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yeah well let's just let's just go on the high side and say it is 20 so you're down to 100 cars yeah and how many of those hundred cars have been treated like this five maybe maybe good morning guys good morning i got a good one for us today so from 1967 to 2002 pontiac built the firebird the last year is the 2002 and the ultimate one to have is ws6 correct ws6 trans am with a six speed so guys send me a few pictures of this card it looks like it's a stud so hopefully we can get a box so i got my cup of joe you guys ready to go sir let's go we're gonna go to lantana texas follow us [Music] all right looks like it's on the lift even better bendpak too one of our top sponsors hi dennis collins mike larson nice to meet you alex bowling alex nice to meet you is that gorgeous on the camera zach nice to meet you sir well we'd love to look at the bottom first that's cool might as well that's awesome y'all left i told alex with a couple pictures it looked fantastic thank you thank you yeah take a look um like i said it's uh really great shape probably the best i've ever seen these rear ends are like the fox body ring rings they didn't pan them to the factory yeah so they all got flash restaurant even though that's just crazy they did that wow i mean this car was everywhere from the salt it would just kill it wow this looks incredible mike all the chalk marks are here paint marks yeah it's really cool if you look at towards the front of the engine looking back you can see the chalk marks around the uh suspension the v8 so they knew it knew what the chassis was i guess wow that's beautiful it's rare that we get to see anything up on the left it's never even bottomed out they're straight nope yeah even though some of the short miles i've seen yeah have long scrape right wow that's here sway bar tag some cool little things too if you look up there's still some paper tags way up i'm trying to think where they are if you when we lower it down you can see them inside the engine here's one here's one right here there you go so how long did you look for this car oh geez probably i've i've looked for probably about three four months easily and uh just so happened that i popped up with uh this one it was out in missouri okay the gentleman owned it for 13 years before i bought it and the person that he bought it from actually turned it in because he uh i guess the story goes that he went out and bought it didn't tell his wife and he had to go back and get a minivan oh no is that guy still married i guess so well it was right decision there yeah hey were you specifically looking for a six-speed car not an automatic correct yeah yeah i'm a six-speed car i wanted the ws-6 i wanted the last year i didn't know it had the ls6 block in it so the only way that you can tell that is again from the if you look at the top of the engine they call it a bullseye and it's uh the ls6 block were a little bit more dull uh ls1 blocks were a little bit more shiny so if you look at that that's one way to look at it otherwise the real way is to look at up through the tunnel hall and you can look at the back of the engine block and that's where that number is so you got lucky yeah yeah so that's with a number and and it really it's just the the engine block difference between the block itself is uh is the oiling so the oiling is better with the with the ls6 block and the cam shaft's different too right i think with the cam shaft so all ls1 l the o2 and 01s had the ls6 camshaft the intake the throttle body fuel injectors they have the bigger fuel injectors um so really with this one you got you got the block that was different and uh supposedly from the hot rod magazine they did make more more horsepower too because again you know the cooling kept it right right i believe that so uh so yeah it did from the you know magazine article it showed that but i mean these what's neat about this car is it hasn't been modified but i mean these these cars are the ultimate to modify though yes i mean you can crank this thing to 500 horsepower just in a day or two very very easy with just some simple bolt-on modifications and you want the ls6 block if you can that's this is the most coveted one to turn into 500 or even 1 000 horsepower handling with a twin turbo it's amazing what these motors will handle yes yes yeah no it's a the ls ones i've always been a fan i i had when gto's first came out in the 04 i had no ford gto drove that we talked about that today alex and i did it as a matter of fact yeah so that was it that was a great i mean great car i love driving it i always kind of miss this one's a little bit more raw you know it's a little bit more old-school it's got a little bit heavier steering and i like that it you sit back a little bit more and it just feels a little more sporty to me but if you're hunting one of these cars i mean you said you got a little bit lucky even the fact that it's not a six this is the car to have though yeah it's red it's a six-speed they actually had factory horse shifters this year too yeah yeah this one has to be it's called a bbs if you look at the tag the bbs is the hurst shifter and it's a short throw so uh so it has that as well that was on my list that i like had to have and then there's some that'll throw throw you off if you're looking at these cars is if you open the door on the build tag it still says no it's one it doesn't sell at six no no it's not it does not you literally have to look at the block itself and you got to look at the block number if you want to be 100 but you can also look at the top of the block again that bullseye and then the the coloring of the block and you know some