How to cook Salmon in the oven | BAKED HONEY GARLIC SALMON RECIPE

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let's make a little taste before everybody comes for dinner yum hey sweeties today we are making oven roasted honey garlic salmon it is so good let me show you it's already done let me show you what it did oh my goodness succulent moist beautiful honey garlic glaze on there easy really just a few ingredients in a few minutes and look what you've got that gorgeous moist salmon let's get into it but first please subscribe to sweet savant hit that thumbs up that notification bell and now let's get into this delicious honey garlic salmon all made in the oven i ordered three pounds of salmon from whole foods they ended up sending me a nice big fillet and then part of a side of salmon and i guess i should have asked if the salmon came scaled because guess what it came with the scales on so we're gonna have to just do a little messy work if you could do it outside it's better but you just want to gently scrape let's see if you can see it better here gently scrape the skin side and the scales come off pretty easily do this outside if you can all right we've got the scales off of the salmon and i rinsed both sides and patted them dry now we're going to just oh one no side note the scales i got on the counter top are really hard to get off so ask for fish with no scales or skinless salmon so keep that in mind put some paper down or something now you're going to run your finger gently along the salmon and check for any small bones and you can pull them out this seems to be okay i don't feel any oh there's a little something right there yeah now you can have pull it out with tweezers that has some little tweets you can pull it out with your fingers which should be you know pretty easy to be gentle and if you can't grab it then you might want to use some tweezers there we go and pull out a little bit of bone and just gently uh pull it out so you don't tear it oop there's another bone right there and but always warn your guests to be on the lookout for small bones just in case you miss anything now i'm going to lightly score the salmon let's do it this way and i love cooking a whole side of salmon um because it's a beautiful presentation but it can be difficult to serve because it's hard to slice neatly after it's cooked so we're just going to gently score it not all the way through that's where we're going to slice it to serve that will also help for our marinade to sink down into that salmon just like that now that our salmon is ready and waiting for us we are going to reheat our sheet tray and you want to tray with a little lip on the side i'll put a link to the sheet trays that i use my oven is preheating to 425 degrees so we will stick this in the oven and let that get nice and hot and that way our salmon starts cooking as soon as it hits the pan and take some aluminum foil and the foil is going to do two things just spray it with a little spray first this is a little bit of a grapeseed oil to keep things from sticking so the foil will catch any marinade to keep it from making a mess in the pan and we're also going to fold the foil up a bit to make kind of a boat to hold the the glaze i should call it hold the blaze close to the salmon so when we pour the glaze on it doesn't run all over the pan it stays right close up to the center just like that gotta season i gotta season it a little fresh cracked black pepper a little kosher salt not too much because we're using soy sauce in the glaze and then a little bit of that cayenne for some heat i'm gonna give that a sprinkle and we're gonna do that on both sides so we'll flip this over and you can even get it in there flip it over and do the same thing started on our sauce we have a tablespoon of butter in this pan and we're just gonna soften this is three four cloves of garlic depending on how garlicky you like it and we just wanna soften that garlic up for 30 seconds maybe a minute over medium heat then we're going to shut it off add our honey and soy sauce because we don't want a scorching hot sauce that we're going to pour over our raw salmon that's not what we're looking for right now so um that fragrance of the garlic just wafting up remember keep the heat on medium because you just want to soften it we turned off our heat honey soy sauce and this is there we go low sodium less sodium soy sauce and the warmth of the pan is going to help for that honey to sort of soften up and be easily pourable not quite as thick and blend into the sauce now we're gonna set this aside and wait until it's time to pour it over our salmon our oven is hot our pan is hot take our salmon drop it on our hot pan make sure our foil is nice up around those sides pour our sauce over brush it a little bit let's make sure the sides hold up make sure it's all over nice and pop it back into the oven let's go on the bottom right first for seven minutes and we've got some rice cooking in our ninja foodie just some regular uh long grain white rice and it's already pressure cooked on high for three minutes and then natural release for at least 10 minutes and i'll just let this stay and keep warm until our salmon is ready and i have some lettuce that i'm going to wash and um get ready for dinner let's get our lettuce ready this is some griddlers or butter lettuce i'm going to leave the leaves nice and whole because then we can use it as lettuce wraps put some rice in there your salmon sprinkle some more veggies over the top good stuff so you'll be gentle oh gotta check my salmon let me just get this out drop that into the salad spinner basket let a little excess water drain off and then we'll spin this let's take a look now you can see how it's getting a little bit of opaque around the sides we can baste it a little bit with the sauce then we're going to slide it under the broiler but you can see how it's changing there based a little bit more i'm going to put this under the broiler but you really do have to watch it because the sugar all that honey can burn easily if you don't pay close attention so you only want it in the broiler for just about a minute maybe two minutes there we go and see how that foil keeps the sauce from just going splat flat out all over the plant the pan all right let's get this back into the oven the broiler is optional if you want to char the salmon if not you can just put it back into the oven for three to five minutes and i know i cause a little bit of confusion when i talk about the broiler this is what the broiler is and you know all the stoves are a little bit different so this is the broiler under the very top of the oven where you get that flame and you can adjust the rack so that it's closer or farther you want to just keep an eye on it i like a little bit of char on my food but you gotta keep an eye because it can burn real fast okay back to that salad now i'm gonna use the salad spinner to take off the excess water from those lettuce leaves and i think this is an older model they look a little different now i'll link to it in um the comments i'm sorry in the description box i'll link to the amazon page and you can take a look at what it looks like now i think it's got more of a translucent top but it works pretty much the same you press that that's the break there we go let's do a couple of men a couple of radishes in this mandolin this mandolin is from the pampered chef party i went to and you just always use the guard please always use the guard you don't want to cut your finger that is super sharp oh i should have taken that green part off but that's it and then we also have a nice watermelon radish too and this you set the dial how thick you want the slices push it up or you close it right or you close it it slides on like that radish in the middle or onion whatever you want to slice nice and and there thin got it perfect even slices every single time all right my nose is telling me this is done i faced it a little bit more when you put it under the uh broiler your garlic will get toasty so if you don't like that kind of crispy garlic taste then you might not want to put it under the broiler you might want to just let it finish in the oven and your garlic won't get quite so toasted but you can see here the foil keeps the sauce nice and close to the salmon and a pan stays clean so no scrubbing for me then drizzle a little fresh lemon juice mmm the acid will just brighten everything up and it's time to ring that dinner bell rice is ready got our radishes and our lettuce and our salmon is the star of the show i'm serving it with the rice and the veggies wrapped in that lettuce leaf look at that salmon i mean simple so delicious so flaky let's sneak a little taste let's make a little taste before everybody comes for dinner yum look at that moist tasty sauce delicious squeeze a little fresh lemon over it perfect so good oh i hope you make this one please subscribe to sweet savant hit that thumbs up that notification bell and you all have a delicious day you
Channel: sweetsavant
Views: 382,921
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Keywords: Baked Salmon in the oven HONEY GARLIC SALMON RECIPE, baked salmon recipe, salmon recipe, honey garlic salmon recipe baked, honey garlic salmon recipe oven, honey garlic salmon recipe pan, honey garlic, honey garlic salmon, how to cook salmon in the oven, how to cook salmon in the oven with foil, Sweet Savant, Sweet Savant recipes, baked honey garlic salmon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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