Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 14, Episode 2 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen a teen chefs converged on Hell's Kitchen for the chance of a lifetime and tried to WoW Chef Ramsay with their signature dish lot going on that it was Josh from Brooklyn who was giddy to finally meet his hero crazy but it was tea from Atlanta T stands for terrific 5 out 5 and Meghan from Virginia absolutely flawless firefighter that garnered the day's only perfect scores but the men's scores were better overall three four out five fallen straight and chefs like Chrissa from New York what in the [ __ ] a bass [Music] really embarrassing and Monique from Boston buried their team with low scores tell me about the marital sources helping the men secure their first challenge win welcoming at dinner service despite some hiccups from Senior Center chef Michael on the fish station two portions as well and Cameron on appetizers right now the men had a strong opening night they were led by Brett on meat and were able to complete dinner service over in the red kitchen a completely different story Chris's confusion Trista what'd you do drove Chef Ramsay to banish her from the kitchen and the meat station led by Monique and Christine that byp for 50 minutes turned the red team's first dinner service into a nightmare the red team nominated his money and Chris out for elimination but Chef Ramsay demanded that Christie step forth in the end it was Kristen who was forced to give up on her dream of becoming head chef at Caesars Atlantic City [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen [ __ ] off I would have rather seen Monique go home I understand it's the first night you're gonna forget some things but you cannot be a head chef making simple silly mistakes it's just unacceptable you know as females emotions getting between like working together and not communicating get over it we're acting like teenage girls I'll be straight up I swear to God for tonight service you should have gone home I don't [ __ ] know work with me be with me I don't care [ __ ] it I think mone thinks she's good but myself and my team we know she's a weakest link he stabbed me in the eyes like I thought I was gonna cry like his big eye but regardless do so I see I was like oh my god I'm not having this [ __ ] no more I'm over I'm done he's sweet she's just like oblivious it's so stupid does anyone else want their binder decorated oh just decorate mine so Michelle just sexy Christine she's great-looking so Sara that writing about me I will never let you beat this with Sara we'll see we'll see what happens oh my god josh is out of control these are man hands he flirts with everyone they dude chill out I was a kid I was short and fat and really wasn't cool but now that I'm in better shape I just have fun talking to women I mean I laugh I joke I make him smile he's a perfect balls to juggle after a long night of getting better acquainted the chefs rest up for another big day in Hell's Kitchen but chefs Andi and James are already on the clock [Music] there's loud [ __ ] noise and you plate the building burning John I'd rather listen to Saif yell at me all day and then listen to that [ __ ] going off need you guys all to get a bag packed because we're leaving Hell's Kitchen today and some of you are gonna be coming back I mean it's nerve-racking getting told to pack a bag given the circumstances the last night and how upset Chef Ramsay was with dinner service on both sides I can pretty much safely assume it's not gonna be a fun experience Oh up let's go hurry up I'm not a fan of water not seeing boats I'm not looking forward to this good morning you guys have tires really imagine that now after last night's dinner service today will be no relaxing down the beach for any of you let me tell you the first part of today's challenge you are going to retrieve cramps that's right cuz for the second part of the challenge you'll be making exquisite Dungeness crab cakes each team has two boats and as you can see there are four boys out there under those boys are the traps some of those traps will have crabs no those will not so bring back a minimum of 20 crabs and the first team that makes it back to shore will be given a head start and part to the challenge let's go I am so pumped go boating all the time I've been crabbing a lot of times in Louisiana the tell you what this is right up by our on your mark get set go our boats going right your boats going left left right left right stroke right go whoa I pretty much thought I would just get in the water and I'll start rowing and the boat will go forward whoa unfortunately that's not what happy come on with the blue team off to a strong start already retrieving more than half of their crabs the women finally arrive at their first trap good job guys your first Koko's on our team rocket come on ladies the guys killed it keep your crabs Randy but the challenge isn't over so let's just get our [ __ ] together and just bounce back okay on all of you to follow me let's go guys a little demonstration watch carefully when you start the big secret is in the claws that's what all the meat is watching Chef Ramsay cook anything he's so sophisticated and