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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love today i'm making some delicious chicken kebabs i'm also making a honey barbecue chipotle glaze that i'm going to put on them let's get started so these are the ingredients that i'm going to be using to make my chicken kebabs i've got eight chicken thighs right here so i've got some bacon here just enough to cut it into little pieces right here i've got one tablespoon of paprika i have one tablespoon of garlic powder two teaspoons of onion powder one teaspoon of oregano one and a half teaspoons of brown sugar half a teaspoon of pepper and one teaspoon of cumin this is going to be the seasoning that i'm going to be using to rub on my chicken now when you're making chicken kebabs it's not all about just you know the glaze that you put on the outside whether it be honey or barbecue sauce or whatever it is that you're gonna rub on the outside it's also what's underneath it which is the seasoning now i like good seasoning on my chicken and then i like to put that fantastic glaze on the outside so that when you bite into it it is super delicious from the inside out now i've got these chicken thighs here and they've got some fat on it so you want to go in there you want to remove some of it now i do try and remove as much fat as i can but i still leave some on because the fat does give it a very good taste i just think the chicken thigh has a really good taste and it's not as dry as the chicken breast but if you can use chicken breast and really keep an eye on it and make sure that it doesn't get too dry on you you can use a chicken breast without a problem so i've got all my chicken thighs right here this is the fat that i've removed now i'm going to go ahead and cut up my bacon now the bacon i want to cut it into little pieces about about this size right here so this is my bacon so i've got my bacon cut up now i'm going to cut my chicken into about the same size pieces you know about like this just enough so that it can go right into the skewer like this one right here i'll cut it into two like that you don't want real big chunky pieces but not real real small either they can just be like this you know you don't have to fuss a lot with them because once you put them in they just turn on perfect you want to cut them up as close to the same as you can because you want it to cook you know evenly see so i've got my chicken cut up i'm gonna be using some red bell pepper and some onion so i'm gonna clean up my area wash my cutting board and then come back to that stem out of the way now you can use any type of pepper that you want to put on it i like the red one i like the yellow one you know but they're all good now i'm going to be using a piece i'm going to be using pieces about i'm going to be using pieces about this size so you want to try and cut them all about the same size as best you can which are usually the halves you know and it wants a little longer a little shorter it doesn't matter that's good like that so these are my peppers cleaning off this area now my onion now my onion i'm going to be cutting it into pieces about this size as close as i can to the same size as my bell pepper but i'm telling you it's not really that big a deal it all looks so good at the end just like that and i think this should be good about this much right here so i'm done with my pepper now i'm going to go ahead and put my seasonings together i'm just going to dump everything into a bowl it's like paprika my cumin now i'm just going to mix them all in together these are perfect spices you know i've made these chicken kebabs many times and there's been times when i've added a little bit more of one thing or a little bit less than the other and every single time that i would prepare you know this seasoning i would write it down because if i found that it was just perfect i would know exactly how much i put into it because i was just kind of like eyeballing it and then i came up with this one so these amounts just work so perfect for me but you'll be able to taste it if you make your own and if you want to add a little if you want to add a little bit more of one thing or less of the other you know that'll be up to you okay so i'm gonna go ahead and just put it into my chicken this and i want to make sure that it's all really seasoned up really good like that now i'm going to put in some olive oil so that i'll bring it all in together like that because i noticed that if i put my olive oil in first and then i put in my seasoning the seasoning just clumps up in one spot and so i like to put in the seasoning bring it all in together and then just go in with the olive oil same and then it's all real nice and even like that see it gets a real pretty color really really nice seasoning like that see and everything looks really perfectly distributed like that when you put in your seasoning you toss it around into the chicken and then put your olive oil make sure that it's all coming together make sure your hands are really nice and clean when you handle your chicken okay and that's good so now i'm going to put a little bit of the seasoning on my bacon and i'm just going to toss it in there like this neatly on my bacon like that see and that's good i'm gonna go ahead and wash my hands clean up my area and start putting my kebabs together this is the fun part putting the chicken kebabs together now i've got some of these metal skewers my ron's very good friend made them for him some time back and it comes with this but if you don't have metal skewers you can use the wooden