Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 14, Episode 12 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen how many of you are confident in your palate the chef's palates were challenged during Chef Ramsay's annual blind taste test if you get three wrong your teammate gets dumped I'm trying to get all wet up with a perfect for four for Apple Millie got the blue team off to an early lead but with Nick and Randy both getting three out of four items incorrect the door was open for the newest member of the red team Josh avocado who clinched the victory in a tiebreaker well done Josh what a great team at a very special dinner service to honor two charities chef was tested on their ability to lead a course all right let's keep it moving lobster please Randy struggled with his leadership and his consistency on the risotto course the same takes get them all into one pan correct the seasoning that weighs all seasons and nearly sent out more plates than there were diners why have we gone 16 plates two risotto outs hey who got 60 plates that's what Randy that was Randy's dead over in the red kitchen Josh got off to a rocky start these are over yeah as he overcooked batch after batch of tuna for Fran Drescher's table has more moisture more texture tuna but solid performances from Alison and tea enabled the red team to finish straws although both teams had a respectable service the red team lost and chose two nominees and but in a shocking turn of events Chef Ramsay felt compelled to tell Randy that his dream of becoming head chef at Caesars Atlantic City was over [Music] [Music] [Music] and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen get out of it it's tough because the only person that's gonna help me is me I have to get inside my mind and get my together get your head on straight I know I don't know what's going on I do and you're gonna hear it josh is a little Lulu all over the place I just want to say wake the up come on stop overthinking it Josh downstairs I see a lot of potential and Josh and he is receptive to what I say but he's not sure exactly who he is yet don't get caught up in drama what everybody else go down in flames yeah josh is a crybaby mama's boy people that can't let things go that's a female tree I mean every time he ever been a he got come and talk to Meghan be good like advice I want to shake you I get it I need to be shaken if I was making I would be counseling him he got when to come into some bus so after a night of counseling questioning and second-guessing the chef's head downstairs to face another day and another unique test provided by Chef Ramsay let's go line up these guys you know a skilled chef is able to unlock the flavor of whatever ingredients now as you can see there are series of lockers behind me in those lockers there are several premium cuts of steak however there are also some less than prime cuts and some of the lockers have nothing at all for today's challenge I want each of you to cook me an amazing stage with a incredible side dish you've all got 35 minutes total here are your keys your 35 minutes starts there's probably like a thousand keys and they're everywhere you literally have to like try to unlock every single locker that's not opening wait times locusts ticking guys anything yes nothing was in it it was like playing twister up there please slithering and slide to each other's legs up under each other's arms trying to open up those boxes kill a mini grip cap I don't give a with a rib cap is I'm taking it excellence porterhouse lucky you Wow a porterhouse oh is it big one New York chef Neil strip Wow energy let's go come on guys where else come on warehouses turkey steak to come you're in the red kitchen now I do enjoy a good porterhouse though so I'm feeling good about it yes chef ribeye seriously I'm getting really flustered because I know the time is ticking six minutes comes I have a New York Strip set I know I'm the last one and I can't get these blockers open cuz the big damn Keys don't fit in any of the keyholes ten minutes gone the clock is ticking Michelle Chef Ramsay is behind me damn and he sounds a little nervous too and that doesn't make me feel good at all okay Wow Frank there's a whole bunch of really really good quality steaks my guys like and I get the flank steak which is probably the cheapest cut those in those lockers just under 25 minutes to go call my show you can pull this back yes your steak with salt and pepper I love steak I like to get a really hot pan a lot of salt and pepper and you have to give it love like you have to make love to it sexy and then just baste it and it's like oh it's so good you're right yeah just give me a little chicken stock facial it's fine fifteen minutes to go guys I need something spicy the flank steak is such a cheap cut of meat I need to enhance the flavors of this so I went back to my roots and put a little Mexican Flair on it how you guys doing yeah rice and beans duh ten minutes to go ten minutes [Music] point thank you maybe you're ready I'll get my New York Strip it's a big steak just top my steak would our guys some nice cream and some mushrooms you can't get a better looking at stake than there oh good 90 seconds to go finishing touches oh let's go Palladian guys over cups 30 seconds to go let's go mini murder where's my sauce go spices where's my sauce ten nine eight we need some seven six five four three two one and serve guys [Music] today I'm gonna be judging a little differently king of the hill right I'm gonna taste the dishes individually if you are the chef still sitting on that throne at the end of the challenge you'll win it for your team awesome okay see let's go good luck team waiting for a challenge like this