My Dogday is Missing! POMNI vs CATNAP! Poppy Playtime 3!

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baby playing with you is so much fun totally catch [Music] it now you can play with me who are you I don't want to play with you nobody cares what you want dog [Music] day where's my dog what happened dog date is missing I'll help you get her back but how there must be a clue ah H we have suspects but who welcome home why would you bring me here kids love dogs that's why I'm going to destroy you all here are our suspects one of them stole my dog if you saw who stole dog day tell us in the comments how can I calm her down I know [Music] now we're talking let's look into the first suspect yeah oops what am I doing here you stole my puppy where is she I'm innocent I swear Ruby where were you this morning I'm not telling you that are you thirsty oh [Music] thanks yummy what was that truth juice you're going to come clean I was waiting for my date she's so pretty huh naturally my friend was there for me from the bottom of my heart [Music] loser I'll winner heart loser everyone was laughing at me okay you sound believable it's okay you can find love again eyes on the ball yeah yeah who Could That Be how on Earth do I get out of here hoping to run away once I'm done with my Tick Tock I'll destroy you I got a cou up with z [Music] no one likes it I think I [Music] know there take a [Music] that so you like [Music] that now you're done Huggy wuggy is next on the list he's a monster destroy everyone help we have to find him moving to Huggy waggy's place do you live here that's weird ooh guests want some cake let's cut to the chase where's dog day I haven't seen her where were you this morning I woke up I had coffee I played chess H aha loser I did my morning workout I was home all morning he didn't do anything wrong we trust [Music] you where is [Music] she dogs are the worst I have to get out of here you can't run from me I'm so sick of you [Music] I do that one I'm anxious there's a bird where did this come from time to Fresh it up [Music] watch jig take that take that you made me [Music] mad you think that's [Music] Kane welcome to the amazing digital circus Al you bravo bravo I won't let you do that to dog [Music] day welcome to the amaz did you kidnap my puppy never seen her before do you have an alibi where were you this morning I'll tell you if you play a game you get the first hit [Music] [Applause] [Music] bowling now that's a super [Music] strike you have one last chance [Music] [Music] H strike okay fine I'll tell you I had my favorite food for breakfast it wasn't enough though hey I ordered candy wow oh yeah I had so much my tooth fell out no and I had no idea what to do fairy here's my tooth good for you here's a coin move you're coin H that's not enough okay here's money woo [Music] wow it's love at first [Music] sight okay will you marry me yes the rest is history H we're down to her mommy long legs break a leg ah let's go see [Music] her [Applause] H wrong [Music] way what took you so I'll save you [Music] baby you thought you could save her I can take you [Music] please [Music] hurry I told [Music] you it's all over for you sweet dreams [Music] get me out right now how do we break through we can handle it there you [Music] go oh no the battery is dead you guys hit the like button so we can set Dog Day [Music] free hit the like button so we have enough power you guys thanks a [Music] million we should get out of here it's not working what is this place a cute little baby all alone help I'm lost no problem baby I'll take you home I see you found my puppy never seen him before I'm scared I'm not giving him away oh really are you going to stop me with a magic trick I could pick a card what does that mean h run baby you can't hide from me you'll be safe here oh you're burning up I feel sick don't worry I'll save you I've been out on the streets for too long oh no he's [Music] dying you did everything you could absolutely not I'm not a quitter I need your help like this video so I can have enough power you guys his life is in your hands keep him coming [Music] [Music] thanks you're amazing are you okay I'm fine all that matters is we Sav you I'm so hungry yeah baby I'll figure something out [Music] I don't have anything I don't get any food hi pomy wow oh cute dog he's starving but I don't have any food H that's gross what is it it's tasty and healthy I order [Music] food I think I see a coin I hope it's money it's not going to help we should call Kane uh-huh welcome to the amazing digital circus we need your help we have nothing to feed the dog with so cute what's your name I don't know let's see easy peasy your name is na'vi um thanks can I have some food you need to play a game and then you get dog food as a prize what game Kick the Can I hope you win we need more players I know rag come play I Love Games perfect ready or not here I [Music] come I found her that was a piece of cake can't catch [Music] hey I've got something they won't find me [Music] here have you seen this dog yeah go that way I won give na'vi some food okay here's your [Music] prize finally food where's Nai at maybe someone kidnapped him you guys if you saw who