help this game is a rollercoaster | STARDEW VALLEY #5

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all right so i really actually did something and just kind of played stardew valley to escape the uh imploding world and country that i live in so much that now i am uh all the way through winter and almost entirely through spring but i stopped when i realized that literally tomorrow or well the last time i played it they were like tomorrow is the you guessed it what is it called again the spring flower dance remember that remember that remember how i didn't want to go to that because i didn't have a date i didn't uh have anybody who wanted to go with me yeah things have changed things have changed since then so i am gonna be attending the dance tonight and i just am gonna let you know as well that i don't remember what time they said it was gonna be at so i guess i should go into town and check that out don't want to miss it yeah i have no idea what goes on there uh i will say that if somebody doesn't have like a thing for me to change into like a dress or something if you're telling me that i have to attend a dance a big dance in front of everybody i really have no idea what time it's at so i'm just gonna go to where they said it was gonna be and just wait there i think because i don't want to miss it and i will if i am enabled to do that what was i going to say oh yeah no if i don't get a change of clothes if i have to wear this and look like this at a dance oh it's kent kent came back yeah and he uh i've started giving him coffee every day because he like the first like few days he was here oh okay they're they're setting it up so i'll just have to go there i guess later but i don't remember it's probably at nine right but yeah no kent saw me digging through the trash like three days in a row so i have been i guess he gets up pretty early makes sense but yeah i had to uh give him some coffee to to get because that's all that's the only interaction this man had with me he's like oh there's that uh that trash digging girl there she is yep don't know anything oh she's a humble farmer really well she digs through the trash like a raccoon so all right it's 8 20. i'm gonna check again what does he do what are you doing ken what's what's up you okay you've been here a while now haven't you your farm must be thriving kent mind your business no it's not thriving yeah you would think you would certainly think that it would be but alas i am i'm a humble farmer i didn't say i was a good farmer oh the flower dance has begun in the forest okay i have to wear this what is going on a trap this is a trap okay what the hell where is it i thought it was a trap i've never been down here no way oh my god is this something i can wear come on please please please give me a dress for something come on please i have to wear this to the dance are you kidding me okay well where's my boyfriend ugh sebastian right this dance he said the exact thing ugh yeah same oh my god i didn't even get to read that i did it i i went too fast but i think you i think it was do you oh my god thank god ugh i'm such a reckless player i don't even read that thank god he's asking me if i want to be his partner because of course he he's asking me because i'm his girlfriend oh and abigail's right there too love that i mean we're cool we're totally cool but i still do like that she's there won't lie to ya because i think they were partners last year if i heard correctly i wouldn't know i wasn't here this is actually a really nice event i had no idea sebastian goes you want to be my partner for the flower dance okay i look forward to it i mean duh you're my boyfriend of course what if i asked sam you know what i admit it i really like flowers oh sam's a sweetie what's up i should have brought my fishing pole okay yeah you could dance with that frog season is really starting to pick up ah i know right isn't it great isn't it great i love frog season no this is the life huh kid sweet wine a babbling brook warm air did i mention wine geez she's such a mess such a mess oh shane i'm sorry mmm excellent sauce slurp yikes oh he's just eating okay these springtime dances can be really hold on these springtime dances can be traced back to ancient fertility rituals okay ah the air smells so sweet with all these flowers hey did you know that me and sebastian are paired up for the dance don't worry i'm on birth control um anyway this open field it makes me nervous oh poor guy that's sad i wish pierre would spend this time with the family where the hell is he he's uh he's at in oh he's over there oh i'm stuffed hey have you tried the red jelly yet i haven't had time to eat oh my god are these two together are they brother and sister i wore my best shirt for the dance this sort of thing doesn't happen very often elliot you wear that shirt every single day hi amanda glad to see you here you too leah i love you oh look at these two these two little tikes that's not fair why can't i be the flower queen because i'm the flower queen so sit the down what else oh is jaz saying that or jess jess someday i'm gonna be the flower queen yes someday you will but for now step aside because i'm the flower queen look at haley out here waiting i'm practicing my dance moves it needs to be perfect haley you're the flower queen okay i'm just enjoying the scenery okay wow yeah he's standing there watching haley weird alex come on haley to let you know if you don't already that's happening oh wait hold on let me uh keep talking to people not yet what george flowers i can hardly see them what are you talking about they're everywhere evelyn you're gonna take him to the doctor get his eyes dragged i've been working on these floral arrangements for a week do you like them oh my god george is such a like he's he's like such a gas lady-ass dick like he's like i can't even see these flowers your wife has been working on them tirelessly for a week this is her work that you're insulting right now okay i didn't practice am i supposed to know something i don't know what this is i'm nervous oh penny you're fine everybody loves you i'm working up the courage to ask someone to dance with me okay harvey good luck i guess maro what's up i like dancing but this one's a little stilted the old timers really