Minecraft but I Break Every Bone...

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this is Minecraft but I break every bone today the more bones we break the more we unlock from breaking our legs to being only a skull to being boneless my goal is to reach the max amount of Bones broken to unlock the Boneless Dragon but breaking our bones isn't so easy so what happens if I break all my bones and how will I break the first stay tuned to find out yeah this is going to hurt okay so to break our first bone we need a stalagmite so we're going down caving and we need some wood okay so here's the plan we're going to go down this cave hopefully find a sagite and then look at EX on the screen right there and this lag might there I'm going to jump on top of that and break my leg like I said this is going to be painful and that number in the top Corner that's how high it's going to be right there oh iron I feel like we'll need an anvil at some point to break some bones too so oh there it is yes we found it so quick one still lagite oh gosh now the part where we break my bone oh wait what if we get a big one all right I'm going to get one of the big ones and so how do I do this do I just stack it oh oh oh gosh right okay so bone break number one guys how this works is any Dam Dage we take it's going to break a bone so here goes something oh oh oh yep there it is um so we've now broken our first bone which is literally my leg ignore the eye it's a looking G and the in the tooth but now that's one broken bone I was told to break three to progress so like I said every bit of damage breaks my bones so I have an idea let me call a friend Nester bro this is so weird are you sure you're ready yep go ahead ow my arm oh oh oh oh okay okay and he's gone well now that's our hand broken and we got to break one more bone what if we do my other leg you know what let's get number three going we're just going to stack up let me aim the leg right there and every piece of damage breaks a bone okay here we go oh oh my gosh wait I even lost Hearts wait who is this guy oh a doctor oh my gosh now that is three bones broken guys and today's goal is to break every bone do you fix me at least I can help you break more wait no what's up a doctor are you oh my gosh enter the next area what is this three bones broken 10 100 you evil man oh thank you appreciate it not many people watching right now are do you have anything to say oh wait what what what do you mean that'll be $40,000 and you white oh and he dropped something go break 1,000 bones huh oh this is going to be a long day all right well this first area is three bones broken to enter it looks like and as we break more bones we can go further up until maybe the hospital okay so how do I get in here oh oh that's convenient hello everyone I am three broken bone Nester break 10 bones and the first wants to drop an anvil myself who are you looking at all right this is going to be a long day we got an anvil right here it looks like so do I just like break this oh boy all right let's grab that Anvil and so I just drop it in myself oh man okay oh that's now four bones broken that did not sound Pleasant and now I got to participate in arm wrestling oh is it against this guy all right looks like we're arm wrestling this guy now to break some more bones let me heal up real quick um and so I just have the crutch hand how do we do this should I just right click you oh 3 2 1 how's this going to go oh we're actually are wrestling oh um well that wasn't fair I didn't get a chance but we broken five bones now all right looks like the final one it's a fight against an iron golem wait why is he so short oh what's up buddy I'm taller than him oh man this video is Goofy all right buddy let's do it come on fight me fight me oh oh oh oh oh my gosh I'm so sorry oh oh that's seven bones broken and now going to dive into the empty pool oh my gosh huh wait what does this say safety warning climb without bucket not allowed oh but I'm supposed to break my bones um oh I guess technically we can take it right all Mr lifegard don't worry we're definitely going to use this we're not using this okay let's go up I guess we got to make sure we're in full health guys I'm going to eat all the way and what we're going to do is I guess just fall straight into Hard Rock oh man can we get one like on the video for this one like one like but before we get to that I want to say a huge thank you to AFK Aro for sponsoring today's video AFK arena is a casual mobile RPG which is currently celebrating its 5th year anniversary and 100 million players that's a lot with four main factions and unique heroes in AFK Arena it's your mission to save the world of asaria if you're worried about coming into the game late don't worry one of the great things about AFK arena is that even if you're always busy the idle gameplay Loop allows you to earn rewards possibly over time and right now is the perfect time to start playing and collect rewards AFK Arena already has over 100 new heroes from the four main factions which you can earn and level up using the resident system to boost them to the highest level not only that but there's also plenty of fun game modes to try try out including PVE Arena Kings Tower and more and because it's the 5ifth anniversary AFK arena is putting out a major update the new dronist faction which has been dormant for thousands of years has reappeared