Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 14, Episode 3 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen in Chef Ramsay's attention to detail crab cake challenge the red team were barely afloat in the first part of the challenge but in spite of the men having a head start for the cooking part of the challenge the red team's dynamic duo of T and Michelle it's not the first outfit gate this is the first to finish the job save their teammates from defeat come on let's kick it up a notch Michelle by delivering dish you guys again after perfect dish that is perfection great job the windows at dinner service Mika struggled to solve the riddles of the garnish station but she was rescued by Megan unfortunately for the blue team no one could save camera that [ __ ] rubber Brendan and it's burnt to [ __ ] or Michael who each had a turn on the fish station what did I do Chef Ramsay ended up banishing all three and moments later the trio were joined by the rest of the brigade hey you know he needs to get out I ain't never been kicked out of kitchen in my life the blue team lost and nominated Tamara chef and Michael but when Cameron confessed intimidating I crumbled when you came over my shoulder Chef Ramsay had heard enough take off your jacket and ended his chance of becoming head chef at Caesars Atlantic City [Music] [Music] [Applause] and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen I'm excited I dodged a bullet tonight you know I mean Chef Ramsay made the right decision I'm gonna bounce back no more fooling around apologize for yelling volcano [ __ ] erupting I'm saying you know I go with my heart I'm willing to work as hard as I can and do what I got to do I knew Kevin was going home because he never once did he say I'm gonna grab my [ __ ] balls and I want to stay here but he did he's gone after a stressful dinner service the chefs are anxious to settle in for a peaceful night's sleep but this is Hell's Kitchen and morning comes quickly along with Chef James and an air horn I'm sound asleep dreamed about like angels and reindeer the wonderful and then I just hear [Music] [Laughter] good morning chefs going down please look like Christmas oh my god are kidding me this snow is ice it's cold in my back home great what the [ __ ] were you about to do I bet you never thought you'd see Hell's Kitchen frozen over right right for your next challenge I wanted you all to work with some the finest fish from the state of Alaska the fish have been splitting in half for fish heads I don't want pork and the fish tails are in the other pool I say go to members from each team will enter the icy pools and match a fish toes head or tail I don't like fish they freak me out now the team that finishes first will have a huge advantage going into the next part of this challenge there once the chefs are prepared to enter the icy waters pairs from each team will jump in and race to match the head and body of a trout Cod salmon and halibut ready set go as Megan NT after once again go fish Josh knows what fish ed he wants Michael to fine salmon I fix salmon because I knew Michael knew it salmon look like or at least I hope Mike what are you doing come on bro that's the monkfish head you [ __ ] don't kick just look for the other half Mike it's not that hard it looks like this now that Meghan and T have solved the trout puzzle it's up to Michelle and Alison to haul in a cod a salmon or a halibut yeah go go man Nick you were out of the water probably less than 15 seconds and got our fish on the board I watched enough fishing shows this was a challenge right up my area go get ready to tow while the women still need to match salmon and Cod the men only need to net to win this first part of the challenge you guys can't see the [ __ ] pool shut up [Applause] all of you upstairs get out those waiters and I'll seen you in the kitchen in two minutes off you go nice job boys the fire we lost a fishing competition my friends would not have let me live that down period blue team here is your advantage you will have a 5-minute head start five minutes in the kitchen can be an eternity your time starts now let's go in an important early test of the chef's creativity you can help me think of a sauce make a red pepper coulis Chef Ramsay has challenged the chef's to each come up with a delicious and unique fish entree gorgeous coat using the fish that they helped match in the first part of the challenge you done with this garlic mine do more as a team remember we got the advantage there should be no excuse we have to win this can we grab some ladies hands off those ingredients man we shed witness three two one ladies go do not want to lose this challenge five minutes that's a long time for the boys to get started I'm not gonna bother me I just wanted to get myself selected and be calm 20 minutes guys we can use it you know what you're doing I honestly I'm not you I don't eat fish today will be my third time cooking salmon so I'm pretty freaked the [ __ ] out right now ten minutes from now Yosh of course that result-item like you just keep an eye my risotto baby I got it I'm looking right now because the rice ain't even done this risotto is just not getting done I thought I'd left myself enough time three mins to go sure you have enough rice to go for two yeah Oh two minutes last minute guys finishing touches let's go do it