love it though yeah right this is a little stilted oh god he's right here lurking i wonder if emily would dance with me i don't know i i can't tell you any i don't know yeah i do not know do not know oh sebastian this is weird your town is a little weird it's fine no it's not oh my god okay yeah let's just get this thing over with come on i don't know what to expect well should we start the dance now yes let's get it over with come on i have to wear this this white shirt haley looks like a princess i can't believe this national embarrassment that i'm witnessing right now no they did not do this to me no this is a this is a mockery they're making a mockery of me i don't know if i'm supposed to be doing something this is cringing me out so bad i hate this i hate everything about what i'm seeing right now i really do everything about this i hate everybody i hate everything i think sebastian is embarrassing himself too so i didn't even i didn't even no that was not fun that was fun time to go home no it wasn't that was the worst that was the worst thing i've ever witnessed in my life i'm not gonna lie to you i really am not i don't even know where to start i really didn't expect that so first and foremost i think everybody noticed that i stuck out like a sore thumb because every other girl was provided with a beautiful white spring dress where did was i said was i supposed to get the dress somewhere i did not receive this dress okay every other got a king princess cinderella dress they made me go out there in front of the whole town in my white shirt the one thing i was worried about i saw when it first started i saw the girls in the dresses and i thought that surely they wouldn't just not give me one too they wouldn't render one on me too why couldn't they just render all the girls with the dress why why i ask i feel like i wasn't even doing the moves other people were i feel like i had no idea what i was doing i didn't know any of the moves maybe i was supposed to come last year maybe i should have come last year maybe i would have had a dress if i came to the first one but i didn't and i don't regret that i do i regret just going in general i really do uh i think that it was cringy i hated when i noticed like that the boys were just like i can't even say it out loud it's so cringy they were just like bending their knees and getting closer to us and going back it was so weird i don't like that tradition i don't get it i don't like it everything about it actually i am condemning the flower festival dance i don't know what it's called i'm condemning it though i am i fully condemn it i think it's problematic we're it's 20 21 we're not doing fertility dances anymore first of all we don't need it there's no need i know that it's tradition but y'all didn't give me a dress i really just don't think it suits sebastian to do to participate in that i didn't like it i've never looked at him and felt cringed out until now i was cringed out i will not lie i was cringed out by everything i saw including sebastian not even sebastian could give solace to my eyes i hate it i hated it it gets zero stars would not can recommend the fl i'm so deeply offended and i'm not kidding when i say that it was the worst day of my life i don't know yeah i just hated everything about what i just participated in i don't like what it stands for i just don't like it i think that it was a calculated effort to make a mockery of me i really do because i'm the town farmer because i'm also happy to be really cute and i'm not single anymore so i think people wanted to make a mockery of me and sebastian because i don't think that he looked good in that blue thing that they gave him they made him wear why was there a unifi i'm just i'm never ever going to be over this not ever why was everybody dressed in the same thing except for me why because i'm an outsider because i'm not a part of this community commune this cult these people are in this is a cult that dance that really freaked me out guys i might move i might leave i thought y'all were normal and not i would i'm shaking i'm shaking i am i'm shaken by the flower dance i hate it i i hate it i kind of can't believe that no one's talking about this either this is i need to raise awareness about the this is not i just hate i hate everything that i just went through i really do i hate it i feel like i'm in mid-summer actually as a matter of fact the the movie because i'm like i just saw like a a ritual be being done that was so horrifying to me but to to these people it's normal it's just another tuesday for them but for me that was horrifying i'm traumatized i hate it i hate it and i don't know yeah a lot of a lot of trust has been broken see i almost threw away my copper hoe cause i'm that that throws away randomly yeah i don't think i'll ever be over this i really don't i hate it i hate everything about it i think that me and sebastian can live happy full lives without having to ever ever attend that event ever again ever again in any capacity no just not doing it i'm not doing it ever again yeah i'm mad i'm mad i'm mad at mayor lewis for tricking me into going to that i am mad at i'm just mad at everyone i'm mad at everyone for not warning me they set me up i don't think sebastian knew about it either because he hates that and you know what that's why i love him he hates the finn flower dance he hates it he thinks it's stupid even though he grew up here he was indoctrinated with that and he still hates it he sees the inherent evil that lurks behind it that that it's rotted from within i hate everybody i hate this yeah i'm never talking about it again i just don't even want to talk about it anymore so that happened my steel pickaxe is ready yeah it's the least i deserve oh look at the flowers beautiful milk cows and goats yeah i don't have any of that my farm is not thriving kent oh i wanted to yes okay so big shout out to every single person who constantly is puts me uh sets me on the right track when i am wayward and lost because as you may or may not know i'm i'm basically for the most part trying to figure this game out on my own like i'm not really doing a lot of guides and stuff i just i don't know i just kind of like playing games like that but then i get reminded of why i shouldn't do that because