Here’s a New Way To Cook Salmon | Quick & Easy Salmon Piccata

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what's up guys welcome back now I don't know about you guys but after all of this holiday food I'm ready to get back to meal prep and today I'm going to show you how to make this delicious quick and easy salmon Piccata this meal is perfect for a quick weeknight dinner or for your meal prep for lunches during the week you can serve it up with some rice vegetables over pasta or even mashed potatoes but before we get into the recipe please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel make sure you hit that Bell turnable notifications as well alright guys meet me in the kitchen let's make it happen first things first let's take a look at these ingredients here we have about two pounds of salmon these are broken down into eight ounce fillets if you wanted to do this for lunch you could do them as four ounce fillets and just cut them in half we got a little dry white wine we got some chicken broth some kerrygold butter lemon parsley garlic one shallot and some capers all right my friends it's time to prep the salmon again these are eight ounce fillets if you want to break them down into four ounce fillets you just cut them right in half quick Shameless plug the knife is finally back in stock you can grab yours right now for 30 off no discount code required the link is in the description box if you need a new knife this is the one for you so our butcher did not do us any favors on these these are a little uneven so what I'm going to do is trim this off so this real you know thin part right here we're going to trim that you can save that and you know use it for uh salmon cakes or salmon bites whatever you want to do with that but it's not going to work for this recipe today you just want them all to be about the same size that way they're done at the same time and it presents a little bit better so we got four equal fillets all about eight ounces each at this point it's going to be time to go ahead and season this up for the seasoning today we're going down with the triple threat which is my original AP Lemon Bay has some hot AP K can't go wrong with this combination with seafood poultry now personally I leave the skin on my salmon I like the flavor and there's a lot of nutrients in the skin but if you don't like the skin you can ask your butcher to remove it or you can remove it yourself pretty easily at home just use a nice sharp knife or you can just remove it after it's done cooking that's the easiest way to remove it in my opinion we're going to season both sides I like to season the presentation side last that way we get a nice even coat which will result in a nice even color a little bit of each of these seasonings flip it over and this will be the side that we're going to call the presentation side so a nice even application on each fillet can't go wrong with salmon guys you can make this in bulk eat it for lunch perfect meal prep that's actually what I'm making it for today as well and now it's time to prep our garlic so the easiest way to do this guys is take the flat end of the blade on top of the garlic use your fist Smash It Down the skin will come off pretty easy like you see right here super easy way to peel garlic and then we're going to give it a rough dice go right or wrong way to do this guys you can put it through a garlic press if you want or if you want to keep it super easy guys you can go ahead and use minced garlic out of the jar or that garlic paste you see me use all the time fresh is best for a recipe like this my typical rule of thumb is the fewer ingredients you're using in a recipe the fresher they should be so for today's simple recipe we're using fresh garlic next up we got the shallot you can use an onion if you can't find shallot or leave it out all together if that's not your thing just cut it in half peel it then we're going to dice it up the same way we would an onion all right so we're gonna go ahead and heat our oven safe Skillet over medium Heat to that Skillet we're going to add a tablespoon or so of avocado oil and then we're going to sear this salmon these hex clad pans they're not a sponsor but if they're in the budget definitely give them a try I'm in love with them I got to buy me a few more of these hex clad if you're listening all right so once your Skillet gets nice and warm we're gonna go ahead and add in the salmon presentation side down I know Gordon Ramsay says to cook his skin side first but I like to present mine with the skin side up so we're going skin side down first sue me Gordon drop the salmon in there press down to make sure it's making maximum surface area contact with that Skillet try to squeeze this last one in there all right so we're gonna cook these for about three four minutes maybe per side or to their golden brown and beautiful like so once you get a proper sear we're going to flip them over and cook them skin side down the rest of the way [Applause] [Music] so as you can see I went ahead and removed a little bit of that excess oil because now we're adding some butter to the party about three tablespoons of butter we're gonna baste the salmon in that butter and then use the leftover butter for our Piccata sauce nice and simple guys just Tilt The Skillet towards you a little bit use your spoon and baste that salmon give that salmon a little butter back then we're going to finish this in a 400 degree oven for about 10 minutes or so or instead of salmon reaches your desired internal temperature or doneness for me that's about 130 degrees for a good medium on the salmon but you can cook yours however you like it well done it'll be somewhere around 145 degrees for you crazy folks out there but definitely don't skip the butter step unless your heart doctor tells you otherwise all right so while the salmon is finished cooking we're gonna use this leftover butter and flavor to cook this shallot and garlic that's going to be the start of our Piccata sauce you want to make sure you're working over medium low heat so you don't burn the garlic you just want to toast it it's going to start smelling amazing in your house immediately as soon as that garlic hits the skillet next we're going in with some lemon juice tablespoon or two of that preferably fresh followed by a quarter cup of capers [Music] if you've never tried those before definitely give them a try they're going to add a little bit of acidity a little brininess too so like a little bit of salt flavor next up we're going in with some red pepper flakes these are optional guys if you don't want this to have any spice you leave them out and then we're going to season that to taste throw in a little parsley for color and good measure and then we're going to deglaze with that white wine we talked about earlier about a half cup or so of that bring that up to a boil so for those of you guys that don't like to cook with alcohol keep in mind as you cook the alcohol the actual alcohol burns off during the cooking process so when you bring it up to a boil like this what's happening is a lot of the alcohol is cooking off and evaporating leaving behind the wine flavor without the actual stuff that uh you know get you drunk so we're going to reduce that down and then finally we're going to finish this off with a little bit of chicken broth and then emulsify a little bit more butter in there my keto folks are getting excited about that and then we'll pour this right over the salmon so once your sauce has reduced a bit we're going in with two tablespoons of butter you want to kill the heat at this point and just allow that butter to emulsify into the sauce you got yourself a delicious Piccata sauce to go on top of your salmon this is great on chicken as well great with shrimp really can't go wrong on poultry or seafood with this sauce just let that butter work its way in there quick reminder guys that all the specific measurements and ingredients for this recipe can be found in the description box below so don't forget to check that out thank you foreign now if you're looking for some perfectly cooked salmon you can stop right here but if you want to take the flavor to the next level with this Piccata sauce and go ahead and baste that right on top oh man this would be great over some rice some potatoes some pasta some cauliflower rice for my keto folks foreign and now my friends for my favorite part of the job it's time to get in here for a taste test the Moment of Truth has arrived but before we dig in please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel make sure you hit that Bell today with notifications as well let's get in here some beautiful flaky salmon oh man foreign what's up guys welcome back I don't know about y'all but this meal is perfect for a quick week night dinner what did I say what's up what's up guys welcome back now I don't know about you guys but
Channel: Mr. Make It Happen
Views: 578,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salmon, salmon recipe, how to cook salmon, seafood, fish, piccata, piccata recipe, salmon piccata, mrmakeithappen, mr make it happen, recipes, recipe, dinner ideas, dinner recipe, dinner recipes, easy salmon recipe
Id: KE7UT-MK4wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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