of the really serious transient guys there's kind of some back and forth as to what percentage they think was ls6 i've read anything from as low as 12 to as high as 20 i'm the same way that's that's what i've seen and 01 and o2 were differed um on the percentage but yeah it was a very low percentage on both years and uh very hard to differentiate them except for again looking at the block and so a lot of people just don't know about it so you know how there's always you just got to have the ultimate of that car oh yeah so if you've got an ls1 car you're like everybody's like well does it got an ls6 block no oh no all the collectors think oh i just i have to have that do you really have to have that probably not but this one gives you no excuses let's see the rest of the bottle it's amazing yeah absolutely how do you want to get the cover dirty so has it ever been buffed or waxed yes yeah so i use i only use griot's products and so the it's when i first got it i cleaned it off and i put the um you know i i used a what's it called it's there uh it's like a clay bar yeah it's kind of like a clay bar with theirs and so i did that once but to be honest after i did that i haven't been i don't want to put anything else in there i don't want to put you know any other imperfections and as you can see against the lights i don't see any swirl marks at all no no there shouldn't be if there's anything it's a little bit of like haze that's just because i've got maybe a little too much product on there but other than that though you shouldn't see anything on it anywhere on the car it's uh and that's again the real big part that is with f bodies are these sail panels these sail panels bubble because they have the glue underneath actually attacks the um the fiberglass yeah there's some ferraris that do that i've seen yeah so that one obviously doesn't have anything because it hadn't been in the sun very much that's it yeah we don't want this car getting hot out wow so do you keep a battery tender on it or does the battery stay up yeah i use um c-cup i don't know if you guys use those well you mentioned you use griot's products that's chris jacobs is their sponsor nice guy yeah i love them the only thing they've done texas texas summer over here i think people you know great products uh you know they don't make things too shiny you also notice this has uh markings on it still from one factory that's cool 6 2502. i've never seen that before until i saw this car look how far the motor sits back it's almost like a cobalt that's way back in the firewall it is it is pretty good these are neat cars i've had a chance to dry some they're really fun most of these things have just been ridden hard and put up wet yeah yeah not treated like this go ahead and open it up and i'll tell you what take the you know feel the leather smell smell the interior it doesn't smell old wow that smells brand new that is impressive it's the right car red black stick all right let's get this cover off and we'll hear it run yeah absolutely oh and also the these are these go in the t-tops so these came from the factory and as you'll notice they were never actually installed they have little uh velcro velcro and so i haven't haven't done that that's the back i think that's the back for the cover so when you pull up behind one of these you see that ws6 you might want to pay attention pretty stout car a very very cool car and as you can see everything it's still uh struts still hold it up great these these usually have a lot of haze in them just because they they get swirl marks very easily so that's another thing on the back but uh yeah it's not very often that you see the standard uh exhaust on it you definitely did your homework on this thing that's for sure yeah thank you so how far towards the end is the serial number of this car it looked like that marking on the hood this was built in the sixth month of the year said about it's uh so the build is 502. okay yeah and here's where you can see the bbs is the six-speed hurst shifter that's the her short throw there's your ws6 obviously your your id tag there y82 i'm not sure what the y82 is i know in the earlier trans am that was trans am you won y 82 there's lots of codes to learn on there in there yeah see i was mentioning alex if you look on here it's gonna say ls1 yeah right there that won't say ls6 you just got lucky if you got an ls6 so what happened was i think he's more alerted that i haven't missed is they had some issues with some blocks right correct yeah so in o-102 it didn't matter if you had a uh a firebird a trans am you know ws6 you know it didn't matter what it was if you had a a problem on the on the factory line from what the articles that i've read they replaced it basically to rather than stop production they put the block on there you still got the heads from the ls1 you still got everything that the other ls1 had but instead of stopping production they just put the block in there so that's why that's why it's one of those things where go look at it but because it didn't differentiate it a lot of collectors probably didn't see that and there's probably a lot of those that aren't around anymore yeah or they they picked the engine and now it's in some restaurant you know so you know it's kind of lost from these cars so very probably very few that you'll see with that so i mean this ls6 was in this car at the factory it's not a service replacement motor because actually it was in the car it was built which is really cool that's cool yeah yeah but let's hear it run go for it okay uh it's in first gear so just make sure you take it out of here i'm short you might have to move the seat back too i actually drive