this is wonderful to be able to do how did i not know that i could do this like this is great and i've just been wasting time uh also god just a typical amanda to update you on what's new um so once i'm done with my plans i will show you but i got a silo i did i got my silo and thankfully by the time i got it there were a few patches of grass left and see i thought i was smarter than everyone else you know everybody telling me not to not to scythe all the grass they were telling me like oh no don't cut the grass and i was like don't worry i heard you know like i said i don't really like to use guides but every once while you know i'll hear something i'm not like trying to avoid every single type of hint ever but you know i just had heard that like oh you know don't cut all the grass before you get your silo because you'll need it and so what i did i thought i was smart i thought that that that the fibers were what mattered so i have 605 put it all in here put all the fibers in there i was like i'll have plenty of fibers for my silo that's not how it works i just assumed that that's what that meant that you were gonna take all that stuff and put it in the silo how wrong i was so now all my grass is gone and my silo only has i mean that's decent yeah but i just wish i had saved the grass doesn't everybody so yeah um thank you again for trying to save me another thing i was doing is i am so so good at this so smart so intuitive i was throwing away the secret notes that i was finding because i thought i was like oh i got that magnifying glass to um to re with which to read the secret notes and i i couldn't find it i thought it was an item that you had to physically use and i couldn't find it anywhere so i was like oh i must have lost the magnifying glass just like i lose everything i guess i'll just never get to read these notes and i'll have to look up you know the things that they could have been telling me how wrong i was aren't i always uh so so yeah i uh stop i'm gonna stop doing that um i haven't actually tried to read a secret note since because i haven't really found one yet i just found that out um so that's a thing i'm gonna try my best to stop doing is throwing away the secret notes you see here do i have anything i can make some stuff with yeah so slowly but surely i am getting a hang of this game i am i also i'm starting to give more people presents and stuff you know i'm trying to try to make friends i do have to go back to the caves i have to keep getting as many oars as i can yeah so i want to keep focusing on trying to get some more buildings because i finally am like getting the hang of this i feel like and also of course going into the cave some more and uh trying to get some more cut scenes too you know because i've been trying to give people gifts trying to give more people gifts you know i just can't believe everybody ganged up on me at the flower dance really can't really really really can't still i don't think i'll ever be over it i really don't took some more trash out of the trash because i'm so smart and good at this game so i'm just gonna throw away the trash again and put it into another garbage can hi evelyn oh wow oh wow i'm good enough friends with haley wow okay hi emily i love that when she says that i really do i hope you're farming in a sustainable way the valley's ecosystem is fragile oh yeah y'all told me i gotta be friends with her she's the girl who's gonna get me out of this white skin shirt dude uh yeah i'm i am gonna be showering her with gifts thank you i'm feeling positive energy from this gift i love her okay did i go through her trash already yet no wow nice okay how about this one who's in here this is where sam lives right nobody's home she wants to go huh wow see yeah see i've been working on my relationships with people obviously sebastian stole my baby linus but i got three hearts with sam three hearts with the wizard hello three hearts with abby uh haley only have two hearts but whatever wow extra strong hair gel geez there's a bunch of skateboarding magazines sam's electric guitar it has a pair of active pickups and a whammy bar oh okay who is this what does sebastian play the keyboard he would he would he totally would it's sam's computer he's got an extensive library of computer games i love how you could just walk through their beds looks like sam cleans his trash bin regularly that's good that's good to see happening really good i have got to plant these seeds i cannot forget so i'm going to go do that but i'm also going to who lives here again leah only leah's friends can enter that's actually a really cool house leah lives there alone that's awesome good for her oh my god oh my god shane i guess we better call an ambulance oh my god she goes oh dear oh dear oh god now i have to come in and wipe chain off the floor i think it's like one in the afternoon too amanda can you do something he's out cold me do i look like a doctor what am i doing oh god shane not a good skin look not a good luck dude this is this is rock bottom buddy you gotta get up oh my god nice nice nice i like that that was very petty and she just like steps aside she's like wake the up good for her good shane what's the matter with you all you do anymore is mope around your room and drink beer yeah probably oh shane you wouldn't understand i'm worried oh is that it oh joss what's your plan don't you ever think about the future plan hopefully i won't be oh wow hopefully i won't be around long enough to need a plan shane stop oh see i'm sorry too i just feel like you need to get help yeah you need to get help yeah you're gonna have to get help wow that's so sad i really hate that looking for some supplies you can act like that didn't happen i wouldn't if i were you honestly you okay i'm not supposed to talk to strangers yo you could talk to me anytime am i allowed to give her coffee i'm not gonna do that what's up girl you've been here a while now how's your farm doing don't ask marnie where the hell did shane go i'm like so worried about him but i think i mean i'm not qualified to help him through this i'm just not oh you all got a nice place this is nice this is nice uh yeah shane needs to get professional help i just i'm not qualified to deal with that i'm just not uh but yeah it's really