trying to be a farmer BUT THESE BOYS | STARDEW VALLEY #2

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hey we are back for stardew valley because i am obsessed with this game and i hope you won't be mad at me but i am like i can't stop playing it and i can't like film every single like it's i'm gonna i'm gonna update you i can't stop playing it so i am like on like day 10 or 11 in the summer so like i've gone through like a whole month like i know it was just the beginning in the first video i will say you haven't missed anything drama wise like i i kind of haven't really even talked to sebastian like like at all hardly because a i can't find him and b i haven't been able to have any of his like gifts that i need because his gifts are really hard to get in the beginning so i've just been working on my farm and now when i tell you that i've been working on my farm for like a month and a half i don't know i feel like people would expect my farm to be like can pop and off but it's not i feel like the first like year of stardew valley is really just you like stumbling the around trying to figure out what the hell is going on and how to be a farmer am i not wrong just like maybe like lie to me tell me that that's how it is because i've been working so hard on my farm and on like my farmer life i've been working so hard uh so yeah i i've been working on my farm trying to make trying and failing trying and failing to make money oh let me tell you i haven't really made a lot of money that's for sure money money is like a issue for us and then just like trying like yeah like trying to like survive it's been hard this game is not easy okay and uh and like a couple things you might have missed a the like whole like like i don't even know what was called the flower dance there was a dance right there was a dance where the eligible like singles were like encouraged to show up i'm going to tell you one thing right now apparently according to like everybody they say like it's almost impossible to have the amount of hearts that you need to dance with the person you like right i did look that up because i saw there was a dance and i was like i'm not going to a dance just to embarrass myself i've gone to enough dances in real life and embarrassed myself at them that i don't need another single dance in any other form whether it be video games or what i'm not going to a dance in my life again that i will embarrass myself at like i'm just not i've gone to enough of them but anyway i was like i'm not going if if unless i can like assure myself like success at this dance and i find out that like you need to have like this many hearts with the person and i'm like i don't have that many hearts with sebastian i'm not going and i'm i kid you not i did not go to the dance period i don't know what it looks like i couldn't tell you who was there what it looks like where it was i was like on my farm working really hard working diligently on my farm while everyone else was dancing the night away i don't even care i don't care i will be the first to tell you yeah i didn't go to the blossom dance or whatever the it was called i didn't go i just straight up didn't go another thing i did which you will notice which my patrons were stumped by which is very much just a me thing like only you type thing like only you could do this i lost my shirt i lost my shirt i got the white t-shirt that you start out with because i lost my shirt and i don't know how and i don't know when i don't know why and i don't know how to get it back and everybody's like yeah it's going to be like a while until you're able to get another shirt amanda and i'm like yeah i figured i kind of figured so yeah i really don't have a shirt but i figured it would be like a way like because sebastian does seem like the type that like he would i think he might think it's cool i'm gonna be like yeah i i'm only wearing an undershirt i'm not wearing a shirt because i'm trying to boycott capitalism and conformity because i'm not gonna conform to the same standards as you people yeah i only need the undershirt i'm not going to spend extra money on like an on like a shirt which was like an idea invented by society like i just feel like sebastian would be into that you know and today apparently here's another thing this is like another like simply amanda thing there's like a luau right on the beach there's a luau apparently and they said what the hell is this amanda put your away you woke up holding seeds see this is a kind of like i'm doing on a daily basis like i don't even i still i've been playing this game like so much i still don't even know how to not hold seeds apparently yeah i don't i stop amanda dammit yeah i gotta like pretend okay there we go so there's a luau on the beach right and it's gonna be clear okay tomorrow that's for tomorrow i've learned that this helps too this like oracle thing a little extra luck today so we gotta hit the and i finally got a freaking thing a chest for my because i am a hoarder oh we got like a lot of harvests i think ready right yeah wait sweet peas i don't i really don't what oh these oh these must be the summer seeds that i got from i got my knife out amanda stop trying to shank your plants please [Music] um those must be the summer seeds that i got can you put your pepper away please why are you doing this i'm scared off oh my god you can check in with your scarecrow and see how many crows you've scared off i didn't know that until now anyway i was just thinking about like what the hell like why i had this growing it's because of the summer seeds that i got from the oh i forgot to tell y'all i did the um the center what is that called the uh the community center the community center you know i like did all that with the geronimo's what are they called the june jury amanda you should probably like research the ship before you go to make a video the geronimo's what are they called i don't remember what they're called but the little alien people like i went and um go sell your you stupid you stupid no shirt junomo junomo's are