Helping My FRIENDS as a BUTTERFLY In Minecraft!

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my friend has a new pet butterfly but when it butter dies she will cry forever that is until she meets the most helpful butterfly in minecraft not only is she adorable but this butterfly is secretly me and my job is to help my friend survive minecraft and protect her from everyone who's out together i have to show you the best part in minecraft no way [Music] it's a train butterfly that's insane oh you're so smart gotcha you okay yeah i like you mosquito okay it's fine i got it [Music] i don't think that's a trick no she's not really [Music] i'm sorry casey it was just a little bug how was i supposed to know we're here today to mourn this adorable butterfly does anyone object um i can't oh no i've never done this okay casey casey listen it's all right look i got you a new pet it's pink and fluffy here let me call it [Music] [Applause] come on come on here we go oh [Music] [Music] poor casey wait a minute i think i know how to help her i have this which can change you into anything you need let's see what we got here yes butterfly all right let's see what i can do [Music] what the oh look at me i'm so cute oh my god okay casey's gonna love this i'm gonna actually fly uh again oh okay all right let's go see if we can make all of casey's sorrows go away okay let's see if casey's in here hey that's fine wait oh look at butterfly powers oh that's cute look at this dude whoa that's really cool too maybe she went to the mines you see you see the picture i see behold cole great maybe you can smack the cold too and it'll turn into diamonds casey look i'm sorry look look listen i can make this all better look i can make the collecting of the coal easier i made this device that removes a bunch of stone at once look at this uh i guess i need to work out the kinks a little more i'm sorry about that kc oh it is i mean it is pretty cute i mean look at this little guy the colors are really magnificent oh [Music] oh guess i'll just meet you back up [Music] oh there we go hey casey come down here listen i wanted to show you something sorry dean but i don't want any of your gifts the last one was dead but this is gonna be way better than whatever this butterfly has look i wanted to show you how good i was at taking care of small things so i got my own pet what where is this pet come on please just trust me on this he's around here somewhere come here [Music] well let's have a conversation okay so hi i think he's here somewhere that's funny that hole wasn't there before i think you should stay away from my butterfly what come on what wait tracy [Music] where did he even go oh to sleep oh oh let me give casey something nice um so here take some of this casey it's butter butter oh that's where butter comes from [Music] [Music] come on casey we all saw your butterfly get smacked out of the sky by saying and now it's here and that means that it's magic and i wanted to turn all my box into gold oh yeah well then why is it still a butterfly see it's spinning butter on me oh thank you thank you by the way i needed some of this what but it only makes butter oh okay you know what sure i believe you for now but i will have that butterfly and it will turn all my blacks into gold [Laughter] whatever in there oh perfect thank you so much little buddy yeah we built this together and it's so cool i bet she's gonna love it oh i just love it little tree house oh he sees up there hey casey dig the new build looks cool up there wow uh wait what's that oh it's my little butterfly friend what are you there little guy oh oh you are so cute ah was she helping you build the house what else could she do i think something like that uh you know this is actually kind of fun my butt's never felt this light before butterflies oh blah blah hey guys what's going on here daddy [Laughter] [Applause] with my new pets that shock enemies all a new shock to our servers do anything just get rid of them they're totally fine no no no no no bad electrical a little crazy but casey i gotta say your pet butterfly is amazing thank you i have to make sure nobody ever hurts my butterfly again i bet you'll keep your new friends super safe but keep your stupid [ __ ] far away from me butterfly can you make my butt fly again those players are so mild sorry pinky too at least we have our cool base that they can't reach us out why are there sticks [Music] uh here no i'm not attacking you i was just trying to get your attention by throwing a stick through my treehouse yeah you know it's like romantic uh i mean i didn't mean it that way so don't make it weird anyway told you that i'm not giving away my butterflies yeah yeah yeah i know but what about a train i'm curious okay i got a new new pet and i'm willing to let you have it oh crabby what does it do oh it's just this oh okay no thanks nothing it also does other tricks so uh uh do a flip yeah come on like we practiced it just just just let's see it's fine come on [Applause] okay all right all right all right you heard casey you're gonna butter die i'm ready hey hey i've got more sticks okay that is working oh oh oh um let's go home i need a nap okay oh she's asleep i'm gonna [Music] bug spray to kill the dangerous butterfly we are here to borrow it not kill it butterflies butterflies ass stop [ __ ] pride [ __ ] spring bug spray bugs right i don't think i got it where'd she go where'd she even go huh there you are get over here sorry butterfly but this is for your own good great can you help me say not yet this is for dramatic effect sorry butterfly but i have to prove myself to kc yes i realize that maybe kidnapping her pet is not the best move for that but if i study you maybe i can understand you and figure out how to be the best pet owner in minecraft [Music] oh come on don't don't don't don't do this to me [Applause] that tricked him now i can get out of here you know what dave's been having a rough time and i should probably give him a break so i think i'm gonna figure out a way i can have him and casey makeup um oh what is that maybe if i grab this i can do something like this i gotta sneak past hopefully that around well at least that butterflies out of my hair now okay i gotta get rid of these clothes before casey suspects anything let's get out of here and there we go what's that see oh there's casey let's see we're gonna put this picnic right here oh there it is okay perfect huh i can throw this thing away and then uh [Music] what's up what's going on [Music] this is so beautiful huh uh yeah yeah just a second hello oh hey i did [Music] well yeah of course i planned it out it looks amazing too you're welcome casey okay this is perfect i can do this [Music] i mean are you sure it was pinky i mean i'm sure there's a bunch of others we're gonna put butterflies i didn't mean to i'm sure she's fine she just oh okay see i i um all right i don't feel so good [Applause] you see good as new okay i'm gonna go home this is too much what are you sure you know what oh okay you tried [Music] so many butterflies oh she's having so much fun i love spending so much time with you okay see casey casey okay just listen to me i got you a new pet oh yeah yeah you're gonna love this one now uh just fair warning i did have to use some zombie parts to make it happen but you're gonna still gonna love it all right come on out what does that mean any minute now oh mom are you sure oh oh that didn't sound i know it's great right oh he shouldn't be able to do that oh uh see what did you do this time oh my house whoa i'm gonna need a bigger cat a bug spray oh this is terrible some butter butterfly maybe kick some oh no wait that's not stopping it giant butterfly nope no no no no casey i know he's a little rough around the edges but you warm up to him right no get him out of here okay fine i'll try to fix this get out of here butterfly shoot butterfly don't bother me i got to stop it die oh i finally got you here wow that's rough buddy the same way that happened to my grandparents [Laughter] let's talk about it no no i don't think that's helping [Laughter] i think we should leave them alone [Music] oh sorry i really had to get that out of my system oh i feel so much better guys pierce how did you it's not my fault they keep bothering me i just don't i don't want to deal with these anymore you know what i think it's okay sometimes you know things happen and i think the best thing that we learned is that we have to deal with it in very healthy ways like uh you know um oh even but all my pets are dead we can get you a new pet look ian's got his pet i'm ready for that trade if you change your mind i don't have it anymore well there are butterflies everywhere if you don't have a pet then you're definitely not getting my crab in that right little mr crabby face come on just just for a while oh yeah yeah yeah there we go wait huh what no he's um uh he he's gone where'd he go over here [Music] and that'll teach you that oh my crap [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,756,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: BWsR6AgeRJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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