really sad that he feels like that because i think he's a great guy and i don't i hate to hear that he's struggling i really do i wish there was something i could do to help him this game is so much more serious than i thought it would be oh there's the train i don't have time to catch that i gotta plant my kale anywhere and everywhere that i don't already have some shane i feel so bad for him he's my friend he's my friend i'm gonna help my friend through through his through what he's going through of course i am you know but he's not a love interest and i just don't know how to help him through through that i think he needs to get professional help and call i'll give him a number for some hotlines that can help him i'm just uh yeah i'm gonna continue to be his friend continue to support him that's all i can do you can't save somebody if they don't want to be saved now i'm gonna go see about what building i should put up next because i'm just this is the year that i start taking seriously my first year is over no more this the grace period is over i gotta get my together now you know i'm not gonna keep playing the uh you know i just got here i'm just learning how the game works no excuses no it is go time it is go time hi robin what's up robin hey you're always welcome to visit us even if you aren't shopping you know no yeah i know and i am not shopping because i think you guys are closed by the way but i'm also checking in on my boo he ain't home where is he i should know his schedule by now but i don't oh hi guys where's where's debbie i plan on spending a lot of time with my telescope this summer oh how's the farming business going it's parsnip season isn't it i love that he just knows he just knows you know pretty much everything everything about everything you know he's a smart guy i knew i'd find you out here i just knew it could you picture me living on a farm i'm jumping into the river he just said that to me y'all he just said that to me that is like the first thing he's ever really said about like our future together we haven't talked about this yet oh my god he just said can you picture me living on a farm yeah i can actually i think you'd be a great farmer it seems ridiculous but i have been thinking about it lately oh my god he's gonna ease my he's yeah he's been thinking about his future with me lately he has yeah i'm just gonna give him a coffee by the way here you go thanks i like this yeah i like you okay yo sebastian has been thinking about living on a farm he's yeah he's willing to go all in on me am i doing this right now i'm really going into the cave right now really wait i didn't even pick up my pickaxe never mind never mind yeah retreat at least i came and talked to sebastian and he said that you guys believe it he's been thinking about moving in with me and being a farmer sebastian i have turned this boy's world upside down i really have i take full credit he was talking about leaving for the big city like a month ago and now he's he's thinking about living on a farm what it would be like to live on a farm yep yep yep that's the reality of the situation it is uh and i'm i couldn't be happier really couldn't yeah give me my pitch for please thank you took you long enough really did take you long enough god god let's see you know i actually haven't been down to the beach in like forever actually i try to go get some shells since i still don't know how to fish i have to like get shells and you can pick up from the land in order to make fish dishes so yep as i pick up all this stuff go over to my secret little stop here who the is that who is that guy watching me who just appeared who the hell are you state your name old mariner ah i can see it in your eyes there's there be a special someone in your heart just so happens that i'm selling a mermaid's pendant give that to your intended and they'll know exactly what you mean okay okay so you're the engagement guy all right yeah give me give me the mermaids pendant come on yeah yep i'll save it for a rainy day not this rainy day another rainy day but alas a rainy day nonetheless yeah i'm not ready yet you know it's kind of like when you buy the engagement ring and you're like just waiting for the right time it's that kind of thing you know you know there's still so much to do so much to think about you know so much to do to prepare what is this oh my god speak of the devil speak of the devil amanda sebastian hey wow didn't think i'd see you out here did you just see what i bought from that guy i hope not hey i'm surprised to find you out here in the rain yeah speak for yourself even though i know you come out here in the rain every time it rains because you're dramatic and now we can both be dramatic together look at all those dark clouds looming over the horizon he's so dramatic i hope they come this way oh god i like this weather because it makes everyone disappear you know oh my god he's so dramatic being around people makes me feel anxious me too savvy me too i hate everyone every day i'm just wondering are they thinking about my shirt are they thinking about the fact that i'm not a very good farmer are they judging me do they think i'm dumb do they think i'm awkward dude does anybody even like me why didn't they give me a dress at the dance you know like i'm constantly worrying oh let me just bask in this um he goes i don't feel that way around you though i don't feel that way around you either you don't take any energy from me you give me energy we're getting soaked i know i just don't even care oh here there's room for two oh my god my boyfriend and me yep wow oh my god look at us this is so romantic he loves me and we don't make each other anxious i mean he just like you know made my heart fly yet again yet again for like the millionth time he's done that and i'm just uh reeling oh i gotta give her more coffee hey girl got your usual thank you i'm feeling a positive energy from this gift i love her she's so cute i guess i should get another tool going you know because it takes three days that's it's it's a day later a day later and i and i'm and i walk into this i discover this goodness goodness gracious my oh my we've got a big mess uh this is very awful for me to witness like yeah amanda shane what are you doing buddy i'm i'm sorry my