Master Chef Ireland, Season 2, Nathan Outlaw Masterclass

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Ethan Outlaw is the only two star Michelin fish Chef currently in the world and he's here to give you a master class in cooking fish this morning for three consecutive years Nathan has held two Michelin stars for his restaurant in Cornwall a prodige of Rick Stein Nathan has recently opened a new London eery in the Capital Hotel good morning guys well done forgetting this far everyone knows around the world how tough Master Chef is is so to get this stage in the competition you must be pretty good Cooks um unfortunately for you guys now I'm going to make it even tougher for you okay so in front of you you've got a wonderful farm salmon from Clare Island now they produce some of the world's best farm salmon you should be very proud to be using it today the reason why we're using farm salmon opposed to World salmon is a world salmon is something that we should be protecting all around the world it's overfished so therefore farm salmon is our best option okay guys if you want to come over and I'll show you and run through how to prep this salmon okay this is probably one of the only chances you'll get to prepare a salmon as beautiful as this now the things we're looking for initially with with a fish like this you're looking at for nice Bright Eyes the smell should smell of the sea not of fish and looking at the appearance of it too many scales have been removed probably means it's been banged around too much so the first thing we do with it is basically we cut off all the fins yeah it's quite tough to get through the reason why we do this taking all the fins off is it makes it a lot easier when we come to scaling it and when it comes to fill it in it we do that with every fish okay so once we got all the um fins off we need to scale it so firstly going against the scale Salmon skin is beautiful when it's uh nice and crispy it's almost like the equivalent of crackling um so you want to make sure there's no scales on there okay that's the worst of it off now what we do with a fill in knife and be very careful cuz you got a sharp knife just just gently get the remaining ones off right now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to remove the head what why I remove the head before I fill it is it makes it a lot easier to handle when it comes to fill it in just before the neck there you come in you cut straight through like so okay now to fill it a fish this size the best thing to do for me personally is it completely against the rules is to use a serrated knife um and the reason why we do it is you can get one clean cut right through the salmon opposed to going at it with a fill in knife and actually making lots of snags in In the Flesh so we come in looking it this way making sure you're on the center and looking in the inside you can see where the knifes go as close as we can we make sure we come down obviously you need a nice serrated knife that's very sharp okay and literally you've got your summer for there okay let we do the same thing again on the other side this dream come true I adore fish I love cooking fish and to get a master class from someone as esteemed as him you the only two star Michelin fish Chef it's just amazing yeah now what we're looking for is a nice smooth fillet okay you can see there's no blemishes there it's not being snagged into at any point and then what I want to do is I want to come to the actual where the rib cage is a nice sharp fill knife and you come round the rib cage and then you always pull against it so you can see where you're cutting bring the knife down through now pin bone in just with your knife you can hear that basically you you just releasee all them pin bones so they make it makes it easy for you to take them out okay what we need to do with the pin booms they come out very easy you just got to get the angle right you're pulling them with the grain yeah you're pulling them with the grain you pull them against the grain you'll basically yeah you'll tear the fish okay and that's when they stop so they stop around about halfway to 3/4 of the way down now at this stage once we got we know all the bones are gone from that side and it's all clear just basically take off the rest of them scales see it's a lot easier at this stage to get them little ones on the edge now the fish is ready to be um to be portioned what we're looking for is equal size portions cuz when it comes to cooking the um the fish all the um if they're not the same size they're going to cook differently okay so basically cut in there like so we'll save that for trimmings just Pace it out before you do it so one just give a little idea of where you're going before you start I will take it to about there cuz that's when it gets too thin we're looking for something around about 200 g nice and firm once you get to the skin you can feel the skin okay again nice and firm it's amazing you can feed so many people with a fish this side okay save the end bit for trimming just double check there's no scales okay and we just give it a little trim like so reason why I trim off that little bit there is when it comes to cooking that'll massively overcook cuz it's just so thin okay one the salmon was a fine specimen it just looked beautiful and you could see when Nathan was demonstrating The Filling process how much respect they had for the project okay so last one you got 18 portions of fish there all the same size that's what I expect from you guys to come up with have you got any questions before you go away and do it when you were trimming the edge you you were sort of using a rounding motion around the end even though they seem to be straight