they the junimos i you better keep a few of these because you know you're going to run out of energy today broken cd because you're going through people's trash that's for sebastian and i haven't even really talked to him anyway no no no wait yeah that's fine you can sell that so basically oh and you know what i'm gonna give this to shane like i heard that shane likes peppers so i'm gonna just randomly give it to him to see what happens i just want to see what happens because he's like such a dick and everybody's like give him a pepper see what happens when you give him a pepper and i'm like fine what was i gonna say oh yeah no to update y'all yeah i i did the thing with the junimos is that what they're called i don't even know dunamos is that what they're called that's gotta be what they're called right the junomos they're really cute i love them i really am so supportive of them oh and i did the wizard thing so i met the wizard and i'm sorry that i didn't record it i really didn't realize it was going to be that like that deep with him what is this oh that's banksy banksy my little boy my banksy boy and like so yeah that's what like a month's worth of the game has gotten me i still don't have very much to show for for myself i did the bundles i did the spring bundle and not only did i do the spring bundle but i also planted all the spring seeds like right before the month ended so i got to like you know harvest a bunch of dead crops that didn't mean so that was nice that was really like reassuring and very like it's like a confidence booster you know to like just harvest a bunch of dead crops because that was like yeah i learned that the hard way still have like probably one star with sebastian first of all still can't even find the guy second of all i haven't been able to find any of his gifts until like now so i think i finally have like a few of the gifts that he likes like i found some courts and i'm pretty sure it would be really embarrassing if like that wasn't the case but i'm pretty sure that quartz is something that he likes and then uh there's like a luau today so the best part about the luau is that i have no idea how to cook i don't know if that's something i'm supposed to be able to do right now but the fact of the matter is that i can't cook right now i just can't hi lewis what am i supposed to do thanks for letting me know that the saloon gets lively at night i don't yeah i get it anyway i really am not sure like basically like the the luau is gonna happen on the beach tonight and like apparently it was like a pot it's a potluck and i'm supposed to bring some like i'm supposed to bring food for everyone to eat right and i don't know how to cook anything so i just bought some spaghetti at the bar you guys see that spaghetti at the bar and i'm just gonna bring i don't know that's like cloud i don't know if it's allowed i really don't alex what no alex is uh he's not the worst oh i should probably go to the luau it's 2 p.m already haley what's up if you stay in the sun a lot it'll make your hair lighter yeah and it'll also give you melanoma but it that's fine just make sure to wear like tons of sunscreen is there a luau am i supposed to go to the luau is the luau today i thought for sure the luau was today but i guess not wait is the luau today did i miss the luau did i miss it did i miss the luau is there a luau i thought there was a luau today wait is the lu out today kids okay kids the kids don't care where's the luau i thought there was a luau alex is there a luau or sam is his name sam sam is there a luau what about our national enemy what the hell i mean i know his dad's in the army but like what when's the luau i gotta read the bulletin board maybe i see this is how good i am with the like social aspect of the game which is like so i'm like very much like invested ladies where's the luau is the luau today did i miss the luau i guess i missed it or something nobody's talking about the luau i feel like they would be talking about it if like louis what the hell is going on [Music] okay yeah he's still talking about the bar where's the luau okay apparently it's not the luau today did i miss it i got i guess i missed it i must have missed it i must have missed it because i swear to god the last time i played this game everyone was freaking out about the luau and now no one seems to know what i'm talking about which is great that's embarrassing so apparently we're not doing it we're not doing either we're not doing it or we're or i missed it i'm pretty sure like it's more likely that i must have missed it but i have some good luck today so i really wanted to i really do want to go i feel like they're a thing like i've been seeing them talking i really have i've been seeing them talking haley don't watch me as i do this i'm not proud of it but i have to do what i have to do now i know that you can go and you can see sebastian's schedule but i still like haven't necessarily gone and like learned his schedule necessarily i feel like we wouldn't have a luau on a thursday you know maybe maybe this weekend you know i really don't know though i can't really tell ya when the damn luau was maybe i was an idiot and just did farm work the whole day of the luau which is sounds like something i would do there's robin so yeah a couple things i found out robin is actually sebastian's mother so i better start getting along with her right you're always welcome to visit us even if you aren't shopping you know you know what robin i love you and i stand you and i want to learn more from you and about you i'm going to be like the best daughter-in-law in the world because yeah sebastian is like my one and only right now and uh yeah i haven't done a good job of learning what his schedule is because i've been so passionate about farming okay so i'm assuming wait it's locked why why why is it locked why is it locked hey maru what's up oh she's so cute she's gonna be a great sister-in-law i've decided i'm gonna build a robot good for you that should be very easy for you oh apparently she doesn't like that really