Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Strawberry Cake Kitten!

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my friend is having a horrible day in minecraft when she tries to help the server with her sweet treats she's pranked and when she cries this adorable strawberry kitten appears to sweeten her day secretly i'm this kitty and when my powers make others jealous they'll stop at nothing to hurt my friend and take me away okay i'm so excited i know aren't you excited we're gonna get your whole shop set up okay we'll finish it we just gotta get we gotta find some more sweet spots around here i know there we go there we go there we go there we go okay whoa here's i don't know where we are now it's kind of big up here what oh [Music] oh pretty sure we saw it first oh no he's definitely found it first i don't want that pretty sure you've had it first you don't want gold i'm after that gold that is my gold yeah let's go get it let's get it let's get him yeah i'm no i'm gonna get it i'm to get it no no no no no no we're going to get a party oh we saw it second person you know what pierce i i i'm glad that we uh brought a little um a little help with that oh all right go ahead go go go go go get it i'll keep an eye those two to make sure they don't come on up you okay you guys hurt her knee my eyes by being there ah god okay casey get the golden ring i'm sure we can find some more don't worry also i wanted to be the one to help the server for once i thought with this new mod i could do something nice for everyone okay pierce just make sure you get that piece of gold that wait yeah what is that everybody whoa yeah that's what you guys get casey i can help you all right i'm exploding doesn't make me feel better i'll go up there and i'll fix it don't worry okay no it's not gonna be okay i'll help you okay come on no i don't want any help i'm gonna go home casey wait we worked so hard to get oh man don't piercing ian in case he's so stubborn she doesn't want help from anybody wait a minute she doesn't help from anybody but what about a sweet somebody a sweet kitten to be honest all right let's see oh this one's cute this one is super cute this strawberry one is adorable let's do it whoa oh look at me i'm so cute oh all right i think i can get up here with these powers i have so many of them look at this here we go i can go help casey all i want yeah okay i gotta get used to these powers for this kitty and up and up okay all right time to go to the hub and make the new friends okay let's go to casey's house and oh look at her house a cute little cake shop she really has been working hard on this look at all those materials you know what as a strawberry kitty i can make sure i help her better and she can get all the stuff that she needs where is she the shop is closed just like my heart come back later i started out i'm coming over here [Music] oh hey how did he get in oh you're so cute and you look so tasty i'm a strawberry cake and i'm not sure you know i like yourself oh you're so cute way cuter what are you doing here magic [Music] okay is magical huh they're so cute oh my goodness yes and you guys super powers too turns in the cake well i think this will be enough i don't have enough cakes for my shop what happened to her i'm so excited to show off my new cake shop it's just not ready yes something else happened she had so many materials and there were so many cakes here before i can't believe he had her pierce took all my stuff say what nuh-uh yeah i'm on this i'm going to go get it i'm going to get a revenge one day here huh where are you going hello parasite i don't know if i can eat one more bite of cake doc come on that's twitter talk come on we gotta keep eating we gotta get it all here hey hang on there's some whiny annoying thing outside sorry no no sorry no you don't you can't get that stuff back sorry what if i brought my own or or else yeah you get them girl i'm right behind you i got your back she's you're way too sweet you're like you're always [Music] you want your stuff back if you want all these cakes back you can buy it back with gold yeah let's make some money this is why nobody wants to hang out with you i don't have enough gold go get something that sounds like a [Music] [Music] his secret base is right in here i'm just going to go down this way what is he doing here cookie i got it you're going to learn about hanging out with me i'm going to take care to get some cocoa beans for a good cooking around here oh you're sweet a little more work i'm going to make you even sweeter who goes there show yourself sorry noy i have to take you out what the me is this jam can't move hold on kitty kitty what are you doing uh no no no don't don't take the goal don't take the gold no that that's i don't know uh kitty come on please don't take all that cold that's right these are mine now sorry oh heck and that's how you make a cake it's not an easy bake to make a pretty cake i told you i just said i just don't get it also you know you got to try this stuff [Applause] hey hey what's that what's with that cat i don't know but it's me oh like also rich why can't i catch a wrench [Music] enjoy your cakes all right thanks you're welcome give me that gold [Music] i'm gonna get some of that gold right oh kitty thank you so much now i just wish i knew where the strawberry forest was then i could get more things for all my kids i know exactly where that is come on let's go this way oh look at her she's so happy i brought her here oh thank you for the ride thank you so much for finding this place look at her getting all her materials oh i got some cotton candies oh this is gonna be so helpful oh these sheep are so cute and fluffy oh look at her having so much fun in the cotton candy zone but