so elegant but such a like a badass at the same time 30 seconds each side and outs three perfect cupcakes on each plate now you'll be cooking in pairs the first team to complete 10 stunning plates wins the challenge blue team you were the fastest of treating your crabs so red team you'll be starting 30 seconds after on your mark get set go for the second part of today's challenge let's move each pairing and one threesome must race to shuck mix saute and plate ten perfect plates of three crab cakes meet Nick and Adam we have a plan those two are gonna pick the crabmeat I'm gonna make the crab cakes blow them out the water then one of us will start making a copy 5 4 3 2 1 go ladies while the women hurry to make up for lost time the men's three-member team waukesha has taken advantage of their head start blue team let's go baby if we can keep hoping I'll get cranky while the blue team is off to a quick start shits on [ __ ] the red team needs to get cracking know what you should just do it vinca style make all the crab and then assemble the cakes the guys already have one plate up but it's not the first out the gate is who's the first to finish go ladies I'm good well done nice size who bound it together delicious well done let's go see great job in the first one let's go tea and Michelle put the red team on the board but are quickly followed by Brendon and Cameron delicious Thank You chef whose point puts the men up by one yes delicious good job come on let's kick it up a notch Michelle it's a second one tea good job ladies you're now in the lead the beautiful color tray job with the women leading five to three birthday Michael Gregory was that put up a play come on the men are still waiting on Michael and Brett to deliver their first plate of crab cakes pans workers let me know when you're ready good come on Michael's is definitely frustrating me right now that he's moving as slow as he is come on Michael you're walking around like you're [ __ ] somebody they're gonna beat yes yep yeah I got sand in my mouth I'm soaking wet from the water freezing lot going on here will you do guys come on we found them together like this chef delicious long enough forgot this Michael and Brett's point for the men is followed quickly by Monique and Christine delicious good job but Josh and Randy have picked up the pace the beautiful color quickly producing another plate for Chef Ramsay's approval delicious it is six to five you guys again absolute delicious Wow seven to five see in the show you're killing it right now this is not good at all 14 come on guys please the lovely color on there thank you great job delicious with Brendan and Cameron's second successful plate the blue team has pulled within a point [Music] order up giving Milly Adam and Nick a chance to tie it back up ring the bell to season them delicious oh my god it's a tie red team get your [ __ ] together we can do this [Music] they are delicious really good eight seven right come on let's go to season those I did chef great job date with Megan and Allison bringing the score two nine two seven mica and Sarah move quickly to finish what they hope will be their final dish [Music] I don't know oh my god thank you Sarah you just [ __ ] us you guys again who seasoned us that is perfection great job ladies well done [ __ ] I hate losing you know we have 30 seconds start to I'm just really upset we had the 32nd manage and we had the oneplus man so the men beat themselves congratulations for your reward I am sending you all somewhere beautiful Scottsdale Arizona you're a bit crazy you're gonna be traveling through beautiful cactus trails by horseback trained team in college so I'm really excited you're then gonna enjoy a delicious sunset dinner at Talavera restaurants in these stunning Four Seasons Resort place is amazing okay your plane is departing shortly ladies good job they killed Annie they don't think I didn't honestly didn't care what the prize is gonna be I just wanted to win just don't babe men you are in for one hell of a miserable day let me tell you you'll be spending all day peeling shrimp after that clams lobsters there's a big special tonight I mean I wanted to win this challenge really really really bad I like to win but I really [ __ ] hate to lose go nice yeah let's go [Music] Marina was there he's got like his little chest head coming out on his gold chain on just sitting there like he knows he's the man congratulations again I'm not waiting this is the best feeling ever knowing that we won the challenge as a team I was going as a team to Arizona [Music] welcome to Cave Creek Outfitters you ready for a fun day in the saddle yeah good holy [ __ ] I never rode a horse before literally terrified just swing your other leg out you know like they can smell like fear I'm so scared no no she's so [ __ ] annoying excuse me did you just see rattlesnakes they get a time of the day they're coming out and moving wonderful oh my god I'm gonna die this is so good today's challenge was all we needed this win now we're getting this is absolute redemption no it's all good this is the confidence booster that we needed they should never let us out the gate the red team is on point now no Johnny yes more to come yes this is