EPIC PORTIONS!!!! Large Family ONCE a MONTH FREEZER MEALS--the BIGGEST freezer meals on YouTube!!

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[Music] hey guys we'll be able to great JJ alright today is going to be epic proportion freezer meal making day in our home I am so excited I've been looking forward to this day for a long time you guys know that make it a lot of meals I make a lot of meals in our household for ten people every single day breakfast lunch and dinner and that can be tiring you know mom was working people that don't have kids you know it's a lot of work to go to work and do things and then have to come home and make a dinner on top of it and think about the ones that are home doing breakfast and lunches every day it's a lot of work that you're spending in this kitchen and I love it I love doing meal prep to enjoy it but when I spend so much time in here when I know that I can be doing other things that's kind of hard for me so you know what I'm like I need to do a freezer meal prep day so that most of my meals are prepared you're gonna still have to do a few things to those recipes but most the majority of the work is done that's what I'm going for today so I did one of these videos about a year ago that's how most people find me from my largest meal prep video I'll put up the link below but what it was is it was all fewer recipes and so a lot of those recipes are casseroles and they are creamy sour cream and not what we would normally eat it's even after that I was like the kids were like we're just sick of casseroles I'm like oh I'm sick of casserole oh we ration those casseroles out for like two three months after that because they were just not the foods that we normally but today is going to be real food that we all time and I'm excited for because I'm going to plan on making 50 dinners 50 dinners just 50 dinners are our family of 10 right now and by doing that I'm gonna have the basis down the freezer and all I gotta do is pull them out put them in the pressure cooker put them in the oven whatever I got to do to finish them up but the majority of those dinners are done we're also gonna do breakfast for a month we're also gonna do lunch for a month which is awesome I'm excited because this means I don't have to be in the kitchen every single day today I am like right now if you look at my clock it is 1:30 in the morning on a Friday why baby did you say 1:30 in the morning yes I did 1:30 in the morning I went to bed last night I was like I mean I got up today and I'm like okay when they want my ass that's what I'm gonna get out well 12:30 came what o'clock came and I got up but I'm like okay I'm just gonna get up and go do it so hey Here I am yesterday we did a lot of meat prep so the meat cooking is what takes a lot of your day so I didn't want to do that today today I wanted to be dedicated to putting dinners together so I can just get it out get it talked about today is a working day for me so I hired Lauren twice a week as you guys know and just her day is today so I thought today would be a great day to do that because she's got the kids when I'm doing these freezer Bell props I love doing people watching they're like oh your kids should help my kids do how if you're gonna see that in a second but I like to just never get a big project and you just want to go okay can do this I can do this you just want to Zone in and get it done that's how I feel about some big giant meal preps I'm my kids up oh they help my regular viewers you know my kids help but they do things all the time but when I do these videos I'm like I want to show mamas that this can be done you can do this you might not have to do as big as I do oh not very often you have to miss home because I do but what I'm doing today just get that down tip for your size family and you are only gonna have to do it one time a month you're just gonna save so much time of your life that you're gonna be able to enjoy spend time with your family your day even you might even go sit in your couch for a little bit and drink a cup of coffee what maybe watch TV you read a book I don't even know mom's it'll just three up your time and you can have more time to do things for you and for your family enjoying time so that's why we do this so today is a great day to do it Lawrence and the kids later on craig's had to come and get them for the rest of the evening depending on how long I need it and so is gonna be a good day I'm sure they're gonna come in I guess a braid or rolling I don't have to do a bunch of that so I thinks that they come in and help me today so what we did yesterday we did all of our meat prep so I'm going to show you here everything we made there is ate a lot of meat I walked away yesterday can't go out a few places and everywhere I went I just sprayed my vanilla body spray and I said I smell like husband's like you smell like meat and Anila I know I'm like he's like it kind of smells good yeah this is what we did yesterday for our meat prep [Music] here with you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] everything [Applause] [Music] [Music] now that took a lot of our time per day because I was in and out all day but I just took the entire day because to get the meat done so today I will not have to cook everything so everything is ready and then we also chopped up all our veggies I put it in my food processor to like season my meat it chopped it and this fun when you're gonna put them like in a dish just we process them up it's awesome so see this I did [Music] thinking of traveling is well I I'm losing sight cause I'm falling I'm songs eaten deep town [Music] and you can sue all right then we were on a roll and I was like girls let's make our lunch sandwiches so what we did yesterday [Music] [Music] I can carry all that you've got to heavy hearts it's not alive [Music] [Music] all right I'm that's a lot of our lunches that it takes a lot of time just chop it and do it in those hands we got it done guidance all ready in the freezer freezing up which is awesome and put those actually downstairs I'm trying to keep this freezer I'm a big giant one in the kitchen here empty so that we can't put it just just start packing it now I'm just I'll pack them in everywhere and be able to show you at the end so what I did let me show you so when you have 50 pounds of ground beef and you have five huge probably 15 20 pound bags and chicken where do you thought at my coolers are small let me show you my tiny coolers I have these coolers right here so they were not gonna fit in here so in here what I did in here let me show you yesterday all my meal prep is inside here I put ice packs and my bacon and my beef and my chicken is all in here this is how I kept it cold overnight so inside oh yeah smell that meat this is all my meat which is awesome then what I did there's another one there this is my makeshift cooler okay this is a reflective blanket and I use this for grocery shopping what I did is I put all my ladies on the ground and I put all my frozen meat on top oh yeah look at that it's all inside there there's all my meat it's all inside bags in there so this is it makes you cooler and what that did is it allowed me to thaw my meats so that today I can use them because you have to have thawed me to mate burgers and meat patties things like that and also my chicken so I can bread it and things like that so I'm like I need a big area I don't have a big enough empty refrigerator so that works okay sure self I think that blanket was $10 on Amazon I have it in my link in my Amazon store I just that down and stacked and I had to put that bench around it I had one on the other side cuz I was afraid I was gonna wake up and Maxine was gonna be there eating my raw meat she didn't even touch it yes oh it's all wrapped up so it was all good and safe so that is how I thought all my food so now we're just going to get into making food are you ready to get done with our food I have Merson got my coffee it's early it is 1:40 in the morning on Friday I know super early but we're gonna get going with our day we're gonna get this done fifty plus meals I'm sure for our large family for the month okay let's go [Music] [Music] all right first