are you sure you're just not trying to flatter me maru i'm like i was trying to be nice god i'm so sorry so so so sorry maru that i apparently really really offended you he's probably is he in his room it was locked it was locked is the luau happening now maybe the luau is happening maybe that's why it was locked run to the luau amanda run run run run run was the lu out was the luau did i miss the luau he won't talk to me i'm i'm so bad at this game i i really i want to believe that the first year of this game is just you being a piece of idiot you have no idea how to play it you're just an stupid dumb idiot and you're just an idiot right is that that's gotta be it is that it god please please assure me that this the first year of this game is just your dumb stupid idiot because that's me that would be me i'm right on track if that's the case i haven't gone through their trash yet sometimes you get some good stuff in their trash i will say like this like this a field snack and you know food is not always easy to come by i'm gonna have to go you know yeah it's 8 40 already i'm not even going to find sebastian today that's the nature of this game it's not easy it is not easy but friday i will know where to find him and i'm going to give him a quartz and it's going to be the first gift that i ever give him i'm i've never given him a gift before i've hardly been talking to him because i'm embarrassed of myself i just don't think i'm good enough yet oh it's already 9 20. i gotta go to the cave as fast as i can go to the cave go to the cave he might be smoking by the river though cause sometimes he does that at night he's not he's not he's probably in bed go to the cave as fast as you can because you know by the time you like realize it it's already gonna be 12. go go go go try to find something good try to find something uh try to find something go these little peas that attack you i hate them right they're awful they're so bad like when you lose all your stuff like i i saw the reason i have this little knife and i guess it's apparently better than the sword i had but i had a sword right and i lost it like when i died from these little peas that attack you i'm starting to feel exhausted damn it okay i'm gonna have to eat the pepper that i was gonna give to shane because i have i had no choice i had no choice but to do that because i was starting to feel exhausted like i would love to find some stuff in the caves but i honestly probably don't even have time yep stone nothing probably not gonna find down here cause i'm just like not good at this game and nothing ever works out for me yep starting to feel exhausted i'm just not gonna i'm not gonna like risk it i'm just gonna go home that's my first day that i'm recording for mate for for an actual video yeah this is about as good as that no i've had some really good days down in those minds i will not even lie to you i really have i've had some great days down there today was just not one of them because i have really bad luck apparently i don't know if there was supposed to be a luau today i really thought oh my baby i love him so much my i just took his rug like a monster i took his rug like a monster how do i put it back see i gotta like relearn the controls whatever just go to bed you stupid yeah i think i made a lot of money i think i actually finally made a lot of money it's like the first time in my life that i made a lot of money good where's my rug how do i put my rug back oh there we go there we go okay a storm is approaching honestly good good a little extra luck today again yes i should probably water my crops but at the same time like also like hoe myself out you know i don't know i just want to see what like happens when shane is nice to me but like so far so bad so far so bad with shane but apparently he loves peppers so i'm gonna give him a pepper and i also like again again must must stress that i have never given sebastian a gift hardly ever given anybody a gift to be honest and i've certainly never given somebody a gift of like something that they specifically like um so it'll be really interesting and fun to give sebastian a gift that he likes i think that would be really cool i just like really would love to like get to know sebastian more but i love this game i'm obsessed i really i can't stop playing it it's so addictive it really is like the farming portion of it and everything like so addictive i love going through people's trash cans the only thing that like sucks is like the time management aspect of it because you know i'm all i already have a i have like a problem with it and so it just sucks to have to like have that follow you into a virtual world what's up meant lentil soup i love lentils i love lentil soup so it's not really a bad thing um whenever i see the butterflies i'm always like oh i should probably catch them and then i'm like wait apparently you don't do that here i think i have some geodes so let's go and like process that ooh what is that i don't know what that is oh and nicotine okay sweet cool i have like no motivation right now to like finish the museum you know i just like have been like struggling i've just been struggling and i've been like just trying to like find stuff that sebastian might like speaking of sebastian maybe i should actually look up his schedule let's do that i know i know for a fact like that again i've been like so wrapped up in the important i've been so wrapped up and just like being a good farmer maybe i should actually look up his schedule like see this is like i'm not boy crazy i'm not boy crazy i'm actually like a very she goes hey okay he's on the computer so there he is he's alive i haven't seen him in a while and he just looks better than ever you know what upgrade house how much is it oh four yeah i still don't have that uh at all what should i get construct farm buildings a coop should i do the coop four thousand i don't have the money oh well i already have a thing oh yeah yeah i gotta do this a 100 stone clay copper bar oh wow oh wow now i'm not interested a home for a friend