was there any reason that you were going in at an angle first and then when you come to cooking a put a portion of fish there's nothing worse than seeing a blocked off Square bit of fish that's not what a fish is the fish is natural it should have a natural shape so yeah just using a rounded motion opposed to a very straight motion and will give you more of a natural look when you come to cook it well good luck thank you and um I wish you all the best thank you the contestants are not against the clock on this fisting Challenge and Nathan will review each one as soon as they're [Music] finished I don't cook a lot of fish tackling that huge Beast you know I feel like I've gone to notch up in my [Music] book it was the biggest salmon I've ever seen in my life trying to get all these scales off God I still have them in my [Music] ha it was a slow process for me but I enjoyed the experience it probably wasn't my best work but still I did enjoy and enjoy the [Music] challenge I like to do things from scratch you know like fill it your own fish and then get the feel of [Music] it it looked easy when Nathan was doing it but the scaling was a bit of a nightmare um because you have to go over it about three or four times and even at the end you know I had to go over it again and [Music] again first to finish is Nisha so Nisha how did you get on with that um a little awkward at first because it's as big as me of salmon um I I feel it salmon before but definitely not this size for my eyes I think that looks a very good job I can't see any scales on there and it looks very very neat thank you very much well Terry it's not easy challenge is it no the scales are uh are really tough you have to double triple check them well it's a good sign that you are checking you I think your portioning you've done there looks very precise but what you show me there is that you've actually taken the care and respect for the fish and you know it's a good job por AG you got 18 portions on there and looking at them you got a few bigger ones but you know they look nice and even so they'll cook well looking at this side you obviously it's all all intact so it means you haven't hacked it off the bone which is also a good sign overall you should be very pleased with yourself cuz that's not an easy task thank you very much well Brian how you think that went it was a difficult task I've never tackled a fish that size before what I would say is there a few scales still left on here and I just noticed when I was walking around that you know some of them were a little bit I would say butchered when you cook that it will just go to Mush and there's a couple of issues with abortion OB see that yeah and that's going to cook completely different size yeah last to complete the filling challenge is tamarind well Tamarind I see you've got 18 portions of the fish there yeah there a little bit harsh on the scaling there I mean you see where it's strling to get it off almost you've actually removed the texture which probably means it'll be yeah see it's starting to crush a little bit on that side so what you need to do is just a little bit more attention and maybe not as heavy-handed with with the fet coming up in part three enjoyment of the dish it's just nonexistent the sauce is completely split it actually looks like a [Music] swamp so far this week the contestants have had a master class in filling 8 kilos of CLA Island farmed salmon from the ultimate master the two Michelin star Chef Nathan outlaw a tough morning's work and now things are about to get even harder well guys good effort there with the with the salmon that's not an easy task CU um unfortunately for you guys well fortunately for you guys it doesn't finish there right if you want to come over to my station I will work through this dish with you and show you how it's [Music] done okay the dish I'm going to show you today is one of my signature dishes from my from my restaurant um it's roast salmon with crab mayonnaise got two types of crab Brown crab we're going to use for its meat The Velvet crabs we're going to use to make a stock what we've got also here is sandfire we got some sea percan and we've also got some gut weed which doesn't sound very nice but it's very small tubes of seaweed that um basically we're going to fry them now all of them sea vegetables grow where the fish lives where the crabs live it's a story on a plate and that's what I wanted to show you today okay so the first thing we need to do for this dish is make the stock so we've taken these velvet crabs they're live we've put them into the freezer for half an hour so that basically puts them to sleep there a humane way of doing it so we put them into the onto an oven tray that goes into the oven at 180° for 45 minutes to form the base of his stock Nathan sweats off carrots onions and and crushed garlic in a pan so went all roughly the same size cuz all we're going to do is color them off later he adds orange zest and tomatoes the next stage of this recipe is to um pick down the crab you got the claws you take the claws off legs twist them away from you like so okay at this point you get the purse and you basically purse is the body and you put away it like so okay and that'll come off away from the top and the brown crabs all in the top part of the crab okay so spoon inside okay and there's all the brown crab now it's important we use this brown crab that's where all the flavor is and what you want to do is just SMH that up like so and then put that to one side okay so that's your brown crab now what we do is with this we're going to basically pick it down okay do one firm hit carefully pull it apart Okay the reason why you're careful is cuz the cartilage and the