took na'vi comment down [Music] below please comment so I know where to look Cosmo thanks thanks [Music] guys what about me I want to help pomy save me going anywhere I want Navi back I'll take you down oh silly you thought this would be easy now this will come in handy so who are you calling silly Set Me Free uh-huh I told you it wasn't going to be easy I'm here to help are you dancing or what turn it up uh-huh [Music] how are you NY thanks for saving me could you unhook me oh finally thanks you hope you can take him away who's going to stop us let's get out of here before he returns I'll relax for now good thinking you can nap too where I don't have a house my poor baby I'll figure something out no that's no good hm I'm a genius where will you get the pieces from Cosmos har you can't catch up to us now you want me to live in attire maybe that's just the foundation this ugly color is a nogo is that good [Music] perfect so now what I had a good piece [Music] somewhere why are you here oh perfect [Music] it's missing [Music] something oh thanks for letting me sleep that'll be softer what are you here I'm making a house for Noby oo I can make a great skirt we'll figure out a better way to use it you have great taste I think I know what's missing what tell me wait and see H there's more light done thanks I've never had a house this [Music] nice hey the final touch I'm hungry again this is always going to be here make sure you're dring some water thanks for taking care of me can we play now I'd love that you have fun I'll [Music] chill no we ruined my [Music] toy sorry my claws are too sharp we can fix that I'm scared it won't hurt [Music] fine let's use a Tik Tok light hack looks [Music] weird why are you wasting food enjoy Nai M that's good there that's not bad you know that was kind of nice now we can play guys what are your CET favorite toys comment down below welcome to the amazing digit here's the deal I'm missing something we don't have it what's over there watch I can juggle [Music] watch hey it's [Music] mine we're going to give you a great show Alia wow Bravo that's amazing yeah I'm very talented bimo I even forgot why I came well you should go Bravo bra bravo bravo bravo bravo do I get to keep the house of course who could it be let's [Music] see there's no one H what's wrong is there something in my teeth [Music] ktho was right behind you surprise na'vi hide I'm scared stop is that my tire you're not getting knobi you're going to love my jail get knobi please save me run there's no running from me huh no one here I knew it let's play H who is [Music] it hey you're coming with me don't touch me I found a toy help me I'll SA [Music] you what is this place what is this outfit are you okay welcome to the amazing digital circus my name is Kane I am the boss of this place you kidnapped us bring us back or I'll h lady digital circus does not approve of bad language yeah what about [Music] this he deserves it dog I forgot your name I don't remember yours either we'll give you new names H hanger XD DCC that's one lousy name we should change it up is that better it will be when me get out of here you can only do that when you get the key give it to me creep fine why are you so loud so what do we do I think we should go this [Music] way this doesn't look like an exit to me it's a hospital I hate them doctors freak me out lucky for you there's no one here are you okay Hey ow it hurts is someone in pain it's a doctor run I'll fix it in the blink of an eye ker help I can't this is going to going to hurt a little no hanger do something I'm scared of doctors you have to face your fears hang [Music] on fine pomy I'll save you good job kinger now set me [Music] free wa I'm dizzy I can treat dizziness in a moment Hy grab the other end mhm got you what take that doc whoops don't hurt me tables of turn [Music] huh we're out of here [Music] thanks for having my back you're not afraid of doctors anymore right I'm not I have to thank you for that how did you make it out of there you're scared of doctors aren't you pomy helped me face my fear wait what she's not supposed to be helping you we'll see if you're any good without her pomy no I'm all alone I'm scared of being on my own what do I do what would pomy say face your fears right I should find the key it's not here or here not here either guys help me unlock the door I need your likes hit the like button or I'm going to be stuck here forever keep on coming I need to save PNE thanks pomy help is coming kinger come back ker come back ker come back stop let me walk you through it sure this is you and this is ker you'll never see each other again who's that don't worry about [Music] it Kanger I found you you how did you get out you had no one to help I overcame my fear of loneliness so apparently you're Fearless now pretty much in that case we'll work with your fears my fears are you a clean freak or what not really I'm kind of messy but my parents make me clean my get it pomy where are you pomy why is it so messy in here pomy who is she my mom I wanted to be sparkling clean I didn't make it messy in the first place so who did this cute puppy no ma'am I'm innocent so it was you you're such a slob it wasn't me