pretty close like that i like i like that position [Music] got the monsoon radio in it that's an excellent cold start yeah you see the tip for gauges well below zero stronghold pressure 2 691 miles that's what everybody's waiting on and as you know i think you said you watched some of our stuff i love low mileage tell me just can't beat it you can't restore this car back in this condition you can just never do it you'll never find this many nos pieces little chip key like the corvette's had pretty neat well let's see the paperwork yeah absolutely come on over here so out of all of them we've got uh let's see we got a little hat there that was the that was a gm original hat very cool as the extra key these i didn't have this in the uh i didn't want to keep it outside it was to get kind of funky but here's the owner's manual for the windows so that's that in the back so they go over there just so that if you wanted the t-tops to have you know some shade and there's the owner's manual 2002 uh as far as adults was in here yeah you had your tires uh warranty owner information throw that back and this stuff i mean is to the collector to me this makes a difference having this stuff it just does this was from the original owner uh maybe the second owner i think it's original owner and second owner just some just some bill bill receipts from that from the early early days registration stuff okay i think i sent you this one this is talking about this was hot rod magazine kind of cut it off a little bit but not the one that i sent you electronically okay so this talks about the ls6 in in the uh in some of the f bodies so o102 and so there's the ls block number is let's just show it up over there there it is right there one two five six eleven sixty eight that's where that's where you look that's the casting number four that's the casting number for the block for ls6 correct okay yeah uh this was special from the dealers you could get this and i have actually seen pictures of this but i've never owned one of these cars that this was still with it yep and so there's the uh the vin number is on it check this out alex this is really cool because it was the last year of the fire bird obviously last year of the trans am as well but finding out issues certificates stating that isn't that neat yeah and the sticker there's the windows sticker that was an expensive car yeah that was back then 32 690 in o2 yes yeah big money back then i think the rest of these this was trans am world so this was the this is a decoding i haven't looked at this in a little while but if you wanted to go through that it would tell you about the decoding numbers and bins i've actually looked at this site before and i i think from looking through this and not spending an inordinate amount of time on it that there was about 500 red manual cars that sound right to you yeah that sounds sounds about right and i really don't think you'll be able to put a number on which ones had a you know ls6 block i mean just because there's documentation wise they only have a small percentage and then what percentage survived yeah well let's just let's just go on the high side and say it is 20 percent so you're down to 100 cars yeah and how many of those hundred cars have been treated like this five maybe maybe maybe yeah i mean you're talking this is a killer wsx alex it really is well and here's the last piece is just uh of course everyone wanted to see that brand new but that's a that's really cool look at the drag strip from the tree yeah that neat that's cool it had some cool commercials back then well i'll tell you what sir i'm definitely not going to even make you an offer i'm just going to pay your asking price so i'll get you paid well thank you and alex will start loading it yeah and it's going to good home i appreciate everything you've done as a caretaker of this car i mean that's to keep it in this condition is killer so thank you for being such a good caretaker i appreciate what you've done we don't have to detail this one alex no no the first thing i mean the first thing literally we're going to do is go back and document the chassis but now that you have this lift we've already done it yeah yeah well good well i made made it easy for you but no i appreciate it coming from another car guy love watching your coffee walk and you know all your other you know tv personality stuff but it really you know as a community of you know into the the car guys you know the car guys and girls you know uh it's really neat to see you know uh you know how your business is run and and your interactions it's just uh you know it's really really neat well thank you for that i mean i we enjoy what we do i mean i can't imagine doing anything else for a living but you get to come and see something like this and you get to buy it and drive it is phenomenal and we're not driving this one back even though we're only 60 miles from the shop because the tires yeah and uh i'm not going to take this out and abuse it you'll see me doing donuts in 180s yeah yeah this car is going to be kept just like this and for those of you out there to keep a car like this in this condition and keep it alive and running and driving and breathing it's a lot of work i mean yes alex has got all my cars to contend with and it's a lot yeah i mean we've had i think our last order of battery tenders we got in from zamatco because it's part of craftsman now yeah they sent me 25. i said is that enough i said no i know 15 more because we like to keep the tenders on we keep them alive and keep them started yeah and the other thing is you can tell on this car that when you have fired this car up that you actually have run it long enough to