what friend what friend i don't have any damn friends robin no i gotta try to do the silo thing i think i gotta get like lots of stone lots of clay because i gotta i gotta start saving up food for like my eventual animals but sebastian like i'm coming for you baby tonight like with with some quartz i'm pretty sure that's what he likes who's who are you i gotta like make some friends you know um not not what i like to hear jojo is not a good choice ew george ew what are you doing so you're a farmer huh at least it's honest work george you what the hell have you ever done with your life he's an ass harvey what this stuff can definitely be incorporated into a healthy diet harvey i'm done i'm done with your ass i gotta get some more some more seeds and stuff uh hmm i wonder if it's anyone's birthday today i better check the calendar by pierre's shop it's almost as if i should check help wanted does anybody have extra topaz i don't know shane i mean shane's like a hard person to like yeah yesterday with the was the luau was i not around all day trying to figure out where the luau was did y'all not see me trying to figure out where the luau was i didn't see the luau okay i guess i missed the luau and tomorrow is alex's birthday when's sebastian's birthday really not sure not sure at all but i just feel like i really did try to attend the luau yesterday did y'all not say where was the luau located where was the luau supposed to be i really don't remember where that was supposed to be but whatever apparently it was supposed to be somewhere that i was supposed to find i am gonna go to the bar tonight to find sebastian i don't even know if they let you give him something when he's at the bar i yeah i'm still like very bad at this game i would say i would say i'm like i'm like fairly bad at this game which is not an easy thing to admit all right 6 p.m i think all my crops are watered and i think oh banksy boy i love you so much you stay here baby i'm gonna go to the bar and be a thot you'll be a good boy i'll be back really late hopefully everybody's here and apparently it's about oh my god they're so cute i love it apparently yep he's here he's here oh my god oh my god he's here apparently okay so first i'm gonna give shane the pepper just to get it it's almost like practice for me because i've never given a gift before okay and then i'm gonna give sebastian this quartz which apparently he loves if you want to make friends with my aunt you can't go wrong with farmer's lunch okay good to know thanks okay how do i give a gift how do i give a gift oh yeah okay talk to him no no no no no no okay i want to give it to shane how do i give it to shane oh my god shane oh oh shane okay wow that's like a complex like a 360 from the shane that i know wow y'all were right wow he said oh wow amanda how'd you know this is my favorite shane you enjoy that shane i really hope you enjoy that because i'm concerned about you i really am i'm concerned that you keep on drinking here at the bar every night now i'm going to do this now i'm going to do something wait oh hey yawn oh god please don't go to bed hold on hold on i have something we we know no sebastian hold on wait whoa i have this i have this for you i have this for you hold on hold on whoa he's going to go to bed he's going to go to bed oh no no no no oh god i miss my chance i miss my chance okay go to the courts then go to the boy go to the boy no it's not him okay apparently he likes us he goes thanks i like this sebastian and then we're doing that weird eye contact thing again and i'll let you go i'll be the first to go damn damn damn damn damn damn yeah he's done for the night he's going home i'm just gonna let him go and i'm gonna like hopeful hopefully i got some like points you know hey sebastian you got any more things to say okay that's fine that's fine i will accept that oh my god he goes thanks i like that is that enough i didn't even end up going foraging and i don't think i have time and there's sebastian he's so cute i really love him i'm really like obsessed with him but shane was so i will say that was really really beautiful the way that shane like lit up when i gave him that pepper what does sebastian not like quartz as much as shane likes peppers is that it i really don't know i really don't know what to think yeah it's about i mean i think that's just how sebastian is he goes thanks i like this and i think that was like a good thing that's a good thing right that's a good thing i'm gonna just go to the caves for like 20 minutes come on just let me go for like 20 minutes just to try to get some of that luck that spirit said i had you know i'm gonna go down here i'm gonna go like this yeah i'm gonna try to get some luck you know apparently the spirits said that i would have some it's getting late damn it i gotta go i gotta go um don't risk it amanda don't push it like a couple more i'll do a couple more oh there's some quartz sebastian likes that yeah sebastian really likes those amanda get your knife out at least yeah i can go till two i can go till two i can go god did i get the quartz yeah i got the quartz and sebastian likes those so i that was worth it to me to me that's that shit's worth it oh my god that's so worth it i gotta am amnest too yeah it's worth it and now i'm gonna go i'm now i promise i'm going home i swear i swear on my life i'm going i promise i i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i know it's late i know oh god i hope i make it home i feel like time goes so fast there's a shortcut i will make it i will make it i promise i'll make it yeah i won't get a lot of sleep but i'll make it you gotta make it go go go go go go yep here we go we're good wow i made it i think i made it i think oh my god i might not make it i might not make it go go go go go go get in bed oh my god i'm so sorry that i pushed banksy out of the way oh my god okay thanks i don't know how to make i don't know how to make cooking stuff though wow i made a lot of money though i'm starting to make some money thank god okay finally drag yourself out of