ones because these are the ones i use for a long time first so it's not a big deal just be sure that you're going to use some wooden skewers you want to go ahead and put them in water and let them soak for a good 30 minutes because you don't want them to burn whether you put them on the grill and put them in the oven or wherever so you want to use the wooden ones you can it's not a big deal i'm going to be using these today and i went ahead and put aluminum foil over a cookie sheet like this because there is going to be some dripping and i want for it to drip on this so that i don't have to mess with cleaning the cookie sheet after that so that's why i put the aluminum foil now i think i'm gonna be making about four i'm gonna go ahead and give them just a light spray with a little bit of the cooking spray just a little bit and that's good so the first thing i'll do is put in a piece of chicken and i have to be careful with it sometimes because it's a little sharp like that and then i'll put a piece of bacon right next to it like that i'll put another piece of chicken see chicken and then a piece of bacon then another piece of chicken and then i'll put a piece of pepper like that a piece of onion and then i'll do the chicken again and put them in nice and tight slide it in like this nice and tight like that you just need to be patient like that some onion like that see you can do it in any order that you want you can use green bell peppers or the yellow one now i like the red one but but it doesn't matter because they're all good you can use a little button mushrooms if you want or you can zucchini this is a combination that i like when i make my chicken kebabs but you can put anything that you want on your kebab and it's all good and here's my kebab it's nice and ready and seasoned really nicely now when i'm done with all these i'm gonna go ahead and season it on the outside again so then i'm going to put them right here there's one and i'm going to go ahead and do another one now if you've got you some stringy pieces of bacon like let's say like this one right here like this all the bacon is good now i like to i'll put it into my skewer like this and then i could twist it or get the other little piece and put it right there you know because it's gonna go on so nice and tight that you know you really won't know you see like that and then once you push it it'll be real nice and snug in there you see you can go in like this and just put that little piece in there kind of like a trumpo you know it's none of the pieces and match exactly but they all go in there so nice at the end just like that so you push it in there and they'll all look so nice like that see everything's good with bacon and here's the second one see how nice that looks don't let anything go to waste you can use it all see like i've got some little pieces of bacon here you know like little pieces like that that are gonna be hard for you to put on the skewer you can just you know like fold them in half and then put one in there and if you find another little piece you can put the other little piece in there like this little piece right here and you can put it in that one and if it would be the wooden skewer you can do the same thing and just keep on going once it goes in there real nice and snug it disappears and it becomes just one solid really really nice you know this is this is what i like to make when it's one of those days you know when you're just like you just don't know what to cook and you're like i don't know what to make and you know but you've got some chicken you don't know what to do with the chicken you know what can i make with a chicken that's when this is a good idea if you can just get you some of those wooden skewers you cut up that chicken and cut up some vegetables you decide what it is that you want and then put them on your skewers and you know what if you are not good with a grill you don't know how to turn it on or you're not good with charcoal or maybe you don't feel like going outside because it's raining or whatever you know you can make them in the oven now you know that today my my chicken kebabs i'm gonna put them in the oven i'm not gonna put them on the grill you know so they are so perfect on the grill they are so perfect in the oven even in a skillet really good too so i'm finishing up right here with this one i've got two or three pieces of chicken left right here so what i'll do is i'll take this out and i'll put them in here so that we don't let anything go to waste and the these bits of bacon too you see just stick them in there like that and then i'll put in my pepper my piece of onion and here they are the four of them see you can spread them out as much as you want you can spread them out but i like them to be nice and tight like this and then i mold them like this see i mold them just like a trompo if you're not familiar with what a trunk is google it so i make them real nice and snug like that and try and make them all about the same get them in there really good like that and that's good so i'm going to go ahead and wash my hands and then i'm going to give them their final seasoning and we're going to put them into the oven i've got it already preheated at 350 degrees so i cleaned up my area i changed my cutting board when you're handling chicken you always want to be really really sure to keep you have your hands clean all the time and keep your area clean you don't want to have any problems so now that i have my kebabs ready i'm just going to put just a little bit of olive oil on the top like this just a little bit like that i'll rub