get the condensation out of the exhaust yeah because we've actually bought you know we had one of the largest fox body collections for a long time and some of these guys he goes well i've kept it running i kept it started it's like yeah but you didn't let it run a lot of get the conversation out the exhaust system is gone you could actually rot an exhaust system out one of these cars you can actually hurt it more by starting and not letting it run long enough yeah i mean yeah if you look at this exhaust it's perfect a couple couple little things too with caretaking um your these these motors go um so you want to you know function those up and down and then also of course the ac system just to keep everything lubed up because the ac still works it's still cold sure but to keep those seals you want to you know get it up to operating temperature um you know run the ac and then also with these lights just to keep the motors so that was another kind of flaw that they had with these they're plastic gears you can get brass gears now but these work perfectly but look at that we'll make sure we operate so but other than that though i mean that the car is it's an ls one you know it's a it's a great killer car and uh you know it's a great shape you know so you don't have to worry about any of that um and as long as it doesn't bake out in the sun you know it won't kill the interior it'll be a great car well we'll have it back to the shop pretty quick last question yes sir best local restaurant or your favorite food that's closest to your house oh probably have you been to marty b's no okay you got to go to marty b party visitors tony tony romo goes over there every once in a while really well you're welcome to join us if you want to if you don't have time i understand we're going to go by there and we'll check out marty d's all right sounds good all right let's get this thing loaded thanks again thank you yes let me get your money all right that's important right killer paperwork god what a great day to be alive this has got to be one of the finest o2 ws6 trans ams in existence now what i do is get on the trailer without any damage killer lines on this car [Music] do that and put it around so success i haven't driven one of these in a while it's got i like the heavy feel of the steering feels good grippy when you go on the angle but looks good no straight in it yeah not a single screen that's all the trailer and we use these race racks and flow they make a huge difference i saw that now it's a good angle we've got uh two ferraris in our enclosed trailer right now there's just no way if we didn't have like we have race ramps that are triple that lake just to get those in there wow i mean you have to just incrementally just be so careful wow but how low was it alex is it close close was it what are you going to buy next we put on your lift i'm looking at panteras outstanding i've had a bunch of them yeah but looking at a 72 which is a pre-owned yeah so like that original owner um unfortunately original owner passed away but uh family selling it so i've got a really cool pantera story for you so about a yellow one out of round rock texas we bought a big collection before that's these two gentlemen i get it that's a big boy okay these two guys were best friends they built identical houses live back to back both had really big garages in 1981 they had a gentleman's bet that they were gonna both take ten thousand dollars and buy the car they thought was going to appreciate the most the guy that had the corvette collection i bought him bought a yellow prio pantera guy behind him bought a lamborghini mura wow ten thousand a piece so you know who won that one yeah because the mural is worth a million bucks oh yeah yeah yeah so and the guy still has the mirror i ended up in pantera because unfortunately generally passed away but that's a true story wow yeah i love mirror beautiful so even even back early in the day collectors thought these panteras are too cheap yeah i mean you know back in those days there were there were times that a pantera was the same price as a cobra panteras just haven't moved they have moved some they haven't appreciated as much as they should in my opinion yeah i'd say the last like five to eight years that they've started moving up but i mean the days of seeing a nice one for 25 to 35 are long gone oh no that's project car yeah yeah exactly well you're chasing something cool yeah we'll fill your garage you guys ready all right ready have a great day sir thank you thank you hey very nice to meet you it was awesome to meet you all right thank you we're at marty b's highly recommended by the previous owner of this beautiful o2 ws6 trans am give you something that's awesome man this is one cool looking place might be the biggest barbecue place i've ever seen all right what's your name sir christian chris and dennis nice to meet you all right so looking good you know what the all-in is all man now you do not okay well we're gonna do the all-in on the starters which means we want one every one one of every single star so we'll start off with that then we get through that we'll see what we're going to eat on the regular menu what is your favorite thing to eat here quesadillas are fajitas pizzas are really good skirt steak gotta get started okay and the quesadillas those on the cheese fries no chives no chives add jalapenos some kind of meat you want on there they don't matter it comes with bacon already doesn't it yeah but you can get rid of the bacon do an actual meat no i'd rather have the bacon no chives and then so we'll do the all in on the starters and we'll go from there if you want anything else just feel free to let it out