Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 14, Episode 13 - Full Episode

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the chef's were challenged to unlock the flavor of different cuts of meat with king of the hill judging everyone had an opportunity to be the hero because what if you team if you remain in that seats Meaghan impressed early with her porterhouse his cook puffed like a Cheshire and had a long reign on the throne neither Milly that is brawl nor Josh its overcooked would come close to unseating her but Michelle did wonders with her flank steak delicious and won the challenge for the red team give Michelle the seat please Chef Ramsay added some extra incentive to dinner service some of you will receive the black jacket I love it are you waiting for tell me faces a toast but the red team cracked quickly under the pressure I need one more minute okay as Josh had major issues on the garnish station and Alison completely melted down on the grill that dish resembles shoot Fox in the blue kitchen in spite of having just three chefs million Knicks team work along with Meghan's strong performance on the meat station literally have 14 steaks going at the same time absolutely resulted in a landslide win for the blue team and they were the first to earn their black jackets welcome to black for swimming the red team nominated elephant and but before he eliminated someone great job Chef Ramsay gave Michelle tea and Josh Thank You chef their black jackets ending Alison's chance of becoming the next head chef at Caesars Atlantic City [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen well done I'm so excited I'm speechless like I can't believe it Oh got a black jacket on I'm pretty sure I'm the youngest person ever to wear one of these black jackets I faded to black y'all I don't even remember what so friendly said after he handed me this jacket I could tell you word for word what he said to me doesn't matter how we got here we got here I know how I got here yeah I know how I got here how I got here [ __ ] that I'm one [ __ ] mistake he knew and Randy voted me up for elimination so it matter to me how I am perfect services good so good continuum you're gonna need them everybody's gonna need them I know how I got here 209 lives oh my gosh the black jacket looks so good on me it ties with a cream block after reveling in their new attire the black jackets enter the kitchen where they discover it's a colorful a science lab in school I almost failed chemistry I'm gonna be the [ __ ] that burns down Hell's Kitchen every day when a chef steps into the kitchen it is literally like stepping into a laboratory it's chemistry right that brings me to these test tubes what I've done is taken food and extracted the essence of their flavors I would like each of you guess the food flavor inside that testing Wow everyone come up and stake the test tube I have no idea what's gonna be in the Testament but does not look like something that I want anywhere near my mouth okay Michelle down that is a delicious one what is it I know this toy to give you a hint sure yeah what the [ __ ] is it it's like oniton with my tongue it is an enchilada yeah that is that's an enchilada Josh take a sip you'll love this one [Music] don't overthink it [Music] don't get fire that's it pumpkin pie exactly that wonder we've got Megan I have five we have a taste one of the most recognized dishes in the country steak and cheese first classic burger Oh see what number six yeah they didn't have any breakfast this morning so I'm currently starving I just hope it doesn't taste an ESD you've made hundreds of these chef pizza well done exactly that Thank You chef Nick smell good [Music] it is like roast beef no way no spaghetti spaghetti and meatballs you dope yeah down the hatch of course we'll know that wasn't your challenge that was just a warm-up for your palate your next challenge separates the cooks from the chefs because it's time for taste it now make it thank you Andy yeah this is my favorite challenge but here's a twist this year you'll be working in pairs Wow interesting each pair will need to recreate my dish the pair that comes closest to recreate my dish and win the challenge all all six of you put yourselves in pairs choose your partner off you go John Michell we knew already that we wanted to partner up because he makes me laugh I make her laugh I chose Millie because I know this is this boy knows his [ __ ] and I didn't want to work with Josh Meghan I'm so sorry for you yeah I've never worked with Josh but he has a good palate and you've all gone 30 minutes to recreate the dish that is under the dog your 30 minutes starts now let's go guys the chefs will have just 30 minutes to recreate Chef Ramsay's complex dish good taste let's go relying on their palates their partners palates and one sample dish sea bass halibut what's the colony we know it's meat it's meteor that tastes a lot like Cod to me but Megan's been spot-on I trust Megan so I'm gonna I'm gonna go with Megan's instinct on this one I think you're right on the present yes hundred percent yeah ii thought it was halibut but what soft tasty I knew what it was I've eaten sea bass before I've know a seabed after some debate the chef's have chosen their proteins right Josh and Megan believe that Chef Ramsay used hell of it but the other two teams are going with sea bass t we work good together somebody had an ingredient the other person taste it yeah get the sake that's dumplings in it the filling G to be gettin either felon or now there's lobster I know for sure the filling in the dumpling was the only