that on i'm going to go ahead and just drizzle some on the top like this i'm going to do the same to the other side just a little bit like that so just like that so i'm going to wipe this off real quick because i so there's some spices down here at the bottom and i don't want that so i'm going to put this back like this my oven has been preheated to 350 degrees so i'm going to put it into my oven for 30 minutes so i've got about 15 minutes to go before i take them out of the oven so this is what i'm gonna make my my glaze now i'm gonna use some barbecue sauce and in the fridge i've got sweet baby rays you know i've got the hickory i've got the brown sugar but i don't want to use those because they're a little bit too sweet and i'm going to sweeten it up with some honey so this one doesn't have any of the honey in there or too much of the brown sugar so that's why i'm gonna use this one but you can use any barbecue sauce that you want so i'm gonna use about half a cup of barbecue sauce and then i'm gonna put in about a third cup of the honey i'm gonna put in about a teaspoon of mustard and then right here i've got some chipotle peppers in adobo sauce but i'm not going to use the peppers only because i don't want to use the peppers for this recipe but i am going to use the sauce so i'm going to put the sauce in there [Music] and i'll use about three teaspoons mix it up really good like this the reason i use mustard in here is because it's kind of tangy and i like that mixed in with a sweet and with a barbecue sauce but you can you know make it the way you like it i've done it to where i use like half and half of the barbecue sauce and the honey i've done like half a cup of barbecue sauce with just a fourth cup of honey and and a little bit of mustard i've done it with a tablespoon of mustard you know but you can make it just the way you like it and you taste it and you see if you want more this is the way i like it but these are the ingredients so you can mix them according to the way you like so i'm going to go ahead and move this aside i'm going to get my chicken kebabs out of the oven and i'm going to go ahead and glaze them and put them in for the remainder of the time so here they are make sure that it's mixed in really really good as a matter of fact it's a good idea to taste it oh my gosh i could eat that by the spoonful then you want to brush them really good like this and that adobo sauce you know the adobo sauce it's got a little bit of spice and it is just so good you know if you like it really spicy you can go ahead and put it all in the blender and put in your chipotle peppers in there and whip it up and then brush it on now i find that teaspoons of the adobo sauce that i put in there are just so perfect just the perfect amount of spice it's up to you as to how much you like okay so now that i've brushed them out like that i'm gonna go ahead and put them back in the oven for the remainder of the 30 minutes so it's about three minutes before my 30 minutes are up i'm gonna go ahead and get them out one last time and put a little glaze for those remaining three minutes give them one last brush and i'll count the three minutes from the moment i put them in and if you do this real quick you can flip them over without having to put on your your mitt just like that i'll make sure that they're in there three minutes so my timer just went off i'm gonna get my chicken kebabs out of the oven and they're very hot see put them right here don't those look delicious i'm gonna go ahead and let them sit there for about three minutes before i go ahead and serve so it's been about three minutes and i'm gonna go ahead and serve my plate now i can get a hold of it now what you want to do is you want to slide it off slowly and because i i sprayed my skewers it should slide right off just like that you shouldn't have a problem sliding it off now you can go ahead and serve anything that you want with your kebabs now i like coleslaw and the reason for that is because you know your kebabs are real sweet and spicy the little tang in there for the barbecue sauce so you want something to go in really good with it and i find that coleslaw works real well but as you saw in my last video i served them with my cilantro lime rice and that was so perfect and delicious so you can really serve them with anything that you want so here they are i'm serving them today with some red new potatoes with garlic and some good spices and my coleslaw now before you eat your chicken kebab you want to check it and make sure that it's very well cooked now for me 30 minutes works just perfect but to be sure depending on what size of pieces you're going to use you want to check it really good so now for the taste test hmm oh my gosh super tender look at this look at this look at how tender this chicken is see and your onions and your peppers are very nice and and cooked but yet they've got a little bit of a crisp on them they're not overcooked they're just perfect so delicious so these are my chicken kebabs with my honey barbecue and chipotle sauce they are just absolutely delicious i hope you like my video if you do give me a thumbs up send me a comment and tell me what you think now if you haven't subscribed please do and share with your friends thank you very much
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 868,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make CHICKEN KABOBS!! / OVEN BAKED EASY AND DELICIOUS, Chicken kabobs, Oven baked Chicken Kabobs
Id: 7BIXKgA9o6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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