for a long time now bring on the rib cap it's time for me to shine as an individual okay it's all about excellence at this point describe the dish please chef I just made a mustard shoe placed it on a bed of vegetables bacon and a mushroom chef Wow you've cooked it beautifully I mean it's absolutely nailed and the whole thing is cohesive definitely worthy sitting on throne good job while tea gets comfortable in the chair of honor the question is will you remain in the throne I'm Mellie let's go the blue team hopes Milly can unseat her with his New York Strip and rosemary fondue damn that is literally teetering on the edge of raw you will not be sitting in the throat damn what a shame with Millie's meat too raw to even be considered let's cut it's Josh's turn to try and take over the throne with his pomegranate and fig porterhouse a lot of people like to start with the fillet first thank you for that come with instruction I'm sorry no no it doesn't believe a [Music] overcooked filet completely screwed I've got from one extreme to the other piss off I was pissed at myself you don't want to go up in front of the best chef in the world and just give them our tweenty you could win a few team if you remain in that seat and next up Megan let's go I definitely think I have this in the bag I did a seared porterhouse with red wine Demi sauce with some mushrooms how'd you get it so melting their mouth father I mean love to it put it in the oven took it out and put it in took it out question is is it good enough to replace T's it's really tough Megan the chairs yours great dish good job Wow I get the throne its deity princess as the blue team rebels and Megan's stealing of the throne next up Alison let's go please Alison steps up with her rib eye even before I taste it it's overcooked yes chef it's closed as a medium well too well done Megan stay where you are oh my god chef didn't even taste it just 100% embarrassed Nick stop Nick let's go we have a New York Strip with a roasted sunchoke puree to the two clumsy on the garlic Meghan stays where she is Megan you only have one more Challenger Michelle Michelle has an awesome palate and she can cook Michelle with the flank so I'm getting a little nervous but the steak that I made was a steak it wasn't flank steak flank is literally a sear and a sear girl's flank that seasoned with salt pepper and chili powder black meteorites and mango pepper salsa Wow it's delicious I mean you've got the cheapest cut one of those awkward but it's a really good dish two great dishes they beautifully well-executed classic and here we have a cheap cut elevator to the Premier League this is so hard [Music] Megan give Michelle the seat please yes Megan is a really tough competitor in this competition Wow and I just beat her with a playing stake I am the clean of the day hi guys phenomenal yes hey Red Team I have got one hell of a reward for you today I've arranged for all of you to visit one of the most beautiful destinations in Southern California Catalina Island you're gonna see California's sea life close-up while enjoying your private submarine ride after that I've arranged for you to have an amazing four-course dinner at Catalina's Members Only Beach Club oh there's one more thing I have a key for you up says the dorm there's a another present for you all I just wanted to prove to my team that I shouldn't have gone up for nomination yesterday because I can definitely pull my own and competitions just like I did today tomorrow night's is steak night's big night here in Hell's Kitchen so I have a huge side of beef being delivered shortly this thing is in excess of 250 pounds break it down cut up the steak Taylor tomorrow night's yeah Megan yeah seven challenge losses in a row yes head out to the patio get some fresh air thanks for evan Etten just taking one for the team one right after the other I actually thought that we were gonna win that mango and steak yep as Megan tries to force down a slice of humble pie the red team is enjoying a slice of the good life watch your head Michele six to like we're really doing this oh man freaking the red team is really going in a submarine right now [Music] start fighting to get a little caddy this is fully like mini Jaws in it in it in it in it in it and it [Music] alright guys today we'll be bringing in and breaking down the side of beef I got Nick on my team and then I got a I got Megan on my team oh yeah anytime there's something heavy I know they're gonna look right at the big man you know to start carrying most of the heavy when Chef Ramsay said it was gonna be a side of beef I ain't know if it was gonna be just a couple of cuts but we got the leg all the way to the rib cage I'm like this is real beeping Michelle not a lot of can get under my skin yeah let me get a deconstructed fajita at a steak house but I keep thinking I should have won that challenge I really think that that wasn't the winning dish yeah obviously tasting it Megan just shut up we get it let's just get this punishment over with [Music] Wow Wow welcome to Catalina Country Club Chef Ramsay really hooked us up but I mean this was mad bougie yes it felt fancy and we definitely felt like Royals guys to a wonderful beautiful day uh-huh Michelle helping us out and getting us here but you know what to the next challenge all right after a day spent cutting meat and cutting loose the chefs are up early ready to prep for tonight's dinner service whole brand-new menu flank steak the way that Michelle did it oh it's really an honor to have your dish on the menu at Hell's Kitchen so I want to make sure this dish is perfect [Music] maybe flat and then it's easier I know cut off more of the end so be more flat you know what I mean whatever