what a dump pomy what's wrong I'm scared my mom will always be disappointed in me fix this start small right I can clean up and make my mom proud yeah I can help out this goes right there this can go in trash clean up there what are you doing stop dust off here this matches done the house doesn't look like a dumpster [Music] anymore good girl I'm proud of you yay I faced my fear Ker let's [Music] go ow that's a narrow door oh no please not this I nearly got stuck where are we at pne's College gosh not College I got bullied there was it that bad we'll find out in a moment [Music] [Laughter] long time no see pomy are you friends with them no I want to leave didn't we tell you about you not coming back here I wasn't going to it just happened check out her [Music] outfit she's a clown she doesn't even need the outfit gosh they're bullying you yeah I'm scared to respond to them don't fret I have your back fine I'll give it a try look I'm pomy I'm a clown la la take a step back what a cute puppy you know that was almost scary it is scary he does whatever I say kinger punish them [Music] bully me again I'm posting this it's the last time we promise thanks for your help you're the best less fears more keys we've overcome all your fears you deserve an award it's a curse not an award you've overcome small fears this one's way too deep no way you can handle it I thought I had a ton of fears but you can't handle a laugh that's not what I'm scared of that's the only thing a circus has plus clown who scared the life out of me hey pomy are you afraid of me yet stay away boo I've learned to protect myself take that I guess that's not working PNE let's play boo nah not feeling up to it it stop time out we have something to discuss okay I have an idea I'm all ears if he wants to play he should play our game Kanger you're a genius pomy time's up I'm in great pomy will come up with the game fabulous let's play Red Light Green Light okay I know the rules green red I'll catch you green red he's so close when you say green I'll get even closer that's all right what are you doing so who has the last laugh oh pomy you tricked [Music] me a thanks for having my back I owe you a bone a bone would be nice though looks like we're out you're right it's so bright lights off oh my bad better now no no no no it's a stage you have stage fright yeah it's her biggest phobia yeah it scares me to think I have absolutely no talents you can't overcome this [Music] feere want a show see they're looking for a show but I have nothing on my sleeve that's not true any chance you can sing I can give it a [Music] shot me me me it's awful H can you play violin I'll [Music] try Bo stop it that was my last try I'll help you repeat after me W awesome that's sick do they actually like it deserves an award for the best performance thank [Applause] you here's the exit come on I'll catch up this party is sick okay catch you later oh no where should I go next you're busted what do you want from us animals can't live on the streets save us we're not giving up on them you have yourselves to blame hold on hold on stop fighting oops what brings you here I'll give you a hand but only on one condition you have to build animal houses we love to you have 24 hours your time starts now now oh no that's not going to cut it we can't waste a single [Music] [Music] minute we don't have much time what's a plan there's nothing in there we need supplies what's the exit for there mhm [Music] this is for you and this is for you wow thanks and can't forget about myself obviously well let's get to it hey what are your names we've never had any of those I know what to do this will help you go first here's your new name but this is just a bunch of [Music] letters let's do [Music] you is it broken or something all right one last time I have no idea what to do I do you guys comment down below what we should name our pets great thank you for your word well buddy we don't have much time oh help oh a construction [Music] toy we're off to a great start what kind of house do you have in mind I don't know I've never had one before this is over [Music] kind of empty [Music] oh you'll be really comfy like this oh no I need to hurry [Music] up what house do I get what is it do you fight with that no it hit me a few punches is and it's [Music] done awesome it's missing some pieces though fair enough how does that look basic I know nah it's not going to work [Music] got to give it some [Music] time oh [Applause] thanks w a real circus I need to hurry [Music] up what is [Music] that awesome what is it what's going on [Music] what happened where am I who's that Hunter save me ooh stray animals you can't have them we'll see about that where are our animals you can kiss them goodbye [Music] we don't have much time go get him let us go nah you're coming with me They're not going anywhere with you yeah got it watch your language you had it coming you guys hit the like button so we can take down the hunter so what is it almost there keep up [Music] coming it's working keep it [Music] up yeah we made it thank you so much he took too much of our time let's hurry up oh no we need to fix the walls we'll fix that that was fast wood two 3 done it's