by logging in today you can unlock a new Highborn hero from the faction the deonis faction introduces several new Heroes where you can complete challenges to earn them all and have them join your squad not only that but new players can get one of the strongest dronist faction Heroes completely for free this new update brings a whole new look to the game with new dungeon scenes Dragon theme bosses Rich story lines and so much more and so to celebrate the anniversary new and returning players can earn 250 free summoning opportunities but there's more by using my link in the description down below or my code on the screen right now you can collect 50 free summons on top of the new rewards with the update and so with all that being said Thank you again to AFK arena for sponsoring today's video and let's get back to it ah oh my gosh and now the s's broken oh gosh as you can see my head is now broken you know what it's all good have fun with the mod they said but but it's all good you know what I'm never going back here again and we're going towards 10 bones broken which is school how am I breaking my bones at school I cannot believe there's a place for 400 bones broken all right let's go to the next area which is going to be school and so what do we do here attend yoga class why are there spikes on the way to yoga and even the students are broken bones what is this okay don't mind me just ow ow ow oh my gosh okay that's 11 bones broken let's just make it all the way to the end how do I dodge this do I just go like this oh gosh okay okay okay let's just make sure to make each jump oh and we made it to the first class and I broke one bone along the way all right yoga what do we do in yoga class oh well well I guess there's still a bell um hello Mr buff villager ready to do yoga what we doing follow the instructor's moves how do I follow his moves oh oh my gosh oh I barely am okay next move ow I I I'm breaking bones each time why is he hitting me buddy oh gosh what are we doing this is crazy okay yep 14 bones broken and too bad you failed the base course for yoga huh what is this 14 bones broken guys okay I don't even know what's left to break guys but we're going to go to math class I swear if this hits me I'm going to be upset why oh how's it going man yep yep yep the school the school's awful okay I mean the goal is to break every bone and we are at 15 now oh gosh okay anyone got food uh what what is this class math okay what do we got going on in math I can do some math it looks like all the students made it here oh and wrong answers equals rocks wait if we're trying to break all our bones am I supposed to get all the wrong answers what do you mean rocks oh he's got apples all right I'm going to need these and Apple day uh keeps the bones uh I guess not breaking away I have no idea what that meant answer the following math questions all right you know what I'm ready for them what do we got the Minecraft body has 1,000 bones how many remain after breaking 250 um so the answer is 750 but if we want the wrong answer do we just pick 10 incorrect wait what happens now ow hey yo they literally threw rocks at you now if you broke 75 bones and your friend broke 25 how many bones were broke in total well the answer is 100 so we'll go with 500 for the wrong answer all right throw the Rocks come on come on go ahead yep ow ow ow that 17 bones broken oh my goodness teacher what even is this class and what shapes are bones most alike uh let's go with cubes I mean technically Minecraft would they the bones be cubes or I mean the answer is probably cylinder let's go with a safe answer pyramid yeah that's the wrong answer all right come on come on me to the Rocks now come on there we go all right more broken bones really you faed math class oh if only the goal wasn't this all right good seeing you all now we got a 10p which of course there's another little thing right there ow ow uh okay let's keep going by dodging that there we go and now PE okay physical education what do they got me doing in here oh this looks pretty friendly maybe it's going to be a nice break complete challenges one out of three long jump oh uh so is it like this do I just like jump here I just keep jumping oh did the sand hit me huh okay that's 21 the next one is complete a free throw oh how do I do this uh do I just hit it all right let's throw back here we go oh yeah that that that did not work out guys um we are at 22 broken bones now finally it's 10 pull-ups all right how do we do these do I just go up to it oh oh we're doing pull-ups let's go oh no what what what did I do wrong classes are over a 10 graduation you know what I don't even like the school 24 broken bones I think we need 25 for the next area where's graduation at oh oh this is it all right uh oh it looks like they're celebrating and why do the villagers look like astronauts weird congratulations you graduated think facts catch your diploma oh hey I don't like this school but we graduated and it looks like we now are at 20 25 broken bones oh wait they just gave me another crutch my hand cannot even use it and against this time we go to 25 bone broken area is this like a roller coaster oh this is about to be terrifying right the roller coaster do I want to oh gosh how's it going everyone oh wait did they all just disappear oh oh and they reappeared again okay that that was terrifying and there's no hot dog men in