shell will end up in in the crab meat if you just go a bit too mad with it okay Nathan carefully picks the rest of the white crab meat from the shell making sure to constantly check for stray bits of shell or cartilage so white meat stuff for the stock and then the brown crab okay so the Velvet crabs are roasted you got your roasted vegetables that you've already done and you're going to put them into the pan okay and then we'll add all the trimmings from the um picked crab in there as well and we squeeze the or half of orange in there okay and then we cover that with water okay all right so that's enough water in there just to cover it over then what we need to do is bring that up to the simmer the next part of this recipe one of the sauces that I do which not many other chefs do is basically a mayonnaise sauce okay and when I say mayonnaise oh yeah you've all seen mayonnaise before but what I do is I take mayonnaise and I fin the mayonnaise and serve it as a warm sauce the one we're going to do today is Crab stock with a normal rape seed and lemon mayonnaise and that is the base of the actual sauce okay okay so the Crab stock I've got some here that I've already made obviously you need to pass it off and this has been cooked for an hour okay you need to get it on and get it reduced to intensify that flavor okay so two egg yolks grate the lemon and then also half of it juice next thing we're going to do is add the oil so we got some light rape seed oil here mix the lemon juice and the Egg y together and then starting off with a nice steady stream okay nice nice and slow bit by bit you want to add it until you get the you get the Emulsion and basically the Emulsion is where the the yolk and the oil emulsify together with the agitation of the Whisk okay once you've got the Emulsion there you can add it faster and once you get to that this stage now there's very little risk of really splitting it unless you just sort of emptied the whole lot of the oil in there okay now all I'm going to add to that now is once all the oil's in there we're going to add a little bit of um salt okay there's our mayonnaise okay now what we're going to do is we split this mayonnaise into two we're going to do some for the crab and then some for the sauce I'm going to add to the um one for the actual crab mix is we're going to add a little bit of um taragan is a lovely anise sort of flavor which I think works so well with salmon and crab yeah it's a really good flavor we take some of this white crab like so a touch of the mayonnaise okay we just bind in that and then we add Tagan okay you taste it always taste it before you season it that's what we're going to testing you on so now we're going to make uh just going to do our garnishes to prepare his garnishes Nathan trims the samphire picks his sea perc Lan and then dries the gut weed for frying later he then caramelizes some fennel in a pan before transferring it to the oven to roast the final element to garnish his finished dish are segments of orange now at this stage we need to move quite fast and touch of oil and your salmon into the pan like so okay what we're after is a bit of color on there before we put it into the hot oven Okay Okay the reason why I'm doing this is I'll Mak sure they got plenty of oil under there okay and then that goes into the oven now got about 6 minutes to get everything else ready okay so sauce four spoonfuls of the main and then what you need to do is let that down with the crab stop okay now what we're going to add to that is the richness of the brown crab okay so the brown crab's going to go in there we gently warm that through when the fish is nearly there that takes 30 seconds right deep Fred seaweed hot fryer this will spit right so you need to be quite quick put it straight in even though it's been dried it's still quite active Okay and then how it comes okay we take our fennel out of the oven you know the fennel is cooked when you just check it and it's got some give where the root is okay now see vegetables onto that tray okay that's enough heat in that pan just to take the edge off them take the rawness off them salmon that's also ready now once I got to this stage I know I'm ready to serve so I can warm up my sauce you need to make sure as soon as you see Steam rising from the actual sauce you take it off the Heap cuz you will scramble all the eggs in there and if you think it's too thick add a little bit more stock if you think it's too thin add a little bit more mayonnaise that's the flexibility you've got with this sauce you notice I've left the pan like thatz there's enough heat when I turn this over to finish that off that's how delicate a fish is okay okay fish is ready take it out of the pan right pass the sauce and that's getting rid of that lemon zest that we had in there the brown crab it's all in there so we're getting rid of that fennel sauce then we got our crab mayonnaise okay so salmon and then we finish it off with little bit more fennel and we got our sea vegetables which you just scatter all over the plate okay I want to see some maybe some individuality on this dish by this stage you should be able to think up for yourselves as chefs finish the whole dish off with your deep fried seaweed okay and then we got a couple these other the orange segments okay okay and that's it that is my roast salmon with crab mayonnaise looks amazing looks lovely now you're going to go off and uh replicate that dish make sure you get all the preparation done well in advance cuz when you come down to the last final 10 minutes cooking the fish it will go very quickly and you need to have everything prepared you've got two 2 hours and 15 minutes to do the whole dish and I wish you all the [Music] [Music] best so Nathan great dish but tell us where could they go wrong today well I think the obvious is the salmon the cooking of the salmon obviously over cooking that probably more importantly let last 10 minutes when they bring the whole dish together they've got this fish cookery they've got the fenno in the oven they've got the sauce that if it slightly boils they'll be they'll have to start again that'll be where the danger is as soon as they put that salmon in the pan there's no return there's no room for error anymore whoever Cooks the worst today really has to [Music] go [Music] I am actually happy on my I know SP a long time trying to whis it but I was just afraid that it would separate cuz the last few times I've done it by hand it separated shed can flap quite a bit um get really nervous which is kind of endearing because it does show that she [Music] cares toally I feel personally that he holds back he doesn't really necessarily cook with his heart he'll write down the recipe he's very efficient but he doesn't really loosen up when he's cooking it was great to actually do that dish from start to finish yeah I really enjoyed it today okay guys an hour and 15 minutes into the challenge by now you should have your stocks simmering you should have your crab piics you should be well on your way to doing the garish [Music] my mayonnaise was fine and tasted it it was really nice I just hope it all comes together Tamarind has had some good days and bad days she's been quite inconsistent you know she was quite comfortable in our workspace where bran looked severely Under Pressure he didn't seem to be enjoying it that's when you have problems with anything you [Music] did [Music] okay guys you got exactly 10 minutes left 10 minutes left toward the end I to cook the salmon and put the plate together it's a nail biting Nisha has failed once or twice but she definitely um has the the ability has the skill she's very precise yeah she looked like she was enjoying it as well I think she took the challenge on board [Music] FH was all about getting the elements together just at the right time okay guys you have 1 and 1/2 minutes [Music] left okay stop cooking time's [Music] up Terry bring up your dish I feel very good today after cooking that dish but I have to bear in mind that it's the smallest little slip up um or the smallest lack of attention to detail that's going to send someone home today you seem to enjoy that today I did enjoy it yeah I enjoyed it more than any other task but for some reason I feel more nervous than I have before as well salmon could be a little bit um less cooked although it's not completely over I just worry about the amount of salt that we have in here in terms of eating the whole dish what I have is quite highly [Music] seasoned okay for me the crab I think maybe is a touch heavy on the salt the fennels cooked the way I would cook it got crunch to it and I think the skin you've achieved the crispiness on there which is one of the things I would look for yeah it's nice that you've kept some moisture into the salmon it's nice crispy skin on the top it is just extremely too salty thanks T thanks guys thanks T when I was walking up to table honestly I was shaking I was so nervous I was sweating it's the most nervous I've [Music] been it's tiny it's okay Nick found a tiny piece of shell from my crab and I was absolutely devastated the coron of crab is nicely seasoned to get the flavor of crab coming through uh there was a bit of shell there but you know it's minute but still the um salmon youve kept a nice crispy skin on the outside the sauce for me is quite good crab meat quite good flavor in there can taste the brown coming through which is good that's what that's one of my favorites and it's a quite an important part of the actual crab mayonnaise itself I'll be happy to eat it okay thank you I think it's a really good day's work I think that you've shown real restraint youve shown real control well done thanks a lot thank you it's getting nerve-wracking now never I have my food critic by two star Michelin Chef before so no matter what happens I'll be interested in the feedback so I'm going to ask that Immortal question are you happy ish [Music] ish the amount of mayonnaise that's in the crab just doesn't seem to be there it doesn't seem to be full of life just even your segments you know they're not perfect the sauce is completely split it's actually destroyed just even when I ask are are you happy I expect from you now and honest to God no I'm not my sauce is split my orange segments aren't big enough I expect all the details that I can see as plain as [Music] day straight away as Dyan said the sauce is a split salmon actually isn't badly cooked but the eye for detail is the issue you know people do eat with their eyes and that's a big part of um of cooking for chefs this is not the BR we know I'm sure you've let yourself down it is disappointed cuz I know we you are capable of much more I'm not used to such negative criticism I haven't had to take a sort of a few punches like that so it hurts and it's [Music] tough so you've added some extra color I did my crabs has egg and it's nice color and texture so I don't as sham to leave it out pretty much so quite simply you've done it again I think it's um it's very tasty dish I would definitely pay for that in a restaurant well done thank okay well like about this is is that you did listen to what I said and I said recipes are there for you to show your own sort of Style and what you've done is you've used even though it's something as simple as the eggs you've actually shown that you've got your own imagination which is great chefs need imagination as well they need to be able to