my life oh god it's a pathetic joke look at me why do i even try sob oh shane i'm too small and stupid to take control of my life i'm just a piece of soiled garbage fluttering in the wind yeah i feel like that most of the time actually i've been coming here often lately looking down here's a chance to finally take control of my life these cliffs oh my god trigger warning jesus but but i'm too scared too anxious just like always this is devastating i'm not gonna lie like amanda all i do is work sleep and drink to dull the feelings of self-hatred why should i even go on tell me tell me why i shouldn't roll off this cliff right now jesus christ this is like a lot to saddle with your players dude what the hell oh my god shane yeah yeah we're not saying that that's for damn sure the decision is your own just know that i'm here for you because there's so much to live for yeah no that's toxic positivity next just needs you you're like a father to her uh no i mean you know this is yeah the decision is yours but i'm here for you and i mean i'm obviously not gonna let him do that i'm gonna stop him but at the same time i just want him to know that i'm here for him everything else seems very guilt-trippy and just wrong thanks i appreciate that i really do oh shane amanda i think you should take me to the hospital now oh okay this ended well i'm glad that he wants to go to the hospital oh god now we're here at the hospital jesus i've pumped his stomach and rehydrated his body he's going to be okay oh thank god thank god harvey it's good that you brought him in though too much alcohol is terrible for the body but right now i'm most worried about his mental health me too me too i'm glad that you're addressing this when he comes to i'll have a chat with him about his treatment options i know an excellent counselor in zuzu city oh good thank god thank god life can be painful sometimes but there's always hope for a better future you just gotta believe in that yeah yeah it sucks being a human being it really does oh wow here she comes to yell at me i don't know oh i thought this was a good scene it's not i was like what i don't think this is a part of the cutscene but i actually i would love to give you something i don't know if i i don't have anything to give her am i gonna give her bug meat bug me ew yeah not doing it wow that was that was dark dude damn that's so up whoo baby yikes my god can't even start my day without a scandal love this how you doing buddy what's going on did you see a doctor oh man uh how do i say this i'm really sorry about what happened at the cliffs that was embarrassing no no no it's five literally i've been in that place before i'm just happy you're still here it was that serious huh i can hardly remember yeah you you were in a dark place i'm just so happy you're here i've decided that i want to see a therapist harvey got me in touch with a colleague of his shane that's so great i'm so proud of you anyway i just wanted to thank you for taking care of me and i want you to know that i'm going to take care of things a little more seriously from now on i don't want to be a burden on anyone oh shane i'm very proud of you you will always be my friend poor sheen that's really sad yeah i mean you know it's like oh great nice amanda that's really sad too oh wow shane is not here maybe is it time yet i don't know i just yeah i've never seen him not here he's actually doing it i'm so proud of him i'm gonna give elliott a coffee i have never given him anything this is for me marvelous yeah you're welcome yeah wow shane's not here today where is he shane i'm just gonna watch him i'm just gonna stand there and watch you burn i think i might be gaining weight i i it's okay but the fact that you're literally standing there drinking again it's your life but it just breaks my heart wow i really thought that he was gonna change i believe i have a george cut scene for some reason let's let's see how this goes how am i gonna reach that letter in the back you could ask for help you could or you could just have penny exist what a sweetheart here let me help you mr mullner and of course george is probably gonna yell at her for being an angel an angel on this earth i could have done it myself and i can certainly move around on my own how feeble do you think i am george shut the up here i come i'm like george did you say something or was that the wind howling amanda were you watching us i'm just taking a walk minding my own business honestly i don't want to say that but i'm going to say this of course i want to be a support girl supporting girls that's what we need you're a sweetheart penny thank you i just wish george wasn't so upset i was only trying to help listen don't take a single goddamn thing that man says seriously ever ever he's miserable no i'm sorry miss i shouldn't have gotten so angry it was actually very kind of you to help me out that's right simp that's okay mr mullner i understand penny is an angel yeah we don't deserve penny get the hell out of here it must be difficult to grow old yeah yikes no it's just a different part of life you're right we shouldn't ignore the reality of aging i guess the sooner we come to terms with our mortality the more time we can spend really living in the here and now that's right girl well it was interesting talking to you amanda i should go bye penny you're a sweetheart you're an angel my girl penny's my girl yeah i with penny forever she has caught me going through the trash a couple times but whatever i gotta give emily some more can you put your scarecrow away you stupid crazy all right not gonna lie i'm already like almost almost all the way through fall now because i just totally uh sunk my entire life over this last weekend into stardew valley because it is one of the most one of the most i don't even have any words actually it's the day of the fair um so i gotta get ready for the fair while i put off an emotional uh testament about stardew valley which i will probably end up delivering no matter what but basically um this game is so gosh calming therapeutic to me like i just i don't even know it makes me feel like so safe and like comforted and i just like when i'm having like a really hard time or when i'm just like kind of you know and i've just kind of been like doing a