Becoming the STAR GODDESS in Minecraft!

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it's alive wait it's not ready [Music] get ready for the robot kitties takeover be sure to get yours and the silver edition too only at When You Wish Upon a Star oh wait wait star goddess help huh star goddess me now becomes a star goddess in order to save these little stars from their Dooms oh no the Dark Lord's infection is spreading he keeps cursing this land all right I'm here to get some water and then get out of here all right awesome all right didn't think I get some water today but today will be good okay since line up maybe not make way for the dark lord if you want I heard one of you dared to stand against me huh that is correct my liege it's this one right over here you've heard our village enough I'll never bow to you my Lord what do we do take the child yes my Lord oh I can't what hey good face get her instead yes my Lord fine give it a shot you we're not done with you yeah good night um boys how you doing uh maybe if I just here and I gotta get out jump see you suckers all right uh if I can get out of here ugh those bullies are always coming into the village the dark lord can't stoop any low try to take a child from its mother I wish I had the power to defeat him I wish I wish I had the power to do something here star maybe I can make a wish I wish I had a better life I was able to help everyone in the village huh huh huh what uh a star why are you screaming crying here take this maybe wow you can talk oh that's weird oh please I'm glad you're so cute hey hey sorry anyway I don't got much time to lose my siblings are falling and if you can help us we can give you amazing power amazing powers like what huh what what's happening I what whoa what is this that's not much but you can flow for a bit give it a try float oh okay I'm up in the sky how do I get down how do I get a concentrate oh there you go okay I will stay on the ground now if you could help me find my other siblings then we can give you even more power really hmm I don't need that but my sibling wait that landed at the Dark Lord's castle oh no that person will probably get my siblings power just like you got mine what no that can't happen he'll use it to hurt more villagers fine I'll help you especially if he'll show up that dark lord come on this way wow I've never been this close license evil I mean the dark lord is pretty evil oh geez I really couldn't tell by the name well how am I supposed to get up there you got floaty Powers now remember oh that's right that's right I almost forgot all right let's see um just up and oh this is gonna take forever okay where where did you go star come over here okay all right okay let's see come on this way oh oh that's that's your friend oh shh what oh oh no last time give me your power no so be a turn you toward us no why are you doing this to gain the power of the star goddess once I have that I will crush all who speak against me no no I won't let that happen What uh hey did you really think this plans yes I did and my plan is to run [Music] sorry help me just gotta believe in yourself peace uh okay um okay okay maybe if I just float up this will work let's start I got you I got you oh [Music] it's okay I'll use this he's down [Music] um wait an intruder get her come on whatever okay hey I got your sign I can't believe you got my sibling back thank you oh you're welcome oh this is bad that was very close so what are you guys anyway Where Stars will you make up the powers of the star goddess if you have all of us we can turn you into the most powerful being alive and the Dark Lord wants that power huh sounds like it alright I cannot let that happen so I hope you find the rest of your siblings how many of them are there over a billion what just kidding there are five of us see that broken star on you huh what oh hey it's it's old yep once each piece is filled you will become the star goddess oh okay so we just need to find the rest of your siblings I think I know exactly where we can find them what are we doing back here if anyone's gonna know where your siblings are the Dark Lord will he has all kinds of magic stuff that makes this Castle float oh okay all right look just stay close to me all right I will lead the way all right walk slowly thank you come on let's go all right be stealthy okay just watch out this way and then all right we should be good okay all right can you do something like this watch ah can you do that oh you did a good job all right wait we're in the Dark Lord's castle we gotta move um okay let's go look snow volcano and desert I think yeah see that's no weird so things are gonna be landing wow I can't even keep up with them myself hmm come on let's get out of here maybe take the back way around I don't want those guards to be alerted good noise [Music] you were the little girl from The Village the dark lord went back for you don't worry okay I'll get you out of there uh let's see hold stand back and oh there we go perfect come on I huh uh hey you okay hmm uh don't worry I'll get you out of there too and awesome come on I'll get you out of here safe let's go this way okay we're safe far away from the castle and outside the village boy baby oh I was so worried about you that's darker saves me you are truly a goddess for what you have done thank you mommy I'm hungry oh let's see what we can get you come on I'm glad I could help um why is he lucky at me like that um maybe he's hungry the star is my friend and yes Stars can talk I found that out today um all right so let's see uh snow volcano and deserts hmm which one should we go to First uh let's see how about the snow area all right the Lord will know you saved us but take this huh oh wow uh thank you uh but she has a power of the star she doesn't need a sword I'll take it you never know what it might come in handy thanks all right come on let's go to the snow look over there oh another one of my siblings