boon I know but you're struggling cuz my hands are so big I've seen people with monster hands needed support Michelle thing she's the greatest thing since french bread we have a dinner service that we have to get ready for with a brand new menu and you're worried about the way i brunoise a jalapeno I'm just trying to help you out and I want it to look really nice I was the one that won the competition so I don't understand why he doesn't listen to me when I'm telling him exactly how to do my dish can I see Josh yeah new show you wanna do dinner service later on what a surprise Michelle is being annoying welcome to the party Josh why are you getting so offended but I'm just like trying not annoying you're nice come on come on guys holy your voice and I bless your boyfriend weenie let him do his way please leave the jalapeno Josh I'm just giving you a hint just do it easier for you show your life easier yeah I'm sure well telling you - it's insulting for somebody to keep coming at you when you're doing that what they ask you to do driving me nuts already already you're driving me nuts it's not my responsibility to baby Josh in the kitchen because babies aren't allowed in the kitchen cuz they'll get hurt [Music] Red Team good afternoon sorry Red Team Blue team line up in front of the pasture yeah sure quick let's go right first off tonight it is steak night in Hell's Kitchen I've chosen steak nights as the final night that you will cook as two teams not only is it the final night you'll be cooking in two kitchens but it's also the night that some of you will receive the black jacket that is right there it is I love it get one of these and you are part of a unique Club so everyone's inspired right yeah you ready to fight for the black jacket yes what are you waiting for killing these faces we're opening in ten minutes let's go I'm putting their black jacket on because I'm gonna pop out of perfect service know if there's a bus about it we're gonna rock this out the night perfection in a hey man and love it Morini oh yeah chef let's open Hell's Kitchen please let's go steak knife absolutely [Music] with Hell's Kitchen fully booked for steak night Thank You Chef Ramsay has created a special menu featuring grilled filet mignon pan-seared New York Strip and Michelle's challenge winning flank steak with mango salsa with the added incentive of black jackets on their minds the chef's appear to be more focused than ever all right guys here we go here we go here we go okay blue team's first out the gate yes port covers number 12 to TRUenergy seller to neuron please let's go yes yes really Kahala feeding for anything urgent tonight service could stand between myself and a black jacket but I'm confident I look great in black everyone looks great in black it's so slimming not to Salas walking chef on a baguette garnish our concern we're good Nick how you looking on the steaks turn to please bake right now chef - tuna I see took that - yes stop it please a strong start for the blue team sends appetizers out to happy diners meanwhile in the red kitchen I can walk with the first chicken one minute house and you got the sliders working right yeah the entire team is working together to produce their first appetizers chef you Kathleen why is it all stews hey all of you hey all of you it's like a piss - I'm damned if I'm serving that dishwater and I want to ask you a question young lady it just worthy of a black jacket no tip for swimming I was trying to get us off to a good start and now I'm looking like a dumbass it's like award it makes you want to fight harder come on Michelle while Michelle works on the consistency of her Cavallini yes two capellini right now there is a consistent flow of appetizers leaving the blue kitchen very nice and the team is charging ahead on entrees everybody good yes sir we go communicate and just get this food Oh give the saving Irish up there yeah okay we ain't got time to talk about nothing else but getting the food out coming back for two fillets what's it do hey that's I got more color underneath salmon then I have on top dry yes sure how about waking up first I'll wake up chef yes sir this is not happening tonight let's go fix it and let's go put it on there in the spirit and let it ride well nick has left his team high and dry with his scorched salmon over in the red kitchen Michels refire on her capellini appetizer sorry about that very nice Michelle well God has met Chef Ramsay's standards and the red team has now shifted into a higher gear and with Alison in charge of both the fish and Grill entrees Chef Ramsay is looking to her for someone to fillet to a half minute Shepherd the two filet two salmon that's all you okay got you hurt I walked for 30 seconds I'll show testa all right walking garnish two filets aren't walking have no excuse but to rock the fish station tonight I need to make sure that I step up as a leader from my team we can't afford to lose [Music] you now [Music] hey hey I already come in all of you oh my god it's just so embarrassing it's an hour into steak night at Hell's Kitchen what the is going on and Alison's raffle eh it's not even hot it's raw has halted the red team on their first order of entrees black jacket right now buildings have a red jacket right now there's no excuses tonight is not a night to fail don't come out until you figure it out monitor these Felisa that they're done perfect my station had a hiccup a kicker of that booth never would happen again I'm not gonna tank I'm not gonna fall [Music] like a rule salmon as well don't fingers roll roll show you run grilling yes yes how often you worry about salmon while Michelle tries to help Alison overcome her struggles on the grill how's that I got it we