lot and i'm like really tired and i need like i need like a genuine escape like it's so hard to find games that make you feel that way again like like you did when you were a kid and you used to like go to go to school and like get made fun of and be miserable and you just couldn't wait to come home to get to your to to your comforter game you know the game that like always offered you a lot of comfort and i feel like stardew valley yeah wow nice horrible luck today love that pretty sure i've had bad luck the last like three days in a row so that's so great oh my pumpkins uh oh my god just in time for the fair please don't cut anything amanda jeez yeah forever pressing the wrong button it's fine wow i am really gonna have like so much to offer at the fair this year today i'm coming prepared oh did you notice my hair by the way yeah i decided to let it down for the fair i went to the wizards house and i changed it there because i can do that the only thing i have not yet gained access to is that sewing machine at emily's even though i have been all up her ass like i have been showering her with gifts every day like please let me use your sewing machine oh my god and she's i've had i had like actually a couple cut scenes with her i don't know if i ended up recording them um you know because sometimes you know this game i just need to like literally hibernate under blankets and play it for like five hours straight you know there's nothing i don't know it's just like so therapeutic to me it's like yeah it's just like a beautiful feeling to just like escape and just ugh when is it gonna start i don't have all damn day i guess i should water my crops i don't know but what was i saying oh yeah no i'm trying to win emily's uh heart so that she will let me use her sewing machine because i am so sick of not having a shirt i think i would be so cute if i could just be dressed i think that would be so great it would solve a lot of my problems actually you know it really would when does this start probably nine right yeah nine o'clock well i'm gonna probably win this year i mean did you see the products that i'm offering yeah and i'm actually gonna get a star drop this year too because i didn't do that either of course i can't do anything right oh the fair has begun i'm just gonna get to the end of this row because i probably won't even make time to do this later i better though honestly what do you damn crops oh wait i gotta feed my animals by the way hello hi i actually do have animals now wow i can't believe i forgot to show you my babies my babies okay so in this barn gotta let them out hi babies good morning ladies okay this is what is this is willow this is jacqueline this is maeve and then this is figs my girls my ladies and then i also have i have chickens too i'm so happy it is it has like just i mean it's my dream come true having cows you know and chickens and now i have them and i'm saving up for a horse hopefully i'll be able to get my horse barn soon and then my mega barn for all my ladies and then my other ladies hello ladies oh my babies hi ladies thanks for giving me your period who's this rebecca sneep who's this no don't eat the eggs frothy i just like pulled their names out of my ass um and then the other one's name what is the other one's name oh i think it's delilah i've gotta feed my babies yeah being a farmer means you know everyone else can go to the fair right on time but me not quite i have until like three to get there though so i'm all done my ladies are taken care of that's all that matters and now i can go to the fair oh my god i'm so excited to see what the fkin uh fortune teller says yeah you remember last year she's like i see you and shane in a field together like shut up no you don't try again look again look harder this time here it is here's the fair woo yay here we are i don't have any tokens yet but i will well amanda it's the big day our most important festival of the year the stardew valley fair if you'd like to participate by setting up a grange display i've left an empty stand for you step aside step aside people yeah i i've come back with a vengeance you remember last year when i wasn't prepared yeah procrastination never heard of her gold stars across the board thank you very much really look forward to beating uh what's his name again uh hunter wil willard what's his name pierre duh i'll be back i just really need to talk to my boyfriend and also um this over here my boyfriend it's kinda hectic today i'm just gonna hang out here for a while i get it sepi yeah oh yes my crystal ball is swirling with visions of your future young one what do we got ah yes i see you at the beach there's some kind of event taking place you walk up to wizard and say something funny hmm it seems like you two are good friends are you kidding me threw it in at the last minute to save her ass yes she's like oh she didn't want to hear about her good friendship with the wizard i've been using that man for his ability to change my hair when i need to okay now she sees me in sebastian in a field of grass we seem happy we are thank you yes we are ah you're in combat what oh god oh what i remember being this crazy last year there's something dreadful bearing down on you from the dark but you seem more than ready to face it ah the crystal ball has gone dim that's all i can do for you young one now just keep in mind that the future isn't set in stone whatever i've told you today can still be changed if you set your heart on it farewell yeah i don't think i'm gonna be changing look at the wizard yo why were you in my vision well wick and i have known each other for a long time she's a remarkable d diviner div diviner is that that word i don't know that word and a good friend y'all just can kiss already get it over with i get it yeah look at my hair sabby don't i look nice guess what the diviner said hey amanda having a good time it's it's all right hello shane all these animals are friendly and love to get massaged yeah mine are also friendly and love getting massage too gus is grilling a batch of pork ribs yikes oh yikes indeed oh linus i want him to come over here linus these animals never judge people by their looks the same can't be said for humans ain't that the truth linus for real though tourist wow that's