time to mix up is jambalaya I know this is not the correct way to make jungle I I don't do shrimp allergy to it so we do it we had a friend make it for us one time it was so good and it was sausage kielbasa and shredded chicken and the rice and the spices with their green peppers and onions it was so good we loved this dish this is one of our favorite dishes we actually just had it this week so I'm gonna make two of those all I do is run the bag to add two cups of rice and h2o because I'm gonna add my chicken bouillon and then all I do is put it in the pressure cooker and do like a regular rice setting and I'll be done in literally 20 minutes I would throw that in a bag [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the next one is a recipe that one of my viewers from that last freezer meal prep she suggested and we still love it to the cities it's Janita Warfield's and it's yellow rice and chicken black beans corn it's delicious that's what I call it her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] seems I you top bankers there's no need to so that's just alright another rice dish these are all ones that we're gonna do in the pressure cooker you can put them in the pressure cooker or you can put them and cook them on the stove you can also bake in the oven I just do the pressure cooker cuz it's quick so I'm gonna do cheesy chicken and broccoli the next addition we make is chicken Eddie we've been made this a long long time back in the day when the kids were older kids were a little ways to make that it's just a different spaghetti chicken base so we're gonna put that together now then when I go to serve it I'm gonna boil a package of spaghetti noodles and just put the sauce on top and it's delicious [Music] [Music] the next thing I'm gonna mix together is some Mexican stuff shelf I call it Mexican I know it might not be Mexican to some of you but it's Mexican toss we're gonna mix all the ingredients together here see how it looks and then I've got my stuffed shells boiling over there they want to stuff the shells Larrin of hands [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I did not plan on that making four pans at all so for those of you that are gonna make some stuffed shells know that one box will fill two pans I had four and I still have all up you know something I believe for the kids to eat so that's plenty so I had to stretch my little topping a little bit more so I just added it's cream of chicken soup taco seasoning so I added a little bit more milk to it and kind of add a little bit of chicken but I didn't thinned it out a little bit as long as you have enough liquid in your pan when you go to cook these and bake them in the oven I'm gonna pour the sauce in there then my sprinkle cheese on when I go to bake in the oven tha'll them completely and then keep them covered in their foil because if you keep them uncovered they're gonna get really dry so keep them covered completely don't even open them and just let them bake you know for thirty minutes until they're done depending if it's frozen or not and then that way they'll be nice and soft but this wood looks good and delicious [Music] sometimes when you put foil over your like pastas and sinuses like that sometimes when you they've been in the freezer for a while they'll get like the foil will break down on your food you don't want that so I think use of quite Skippy sheets you get a whole box favorite fans come through to ice at first and then put the foil on the next dish I'm gonna make is creamy chicken breast this is super simple good nice company meal service and mashed potatoes and veggies I'm gonna put chicken in pan put some slices cheese on top I'm usually we use like problem I have a lot of Monterey Jack so I'm actually it's a monitor yeah I'm gonna reach out to somebody who's this on top sprinkle some stuffing on top and then pour mushroom soup on top I'm going to didn't mind out a little bit so it's nice and creamy when it bakes [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so what I did is I had one camp usually I make my own cream of mushroom soup you guys see me do that before but today I knew I didn't want to do it because I have a lot of food to do and that's okay you can choose what you want to do so what I did is I added one can of cream of chicken or criminal suit milk and then I want to stretch it so I added onions and I period some Marsh mushrooms yesterday so much use in food processor you can chop them up but it just takes time puree them up it tastes delicious they're in there just what they do in the soup they pureed it as well and then if it a little garlic and then this taste will really go so I poured this on top and then put these in the freezer [Music] all right the next one we mixed up is gonna be for chicken parmesan we love this dressing that of Justin this is really gonna get to the this at the discount store for 79 cents greatest flavor ever so I just put chicken and then when I go to coconut cook it in the skillet and this absorbs and the chicken is so so good and then we do sell on tiny pasta then we do some spaghetti sauce with it so this is really good so I'm just gonna pour these I'm doing three bottles for two bags I'm gonna split it between the two you never can have enough sauce and then I put chicken in the bags let's go to the freezer for this easy [Music] all right the next thing I know mixed together is gonna be for chicken you girls love chicken gyros I got that good pita bread the other day and the girls call and I bought to Zack huge nothing at all do you think it seems club used to sell a huge one they don't maybe they will in the summer I don't know so all I'm gonna do about chicken tenders for this so they were smaller strips you could buy regular chicken and cut it I just want to cut today that's okay save your money where do you need to I don't care about that so I'm gonna put that in a bag and then the marinade is gonna be Greek yogurt I'm looking at my list Greek yogurt lemon juice olive oil vinegar salt pepper and oregano and leave it in there and just let it go in the freezer and then when you go to make it you can take it out and you can grill it you can put it on your stove whatever you want to do and then serve it with pita bread warm pita bread put on a skillet and let it pop a little bit oh so good and then do some purple onions tomatoes to sake dressing peppers whatever you want throw on there so so good so I'm gonna do two of those cuz those are good [Music] all right when you're making your marinades for your chicken don't be afraid to over season it's ok to over season especially with the good ingredients because it's gonna make that flavor come out in that chicken so I'm gonna put these in the freezer move on the next one I'm down to all my raw chicken is gone thank you I don't like touching raw chicken so I had to warm meals or leftover this'll be plenty of extra meals so I was like what can I make of it what can you do you can grill chicken chicken on the grill is awesome getting warm I'll be perfect so I found this at my closet and my cupboard here and it's Mediterranean I don't know the cop communitary stickers over the thing someone told me this but basically it says parsley garlic basil and thyme I'm like those would be delicious I'm just gonna pour this on top and a little bit of vinegar and lemon juice and there's a marinade in a little bit of olive oil a marinade without having to do anything I'm also going to put not I'm not gonna put that Ian's in that's perfect I'm going to pour this in here and then we've got two more meals [Music] all right so I'm done with my chicken meals i pre-written everything all out for myself right here so how I was gonna do it so basically I'm down here to my my little chicken ones the cash flows that I did and then I had my raw chicken so now I'm done with chicken and I still have this much chicken left I mean there's put some in some bag so I'm gonna make some soups and stuff with this too so I'm gonna take that out but I thought what else can I make that's a lot of chicken so I'm gonna do like a honey sesame chicken we used to do it where it was raw and then just put in the pressure cooker but now that's already