nice but we can't stop I think we need a roof in case it rids sounds good this will come at Handy something's missing [Music] obviously now we're good what's next a circus has to have an entrance good point right on it I found it you're the best you're not going to get lost we need decorations what do you think that would be nice super chance a Chill Zone for my baby fabulous thanks a million H that'll keep the unwanted guests [Music] away no what's coming unannounced wow that's terrific got to decorate it a [Music] little oh no we didn't make it too bad time's up you lost no please we're almost done sorry there are rules run so what do we do you again you're not escaping this time Kane give us more time we're begging we had a deal you know you guys we need more of your life so Kate will give us more time excellent some more help fine I'll budge you're amazing thanks we got to get this over with go ahead we have a lot on our plate uh-huh let's get rolling I like instruction you know that's great but where do I sleep oh really nice thanks I'd like to have a bed too I have a better plan there want to test it out a real maze obviously this is awesome here's more I'd hate for you to be starving you're so caring thanks I'm hungry too oh don't worry I have something where would I be without you think we made it we should turn the lights on hey God we still have time let's fill the houses let's go yeah nice lights on oh no not again bummer you girls didn't make it we almost did [Music] please what did you do no you handle him I'll go find the animals so where to begin somebody save me oh hey hey what was that H what's that help us what happened you're busted what do you want animals can't live outside we'll build houses for them H deal you've got 24 hours we can't do it in 24 hours chill we're going to be fun [Music] wow what's our plan calm down starting off [Music] outside question is what do we use to build hey that's a great [Music] idea wow picture per perfect [Music] secured I'm a natural I think it's supposed to be like [Music] [Music] that awesome but who gets which house wait what's your name H we don't have names guys comment down below what we should name our new friends our Castle will be bloody cute fine by me we'll have a superhero Fort that's sick as for us we're going with a mushroom house deal this shade literally makes me sick time to conj it up [Music] perfect this is magical we're not going to make it we are going all in one last thing [Music] this is pretty cute ouch super chance what's the deal whatever no time for that I could help there a you're the [Music] best we're not going make it in time H Fair Point how do we handle this give this a shot good thinking Unleash Your [Music] creativity some more pieces now this house is up my alley what shade do we go with h I think this one no way uh what about this never so which [Music] one got to add some more paint [Music] what let's go go figure things out you stole my paint what makes you think that [Music] wonderful oops you took it I didn't oh it's right there you and your shenanigans I'm watching you I should be more careful H the roof looks basic here's an [Music] idea this should work good [Music] idea I want everyone to know this house is mine [Music] H it's time to get [Music] creative up next the fence wow here you go oh thanks a house worthy of a true superhero what do we do what do we do hey what's this decorate the roof with them amazing mushrooms never [Music] hurt how's it looking pretty yummy oh no what do we do I knew you couldn't do it oh no h your time is up I'm taking the [Music] [Applause] dogs I can't let thaten follow him too little too late not so fast hey guys hit the like button so the hunter gives us some more time what EAS it you guys we need more likes hurry up we're so close yay we did it fine but this is the last time [Music] [Applause] fine let's get to work our for has to be impenetrable let's get started it's very secure our house could use some fortification as well solid Point super uh never mind we should think of something t [Music] I think that's a bad [Music] idea H now we're talking gosh you must be kidding me this is the last STW what are you even talking about but that's not our fans H good point okay I'm watching you any a time I'm so proud of you let's work on the Windows oh [Music] amazing do you like it looks lovely we did forget about the front [Music] it's going to be bright and cozy no such thing as too much cuteness a how dides that look real and nce our house won't let a glimmer of light in for [Music] sure now it's dark enough can't help it I mean obviously I forgot all about the path nass but the shades basic no big deal we can fix [Music] that time to pave the way to the house oh you're terribly right it's nice carpet how about that adorable [Music] well let's get to work on the interior design it looks kind of empty we need to [Music] hurry let's add some warm have you ever thought of becoming a designer I almost forgot I'm making sure you don't forget me it has to be comfy pretty soft don't forget to eat [Music] yum I don't want you to get cold this is where you can kick back this place is worthy of me remember what I look like