and we will we got a little bit more coming out right now okay so we got chips queso salsa nachos what's on the nachos the nachos got brisket brisket barbecue a little bit of mexican caramel sauce outstanding a little bit of cilantro on top okay now make sure zach gets the hot hot jalapeno okay so all right well queso salsa all right got marty's meatballs and um jalapenos right here the meatballs came highly recommended and so do the jalapenos so now how can you tell which one is the hottest one so the tail will be curled on the end of the ones that are wrong so that's zach's yeah dude stay away from those if you don't like spice all right and then here's the rye rub wings for you also these are really popular too okay dry road wings i'm in so there you go that's the all in for the stars we're going to get after this we'll order the meal in just a few minutes the house meatball amazing that's really good i'm going to try the stuffed jalapeno wow nacho next so i tell you what when you ask a local person what their favorite restaurant is you almost never go wrong i've had a lot of barbecue a lot of tech specs this is good stuff here stuffed jalapenos are great stuffed jalapenos are good the meatballs are great you know what we we handled them pretty well well that's good right there that means those one of those gotta be kicking right now oh zach got the kick and he's used to it um everything was good so far i want to do the ribs grabs you got it i want street cord and i gotta have it all grown potatoes you guys they're good they are they're really good my mom used to make those um it's a lot of work actually making oh yeah i'm glad i don't have to be the one that came back though yeah if you watch the guy in the back people don't know how much work i'll drive oh yeah they were back there all day just to begin with it's just a lot of stuff yeah i'm good alex what are you having i'll get the uh too many plate with uh brisket and then can i get ribs with that too you got it yep did you want leaner moist brisket uh lean all right you got it and for your sides i'll get uh french fries and uh you got barbecue beans oh we have char bits yeah so you really need some more french fries i didn't have all of them that's yours all right the ribs with the street corn look at that burger ground potato the burgers are amazing man cannot go wrong with those things look at those potatoes that look fantastic love it the two meat with the brisket ribs and char beans and the french fries for you sir thank you the bacon cheeseburger complain with the fries wow that looks good street corn ribs aground potatoes are my favorite things in the plant i haven't had a long time what i normally do is mix my regular barbecue sauce and spice it for those of you that care wow the ribs are literally fall off the bone awesome man gotta love a good rib but this is really really good dry rub on top is nice we'll take a bite without the sauce it's even good without the sauce that way you know it's a killer rip i'm pretty sure i can finish this how about you junior i think i can see it all right zach it's your turn get after your burger all right well you said you've been craving a burger ever since mount pleasant right how is it this is on par with that burger i thought we found the best burger on the planet i'm happy with my choice is ready for the ultimate bite i just washed my hands because i made such a mess of them on the first couple ribs so i'm going to cut a piece off but this street corn is amazing it's rich get some street corn some agra and potatoes some rib hot spicy sauce that is damn near perfect that's the ultimate bike today so the food was great the service is great what's the worst tip you've ever got uh i got exact change one time just like literally like pennies nickels everything that's the worst stuff i got so you're a young man working hard how many hours make you work how about 40 to 15. that's outstanding you work 60 you make more money well yeah you gotta have some time to have some fun well there you go yes sir and the best tip you've ever got about 100 100 bucks all right but we're gonna we're gonna feed that all right well i appreciate it thanks for the great service thank you great big thank you all i appreciate it yes sir hopefully all the video goes well thank god for coming in absolutely thank y'all what a great day to be alive so we rescued a car that absolutely needs nothing right alex right i can't imagine what else we could possibly do to this car oh it's so nice it is so clean we had our 42 fox bodies we're talking about on the way back we had cars that had never been driven this car is that clean is it not yeah chassis is perfect beautiful interior smells new there's not even a rub mark on the seat but what did we get a 2002 pontiac firebird trans am ws6 ls6 motor ram air car with a 6 speed on unbelievable let's run the numbers down just real quick there are about 500 red black interior cars with the manual transmission maybe 20 with the ls6 motor which is actually a big deal in collector terms that makes 100 cars how many out there were 2 691 miles in that condition earlier i said five i think this is the car yeah so final year of the firebird final year of the trans am which was from 69 to 2002. the firebird was 67-2002 what better than that than the final year car amazing there you go thanks for watching please like tag share and follow we'll see you next week look at the players
Channel: Dennis Collins
Views: 322,613
Rating: 4.9348936 out of 5
Keywords: denniscollins, coffeewalk, transam, denniscollinscarworld
Id: aXLlJlMuQlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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