already did because I'm back in the blue kitchen I got I got garnish for two Salmons got it hurt walking salmon welcome garnish Nick is ready with his refire salmon behind you chef okay Go Go Go got and the blue team has gotten over a speed bump and is back on track to continue strip I'm literally had like 14 steaks going at the same time through same into New York and then after that it's gonna be too chicken and two filet hurt Wow so a lot of going on come on Megan walking fast right now humming what's your chicken right after that very good yes come on quick me go maker of all the people come on look raw New York come on I have never seen Megan mess up or genuinely surprised you have another one yes give me one second that shows that she is a human being on a robot how long do you need I need four minutes while Megan tries to rectify her mistake on the New York Strip back in the red kitchen Michelle is ready with the steak refire the police fine but Chef Ramsay is still waiting on come on all right let's go Josh honey I need two minutes yeah we need two more minute I need two minutes so we can't go now because of the garnish yes so now we're gonna overcome the summer does he need two more minutes between Josh and Alison it's hard to say who's worse how long have you already done that are we ready did you hear that it's gotta put their heads down and cook and execute and it just doesn't seem like that's what's happening be one minute professor with Michelle's filets dying at the pass spend it without it please under Chef Ramsay hoping that the salmon is not far behind makes the decision to send out an incomplete order about the faith which unfortunately leaves half the table without entrees sir prime Z is apologizing but they're not getting your Salma right and if it's not done correctly is not gonna sell meanwhile back in the blue kitchen Megan is confident that her refire on the New York Strip is on point and with Chef Ramsay's stamp of approval the three chef's blue kitchen is firing on all cylinders at New York I got New York's video they heard it I can't believe that I did that I made a mistake but I got it Megan you through to the window on those I'll count okay hurt ring I like when you boss me around meanwhile in the red kitchen world was summoned 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds I can't go back on the floor if I donate dog food I know I need a few more seconds Alisha just look at the position you put in it the other two people have thoughts on the finish now yes they're finished Chef Ramsay I'm gonna go garlic sauce yes sir is still trying to complete the half serve table Josh do you have garnish right now no I need more time so I'm cooking 778 carrot sauce do we understand though you don't understand man Josh I got you come on Josh do not know that you're in Hell's Kitchen secondly do you not know that it's Gordon Ramsay at the past there do not know that they given our black jackets tonight how long does I need one more minute okay okay I know what I'm doing I heard you I'm not gonna let you talk to me like I'm a child I kid you not no timing its way out and every table a battle with Josh's garnish holding up the red team and leaving their diners unsatisfied I walk the path of filets yes the blue team has continued to deliver entrees and is on their final ticket anything else said great let's go I blue T special dessert wanna show come here Megan sit down first of all that's a good service but always do something for me yes I want all of you to look after this get them on quickly hurry up let's go this is really happening right now this is really surreal no we part of a league loop now we deserved it Thank You Chef Ramsay oh my god I'm sick while the blue team quickly puts on their new black jackets back in the red kitchen all Chef Ramsay needs now is Alison's to finally send out the rest of the long-delayed entrees right behind [Music] hi-hi-hi all of you yes this is like our 1112 dinner service and she still doesn't know how to cook salmon what the Allison steak night disaster night one two three four five six seven eight nine tables it's like you've given up and now it's fighting back you know it's communicating that dish resembles you all of you can take your jacket off now and up home C can you get on fish yes sir can I have to salmon yes sir oh my god this is not happening I just wanted to die right now I am sorry that four minutes just put two salmon police you have four minutes when you're put in a situation where you gotta adapt or die trust me def is never an option Marino please one and a half minutes please okay Josh can I get a salmon garnish in 30 seconds come on like let's get this rolling I don't want to have to come over the fish to be the hero and then end up being a zero hot behind hot behind behind this is very hot thank you delicious very good Salman was a hand pick in Scotland just by hands as the long-suffering read.table finally receives their salmon entree Chef Ramsay has a plan to finish the rest of dinner service in the red kitchen get in there and get the thing lifted when you please yeah kick them off the same station job but whatever you want just get in there will you please tickets to Philly to flank hey red team black jacket have just arrived it's 3 ton of the cooks that burn their black jackets let's go my eyes oh my god they already have black jackets on and we're still in these red jackets and we're losing and they have to come over and help us I'm infuriated right now I want to have a black jacket on right there right there but you know what if I'm gonna go down I'm gonna down by myself they were not happy to see us a red team looked like they saw a ghost they were like can I just work