done it allows via heat up and serve over pasta or rice dish which is awesome and so it's a gather your fragment type thing because I have plenty of fragments so I found this toasted sesame I bought this one time and I'm like it tastes really good it's basically well sugar sesame oil vinegar sesame seeds salt pepper and ginger which will be great and then I also have sesame ginger dressing which is not my favorite salad so I thought I'm gonna use this actually two bottles and then I'm gonna put some sesame seeds and honey I'm gonna make like a little tyrosine like a saucy it'll mix and taste put some garlic in there and then pour it on my chicken and the bat actually be done just take it out and eat it up [Music] [Music] all right that took some bigger because it was a little bit thing here with that dressing in there so I had to tweak it a little bit but I basically tasted it till it tasted good but I have a recipe for honey sesame chicken and basically it's garlic onion ginger sesame seed oil and or sorsa and soy sauce and then honey so this was just gathering the pregnant stuff but I think I got it pretty good summer for this in the bag [Music] okay the next thing to do is put together kind of like my meat for my pizza I'm gonna show you how yesterday I made my piece of cross to show you those right here did you pack the flashlight the packet and the man it's a real adventure the trail [Music] [Music] I don't need to go over all the useless words what you said but I've said that word [Music] so that's enough pizza for two times and what I'm going to do is I have pizza sauce in a can in the cupboard so I don't worry about putting that anything and I have lots of cheese so I'm going to do that so now what I'm gonna do I would love to say that I can just keep the meat like I bought pepperoni here I'd love to see a cure so put this in the refrigerator but people are gonna see this to be like boo pepper naming to eat this so I'm gonna put some in a bag for two meals worth along with some chopped up ham and I also have bacon so I'm gonna put those away and then we go to serve the pizza we can chop up some onions and put it on top put alfredo sauce or pizza sauce and then we have the toppings for the paints like there's nothing worse than trying to make pizza and you go I don't put on it so well I'm gonna put those together so when you're layering your meaty dreams the ham is gonna be watery if it thaws so put that in the bottom my bacon is gonna be the middle that's gonna be like a nice barrier and then pepperonis dry on top so this would be enough meat for the pizzas for sure and I have cheese so I'm gonna put these in the freezer now I put snack in the frigerator and the kids can just eat it and I want him to be like don't eat the paper nice oh alright another thing marked our Islands alright the next thing I'm gonna mix up is sausage red beans and rice I'm gonna do this completely different than the original recipe is but basically I put Cabasa and then I'm gonna put I have a whole big giant can of chili beans Mexican chili beans and so I'm gonna pour those in there and then you need some green pepper and onion garlic flavor in there and then I'm gonna add some petite diced tomatoes and then you need a little bit of something for a tomato sauce so I have a huge can of tomato paste tomato paste you can make into tomato juice or a tomato sauce whatever you have so you can tomato paste is cheaper this whole container was $2.00 so yeah that's really good for us so I'm just taking a little bit out put it in the bag here now when I go to reheat it I might have to add some more liquid it'll be more concentrated I could add in the bag but it makes the bag really full because this is basically a complete meal you can add red beans to it whatever you have I just have this the chili beans because I got them cheap sauce and they love it this is one of our kids favorite meals and we serve it over rice [Music] we [Music] [Music] our the next thing we put together is gonna be for fried rice beef fried rice I'm not gonna make the whole dish up because I do like to cook it on the stove you can make it a complete meal freeze it with the rice but I'm just gonna do it because it's quicker for me just stick on the stove and make some rice and just saute it up real quick and then it is to cook for an hour in the fries and the oven so I'm gonna put I made two little bags I'm going to put some bacon in here I've tried bacon in your fried rice it's so so good and I put some beef in here and just a little bit of onion and then that way when I go to make it we'll add rice cooked rice that's been cold and used the next day and some mixed vegetables and then I'm going to add sesame oil and soy sauce and then just wrap and then do some eggs in it really simple so this just gonna go here so I got the meat for it okay the next thing I'm gonna make is pad thai the base for it this is something we have love to go and eat we found a place local that has it and then we just went for Lauren's and when we had our wedding dress then we went to Thai food noodle oh my goodness so so good nothing compares so one of my viewers we made it one time in there like this now you made it so they gave you the recipe of how to make it and use tamarind sauce and actually got some on Amazon so it's tamarind sauce fish sauce oyster I think that's what it was I'll make it and show you but I'm going to put together some packets board I have tons of noodles so I have an Asian stir-fry blend here so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make three axes I used to divide this into three and put it in the bag along with some already cooked and beef then when we go to make it we serve with noodles and there's only usually when I buy it it's no only a little bit of vegetable you add food sprouts peanuts and the lemon so so good that's one of my favorite dishes is Pad Thai so so I'm going to put these in the bags here so they're ready to go [Music] that tie is not something just enjoyed by everybody in our family so those smaller packets but when I go get it at the restaurant it's mostly the noodles so most of my kids just like the noodles and it's just said a little bit of edgy so they have a champion did you have Barry for the veggies at me but now I got three more of these and remember when I bought that big giant beef roast go back to my grocery haul I bought it for $50 I'm like is this worth getting it versus all the cut of meat oh it's so worth it I have so much shredded beef from that roast it's crazy for the price and I have raw meat here this stuff costs me the same amount as we're gonna do this that I just had in the prison as that humongous roast and I have a lot of beef which is awesome so yeah so that big giant roast was the way to go okay let's put these in the freezer okay the next thing we'll put together is for French onion sandwiches I was gonna use my raw meat and then say okay just cook it in the pressure cooker and then shred it I still have some meat here so I'm gonna put this in a bag and then I'm gonna put a bunch of onions in there and then um beef broth beef bullion and garlic pepper I think that's it and then when I go to make it we'll just let it kind of heat up and simmer with all that good oniony flavor and then we'll strain it a little bit we'll serve it on good onion crusty rolls with a piece of cheese is so good [Music] okay I have a little bit of beef left so I'm like what can I make it better make more two more fried rice packets because we'd like that and it'll be good the freezer [Music] [Music] okay I got a lot of raw meat here something what am I gonna do with this so I'm gonna make two things of bulgogi one of my back that last big Jack freezing me off someone gave me a recipe it was like sprite and some onions and peppers and I'm looking here carrots soy sesame seed oil and garlic that's it and that was really good so I do two of those and then I'm gonna do two bags of the strips that are in here for the beef fajitas because I have a chicken fajita meat so that way we can make some fajitas [Music] [Music] yes you saw me correctly add a bottle of sprite its twist up to it I don't know why I know when I looked at the recipes but