thing we were unsure of only because the only thing we saw is lobster that's it we don't see anything else well Nick and Michelle get cracking on their lobster dumplings Josh is finishing he and Meghan's but T and Milly have chosen to fill their dumplings with shrimp these aren't even like holding love at all and are having problems wrapping them up three minutes guys grab the fish out of peanut taste the plugging they're almost spot-on Michelle yeah it's donate lemongrass I'm thirsty five seconds to go on tap for beautiful okay let's go three two one and serve guys let's begin with Milly and T's dish please I feel pretty confident addition pass this down we gon win Milly Milly describe the dish please we have a sea bass with wonton wrappers I brought me with onions and lemongrass and ginger and Saki [Music] Wow I'm like oh [ __ ] what does that mean the broth is delicious its fragrant okay great back in line thank you side down please next up Meghan and Josh please let's go sure Wow Thank You Josh describe the dish please we have seared halibut and that is how to cook a halibut and the dumplings I have lobster scallop it's like oh yeah he likes it right the broth is delicious thank you lovely there's a little red pepper take your lime sake sake as well good job thank you well done thank you I need to win this challenge like I want to get the [ __ ] out of here so bad it's not even funny okay Michelle describe the dish please so if we have seared sea bass and then the lobster dumplings lobster dumplings have steamed lobster chiffonade scallion and onions and the broth is lemongrass ginger soy sauce soy sauce just a touch interesting indeed two of you put suck in I want to go to Sawyer oh my god did I make the wrong choice and putting soy in it three very strong efforts that I tell you but you can't win unless you get the protein correct now Nick and Michelle you had the sea bass - Milly you also had sea bass Megan and Josh you chose halibut the correct protein is please let the fish be right please it's sea bass Megan and Josh you're out the competition I think I was like a little turtle evil laugh you got the right fish Milly pasta you boy now the big difference between your dishes is in the broth and one of you used soy and one of you suckers and that is going to decide the winner congratulations the winner of taste it now make it I'm Nick it's [ __ ] killed it see many great efforts so close unfortunately not close enough Michelle and Nick you're about to take the most amazing and unique tour by the beautiful seaside town of Long Beach California you're in for a treat you'll be seen one of the most stunning water fronts in a very unique way definitely the battery life I'm on this point okay okay after that unique trip negative visits one of America's most beloved ocean liners the Queen Mary is gorgeous I'm excited Chuck head upstairs get changed well done thank you sir guys you're in for a long one brace yourselves but on the bright side what you will be doing is for a very good cause your good deeds today begin with giving back to the environment because today all four of you will be recycling you'll remove each and every trash bag and sort it there's more all of you are gonna be giving back to the midnight mission this is an amazing organization downtown Los Angeles it's committed to providing great food and counseling to people in need so I volunteered your services Thank You chef you're welcome I want you to make 150 pounds of mashed potatoes from scratch okay no it's a good deal it's an amazing deal it's hard work but just think of the reward you're gonna make the most amazing midnight mission mashed beyond belief but it's yes yes yeah okay head out the patio get some fresh air before we start recycling I'm here almost three times in my life and the first time I saw my side I was 12 people don't understand how real it is when you can't run back to your mom well you can't run back to the family house you can't wear no wages this outside I see you and I'm like it like does something to me and that's that's I mean that's amazing really we're doing good things this I was just about to say this reward is a good this punishment is rewarding yeah [Music] whoa welcome to Long Beach I'm Fred I'll be taking a little driving tour awesome let's hop in the other side make it in the back I know we're going through a tour but I don't know the specifics of it of course that's just half Hell's Kitchen is so here's marine stayed you know yeah it's a nice flat water to scare I'm trying to freaked out like are we gonna float for the whole time [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's just crazy we hit the ways I get soaking wet and there's a once-in-a-lifetime thing it was really cool [Music] oh that was wonderful take everything out of the trash dump categorize it and then refill the dumpsters smelly its gross just I'll get through it I gotta be honest I don't recycle oh thanks so this is not something that I want to do oh is that maggots Josh I don't like maggots just breathing about three through my mouth yes I'm tasting it oh it's not one person don't even think about throwing that Josh hasn't gotten it into whoo oh my god if you throw one more what do you think I'm gonna throw you in the goddamn trash can we already got to deal with trash they only got to deal with a dumbass at the same time take a colostomy bag almost Josh is being a complete child smells like poop he pretends to work but he's really having minimal contribution what Eve did wait what you [ __ ] working against the dam cause you're pushing the garbage further away I'm not