myself Thank You chef I'm putting the fish and chips up thirty Seconds to go Michelle you ready yes let's go fifteen seconds oh my gosh I'm shaking loose even with that raised baby okay I've decided to bring in a very special guest judge he is the executive chef and owner of the phenomenal Connie and Ted one of the finest seafood restaurants in America please welcome Michael Cimarusti to actually present a dish before him oh my gosh let's begin with the Battle of the trout two chefs from each team have prepared dishes featuring the same fish Chef Ramsay and chef Cimarusti will taste all four dishes yeah but only the best dish presented in each round will be awarded a point girl rainbow trout with grapefruit vinaigrette the grapefruit I'm not quite sure about so this is Brett's dish brett has prepared a trout Almondine that's delicious yeah the crispness on that why I agree Thank You chef this one is Meghan's Meghan's dish is a chopped trout in a tomato coulis the presentation is beautiful on George Gregan and this dish is tease yeah it's like a mock succotash the only issue I have at that plate is that there should be some body to the sauce full good dishes right I think I got to go with Bret's dish thank you very much Adam thank you start my team off Sean I wanted to do a little twirl around the shin let's go with the men off to an early lead Josh hopes to keep the momentum going with his pan-seared salmon I think it's really nice and I think the coulis is very good as well next up for the blue team is Michaels bronzed salmon I'm wanting uh more seasoning on the fish and first up for the women Monique's pan-seared salmon with grilled asparagus great color on the weaker subscribe please I have a pan-seared salmon with shredded parsnip hash on the bottom that's the best seasoned fish of the lot if you have to pick one stunning salmon dish maker Monique Michael or Josh's I gotta go with Mika oh wow Miko got a point like I was actually a bit shocked next up caught with Micah's salmon getting the women on the board Wow Randy is hoping to put the men back in the lead with his take on fish and chips that takes some hooks but they give a British chef fishes just fish is delicious yeah the fish is good next up is Nick's pan-roasted Cod I love the acidity in that that looks Lily first up for the women is Christine who cooked her card in a chive beurre blanc the fish is cooked beautifully the last dish in the round is Sarah's smoked paprika Cod I love it and the fish is nicely cooked top dish top dish I have to go over the one on the end Harris congratulations ladies [Applause] man you need this round it's the final round and either Milly or Adams halibut must score a point or the women will win the challenge let's start off with Michelle's Michelle's pan-seared halibut features jalapenos that might be like just a little bit on the heavy side while Alison made a cabbage wrapped halibut maybe with a fattier piece of fish I don't explain to Chef what it is I did a pan-seared halibut with a little big real baby bok choy and in the basmati rice my heart's in my freaking throat let's just tie this thing please let's just tie this thing fish is cooked nicely here and pretty well seasoned right Milly I have a halibut Fontes better with a bell pepper rice how did you guys both wind up with rice on the dish you guys share on that one did you take some of Millie's rice I'm sorry I'm gonna cut the [ __ ] did you take Milly's rice yes sir Adam what the hell are you doing this was your dish absolutely so no shade ingredients you got a show not good I have to go with Michelle's dish shellfish great job red team you've got the point congratulations we want a fish challenge and they had the advantage do you see a pattern here red team well done yeah for your reward I've arranged music up to the warm sandy beaches of Manhattan Beach California you can have the most amazing surfing lessons from a champion pro surfing even though I grew up in Jamaica I've never gone surfing before so this is amazing she is as skilled in front of the camera as a model as you that I suffer okay here man gentlemen you would of loved it hot female surfer I should have been going on this reward it's almost like the surfer is getting punished not being able to meet me off we go well done great job great job [Laughter] you are in for a seriously threat full day because today is seafood delivery day carry these fish into the kitchen scale and portion it out of tonight's service oh [ __ ] off yes yeah [Music] it's gonna be so much sweet I'm hearing the beach [ __ ] while the women get ready to catch some waves back at Hell's Kitchen this look the men are catching two three you guys get on that big one I don't want that drifting all over our dining room and holing fish son of a [ __ ] we have halibut that three people have to carry we got red snapper day we have to scale and gut clean it's not cool but you lose you gotta pay I don't want to lose ever again this sucks ten after you guys go on lunch yes chef chef James said time for lunch so I ran upstairs and I started making my lunch hey guys what Michael go [Music] say where he was going he just walked out it gives in it okay Michael yes chef doesn't strike you as odd you're the only one up here right now when have you ever walked out in the kitchen biosign chef I found lunch time open your [ __ ] ears