I was copying him from everybody I liked I wrote it down and then I went back later I'm like - it's a spray and I never looked it back up because there was just like literally hundreds and tons of recipes that you guys gave me so then I kind of googled it and they're like yes I'll give you sprite so the busyness in it and the sweetness in it I don't know so now all right my list I'm getting tired my list is I've got all of this side done and then extra so now I'm gonna go over here and go to this side now so all right we're moving it is going on five o'clock right now so when we start one about 130 to 145 so not bad we're getting there feeling good I'm a coffee have a little bit more coffee doing went to Starbucks net with extra Starbucks yesterday so I saved it for today so came up all this meat in the freezer all right but it makes up my ground beef dishes right now great way to season your ground beef is to add your veggies right into it I like to puree it really don't care right but it makes it really tiny you can add it to you even it tastes so good usually I do a veggie mention I put onions green peppers mushrooms spinach carrots whatever I have zucchini anything you have on hand period like freezer little tiny normally I add that to my crown people right after why it's in the big giant mixing bowl but as you saw my big giant mixing bowl was so full there was no room so I added was onion to the beach because there was so much so what I'm going to do when I add my beef to my dishes I'm gonna put some spinach in it I have a little mushrooms all pureed up so then nobody knows there's a mushroom in their thing and then I put some garlic in there too that's a great way to get some extra nutrients in your beef without like the kids that great some it tastes great so first I'm gonna mix up my hamburger stroganoff this we've been doing forever and it's so good so so let's put that together [Music] [Music] when you put sour cream in the freezer it gets clumpy so if you can kind of mix it up with your cream sauce and a little ingredients you have to get when you heat it it won't be something so but if I left a blob it would kind of separate so if you kind of you could mix this all up before Hannibal it's just easier to fling the bag around a few times so this is good two of these brain meals and I have the pasta in the pantry and I'll do is cook that and then follow the support on top a very good favorite meal in our household so I just added the cream of mushroom soup I had just those veggies spices in there the onions and mushrooms and spinach and then I had a sour cream and then I added a little bit red pepper garlic and a little bit of beef going on just a little bit to give it a little bit of beefy flavor so perfect all right next one I'm going to do let's look let's move on to to sloppy joes sloppy joes our favorite our household as well we do not like homemade sloppy joes I don't know my husband grew up on canned sloppy joes so we just buy can't sloppy joe there's only a few things that we will buy like that I won't make homemade because we don't like one is alfredo sauce when we like jar alfredo sauce I mean I like homemade but family only likes jarred and then sloppy joe mix I don't know just the family [Music] normally I buy all these brand or real sloppy joe sauce that was Walmart's little dinghy so I don't know I just feel oh I'm in there to help mask it I guess we'll see okay next one's gonna be three things for taco me I'm just going to put the meat in a bag with some taco seasoning [Music] the next thing I mix up is smoky bacon sloppy joe cups now I just told you we don't like sloppy joe fixture but this one's a little bit different this uses barbecue sauce mustard garlic onion and bacon probably went to the sloppy joe can stuff right I don't know my kids just saying that canned stuff so I have a humungous container barbecue sauce so what I'm going to do because I'm going to make the sloppy joe bacon cups and then I'm going to also do in a minute a Tater Tot Casserole and I have plenty of tater tops so I'm like I'll do a sloppy joe smoky bacon tears that council so I'm basically gonna make the in the sloppy joe cuffs what you do is you make the liquid mixture which is the barbecue sauce mustard garlic onion that kind of thing and then you had some bacon to it and then you put that with meat so then then what you do is take a biscuit and you kind of roll it out flat so I'm gonna I'm gonna say three cans biscuits for this recipe we roll them out flat and kind of take a cup and kind of make like a little divot in it so it goes down a little bit and then I'm gonna pull then you just scoop out some of this mixture onto the biscuit and then you put in the oven and bake at 350 you can spring a little bit cheese on top if you want for about 20 minutes until the biscuits are brown and that's really they really like this meal this is a favored one I've it made in a long time so then the sauce that I have a half of a straw and then I'm gonna do it in the bottom of a pan and do like a sloppy joe tears not casserole as well so I'm gonna mix up my little sauce mixture first [Music] [Music] okay see ya Sami add brown sugar to this it depends on what your barbecue sauce is this Heinz one is a little like zingy so if you bought like so good what's a good one I don't even know the one good one that you know it's got sugar already in its eyes at a depth and I put spinach in there and set up in my medians I did it's more veggies in it and then the mustard and garlic and this perfect and I'm gonna mix this up with my beef and put it at night for beef this oppa bacon forgot the bacon - bacon Amy will put the bacon in the back of the beef [Music] keeping me you tied a rope to me you visit me every day [Music] but now shine with your reflection on me I'm getting back up on my feet when you've got a pan that's really full like this is gonna be full when you bake it's gonna kind of flip up turn the edges up a little bit stuff that I love you got it all right the next one I'm gonna make is tears about casserole we were making this for ever haven't been in a long time though to push myself to do you can't be losers [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right the next one I'm gonna do is some stuffed shells and so I've burned down my noodles had done I had the city and I cook those right away so I found a bunch of frozen mozzarella cheese in my freezer from a while ago you can please cheese forever in today so and it separates real good and you can use it that's why when you see me poor nut stuff that looks like it's all chunks in the freezer so I actually have mozzarella cheese I have a thing of Parmesan cheese so I'm actually that and there is what we're gonna make some cheesy mixture here because I have a lot so I know I'm in a lot because I'll probably do some kind of there's a million dollar casserole dish that you can do or something there's a million dollar casserole dish that you can do we've made a long time I'll probably mix it up good little meal here mmm easy cuz you know when you do freeze your meal prep you don't want to cook anything I'm gonna make that for tonight that I'm probably good alright so we're gonna put this in here and then what I'm gonna do my spices and everything in here stuff my Xiaoxia put the meat in here now keep the meat separate stuff my shells cuz that's my favorite Ron says do lasagna or do layer it's okay this is only gonna to welcome more pans of these actually it is way easier to see lasagna noodles but we're kind of terrible Sonya this will be something different and special perjury okay let's mix it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in my away or am I dreaming so far gone [Music] there ain't no stopping me [Music] the sky [Music] see the possibility so they know you [Music] you can't mean loser sorry [Music] a quick little break not very long literally ten minutes cleaned up everything and I still stuff up but put away laughs if I don't need cleaned up put my dishes away and then I was looking at my list and I realized how much stuff I need to put in the freezer for pizza so I got two containers out and this will be enough for those pizzas because we like the