bed hey banksy love you banksy you're the only person who's always there for me and i love you so much my baby weather report yeah thank god a storm good i'm just like depressed right now oh good the spirits are in good humor okay at least i have that hey kid my throat's about as dry as a desert bone i'm real thirsty for a pale ale you got one regular old beer won't do i need a pale ale pam except quest pam's an alcoholic and i don't know if i really want to like enable that honestly and i honestly i think i'm gonna give shane another pepper because like i kind of want i don't know i don't know i don't know i just you know why it's because like i have a guy who will love what i give him and that means that i don't know it means a lot to me i guess because because because because [Music] uh what was i gonna say oh sebastian like the stuff that he loves is like really hard to get really hard to get so it's almost as if i need to i don't know what kills me is that i have the freaking pumpkin soup that he loves and i sold it like a dumb he sold it because i didn't know that he loved it and i got it from the trash so i'm gonna keep on going through people's trash no big deal and apparently on rainy days he does different stuff so we'll try our best to find him oh there's shane there's shane i will try and give him a pepper right now yeah shane what's up hey shane you know what shane's gonna like really fall in love with me honestly okay you know what let's talk to him let's oh he won't talk to me because i've really flustered him i don't know why i'm feeling like kind of i don't know shane's like a little project for me you know what i mean i don't know what no i shouldn't like i shouldn't play with shane's heart if anything i feel like i should just give him hope that like people can be interested in him and maybe it's not like worth it to be such an alcoholic i don't know because he's like clearly an alcoholic you know i don't know i really don't know what to do i don't know i i do feel like a little bit of a pull from shane i'm not gonna lie but i think the most obvi i just think i don't i i'm not gonna lie to you and say that shane has a chance compared to sebastian is what i'm saying i just don't think that he does compared to sebastian compared to that's what i'm saying speaking of sebastian do i have one of those quartz i know i have another one back at home so uh put that back you dumb how about i think i went through everybody's trash already so now we gotta go to the to my home to my house and try to get like another quartz and like apparently what does he want no si an escibian an obsidian how do you how do you even say that i don't even know how to say that don't even know how to say it what do you have what do you have for sale a puffer fish no i love puffer fish how do i can i sell you something you don't buy anything that i have rare seed what is that [Music] bug me ew but i've gotten bug meat before garlic seeds how much do they sell for that's the thing i'm wondering you know i love garlic though i really do i should at the very least talk to sebastian today even though i'm shy and nervous but i should also wait didn't yeah i think you're only allowed to give them like two gifts a week or something you know and so let's look at like look at the hearts like shane is like really tripping on me and i'm giving him a chance i am i'm giving him a chance to wow me how about that how about i'm giving shane a chance i am and i would consider that like a terrible act so we'll see what he does with that you know as and that's a big deal for me i will say because normally like i'm like so annoyed with guys like that like with guys like shane you know like very annoyed with that kind of but like you know you all really did kind of pull up for shane in the comments i will say and y'all were like no like give shane a chance and i was like okay fine fine i trust you people like i'll give him a chance and when i gave him that pepper like yeah that was actually really nice and i was like wow damn shane damn shane wow shane mcshane wow shane shane damn shane jane jane jane it was really really nice to see from from you good behavior very good behavior for a machine happening but also like you know kind of low-key high-key obsessed with sebastian like in every way possible i want to see if i can give him another present because i'm obsessed with him i heard that he likes courts so just like because evie wants one i'm gonna save this pepper for for shane i am i am i am [Music] he really is there again oh my god i thought that was like a meme he's really there again sebastian oh wow if you want to make friends with sam you can't go wrong with tiger's eye it's his favorite wow he's like trying to set me with sam hey hey hold on hey wait look look what i got look what i got for you look what i got for you sebastian look look look look hold on sebastian hold on hear me out hear me out sebastian hold on hear me out thanks i like this i told you guys i told you guys it'd be worth it he likes this he likes this sebastian likes this yeah i really did that i'm kidding but not really i'm very proud of myself for doing that i was brave and you know what sebastian i'm gonna go before you because yeah i just think it's weird that fashion like gave me like advice to talk to uh sam with you know i want to like hear more about sebastian is there anything else you want to say to me no he's weird but i'm weird too i gotta maybe like sam has a crush on me right and and uh sebastian like thinks that i i don't know he thinks that he needs to like set him up with me which is really sad oh bang see i love you banksy really love you banksy oh it's still raining we've got like a lot of rain we've gotten a lot of rain and we've got a lot of peppers it's almost as if i can give shane another one and play with his heart cruelly wait we got some blueberries and like i gotta give some of these oh yeah we got some radishes i gotta give some of these to them to to to them junamo's to them damn junimos slime hunter to slay four green slimes