the biggest cheese wheel i've ever seen very impressive yes impressive wheel of cheese i already beat all the games now what she's such a like adult child hey what's up girl can i use your sewing machine hell yeah is that enough is that was it 2000 i'm a good gambler you know you just kind of throw yourself into it yay i got a star drop oh i ate it right then and there okay wow wow damn what's going on what's this you found a star drop your mind is filled with thoughts of mothman your mind is filled with thoughts of mothman yeah yeah basically just this has been a great experience for me your maximum energy level has increased hell yes so worth it oh my god yes y'all two are just getting married aren't you okay i think i'm done here you guys have lost my interest bye and i have more energy now because mothman came and blessed me so cute i love this game so much i kind of can't even like i can't even tell you how much i love this game and how thankful i am that y'all like insisted that i play it because it really i mean it's been a while i don't know this game has like given me so much comfort like in a time where i feel like i can never really escape i can't escape my like anxiety you know and it's been so long since i've had like a like something that can really like helped me to just help pull me out of that help like really calm me down and this game is so awesome and so therapeutic and so rich and i just love it so much and i can't believe that like just one guy made this game it's like so good and so beautiful and i hope he knows how much people love this game and how much they get out of it because it's really done so much for me to the point where it's like you know where should i post my my stardew valley sebastian shane love triangle fanfic like where where should which site should i post that on because it's something i need to express because i have a lot of feelings and this game is permeating my soul so you know it's only fair that i write a fanfic which i always say that i will do that but i actually like really wrote like the first chapter and i want to post it because i just have a lot of feelings and it's 1am and i haven't watered every single plant yet and i probably won't get to love that see how much i can get done oh yeah i'm probably gonna pass oh it's probably really more important to go to bed you know in the real world just like so we're oh i forgot to sell my i'm not gonna have any money tomorrow it's fine another emily cutscene but she still won't let me use that sewing machine though ah another beautiful day in pelican town oh wow look at this oh my goodness how gorgeous oh she's like snow white oh my gosh my friends i i love her if y'all are trying to get me to catch feelings for emily like it's working obviously oh oh oh oh god oh jesus oh no you poor thing yeah jeez is he dead your wings broken oh she's like snow white oh i love her oh she's such a angel oh you're a bit different than the others aren't you just like me i love her okay don't worry i'll nurse you back to health little one everything will be okay ugh yo i really am catching feelings for emily uh-oh i mean there's just no girl like her emily took the injured parrot into her home and bandaged the wing he's all set up he's all set up in her room but as a token of respect she didn't give the bird a name huh as a token of respect i don't know i find names very respectful that's sweet though i guess i mean i can see it i i guess kind of emily is like she's like a disney princess for real she really is she's like a disney princess yep that's emily meanwhile i am literally struggling to to survive to get to the bar for some pizza emily wait emily wait talk to me yeah i don't need tips about haley i need your sewing machine to be let's be honest here let's cut to the chase imagine just like guzzling a whole thing of like hot coffee this is bad she's a badass she doesn't give a it's crazy it's really reckless and crazy is it sam down there my friend my buddy sam did i already tell y'all yeah i saw um i got a cutscene with sam and it was of course him and sebastian practicing band practice yeah yeah because you know i always get to have a musician yep every time and he plays the keyboard and guess what so does my husband in real life so that's interesting right where is he where is sebby i see all this time i still haven't like managed to learn his schedule i'm sure he's like you know technically in the game it's actually my birthday okay the 17th of like what october you know where is oh linus guess what i have for you yep and you get to have one of my gold star yams that's right no it's for lioness no this is wonderful you've really made my day special i know linus i know where's my boyfriend no one knows whatever i'm just gonna go into the mines i guess look at my little flower i just went and bought from hat boy so cute hello robin i would like to buy a whole ass horse and barn for the horse as well can you hook me up yay horse included what a deal what is what a steal what a deal what a steal uh i hope i can move this someday because my farm is obviously such a damn mess yeah sure okay i'll start working on your stable first thing tomorrow morning so do i have to wait three days to have yeah and i can't have her working on anything else obviously she's just one girl amanda geez but uh yeah i am going to get a horse and he's going to be my best friend sabby guess what i'm getting a horse i've been reading a book about a farmer reminds me a lot of you actually oh my god i am crying oh my god he's so sweet like i don't know if i've taken pictures or if i've recorded it but he is like trying y'all he's like learning how to be a farmer and like picturing his life on a farm and like he wants to learn how to cook it and he also he was like oh you must be working so hard on the on the farm i should probably try to get a job like he said that because he really loves me and he wants to like be a better man so that he could be my husband you know like and that's the thing like i oh sorry if that creeps you out never baby i got you some coffee thanks i like this never baby you can tell me you can be as crazy about me as you as you want as you need to be he is so sweet i just every day he gets better honestly hi baby where are you going