Cabbage Pie

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hi kevin here well for an early dinner today we're fixing a cabbage pie now there are a lot of cabbage pie recipes on youtube but i don't think any of them give you specific measurements for the ingredients so i went ahead and measured everything out for you so here we go all right you will need half of a medium head of cabbage and i did weigh this and it weighed 425 grams you will need half of one large onion one bunch of flat leaved parsley no need to weigh that and some salt some pepper three large eggs and about three quarters of a cup that's 80 grams of all-purpose flour okay i'm going to chop up my vegetables and then we'll come right back all right here's the cabbage now i slice this rather thinly and then i cut the slices crosswise into smaller pieces but you can cut your cabbage any way you like and to the cabbage i'm going to add the onion and again the cabbage was 425 grams and here's the half of one large onion that i diced and here's the parsley which i chopped with the help of my food processor just to save a little time and then i'm going to add some salt now the first time i made this pie i used a half teaspoon of kosher salt and that wasn't enough so today i'm going to add one teaspoon of salt and some grinds of black pepper and what else do i need that's it going to give these a quick toss just to mix yeah mr fox absolutely loves this cabbage pie and i'll have to confess that i love it too it's very healthy all right then i'm going to add three large eggs and i did beat them first pour that over the cabbage mixture and then you could use your hands to mix this up i'm going to use tongs just want to get all of the cabbage and parsley and onion coated with the egg yeah i find that whenever i'm feeling under the weather if i eat cabbage i feel as right as rain i don't know what it is about cabbage but just makes my body feel good all right then i'm going to add the all-purpose flour and again this is 80 grams which is roughly three quarters of a cup just sprinkle that over and then once again mix it into the cabbage with the tongs or with your hands it's probably easier to do this with your hands i'm just trying to be tidy here now this is we call this a cabbage pie but it's not a pie in the traditional sense in other words it does not have a pastry shell [Music] okay i think we are mixed enough all right now i'm going to move you over to the stovetop okay so i have my non-stick skillet over medium-low heat this is a 10 inch diameter non-stick skillet and it is eight inches on the bottom you could use any skillet you want or any skillet you happen to have non-stick preferably then i'm going to add about a tablespoon of vegetable oil swirl that around and then add the cabbage mixture it's very colorful okay and then mash it down with a spatula and then take your spatula and run it between the cabbage and the edge of the pan so you create a pie like shape in other words you want to create a circle okay and then we have to cover this and i do not have a proper lid for this skillet so i'm going to use this 9-inch glass pie plate turned upside down okay we're going to let this cook until the pie has browned on the bottom that's going to take about 10 minutes and we'll come back all right the pie has been cooking for about 12 minutes so now i have to remove this makeshift lid remembering it is ripping hot now we have to flip this and the easiest way to do it and easiest is probably not the right descriptive here is to put a plate we actually know what i did yesterday was just slide the pie onto a plate there we go then we have to put this pie upside down into the skillet and this is easier said than done so what you do is put the skillet which is very hot over the plate and then trying not to burn your fingers which i did yesterday this flip and there it is so it's very brown on this side and that's good because brown cabbage is sweet cabbage okay and now i'm going to return that lid which is really just a pie plate and then i'm going to cook this over low heat for about seven minutes and when this gets done we'll come back all right the pie is done so now once again have to slide the pie onto a plate and then if you think one side is a little too dark go ahead and flip it again and you might find as i did that the other side is much more attractive okay now i'm going to go ahead and slide this back onto we'll call this the serving plate okay and then i'm going to get this on the on the dinner plates and then i'll show you what it looks like on the plate all right here's mr fox's serving here's the cabbage pie and i'm serving it with some sliced hot house tomatoes that i seasoned with kosher salt and grinds of black pepper here's some of that awesome beer bread that i made for you the other day here's my serving same setup and here's the leftover cabbage pie which in all honesty we will probably finish at some point today now it's time for a taste here we go this is so so good well i hope you will give this cabbage pie a try someday it's really easy to fix it's totally delicious and it's really healthy to eat and you can make the pie uniquely your own just by maybe adding a whisper of nutmeg to the mix or by adding some sliced green onions i think that would be a very nice touch okay what else did i want to say uh oh yes we're going to have our dinner now and i really wish that you could join us for dinner all right thank you so much for watching i will post the list of ingredients in the description box below again thank you for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: Kevin Lee Jacobs
Views: 406,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZjQFEnsxSR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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