man [Music] [Music] that usually first-timers don't get up on their boards but if you put your mind to something then you're gonna do it [Applause] I said I was gonna get up on that board and I did and it felt amazing lunch good about time show guys peanut butter and jelly I don't care how hungry I need something to eat I mean peanut butter and jelly fish what the [ __ ] I never even knew you could eat jellyfish get them down man are you kidding me are you crazy hey [ __ ] I'm not eating this [ __ ] man I'm good man jellyfish damn the only one that score no points I shouldn't have beat him we're gonna have a team no we're all getting it Congrats I'm glad you got the point for our team but you better step up and eat a sandwich [Music] peanut butter and jelly fish it's not good I don't feel good I was lunching good it's good it's not good [Music] [Music] ya know I really feel sorry for the boys I didn't get used to this yes just need to kick ass in service do I think we need to just continue what we're doing cook with passion and don't steal rice yeah I use this knife but you know I love it cuz it bends yeah the knives are super sharp and they've been let them do the work I don't have to be told that I go fishing all the time so I'm always cleaning fish myself yeah and a close call with the stairs you lost a lot of blood think about it it's a little nerve-racking brandy is one of our guys is one of the team hopefully it's not too bad and hopefully this little thing isn't gonna take him out of this competition come on Randy pull through my brother after a day at the beach the women are refreshed and ready for dinner service very good while the blue team is preparing to go ahead through dinner service without Randy alright guys now we definitely ought to pick up the pace whoa hey hey welcome back sir back in action yep how many stitches to two y'all hopped up on drugs no show there's nothing over that was it a good go good welcome back brother welcome back this cuts not gonna be an issue for me tonight I'm glad to be back a couple of stitches and we're all ready to go for dinner service let's go guys yeah Marshall ready yes yeah communicate Brendan yes yeah Megan what's the matter why putting that face just thinking that's my thinking face brilliant yes chef open Hell's Kitchen please let's give it up [Music] with a fully booked dining room most of who have arrived at the same time teamwork will be at a premium to keep customers happy and fed lobster risotto tonight in addition to the classic menu Chef Ramsay has added a special flatbread appetizer and a snapper entree the snapper will be served tableside by Milly for the blue team and Michelle for the red Chef Ramsay put me on garnish alone tonight one of the hardest ations you know it really leaves the team you know chase who's of you in the front way what station are not touching one-year Millie's in the mall Michael what are you doing so we haven't advertised yet you're so keen about getting your stuff ready how about looking overall yes yeah okay yes right now as Michael is spinning his wheels in the blue kitchen the red kitchen seems to be getting the ball rolling thank you with their first order of appetizers if you [ __ ] up we're going down in flames sign up for [ __ ] days come here all of you I've got a half a portion of [ __ ] risotto I'm missing one risotto scallops are ready and how long has it been now for the risotto no answer I look half portions working well Mika tries to ensure that her appetizer portions are big enough the men have gotten their act together first place and appetizers are being delivered to hungry diners that's perfectly cooked table 22 plastic one of whom has gotten a little something extra in his scallop salad chef level 22 they found this on the salad of the scallops surprising I think something happened I hope I didn't do it that was in the skull of cellars come on fellas who dressed it I did chef but as it turns out I did open understandable [ __ ] another [ __ ] dumb little mistake it's just so [ __ ] basic so place it as the blue team gets back to basics and tries to give their diners only what they asked for in the red kitchen Mika on hot appetizers is getting a lot of help from Megan whether she wants it or not yeah can I cook risotto yes I can cook resurrect but can I cook risotto with [ __ ] Megan right here hasten and go Mika go on the risotto come go down all of you okay what the hell now takes that results this is too salty and imagine four or five tablespoons of that salty disgusting rice I was trying to help because I was trying to help the team but Christina and Mika they don't know how to [ __ ] cook on a line I've never seen such a bad start to service get it together while the group effort at risotto has frozen the progress in the red kitchen in the blue kitchen things are starting to heat up what the [ __ ] are you doing and it's about to get even hotter [ __ ] Jesus Michael what are you doing chef underway sure what it was on the air chef burning it done oh boy stick it down there whose trays that yes yeah they talk and then go down and grab a pen scoop themselves yes chef narration why would you put Natasha tui he was only here chef burning sure can you wait like [ __ ] finish I put the pan out of the way just so nobody would get hurt the parents about the first to the place what you do sorry chef