you going up to the train up to the train tracks no he really just gets better and better and i think we've talked about this but i i do have like the mermaid pendant thing right but i don't i'm not ready i'm not ready yet to get married it's not that i don't like know for a fact it's sebastian because it's definitely sebastian like a thousand percent but i also like i just you know it's a lot it's like a big thing to get married and so i'm not trying to rush it at all i'm not it's not something that needs to be rushed you know it's something that isn't going anywhere it's only going to get stronger and why rush you know i have nothing to nothing to prove or anything i really so i did this thing where i cut down every single damn tree in my entire yard and now i kind of regret it um so i'm putting tappers out on other on trees that aren't even mine because i have to and then i'll just come back and get the maple syrup i don't know i don't know i should probably put one on this tree too if i can there we go nobody touched my maple syrup i'm putting like a permit on those that you don't touch my oh my god my horse my horse oh hi horsey grover that's really cute uh no it's not going to be grover it's going to be wait oh okay hmm what am i going to name him grover is a cute name i think i'm going to name him rigby rigby because why not grover's cute though maybe i'll do grover for something else rigby hi rigby how do i ride oh my god it's over for everyone in town wait till they see me oh my god wait till they see me now wait is my horse wearing a bow is my horse wearing a bow rigby's a girl she's beautiful she's so cute look at her oh my god rigby's a girl it's okay rigby is a gender-neutral name look at my beautiful horse oh my god wait till daddy sebastian sees you emily i will stop at nothing to make sure you get your ruby hold on just a second rugby i gotta go through the trash how do i feed my horse hello hey girls have i fed my cows and chickens yet wow i have so much responsibility it's really hard being a farmer but anyway yeah my horse is my best friend all these out here my best friends my only friends pretty sure uh banksy is the only boy on the farm currently everybody else is a girl and we'd love to see it oh i wish i could whistle for my horse what game is that from i'm thinking like i i was like where's my my whistle button that's got to be like red dead redemption poisoning my brain weren't you able to whistle for your horse in uh harvest moon too i feel like you were well looks like we have time for one more shane cut scene that i didn't ask for but okay she said wow shane you look unusually happy today you're right i haven't felt this light since i was a kid oh shame that makes me happy shane i just came in to buy like a goat honestly i i just whenever y'all are done i'd love to get uh to purchase a goat if not a few goats a herd of goats if you will let me guess gus had a clearance sale on canned beer stop we're trying to help him through this good one um no actually i've been drinking sparkling water instead of beer and i feel great it's shane same lacroix gang over here you know i sometimes forget you know i sometimes forget that i really do have friends people that care about me and it's okay for me to rely on them it doesn't make me weak oh shane i'm so proud of you fanfic swells in the background oh i love it good job shane i'm so proud of shane he looks sharp oh shane hey joss i got something for you a huge bag he just can plops down this massive present buying her love in the most classic cartoon way possible bunny jewel slippers yay oh i love it very sweet but but those are so expensive how did you afford them i've cut back on an expensive habit i have a lot more spending money now oh shane please don't let me down oh listen here you little i'm kidding uncle shane's in the barn he said uh he said he needs jesus i think this has gone way too far this is where i'm gonna have to awkwardly reject him after he's doing so so well i love that uncle shane's in the barn he said to tell you he wants to show you something it better be my goats that i ordered please is this my livestock that that i purchased jesus okay fresh eggs that should do it good job shane as your friend as your platonic buddy i'm very happy for you it's the perfect home for you hens we'll have the best eggs in the whole valley fresh and healthy with a rich golden sorry with don't like eggs with rich golden yolks not like those pale sickly joja eggs yeah you know charlie i was thinking a guy like me is always teetering on the edge of despair know what i mean but you and the other hands are going to keep me upright from now on i know it oh shane my heart what's wrong too much pressure chuckle ugh here we come yo why is some of those hens like blue alien blue did he spray paint them hey amanda so uh what do you think i mean yeah it looks very nice i'm very proud my special blue hens i've been raising them in secret for the last few months oh okay that's what yeah yeah i was wondering about those i well i won't be living here forever and i just want to pass something onto jazz i've been teaching her how to care for them i want to feel like i'm not just a leech on the world i want to contribute somehow even in a small way like this good job i'm very very very proud of you shane i really am watch me go up to him and he's like hey off oh he's so sweet see i really wanted him to like deeply offend me oh he's very sweet in another life jane in another life i've really grown attached to marnie's chickens then stay here and take care of them forever i don't know what to tell ya anyway about those goats i would like to have one that was like that vine where the people are fighting at waffle house and the guy's like can i get a waffle can i please get a waffle that was like me with the goat like shane's having this like huge moment and i'm like can i get a goat can i please get a goat what is this oh my god you
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 18,796
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew, theamandafiles, amanda sargent
Id: NTJ8Zhw0djk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 53sec (3593 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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