in the local mine like yeah i will do that but i don't like did i accept it i'm apparent apparently like i i accepted the quest so yeah i will try my best to to slay four slime slimes whatever those the peas that attack you the little p p people yeah i'll try my best to um to kill four slimes but i can't i don't know yeah i'll do my best that's all i can really say to ya [Music] louis what hey there amanda taking a break i don't i know not in particular i'm actually working pretty hard i don't like when people say stuff like that to me like taking a break no no i'm not i'm not taking a break i'm actually working very hard louis thank you though thanks for pointing it out that i look like i'm apparently taking a break apparently you you people in this town really don't know what it takes to be a farmer and i think penny's gonna see me going through this trash and call me out um why are you digging in the trash listen penny mind your business i really don't care i'm like really i really don't i don't care right now i'm out here trying to find some pumpkin soup okay i really am and apparently there's none i found it one time and then never again i know i'll never find that again god damn it why couldn't i have just held on to it for a little bit longer just enough to find that it was that it was sebastian's favorite literally sebastian's like favorite food that he like loves it he would fall in love with you instantly and i sold it in the stupid dropbox like i just like like an idiot like a animal i just sold it i hate myself i'm going to the caves to kill forest lines because i don't care about my own safety okay so i didn't expect this at all i just put on like basically i was recording me playing without any dialogue without me talking because i knew it was gonna be like you know like some chill just like stuff that i could just put like over like i could just like speed it up and like wait until i find some actual good content you know because i want the content okay at least for right now this this would constitute as content i think because like i just want to walk you through what the i just thought like i just thought i was like checking in i just thought i was like checking in real quick to see like where is sebastian where is sebastian and then the door opened and i was like wait a second i don't know if this is normal i don't know if this is like regular i don't know if this is like a cut scene i have no idea he goes oh hey give me one sec hold on i'm gonna crack my knuckles i know it's bad for you i don't care let me just crack my knuckles so i can get ready for whatever the hell he's about to serve me like i don't am i is this just like what happens when you're allowed in his room when you're good enough friends with sebastian to enter his room you know what i mean like is that is this it he says give me one sec i'm staying put wait yeah i'm staying put i must stay put okay sorry about that i just needed to finish what i was working on okay i'll go around and i'm going right up to him um what should i do what should i do like should i like look it up ask him what he's working on or compliment the decor in his room like i really like the decor in his room i think it's really nice but like i do want to know what he's working on i want to know what what it is he does all day on this computer it seems like he's always on the computer so oh my god i love him sorry i do freelance work as a programmer okay is he uh is he mad at me that was an instant message from sam i guess he wants to hang out uh i don't really feel like going out today oh it's wrong she's catching me here with her son [Music] oh hi amanda what are you used to seeing women down here with your son sabby sappy hold on i know you don't like it when i come in here but i ran into abigail at the store and she said she was looking for you abigail did you tell her i'm working i did but she said she'd probably stop by anyway he's annoyed by abigail no one takes my job seriously sebby i do sebby i do no one ever bothers maru when she's working at the clinic does everyone just think i'm surfing the web all day true sebby so true i don't think that i never thought that ask him about his career goals not why he doesn't want to see his friends what's your career goals sebby well i'm trying to save up so i can move out of here probably to the city or something you know if i'd gone to college i'd probably be making six figures right now but i just don't want to be a part of that corporate rat race you know sebby i do know i was a part of that corporate rat race okay and i've left it for this farm life okay so i get it i'd probably be making six figures too at joja but i left it all i turned my back on it all sebby i really did and so i get it i get you i really get you sebby well and i guess i just feel more comfortable hidden behind the computer than dealing with people face to face sepi same that's why i chose the farm life savvy well i should get back to work i need to get this module finished by tomorrow sappy he's like out here being like a tech god i love to see it he's like working on the computer and like you are so professional and i just love that and i like really respect that sebby and i will not interrupt you ever again i'm not gonna be like abigail who interrupts you unlike abigail i'm not just gonna stop by when you're working cause i take your work seriously i do listen i heard your complaints i know that abigail likes sebby or like that seb and like i'm calling him that by the way i know that you said that abigail likes sebby but she clearly doesn't understand his heart of hearts you know like he he's like a serious programmer okay and like he's like a brilliant genius hi maru sebastian is my half brother if you didn't already know that maru i actually did but like now like that you've confirmed it girl i love you girl i'm trying to be like in your family so hey girl if you ever want to talk let me know she's actually really cute and i love her so much and i think she's like doing great i really do like i'm not just trying to be