the hot dog truck w w w how can I get my Gizzy all right we got to ride the roller coaster it looks like there's boat rides right here um but the Bone Breaker um sure I'll go on the bone breaker acent lied huh then what am I supposed to do distract the guard ride the roller coaster at all costs oh gosh wait is there something here I can grab oh no there's a mine carts I have an idea what if we can grab something here a Gizzy oh okay this is huge guys so what we can do then is uh what if we bring it to this guy hey okay we got to go we got to go he's spinning stuff all right let's go let's go let's go okay we're going as fast as we can cuz uh you know uh bones are broken and stuff but it looks like this is just the Bone Breaker you know how many bones going to break you know I'm I'm I'm already used to this bone breaking thing I wonder which way I'll go all right let's see oh here we go on the Bone Breaker oh oh oh ow ow ow that's already one broken bone oh this is going to be another one isn't it okay that's two broken bones oh man oh my gosh wait are those spikes ow ow ow okay we're literally just breaking a bone every time we fall okay this is uh no wonder I'm the only guy on this thing ow 30 get me out oh oh okay we're good anyways now we're going to defeat everyone in the bumper boats oh this actually looks really fun all right in the name of breaking bones let's do this oh oh gosh I just got to crash into them am I exploding them oh this is this is crazy the bumpers oh oh okay that's two gone every time I bunk them to someone it breaks a bone but you know what it's for a good cause ow and oh I think we did it very nice 36 broken bones the goal is 50 next up is the Catapult ride sir what the heck is this um do I just board this thing okay like right here oh hey yo why is it making me spin oh what has just happened um guys I don't feel my legs anymore that was so goofy my legs are fully broken this might be a good time to say don't try this at home anyways though we are now going to the 50 bones broken required area I cannot believe that's a thing right there all right how do I get in oh it opened up is this like a gym or something oh I think the entrance is over here find the weights machine oh it is a gym even has a vending machine hello gym goers I might not be fit for this but you know what I can skip like day today oh is this the weights machine right click to lift oh gosh what's in here oh oh my gosh wait we have 500 lb weights what okay wait so these are the 100 lb weights already there can I add the 500 lb Som oh oh uh I don't know if that's going to work oh right you know what let's just right click this and load all the weights oh oh oh uh I can't open the chest anymore hold on may have mess this up it's all good though okay how do I do this do I just add weights on top oh oh oh oh oh uh am I doing something wrong why you looking at me like that you know what let's just go ahead and just add all the weight we can and I feel like this is really messed up but lift oh I don't think I did anything there I just kind of broke more bones all right next one it looks like we got to try the cable machine oh wow this looks cursed a cable in Minecraft if I'm trying to break my bones then shouldn't I just like break this so do I just cut this open find a way to damage the cable oh uh do I just keep hting it come on oh wait that may have done it G's about to break oh it just fell on me okay we got to continue breaking our bones oh I didn't even realize my back looks like that oh what is this right click for max speed what am I doing to this treadmill oh my goodness okay so if I just like right click find someone to use a treadmill uh what about you you sir are you sir no no none of them want to do it is anyone around here oh what about you running villager sure I'll do it all right let's follow him over there and if I'm trying to break my bones should I just stand right behind him oh here he goes all right I'm going to go right here I'll now start it all right do your thing buddy oh oh that was amazing all right any bones broken and amazing I mean that that that was painful it was very painful anyways up next we got to mess with this vending machine I got any Stacks in there looks like there's absolutely nothing in there what do I do with this thing come on give me something oh I have been hit by the vending machine oh there's the stuff and we also hit 100 broken brones my goodness guys we are only at five Hearts now but you know what on the bright side we did get a nice Golden Apple beautiful wait did my uh bandages get bigger on my head oh all right again the goal is 1,000 bones so we're only 10% done but we got a CrossFit bow sporty arrows and I guess we get to keep some weights all right thank you Jim I appreciate you guys uh I'm on to break some more bones and it looks like the next area is right here with 100 bones does this just open when I go up to it oh nice all right what do they want me to do here how's it going everyone uh it looks like we have site workers and I bet that thing right there is going to follow me oh gosh danger for demolition oh should I talk to someone first maybe someone's in here no no one's in here oh the S supervisor hello sir oh a hard hat feel like this is coun of intuitive break more bones oh I got to demolish each house so I got to demolish this this and I don't know where three is all right who needs