listen add some art to our place who's this guy my favorite accessory time to eat perfect thank you I can do just as well hurry up then making sure you don't get sick where do I sleep I'll take care of that fabulous you need to eat thanks a million wait there's more we can always make it prettier now we'll always remember all we got to do is uh he's back you don't get another [Applause] chance H oh no help you're going to pay for this go get him stop we should help him out all right you're babysitting the dogs for [Music] now I'm feeling bad where does it hurt stomach it must help it's no remedy only a miracle can help us that's right super chance lie down here for a while someone eats everything indiscriminately you'll have to go to the hospital it's getting worse what do we do I'll operate myself the entrance for doctors only let's get started we need your likes to make the operation go well let's see what we have [Music] here please we need more likes how did it get here you're the best [Music] never eat anything indiscriminately you made it don't know what she did but I'm feeling good we'll cover the bandage with a gorgeous cloak no way with my costume no mine never mine I don't want any clothes I'm hungry garlic there's nothing here neither is there what are you looking for food you have nothing what do you mean yummy taste it it doesn't smell good but I'm so hungry that I'll try what's going on here I am trying to eat out of his new bowl it looks like a feeder for a little naughty vampire where can I take food just a moment super [Music] chance is it really my feeder looks like a bunch of junk it's temporary this piece goes here bada boom done how does it work push it here and a portion of food goes out try it looks like a food may go around will it spin the same way with the food in let's go buy you some food there are so many treats here yeah anybody here don't touch anything [Music] okay can I help you I need the best [Music] food wait are you courtne I am I was named after my grandma can you hurry up we have a lot of food here's a big big [Music] pack no choose no here is lovely [Music] food stupid rabbit isn't it cat food ew cat food you definitely know about pet food right sure I didn't notice my glasses are dirty you again take that whoops thanks for the food thanks for saving me press here I can finally eat he likes it this is your cool Bowl you can drink I changed blood for water thanks have you seen it he's drinking out of my Drinker I'm full and sleepy where's my bed I have a VIP spot for you it's so soft here thank you I'll cover you so no one could wake you [Music] up what are you doing putting him to sleep the coffin is not for sleeping well except you is there something more comfy I have an [Music] idea what a lovely and comfy bed don't just wake him up my bed is better no mine is better no all mine yours looks like a [Music] box when did he managed to get sick I don't know it looks like he's getting a fever ouch we need to call a [Music] doctor wow so fast I'm also shocked I EES dropped I mean I overheard the dog had got sick yes we've no idea what's wrong with him I hope it's not infectious it probably is this is to avoid getting infected that means everything works right it smells like drugs where's the dog I am here what did you do to to him wow I have no idea you again do it wait I'll figure something [Music] out what did I miss it seemed to me that I was huge and you were small it's all because of fever it looks like there's no fever let's measure temperature [Music] you're all right woohoo let's play I want to play let's play a game what play catch my favorite [Music] game oops she caught it ouch stupid game no hold on I'll just take it let's play another game play you'll get another game super chance are you a real superhero aren't you a junk Lord give me a moment foot arrows here attach a button and connect to the [Music] screen try it what should I I do push the arrows and dance I aced it and like this cool game good boy I want to get some rest after it let me try only after me will you open the door please now I didn't mean it what's this ew F gross sorry you were busy with the game and didn't hear me you were yelling it means you are to clean it no way it was you what I heard nothing you are to clean okay hello cleaning service we need your specialist it's not fair did you order cleaning yes here's the problem yeah h H wow I see well can you fix it no you are a cleaner aren't you I am not wow wow I've come to steal your dog again well yes he's been getting on my nerves [Music] it seems like you've got a new toy I am not a toy hold on Don't Run Away
Channel: Troom Zoo
Views: 721,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: troomzoo, poppy, adopted, pomni, catnap, missing, dog, smiling critters, poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3, If Poppy Playtime 3 Adopted Me, the amazing digital circus, digital circus, rec, recommendation, trends, troom troom, woohoo, troom trick, pick a trick, troom oki toki
Id: jVhnco75bos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 11sec (4031 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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