whoa hey hey hey back up back up oh no hey all our sweet casey trees out watch out watch out get out of the way no no no no no no no got him watch out strawberry explosion whoa you made that look so easy thank you so much strawberry kitty okay catch me i heard the room are you okay there were mobs i can't believe you just wait what their word happens i don't think i can't believe you just come out here all by yourself it is not safe we don't know what else is gonna be out here as part of this new mod but i wasn't alone i had my new kitten with me okay fine but i need to make sure that you're safe in this dangerous new place but i'm fine i'm okay zayn i just have one left ingredient to get okay just just again oh wait wait wait casey stay back you'll fall [Music] i should have mentioned the syrup is very hot so don't go inside let's head back home kitty yeah i like sitting on the sheep you're best friends you're so cute forever nothing will ever separate us you look delicious there we go looking super cute and maybe a little bit more shade all right looking good casey wow it looks even better than i ever dreamed of i couldn't have done it without strawberry cat oh and me as well right what did he even do what did he do again i hung the sign see um oh right casey strawberry good cake casey is good strawberry [Music] hey any chance i can um you know get a little something i kind of had a rough day lost a job and a little something sweet since you're our first customer you can have the first cookie ever read five minutes really hard on it super special cookie oh thanks so much casey uh got some gold that i totally didn't take from me and small would have got ransomware no no no no no no i want to help the server so this is my way of giving back oh shucks casey why do you look familiar oh wow cookie what do you like it what cookie it it's still here why why is it this is something it's an infinite strawberry chocolate chip this is so amazing oh thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you anything you need i got you thanks casey i don't like those guys nah don't come in here no we're not here to cause any trouble we just want to look around all right just do some browsing stories we're gonna do some uh windows yeah that's right i'm gonna try this one shopping happens [Laughter] [Music] i installed a new security system huh i don't think that's something no no no no just watch you're gonna love it you're gonna love it oh boys [Music] oh i see so many takes it was great why is this thing not working right tracy i was just trying to no no i was just [Music] [Music] house is um cute especially my little bed look at it so cute the strawberry bed and i'm a strawberry this is the best life ever hey uh chasey casey are you home okay [Music] doing in here [Music] you're coming with me it's time to put you through science i need to uncover your secret to know how to help kc no way just stay there activate scanner your secrets i need to know oh the power that this kitten contains it's amazing i don't have any strawberries now to win casey's affection now i can finally express my very strong um things to her okay okay so we got a couple things to talk about first of all there was too much fire in your shop yes way too much fire yeah that's my fault anyway the point being after sampling your cakes you know pierce and i had a lot of them we just wanted to show off uh a special little dessert of our own we learned a lot absolutely that was so big a dessert called ribbon yeah stolen it from me no one else has that much gold that is true also why did we do that to my house all right say hello to our little friend this is [Music] yeah no he really should have considered that maybe a little bit before it blew up my house you know like build a separate garage contain inside cake monster some reason the giant monster has turned on us oh yeah thanks but why isn't it thank you who could have foreseen those right cake monster we created turned on us casey i found out the secret of the kitten and oh what is that um we lack the foresight [Music] i need explanations okay just stay back i'll defend you here we gotta get out of here the mother is questioning your existence and what's the revenge [Applause] oh my goodness there's water oh [Music] what's he doing in my house okay buster that none of us could have received being made what is that hey wow i mean that makes me feel better but i don't think that actually will stop the cake hey i thought you were supposed to attack the cake monster not me back you buttercream beast just get back give me your best shot [Music] don't worry oh i'll take care of this monster once more wait i'm not the monster it's what you get oh yeah hi monster oh oh it's going after the monster oh okay well a little destructive but ultimately got it done yeah you're all right buddy he's fine i got okay great job kitty oh that was so sweet of you so this kitty has been yours the whole time right that means that it's all her fault and she needs to fix my house and mine please seriously it's very destroyed oh wow okay i'm not sure we deserved it but i appreciate you you know sticking your sticky neck out there [Music] oh you know what a second thought my house is a new design i enjoy it no no no no no i i i in fact i i it'll go limit it right now what did you do to casey casey get turned into a cake did you start [Music] oh hey guys oh good for a second i thought you would turn into a cake [Music] lots of my shoes i exploded out of strawberry rage i like him he's smelly
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 12,477,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: cyHqtrKpJPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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