listening to you nerves shut the [ __ ] up to him I can't do this man while Josh acts like a bit of a princess Nick and Michelle are in the presence of the Queen we're driving Mary and you don't realize how big it is until you're actually really up close to it it just towered over us it was crazy how big it was I couldn't be happier right now I wouldn't want to be on the road with anybody else besides Michelle I feel like when I came into this competition a lot of people had doubts you know oh she's only 22 same thing with me I started off really slow because I did want to stand out too much and then after a while I had to be like okay now it's time to really step it up and like do my thing I mean I feel like we both done a lot to prove ourselves they get it now they don't were stupid Michelle and I Paul kinda felt like we were on your dogs at one point this competition but now we set the tone for the competition we're ready to be the final two why don't you go aside the Sun is setting yeah let's do it let's go scuzzy yeah bring your glass bowl have a little toast outside sounds good to me this view this experience this day I wouldn't trade it for anything else this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime day for me [Music] while Nick and Michelle share a titanic moment back in Hell's Kitchen the losers are still peeling their way through a hundred and fifty pounds of potatoes definitely can't wait to get these mashed potatoes boxed up sent to the midnight mission so the people can have a good bill but it's definitely hard work go combine them put them in one pie there's not enough space bring them over here let's [ __ ] Tammy I would rather you Tammy so all this that's my point we have all this you just want to do the easiest thing all night long dude stop stirring like a little [ __ ] get your muscles over here and Tammy these [ __ ] potatoes Josh little [ __ ] you're like working this [ __ ] out those potatoes 20 minutes now I'm gonna do it right you worry about what you have to do this is what we have to do Josh we have to Tammy hey it's gotta be done right why wouldn't I do it done right oh yeah all you're gonna do is [ __ ] you ain't doing it right you're not doing it right I'm doing what I have to do right after a few hours of sleep the chefs are back in the kitchen prepping for their first dinner service in black jackets anybody need cha I'm gonna do chives to shift parsley you chose for everybody no drivers first thought should be like I'm cutting shallots I'll just cut it for everyone I think the best ones are in here he's just not a team player I wouldn't even use this sir is your mother funny that's why I brought these Josh you're talking but you ain't Willie's saying nothing I don't need your help and I didn't ask for help you shut up somebody cut chives right connected huh is it in a court or is it uh it's in the setup right to the bottom I'm sorry what did you say he's just like Oh Miranda mm-hmm don't call me uncle Andy why not I'm still here all the ladies they asked the same questions over and over and doing the same exact thing Josh that's a married thing twice so I can't ask any questions I'm done with that [ __ ] focus from you asking the same [ __ ] questions over and over uncle Randy [ __ ] who you are where you've been where you're from lousy [ __ ] doesn't matter [ __ ] clown I'm done talking about it shut the [ __ ] up that's crazy good evening enough guys quick come through nice nice nice tonight it'll be all working out the same kitchen one dynamic team serving one entire dining room that's awesome sure go time tonight we'll have a wonderful actress dining with us on the chef's table in the red kitchen she's an Oscar winner in fact this lady was the youngest ever to receive an Academy Award actress Tatum O'Neal will be dining with us tonight no way my first time in Hollywood and I serve legends I expect a service that is nothing short of sensational yeah yes telling stations let's go Brina open Hell's Kitchen please [Music] with Hell's Kitchen filling up with customers hoping for a meal to remember I gotta prove it Chef Ramsay is looking for the chef's to commit communicate and cooperate as they work together for the first time to serve the entire dining room from one kitchen four covers table 50 now I'm gonna be as vocal as I can coming to show Chef Ramsay that I deserve to be in a black chocolate I need 10 more seconds at these scallops lovely sear on the skull up Thank You chef walking scallops Michelle walking to salad give me 30 seconds Michelle speed is a little bit slower than mine looks [ __ ] get it out fast fat stuff I'm gonna go ahead and walk two salads behind you chef Scout oh Jesus you're kidding me Michelle yes Caesar salad evolved up on a plate Easy's jump tonight wakey-wakey hurry up sorry [ __ ] me a Super Bowl I had a brain fart duh they're supposed to go in a ball come on please Michelle what's that speech it's coming from the window dying it's our first black jacket service I'll be down to something get set back again behind I have the salad here good let's go with Michelle's minor confusion on the salads resolved the chefs are now pushing out appetizers and Chef Ramsay looks to Megan on the hot appetizer station to keep up the pace [Music] [ __ ] his tongue come on refire Nick seriously anything I was gonna have to do that in the final six come on with the Black team beginning to falter asker winning actress Tatum O'Neal and her son welcome have arrived and are ready to be seated at the chef's table enjoy tonight Thank You chef table hey guys yes when it's the VIP table it puts an extra