larry meanwhile i trust you won't give in to your m temptation while i'm gone don't worry alfred i'm stronger than temptation i'm a superhero [Applause] [Music] hey i'm walking here please madam use the sidewalk [Music] who is it uh hello uh alfred said someone named larry boy might need some assistance well you can tell alfred that larryboy's a superhero and he didn't need any help oh oh i see well let me leave my card with you just in case now where did i put those maybe it's under the chocolate did you say chocolate yeah right here under the chocolate well i guess it won't hurt to have the opinion of another trainer oh wait you need security clearance oh well i um promise not to tell anybody about my secret cave cross my heart all clear come on in i'll be right i mean larryboy will be right up i thought you'd never ask [Music] what are we supposed to be doing i don't know go ask the man well the mayor where's petunia i've got to hurry [Music] nearly 300 years ago a small band of valiant vegetables would embark on a ship they called the cauliflower to settle an unknown land led by the fearless obadiah bumbly they soon began establishing a primitive settlement in the wilderness of the new world today we give thanks for our safe arrival on these beautiful and bountiful shores but it wasn't long before it became clear that something was rotten in the new settlement dearest catherine i am finding myself irresistibly drawn to a fascinating new establishment in town it is called apolly's fun house and boy does it look like fun abraham brothers soon chaos would reign in their little community before we get to your exercises you don't mind if i have a little snack do you it gives me energy um something no matter dumpling no i just have this thing for chocolate that's all oh where are my manners care for a bite uh no no thanks i've been eating too much of it lately less chocolate more exercise mmm wise plan oh besides being so delicious chocolate is also very interesting did you know chocolate was invented by the mayans thousands of years ago the mayans eh made from the beans of the cocoa tree but the the beans you know what i think would be fabulous what if there was a museum of chocolate you know a place you could go to learn all about beautiful chocolate of course you wouldn't have to eat any if you didn't want to but what an education that would be and becoming educated about food is an important part of any trading program yeah museum that'd be so educational all work in the young settlement of bumbleberg had come to a halt the little town was about to fall into the hands of a single sinister citizen oh my goodness [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to the chocolate room did you know that white chocolate contains no caffeine really that sounds healthy go ahead just a teensy weensy taste won't hurt well i suppose if it's educational oh it certainly will be um and yummy excellent now try another one oh i don't think i should i promise alfred i would eschew chocolate oh no no chew them you must compare the flavors to learn the differences right right educational chewing chewing always brewing it never stops until you're stewing so much fun to go canoeing while your chocolate is accruing all consuming hair shampooing all fast my doing go ahead take the plot [Music] the cause of all this chaos was ephram aptly a bad apple who had come over on the cauliflower determined to take over the tiny town by distracting them with play his plan was to enslave the community with non-stop fun it was only the timely arrival of obadiah bumbly that saved the little community from ruin ephraim aptly thou art to scourge upon the fair face of bumblybird oh brother obadiah thou art so uptight privy let the brethren play at the little checkers er from aptly i have not against a bit of harmless amusement brother ephraim it is well and good to play us thou checkers on occasion citizens of bumbleberg ivaci let us turn our backs on this rotten apple and his house of overindulgence thou hast tried to lead us into temptation brother ephraim but we shall not follow thee [Music] his lineage would be forced from bumblyburg defeated in his plot to rule the little village oh my that apple [Music] master lady oh what's happened to you oh no you've fallen into a web of chocolate temptation now isn't that an awful shame you your airplane how did you get in here why your superhero friend let me in of course well if he'd known what i know he certainly never would have that's what they all say but they always let me in i know all about you and of course i know all about you too alfred what what are you doing alfred poor alfred you've been working so hard doing all that tedious research in the library don't you think you deserve a little harmless amusement good evening and welcome once again to my banana rama extravaganza oh oh no you don't i'm not gonna fall that gets me every time yes the banana is a comic genius and of course only the smartest most tasteful people can appreciate his work ma'am i've often harbored that very thought myself tata boys i've got a big surprise for bubbly bird [Music] now great uncle ephraim our time has come soon i'll control this town with that silly superhero in his butler out of the way we need to move fast and now to launch the final phase of my brilliant scheme bumbly boy will be ours yours yours i mean everyone will be in your power that's better wait till they see what i've got in store for them i'll spin a monument to temptation so alluring that no citizen of bumbleberg will be able to resist oh we'll enter but none will ever come out the perfect spot hey but don't we need a construction crew how can we build it [Music] step right up come one come on you don't want to miss out on this fun and exciting opportunity hurry folks come on down to appley's fun house too that's right appley's fun house too oh no i'm stuck fast i need help master lady you must listen bumblyburg is in terrible danger they are being led into temptation chocolate bloody boy bumblyburg needs a hero hero i am [Music] oh no i've fallen into a web of chocolate temptation alfred i can't get out of this mess by myself i need your help as do i master lady throw me a line i'll try [Music] oh what do you know the potassium phosphate and the sports elixir must have had an adverse chemical reaction with the triglyceride compound in this web thus working like an acid ah interesting oh the emphasis i'm terribly sorry master larry i haven't been the butler you need me to be no need to apologize alfred i completely understand but i need your help it seems we need each other's help to get out of temptation i don't know what happened i just thought i need a little bit of chocolate master lady you cannot be the superhero god wants you to be if if all i ever think about is chocolate i know that now alfred yeah oh thanks for