terrible I'm not feeling this damn that's a lot of shrimp so I had shrimp like up to my chin and I have sand like up my butt crack this is a [ __ ] nightmare you guys aren't wearing gloves you have to be really careful it being a little boys Ennis you got to get out of here dude you crazy Ameren dude really it's a really elegant flavor very light tastes like the top of the sea thinks that he's the best chef in the world he is delusional should we turn this over huh pilot isn't lit look okay yeah hope you have to hold the button down you on camera yeah I do because you've been doing it for like three and a half minutes Cameron wants to be the one to tell you what to do and he's definitely annoying a lot of people so if I have to put camera in check I'll continue to put him in check if I'm doing something don't step on my toes okay I got big feet okay you don't want to find them in your rants right the blue team at this point they don't even want to hear me speak I mean I don't even know what if I could be here put the mussels in there with anything in there zip s Cameron I'm so lost right now [ __ ] this come on Cameron Cameron this is not easy this is very very difficult stuff that we're doing here I think you took that the wrong way there's no question I'm a better chef than them I'm the best one there his walks out guys disappearing on us but I obviously don't want to go home I want to win this I want to stay I want to fight back any meeting for that day it weird huh I didn't mean for that to go just be careful the way I speak to you yeah cool I think I don't want to work with you let's work together [Music] a new day dawns in Hell's Kitchen a little more lemon zest yes and with the women back from their reward both teams are busy prepping their kitchens for their second dinner service what are you reading through that what you don't need you do not need that look at yourself in the mirror and screen risotto ingredients there's number one what is it oh yo chef rice you [ __ ] pillock Michael's kind of just a hot mess if he doesn't know what's in a [ __ ] risotto weight truth like it's nothing personal but everyone knows you're the weakest chef here I'm not gonna let Michael get nervous he's gonna coming in and put it all and I promise you that oh my head is back while Milly prepares to cover for Michael over in the red kitchen quinoa you're probably gonna end up maybe to help her more than the women worry they'll all have to cover for Mika I'm pretty sure this station should be done in your sleep I don't think that Mika has that much experience right quick Wellington is butter edge butter butter butter let the butter melting I don't know I guess we'll have to find out I don't know it's good good all right Maria yes sir open Hell's Kitchen please let's go thank yourself [Music] the dining room is booked solid for tonight's dinner service and as a special menu edition Chef Ramsay has added a scampi appetizer I think I hate to be served tableside by Sarah for the red team and Adam for the blue okay thank you sir okay covers Table three yes entree two halibut real and answers a fight everything is water fire so we gotta be fast what's the folder [ __ ] off with Michael already feeling the heat in the blue kitchen over in the red kitchen the women are ready to fire their first ticket okay ladies here we go hole covers level 33 whatever slide special welcome and tele - risotto entree - chicken - laughs I'll be damned if the kitchen comes to a halt because of that [ __ ] I know there's nothing worse than a big person with a big personality and a big mouth results are alone except I got just give me 20 seconds to tighten it up you can pull it off and take it to the passengers ready with T leading the way on appetizers the red team is off and running and back in the blue kitchen Cameron and Brendan on the fish station are coordinating with Milly and Michael on appetizers to pull their first order together holy [ __ ] Cameron is confused already oh my gosh I all of you all of you come in come in come in come in trip first table of the night I've got rule [ __ ] scallops they not seared on wolf's eyes who took them I did table Cameron wasn't even flipping the [ __ ] scallops wolf I couldn't believe it and all first table James they start again great I just looked like a [ __ ] idiot there and then I dropped the ball watch your crying are they [ __ ] you too much hot oil yes yes 30 seconds each side's Chef Ramsay's when he's in the kitchen is very very intimidating strike the pan gently out clean pan let's go yes yeah sure now it kind of throws you off hey so hard no yes thank you for the yes yep while Cameron attempts to regroup over in the red kitchen Mika is struggling to organize the garnish station I'm just gonna prep what you need to be fired and put it right up okay Mika like I could like feel her nervousness like you could just feel it in the air everybody else seems to get this [ __ ] and I'm just like wet horse butter peach salad chef in my hand right now 30 second chef she needs to get it together seconds 20 seconds for Gardens you can't just do one thing you need to do a lot of things and when you're here especially you need to do them really quickly thank you