little bit of pressure on you but you know sir a superstar qualities who every night Tatum O'Neal and live for treat when I set out good evening how are you tonight okay I have some menus for you how'd I go Sanada can we I wanna get to yeah okay I'm gonna have a beef yes and then the halibut put here some chicken and then the bread pudding as well fantastic as the VIPs settle in Chef Ramsay is looking for his refire on that lobster nothing's perfect very nice apricot Oh John you know we're going yes with appetizers now receiving top marks in the kitchen when uppity guys and in the dining room wow what a start Chef Ramsay has one last order to fill before moving on to entrees Oh ticking chefs I'd watch this table five one capellini once you know one sees the one result and the know-how but I don't think she has the speed yet I'm ready I'm just going way faster yes chef come on Michelle please yes you need to be able to go with that speed that everybody else is going with following you Anna that's that okay [Music] Shepard okay but that's it's really cold in the middle no no buts no poultry to come here it's done cold no no I can't make any more mistakes or else I'm definitely gonna have a target on my back I'm replating in one chef I'm making sure from now on everything I do is absolutely perfect Megan yes part of your table as well it's stone cold yes chef Michele if you burn I burn if you finish I crashed so get your [ __ ] together and let's go for sure yes yeah put the team behind let's go Michelle yes serve a chef's table please result Oh Caesar salad please are they gonna be sharing one of the appetizers I think it could look better I think this could have looked a little like more a little more of a circle yeah I don't have a random Joe Schmo the streets that they're gonna appreciate our foods that have Peter when y'all set there give me a break lady I mean honestly this is mediocre I want to try again yours is delicious - good absolutely as the VIP guests dig into their appetizers Oh comes 10 11 - no more chicken with someone yes yes let's turn the black jackets try to coordinate their first order of entrees please Josh spoke to me we gonna be four minutes first thank you four minutes come on Josh pull music put on loose during service Josh does not hear anything other than the voices inside of his [ __ ] pay huh that type of person is dangerous in the kitchen [ __ ] flame on josh is completely frazzled who's making those [ __ ] noises Akash what's the matter with that guy walk into the past in ten seconds all right Kurt yeah okay cool they're not done yeah Meg put that in right the lamp like we've got no [ __ ] lamp yes chef coming right now what came chef honestly I need a minute a half chef a young man that summers ready hey so Euler come up with a seven and now it's one and a half I think though she was going she didn't know shoot chef I need not talk to me welcome to the past in 10 seconds Bert you knew I was walking to the past shot Omar Jones oh my god teeth gonna kill him be on a ship I swear how do you know she's going show dude I'm doing a countdown from 4 minutes you zone the [ __ ] out for 4 minutes how much a service do you actually remember Murr Josh I'm moving ship right away - I'm chef I apologize [Music] Alam is poverty codes finish up Josh's lamb was worth the wait yeah you're right finished on the chef's regroup all right for their next ticket chef tight watch this table entree one halibut one Wellington one ticket yes yeah let's go I don't [ __ ] care just compose yourself yes chef right away like a [ __ ] baboon there we were waiting for chef to call someone a baboon and you are the lucky recipient congratulations Josh welcome a halibut to the past my Wellington's ready yes I'm ready one Wellington one chicken walking to the pass [Music] Josh pink chicken I mean come on get it back in the pan come on Josh how long do you need with the chopper knife to refire I'm recovering that's good there's no this no we just sat eight minutes Josh emails on the mixer colors why she said he had to refire the breast is fine assisted the legs pain lets them to take eight-minute but white panic yes chef continue cooking the leg josh is just Josh I don't know what the [ __ ] he's doing he's losing is mine come on [Music] one appetito Bon Appetit thank God now I've gotten my confidence back and I'm ready to go does anybody else want might be I can you needed that rare oh my gosh VIP guests Tatum O'Neal has some bad news for Marino I'm gonna send Mike my feedback it's just not up to my agenda I'm gonna get the halibut Tatum O'Neal is a diva give me a break lady I mean honestly chef's table she doesn't care for the Wellington can she has it Hollywood well done this one halibut urgently for Tatum please let's go yeah I'm gonna hook you up with some Oscar award-winning halibut [Music] I hope that I wait on this one thank you [Music] with the chef's table happy the Black team pushes out the last of the entrees [Music] last ticket - laughs and look at me finish on a high note I will chef I'm giving everything I have to try and prove the chef that I am worthy come on finished on seven walk in chef [Music] today lamb is perfectly cooked piggy chef that's what I call a good service finally a service you can all be proud offers and what a time to do it your first night wearing black jackets great job thank you unfortunately even on a night when you deliver the best service of the year I need two nominees get out of there well done great job a lot of strong people here and it's really gonna suck to nominate two people we definitely have our work cut