white sauce as well as red so if I do one that'll come in two pieces and that'll be twice during the month so I'm gonna put some of this pizza sauce here into the containers that's bigger and then I'm coming down here and then I also need one for spaghetti sauce I'll just do one like this I also need one for meatballs because I already have the meatballs made so I need to make sure that I have some sauce or that this is really fine sighs this is a um it says pizza sauce but it's kind of like a chunky it tastes really it's got big chunks of diced tomatoes in it that's what I put on the bottom of the stuffed shells so it's got all this in it it's actually really good so probably gonna mix that up a little bit I chose put there so I can eat it right next gets ready to go I don't like chunky spaghetti sauce let's put this in the blender to make everybody happy then I'll put it in container and I'll have two of them for the meatball sauce okay so I also need I got my two for the pizza soft with those in there and I also need I'm gonna three of these bigger containers it's gonna be four chicken parmesan so don't you put chicken parmesan and want them to get another one or the meatballs and they'll take care of all my taco or they'll take care of all my spaghetti sauce so I'm gonna put this in the blender because it's got chunks of tomatoes it's delicious but I know they can like I don't like chunks of tomatoes so we're gonna get that out right now [Music] all right we're really good one of the next dishes I'm gonna make is a funky casserole now I apologize grandma sayin Papa Joe husband's parents if this offends you making this normally this is the meal that was the first time I met my erection at first time I had dinner with my husband's family we had this thing called a clunky what's a Gwang key it's a Polish dish and what it is is it's a cabbage stuffed with rice and ground beef delicious and then they put that's delicious right and they put sauerkraut in there and then they put sausage in it and it's just so so good back in the day to enjoy it as much as I do now I love em qualm keys love them but the problem is we make them like once or twice a year but you have to like take this cat a cabbage pop it in the water so that the leaves all come up it's a little bit of a process so it would have never made a freezer meal list because I'm not gonna take the time to roll cabbage right now and make the stuffed cabbage so one of my viewers are recommended doing layering it like a casserole I'm like so I told my husband I can make it easy well cake a so he's like oh no no don't do that so I'm hoping that it's gonna be better then we're not gonna have one piece honey so let's enjoy the casserole so I'm basically gonna layer some sauerkraut some rice some ground beef some cabbage sausage all in a casserole and then bake it oh it is so so good so we're gonna see how that goes on with the family but I'm gonna make it because then at least we have it so I gotta get my just remember I gotta get rice out here so I'm gonna get some rice out new hamburger and it just cooks it is so good it smells up your kitchen but it tastes so good then we serve it with cucumber salad shred looks like you do finally shred like a cucumber salad when you take cucumber slices really thin I use a polygon a grater and then do sour cream and some salt so good so I'm gonna chop my cabbage up right now and then I'm gonna do two pans and some of the lair um I don't know how men do malaria versus around the bottom if it's in hamburger it's already cooked so I'm gonna use that and then put some rice onion cabbage some sausage slices and keep layering it oh yeah I'm gonna love this [Music] all right that's one of those casseroles so so good it's definitely gonna cook down so I overfilled it because that cabbage is gonna get soft it's gonna go smaller but the rice is gonna puff up a little bit but when you bake this definitely put something underneath it I know that when it wouldn't I went to my in-laws home for the first time there's it overflowed into the bottom of the oven and actually caught on fire so yes it is so good I'm like yes we used a whole entire gallon and then a container of sauerkraut so delicious so I'm gonna put this in the freezer and then I'm on to one more beef dish which is awesome all right I got to do some kind of burrito casserole of some sort so I'm going to do Firelink and beef enchiladas is something we've made for a long time we enjoy it I'm going to mix it together in this bowl and then onto the recipe and then I'm going to we're gonna make individual burritos but not like a burrito Castro so this is garlic and bean enchiladas [Music] okay I made that completely different than my original recipe my original recipe is hamburger onion flour chili powder salt cumin and a can of diced tomatoes you've got my blog lady not so plain tak time to read it this one I had some that little container of green chili so I'll put that in there I can't have the petite diced tomatoes I put some taco seasoning in there a little bit of salt that tastes good so now I gotta go over my stove and I have to cook a best sauce here to make it a little bit thickened yes we're gonna make a little butter and flour sauce [Music] okay that actually so garlicky who garlic's hippie jeweler so I'm gonna make two because I have more sauce I'm just gonna put a little bit more meat here and kind of mix up a little bit more meat mixture [Music] every change has a reason baby let it come here all right so I go all my ground beef that's cooked meals down the next won't be the raw one so I still have an entire bag of meat which is awesome so what I'm gonna do is I still have to make beef burritos and those are gonna be part of my lunch part so I'm actually just take out two pilots put in a bowl so I can do that later and the rest of the pudding containers so now I have cooked Crombie for when we need it I don't know in a month or two probably two months from now lose outside leaving man [Music] alright now I've got two big giant 10-pound rolls of hamburger so what I'm gonna do is make burgers I'm going to make a euro a year old burger out of one roll and the other one I'm gonna do bacon and onion and then we'll put cheese on it as we make it so in my meat mixture with salt pepper and onion and bacon I only have minced onion I didn't buy fresh onions because I was like I bought some purple ones that's to make with the meals but I had all those frozen onions so I'm like oh that's plenty well I'm kind of running out I'm like that's not good so no big deal we'll just use dried onions that's what you do when you don't have something don't actually have mushrooms I'm gonna put a little bit this mushroom puree in here to top the mushrooms onion and bacon and that tastes really good [Music] the only bad thing about burgers that you can't taste how they hurt with all the stuff but it's sure they smell delicious that bacon oh so good so what I'm gonna do is we have I'm gonna make a couple of big patties I'm gonna get smart I want to make my burgers because you always make the big size then I always officer I'm gonna make a big patty put a couple holes like that in it because when you go to cook it you won't have by it'll cook a lot faster so I'm gonna plan two burgers per Craig one for me and then I'm gonna do a couple small ones like they fit in the little pan here and this would be for the kids because they won't have a humongous one and then put a piece of wax paper in between and then that way you've got them so as long as I've got a couple like four big ones that would be two for Greg one for me I'm gonna probably just have one Jaden should have a normal one and then that way figure out how many for all the kids so I'm gonna keep making that patties do a great skin kids I'll almost be waking up here and I'm just I have the windows up but I can't Kitty's outside I'm beginning my dinners are this the hamburgers are the last thing I have to do for meals for dinners I'm still going trust me for dinners and then the rest is gonna be breakfast and lunch so it's I'm glad I got up early even if I get done early and can rest that'll be awesome get a new video to Manetti videos a little the