HELPING THE HOMELESS People Living Under The Bridge

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Oh staying on my last night because I have nowhere else to go you have anywhere to go at all get too cold was a freezin something crazy happened that's never happened to me before I went to the warehouse to work to go through all my storage unit boxes and totes and instead of finding treasure in those I found three homeless people who have been stealing from me living under the bridge right next to the warehouse you're gonna want to watch this one from the very beginning to the very end to see what happens plot twist [Music] these three walking right here just came from out underneath the bridge in front of the warehouse you know that means they're living under the bridge the bridge is right here warehouse my truck here's the bridge now somebody tried breaking into all of the trailers yesterday so you can see the trailers over here and now I think I know who's trying to break in not only that now I know where they're staying as well so they just came out from under here let's take a look here it is right here here's all their stuff and probably a ton of my stuff you've got to be freaking kidding me all right I am down underneath the bridge where these three just emerged from and where they are living so you can see right here there's a bone this is what they lived on last night so I have three people stealing from me and they're living under a bridge what would you do you can see here what happens during the night people try them to actually break into the trailer try and get things out of the trailer so that latch doesn't have a lock on it this latch does and this is recent so they tried to actually bend the hinge up they didn't get the lock off this time they have gotten the lock off once in the past I've been cleaned out a couple times unfortunately the other thing that they've done you can see the trailer here now this isn't my trailer this is Brian's trailer so they've they've in essence they've cleaned Brian's trailer out they actually stole this we didn't know where it went we found the trailer cleaned out and the go-cart hidden inside for a later pickup so that's another thing that they've done now we're about to do something back there's the bridge here's the warehouse steps we're gonna do something about this I don't know what yet we're definitely gonna do something about this today all right I've got that pretty much bent back into place now now it's time to go do what we do best time to go restore love I have too much stuff that could be used for something greater than monetary gain all right you guys have been putting everything in here I don't even know what's in here do we have anything we can set them up for a comfortable place to sleep all right all right let's see it you da Tammy sold the frame already right yep Tammy sold the frame to Brian that's one of your jobs today you actually have to take the frame apart so Brian can pick it up but he didn't buy the mattress let's see back here this is the eBay all that is eBay death pile oh my goodness so yeah just the mattress if we can it's a king-size go ahead and take the blanket off let's see yes all right Christian you think you and I can get that down there yeah all right all right where the frame is sold Brian bought the frame Christian and I are gonna try and set this up there were three of them that came out and I think three on a king should be okay don't you think all right that's pillow top should we leave the plastic on because of the water down there alright let's leave the plastic [Music] [Music] but if we we go here we go all right Baldy Oh baby out her best all right [Music] keep the plastic off finally keep the plastic on because we don't want to get wet down [Music] let's run up to take it down a little bit what if we do this I don't want to disrupt their stuff they're literally sleeping on that nobody nobody I don't care if this one's for me or not nobody deserves to sleep on mats on rocks under a bridge period okay [Music] three go that way okay there are three people all right let's put we'll put their stuff back up here and then hopefully hopefully oh you know what else you guys remember remember we have that entire thing of my pillows the expensive pillows all right we're gonna go back let's go get the my pillows let's see if we can find some blankets to keep them warm as well because it's supposed to be in the 50s all week this is a pretty thick comforter so we'll set this on the bed as well and what what do you think just can we throw it in one of these totes we'll take it down in a tote and then worse than my clothes all right let's go to the other room let's go grab those before they get back we found all of these in a tote we've heard these are 50 plus dollar pillows so I saw one shabby pillow down all right there's three people that came up there's one from another end should we take about we'll take you know what that ones have plastic on them ran here that's why here we'll just take that one out of the face and you know what don't make this better Oh Stephen plus tecum indicates egg will keep them in the case to keep them keep them clean and try and set them up go something better can't just give away pillows without testing them you know how to test pillows don't you Kirsten you don't know how to test pillows all right here's what you do you guys speed up the landlord more than any other tenant I have ever known in the history of having a landlord what if I just hopefully they don't get upset it's just I don't think if anybody gets upset at us let's just make it it's supposed to be in the 50s or so [Music] I think we're all set we've got them a Nashville king-size bed with a pillowtop mattress three my pillows and a thick thick comforter for when the temperatures go low it's got to be even colder down here by the water on the river steel-toe that'd be kind of nice I mean probably back the boots up there ally but like the timberlands there what do you guys think if you maybe put them in a tote I mean we could why don't we just make a tote why don't we make a care package tote of shoes if you're homeless what else do you need we have any food right now in here that we know ever did I eat it all okay so there's another downside of eating expired storage unit food you don't have it when you need it okay shoes what else would they need what can you think of okay so anything like a bag to carry stuff oh they have luggage what if here this one this one's a huge one on wheels do we have any others let's go look the guys let's see anything that they can use with wheels to move stuff from place to place that's what's gonna be important okay yeah we have purses we have a ton of purses we definitely have that I think that bag on wheels is probably best unless you guys know of any and more luggage all right let's fill that duffel bag with stuff now this is going to become important for picking that mag on purpose because it has a handle and has wheels so those people that typically are without a home they have to be mobile this way they can put all the pillows the comforter everything in there if they abandon the mattress we'll go back and get it but right now patience is finding all kinds of shoes anything else you guys can think of what do you think Christian shoes are important oh there's even some Crocs it up there aren't there Wow okay yeah I would you can't go wrong with Crocs especially down there in the water so yeah just go ahead we'll do what we can there yeah even if it's not the exact size Crocs can slip on to where they can be they can be pretty versatile for any size guys what about all these water bottles over here what do you think about that like here's a here's a here let's throw that in there there's one here's another here's another one Columbus there's two here's another there's another bottle right there there's three let's go ahead and throw those in as well we don't have any actual bottled water here do we nothing okay throw those water bottles in there too with all that oh nice hat yeah that could be a poor must get sunny [Music] yeah there you go right there at the foot of the bed okay perfect alright guys I think I know where they're at they go downtown the Salvation Army and the Hope Center I'm gonna go see if I can find them and go talk to them and tell them what we did for them okay [Music] we set everybody up Abed we got pillows does she need pillows does she need blanket she need anything else okay great oh hey we set you a bed up and everything down the do you need pillows do you need pillows blankets [Music] okay [Music] you have anywhere to go at all get to cold was a freezin it seemed pretty cold down there okay so we set up a king-size pillow down there for the three of you I was mom kicked him out drugs or just alright well we're gonna leave the mattress down there we put pillows down there we put a thick comforter we put a bag with shoes if you guys need shoes water bottle or anything okay you guys need anything else just holler all right you guys good everybody good all right holler at me if you guys need anything okay I get you stuff all the time you're welcome [Music] well they took everything we left I just don't get it I don't know flip the mattress over completely and totally flip the mattress over I just came down to make sure everybody was okay the mattress was right here they flipped it over on itself there are the three my pillows the comforter and the Beautyrest mattress they took the water bottles the shoes yeah and they took the bag so on trying to see if I can see them anywhere [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 23,150
Rating: 4.928968 out of 5
Keywords: helping struggling family, miracle for struggling family, oprah winfrey show, ellen surprises struggling family, pay it forward struggling family, helping family in need, helping family with money, helping homeless people, helping people, helping people in need, helping the homeless, ellen degeneres helping families, ellen helping families, oprah winfrey helping families in need, oprah winfrey, oprah winfrey network, pay it forward
Id: 4ta15oYU_WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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