fake just to like get with sebby like i really do like stan maru so hard but also abigail give up give up on sebby that's all that's my message for abigail it really is like give up on sebby he doesn't like you like he doesn't want the pressure of you like showing up even though he's already working you know what i mean elliot i'm in love with sebastian what do i do i've encountered some beautiful shells in front of my house okay well guess what i've encountered some beautiful men not in front of your house by beautiful men i do mean sebastian i'm in love i'm in love and i don't care who knows it like i really am in like so in love with him who is this like i just want everybody to know that like i love sebastian he says goodbye for now okay that's like kind of weird for me but whatever i'm like so crazy about sebastian oh my god oh my god do i have a cutscene machine oh hold on whoa i got a oh my god this has been such a turbulent day he is out here like shotgunning beers on the beer okay okay shane goes up late huh yeah yeah i am i'm kind of like an insomniac here have a cold one okay shane like gave me a mirror what what do i do with this but life what you ever feel like no matter what you do you're going to fail yeah i honestly kind of do sometimes jan like you're stuck in some miserable abyss and you're so deep you can't even see the light of day i just feel like no matter how hard i try i'm not strong enough to climb out of that hole i'm like gonna cry like that's like so relatable holy shane like i really didn't like give you the agency to do this to me right now but you did but you did because i gave you a pepper i give i give this man one pepper and this is what i get no that's like so real like i like have written poems about climbing out of that whole shane like i really have like i have depression as well and i get it i get the whole thing i really get climbing out of that hole and how impossible it seems damn shane like i kind of want to save this man damn damn he's really hit like this y'all told me to give him a pepper and you didn't like i guess maybe it maybe it alluded to this but i didn't know it was gonna be this deep that's all i'm gonna say shane i get it i get you um because i chugged that i'm sorry i just i'm like i don't know why i felt shane is like an right but he goes fast drinker huh woman after my own heart just don't make it a habit you got a future ahead of you still shane i don't know i'm feeling some about you well my liver's begging me to stop better call it a night see around amanda listen i don't know like shane just like rose the ranks kinda a little bit shame why did you have to do that shane why did you have to do that shane i'm like drunk apparently am i drunk because i how am i like i'm drunk right how why is why am i red flashing is that drunk drunkness something about that interaction with shane like shane really is like kind of a sweetheart what the hell y'all really me over by telling me to give him a pepper let me tell y'all i didn't need this like i'm in love with sebby my seby boy like i'm in love with sebby y'all i'm sebby's girl why would you tell me to give shane a pepper he's like he's like i just like i feel like i don't know i feel like sebastian is like that guy that's like not really been through a lot and i have you know i've been through a lot i have been through a lot so maybe i'm giving him like too much to deal with but i have been through quite a bit in my life did i already water all my crops i don't even know i think i haven't i don't know yes no i did i watered all my crops i did my best today i'm just really emotional because of the whole way this shame thing damn y'all really did this to me i don't know i just don't know what to do about the shane thing like i gave him one pepper i think i might have given him two peppers i give a man two peppers that's what i get and like it really is like kind of a lot because he really touched my heart strings he really pulled my heart strings y'all and now i'm like concerned i don't know if like sebastian is that guy that hasn't actually been through any like turmoil in his life and his biggest problem is that people don't take his like internet job seriously and i'm like i get that i do i understand sebastian i really do and you're like so sexy and hot and i love you and i love the hair and i love you so much i'm like so in love with you because of the way you look and the way you act and i really don't really like shane very much he's like kind of unapproachable he's kind of an he's like an alcoholic which is like not something that i'm equipped to deal with i'm like not equipped to deal with that i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not a professional i can't i can't deal with that and i don't want to deal with that i don't want to deal with that it's 20 20. we're not fixing broken men anymore ladies right am i right not us no longer are we fixing these broken ass men i don't know all i'm gonna say is like y'all are bad for that y'all are really bad for that i'm kidding i don't know i really don't know what what i don't know what to say if anything it is i don't know it's nice to know that like shane is a little bit less of a piece of than i thought you know and maybe i will take that pepper out of storage to give to him yikes yikes and i also got a quartz for for my baby sevy and sebby really is still my baby and i hope that y'all really acknowledge that okay i get it i get it like now i'm good enough friends with sebastian to walk inside his room but he's not here and like snoop the around like this is like wrong this is like probably wrong graphic novel here's his bed i could like go lay in it like a psycho bath this is like some jody aries [Music] this is like some jody aries like for real okay and like what's he doing over here like and like solarian chronicles the game like he like loves games cool i like love him cool wow the radio isn't plugged in like because he's so meta i just like i feel like jodi arias right now i need to get the hell out of here yeah i'm not that