video is gonna be a long two so all right we're gonna keep making some patties here you can also put cheese in these I just don't do cheese cuz Jaden is Dylan do cheese and then that way if she wants like anybody wants it they just fit on there okay you watch me [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I got one more burger to make up I figured that rule Hamburg was 10 $20 so for $10 like a lot of really good premium burgers if you buy those ones like the bacon any ones at the store they're $10 just burn packet if there's a forward a pack on think there's even six so definitely worth doing it yourself so now I'm going to do I'm gonna do some gyro Burgos I call them and it's basically the hamburger salt pepper I'm going to do that' cheese I'm gonna do some spinach and some it's have to be minced onion so I have a little bit of garlic that's gonna be at a burger in the new cancer wouldn't ezekiah a saying and just like a gyro so good [Music] something is behind the clouds we just have to believe it we can make the Sun come down let's lose ourselves in fair say what's wrong only ones who can [Music] all right it didn't part of like food making freezer meal is done the only third part that I didn't record was meatballs I have two meals worth of meatballs I had almost it I have a freezer but they I have two more of those so let's go through my mails real quick and I'll tell you what I have so we've got two jambalaya two yellow rice the wanita one with the chicken black beans and corn two of the marinated chicken breasts for chicken parmesan we have two of the creamy chicken breasts with a stuffing on top we have two for grilled chicken just a grill to of honey sesame chicken - chicken euros we have two cheesy chicken broccoli we have four Mexican stuffed shells - spaghetti chicken Eddie I think it's just constant get any high bro spaghetti chicken it and then I have two meals worth of pizza crust and then I got my sauce and all the meats and then I have two sausage red beans and rice we have four fried rice packets we have two beef fajitas - bull bogies one french onion sandwiches three beef ten pad type ed time Kampai all those confusing - hamburger stroganoff three taco meat - sloppy joes one sloppy joe Tater Tot Casserole one Tater Tot Casserole one smoky bacon sloppy joe cups for spaghetti stuffed shells - garlic beef enchiladas - of wonky casseroles one meatballs which I'm gonna make like a creamy mush of grape Pathet of 1b basta first spaghetti - things of the Euro burgers and two of the bacon onion burgers give somebody meals that is 64 meals I have 64 completed dinners right now complete it you have to do a few more things to a book most part the cooking part is done and I've been working for about six hours it's going on about eight o'clock right now so 8:30 so say is there about 130 - a there's seven hours for sixty four dinners for ten people mind you that's a lot that's what 640 meals 640 meals in that timeframe in seven hours you can do this I know you so now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna start on some soup that we have I need my freezers to freeze up a little bit so I'm going to mix up a couple soups right now I'm gonna make hot and sour soup a chicken sausage potato soup that one that I like potato bacon chatter I have a taco chili until ever got I put two things around beef boy and I have two extra grumpy grumpy and then I'm going to have stuff for tomato soup so I'm just gonna get those out not finish them but just at least start on with the ingredients so that I always do is put them in the thing with some water and we're good to go so the soups are gonna be easy I'm just gonna go through them tell you what I put in the bags on the screen I don't have them to a completion like tomato soup I'm basically just gonna put tomato paste in the bag I know but when I go to miss Manion mostly seasonings in there but then when I go to make it I'm have to make it with the thickener with the flour and the butter and then add the milk and you can watch that when you watch now my lunch day we make [Music] [Music] we started [Music] now [Music] [Music] heart Euphemia keep adding to the chicken sausage soup this is a really good suit just to grab any kind of leftover veggies and add it to it so I have like a little bit of carrots here that are kind of on the outside to eat fresh so I'm gonna chop those up and put those in here so this soup is great we put some of the spinach in there I've got some sweet potatoes some white potatoes been chopped any potatoes today I just got another can I know that's called good easy not bad though and then I really like oh there's a bull cabbage there I'm like I can use that up in here so also gonna pour and heavy cream to this a little bit of the list should mix with the chicken bullion and then when I go to make this I'll be definitely adding more water to this too you know we can be like soup but this is just like the concentrate with it I gathered fragments have stuff in here some of that finished chopping these up and then add some heavy cream and then put in the freezer [Music] [Music] okay that was a little bit of a overflow on their branch but that's okay I'm going to add liquid to this I'm actually gonna add a lot of tape a string work in here cuz that will give it a little mayo and then when I go to make it I'll deny had a lot of water to this so that's the taco snow mix up some hot and sour soup [Music] okay a long time ago my husband had hot and sour soup and he absolutely loved it doesn't like with the tofu but he likes it the other way so I've been trying to find a recipe that wouldn't mimic that so that's what I got going on here I don't know we'll see how it goes so basically I stopped to prepare it so if you want to watch how we make it definitely into wash this thing quantity but at least I have three packages of this for him when we make it [Music] all right so you saw that I did one more two more meals of the jambalaya I had some sausage and some chicken left over I'm like what am I gonna do with this I just made two more packages of that it's delicious and I got to use up the rest the veggies so now I'm down to just a little pile over here of stuff I've used up but it's gonna be for pizza and I'll be putting it to me I might to make some more sauce I like tomato paste out the barbecue sauce I'll be putting it in the freezer as well so doing Greg I'm have to take a little bit of a small my new break because I need my freezers to kind of freeze up a little bit because they need to I can't keep stacking because the juice wants to come out of the pan so we're just gonna let that go while that's going I'm gonna work a little bit in this video because this video it's gonna take me a long time to do so you'll see me in like two seconds but I'll probably even hour so just wait for those freezers all right so I'm gonna work on breakfast sausage balls now this is super simple it's a southern thing I think I think that up north too but I read them down here a lot so you take breakfast sausage and cheese mix that together first and then mix with a baking mix and then you just roll into little balls and put out the cookie sheets put in the freezer and flash breeze with I can put in bags [Music] waiting for the freezer to freeze if I see new little drips of sauce and I'm like just let them Harden though they're easier to pick off so whatever your next is make a couple's like prob about 15 smoothie packs for me now I'm doing good to drink a protein drink try to every day but like today there's cookies have enough you know deeper breakfast cookies I know it's bad so think you think I don't have anymore but today's different so what I need to do is I want to mix up some protein shake I'd like my shakes here that I like to drink and so what I'm gonna do is add some fruit to that as well so it comes some bananas I've got frozen strawberries and frozen raspberries and I got a little bit of chia seeds here yes cheesy it is a cheetah so I'm gonna make a little pack I've got a little bit of spinach left not very much I know what's gonna girls dinner but I'm and just a little bit to each one so that way when I'm ready first movie in the morning I just