The Most Flavorful Garlic Butter Shrimp Ever | Quick & Easy Dinner Recipe

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what's up guys welcome back today's recipe is big on flavor but it's still super quick and easy i'm gonna show you my recipe for garlic butter shrimp what i like most about this recipe is you can serve it as an appetizer with some garlic bread over rice or with pasta for dinner and i'm going to show you how to do all three of those today but before we do that please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel make sure you hit that bell to enable notifications as well all right guys meet me in the kitchen let's make it happen first things first let's take a look at these ingredients starting with this beautiful jumbo shrimp they're already peeled i'm going to show you how to de-vein them i'm leaving the tails on today but you're free to take them off if you want to we got some shallots a little diced parsley some capers which are optional but add a nice bit of flavor lemon garlic some of that kerrygold butter the bread which is the french loaf that we're going to use for our garlic bread and then i've got some white wine a nice dry pinot that we're going to deglaze our pan with for those of you that don't want to use any alcohol in your cooking use chicken broth instead we're going to get the party started with some roasted garlic you guys if you've been watching my channel for any amount of time you know that this is one of my favorite ways to kick the flavor up just preheat your oven to 400 degrees cut down about a quarter of the way and you want to peel the garlic a little bit we're here with some olive oil and some all-purpose seasoning wrap it in foil and pop that in the oven i'm going to wrap this nice and tight like a christmas present and then pop this bad boy in a 400 degree oven for about 40 minutes you can do this in bulk and keep it in the fridge it's great in salad dressings it's great in pasta recipes you really can't go wrong with some roasted garlic next up i'm going to show you guys how to devein the shrimp now we all know groceries are super expensive right now so you can buy this stuff already deveined from the store but it's going to cost you a little bit more so if you want to do it yourself you'll save yourself a couple bucks per pound just take a nice sharp knife down the back of the shrimp like so exposing that vein and you're going to want to remove that so i like to use a paper towel to kind of put the vein on make sure we get it all out of there and then we'll give it a good rinse under some cold water and just repeat that process so you can save yourself some money by doing that so not only are you saving money but you're adding flavor to the party we have these fantastic shrimp shells that we can put in the freezer for any time we want to make a delicious seafood stock from scratch so now that we have our shrimp clean and dry we're going to go ahead and season it up first things first we're going in with my all-purpose seasoning or you can just use a blend of salt and pepper some onion powder some garlic powder stuff like that would work great here my ap seasoning is low sodium so if yours is not you might want to go a little bit lighter we're also going in with some tony's creole seasoning any cajun or creole seasoning will work well here old bay would work also use whatever your favorite stuff is that you got laying around the house then the last thing that we're going to use for our shrimp is the italian seasoning about a teaspoon or so of that just to get some nice herb flavor in there we got some fresh parsley going in into the sauce a little bit later so get in there with your hands mix that around make sure the shrimp are evenly coated and all that seasoning is evenly distributed if it's not go ahead and add a little bit more and now my friends it's time to move on to the garlic bread we're going to use this for the appetizer version of this recipe here we have one stick of melted butter you don't want it to be fully melted about like you see right here to that we're going to add a little bit of this roasted garlic that we made earlier a couple cloves of that going in still very hot that's why these gloves come in handy we're going to mix that in and then go in with a little bit of seasoning so a little salt and pepper a little all-purpose seasoning whatever you got to work and then we want to add a tablespoon or two of freshly diced parsley give that a good mix and then we're going to grate in some fresh parmesan cheese as well and some red pepper flakes and got yourself a delicious garlic bread spread give that a good mix you can pop that in the fridge for a minute or two and you got yourselves a fantastic compound butter or garlic butter whatever you want to call it so as you can see we have our french bread cut in half on an aluminum foil lined baking sheet for easy clean up we have our oven preheated to 400 degrees and most importantly we have this fantastic garlic butter with the roasted garlic you use minced garlic if you want to we're going to spread that one nice and thick make sure you distribute it evenly don't be shy with this stuff it's magic in here oh man nothing like some good garlic bread look at that roasted garlic quick reminder guys that all the specific measurements and ingredients for these recipes can be found in the description box below so don't forget to check that out and then last but not least my friends we're going down with a little bit more freshly grated parmesan cheese because why the hell not and that's going in a 400 degree oven for about 12 to 15 minutes or until the top is golden brown and beautiful and the bread is lightly toasted nice and crunchy on the outside but still a little soft on the inside that's how i like mine look at that so now i have my baby