come on young man myself and Joshua on the fish station could have had to leave Hell's Kitchen because of a third-degree burn like taking skin from your ass to put it on your hand type [ __ ] while Chef Ramsay is keeping the blue kitchen safe from Michael right behind you very nice that risotto Mika has finally delivered on her risotto and the pressure is on t to keep up the momentum by delivering on her flatbread appetizers actually Mika you could turn the witnessing of it right behind behind I was left by myself while Mika was doing people's 40 so young lady the flatbread down ready why bring the capellini it should've gone except I should have gone up bishop I'm trying to help T on garnish all the Senators this pasta up there and I'm just like oh sorry let me tell you something seriously sorry I got half of it over here where's the flatbread chef one is back yeah one is burnt so that's the flatbread there's the capellini with it I've got no idea where the coordination is I said to you about the timing get it together while the red team tries to work out their timing three Wellington one Paul whatever fine I don't Nick two minutes chef three minutes yes the blue team has moved on to entrees perfect and Nick is delivering his perfectly cooked meats to the past oh do you think that Bork was a little under no not for me to offer my beer I all of you come in who send that to me why look look it's [ __ ] wall undercut port is dangerous you know you can jeopardize somebody's life especially a pregnant woman with a fetus I would eat that for the way it was that's just me three minutes for the window okay as Nick stalls the blue kitchen with his undercooked pork entree does the red kitchen is finally kicking it into gear on their appetizers and now Chef Ramsay is looking for Phillips from Monique and Alison ladies yes chef money to make sure I was ready walking with scallops I know I'm so all of my spells was a my first time in the kitchen these are [ __ ] disgusting ladies come in all of you what is happening touch there just touched our rubber they are yeah it's not gonna buy his [ __ ] debt Alison who took those scallops money chef like what a [ __ ] move I can't stand housing your accent stupid your makeup stupid you're stupid you've got no idea that rubber way overcooks yes sir start again two risotto two scallops yes chef I'll do the scallops I can't have money drive the fish station down two salads for a scallop since you're over there while Alison takes the lead on the scallops over in the blue kitchen the men are still trying to recover from Nick's undercooked pork Nick yes it's [ __ ] hole he said it's under again but it I guess it's all a relative at this point Brandon please give me pull bra twice as a [ __ ] joke Nick had the pork come back twice you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me enough enough yeah it's just over an hour into dinner service and while the blue diners are looking for entrees from the men the women are now delivering their final order of appetizers to the pass right behind you on your right disgusting risotto I was so wasted training the mascarpone yeah oh yes all of you come in come in tasty lesson number 17 taste the picky Oh reduce cavatelli and the blend resulted no richness those sumptuousness not faint I've got no idea what you two are doing I didn't [ __ ] train for ten years to have some [ __ ] [ __ ] next to me not keep up with risotto hey here's a step thing it's the last table of appetizers where you should be at your height that tastes like a [ __ ] sorry know what we're gonna say let's try again oh please Chef Ramsay can you give me another chance seriously I'm a growing puppy dog eyes that [ __ ] doesn't [ __ ] fly are you kidding me the last table of appetizers let's try again what do you think I want all of you get out dumbass [ __ ] off and what do you say sir can we try one more time get out I'm so angry I literally want stop punching [ __ ] can we try one more time with the red team ejected from the kitchen before they even completed appetizers the men are now pumping entrees out to Grateful diners okay perfect and the orders keep on coming well weddings in one lap yep the Lambs under pulls it up and get back in for a minute all right we'll give it a second okay yeah by now no not look like like I need a cut in a minute okay my next a minute hurt yes thank you he was darkness Michael I said a minute I'd rather have Chef Ramsay yelling me for taking too long than have him yell at me for sending him undercooked lamb Brendan bring it up hi and the Lambs full of blood all of you come in who don't keep that I sliced the limb for sure and what did you tell yourself it was all under shadows a lot more than little raw white fat [ __ ] [ __ ] off all of you get out [ __ ] beginning [ __ ] middle and a [ __ ] end you have a little furious right now I hate [ __ ] losing getting kicked out of kitchen get out get out get out get out James what a hell of the door please rubbish quickly please after both teams are kicked out of the kitchen they receive an unexpected visitor [Music] why is Chef Ramsay in the dorm rooms in 14 seasons of Hell's Kitchen I have never set foot in these [ __ ] dorms but I am so pissed off you're worse then opening night I need two nominees have a good talk for once tonight I sit down sit down be relaxed all night why get