okay all right we need to go inside of this area whoa why does it look all Smoky like that oh I don't know um are you sure you're gonna be okay going inside I'm sure it's fine what's the worst that can happen okay all right um let's go inside my face exploded ah just kidding with you oh all right yeah just a little star joke um oh look look little puzzles okay all right I see since you can fly yeah yeah let me give it a shot uh why isn't it working what are you serious aren't you flying uh I don't know let's see all right you know what I could probably go around it but I'm gonna go [Music] got it you're so amazing well I try I oh whoa oh that's a very strong power I sense there that's a black hole all right hold on like oh wait a minute how did you beat us here um I'll feed her use your new powers in again okay get out no come on okay [Music] um wow I mean your siblings are really strong yeah I mean you gave me the power of flight but they're pretty cool all right come on let's go another one yeah let's go check it out okay all right um I think we need to be very careful this time no tricks okay where'd you go no we aced that Temple the last time I'll go first I'm a brave star oh well you were just crying right now but let's see how you do yeah it's fine I'm super Brave oh are you oh I'm okay oh that was quite a star all right come on because it really lies to be pushing random buttons here you know what you're not Mom okay all right let's see so I still can't use mine stop right there uh-oh stop we're gonna get that stuff before you do all right just gotta keep going hey be careful it's fine I got it moving never get that star before the dark lord we're not doing a very good job got him oh look look oh no it's fine I'm okay I am going to be the star goddess after all let's see you're getting stronger so we'll already heal up there you go okay let's see what is this oh storm looks what does that do oh that's a fun power that is so cool this will definitely come in handy okay I can make a little oh that is so cool look at that this is a few dare defy the dark lord again you will pay with the Villagers lives ah I wonder what that means oh no we need to get back to the Village right now oh no the village oh that's a lot of fire that is a lot of fire um all right I'm gonna chill down there and make sure everyone is safe are you gonna be okay I think I'll just stay out here until you come back all right just stay calm don't panic okay okay I'll hide something more safe good luck oh okay I gotta deal with this I should be fine right right oh um let's deal with this and [Music] maybe if I can use this black hole power it's working Perfect all right this monster should be taken care of your free child run all right the child is safe uh let's go over here oh no another villager all right start power go uh YouTube perfect oh um I'm not afraid of you just give it up okay I gotta I'm strategically running that's exactly what I'm doing so she need to be running he'll never catch up to me strategically running that's it I just gotta get out here and oh fine how about this face me head on huh no no did I lose the dark lord how oh no I'm stuck in here I need to get out hey there you are hey where were you well I'm always with you but I lost you in the village all right stand back I'm gonna use my powers to get out why aren't they working oh no oh no um what do I do I see it's because there's a magical barrier here this is a good don't worry I got a plan stand back okay yeah ah are you okay well I'm fine I'm okay uh Plan B I'm gonna go find another way to catch it out be right back okay taking my sword for me hi ah there you are you need to get out of here come on get out of here yeah let's go how did you get here in the first place it's not important magic here I don't know if I can use mine come on this way we're almost there we're stuck in here before so we should be fine all right where are you okay it's fine it's fine I can go on oh great I found you there you are all right what's going on I can't go with you why come on what oh no wait you're the I'm a I'm a void and I'm using this human to hunt down the stars this is bad the void is our enemy I knew something was off about you oh the last star will be mine not if we get to it first here let me carry you here we go I mean you could have carried me this whole time yeah but it was hard it's okay you get some rest okay okay but you need to find the last star clay looks like this is a place there it is okay all right you stay here okay okay get some rest you can do this on my own I oh there's a star oh it's crying oh well they look so sad when they cry no this is too easy to get across oh it's a puzzle okay all right I've got this stay there little one okay happy now okay all right let's see um no you can come over here too it's not gonna come over here it's fine all right um just go through this way go through that way I'll get you imma get you come on over here [Music] what wait a minute whoa I've got a crown and I can fly that's why I can whoa oh yes you did it I did look I've got one of your siblings too see now you could go stop the dark lord let's go there you are you've returned yes I'm not afraid of you in fact I know who you are and I'm Gonna Save him okay the power of the Stars [Music] it's annoying all right I'll use a store that used [ __ ] oh that work I think you got him best at me oh he's back to normal I'm free thank you you're welcome my Lord we're free we're finally free we are it's all thanks to her oh wait she she's the star goddess the one who watches over us all she is you have my thanks it's no problem I'm just happy to save my village now we can work together to make this Village a better place
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,821,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: VcrcUgsuSBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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