out for us this is where it gets kind of hard yeah if anybody got anything sent back what was it I had one - no that was slightly cold in the middle and the plate and I've gotta play instead of a ball cuz I had a brain fart seriously Michelle wearing black jackets now it ain't amateur hour anymore no time for rookie mistakes Josh I needed two minutes on a chicken length everything else was perfect I honestly wasn't Josh it wasn't perfect you were frazzle is fun but on the inside I'm cool as a cucumber oh my [ __ ] came out perfect temperature the meat yeah the meat was cooked great that's all that matters that's not other nutters it doesn't matter what I look like I had control of myself all night and what happen with you tonight Nick was cooking appetite Alice appetizers disaster and do anything come back good cold lobster stone cold lobster really look let's do percentage it's not about the percentage of food you cook - compared to how much came back what's new percentages let's get the [ __ ] counter if you cook 20 dishes and three came back that means you didn't do a great job this isn't a [ __ ] math equation Josh you're a Franklin mess in the kitchen end of story ticket after ticket it has meat on it my land that's four minutes my chicken - but you don't get it because you're saying I'm fries all the times everything that I know is going on and Chef Ramsay deserves the best chef we call an epic on service tonight but what team do we want tomorrow's [Music] after a very solid performance in their first service as a team the black jackets were given the difficult task of nominating two chefs for elimination lynnie first nominee and why our first nominee tonight is Josh chef he brings a sense of frazzled miss to the kitchen everybody needs to be calm and if he's fragile it might friends or other people will need you know any of that in the kitchen second nominee and why Michelle she wasn't all the way up to speed on how that station she had a couple mistakes when it was time to be perfect tonight I've had some services this year where I felt like sending three of you home tonight I don't really feel like sending anybody home [Music] but I'm going to Joshua Michelle is their paws Josh why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I give you every ounce of me every night and when I struggle I bounce back chef I never give up and I never will and I think I'm up here because my team is intimidated of what I'm capable of whether they're rolling their eyes or not chef I have what it takes if I have passion I have fire and I have determination Michelle why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen chef I know I should stay in Hell's Kitchen because I have more to offer than Josh I'm not frazzled like Josh's and I'm very determined to stay here and I know more than Josh does I I bring more to the table than he does [Music] the person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Josh take off your jacket [Music] young man yes listen carefully you've been struggling a lot lately and you lost a lot of confidence yes sure but I'm happy that you are leaving on a strong service tonight and you should be too yes sir stay passionate Thank You chef yeah it was an honor mother Jeff thank you thank you thank you good night thank you [Music] I came here believing in myself and I was so excited just to have this opportunity seeing you is crazy you're like right here to talk to me it's awesome I have a lot of heart a lot of passion right now let's go let's go but it takes being torn apart to get better it looks like a toque stood as a mess I would have served this dish Josh you're a [ __ ] dick you don't have the heart or the balls to be a chef let's go we got to finish this everything that I've been through has made me stronger and I didn't think that was possible that's luscious for me it's the pool congratulations well done Josh you want to be - yeah yes I'm not disappointed myself at all I laid it all on the line I gave 100% every day to a wonderful beautiful day Chef Ramsay I just want to thank you for believing in me is your black jacket to Chef Ramsay to allow me to leave on a high note it's a magical feeling this is just the beginning for me I don't know what the future holds I don't but I know it's bright if ITIF you to let then defy the weakest chef based on that phenomenal service tonight but you raise the bar I'm gonna raise it even higher sweet dreams get out of here Karma's a [ __ ] Josh bye I'm feeling so motivated so confident and that's one less person that's standing in my way I'm here to win the [ __ ] competition it's all on me I just have to cook my ass off and cook my heart out nothing is going to stop me there's only five of us left now so I can't make any mistakes I need to just bring it now on I have to be [ __ ] perfect Josh had great passion and a strong service tonight unfortunately it was too little too late next time on Hell's Kitchen chef Andi James I like you both take the night off when Chef Ramsay wants to see how each chef performs as his sous chef will the power go to one chefs head [Music] turning her team against her I just want to get the hell out of Hell's Kitchen you won't believe what happens when it all boils over it all leads to a confrontation with Chef Ramsay so intense I find that completely bizarre its parts the most shocking elimination of the season I'm not accepting that [ __ ] it's all next time on a fiery episode kitchen [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 432,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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