grab it versus going by the bananas and finding strawberries everything's all together just put in a blender and have a nice little shake low massive [Music] all right got 15 smoothie packs for myself so those are done and then I ended up making five for the kids and I put bananas and the raspberries strawberries about the flat seats two seats and a little bit of spinach that I had so this will go in with yogurt or I can get milk or whatever country where they were gonna have some with the peas in the freezer all right I'm gonna make some french toast up now I'm gonna do three loaves of bread [Music] all right Lawrence um they're making some french toast for her mama so what I'm gonna do now is make chocolate chip oatmeal Cup something times two and this and put them in the oven [Music] I want you as you try do you know looking and help but smile you know how much I love you you put my favorite song on I put my feet up and a we just sing along and I can't help but feeling just lovin [Music] don't you know [Music] can always stay here forever I'm gonna make some yogurt cups I'm going to take some heavy whipping cream make it into a whipped cream and then I'm going to add it to yogurt mix it together and I'm gonna layer it in muffin tins with some granola [Music] I want you as you sleep you don't know I'm looking with you everything's complete do you know how much I love I put your favorites just to wake you well I can help [Music] if I could stop the time don't you know that [Music] ever [Music] I'm loving this moment can we stay here forever alone this moment can we stay here [Music] we stay here [Music] okay so the yogurt is in the freezer now and I have a little leftover scrape vertical my copy for the next few days so then I had a couple bowls left over the kids Lauren finish french toast over there look at that big ol french toast so now we're gonna clean up fruitiness and then we'll serve something else Oh actually another batch of the Oh mill kabal [Music] I'm gonna start making my eggs so I put me up and for my bagels with bacon and cheese an egg so I'm gonna crack in the bowl and just mix some then put them in a sheet pan that I sprayed bake them in the oven all those pretty words you said it's like I'm wasted every time I see your face I'm losing track of time and space I don't know where I am it's like I'm wasted and I won't waste it and I promise I will stand by you forever I can't get you in my mind I will follow you [Music] yeah mum wases [Music] little closer now cuz I don't wanna slow this down my heart is speaking out your name I'm wasting stars so let's get a little reckless you make me breathless and I won't alright so I am moving it and grew it I'm almost done so I said it's what happens when you start getting tired because I'm almost hit the 12-hour mark for lack of sleep thank goodness for coffee I haven't recorded because the kids have been up here we've been talking to Chet but now I'm getting into my breakfast right now so what I did is my eggs came out of the oven they let me show you this is the flat ones I'm gonna cut these and kind of flip it over because they're kind of thin for my back because I have three packages of bagels I pulled them all around the bacon cheese that'll be delicious and then what I'm gonna do is mix up my breakfast burrito egg bottom a shirt egg bombs how awesome these were the biscuits and then you brush a little bit of Biggins butter I have to look it up it egg way I'm gonna look I think segue next to everything bagels copied on so good so what I did in my big giant Bowl here I put breakfast sausage crumbles ham some bacon this is just a little bit of a modern airy jack cheese I had to use it up I'm gonna put some shredded cheese in here and then I'm gonna I just got done with two eggs here I'm gonna put it here and just stir that see what it looks like they putted add more and then that will be the breakfast burrito egg Bob mixture I'm going to get at one more package of eggs go in here and we're gonna see whether they need that for or just see if we need that so let's before the ice in here see how it looks [Music] I won't waste [Music] all right so I mixed up the breakfast burrito make sure that tastes good taste and see if it's good so now I'm gonna make 40 breakfast burritos I'm gonna do like until every one I'm gonna do 40 and then I'll look into how much egg mixture I've left if I need to make more I will I'm gonna do those breakfasts and bombs so where's no roller tortillas this morning my girls put they're gone and that's okay and then I'm gonna put my cookie sheet in flash freezer [Music] I promise that I I will stand by you forever there are ways [Music] all right we are getting there you see if there's a looks like this second we're getting things frozen oh yeah we have stuff shoved in here freeze and up it kind of dripped over from the pan there so I'm have to clean that up this freezers full we're gonna have to move stuff around and then look at this freezer we're getting there these are pretty much I'm gonna be able to walk Maggie should not frozen yet they're almost ready to start stacking them but they're getting there so we're just layering and layering hard to believe this is for two months worth of meals so now I'm gonna do is get my bagless out there's 24 of them I'm gonna set them out on the counter here put a piece of cheese cut this egg bacon and put them all back in the bags together in a wrap up in the wax paper sheets then put it back in the bag then when you go to serve these just take it out you put the microwave or you can actually put in the airfryer and they're crisp it really nice [Music] with the Stars right lucky endings word on something word [Music] in [Music] all right so next I'm gonna make my biscuit bombs those are so good take a can of biscuit you kind of separate the biscuit a little bit kind of flat in the bottom one take a scoop of your breakfast brew mixture seal it up and put on a cookie sheet and I'm gonna brush it with butter and do my everything bagel toppings so so these are like the bomb dust name [Music] [Music] [Music] like be treated by someone so tenderly [Music] sometimes [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I am coming around to the final stretch is that they say for baseball I don't do baseball but I think that's what I mean so what I'm gonna do I get my biscuit bombs these are done I'm gonna make sausage biscuit bomb what I'm gonna do is make a package up up in this pepper gravy real quick in this pan and add my bulk sausage to it and that's gonna stuff 216 biscuits because I feel like that would be a really good and I just put some butter in that pan and I'm gonna cook the rest of the eggs have you cracked because we're gonna make some casserole [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at how delicious these look these are gonna taste delicious I let him cool down and try one again alright get into the end whoo whoo we're almost there I'm gonna make two breakfast casserole with some the breakfast sausage that I have there's bacon I've got some eggs but some ham cheese hashbrowns and then I make some sausage gravy a portable top put in the freezer for a day when we want to serve everybody dream [Music] you came [Music] [Music] okay so I've got two casseroles here this is this reminds me of going to Bob Evans and getting a breakfast bowl do I'm sure they still have ice haven't been to Bob Evans I think there's a Bob Evans down here up north there Bob Evans and I would go it had more cottage fries instead of the hash browns but it had this great man top like this and it was so good so I'm actually keeping one in the frigerator and we can have that this week and the other one I put in the freezer as long as it's covered with that gravy Oh it'll freeze up great so now I'm done with breakfast because I feel like about an octa biscuit Bob's are still in the oven they're coming up this little bit of bacon I'm gonna put them in a couple bags and put in the freezer so if we're gonna have bacon whatever one day we had I have two of these things are so so good so I'm just gonna freeze these back up and then if we want a little sausage pieces we will begin so that's it for breakfast okay I'm