girl i'm not that jody aries girl i'm really not i'm not i'm not but that's just so crazy what can i go into shane's room now too i'm going into shane's room i'm gonna pull some jody but like just real quick i'm not trying to be her you know what i mean like i'm not i'm like robin what's up robin you're always welcome to visit us even if you aren't shopping you know like robin already loves me like a daughter what's up maru my sister-in-law sorry i was thinking about some gadgets i'm making see you later i love you maru love you love ya it's locked i think that's where shane lives i think let's go to shane's house tomorrow it's like just like i'm not like outwardly like super attracted to shane but i am outwardly like feeling his personality because he's like got a story to tell and i'm all about that like that's that's why i'm married to matt is because it's because i wasn't like even trying to ever get married in my life but then i met a guy who was like both like really cute like it was like a sebastian situation where it was like super cute but also like such a good personality like that personality though and i was like on that personality so so i was like hell yeah like married yeah we'll do that sure um so yeah i think that like sebastian i don't know he's like so gorgeous and like so but like i i hope to see more from his personality i will say whereas oh you know what i will always find shane in a certain place and i hate this i hate this i hate that i will but i will and i wonder if i can give him a pepper i know that's his weakness i know that that's his weakness i really do i know he like he's weak in the knees for up for a pepper imagine me and you know what's funny oh wow amanda how'd you know it's my favorite like i think that he loves me and you know what's funny is that like i hate peppers like notoriously hate them actually what do you want leave me alone he's still talking like that to me shane that's not good so one member when i was talking about personality yeah never mind i don't know i shane's a enigma he's an enigma i don't know anyway what was i saying oh yeah first of all i want y'all to know that it's just like kind of really funny that shane loves peppers because i notoriously hate them like i think that everyone in my life like it once you become even like an acquaintance of mine let alone a friend my friends damn well know about the pepper thing but my acquaintances i think even know about the pepper thing not only do i just like not like peppers like i'm like i'm one of those people who's like i'm honestly not very picky i'm not ollie i'll eat a lot i mean like i am vegan so there's a lot of stuff i can't eat however like taste wise when it comes to foods there are so many things that i will eat i am not picky at all i love all vegetables there are three foods in particular that i really just don't like i have an adversion too if you will i have an adversion to them those three fruit foods are as followed like i i don't really i will be honest like i'm not crazy about onions i don't like onions i will put up with onions like in small bits or if they're cooked right or even if they're raw like i will eat a raw red onion like a little little little strips of them i will tomatoes too i don't i really don't very i don't really like tomatoes but i will deal with like little chunks of them i will deal with tomatoes in small doses i can handle it the one food that i cannot handle in any in any form and i do mean any like i i quite i like i'm so serious i can detect the smallest amount of this food i really can and i'm not kidding y'all i'm really not kidding like people think like oh i bet i could trick you no no no no you can't i promise i get detect the tiniest sliver of a pepper i promise i hate peppers so much i hate them all i eat them cooked i hate them raw i hate every single variety of them i hate i hate bell peppers i hate chili peppers i hate jalapeno peppers i hate i hate peppers and i'm i also i'm happy to introduce myself as someone who loves loves loves love spicy right okay the great the spirits are not on my side today i love to hear it anyway i will also like happily happily happily introduce myself hey crow hello do you not see this scarecrow you piece of and honestly i really love corvids crows are actually such a beautiful creature and i hate to have to like yell at them but what was i saying oh yeah [Music] oh he's on a skateboard can i tell you all about the fact that skateboards this is not good i'll just be i'll be brave but in high school that was my problem that was my problem in high school i really got into a lot of trouble because i loved skateboarders and i would hang around the skateboarders and they were all boys all of them were boys that's the thing george spends the whole day in front of that darned television set i bet he doesn't yet betty watches fox news and i'm so sorry granny really am he's out here right now so you're a farmer huh at least it's honest work guess what george you and guess what trump lost whether you like it or not george like loki if i was a little bit crazier i would just go through his trash right in front of him but i'm not anyway yeah the skateboarders the skateboarding boys they really got me with that hayley right the skateboarders oh my god hayley and alex haley likes alex i'm just letting y'all know as like just an observer there's like a lot of tea here's the t um haley is wondering what alex is doing today you know what i ship you guys i really do and like you can talk to me huh i didn't notice you standing there haley no no no girl i just want to let you know you can talk to me you can't oh she's going over to get some ice cream because she really is [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 26,908
Rating: 4.9857755 out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, theamandafiles, stardew, amanda sargent
Id: ziIpdPaZuo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 56sec (3536 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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