a hard up don't want that you guys can keep that I'm trying to break my bones here and it looks like the first thing I got to do is just explode the house what have to break my bones I like the TNT and then run in the house oh this is a bad idea isn't it okay oh oh not that much damage 25 more broken bones though all right that's one house amol what about this thing warning cream malfunction please keep distance oh don't tell me I got to go under this thing all right hit me here we go oh that was so loud oh my gosh it's breaking the loss of physics okay and now break supports from the house what are we doing here what what's going on up there find a way to distract the workers okay how can I distract them it looks like I got to go up to this thing but is this a water faucet do I just like grab it all right let me turn it on oh that's CA aone geyser oh they're distracted okay okay break on Cable support I think that's that right there let's real quick Rush as fast as we can with our broken bones oh gosh I have five Hearts it's better not follow me oh how do we get upstairs oh gosh this house has no stairs oh wait it's right here and no I will break the house oh gosh what just happened I've been launched in oh man yep that kind of fell and from that I guess one of my bones became a sword made from your bones oh wow um well we have a bone sword and we are now at 250 broken bones which means we can go to the factory wait at 250 what even am I oh yo I'm Aus mus Nester oh no all right well 250 gets us to the little Factory over here oh gosh when am I going to become at 1,000 this is crazy um so I'm here what do I do here there's like a little Factory thing do I got to fix this thing oh inside the generator huh what am I doing oh gosh uh fix the generator right okay we have an ignition key and let me guess the igniter is all the way up there okay uh I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to break my bones doing this but I'm just going to go with the flow oh wait there's more keys does that mean a lot of people fell doing this oh gosh look the fact that I'm literally four Hearts doing this it's not the best thing oh wow okay doing copper wire parkour not as easy as it looks it's all good though we are going to get to the top and I would say we're going to heal up but we're not we're just going to get more hurt probably doing this again do not try this at home and oh gosh okay is that thetion key spot okay do I just put it in turn on all the lamps first oh got it okay so I just turn that that there we go that should turn everything on oh we did it uh what happens now oh I guess I keep going all right what do we got going on over here low chest and Jerry cans okay a flint and a steel uh maybe we got to turn something on oh what is this okay let me be careful I don't want to take any fall damage and die literally a medium fall will kill us we without four Hearts oh what's going on here okay there's a key and two like big furnaces oh this is going to hurt me isn't it do I like pull fuel on these guys uh that may have done something okay what if I make a flint steel maybe I got to ignite it how does this work let me try again by fueling this guy no that doesn't work how do we do this come on guys how do I fuel you maybe I got to right click this thing first oh turn on both of the Pistons okay okay wait so do I just like put this in come on okay I think there's some fuel thing oh wait oh fuel check and check so does it work now oh it's working oh my gosh okay um yeah that that broke some bones okay that was sick anyways now it looks like we have rats huh maybe they're innocent let's real quick fall down here don't trust that water and uh so what's the mission here kill all the Rats first got it okay sorry rats got to fight you with my own bones there we go there we go got to get the Boneless rats I don't even know what I'm saying at this point come on all of you out of here no more rats okay I think this should be the last ones wait why is everything shaking uh d something happened did it fix oh hey yo that's a big old rat what the rat doing it's the Rat King all right he's stuck over there though let's real quick take him out the easy way right there cheesed it and wait I think he dropped his crown hold up as a broken man I need to find the crown where it at oh did he not drop a crown oh maybe I was just seeing things oh dang it well on the bright side that is going to be that area done and let's turn on this engine and see how I get hurt all right what's going to happen engine begin maybe this power is the factory oh wait I just got out of it nice oh the generator Works look at it wait what does this activate though ow ow ow ow right the conveyor Bo huh wait oh yo the factory is starting here we go oh oh this is sick ow ow oh gosh what what is going on in this Factory oh gosh oh gosh where is it taking me what is this now what is this now ow it's like a car wash but for bringing bones ow oh no no no no no these things keep hitting me what is this are we done ow ow I'm just getting Zapped next area now open oh gosh can I even move huh guys I uh I don't feel so good H we are now crawling around nice so that's that area done and now we're on to the 450 bones broken area so what exactly do we do here um I guess we can crawl around we're not even halfway to the 1,000 bone area Okay so this is a beware Bone Breaker on the lose huh who's