the fryer ya heard oh yeah sexy [Music] with support from the newest members of the black jacket club the red kitchen thank you guys has finally completed dinner service steak is up Stan can we go back dark it's all cleaned up [Music] this stays the competition I didn't expect to witness service we've just witnessed go upstairs and think of everything you've seen here in-house kitchen and come up with two nominees black jackets contribute as well bearing in mind the ones that do survive will be joining your team get lost the red team is a epic fail tonight I'm annoyed right now I'm annoyed this is like we never cook together day in our life and it's the first day of culinary school that's how the performance on this team was Alison I don't know what the happened to you but raw steak like sushi great raw I'm gonna man up and say yeah of course the oh it wasn't smooth and I've done way better yeah but you can't hold down your station house and this was in the first night but Michelle is saying to cap Elena's you sent him up like they was ramen noodles with broths in them did you really look at that I'm gonna keep the road Michelle why you so mean I just don't understand why are you so mean in the kitchen whenever I hear you you're like me look I don't ever try to come off meat if I have people that I can work with and people that can do their jobs and cook right I won't get so frustrated but I can have to stand there and be submissive all the time I have to fight back there's a way to do it Josh I'm gonna be real with you you never got it together tonight you were going into service because let me tell you something that immediately garnish was all over the place so I did not have a problem look Josh we have to look at the whole picture though all right 301 that's good I'm on the red team good if it's my demise then congratulations red team is not your demise did you do all on the blue team did you do all on the red team you haven't admitted once that you had anything wrong I know what you're saying you're like making up in your mind it's not personal we got to come together as a team and we got to make this decision we got to figure out who has had the worst services out of y'all three you can work well together [Music] after a dinner service in which the blue team received their black jackets they were asked to help the red team nominate two chefs for elimination [Music] Megan Milly and Nick well done thank you - red team's first nominee in wine my first nominee is Josh he's just been consistently frazzled he's not getting dishes out he's just not executing it's not rising to occasion chef's second nobody in why [Music] Alison she hasn't been able to hold down her station just failure to execute then she never recovered chef do you know what right now I want to hear from somebody else Michelle step forward you've had a great run here in Hell's Kitchen but he's still got a lot to learn take off your jacket [Music] I'd like you to put on your black jacket congratulations well this up great job thank you sir really good job well done T step forward you were the best chef on the red team tonight congratulations for this often well done great job I want that red jacket oh my god would it work to Josh Allison step forward please Allison you first tell me what you think you deserve a black jacket chef I know I have it within myself I've displayed consistency throughout but tonight was an epic show chef with that black jacket but I know within that I can be that chef that you needed Josh chef I'm a leader when I take the reins I lead as best as I can yeah I've had moments of darkness but no matter what happens I'm always trying to bounce back chef both of you take off your jackets Allisyn you have had flashes of brilliance undeniably but I'm sorry to say you are not ready to be my head champion thank you so much chef good nice thank you guys bye listen it beats me up knowing that the one night of the Jackets is when I royally screw myself but I'm still young so there's hope the universe is definitely my oyster at this point I am a better chef than when I walked in these doors and if you can deal with Chef Ramsay I feel like you can deal with anything else in the world Josh yeah you're tenacious you got a voice but I'm not sure what's happened to you lately because you you seem to be slipping I can bounce back chef I know I can I know I can chef I'm sorry to say you're just not ready to go home is your black jacket wake up big boy I'm serious great Thank You chef all of you no red team no blue team the regular season is over the playoffs now begins get out of here black ha ha ha what a night they have an epic performance only the strong survive ever Wow I just got bail black jacket I could feel Nick making a face but you know what I'm in the same color as you buddy once you go black you never go back feel like a gladiator right now I earned my black jacket it wasn't given to me it was earned I listened had a strong voice in the kitchen unfortunately she couldn't talk away into a black jacket [Music] next time on Hell's Kitchen when Chef Ramsay exposes the chef's to his latest chemistry experiment will it make Josh too happy for his own good and could he take everyone down with you breaking my focus Milly clown and what effect will Josh have on dinner service will the chef's be able to complete service or even a ticket it doesn't matter Chef Ramsay is in for a night unlike any other night baboon that all bustable episode of Hell's Kitchen [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 492,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: GOr99i1WU68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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