as Mika finally delivers the squash blossom back in the blue kitchen Camryn is still struggling to complete the refire on scallops for the men's first order how our ticket give each 50 20 seconds please one T seconds oh no what the [ __ ] is going on camera he was bald crazy like literally skater the food or something I love scallops please come on fellas you guys keep calm okay I'm cringing right now thinking these have to be perfect they have to be perfect Oh coming back they're [ __ ] rubber all of you come here yes chef this is not good she's gonna kick us all out what is going on it's my fault what the [ __ ] is going on can't cook a scallop one side gorgeous the other side nothing there [ __ ] just touch them I seen the others [ __ ] ridiculous have a [ __ ] meeting here one minute on your own and get your [ __ ] together purser Chef Ramsay's just seeing him angry it's horrific it's the scariest thing I've ever seen it's terrible hey brand-new there's no handle that door so they can't get out you just got a bounce back and keep going keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing let's get it two more scallops off not twos don't say one scallops the two scallops are coming out of the pan in 30 seconds heard their salad after window yes sir behind you hot chef coming in hot farm you saw this place with Brendan's help the men finally complete their first ticket meanwhile the women have completed appetizers and entrees are on the way overwhelming Myka once more mica garnish mica where is this mica how long this mica mica mica mica mica mica hello even my girlfriend doesn't call my name this main time because mica man the [ __ ] up it's just food I mean it's not [ __ ] rocket science the county section is falling way behind should not be waiting for garnish yes sir understood while the red team is at a standstill waiting on me cos garnish over in the blue kitchen come on the men have found their rhythm let's go fellas and are finally moving on to entrees pick up listen to me get four and four and four halibuts working we got off to a bad start on appetizers so I'm gonna take the lead it's gonna work out better this way trust me walking lamp this ship walking walking with salmon amazing perfect nice oh my god come here all of you Oh soft humming there and then look you flip that over and it's burnt to [ __ ] come in - there you go yeah yeah eat that [ __ ] this is just a mess sit down the fish stations [ __ ] the bed tonight service come here you yes have two knives Dawson seven you're growing some knives and forks for the [ __ ] mafia lovely we have to really hit it off very humbling for me don't say anything as Cameron and Brendan swallow their pride over in the red kitchen the pressure is on Michelle and Alison on the meat station I know what I'm doing here I got this you don't have to tell me like put this in the oven put this in the oven like I get it it's like no let's just keep it moving like I don't have time for this as Alison and Michelle search for their voices over in the blue kitchen Michael has found himself on the fish station on over to Michael fire she's gone up yes yeah but with a late appetizer order coming in Brendan and Cameron returned to the kitchen yeah where's your guys this white wine yes yeah I need to fight back you know I want to show Chef Ramsay that I'm sorry that I gave him [ __ ] two scallops Michael yes yeah I stopped so what did I ask you to do Scott chef Phillip believe in the time right and look I got the dress talent Michael we are going down in flames right now because of you other the way to go I don't know where it's the [ __ ] go-go boys we have to come back come on [ __ ] it I get it scallops at the window [ __ ] it out you you come here read to you continue cooking yes take that out of it yes yeah get out [Music] it's embarrassing it's humiliating I'm like holding back [ __ ] tears right now it's terrible I'm really disappointed in myself [Music] Brendan yeah there's no way that you're gonna be sent home so relax he's Gordon [ __ ] Ramsay you don't give him not perfect fish I want to throw up buddy just ate so much salmon right Brett yes chef I'm Millie take over the fish yes sir four minutes to port for an a haddock yeah let's go we got to finish this Chef Ramsay's pissed we have to turn it back around I'm not losing I do not want to lose let's go - Nick Nick what's going to talk to Santa two halibut then two pork two Wellington see poultry salmon followed by two seven two Wellington Hey yes there Oliver going what's going Josh please salmon - then he nuts enough I have never seen a tame so fragmented all my [ __ ] life you you you you [ __ ] off Russia James you and I'll finish to get out yeah sure I'm [ __ ] boy oh man I feel disrespected I don't understand it I ain't never been kicked out of kitchen in my life while Chef Ramsay and chef James finish up service for the blue team I stick to poultry salmon okay over in the red kitchen four tickets okay thank you the women rally to help Mika and complete their entrees last ticket I'm really super excited that's it lay down the stock guys we're actually finishing the video service right now it was just a really awesome feeling great job well done come on quick