your help buddy and thank you for yours but others are still in the grip of temptation we must help free them all bumblyberg will be doomed [Music] you've been led into temptation by that bad apple that lovely apple i'm afraid her beauty is only skin deep she needs help [Music] you can't be the mayor god wants you to be if all you think about is how you look that is true bumblyburg is in trouble oh my goodness please can you help me get out of here you bet i can [Music] [Applause] thank you so much my friends our pleasure your honor now we need a free petunia the city needs to learn the news ladies and gentlemen bumbly burgers of all ages the fabulous aptly's fun house too is open for business come on in and join them whoever enters the fun house stays in the fun house aptly's fun house too the round o'clock funnest place in town i didn't see anything about this on the news come to think of it i haven't seen anything on the news [Music] petunia i don't think i can hold them all much longer i'm on the way [Music] there's nothing wrong with playing video games but you've let this video game play you i [Music] let's find out what's going on out there master lady jerry come on folks hurry hurry hurry it's all happening on the inside nothing going on right here wait who's that little worm him master lady he's working for the apple what are you waiting for come on in [Applause] [Music] over there this worm what's the charge accomplished to temptation with intent to lead astray operating a giant macintosh without a permit well you can't arrest me and resisting arrest none of us is strong enough to fight temptation on our own it's apple picking time the dunya do your thing you got it lovely boy say no more okay on me in three two petunia rhubarb coming to you live from bumblyburg park a huge monstrous apple has been sighted here in the park authorities are cautioning the public not i repeat do not go near apple's fun house turn away from temptation it's a trap believe me i know repeat plea temptation what's happening what are they doing all right bad apple the jig is up [Music] bad apple you are rotten to the car hey now how about this an apple a day keeps the doctor away or an apple doesn't fall far from the tree you may be quick with the quips but uh an apple in the hand is worth three bushes no uh i've got one shot to plug that web shooter uh sorry whoa what are you doing you've got to take down the giant apple no problem alfred i'm just working on a plan you should use umph but i am giving it everything i got oh right [Music] attention everyone i need help from all the municipal departments quickly position yourselves on each of the web connections larryboy needs our help who are you department of merriment at your service here i got you covered [Music] oh citizens are clear of the fun house all right everyone [Music] [Music] this ain't over larry boy i'll get over time bumbly if it's the last thing i do [Music] [Music] [Music] is it hot out here or is it just [Music] [Applause] [Music] so how about that party my fellow citizens we are gathered here today to commemorate this 300 anniversary of the founding of our great city of bumbly birds ladies and gentlemen i proudly present to you our founding father obadiah now we also have someone else to thank for delivering our town from this terrible evil and that of course is our city's great superhero larryboy [Music] why thank you dear but i can't take the credit temptation is too strong for any one of us to handle alone we need god's help and the help of the people around us our friends and our family well put master lady you can always call on me when you need help and as a token of our appreciation it is my pleasure to present you in honor of bumbleberg's 300th birthday this magnificent 300 pound chocolate birthday cake help i'll save you a piece a small one all right everyone go see alfred about some cake [Music] well evie i hope you like the show and i hope you learned something from it i know i did well what are you doing i'm a superhero too bob it takes more than a costume to be not bob i'm the red wonder or bobbin but i'm leaning toward red wonder i have a theme song [Music] oh wait that's not it [Music] no no no i had it all worked out ah shall we see if qwerty has a verse for us today yeah fast [Music] keep alert and pray otherwise temptation will overpower you for though the spirit is willing enough the body is weak matthew 26 41 so you see libby you need to ask god to help you with the things that keep you from being the kid he wants you to be had a weakness for chocolate that's why i needed the help of the good friends that god gave me to keep chocolate from getting the best of me i fear video games might have a similar effect on our friend libby yep there's nothing wrong with playing video games once in a while but when they keep you from doing your homework or from helping your mom and dad around the house they're keeping you from being the kid that god wants you to be you might want to ask your parents for some help with ideas on how to avoid the temptation of that ever-present video controller or chocolate or whatever great idea alfred well the extent of our scheduled period together has once again grown to a close that means that's all the time we have for today kids thanks redwonder just remember god made you special and he loves you very much goodbye hey redwonder let me show you how to do a theme song once i'm finished with them i'll be the one in control not so fast bad apple first bumbly bird then the world it's apple picking time [Music] changing suits when danger comes our way round around our friend protecting us from villains [Music] boy [Music] [Applause] alfred come in alfred we've gotta hurry when trouble brings the city to its knees everyone in bumblyburg agrees light the signal rising sounds a call and larryboy will come and save us soon [Music] there's no hero rock on larry [Music] wherever there is trouble i'll be there whenever a helpless vegetable calls out i will answer evildoers beware you are no match for the awesome power of larryboy and his superstar [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the world needs a hero [Music] [Music]
Channel: VeggieTales Official
Views: 3,070,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Veggie tales, veggie tales silly songs, silly songs with Larry, veggietales, where is my hairbrush silly song, veggie tales where is my hairbrush, veggie tales hairbrush, veggietales theme song, veggietales rap, veggie tales christmas story, veggietales silly songs, Larryboy, larryboy theme song, larryboy and the bad apple, larryboy song, Larry boy veggietales, Larry boy full episodes. larryboy theme song, larryboy bad apple, larryboy and the angry eyebrows
Id: ufS9boQf26k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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