Playing as the ULTIMA DRAGON In Minecraft!

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zayn what's going on in there likes and subscribes ashmouth likes and subscribes make sure to like and subscribe under this blood moon the ultimate dragon takes to the sky a normal dragon player becomes cursed as the ultimate dragon the most powerful dragon in minecraft but when her fellow dragons think she will bring their end they decide to hunt her down now this ultima dragon is out to prove herself to be good oh there's a sheep right there perfect okay let's just see if i just pounce in it like this [Music] i can take this back for food oh there's a town right there okay let's see what you're saying [Laughter] hey thank you for making dinner for us i'm just going to make this and be on my way pierce that was in it for everybody no it's my dinner i want to thank you for getting it so nicely for me now i'll be on my way can i put this place out good luck what is that voice what is that oh it's really pretty wait a minute huh wait what is this um uh pierce huh wait a minute you're not pierced wait a minute you you're not supposed to die wait what the what's happening huh my wings they were they were hey wait a minute oh i have no idea what's happening to me um okay see i gotta go back home why am i a red and black dragon this has never happened before what is that what's happening that's not a dragon that that's a dragon ultimate tracking that's what ultimately doing here get moving [Music] cursed by the ultimate dragon oh cursed oh no wait what no way clearly she's here to bring misfortune to us all i mean i bet that's why should we have no dinner tonight that's because you took it for yourself to stuff your face i don't know what you're talking about i'm so sorry to have to say this but you have to leave what seriously you can't but bye now you have to get out you could curse the entire village with this cooties here nothing bad things come from the ultima oh leave no please i promise you it never returned huh would you take this oh no done how dare you let me see wait i have another attack okay i think i can use this the stories are true fire and destruction everywhere the village now see she only means to break ruin upon our village pierce are you all right i'm all right whoa careful noise we don't want anyone else hurt she's evil she attacked me now oh my arm what if i ever see you around this village again you're gonna be sorry i i can't believe this thing you've done enough get out of here a big meeting leave i never returned you're me types too i can't believe this happened to me i huh oh wait the meteor that's right maybe if i come down okay take me back to where i belong bring me back to what i want come on i want to go back home just do something wait what's happening uh oh no [Music] whoa that's a pretty moon where am i wait a minute hey what are you you're the one who did this to me some ultimate dragon dumb thing get over here oh um why is this happening stop them okay maybe i don't know what these things are get out of here this is a cool power okay i think i got this get out of here i don't even know what your things are hey you [Music] okay all right um wait where'd that thing go it's a big dragon over there maybe if i go over here i might be able to huh wait a minute what's this and take a look um ultima shield and ultima dragon sword all right i'll take these things oh this is cool all right um but it doesn't really help me with anything thanks for nothing you double dragon wait oh uh sorry i guess i'm back to normal um i'm still alone not entirely sure what to do but all right let's uh see if i go over this way i should be able to huh what is all this weird stuff why am i why me why is this happening moon i might just stay here for the night but whoo what's this dragon lantern hmm maybe i can use to go to sleep all right good night lantern okay back home i think if i can show them that i can protect the village they might accept me back right i just need to keep my identity a secret for right now let's see what's going on and then my friends is how you fight off a dragon so oh that's right yeah wait yeah we technically dragons shut up noy no i'm just [Music] [Music] let's see up here and [ __ ] and hopefully it gets back fast oh i know right wait oh hey look delivery where'd this come from it's not delivery it's here ah it's a cursed that's how i take off my jacket uh-huh well bad luck dragon what brings you here weren't you banished huh yeah i'm not and you know it i know nothing pierce you probably shouldn't tell people that oh anyway hey you're not supposed to be here why are you trying to get back in here when you're supposed to be banished out there in the world where it's cold and cruel and all because this is my home wait it's not anymore we decided that yeah you can't even fly pierce yeah i can't see watch oh very close buddy i can fly i can fly with the best of them look i just want to prove that i'm not going to hurt anybody all right just because of the ultimate doesn't mean that i'm going to hurt anyone oh you're not going to hurt anyone huh yeah well we could hurt you uh wait a minute guys wait what's going on over here listen to me listen what are you doing here dane i've held up the village enough look i brought some sheep in uh wait wait kim you you brought the half-mouth are on fire yeah look what she did she burned up all the sheep and i appeared and she broke the wall to get in i can't believe she would do such a thing i can't i'll believe this you left us no choice what are you gonna do about it kick you out again now we need to use force it's my dragon shield wait why isn't this working i can throw everything on fire you're causing too much destruction look at what you're making us do i'm not even making you do that you're the ones who are being stupid yeah why are you setting the whole village on fire huh yeah there must be a way that i can earn my place back in the village oh stop no you couldn't possibly no says the ancient texts the dragon law state that if the dragon could do an ultimate act of protection and bring the four protection stones then they can belong here wait what what protection stones fine just look here come out to the gate over here and you'll see four holes a complete set of protection stones is said to ward off all evil so they can judge and see if you're actually bad for our village or not yes perfect what no no no no that's not fair come on sorry but dragon laws are dragon laws all right but she's the ultimate fine if if none of you are gonna kick her out then i'm gonna get stronger and i'm gonna get rid of her for good i'm gonna go find the protection stones okay well all right just to make sure everything goes right let