gonna wash clean up I have like two things to do for the punch and then I've done I've done if anybody ever worked like 14-hour days you know you've worked 14-hour days right I'm caught up in my 13 hour day right now and maybe worked hard and I know I get that that's when I'm just pushing through and I'm like okay I can keep going and going so I'm gonna cover these clean the kitchen [Music] [Music] all right I just win the bathroom and wash my face because I was feeling like all sweaty it's going good though I'm getting there okay so we've done all the breakfast so I have over 37 meals for breakfast so we came up with three loaves a french toast we have smoothie packs and the kids there's like four four big packs for them which I'll do with yogurt or milk or whatever sometime this month there's three meals of sausage balls there is 40 breakfast burritos which is like five meals the egg bombs there's 40 of those there's like five meals there sausage gravy ones there's 16 of those there's like two meals there I did 15 smoothie packs for myself so that will give me at least a half a month's worth of snow days Amy no making excuses and then we have the oatmeal chocolate chip cups and there's 48 of those so that is six like eight people eat because not everybody's breakfast but that's six practices right there yogurt cups I got the same thing 48 of those so there's six days worth of yogurt cups the bacon egg and cheese bagels there's 24 of those so that's three days salami cream cheese bagel we did these gesture and the girls made those right here that gave me 12 that gave me 42 bad girls actually cuz there's many ones there so that's like that's like five six more times so that and then I made those two huge breakfast casseroles I put one in for over the weekend for us and is that it for bread french toast I sell that right I'm starting to get tired so I'm not remembering everything all right so now we did the dinners are down the soups I made three hot and sour soup I made two chicken sausage and potato soup for myself for Robert to chicken sausage ones the one that I put the kibosh I have potato bacon chowder and I had Juan taco chili 3/4 tomato soup and two for chicken noodle soup if we need it and I've got a couple meats in there I've got a couple the sausage in there and extra bacon now lunch the girls yesterday made sub sandwiches we show you here we got 53 of the so what I was going to do is to mix up a container of cream cheese and butter and mustard so you can smear it on there and then make like a poor boy sub because now everybody loves it then we did four loaves girl cheese which is 48 sandwiches ham and cheese sliders we've got 48 of those and so that'll be you know good giant a couple probably do I think there's two there's board pans of those so that'll be good I'm gonna make now what I'm gonna do is Pizza muffins super simple we just do pizza sauce provolone cheese and that's it so I'm gonna do let me see how many I have here there's six 12 18 24 30 36 I have 36 of those so I'm gonna stack those in my deep like knives and I'm a 13 nine by 13 pan and just put the sauce and she's on this easy thing the kids like this so we're gonna do that right now [Music] alright last thing Moreno is I'm coming to an end ok so I have a humongous can't a vegetarian refried beans literally as two dollars so I had to buy it first even though I have pinto beans and can make my so in my bowl here I've got and I have one package I'll put that beans in my freezer of it from my can here put this in and I've got a jar of salsa let's see if I get it but minhee's oh my goodness you know great way to open something is to take a knife and just let it go give it like a little twist so it pops oh I did that this morning with the sauerkraut cuz it was so here you're that there you go I just needs to break the seal that's all so I'm gonna take this and pour this right in here not going to put any cheese in this because Jay can't much cheese and I think she'll eat it up or rito so I'm just gonna mix this up I'm coming to the end I'm so excited so then what I'm gonna do is there's a big giant can of refried beans the other lunch that I'm gonna have is Mexican from you guys see that she's out barking a little bit more so I've got my like I'm gonna put that on tortillas but I also have this much so I'm gonna put those in my deli containers and then I'm gonna freeze those because we're gonna put him on tortillas which I have in the pantry but cheese yeah and that's another lunch stuff Thomas makes a burritos the last absolute last thing the absolute last thing we are getting there 14 hours we're coming up on I go in 20 minutes [Music] [Music] all right I am finished oh my goodness I am done so for lunches is what we had for lunches we ended up with 53 sub sandwiches we had 108 Pizza muffins we had 4 loaves of grilled cheese which is 48 sandwiches 48 ham and cheese sliders which is like for meals 21 burritos and I have six containers every five beans to put on tortillas with some cheese make like a quesadilla so we have over 66 dinners that is over 660 meals because there's 10 people eating right now that's a lot of meals that's a lot of meals and that's a lot of most of you that will take us through 2 months we're at the dinner breakfast breakfast will take us about a month and a half which is awesome and lunch will be about a month and a half so how awesome all from their grocery haul that cost me $1,200 that I got earlier this week and then what I have left in the freezer and if you I show you my freezer downstairs it still has some meat in it so I could actually go even longer so I'll probably be doing some kind of pantry challenge after this next two months of doing this so oh you know this mom was gonna do this moment it's gonna take off pretty quick because she is dead no more dishes so I'm gonna put some lotion on my hands and I am finished the rest of the night what I'm gonna do now work on this video because it does work on the video it takes time it's only about 3:30 so I made it 14 hours today 14 hours of food prep and I got food for two months that's the star yet that's just some of you had 14-hour days at work today too so we're not alone my jobs don't happen in your job it's just different kind so what I'm gonna do now we have dinner I got biscuits of the pasta shells in the oven the only other thing I'll do for the month is basically clean up my footers we have a lot of cheese and we did not use that I'll put that in the freezer that I think that's it kind of go through and kind of pick up and wipe I'm gonna clean on Monday I'm gonna do any deep clean them the stove or anything until Monday but tonight I'm going to go through I'm going to redo my freezers so I will close this video right now but I'm gonna insert right here what I do tonight because the freezers are almost frozen I just gotta let them freeze up a little bit so I'm gonna show you a snapshot how my freezer looks for two months worth of meals are great now we are gonna be so set for dinner so so thankful you're gonna see me going to the park an awful lot I might even go sit on my couch what is that all right so you guys thank you for watching it if you stayed through this entire video oh my goodness you are a trooper but I hopefully you got some ideas for your family you definitely don't have to do 66 dinners but maybe you will I don't know maybe let's take a few and do for a week or maybe two weeks for your family maybe they'll do three maybe four maybe you'll do two two months worth of freezer meals and you will not have to cook it's goals people all right you guys have a fantastic rest of your day thank you for watching thank you for always watching hopefully you enjoyed my Everett proportion freezer meal I'm so so feel good right now like I feel like I accomplished the mission so all right we'll see you guys tomorrow okay
Channel: amy maryon
Views: 635,538
Rating: 4.8375654 out of 5
Keywords: amy maryon, large family, freezer meals, once a month meal prep, epic portions, biggest
Id: DE4A8qlxgYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 26sec (5906 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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