tens now you made me come here because your poor performance I've never seen a service so pathetic and so LexA days ago in all my [ __ ] life come up with two nominees try and do something as a team I feel like there's a lot of people at fault tonight there was pizzas that were burnt there was borders or scallops that were completely rubbery it was like a team effort I feel like we went down it's really a no-brainer cut out sets the tone of the entire thing so if the wheels aren't rolling we're gonna be [ __ ] they got us kicked out of the kitchen and the [ __ ] risotto [ __ ] us like so what's the consensus [Music] I heard two people get yelled at more than anyone tonight and those two people are Nick in Michael I would rather have a slightly undercooked lamb than a piece of container in my salad how did we did good tonight it's okay you didn't bomb tonight I know but it's not gonna keep me here I just can't be the third one to admit it from the cops they should have been in the Executive Chef since I was [ __ ] 22 years old [ __ ] up on some stupid [ __ ] Michael is a disaster Nick we would have finished dinner service if it wasn't for that lamb with Adam Dunn using plastic was absurd you know at the end of the day you're only as strong as your weakest link [Music] Sarah red team's first nominee and why nakisha hot apps really went down tonight they kind of set us off at the wrong foot chef second nominee and why Christine chef black is seasoning overcooked pasta it was not good from the get-go chef Joshua blue team's first nominee and wide michael chef it was a rough start for Michael and we believe he's our weakest player rooting second nominee and why [Music] Nick Nick brought up two undercooked porks and then a raw lamb chef Nick Michael Christine Mika step forth Christine what happened tonight I feel tonight we had a lot of communication issues I should have stepped up to the plate more there was a lot of careless mistakes but I feel like you have to make mistakes to learn from them I may have room for learning I just don't think I've got 10 years to stand in the kitchen alongside you Mika why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I think I should stay in Hell's Kitchen chef because I can become better I know I can do this I want to learn I want to learn from you chef I can be a great chef if you just believe me but sadly you don't believe in yourself Michael why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I have the skill that technique the experienced chef where's the skill tonight I was on a station chef by myself and I feel that I had a rough start chef you didn't [ __ ] stop that's just it NIC raw pork twice are you colorblind no chef what the [ __ ] is going on I'm ashamed at the pork but I know that if you save me tonight I am an asset to this team whereas Michaels a liability you're an asset Michaels a liability 100% chef [Music] somebody made a fundamental dangerous mistake tonight and I'm not prepared to tolerate that level of incompetence my decision is [Music] Michael take of a jacket let me tell you something really important yeah chef you had a pad that was seconds from bursting into flames this evening you stuck it underneath the fish station on top of their cold tracks yes chef so they're cooking brine the hand goes down there's the third-degree burn waiting to happen yes chef I can't carry that level incompetence yes chef your time is done Thank You chef for the opportunity thank you thank you michelin-star you know it's not my thing I guess I can go back to where I was and the Senior Center I think Nick and Adam were liabilities you know serving raw porks having plastic in a salad I've made one mistake I don't feel that should have sent me home I was not expecting such a disaster tonight if this continues I'll be eliminating you at a much faster rate a [ __ ] off I put my heart on the line today I tried my best I want to be here as much as everyone else and I feel like there's nowhere to go but up there was a big wake-up call for me tonight I need to remember this feeling and not let it happen again I won't be going home there's no way in hell kitchen you have to fight fight fight this is my train and I didn't come here to give up I am here to win I'm here to fight fortunately for Michael he can go back to his job at the Senior Center unfortunately for his residence it's as the chef next time on Hell's Kitchen the play never have I ever when a seemingly innocent game never have I ever had it set with a female well that's not fair it was too far have you ever met a guy on the first night went home with him he slept with him will one chef become so offended never have I ever embarrassed my mother please excuse me this is all disgusting I'm done with some [ __ ] that he refuses to speak to his teammates [ __ ] furious his attitudes toxic to the patients and if the feud spills over into Chef Ramsay's Kitchen cut the [ __ ] look at me in the eyes properly could it be the end of the line for Brett I'll look him right in his eyes inside scares Chef Ramsay find out next time here we go on an episode of Hell's Kitchen that's all the rage [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 590,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: x1ggXRZ9DO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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