me come with you at least fine but what do you care you try to kick me out i'm just trying to make sure i can judge properly all right let's go trust me on that all right i guess i'll go clean up the village thanks guys you're welcome look is this is this one of the temples yes this must be the earth temple the earth simple magnificent than i imagined it looks like lava to me did you miss yeah oh okay i'm not really that good what's happening mom what's what's going on my wings i can't fly i can't fly my wings you you tricked me on that like i didn't trick you can i trust that how can i trust you to come with me okay you're the one who's been trying to get me out of the village for what reason i don't know maybe you're jealous that i can fly anyway oh what whoa yeah you what are we doing here i think the gem the protection stone must be on the other side just just be careful all right how about you try to do this you know i i'll try oh wait half mouth that lever yeah i see it see what it does see um what if i do something like what's going on took care of the lava situation yeah you're welcome let's see what else there thank you all right i'm coming what's going on here it's a dragon it's like me you gotta be careful i i don't trust it you don't trust anything ah dragon i know you may be angry but i need this stone don't you understand i need to show that i belong i'm go all right come on i can fly again so can i hurry up the stairs what is this scene that this must be the air temple it's gonna be difficult for me to fly that's because well okay never mind i'm i'm pretty bad at it too it's fine it's fine it's fine look the stone should be around here somewhere it's too windy [Applause] that's kind of fun it's probably at the top over here zade oh geez wow this is hard to fly uh okay and then yeah okay i did it where are you zayn i'm getting thrown around by the wind currents just just going without me it's fine okay i can do that that must be where the thing is okay all right i just gotta grab it right here and this is the air stone got it okay zayn oh what the huh would you remove the stones remove the heart of the server i can't do this you're right dragon i the stones they belong where they belong and i know where i belong you're wrong there air stone huh oh seen finally i made it what's going on what's going on did you find it i found the air stone yes but i'm gonna leave it there what why i have to return the stones return them what how could you we don't deserve the stone zane wait no you can't okay i've returned everything but the moon is telling me something's wrong i need to check the last temple just in case maybe everything's fine there maybe it's not wait a minute am i really acting like the ultima i don't know but hmm oh i see it's a little jumpy puzzle to get there uh well i can just fly batman this is right here wait a minute the stone is missing looking for this pierce why do you look so blue well i usually wear blue but i harvested the powers of this ice stone to become more powerful than you could possibly imagine and with this i'm finally going to take over the server i'm going to have what's rightfully mine and keep me all to my bay i have an idea see you can just over here no no there he goes get over here pierce excuse you where are you where'd you go where'd you go where are you i'm there you are there you are get away from your pierce you try that oh no why not i gotta figure out a way to stop him wait a minute if if he fights here he's gonna go to the village blame me for destroying things i know just where it takes oh cool you figured it out makes it easier that way hey pierce come over here i want to show you something really cool okay only if i get to keep firing i set you though [Laughter] let me show you a cool trick all you gotta do is come down here and watch this pierce what ah cool backflip thanks meteor stone what's going on wait a minute where did you go where am i huh wait where'd you bring me what did you do we fight here pierce oh i see we got to get closer oh okay fine let's just go die eat ice how about huh yeah ah that's really cool backflip all right get oh [Music] okay choose for a second right okay you're tough you know that right yeah you to you too good job oh thanks anyway oh what's going on hey my eyes stoned huh wait a minute wow cheers what's going on i was checking on the ice temple and pierce took the ice stone and she took it from me i wanted and she took it if you have the eye stone that's perfect then because i've got all the stones right now no zayn i put them back ooh can i one put them but what no put them back what else are we gonna use to protect the village zayn it's said that if we take the stones we're gonna take the heart of the server didn't you read no because it was trapped in the clouds remember just gonna rip it you're not getting the stone from me you're gonna have to fight me for it wait you're fighting say so then afmal okay okay you know what i'm staying out of this one i already got beat this one over here got him ah take that scene huh do you hear that what is that ultimate dragon give him back the stones but we the protection take your stone it doesn't matter zayn we're dragons we should be able to protect ourselves you've got me there take them thank you goodbye [Music] oh they're all gone come on can you just take over the server a little bit oh i can't trust you on your own especially with the stones no what are we gonna use to protect the village then because i think we can use this what's that it's this meteor maybe if i wow you did it i did okey-dokey i just about finished fixing up the village oh what's this seems to be a force field a force field oh it's odd it keeps anything that's evil definitely use this to make sure that i get uh wait wait hold on all right sorry maybe i just missed it wait wait wait why can't i get it it seems evil was among us all along coming through okay it's really funny uh funny joke i think you all learned a lesson about the ultimate and judging people before you know them yeah yeah we're sorry for kicking you out you really did end up protecting us in the end thanks but if you really care come give me a hug all right then if you say oh wait it doesn't matter i can fly that's actually pretty good but hey seriously though can i come in my stuff's there no we'll throw it out for you in the morning all right let's go dragon eat party okay pierce what oh hi it's time to get my revenge uh for what sleep that's what a backflip can do i just fixed that
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,122,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: PM9W-Gq91GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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