the Bone Breaker you know what I'll fight him I got the bone sword fight Bone Breaker with a bone sword cool sign oh it's like a western Saloon area find and hire the Bone Breaker yeah that about makes sense okay we got to find this Bone Breaker fella guy huh all right who looks like a Bone Breaker is it somewhere in here oh wait oh my gosh it's buff Steve but he has a sixpack all right coming over there just slowly but surely I'm like a snake look at me wigg my legs all right Mr Bone Breaker you look like a very nice guy right yeah yeah all right how's it going man huh you want me to hire you to break your bones yep that's the that's the the idea today sure I got a few ideas wait what does that mean show me the best you got rapid fire time wait what does that mean uh oh oh oh where are you taking me wait inside a blender huh hey yo what's going on with this I'm literally my bones are breaking look at the number oh my gosh wait where are we going now oh the zenzone oh what is this a fishing rod okay go fish sure 550 bones broken and we're just going to go fishing now I guess I can go fishing might as well you know do some nice fishing right here come on fishies come straight here wait wait wait did deer brine just launch something in the air what what what why is the moon red what is going on oh my gosh I've been hit by the moon what is going on oh my gosh um so what happens now really man did we have to do that what even is the next thing and now we're in a boxing match oh wait wait wait wait wait wait who am I fighting though uh there's a big audience hello who is this guy ow ow oh oh my gosh okay okay we got to fight we got to fight I'm ready oh you know what let's use the stone sword oh wait okay I got 750 bones broken there but where am I now guys I'm being taken everywhere what am I afraid of oh my goodness I don't like that rumbling I don't like that rumbling where's my bone sword where's my bone sword no stop where about 8:30 right now chill oh my gosh where am I now planes okay is it is it peaceful am I good I just want to be done warning rain will begin shortly see cover wait what do you mean see cover raining Anvil oh guys the the the the bones are just going up and up I'm getting hit by just the ground oh my gosh we're done next area available thank you buddy yeah yeah we're not coming back to this and what the heck am I I'm a blob I'm literally pting what the heck guys we have 20 more bones to go the only place left is is this Red Cross Coliseum what is it going to be oh gosh I'm at two hearts too um can't really put on Armor when I'm looking like this I I do have the CrossFit ball at least so what do we do here right click to break your last 20 bones and become a puddle huh who would do that voluntarily I I guess me yeah we got to break more bones all right our goal was to hit 1,000 broken bones so I guess let's right click this oh okay that's 1,000 bones wait did that break my last bones oh my gosh I have broken all my bones we did it guys uh so what's waiting for me on the other side can I go under this like a puddle oh wait I can oh yo hold up we can lit just walk through it oh that is crazy oh I like being a puddle all right what else we got here oh no I don't like the sound of that ambient um why are there so many people around here oh gosh uh what's going to happen here oh no the bone doctor what is this no no no no no no no no no no wait what what is he doing back there oh gosh okay you know what I'm going to have to play this really slowly is this really the final boss right now wait he's killing all the audience what is going on oh oh oh H he just shot a thing at me um anyways this uh this is crazy he is sucking the entire audience and what is going on honestly I don't even know if this is possible you know what we're getting we're getting the CrossFit bow this is what it's all about no oh wait it's coming after me oh my gosh okay come on oh wait wait okay this damage is actually not that bad oh I got to run I got to run oh my gosh okay okay we're healed up we should be good the great thing is as a little blob I can go through anything let me just reload this guy wait where'd he go uh skeleton guy oh there he is what is he doing so is this the doctor from the beginning cuz that is crazy uh Mr doctor where'd you go oh there he is come back here I'm ready to fight you I missed every single shot oh oh I hit him oh my gosh I'm alive somehow I am alive somehow can one of you please baat the guy oh my gosh oh this is awful th this is really intense how are my bones all broken I got to say this doctor's really weak okay got to run got to run got to run got to run got to run look man I broke my bones what else do you want for me okay okay wait we almost got him and we got got him yes oh my wait are my bones breaking infinitely what is that number well guys we did it we broke every bone in our body and with that being done guys hope you guys have a great one and here's video just like this one bye guys oh I'm going to die from this aren't I [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 320,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but i break every bone, minecraft bones, minecraft bone, minecraft bone break, minecraft break leg, minecraft simulator, minecraft hospital, minecraft injury
Id: cOCcEvmR_9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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