here my cast iron skillet this is a 12 inch cast iron skillet to that i'm going to add about a tablespoon of avocado oil and about two to two and a half tablespoons of butter because butter makes everything better we're gonna wait for this butter to start to simmer or sizzle and then we'll add in our shrimp so once our butter starts to sizzle like so we're going to go in with our shrimp allow them to start getting some color you don't want your skillet to be too hot because shrimp cooked really fast so by the time you finish adding your shrimp they'll be almost done so as soon as that butter starts to make some noise that's when we're adding our shrimp we're adding the shrimp first because we want to lock in some of that shrimp flavor in our sauce so we're going to partially cook the shrimp then remove it make our sauce and then add the shrimp back to the party to soak up all that flavor and you have something special on your hands depending on how much shrimp you're making you may want to do this in batches i'm making two pounds of shrimp today so we're going to do it in two batches we got one pound in here now we'll remove this and then add the next pound here in a second so what we're looking for is for the shrimp to start to develop some color just like that beautiful once the shrimp begin to get a nice color like you see right here we're going to flip them over give them another 30 seconds or so and then we're going to remove the shrimp and there'll be some nice fond at the bottom of the skillet that we're going to deglaze and loosen up and we'll have a super flavorful sauce on our hands so at this point i'm going to grab my slotted spoon remove the shrimp put it on the paper plate because we're fancy and then finish the other batch of and then get started on our sauce we're going to get our heat back up to medium add the rest of that stick of butter start getting up all that flavor off the bottom of the skillet your house is going to be smelling absolutely amazing at this point we're going in with that shallot that we diced up a tablespoon or so of capers then we're going to add as much garlic as your acid reflux will allow at this point we just want to simmer this over medium heat allow that butter to cook those shallots and now we're going to deglaze with our white wine remember guys if you don't want to use the wine you can always use a little chicken broth or vegetable stock something like that anything like that will work just fine before we deglaze with the wine we're going to season this up i'm going down with a little bit of chicken bouillon powder this is just kind of like a little secret ingredient that adds a ton of flavor if i'm being honest it does have a little msg in it which is delicious it's also why we like a lot of asian take out food chinese food things like that we're going down a little all purpose seasoning and then our red pepper flakes for a little heat that's optional if you don't want any spice you can leave this out then we're going down with a couple tablespoons of fresh chopped parsley definitely a flavor party in there now this is the part that i always get excited for because i always tell you guys the taste as you go we're going to add about a cup of dry white wine looks like just enough for me to finish off cheers my friends you just want to allow that to simmer away for three to four minutes allow that alcohol to cook off leaving behind all that amazing flavor that wine is gonna help deglaze the skillet getting up all the fond and whatnot from the shrimp nice big chunks of roasted garlic in there we're going to add some fresh lemon juice now we're also going to add some fresh lemon zest the zest you get all the lemon flavor without the acid from the juice so i like to use both look at that my friends that is oh man that's looking good i might have to break out my looking good early now here is where we're going to finish cooking our shrimp we're just going to dump in two pounds of shrimp right into that sauce any accumulated juice from the plate goes in there too because no flavor left behind and we just want to toss that shrimp around in that amazing sauce we can add a little bit more parsley for a pop of color and you can serve this with pasta you can serve it with garlic bread as an appetizer you can put it on a salad you can put it over rice quick and easy pretty inexpensive you can catch a shrimp on sale as well can't go wrong with this recipe guys definitely give it a try so there's a number of different ways you can plate this up one of my favorites is with some pasta noodles like you see right here we have a little bucatini pasta want to toss that in a leftover sauce and you got yourself something special this is basically like a shrimp scampi at this point brace yourself for a trademark money shot say it with me guys looking good and now for the moment of truth my favorite part it's time to get in here for a taste test but before we do that please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel make sure you hit that bell to enable notifications as well all right guys let me get in here for a shrimp remember you can leave the tail on or tail off i'm sure someone will say mean things to me in the comments about leaving the tail on these bad boys but man that looks good you guys have got to give this recipe a try not supposed to be eating bread but what the hell you
Channel: Mr. Make It Happen
Views: 1,337,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shrimp, garlic shrimp, garlic butter, garlic butter shrimp, easy shrimp recipe, shrimp recipes, quick and easy shrimp, dinner, dinner ideas, dinner recipes, mrmakeithappen, mr make it happen, how to cook shrimp, shrimp recipe, shrimp scampi
Id: Yn-lBk8QKKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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