cook and the sauce is the best we tasted so far in my eyes okay now for me the salmon is a bit overcooked it's been taken a stage too far not much but a little over in comparison to what we've tried so far that's a little bit more cook okay I think the boys have both said a lot of how I feel about this there wasn't much left to the crab cuz the boys had it all it's all in the sauce the sauce is beautiful and you've really captured that depth and it's incredibly light great job thanks after I got the comment from Nick Dylan and even Nathan himself he even said the sauce is one of the nicest one I am over the moon to to Michelin star Chef said that's a nice sauce it's really boost my [Music] confidence the first thing that's wrong is your U making of the sauce consistency is not right it's it's gathered a skin and the fennel underneath the piece that I have is quite salty as well I don't know if I'm pulling it up through that stock but for me to eat that whole dish two bottles of water quite a big bit of carriage that now the reason why your sauce hasn't balanced is your mayonnaise just wasn't thick enough to start with okay your salmon is nicely cooked you know in the middle it's it's ping but it's always going to be about the balance and the final 10 minutes of this dish okay you didn't quite get there with the garnishes okay thank you shade were you paying attention today I was I just wasn't sure but s like I was whisking and whisking it actually looks like a swamp you know at this stage of competition there's a lot at stake and we're just expecting more you know I mean the salmon is nicely cooked but is overridden by the the fact that the sauce is so salty so just the enjoyment of the dish is just non-existent been doing quite well recently I started off a bit shaky but I've been like learning and and using the the feedback and trying to improve myself all the time but um yeah it's a bit harsh today okay I'm sure you'll all join me in thanking Nathan For What was a very insightful and Brilliant master class thank you um I think we all thoroughly enjoyed mate well done brilliant job thanks thank you now comes that time where we ask you to leave the master chef kitchen while we have to deliberate on the very tough choice of who has to go today if I went out now I'd be disappointed obviously because there's a lot more learning to do and there's a lot more you know adventure to go on personally for me the best one was Nisha I know about you look mine was a mixed bag I mean I think the two girls uh Misha and tamaron they were the closest to what I would have cooked the person I was most impressed with today was Deanie tamaron you she got more notes right I think Terry really failed today with the saltiness I mean you couldn't eat the dish Brian to be fair just the sauce lasted I couldn't have stressed more I was showing them in the master class um about about getting everything ready before you got to the final 10 minutes chenade Source even the color like surely she could have seen that the color wasn't right I think that once she got the manise wrong she didn't know how to fix [Applause] [Music] it before we go any further both of us spill that you need clear feedback from your cooking today so Tamarind we said a couple of days ago that you were back in the competition the dish you cook today displayed that both of us were impressed including Nathan with your sauce with your fish with what you produced you really are back well done thanks Nisha this morning you prepped the fish impeccably every pinbone every scale when it came to cooking this evening the SCE sauce was beautiful the crab was beautiful however fish was a little overcooked you can't afford mistakes like that Terry it's fair to say through your confidence and your nerve you're definitely improving however the level of detail that is needed the Persistence of execution that is needed to finish every mouthful every drop of sauce every bit of crab every bit of fish to go after that to actually execute a great dish takes that last 20% okay dish fell down today a lot it's as if the the eye for detail isn't there sometimes you need to know what's important in a dish you need to know what the main Pitfall is where it can really go wrong sometimes I I don't think you see where it can really go wrong bran we went from a man exploring in texture and precision to have a neither the eye for detail is gone completely slipped the scales the bones the Precision where is that brand chenade we we can't let you go any further in the competition will you please leave the MF kitchen and hang up your apron okay thank you thank you thank you so [Music] much [Music] Brown it's easy to do it when you have confidence the measure of a cook is coming back when your confidence has been rattled you've got to come back you've got to show that you deserve to be here we've seen Strokes of Brilliance but you need your confidence at every Pace you have to attack it with confidence if you don't you end up where you are today I haven't flapped and lost at all so we need you to come back okay so the final four will you please leave the MF kitchen through the main doors thank you thank you than [Music] guys it's been the most challenging thing I've ever done my life certainly it's brought me to my limits I fought my way to where I got to sweat and tears but I got here and I got to the five so I'm thrilled with that I'm still going to go after my dream which is getting a house in France eventually and opening kind of some kind of H Gourmet weekend foodie thing so no I'll definitely do that
Channel: Dylan McGrath Venues
Views: 1,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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