please Millie I'm speechless there are so many weak performances it was ridiculous get upstairs come to a consensus on the two people that you think you'll be better off win out get out I pick expectations for my team tonight they [ __ ] failed me [Music] nobody can't be pissy we all [ __ ] up no caddy no nonsense yep if you want to continue to win we need to vote off our weakest link I think Michael should go up without a question I'm sorry hope Oh Michael you crazy you trippin Mike was on point all night new trippin I went over he told me a drop of scallops and you come over and tell me to get out so I left and then they get yelled F dropping his polyps well that's how the only reason why you got kicked out he yelled you like 15 times for what he build a beef salad too early me and Mike had our station on point the night Mike ain't did nothing wrong but bounced back though two people that should be on the Block tonight is Brendan and camera Brendan you should have took the station right all right now he kept coming in and he kept coming in and he kept coming in he kept vomiting the shovel you know we kept [ __ ] up we kept [ __ ] up if Chef Ramsay's in your ear and you can't cook scallops in front of him then you need to go home so who's your boss who's your vote that's who uses dude if I get another chance on that fish station it won't happen again it won't [ __ ] happen again I want to redeem myself I want to show Chef Ramsay that I can [ __ ] cook I'm not afraid to go up there and stand in front of him and listen to his criticism that's why we're here yeah you're going up that's I don't feel like I'm the weakest chef the whole team [ __ ] up wasn't just me and I am NOT going home tonight no more pussyfooting around who is going up tonight me uh-huh and whoever else you guys decide [Music] while the women completed their first dinner service the men were rejected from the kitchen and asked to nominate two chefs for elimination ladies good job Brett blue team's first nominee and why first nominee tonight is camera chef they saw in all performances unfortunately tonight right off the bat to scallop dishes you know got thrown back in our face he decided to take leadership on that station and unfortunately a backfire chef second nominee and why second nominee chef is Michael based on all-around performance I feel like he doesn't have a voice and he wasn't communicating Pamela and Michael step four [Music] come on tell me why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I learned from my mistakes I understand that failure is a part of you know success and I want to learn I want to get better that's why I'm here Michael why do you think she started Hell's Kitchen I love what I do I feel that the the first night that we all made mistakes chef I made a few mistakes on scallops but the fish station messed up tonight chef they cost you about $300 worth of fish you're right yeah yeah you're good I'm ashamed to be here I mean I'm a better cook than that I know it that just made a [ __ ] mistake I'm there to help to make you look good you showed me I know I held your hand and did it with you I know I I crumbled when you came over my shoulder I'll be honest you came over you're intimidating I lost it I lost him Michael yes yeah why are you reading a recipe two minutes before the customs are sad yes chef it was a prep list chef that was just double-checking the station making sure I set up chef the prep has gone yes chef what happened again the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is [Music] cameron take off your jacket i cannot fathom what's going on in your mind you talk absolute utter nonsense goodnight Sasha I really really really wanted to win and show everybody that I'm a good cook I'm a great person that I deserve it you know I buckled under the pressure that was intimidated and I lost my sense of cooking and it cost me I'm not as smart as I think I am I guess intimidated this whole industry is difficult just to survive [ __ ] off cameron was a disaster but the strong survived we're gonna take a step forward I mean I didn't come on here to loose I came on here to win the red team is going upward from now on we work together as a team and with the boys it's one down eight more to go Chef Ramsay's knocking me down but I'm not gonna let him break me I know I'm a strong chef in my heart I'm here to win Hell's Kitchen and nobody's sending me home Cameron was too intimidated to perform when I was watching him so I did him a favor and made sure that he doesn't have to be around me anymore next time on Hell's Kitchen when one chef makes a potentially lethal mistake will the fallout drive him out of Hell's Kitchen forever and when anger escalates on the red team bunny chef Chef Ramsay takes matters into his own hands what ahead of the door like he's never done before all next time on a dangerous and cutting-edge episode oh my god what everywhere of Hell's Kitchen [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 621,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: e1XGpqbgXpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 22sec (2482 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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